We awoke on Tuesday morning with the sun already high in the sky; its warm beams of light were bathing us with the early day’s increasing heat.
Sarah was still spooning with me, my arm wrapped around her, protecting her; reminding the world that she was mine. I felt her body stir. Like me, we were at that point of taking our minds and then our bodies into Tuesday. We both knew that today was going to be a day when we were going to push our sexual boundaries. It was all planned.
We rolled apart, our eyes opening as we looked at each other and smiled.
I then gently welcomed Sarah to the new sunny morning…
“How is your ass? Sore?” I grunted; then grinned.
Sarah started giggling before checking her bare bottom was still there.
“It is fine, David,” Sarah whispered. “It will certainly be fine for Don’s use later,” she then giggled, a little more loudly, before giving me a little nudge.
I liked my girlfriend’s reply. It was cheeky, though she had somehow managed to put me in my place.
“I was only showing my concern,” I pointed out, my arm now reaching around Sarah, trying to show her some affection.
I guess she knew what was coming next; my cock was hard and pointing her way.
“Yeah, right!” Sarah giggled as she rolled off the bed and ran past my erection into the bathroom.
My cock would have to wait for her return to pounce on her. It was only as I heard the shower turn on that I remembered that we had both agreed last night to abscond from sex this morning. My cock became disappointed as it all came back to me. We had chosen to save ourselves for later and our planned late afternoon sexual fun with our neighbours, Don and Ashley.
This morning we had agreed to go to the nudist beach with them, and then, this evening, we were going to push each other’s newly discovered carnal buttons and expand our sexual boundaries. My girlfriend was going to be the centre of all erotic attention and by the end of the day; just maybe she would have a new climax record.
Sarah confirmed that she had cum eleven times yesterday. Though, she seemed keener to point out that in two different sex sessions; she had only cum five times with me, but six times in a little over an hour with Ashley. It was a fact she was keen to tease me with, throughout the day.
I knew today I was going to get a glimpse of a different Sarah; one I would never have guessed existed before Clare.
With the sun up and another hot day looming, we purchased a beach umbrella and four bottles of drinking water; then followed Don and Ashley down to the naturist beach. The idea was to spend the morning on the beach and from mid-afternoon retire to our apartment pool, or in Sarah’s case, our apartment bed.
Yesterday, the four of us had set some simple ground rules; with it agreed that my girlfriend was going to be the centre of all our sexual attention. Separately, I had agreed with Don that I would not fuck Ashley again unless he or his wife asked me to. If that happened, then I would use a condom, unlike Don with Sarah.
Their agreement was different. Don was going to fuck Sarah skin-to-skin and cum in her at every opportunity. That is what my girlfriend wanted, and I had agreed to.
We also had an order of play, an hour of Sarah and Ashley together before Don would join them. Then I had to give them another ten minutes before I got in on the sexual fun. I knew they were going to be a long ten minutes, but understood why Sarah wanted to take it step by step, though perhaps I should say, cock by cock.
Afterwards, it was going to be more of a free for all, with Sarah giving us instructions. She had told me that she wanted to break yesterday’s climax record. But that was going to be later; first, we had some serious sunbathing to do and work on our all-over tans.
At the naturist beach, Don and Ashley showed us the place where they normally go. It was up in the sand dunes, and out of the ever-increasing cool breeze. When Sarah and I had been here before, we stuck to the base of the first dunes. This place was different, private, almost as if we were on our own. Though the truth was, there were people all around us, maybe voyeurs, exhibitionists; or players looking for a little sexual fun.
When we were down on the main beach, we had seen absolutely no sexual activity going on. Here it felt very different, and it didn’t take long before the first male head popped up like a meerkat before disappearing once again. I knew he was trying to get a better look at Sarah.
It was an unknown, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted that this morning. I knew the late afternoon would have enough of its own unknowns.
“They won’t bother us,” Don said as he saw me looking. “You may get one walk past, but this place is fairly private. Normally, anyone looking for sexual activity would need to go to the end of the beach, and even then well into the dunes.”
Don pointed down the beach, away from the hotel and its path.
I looked at Sarah. She was already naked, having removed her blue and white beach dress. It had been the only thing she had worn all morning.
“Are you happy here?” I asked as we all took in her tanned, perfect, naked body.
“David, I prefer it here. Today it is too windy on the beach, as the sand keeps whipping up and hitting you.”
Sarah was right. Today there was a gentle breeze, and we didn’t have with us the windbreak that came with the apartment. If we stayed on the beach, we would have ended up getting sandblasted every time there was a powerful gust of wind.
