“Crete” – Chapter 11:- “Morning Ruminations”

"The first talk of the day between the couple..."

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I woke up at seven am, Ashley was still asleep next to me, but my first thoughts were of Sarah.

Was she okay?  

I carefully extracted myself from Ashley’s arms and slipped on my boxers, followed by my shirt; then picked up the rest of my items. I felt tired. Sleep was still calling me, but I wanted my Sarah. I needed to check on her and reassure myself that we had done the right thing. Even ponder what happened last night. These were my early morning ruminations.

Before leaving, I kissed Ashley’s cheek; she stirred but didn’t open her eyes, and I wondered if her mind was currently dreaming of her toy boy… namely me.

I briefly stood there looking at my sleeping lover, taking in her vision. I asked myself, would I have the pleasure of her body again?

I didn’t think so. I only wanted to be with Sarah, and when we were home… also Clare.

It was a moment that briefly took me away from my deeper thoughts, that of Sarah, her sleeping next door, with Don. The vision caused my hairless cock to stir. It was prodding me to think about what I was going to find when I went next door, back to my own apartment. 

I expected to see something similar to what was in front of me, with Sarah and Don in our bed. His arm wrapped around her, claiming her to be his. I prepared for it, and I took a deep breath, before turning for the door, still unsure of my deepest feelings as new ones kept bubbling up.

I knew I needed to talk with Sarah. Ask the prevalent question why she hadn’t used a condom?

But the truth was, that was only one point. There were larger subjects to discuss. We needed that talk, to see where we were going from here as a couple. We had to ask those awkward questions, dig deep, and even talk about Clare.  

It was important, and I knew it had to be done today. With no distractions, just the two of us, being open and honest with each other.

Though as I slid the patio door open, I knew I had to hold some information back from my girlfriend, the fact I had not used a condom, but there was something else. It was a growing feeling, which lived deep within me, one that last night had once again risen to the surface. It was the fact that a part of me had enjoyed sharing Sarah with Don; watching her ride his cock, even without a condom.

It was a new craving and a growing longing, but perhaps more importantly, a worrying desire… It was the part of me that had caused me to freeze, to pause from fucking Ashley… to watch.

Should it be included in our talk?

I let myself out and hopped over the low rock wall that separated our two apartments. Then, with another deep breath, fearing the worse, I opened my apartment’s rear patio door.

It surprised me to see Sarah and Don sleeping on separate beds. I smiled as my heart leapt; my uncertainly temporarily gone. I was happy they had not slept together, just like I and Ashley had done. It told me something…

But what?

I wasn’t so sure. I needed to ask the sleeping Sarah.

I gently shook Don, and he grunted as he pulled himself awake and looked at me. I put my finger to my lips… stay quiet. He nodded, then slipped out of bed and started silently dressing.

On the other bed, Sarah stirred in her sleep. Maybe she sensed my presence as she rolled onto her back. The cotton sheet slid from her nude body, and the early morning sunlight illuminated her naked form… It was as if the warm sun had shone a spotlight on her bare beauty.

It was a scene that reminded me of Clare when we were in Majorca. Her waking up with me, but there was one vast difference. Today it had been Don waking up with my girl… and it was him, who had made Sarah look like she currently did… Well fucked!

With Sarah’s naked body now revealed, Don stopped dressing and we both briefly took in the vision of Sarah. Her face looked angelic; below a body that looked well used. There were traces of Don’s dry, crusty cum on her chest, stomach and thighs. There was simply no hiding the fact that Sarah had been fucked and then passed out, having not washed.

Don looked and smiled. I didn’t blame him. Then, finished dressing without a word. He was going to see his sleeping wife, but I sensed he knew that Sarah and I now needed some private time.

We needed time for our emotions, our bodies, and our thoughts to reconnect and become one again. That needed to happen in our talk today.

I again closely looked at the stark-naked Sarah. My cock was once again alive, erect, showing its morning glory, but it was not nearly as awake as my brain. Sleepiness was now abolished, as my head became filled with a whirlwind of unanswered questions and doubting demands. But amongst that noise were emotions and feelings that told me that I truly loved Sarah.

But there was one demand, a probing question that I needed to understand.   

Was this what I wanted, needed, or expected in the future?

