Crissy And Me – Pt 3

"Role reversal ~ the masculine side of Crissy"

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To say there was a lot on my mind when I got back to my apartment would have been an understatement. After the two most sexually eye-opening nights of my entire life, Crissy was no longer the same girl who’d been so shy about letting me get into her panties. Quite the contrary.

Once I’d discovered that she has a cock instead of a pussy, our relationship shifted into sexual overdrive, and she was driving. I was merely a passenger on this erotic trip she was taking me on, and I was thoroughly enjoying the ride.

Always the aggressive lover, Crissy’s had me in the fast lane since Friday night. First, she coerced me into sucking her cock, then last night she showed me just how hot her t-girl ass can be. But now our roles were about to be reversed, and it scared me more than just a little.

I’d already accepted the fact that it was eventually going to happen, but it was still a lot to think about. I hadn’t really slept that much the last two nights, so I stretched out on the couch to relax, and before I knew it I was out like a light. I slept all afternoon and might have slept all night if I hadn’t heard the pounding on my door.

“Hey… Robbie?” I heard Crissy’s unmistakable voice. “Are you in there?”

I glanced at the clock and it was half-past-six. I was supposed to be back at Crissy’s apartment by six.

‘Oh, shit…!’ I thought as I ran to open the door.

“Good, you’re home,” she said with a devilish grin, “I was worried you might be skipping town on me.”

“I was really tired. I fell asleep on the couch.”

“I can relate, lover. I’m a little tired myself. We played until the wee hours of the morning last night.”

“And the night before,” I reminded her.

“Yeah, that too. C’mon, I got us a pizza and rented a movie.”

“Oh yeah…? What kind of movie? “

“You’ll see,” she grinned as she took my arm and lead me down the hall.


The pizza was cold by the time we got to her apartment. She put it in the oven and we smoked a little weed while we waited for it to warm up. We kissed a little bit, but at this point, we were both a little spaced out after last night’s intensity. It was one of those times when we appreciated being together in a non-sexual way.

She looked so down-to-earth as I watched her get the pizza out of the oven. She was wearing black tights under a denim skirt, with a plain, plaid blouse. Nothing sexual about the way she was dressed, and yet, she still looked so damn sexy. I was more attracted to her than ever.

‘Am I falling in love?’ I wondered. I’d never even been close to being in love with someone before, so how could I know? How could I have the slightest clue? All I knew was this relationship was getting more complex than anything I could have imagined.

“Hey lover?” she called from the kitchen. “You wanna beer?”

There she went again, calling me lover with all the sweetness of a girlfriend as she’s offering me a beer like she was one of the guys. I guess that would make sense since she’s a girl who started out as a guy.

“I’d love a beer.”

“I wasn’t sure what kind of pizza you liked,” she said as she laid it on the coffee table, “so I got a combination. I hope that’s okay.”

“Everything you do is okay with me. I love everything you do.”

“Did you like what I did for you last night, Robbie dear?” she asked with fluttering eyes.

“Oh God, you were wonderful. I saw a side of you I hadn’t seen before.”

“I gave you my female side, but that’s only half of me, lover. I think you will like my male side as much as my female side.”

“Do you like one side better than the other?” I wondered.

“Well… more often than not, in the bedroom, I’ll prefer to be the male; but I love being both, and so will you.”

“I hope I was as good for you last night as you were for me.”

“You weren’t bad at all, for your first time. Of course, you came way too soon as I expected you would, but we’ll work on that. I like to be fucked until I cum from it. Cumming without having your cock touched is so fuckin’ hot.”

“I wanna be able to do that for you.”

“You’ll be able to when you learn to take cock like I can, but you still have much to learn about yourself.”

“God, I don’t even know where to start,” I admitted with some trepidation in my voice.

“Let’s start by watching the movie I rented,” she suggested with a touch of seduction in her voice. “It’s porn,” she added.

“I might have guessed.”

“You don’t like porn…? We don’t have to watch it.”

“No, no. I like porn, but I’ve only watched it by myself.”

“Jacking off to it, I bet.”

“Well yeah… it’s fun to jack off to it.”

