Jessica looked in the mirror and sighed. She had been shopping for the perfect bathing suit for the last two months and had yet to find one that made her feel comfortable. The pressure was starting to mount as she was getting ready to go on a couples’ vacation to the Caribbean. As relaxing as a beach vacation sounded on paper, the thought of walking around in public in a bathing suit for a full week just months after she gave birth to her second child was causing far more anxiety than she cared to admit. She had always prided herself on having a great figure. Her flat stomach, ample breasts, and long legs always kept her schedule filled with dates.
But after twelve years of marriage, two kids, and a battle with postpartum depression her own self-worth and insecurities came under constant internal scrutiny. Her husband meant well, but honestly did not help her feelings of doubt and self-consciousness. He was loving, kind, and stable, but after all these years together she needed him to help her feel sexy, wanted, and more than anything…. fuckable.
The playful bikini Jessica ordered online was delivered just after her husband left for work and her mom came to pick up her kids for the day. Originally, she didn’t want to buy the bikini. “No way would this look good,” she thought when she saw it on her laptop. Worn by some model, maybe even an AI image of a woman who never birthed a child, let alone two. Nonetheless, she slipped off the boring one-piece and noted how little the bikini looked as she held it in her hands. But she was desperate to try anything that would help her feel sexy, so “what the hell?” she reasoned.
“Hmm,” she let out an optimistic sigh as she slid on the bottoms. She took a first glance in the mirror and held her breasts in her hands examining how it shaped around her hips, and she had to give herself credit. Her stomach was still flat and even she had to admit to herself looked damn good. Next, she took the top and tied it around her still-perky breasts. “Holy shit,” she said out loud into the mirror. It did look good, it looked fucking amazing. She couldn’t help but smile and look at herself again. The bikini seemed to capture her feminine features perfectly. It revealed the perfect amount of cleavage, and she couldn’t help but feel a burst of confidence as she looked at her entire shape in the full-length mirror.
“Is this really me?” she asked herself as she soaked in her own persona. She ran her finger down her bare stomach and felt a spark of warm and glowing energy from her fingertips as they traced her skin. “This is the one” she smirked turning around to see how her ass looked, growing in confidence with each passing glance.
Feeling better about herself, she picked up her phone and was about to send a sexy selfie to her husband Dave; hoping to get his opinion, but then she stopped herself and didn’t send it. She was feeling amazing, and she didn’t want him to reply with some boring or lame response as she was seeking validation for how she looked in the bikini. Just as she put the phone down it buzzed, and she received an incoming text from her best friend, Molly.
Molly and Jessica went all the way back to elementary school, and shared every dream, thought, and secret going back to the fourth grade. Although they had developed some independent interests and had moved to different cities with their respective families, they remained in daily contact and saw each other at least once a month. After a little bit of back and forth they started discussing their upcoming vacation that they were taking together as a couples’ vacation. Molly texted Jessica that Molly’s husband, Dirk, was about to send her some more information about a day trip they can take while on the couples’ adventure in Aruba. She didn’t know why, but she felt a tinge of excitement knowing Dirk was about to text her. After a few minutes, she got Dirk’s text.
“Hey, it’s been too long!” He began with a friendly introduction. “I can’t wait to see you and Dave in Aruba next week!” he went on. Jessica read the texts from Dirk hearing his deep masculine voice in her head. Always quick to reply, Jessica shot back “I can’t wait to see you, too!” and then quickly corrected it to “I can’t wait to see you and Molly, haha!”
She waited for what felt like an eternity before Dirk finally replied. His text remained warm, and before she knew it, they were bantering back and forth like they were friends. Dirk began to make Jessica feel so good that she had the idea that if she didn’t feel safe receiving validation from her own husband, maybe she would have better results from Molly’s. I mean, they are best friends after all and all she wanted was his opinion on a bathing suite that he was going to see her in anyway, right?!
So, she went for it and texted Dirk, “Hey friend, can I get your opinion on something quick?” To which he promptly replied “Absolutely.” Without a further thought she held her arm out, getting her entire body in the camera dressed only in her playful bikini, and sent it to Dirk.
She started getting nervous when five minutes, six minutes, seven minutes went by with no reply. Finally, her phone buzzed; it was Dirk.
“Fuck, you look really good” was his response.
Fearing he might be with his wife, she looked one more time in the mirror and decided to drop the messaging. She did however lay back in bed, still in her bikini, and slid her hand into her bottoms. She closed her eyes, spread her legs, and began to rub her warm, wet lips. “Mmmm,” she moaned softly thinking for the first time about Dirk.