Sarah was still sleeping and lying there. Her pussy was slightly red, and a little swollen, and there were signs of cum around it; even some on the inside of her thighs. Her body also had dried cum stains on her stomach and breasts. It was obvious not only had Don fucked her bareback, but he had also cum all over her, and I suspected it was something Sarah had asked him to do.

My mind flashed back to the time when we were sitting in my car together. It was four months ago when Sarah was delicate. She had told me that she loved to be covered in a man’s cum, especially if it was with an older man. Then it washed over me. I didn’t understand, but in those few months since then, I had learned so much.

I now got it!

I had done some research, and now I knew it was a fetish, maybe not even an uncommon one, as it had a name: Bukkake. I realised it went back to Jerry, Sarah’s only previous boyfriend. He was an older man who used to ejaculate on her, and over time, it had become one of her secret pleasures.

This recently gained knowledge was something I had not yet shared with Sarah. I was still trying to learn and understand both her and our relationship, but I did know one thing for certain.

I truly loved her.

There was also something else, and this holiday had brought it to the fore. I wanted to know Sarah’s deepest desires and secrets.

We needed that talk; I needed to understand and stay in control of my emotions, whatever happened last night, including not using a condom.

I then did something I knew was wrong, but I am far from perfect. I took a few photos of Sarah, naked, covered in Don’s cum. It would have to be another film to be developed by Brenda. But these photos were for me, not Clare, a reminder; a turn-on and maybe something to show Sarah in the future when we talked about Bukkake and her other deep sexual desires.

I clicked away, then stood and once again took in the vision of my girlfriend. Despite the dry cum, as Clare had in Majorca, Sarah also had that air of innocence about her. She looked blissful, content, and happy. I certainly didn’t want to wake her, even with the urgency within me, the angst caused by Sarah not using a condom.

Even this morning, it felt as if she had cheated on me, though the small rational part of my mind was telling me, in brief pulses, she had only not followed my rules.

Is that really that important?

We would talk about last night later, but it was still early, and despite my raging thoughts, and my cock’s hard-on. I realised that my adrenalin rush was fading and that tiredness once again found me. I needed some sweet dreams like Sarah was currently having.

I took my clothes off and curled up next to her. The sheet pulled up to protect us. My arm wrapped around her to say she was mine. I felt her body respond, where ever she was in her dreams, she knew I was there. Maybe I was even with her.

We spooned together, my girlfriend still caked in Don’s incrusted cum. It was a constant reminder, but I felt reassured, once again in sync with Sarah, as I closed my eyes and joined Sarah in dreamland.




It was nearly ten when we awoke, the sunlight streaming in through the patio door.

“We need to talk,” were the first words that left my mouth when Sarah’s eyes opened a few minutes after mine.

Perhaps once again I could have chosen my timing a little better, as my girlfriend’s hand went straight to her head; it was only then she then realised I was now with her.

“How much wine did we have last night?” Sarah then said absently mindedly.

She looked a little hungover and dehydrated. She glanced at me and weakly smiled as I passed her a bottle of water.

“Thank you,” she muttered as she started to come to her senses. Even on the best of days, Sarah was normally not a morning person.

I just sat there, next to my girlfriend, watching her slowly stir as she gulped back the water. That earlier pressing question was now pushed back onto the back burner as I once again took in Sarah’s beauty. I could not resist. I leaned over and kissed her; well aware that Don’s cock had been in her mouth more than once.

Sarah seemed to come to and realised where she was. She then kissed me back and said, “Thank you,” once again, then, “Sorry,” as Sarah looked at the state of her cum covered body. She then reached over and took her contraceptive pill, washing it down with water.

I was thankful that she was on it, just like Clare now was, but it was a reminder, so I repeated, “We do need to talk.”

Then I asked, “What happened last night?”

Sarah looked down at her body once again, and then her eyes went wide and watery before she gently started to sob.

Reality had just hit her.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” she cried. “I didn’t mean to…”

I tried to stay cross with my girlfriend, but my vulnerable heart just melted. I could never stay angry long with her. I loved her too much, and I put my arms around her and held her tight, trying to soothe those sobs. I didn’t want her to feel guilty; I didn’t want her to be delicate. I wanted Sarah to know that I loved her.

“I love you,” I whispered, “but we do need to talk, but perhaps after a shower.” I made playful sniffing noises through my nose, and then repeated, “A shower together would be good.”