We took our spots as we lay on our beach towels, with Sarah next to me, then Ashley and then Don; the two men at the ends, protecting our two ladies.
Though, as the day went on, it seemed the girls were more interested in each other, Ashley frequently touching Sarah’s body as they talked. It wouldn’t take anyone looking on that long to realise that the two women were intimate with each other.
We spent several hours there, drinking the bottled water; sometimes lying under the beach umbrella but above all applying sun cream and then letting the sun turn our naked bodies into a deeper shade of brown.
We were working on tans, which we planned to show Clare when we got home. That thought brought some guilt, the fact she was not with us, but my cock reminded me of the passionate sex that would surely follow our tan unveiling.
With Ashley and Don down at the water swimming, and us on our own. I asked Sarah the question I had wanted to ask her all morning. As far as I was concerned, it was now the time for our last discussion.
“Do you still want us to treat you like a slut?” I asked.
Despite all our talking, I wanted to make sure.
Sarah laughed. “If you are saying that until Don and Ashley go home, I want to be the centre of all the sexual attention. Then the answer is yes.”
“Okay,” I replied, but Sarah wasn’t finished. She was smiling and maybe, once again, teasing me.
“If you are also saying that I am going to have private sex with Ashley. Then the answer is also yes. And if you are saying, is Don going to fuck my ass?” She grinned, “And therefore take my anal virginity for the second time; then the answer is yes as well.”
I tried to play along, though I was still unsure. However, there was one part of me that was very certain as I had to roll over, my cock once again alive and liked the idea of sharing my girlfriend. The rational part of my brain was still saying she was mine, but my cock was now overruling that thought.
Sarah noticed and smirked as she sat up, cross-legged, with her bronzed body facing me. My eyes went to her now tanned, shaved pussy, her labia already somewhat engorged, probably caused by lying naked in the sun. Or perhaps with the thought of what was going to happen later.
I knew she was deliberately sitting that way, teasing me in showing her all; her wet pussy, its small gape, and its pinkness showing against the bare tanned skin around it. She was horny, therefore no different to me, as my cock was still trying to burrow into the sand.
“And finally, if you are saying later this afternoon, I am going to fuck Don bareback with Ashley watching him cum in me, while you are sitting in our pool waiting your turn. Well, that is a yes, too.”
I peeled my eyes away from Sarah’s wet pinkness and looked up into her deep blue eyes. We were turning each other on, knowing what was about to happen. I knew I couldn’t, but I wanted to push her onto her back and plunge my cock into her.
“Does that make me a slut, David?” Sarah questioned, as she spread her legs wide, her wetness now glistening in the sun. She giggled as she watched me staring, my eyes once again between her legs.
“Sensual,” I mutter back, though my cock was now painful. It felt like it had elevated me seven-and-a-half inches, and I was now balancing on a pole.
The fact that we had not had sex today, that we had saved ourselves for this afternoon, I was beginning to think was a mistake. I needed my Sarah. I needed her love, her affection, but at that very moment, I needed her wet, glistening pussy.
My girlfriend knew it! She was teasing me.
I looked around again, just to confirm we were in a private spot in the dunes, and we were not being observed. After all, this was a public beach, but it seemed we were still completely on our own. We had not seen a single soul since Don and Ashley had left us.
“Be careful you don’t get sunburnt,” I warned. I was thinking about her exposed, open pussy. It had never seen the sun before; at least I didn’t think it had.
“I won’t,” she giggled.
Sarah lay back, but her legs remained spread, facing the sun. She seemed to be enjoying the sun’s heat on her now very exposed pussy. It made me ask a question…
“Have you ever sunbathed like this before?” I expected the answer to be no.
“Not quite,” Sarah giggled. “But a couple of times when I was with Jerry, he had me sit naked like this, exposing myself, the sun warming my naked pussy. It was nice, but…” Another small giggle escaped my girlfriend’s mouth. “I wouldn’t call it sunbathing. It was definitely exhibitionism, as it was completely sexual.”
“I might have guessed,” I somewhat chuckled. Knowing there was probably another story there, but I didn’t press. That time in Sarah’s life had passed and today was all about us, and of course, Don and Ashley.
Sarah didn’t move, she just stayed as she was, legs spread, her engorged pussy bathed in bright sunlight. Her explicit position led me to ask another question.
“What’s this then, exhibitionism?”
“Or are you waiting for me to climb between your legs?” I asked.
Sarah laughed and looked at me. “That’s Don’s or Ashley’s job today.”