“It’s more fun to watch porn with your lover because your lover can make it real. You can also learn from it.”

I was pretty sure what kind of porn it was gonna be, so I didn’t say anything as she loaded the CD. Sure enough, the movie started out with a sex scene involving two shemales, and it was pretty hot.

Eating pizza, drinking beer, and watching porn with her was really turning me on. Crissy opened my pants and played with my cock, which turned me on even more. The first scene ended with the bottom girl shooting her cum on her stomach with a dick shoved up her ass.

“What do you think?” she asked when the final, shemale foursome scene ended.

“Damn, that was hot,” I replied. “The hottest part was watching it with you.”

“I love watching porn,” she told me. “I think we’ll be watching a lot more of it. What turned you on the most? What stood out in your mind?”

“Well,” I tried to answer objectively, “the bottom girls took cock just like women in straight porn do.”

“They took it like I took it last night, didn’t they?”

“You were better because it wasn’t a movie. It was real.”

“Yes, real is always better, but did you notice how their cocks were the same as my cock?”

“Umm… was I supposed to notice the girls with the bigger cocks were always the ones on top?”

“No, silly,” she laughed and slapped my arm. “I wanted you to notice that their cocks were shaved. They had no pubic hair, just like me.”

I suddenly knew where this was going, but I wasn’t about to suggest anything.

“I haven’t told you this before,” I knew she’d say, “but I hate pubic hair. I didn’t want to say anything about it until we started clicking as lovers. Now that we have… and if you really want to be a woman for me…”

“You want me to shave it off?” I interrupted.

“It’ll make you way more sensitive down there.”

“I dunno… I’m not sure I wanna do that.”

“You said you’d let me teach you how to be my woman, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, but… but…”

But nothing…!” she abruptly cut me off. “It’s not a big deal. I’ll do it for you. In fact, I insist on doing it for you. Unless… of course… you never want to fuck me again.”

‘Fuck!’ I yelled inside. She just hit a sensitive nerve. I definitely wanted to fuck her again, so if this is what it was gonna take, I guess I was gonna let her shave my cock.

“Well,” I stammered, “if you put it that way…”

“Baby,” she looked at me with a captivating stare, “if you want to take cock like a woman can, you’re gonna have to feel like a woman when you do it. It’s just between me and you. No one else will know what we do in private. That’s why it’s called intimacy. Intimacy means… Into-Me-See.

“Don’t worry, I want a boyfriend, not a girlfriend, so I don’t want to totally feminize you. But I do want you to feel like you’re a woman when I start fucking you. It’s the only way you’ll get the deepest orgasms and enjoy it like I do.”

She then kissed me and looked into my eyes.

“You will need to learn to give all of yourself to me. Only when you can do that will you be able to love the female side of sex like I do. It’s hard to explain what I mean by that, you’ll have to experience it for yourself. Take the risk, and you’ll be richly rewarded.”

“Okay,” I finally gave in. “What do I have to do?”

“You have to totally trust me, for starters. Are you ready to do everything I ask of you, and trust that it’s all in the name of making our sex life truly amazing?”

“I do trust you, it’s just that I wasn’t quite ready to have my cock shaved. I wanna be the best lover for you. I’m already your cocksucker, right?”

“You’re learning to be my cocksucker,” she said with a dominant authority, “but you’re not there yet. And shaving isn’t a request, it’s a requirement. After I shave you, sex will feel very different to you.

“And I meant what I said last night,” she pounded in the final nail, “you’ll never fuck me again until you know your female side. I want my lover to be able to switch back and forth between male and female. Trust me, baby, you’ll love doing it both ways like I do.”

“Okay, I’ll do whatever you say.”

“Good, baby… I promise you won’t regret it. Take off your clothes and meet me in the bathroom.”

‘Fuck,’ I thought to myself as I realized what I’d just agreed to. She grabbed a shopping bag off the kitchen counter before she went into the bathroom.

“What’s in the sack?” I inquired of her.

“You’ll see,” she nonchalantly answered. “I bought you some things when I went shopping today. Hurry up and get naked. It’s Sunday night, so we can’t stay up late like last night.”