Sarah looked down again and slowly stopped crying as I cuddled her and whispered to her once again, how much I loved her. A little more life came into her, and she looked happier. She even nudged me to stop me from sniffing.

“I am sorry, but I did not sleep with him. I found I could not. I wanted you!

I grinned. I couldn’t help it as they were the exact words I wanted to hear… she wanted me.

I kissed Sarah on her forehead and just said, “Later, let’s get up and shower. I am not joking. You do smell a bit.”

Sarah nudged me, then giggled before we raced to the shower and removed all evidence of Don.  




Later, we both put on some shorts, mine yellow, Sarah’s bright blue and to show off our improving tans in white T-shirts, Sarah’s sans bra. We went to the terrace bar for brunch. We were now both totally refreshed from our sleep and shower.

As we eat, we talked. We both knew we needed to.

“Did you enjoy last night?” I asked. Sarah looked at me carefully before answering.

“Truthfully, yes, but I do have some regrets. The thing I liked the most was it was exciting to be with someone new and different. My body responded to that. Don’t laugh, David, but it felt as if my pussy wanted to have a new cock.”

When Sarah said that, I had to try my hardest not to spit out the cup of tea I was currently drinking. I had never heard her say anything quite like that before, and it got me thinking.

Would her pussy from now on be looking for new cocks?

Sarah continued. “I was so happy when I woke up and you were with me, cuddling me. Thank you. As I said before, I did not want to sleep with Don. I now know I just wanted the sex, then to be cuddled by you.”

Sarah smiled at me. “You give nice cuddles, David. You remain the only man I have slept with!”

I grinned. I liked Sarah’s answer. I also thought that I seem to be getting a lot of ladies saying “thank you” to me lately, though I probably did not deserve any of them. But there was something else which we needed to talk about and it was important.

“What happened to the condoms?” I asked. It was the big question and the one I wanted an answer to. It was one of my rules…

Rules, which we had both agreed upon.

“I am sorry, it was only the once. It’s what I regret. I forgot. I just got caught in the moment.”

“I saw you on the settee,” I quickly replied. “Reverse cowgirl position… we have never done it that way!”

“You watched us?” Sarah questioned, though she didn’t sound upset. If anything, she sounded more surprised, even excited.

“Not really. Ashley watched you both while I was trying to give her oral sex, but I saw enough.”

Sarah went quiet.

“Sorry,” Sarah repeated once again. “I should have used a condom; I just got caught up in the moment.”

“We did use one later, though,” she quietly added.

I looked at her.

Did I believe her?

Did it matter?

I smiled. In my head, I had already forgiven Sarah and, more importantly, my heart believed her.

I also did not want to argue the point. The truth was, she would ask me soon if I used a condom with Ashley. I took the high ground now, while I could. As I knew, if anyone had been irresponsible, it was me. I was fertile. Don had had a vasectomy, and unlike Sarah, Ashley was not on birth control.

“So, how many times did you have sex?” I asked.

It was the sort of question I was always going to ask, as I wanted to know as much as possible about this new Sarah. Or should I say the old Sarah, the one that used to have risky sex with Jerry? I also wondered if she would mention the oral sex she had given down at the beach and there was also Kurt, the voyeur and the observation tower. That hadn’t come up yet.

“We saw you and Ashley watching us at the meal last night,” Sarah commented without directly answering my question.

I grinned. “You knew Ashley was going to watch. I just joined her.”

“Yeah right!” It was Sarah’s normal reply when she was thinking. “You were enjoying watching just as much as her.”

I held my hands up in innocence but kept my mouth shut, as I wasn’t going to lie.

Sarah continued. “Perhaps we should have had sex before our dates. I don’t know about you, David, but I was so horny. I just couldn’t think. I wanted Don’s cock for the moment I was with him and it might surprise you, David, that I liked the fact you were checking that I was safe.”

I smiled. Sarah saw the smile and giggled. “David, I don’t mind you watching. We sort of picked up a German guy last night. He was a voyeur and just wanted to watch. So you are not alone in that vice.”

“Kurt,” I injected, not taking Sarah’s bait. She looked at me.

I then added, “Don told me his name. He was up in the observation tower.”

“David, he didn’t touch me; if that’s what you thinking. Well, not much. Let me tell you what happened.”