I glanced at Sarah. She was trying to stifle a giggle, so I faked disinterest. It worked, as I got an answer from my girlfriend.
“David, I guess it’s a bit of exhibitionism as it does feel nice, the sun on my pussy, but it is more about teasing you,” Sarah giggled. “I enjoy it!”
I smiled, and we stayed that way waiting for our neighbour’s return, though it appeared they had gone for a long naked walk along the nude section of the beach.
Some while later, Sarah remarked, “David, you know I want this experience, just for the holiday, and there is something else… I do like teasing you.”
I sat up, my cock now flaccid, and we briefly kissed.
“I know… just for the holiday,” I said. Though, I thought it was unlikely that it would ever go back to how it was before Clare’s arrival. I certainly did not want that!
It was at that moment a naked Meerkat man walked past with his hairy cock hanging between his legs. Sunglasses covered his eyes, but he briefly stopped as he looked at Sarah or perhaps only at what she had between her legs.
I had expected Sarah to snap her legs shut, but she didn’t. Instead, she chose to keep them open for a couple of seconds and then very slowly close them and wait for the voyeur to disappear down his burrow.
“Good day,” the man said, as he hesitated, dipping his sunglasses before walking on. I had the distinct impression that he would be back later in the day, and making our sand dune hollow a regular port of call.
Sarah looked like she had blushed, being caught with her legs open, but I realised something… it was not a blush. She was flushed and in a very horny state. I even wondered if my girlfriend had wanted to get caught or would open her legs again on his next sand dune circuit.
I grinned, but I wasn’t ready for anything like that. I needed our rules, and for us to stick to any sexual play with just Don and Ashley. I reminded Sarah, which caused her to giggle.
Then I jokingly stated, “Well, at least it wasn’t Kurt. If it had been; he might be asking you to sample his Raki!”
We laughed again. We were happy and in love, but also turning each other on.
“I love you, David.” Sarah tenderly remarked as she moved closer before kissing me with genuine affection. I felt her love as I kissed her back, equally tenderly, despite my cock now wafting in the breeze.
As we broke apart, Sarah smiled at me. I then corrected something…
“Maybe you are right, but just for today and tomorrow… Yes, you are a bit of a tart!”
Sarah giggled. There were no nudges. We both had our own little understanding, as she squatted in front of me and kissed me once again. As she did so, she spread her legs and gave me a glimpse of her newfound wantonness.
Soon after, Don and Ashley returned, but Sarah made it quite clear she was horny. It seemed to me she didn’t mind who she fucked. All that mattered; it had to be soon and certainly not early evening.
So, just before two, Sarah and Ashley got up to leave us. Still naked, Sarah kissed me. Ashley did the same with her husband. Then they swapped, and Ashley kissed me, a light peck on the lips.
We then watched Sarah kiss Don. Her kiss was more of a snog, her legs spread as she squatted in front of him, just like she had done with me half an hour earlier. Don’s eyes were now between her legs, taking the view of what I knew was now a very wet and hungry cunt. The sun’s warmth had helped put her in heat, and the lack of sex today had also helped.
Sarah’s squatting action in front of Don made me roll onto my front as my cock was becoming, once again, erect.
“I hope you like what you see, Don. As for the rest of today and all of tomorrow, these holes are all yours and Ashley’s. Not David’s.” Sarah turned towards me, smiled, and then, unseen by our neighbours, winked; before continuing…
“Don, that is right. You have an eighteen-year-old nymphomaniac at your beck and call. I expected to have all my holes regularly filled with your cum!”
Sarah giggled. “Of course, if you cannot manage that, I am sure Ashley will take up the challenge, after all, she did an excellent job yesterday!”
I noticed Don’s cock was as equally erect as mine, but Sarah wouldn’t let him turn over. To make sure, she wrapped her hand around it and said, “Is that all for me?”
I chuckled at Don’s discomfort. Ashley was certainly being entertained by what she saw and heard as her hand seemed clamped to her mouth, trying to muffle a giggle.
With that, Sarah got up and Don turned over.
Now dressed in their beach attire, the girls turned and walked back to the apartment. The last we saw them was them holding hands as they disappeared between the dunes and returned to the main nudist beach.
With the girls now gone, Don exclaimed, “Your missus is in a playful mood!”
“She is horny. We talked, and she wants to try this once in her life. This would never happen at home, and I am not sure it will happen again.” I replied and then added. “I guess you could say today we are pushing our sexual boundaries, but it may be only this once.”