She was right. We both had to get up for work the next day, so there would be no late-night sex tonight. I felt a bit relieved that she probably wouldn’t be taking my virginity tonight, although I knew that she eventually would.

Things got a little weird when the first item she pulled from the shopping bag was a blindfold. I wanted to protest, but I’d already told her that I’d do anything she wanted. I reluctantly submitted to the blindfold and was rewarded with deep kisses. It wasn’t as bad as I thought.

“Now just stand still for me, sweetheart.”

I heard her closing the toilet seat and sitting down. I felt her hands running up and down my bare legs as she gave my cock a few sweet kisses. I was liking this.

“This is going to feel a little strange at first,” she warned me. “Just relax and know that it’s part of your training.”

‘My training?’ I thought.

‘What’s she doing?’ I again thought as she worked a cold lotion into my legs.

“What are you putting on my legs?” I just had to ask.

“It’s Nair hair removal cream. Don’t worry, it’ll only burn a little bit.”

“Fuck…!” I raised my voice. “You said you were only gonna shave my cock!”

“I said I was going to remove your pubic hair, baby. I consider leg hair to be pubic hair. I don’t wanna fuck a girl with hairy legs. You still trust me, don’t you?”

“I guess so,” I pouted.

My legs started stinging and I definitely wasn’t liking this anymore. I felt like running away, but I was naked and blindfolded, so running wasn’t an option. Then I felt her lips around my cock, and the urge to flee instantly disappeared. She only sucked me a minute or so before I heard the clicking of scissors as she started clipping away at the curly man-hair around my cock.

She sucked me a little more before covering the area with shaving cream and using a razor to shave me smooth. I stood as still as I could, knowing a slight slip of her hand could cut me in a very sensitive place.

“There, baby,” she said as she wiped a warm washcloth over my now-smooth skin. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“Well, since I’m blindfolded,” I said sarcastically, “I can’t see how bad it looks.”

“Naughty girl!” she slapped my ass hard. “You’re supposed to trust your mommy, soon to be your daddy!”

“Hey…!” I flinched, “I was only joking.”

“I was only joking too,” she laughed, “except for the daddy part. Step in the shower and let me wash that yucky hair off your legs.”

“Can I take the blindfold off?”

“Did I say you could?”


“Then no. I’ll let you know when to take it off. Now, in the shower you go. You’re gonna feel really horny when I’m done with you.”

It felt good to get the Nair washed off my legs and hearing Crissy tell me how sexy they looked as she smoothed her palms up and down my thighs. I knew what her intentions were when she rubbed a bar of soap into my ass and stuck a finger up my hole, telling me she wanted me ‘extra clean’ down there.

She sat me on the toilet seat to dry my legs and I heard her getting something else out of her shopping sack. The sound of cellophane packaging being torn away was followed by her lifting my foot. “You’ll like this, lover,” she whispered as she rolled a pair of nylon stockings up my hairless legs.

She wasn’t lying. I couldn’t believe how sexy and luxurious it felt to wear women’s lingerie for the first time. I expected her to slip on a pair of sexy panties, but instead she painted my lips with lipstick.

“There we are, lover,” she said as lifted me to my feet. “Come with me, my little bitch.”

Still blindfolded, I really didn’t have much choice but to follow as she took my hand to lead me out of the bathroom. With my feet and legs encased in nylon, and the smell of lipstick traveling up my nostrils, my hard cock bounced with every step. When she called me her ‘little bitch’, I was all primed and ready to be her bitch, whatever that would turn out to mean.


We soon stood face-to-face in the bedroom with her arms encircled around me. She pulled me towards her and opened my mouth with a deep kiss. Since I was now the female, I let her dictate the kiss as I swooned in her arms.

My hard cock ground into her denim skirt as her hands descended to my ass and pulled me into her. Her right hand tightly gripped an ass cheek, pulling it aside so her index finger could probe at my hole. I was now wanting this, and moved to give her better access as I ineffectively rubbed on her cock through her denim skirt.

After a while she stepped back. “On your knees, baby,” she commanded. “You can take the blindfold off now.”