Sarah went on to tell me how after their meal and a bottle of wine, she wanted a cigarette but instead ended up walking hand in hand down towards the beach. They were both horny, but mainly just kissing and talking.

“Don took me up a path, which he told me led to the closed lifeguard cabin. I knew we were going down there to make out. I wanted that too. We ended up sitting on a small bench behind the hut. We started groping each other, Don first touching and then fingering me, but it ended with me giving Don a blow job till he reached his climax. He told me he would last much longer later when we had sex in the apartment.”

I smiled again. I didn’t dare say a word upon hearing that. What Sarah said might be true, but I knew just how good she was at giving head. Once she starts, it would be hard for any horny man to say stop.

Sarah continued. “After that, I wanted to have sex. Go back to our apartment, but we both knew what we had already agreed to, the planned arrangements, and the rules. So Don did nothing more than a finger fuck, though it only incited my lust. Don just wouldn’t leave me alone, but he never let me cum.”

I smiled.

Sarah stopped talking, and looked at me, waiting for me to say something funny.

Instead, I chose to hold her hand, and gently say, “Go on. I am listening and learning what you need from me.”

Sarah smiled. “David, I certainly needed relief then! You know what I mean. Full penetrative sex, Don just wanted to keep me horny. He even managed to keep two of his fingers in me for the complete walk back to BaBa’s.” Sarah paused, and then grinned. “That was exciting, but maybe a little too risky. I could feel my pussy juice running down my thighs.”

Those works sparked an image of Don’s cum on my girlfriend’s thighs. It was when she walked into our apartment after having sex with him and not using a condom. I didn’t say anything. I had forgiven Sarah. After all, I loved her and I had already made up my mind that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and Clare. This was what all the sexual experimentation was all about, and, of course, I could always remove the anklet.

Sarah continued. “It was at BaBa’s that I met the German, Kurt, as you said. I was having a cigarette, my first one, David, before you ask.”

I smiled but kept mum, as Sarah had heard it all before from me about the perils of smoking. Though I wasn’t going to admit that last night, I nearly joined her.

“Kurt’s English was good, and he told me that he had seen us by the hut, making out. That he liked to watch us again and sometimes touch. I told him I was with Don. He didn’t seem disappointed, but after that, he followed us around.”

“You probably saw us on the dance floor,” Sarah said, and I confirmed that I had.

“I was dancing with Don and he fingered me again, on the dance floor. I wanted it. It felt dangerous, but then I felt Kurt’s hand on my bum. He was groping me. He was getting a little touchy; though I admit I didn’t try to push him away… Don did that!

That was good, I thought. Don had done his part in looking after Sarah.

“But later I asked Don if we could go somewhere quieter and I didn’t mind if Kurt watched. Well, you know the rest.”

I did. Sarah seemed to have confirmed what I already knew; she was being completely honest with me and it made me feel better. I preferred this new Sarah. I just hoped she stayed honest with me, as, after all, I hadn’t been totally honest with her.   

“So how many times did you have sex last night with Don?” I asked, now feeling more comfortable with what happened.

“We had full sex only twice. The second time was in the missionary position in our apartment with us using a condom. You may have noticed, I also asked Don to come all over me. Something he was all too pleased to do.”

“And you?” Sarah asked.

“One and a half,” I replied as I tried not to smirk.

Sarah laughed and then exclaimed, “A half!”

I grinned.

“Are you going to explain, as you are a bit old for premature ejaculation?

I laughed and then said, probably too loudly as a few people looked around, “It was not premature ejaculation!”

Despite the stares, we both laughed again. It was kind of funny.

I chose to return to a quieter voice.

“I was going down on Ashley when she was in her full voyeur mode. Watching you with her husband when, with minimal licking from me, she just came everywhere. Honestly, I hardly touched her. I think she came almost totally from watching both of you.”

I then jokingly added. “So, Sarah, perhaps you can claim a half as well, and say that you had sex two and a half times last night.”

Sarah laughed. Any tension between us had evaporated, but we both knew there would still need to be further private discussions during the day… deep ones.

It was with that thought that I looked down; the sun glinted off the bright gold anklet around her right ankle. It was still there, and it made me ponder once again the open question, which was…

Do we want to carry on with this alternative lifestyle?

Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2023 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Published 2 years ago

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