Don nodded and then asked, “Did Sarah really mean that when she said she is cutting you off for the next two days?”
I laughed. “No, she was teasing me… At least I think she was teasing me!”
It crossed my mind that I only had Sarah’s wink to reassure me. Could that be another tease?
Don laughed at my reply, as we both lay there naked, on our fronts and ploughing the sand with our two hard cocks.
When Don and I returned to our apartments around an hour later, it surprised us to see the two girls sitting next door to each other in my and Sarah’s apartment pool. Neither had tops on and though it was against the rules, it looked to me that Sarah hadn’t bothered with the bottoms, either.
I looked at Don, and I was sure he was like me and thought they would be in the apartment bedroom, fucking their brains out or whatever the two girls did with each other. I had only seen Clare go down on Sarah.
As well as our two beautiful women, there was something else waiting for us… two cold beers and they were very welcome. The trip back from the beach in the heat of the day seemed to have drained both our water bottles.
Don and I dropped off our beach stuff, put on our trunks, and plonked ourselves opposite our two girls in the small pool.
“I thought you both be in the apartment,” I said, slightly disappointed. The fact that they were both there had made me assume Sarah had either backed out of their girly sex or decided to cut their time short, as she didn’t want the experience again.
“Didn’t you look at the bed?” Sarah giggled.
I hadn’t.
“Let’s say we are sleeping on the other one, as the one we used is a damp mess. We just come in here to cool down, and have a quick break, haven’t we Ashley?”
Don’s wife agreed, and added, “As you can see, we also got you both a beer.”
“Dressed like that!” I chuckled; I had aimed my comment directly at my nude girlfriend.
“Ordered and delivered on our way up,” Sarah replied. I noticed the girls were drinking beer, too. “There will be another one soon, but we only ordered two, as I don’t want any brewers-droop when it is your turn to fuck me.”
“That is if I give you a turn,” she then added with a giggle as she looked at me.
The two women looked at each other and kissed, their tongues so quickly finding each other’s mouths. It seemed that the girls were now so much more comfortable with each other, Ashley’s hand disappearing into the pool water and caressing Sarah between the legs.
Their action caused my cock to harden. Brewer’s droop? … Today, not a chance!
I glanced at Don, beer now in his hand, but eyes very much on both our missus. The girls broke apart. Sarah was smiling, her nipples hard and erect. By contrast, Ashley seemed almost as if she was in some sort of sexual trance. It was very obvious that she wanted my girlfriend again.
Don parked his beer and lent across the pool to kiss Ashley. She seemed to come awake and kissed her husband back. It was as if she just realised where and who she was.
Right on cue, I put my beer down and leaned across to kiss Sarah. I was following what Don was doing; however, I had a different response from my lady. Sarah put her index finger to my puckered lips, stopping my advance…
“It is only half-time, David. I have still got the second half to play with Ashley.”
Sarah had deliberately used a football analogy to both tease me and confirm that she was still enjoying her girl-on-girl experience.
It felt strange sitting there with Sarah opposite me, as she was giving more affection to the older topless lady sitting there next to her, than to me, her boyfriend sitting facing her.
As we all sat there chatting, Don seemed to be relaxed watching the two ladies and, of course, we were both content drinking our beer. That soon became two when a waiter brought four more. My girlfriend scuttled down deep into the water, and behind the floating ice bucket, to make sure he could not see the absence of her bikini bottom.
It was an action that made both Don and I grin, though Sarah didn’t seem to mind. She seemed to be enjoying all the extra attention she was getting. It was far different to when we arrived when she was reluctant to even go topless.
It was about ten minutes later when the girls both started to get a little friskier with each other and they suggested they were retiring to the apartment again for the second half!
I sat watching as the fully naked Sarah kiss me and then snog Don, before saying…
“See you in twenty minutes, Don.” Then she turned back to me and giggled, “And ten minutes after that for you, David.”
I had been told with a warm smile. We both knew I wasn’t going to wait the full ten minutes; I might do five at a push.
With those words, we just watched Sarah as she looked around, checking and then step out of the pool fully nude. She wiggled her bottom at Don, almost in his face, before casually walking into our apartment. It was quite a show; she was reminding him he had a duty to do. Fuck her in the ass, and take her anal virginity for the second time… Don would never know I had got there first.
Sarah’s show certainly had an audience of three of us watching her as she walked. My girlfriend was teasing us all with her sexy body. She was playing a role that even a month ago I didn’t know existed, but at that very moment, I knew there were two erect cocks and one very wet pussy watching my girlfriend’s bottom wiggle as she walked along the path and through the open apartment door.