I pulled the cloth from my eyes to see her backed up, near the bed and still fully clothed. She had my complete attention as she slowly lowered her skirt over her hips. I could see the bulge in her panties pushing out to the side, held close by her black tights. The skirt dropped to the floor and she wiggled out of it as I watched her unbutton her blouse.

She was soon standing before me with her body fully exposed, except for the tights. Her heavy breasts against her curvaceous body were so alluring as she rubbed her cock for me. She then reached in and pulled her black panties to one side to let her cock spring free into the tight embrace of the tights.

I shuddered. This was so fucking hot. She beckoned to me and I crawled over to kneel at her feet. She pointed at her cock, indicating for me to suck it through the nylon material of her tights. I couldn’t get her cock in my mouth with the tights holding it so tightly to her body, so I ran my mouth across her width, enjoying the sensations and smells of the nylon in my mouth and nose.

She then took firm control, holding my head and sliding her cock across my face, making me feel the strength and power of her erection through the delicate material of the tights. Lifting a leg and wrapping it around my neck and shoulder, she pressed and grinded her erection into my face and mouth. I couldn’t have imagined the sensations her hard cock was giving me as it slid over my face. I felt nearly overwhelmed with the aroma of the nylon mixing with her sweet body scents.

After a few minutes of her domination, she pulled her leg from around me and stood back on it. I instinctively leaned forward, watching her grip the tights with both hands. She tore the tights in front of me, ripping a hole to let her cock spring out and almost hitting me in the face.

“Suck it!” she ordered, pushing it into my face.

I took her cock in one hand and put my mouth over her head. Being so new to cocksucking, I tried to mimic the shemales I’d seen in the porn video earlier. I made a point of taking the first few inches into my mouth and savoring that small but very sensitive part of her cock like a delicacy.

I slid it in and out of my mouth slowly, while holding my lips tightly around it. I was really turned on by this and started stroking the lower length of her cock, with the first few inches still in my mouth. I paused occasionally to look up into her big Bambi eyes to see that she was smiling and enjoying it as much as I was.

When she started rotating her hips and pushing her cock deeper into me, I tried to take her deeper, but I gagged before I even got halfway down. I pulled back, still keeping it in my mouth as choked. I tried again, and this time she pushed it in hard, plowing past my gag reflex and into my throat.

“Come on, baby,” she coaxed as I felt like I was throwing up, “you can take it. Just keep trying.”

The next few minutes felt like torture as she continually forced her cock into my throat. I was surprised at the erotic thrill I got from her rough treatment as I struggled to accommodate her. Eventually, I found that I could hold her inside my throat for a short time before I had to withdraw.

Strangely, given how uncomfortable this was and how much I was gagging, I felt so horny and my cock was rock-hard. I think this was because I was starting to see her cock as a woman would see it, something that I was starting to want to feel inside of me. Tears were running down my cheeks when she lifted me up to my feet.

“That’s enough cocksucking for now,” she said as she sat me on the edge of the bed. “You’ll eventually get to where can take all of my cock into your throat with no effort at all.”

“I feel so much different than the first time I sucked it.”

“You’re way more horny, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I don’t know why, but I am.”

“It’s because you’re starting to feel your woman side. Those nylons on your smooth legs feel good, don’t they?”

“I can’t lie, they do feel good.”

She swayed her tits in front of me like a pair of hypnotic pendulums as she said, “Later on, I’ll dress you in full lingerie and makeup. But we’ll only go a little at a time as you get more comfortable with being a woman in the bedroom. And remember, you’re only gonna be a woman for me… in our bedroom.”

She lit up a joint as I contemplated what she’d just said. After inhaling a big hit, she leaned forward and exhaled into my mouth with a deep kiss. I’d never taken a hit like this before, and it was a strangely submissive experience receiving smoke that way.

My head began to spin as she continued to feed me the smoke from her lungs. Between hits, she got completely naked as she tore off the remnants of her tights. Each time she blew smoke into my lungs, she kissed me more passionately, and I became more and more submissive to her.

