Blushingly reading
MY courtesan perfected
Eyes disbelieving
Especial for you
Cocoa wrapped pinkness seeps
Palpitations start
Adorable me
Gifting pretty Instructions
Haiku pleasured you
Eyelashes flicker
Swollen dampened lip bitten
Delightful panting
Throbbing nipples tight
Beautiful bruised breasts heaving
Burning lungs airless
Spasm courtesan!
MY perfect obedient
Fabulous fucktoy
Are you as I wish?
Vulva sheened, pleasure pooling
Labia dripping
Beaded juices hang
Stiff clit throbbing, cum wet thighs
Damp stinging welts burn
MY OWNED courtesan
Gasping, moaning, begging, MINE
Squeeze! Hips rocking. Clench!
Gorgeously COLLARED
Intense heat, pulsing endless
Sodden, needy flesh
Lost and spiralling
Your captive mind overwhelmed
Aching to obey
“Wicked Mistress, Please”
Beauteous full lips form words
“May I cum for you?”
CUM, my courtesan
CUM, soaking pussy sobbing
CUM, wondrously used
Such a delight; such a pleasure; and do tell your adorably wicked Mistress what a good little courtesan you have been.