Ashley was not far behind, dressed just in her mauve bikini bottom. Don’s wife was smiling and then she, too, disappeared through our apartment door. Then it was just the two of us, Don and I; both of us waiting our turn with my missus.
We just sat there, with the empty floating ice bucket, sipping our second beer; both knowing that it wouldn’t be long before we were having some erotic fun and, in doing so, tick box number four on Sarah’s sexual fantasy list.
Our conversation was muted. Our thoughts lay beyond the apartment door, with our two girls and the sexy fun they were both having. The only other thought was, I just hoped they were keeping a tab on the number of times Sarah climaxed, as we needed a new record.
No more than ten minutes had passed before Don looked at me, and grunted, “I am going up.” He was like me, struggling to wait.
“I see you in ten,” my only response, as he got out and followed the now well-trodden path through our apartment door. They left me with my thoughts and the bobbing ice bucket. I knew I could not wait the full ten minutes.
I sat there, my mind working harder than it should have.
I thought of Clare; I wondered how it was going with Brenda, with Karen, and I realised once again I missed her. I knew if she was here, she would be instructing me to stop being melancholy. She would be telling me to get up there and look after Sarah.
Or telling me off, questioning me. Saying things like, “Didn’t I realise I had left her alone with two seasoned swingers?”
But I wanted to give Sarah a chance, to live out her sexual fantasies, that of being with another woman and having sex with two men at once. Letting her fly now on holiday was the right thing to do. We both knew we were going to put it back in the bottle when we got home.
That was in my rules!
But we both also knew, with these experiences, these memories; things could never be exactly the same as they were only a few weeks ago. There would be changes, but what they were, we simply didn’t yet know.
I just sat there, me and the bobbing ice bucket, waiting, like a good boy, my cock tenting in my trunks. Wondering about Sarah, our new life together, thinking; then overthinking… and then something stirred within me, the alpha man.
I couldn’t wait any longer.
Three minutes was close to five, which rounded to ten. I got out of the pool, and I wondered what I would see. There was no audience for me as I walked the increasingly well-trodden path, each slab representing another step on our sexual journey.
I opened the apartment patio door. Sunlight was flooding the two beds. My eyes first caught the tube of anal lube on the table between them. On the far bed, Sarah was kneeling, her bottom towards the stationary Don. His cock was buried in her ass. He was gently moving, slowly back and forth, fucking her anally.
But it was at the other end of Sarah, which caught my eye. This was new, something I had never seen Sarah do before. Ashley, sitting at the headboard end of the bed, her legs spread wide, yet up on my girlfriend’s shoulders; Sarah’s face buried between them. I don’t think either of the girls was aware of my entrance or even my presence. They seemed too much into each other.
I just stood there, my trunks tented, the water from them dripping all over the floor. I remained there, watching. I wasn’t aware of any sounds as the three naked couples moved together.
Don picked up speed, before stopping and adding another dab of lube to both his cock and my girlfriend’s asshole. Sarah didn’t move. She didn’t say it was cold. She was too busy, her tongue lapping Ashley’s pussy, her fingers holding it open as she probed and licked away.
It was only Don who acknowledged my presence, first in the form of a nod, then in a form of a smile as he carefully plunged back into Sarah’s rectum with a grin and then a grunt. I knew how good that feeling was, though, of course, I couldn’t mention that I had been there first.
The die was cast, my cock looking for an opening. I dropped my trunks and stepped out of the pool of water that seemed to have collected around me. I stood there, the action before me. Sexual sounds reverberated around the room, mainly from Sarah and Ashley, but an odd grunt came from Don as he reamed my girlfriend’s rear hole.
I froze, not sure what to do. This was different, and planned, badly, both ends of my girlfriend we now filled. My cock was hard, my mind racing in overdrive… new thoughts… new feelings… my eyes focused on Sarah, and my hands found her breasts, her sensitive nipples.
My mind now working harder than my body, a rolling reel of unanswered questions…
Is this the type of life I had ahead of me?
Is this what I wanted? Sarah to be a slut!
Could I adjust?
Would I ever be happy?
My cock intervened; it reminded me that it still wanted to find a home, while my mind carried on asking all the wrong questions.
Don grunted behind Sarah, my girlfriend’s moans muffled by Ashley’s pussy, but they mingled with the older lady’s cries. Ashley was cumming on Sarah’s tongue. I carried on watching, stroking Sarah’s hard nipples, and then occasionally squeezing one. I felt her body convulse; she was cumming though her pussy seemed to remain untouched.