After we finished the joint, we both got on the bed and she put me onto my hands and knees. Spreading my legs wide apart, she knelt behind me, leaning forward along my back. She nibbled on my ears and got them all wet with her warm, penetrating tongue.

I could feel her hard cock sliding along the crack of my ass with her heavy balls pressing against me. Her strong hard cock felt so hot as she dry-humped me. I felt so vulnerable, and yet so wanting. She gently pressed her cock head against my asshole, and I stiffened with an involuntary alarm.

“Don’t worry baby,” she whispered in my ear, “I’m not going in yet. I want you to feel my hot meat against you. Just relax and let me tease your hole.”

I did as she asked, and it was divine. Nothing too intrusive as she let my ass get used to the probes of her cock. I was moaning in delight as she pulled back and kissed her way down to my ass.

I felt so exposed and vulnerable with my ass pointed towards the ceiling as she tenderly and intimately teased me. My head pressed into the bed when she started french-kissing my hole. Her tongue felt so hot and erotic rolling voluptuously around and inside me. I pushed back, moaning softly as I maximized the pleasure she was giving me.

It was an unusual sensation when she first shoved her tongue as deep as she could. As she continued, I really started getting into how it made me feel. My ass was becoming sexually aware, and I was experiencing this tender and exotic pleasure with no discomfort or fear.

I started responding to every curl of her tongue in a very deep and satisfying way. The moisture from her mouth slowly evaporating around my hole induced such delightful, tingling sensations. Then suddenly, she replaced her tongue with her fingers.

“I know you enjoyed that, my little ass-toy,” she giggled with excitement. “Now I’m going to show you something else altogether.”

We both knew our roles in this, there was no question about that. The weed had made me delirious, and I don’t really remember much of what happened the next few minutes. I do remember that my ass was slick with lubricant, and I was repeatedly begging her to put more fingers inside me. She was rotating them firmly inside of me when she told me, laughing at my desperate need, “They’re all in, baby.”

At one point she grabbed my arm and pulled my hand back to my ass, lovingly inserting one, then two of my own fingers inside me. I was so into it by then that when she encouraged me to pleasure myself, I willingly did so. She then plunged her fingers into me right alongside mine.

I lost every sense of conscious control, bucking and writhing in ecstasy with her repeated slick intrusions until I eventually orgasmed with deep rippling sensations throughout my entire body, and collapsed forward onto the bed.

She positioned herself alongside me, stroking my back and whispering sweet nothings into my ear. After the best orgasm I’d ever had, I was totally wired for it now. I slowly turned to face her and we tenderly kissed each other’s face and lips. Soon we were in a prolonged, passionate embrace. Our bodies were entwined, and I could feel my horniness rapidly increasing. I wanted to experience it all, I needed to experience Crissy’s male side.

She sensed my need and rolled over on top of me. With her inside my legs, I opened and raised them up over her body until her cock was firmly positioned at my asshole and rubbing against me. The lubricant all over my ass helped her cock slide into me to the point where I had to relax for her to get in any further.

She was very careful not to force too much into me all at once, gliding back and forth with short, gentle thrusts. I started getting impatient and began arching my back to force my ass into her thrusts. I very quickly got overwhelmed in pain, letting out a sharp, girl-like squeal as a thicker part of her cock plowed into me.

My insides felt like something had rearranged them as I squirmed beneath her in an intense mixture of pain and pleasure. She stopped only a few inches into me, holding her cock still as my hole pulsed and spasmed around her.

“Take it easy, my love,” she said with a firm gentleness in her voice. “There will be plenty of time for you to become the cockslut we both know you want to be. Just let me do my thing, and you just focus on relaxing and accepting me.”

Calling me a cockslut sent me into an erotic frenzy. A burst of shame momentarily went through my mind, but not enough to distract me from the cock pushing deeper inside me. Crissy began to gently move and push in different directions, but not too far or too hard as she stretched my hole beyond anything I could have imagined.

I tried to relax, but I was so tense from the discomfort of being stretched beyond my previous limits that it was hard to do. At the same time, I felt a strange, but intense pleasure from having this hard, pulsing piece of meat invading my inner space.