My cock told me that it was my sensitive fingers that had made Sarah cum, but my head knew it was more to do with Don’s thrusts or tasting Ashley’s bald slit. It made me realise that my girlfriend certainly seemed to enjoy eating pussy; she seemed not to get enough of Ashley, and so the show went on.
Don’s grunts got louder as he got nearer to cumming in my girlfriend’s tight ass. Ashley started to bounce, her legs gripping Sarah as she came, caused by a combination of my girlfriend’s tongue and fingers.
In all this action, my cock seemed to just waft about. It was waving for attention. I couldn’t get to Sarah’s pussy. It seemed to be too near to Don’s cock, and as for her mouth. Well, to me it felt like her entire head didn’t know I was there. She was now both licking and fingering Ashley’s pussy, the older lady constantly cumming from Sarah’s touch.
It needed some better planning!
So, as I gently pulled Sarah’s hair, she spluttered and then realised I was there, my erection now bumping her mouth. It wanted some attention.
Sarah’s deep blue eyes looked up at me. They were smiling at me; she now knew I was there. Her mouth opened, to take my hard cock, but instead, she said, “One sec,” and dived back into Ashley’s pussy; her sudden action made the older lady cum once again.
Our four-way sex developed as I started getting more involved, my fingers finding Sarah’s sopping cunt and then her sensitive clit. It was too much for her, as Sarah instantly came before finding my cock. It replaced Ashley’s pussy in her mouth as the older lady pulled away to recover from her orgasm.
For a few delicious minutes, Sarah achieved her sexual fantasy, taking two men at once. Then Don gurgled and grunted as his cock pulsed. He came hard in Sarah’s ass, straight into her bowels, before pulling out and shooting the last few drops over her bottom and back.
It was my time to take over. I wanted Sarah’s ass, too.
Our session of free-flowing sex was now a go. Sarah, as agreed, was servicing us all. She was playing the part of a slut, trying to tick her sexual fantasy boxes and, in doing so, maybe beating her climax record.
Somehow Ashley and my girlfriend found themselves in a sixty-nine position as I pounded Sarah’s ass. Don was cleaning up in our bathroom, as his wife was having her face washed by a rather sensitive pussy. It seemed to me that Sarah could not get enough of the other lady. It felt like the girls were having the pleasure of constantly cumming together as I still sought my first release.
I felt my balls tighten, my cock still deep in my girlfriend’s ass. There was a creamy mixture of anal lube and Don’s sperm around it did not put me off. I pushed in deep and buried my cock into her the full seven-and-a-half inches as I felt it start to twitch. I grunted, and I came flooding Sarah’s bowels. It was something I wanted to do, something Don had half done, but it was also something that Sarah and I had not discussed, me cumming in her ass. It felt good, my release and I was cleansing her of all his sperm; flooding her rectum with mine.
I was gasping for air, and so was Ashley beneath Sarah. It seemed my girlfriend had gone off like Clare often did. In a gush, caused by all the sexual attention she had been receiving.
I carefully withdrew my cock from Sarah. Her anus gaped open, and frothy sperm seemed to be leaking from her well-used hole. I passed her a tissue as she rolled onto her back. She seemed spent, but relaxed and happy. Importantly, she said nothing about me cumming in her ass.
It was only then I saw Don standing there, his cock again hard. He climb between my girlfriend’s legs and started to fuck her just like the slut she wanted to be treated like. There had been no communication; it was as if it was just expected for Sarah to open her legs and the older man to fuck her pussy… skin-to-skin.
Ashley and I left them to it as we cleaned up. We could hear the slapping of them fucking from the bathroom. Sarah’s moans now seemed to be both clearer and louder.
“How was Sarah?” I whispered to Ashley.
“Is she enjoying her time with you?” I then questioned.
I was seeking some reassurance, though from what I had witnessed, my girlfriend seemed to be in her element when she was between Ashley’s legs.
“She is a natural, David,” Ashley giggled, as we heard a loud moan next door from Sarah. It was obvious she was cumming again from Don’s fucking. Maybe that one was her new record; I hadn’t tried to keep a count of her climaxes.
Ashley smiled at me. She had noticed my erect and now clean cock that stood between us. Her hand wrapped around it and she started to masturbate me.
“You like sharing, Sarah, don’t you?”
I didn’t want to admit that there was a growing part of me which was enjoying sharing my girlfriend with her husband. But the evidence was all there, right in the palm of her slowly moving hand.
“Let’s go and watch,” Ashley whispered. The moans and the slapping sounds still going on unabated next door; we both knew it would take Don much longer to cum a second time in such a short period.
Ashley led me by my erect cock, through the door until we were by the kitchen counter. It was an action that reminded me of Clare and how she led me by my equally hard cock past her group of five female friends. It happened on the second night that I had sex with her in Majorca, the second night of cheating on Sarah. It was a time when I thought I was nothing more than an alpha male. (Author’s Note: – See Book 1 – chapter four).
There in front of us was Sarah on her back, her legs wrapped around Don, and they were kissing, almost making love. Don’s completely bare cock was fully in Sarah. He had stopped so that he could get more intimate with my girlfriend. Their tongues in each other’s mouths, his cock ready to cum deep in her.
My cock twitched. It told all that Ashley needed to know. She kissed my cheek and then squatted behind the kitchen cabinet. Her legs spread wide, her tanned bald pussy wet and open. Ashley was just as turned on as me. Our partners had switched from fucking to almost making love.
It was an erotic sight, and then I felt Ashley’s lips around my cock. Every nerve ending came alive, as her hand slowly masturbated me, her tongue now brushing my penis, her mouth waiting. I had little chance of lasting long.
Don started to move again, rhythmically fucking Sarah. Her cries became gentle moans as his mouth kissed her and then, with a sudden fluster of emotion, his gentle rocking motion became hard thrusts, his vinegar strokes.
There was a deep moan from Sarah and a grunt from Don, as my girlfriend wrapped her legs around Ashley’s husband. They were locked together, a feeling I knew so well, as Don ejaculated deep into my Sarah’s womb. Squirt after squirt.
That erotic sight took me over the edge. I could not hold back any longer, and I may have even grunted as Ashley’s mouth clamped around my cock and I ejaculated.
I had been surprised by Ashley’s considerate action. She had already said that she didn’t like the taste or texture of sperm, but for me, she had just made an exception… and I wondered why?
The couple in front of me stayed locked together as they continued to kiss and mate. To me, it felt like they both wanted every drop of Don’s sperm inside my girlfriend. Eventually, he rolled off Sarah and went to use the bathroom.
My girlfriend didn’t move. She just laid there, legs still spread, sperm leaking from her gaping cunt. The only thing which was stopping it from staining the bed was a small hand towel that lay beneath her. I took in the view of my well-used girlfriend, and Ashley’s head popped up to join me.
“I have never done that for any man before, David, other than Don, and that was a long-time ago.”
I smiled, and then said, “Thank you.” Then I kissed her, a quick peck on the lips.
“Sarah told me to do it, as she was giving Don her anal cherry.”
I grinned. Though I did feel a twinge of guilt as technically Don had been the second man to stick his cock in Sarah’s ass; though our neighbours would never get to know that!
“We see you either tomorrow or maybe tonight at the Terrace Bar if Don recovers in time,” Ashley teased. “I have no doubt he will want to fuck Sarah again today. That is, if he can get it up!”
I chuckled and then Don appeared, and the older couple left us, until tonight.
I checked on Sarah and then, as now the norm, “CLICK” a few private photos for us to remember the holiday moment. Then I put the camera away and snuggled up with Sarah on the distinctly damp and messy bed. She was surprisingly still with me, not tired or sore at all.
“Did you enjoy yourself?” I asked, already knowing the answer.
Sarah just smiled and then kissed me.
“Make love to me,” she whispered. “I want you in me.”
“Don’t you want to clean up first?” Her request surprised me.
“I need you now, David!”
I looked at Sarah. Her face wore a different look; one of sexual desperation.
It was a cum face.
She then softly stated, “It feels as if the more I have sex, the hornier I seem to get. Does that make sense, David?”
It didn’t, but I rolled between her still-open legs and hoped my cock had something left. I didn’t want to be accused of brewers droop, despite already cumming twice.
“Was that a new cum record?” I asked, as my cock started to stir, helped by the thought of plunging into my girlfriend’s messy cunt.
Sarah warmly smiled. She was more interested in my slowly hardening cock than my question.
“I don’t know, I didn’t count,” being her only answer. Her eyes widened as my cock became erect.
“We can start counting again,” I joked as I eased my cock into her loose pussy. It felt different, full of sperm, sloppy, but oh-so-good. I was fucking my second cream pie of the day, the first being my girlfriend’s ass.
Sarah giggled, “Fuck me.” Her legs wrapped around my torso.
“Reverse cowgirl position,” I suggested, having still not taken her that way.