Her cock kept penetrating deeper until I felt the thicker end of her base pushing against my asshole, stretching me beyond my previous limits. The stinging sensations all around my ring contrasted beautifully with the waves of intense pleasure soothing every cell in my body. I felt so completely penetrated, and so completely connected to her. She grunted and began to gently rock back and forth, keeping the length of her cock mostly inside my ass, only stroking an inch or so.

I was so turned on. Crissy was becoming my beautiful goddess-stud, and I was beginning to get in touch with my female side. It pleased me that Crissy was having her way with me, and I wanted to be her little bitch. I groaned and moaned, seemingly out of control as I let go of my body. I whimpered and whined with each thrust of her magnificent cock.

Her thrusts became longer, harder, and much faster. Her hips moved in circles as she entered me in every direction and angle. Then she suddenly cried out, “God baby, you are so damn tight… so damn fucking tight… I don’t think I can last much longer.”

I was beyond the ability to think, and could only buck and fuck, squeezing her tight in my arms with my legs wrapped around her. I then felt her stiffen as her cock pumped cum deep inside me, burying her thick shaft into me as far as it could go. I felt waves of pleasure flowing through me at least three or four times as each splash of cum spurted against my inner walls. She then relaxed on top of me, with her cock still deep inside me, and still very much hard.

“Hmmmmm…” she softly moaned, “my little bitch… you liked that, didn’t you?”

“Oh, God,” I moaned, “It was better than you said it would be.”

“That’s your girl-side that you’re feeling. Part of you that you never knew you had, a part of you you’ll come to love. You’re going to love being my little bitch. I’ll make sure of that.”

She kept calling me her little bitch as she kissed me and made me her own. I was so amazed that her cock was still hard as hell and still buried deep in my ass, as if it was a part of me now. She started fucking me again, but in a very different, almost lazy tempo, pumping her cock so slowly in and out of me.

It felt so different as her cum had flooded my insides, and at the end of each slow thrust she curled her hips to get a little extra depth. Her cock was solidly positioned against my prostate and I became lost in my pleasure once again. I’d felt her against my prostate as she was fucking me before, but it was only occasional stabs that had sent erotic sparks through me.

This was a different, deliberate, and constant pressure sliding over my very sensitive prostate. Within a few minutes, I was giving myself to her like she told me I would when we talked about it. I rigidly clung to her body as her cock ruled me and controlled every sensation inside me.

I was moaning and crying out loud, feeling so incredibly emotional and overcome with rippling sensations as my cock erupted a second load of cum all over my stomach. I’d never had an orgasm like that because I’d never completely give myself to another person like I’d just given myself to Crissy. That was the moment when I think I fell in love with her, the moment I fell in love with being Crissy’s woman.

When she finally pulled her cock out of me, my insides spasmed and I felt so empty. She softly kissed me, and then slid down my body, raising my legs and licking the cum dripping out of my still pulsing hole. I just lay there, unable to move my spent muscles as she pleasured my asshole one last time before she rose up with cum in her mouth and sucked the cum off my belly.

She moved up to my mouth and fed me a mixture of our combined semen. Her tongue snaked around my tongue as we danced in total bliss. We kissed like this for quite a while, passing our white salty nectar back and forth before she finally laid back.

“My God, Robbie…” she said with a sigh, “you are so fucking hot. You took all my cock inside you, and you loved it, didn’t you?”

“I did love it,” I cooed. “I don’t know how it could’ve been any better.”

“Not bad for your first time, my little ass puppet, but it gets better from here. It will be a while before I can powerfuck you, but I can already tell you’re gonna love it when I do. I’m gonna love fucking you, and you’re gonna love fucking me. Being both sexes is twice as much fun as only being able to do it one way.”

I couldn’t say much as she told me all the things we would be doing in bed from now on. All I could focus on was my throbbing ass telling me that my beautiful trans girlfriend had just taken me to heaven, and I wanted to go there again. We lay there with our bodies entwined as we kissed back and forth. The last thing I remember was a dull, but satisfying glow radiating from deep inside my ass that gently lulled me off into a peaceful sleep.

Published 2 years ago

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