“Not a chance,” Sarah moaned, “Now fuck me, face to face. I want to see your love for me.”
We started to rock together, our bodies becoming one. We reconnected, and as we did so, I realised that there had been no angst, no tipping point for me. It had been all dirty sexual fun.
We made gentle love, Sarah’s sloppy hole, now a frothy mess. That visual sight did not put me off, as the new feeling it brought to my cock was so sensual; I already knew it was one I could get used to.
I enjoyed that feeling as our pace increased. It gave new urgency, the need for another sexual release, and with a grunt we came yet again. Our arms wrapped around each other, and our eyes said it all.
We just lay there, spent. I may have just shared Sarah with another man, but I loved her more than ever before.
We were one.
A few moments later, I said the last few words before we cleaned up, “I think that was climax number twelve, and a new world record!”
With a grin, Sarah nudged me, and we both started to giggle.
Tuesday evening was first spent by us cleaning up our apartment, which included us washing and then hanging up the sheet from the messy bed. With the time near seven pm, we retired once again to our little pool, this time both of us fully nude. It was getting late, the heat slowly going as we took in the last of the day’s sun.
Don and Ashley came out of their apartment, and I think we surprised them by us both sitting there in our pool. They told us that after their meal; they were going to take in the hotel show. I teased everyone by suggesting that would be the second show of the day after Sarah’s earlier one. That earned me a playful nudge, though Don laughed, his eyes once again taking in my girlfriend’s naked beauty.
“We swing by the Terrace Bar on the way back,” Ashley said, with a chuckle. “Don is still keen if you are Sarah.”
All our eyes went to Sarah, though I guess Don’s had never left.
Sarah glanced at me, and then giggled, “I am here if you need me!”
She was playing along; teasing, but her next action surprised me. I think it surprised all of us, as Sarah pulled herself up onto the top pool step, and then open her legs to show all.
“Don’t come later than midnight as I going to need my energy for tomorrow,” she then chuckled before dropping back into the water and coming over to kiss me.
Our neighbours left with a, “See you tomorrow or later tonight at the bar.”
They had not taken up Sarah’s offer.
I pulled my girlfriend onto my lap. “You must be losing your touch. You just lost two customers!”
I was teasing her about number two on her sexual fantasy list, being paid for sex.
Sarah nudged me, and then told me, “They don’t pay enough!”
“But I am sure if I went to the Terrace Bar tonight, it wouldn’t take much to get Don and Ashley back here,” Sarah giggled, and then playfully added, “Or even someone else!”
I knew Sarah was right, and I wanted her to have some sexual fun on this holiday. But above all, I needed her to remain my Sarah. I didn’t want to show it, but I required some alone time with her.
“Did I go too far?” she whispered as she sat astride my thighs and then kissed me once again. Maybe she had picked up on my contemplative moment.
“No, I was just a little surprised,” I replied between kisses.
I then smiled and added, “It was still within my rules.”
Sarah giggled. “Is this still within your rules?”
Her hand went in between us and wrapped around my semi-hard cock. She then started to kiss me as her hand brought me to an erection, though my mind was telling me that I had nothing left after already cumming three times in the last few hours.
“Yes,” I whispered to answer Sarah’s question. Her hand now placed my surprisingly hard cock into her well-used pussy entrance.
She slowly sank onto my shaft, our every nerve ending feeling each other’s familiar touch. We started to rock together. Nothing was urgent as darkness fell around us. Little ripples ran across the pool, our fingers caressed, and our tongues explored. We were making love in our apartment pool, my cock embedded as far as it would go inside Sarah’s vagina.
There were no loud sounds, no orgasmic moans, just little sighs, and purrs of appreciation as we rocked together.
We had never made love like this before. No urgency. Our bodies were now spent, but we still desired each other. It was like a drug. We needed this sensual reconnection of our two bodies, though; neither of our minds was ready for us to become monogamous again.
We needed our game.
Our rocking increased. We were in our own little world, as there would be no chance of visitors this late down our dead-end path. As we truly christened the pool, I gave a little grunt, and Sarah purred as we came once again, number thirteen, our union now complete.
I picked my girlfriend up, with me still embedded in her, and carried her through to our apartment. I had not finished with Sarah. I wanted to show my love yet again.
Whether that was possible, I just didn’t know.
Tonight there was not going to be any Terrace Bar or evening meal for us, just two pizzas and a large bottle of water delivered to our apartment’s front door.
We didn’t want anyone else’s company. We had our own.
It was just about us, and our love for each other…
Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2023 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.