The next week passed as normal with Molly and Jessica going back and forth about how excited they were to get to the beach and how many margheritas they could drink at the pool. They were both genuinely excited and literally squealed when they called each other on the way to the airport. After checking in their luggage Dave and Dirk exchanged handshakes and Jessica and Molly exchanged compliments on how cute each other’s respective outfits looked. When the time came to board Jessica was the last to be seated and was struggling to put her luggage in the overhead compartment.
With her husband Dave already buckled in Dirk rose to the occasion and took the heavy carryon helping her place it securely in the compartment. As he did so, she swore she felt a large bulge rubbing against her ass. She grew flush and tingled involuntarily throughout her body. “Are you OK,” her husband asked as she sat down. He placed his hand on her thigh as she attempted to catch her breath.
“Yes,” she replied, noticing Dirk wink at her out of the corner of her eye. “I just got really warm for a second,” she said as she turned her attention back to her husband.
The first few days in Aruba were wonderful. The couples laughed, ate well, and swam in the beautiful Caribbean waters. After only the second day they decided to have a relaxed evening with dinner together poolside. Both Jessica and Molly wore pretty dresses, but Jessica also had her new green bikini underneath in case the opportunity to swim arose. She had been modest wearing only one-piece bathing suits so far in the trip, but she was getting excited the more she and Dirk seemed to flirt and even tease.
As dinner continued, she caught herself staring intently at Dirk as he spoke and even felt herself getting a little wet as his deep voice made the table break out into laughter. Her husband’s hand was on her knee, but her pussy was responding to the man across the table for him. She had to bite her lip as she watched him catching herself in mini daydreams imagining what it would be like to have him all to herself.
As the sun set behind the beautiful ocean and the bright stars lit up the night sky, Molly began to yawn and stated how exhausted she was feeling and that it might be a good idea to go to bed early. After all, they had a big adventure planned in the morning. “You know what?” Dave said seeming to yawn in rhythm with Molly, “I’m feeling pretty tired myself,” he exclaimed.
Just as their spouses stated their desire for sleep, Jessica glanced quickly at Dirk, who glanced quickly at her. “Well honey, I know you need your rest, would it be ok if I have another drink and enjoy the beautiful night?” Dirk proposed to Molly.
“Of course, take your time I’ll meet you in bed,” she said giving him a good night kiss. Shortly after Molly left, Dave followed kissing his wife, Jessica, and patted Dirk on the back expressing his excitement about the adventures that awaited the group in the morning.
At last, alone, Jessica and Dirk looked almost knowingly into each other’s eyes. Jessica’s entire body surged with a thrilling excitement of the likely encounter the two friends were about to share. Although he would not show it externally, on the inside Dirk was also brimming with glee.
The two sat in silence under the backdrop of a beautiful Caribbean night until Dirk finally broke the silence. “I know a little spot around the side of the resort that is rather private,” he suggested holding Jessica’s gaze to gauge her reaction. He added, “It’s a grotto, really, and it has a waterfall on the far end of the pool with a rather enticing hot tub, and even a secret cove underneath the waterfall.”
Jessica could feel her face go flush at the image Dirk was painting for her. “It’s a good thing I brought my swimsuit,” Jessica said hiding the nervous energy she felt as she spoke. Dirk replied in a strong, steady, and safe tone “I hope it’s the same bikini you showed me when we were texting last week.” As he spoke, he took her hand, gently massaging her fingers which acted as the perfect antidote for Jessica’s growing butterflies. As she looked into Dirk’s eyes, the moment just felt so right, and she responded with natural ease, “It is, Dirk. Are you excited to see it again?” she asked.
Before he responded, he removed his own shirt, indicating he was ready to escape to their private grotto. As he watched her eyes drink in his strong, bare chest, he finally replied, “I am.”
As he stood up shirtless, she followed his lead and removed the dress she wore slowly and seductively revealing her gorgeous body to him. He stood in front of her expressing silent confidence and an overwhelming passionate energy that she could feel from her head to her freshly painted toes. “Follow me,” he said taking her hand and giving it a squeeze.
The two walked gracefully until they could hear the rushing water of the pool’s spectacular grotto. Jessica could feel her heart pounding as they got closer and closer. They both eased into the heated water and Dirk took both of her hands, so he was able to look at her as they drifted closer and closer to the cove that was hidden by the waterfall.
“You look incredible,” Dirk said staring deeply into her eyes. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you for a week, Jessica,” he said as he began to pull her in closer to him, his strong arms effortlessly guiding her body against his, and her perfect breasts pushed into his chest, as he moved his lips just inches from hers.
“What about your wife?” Jessica asked sheepishly, adding “She’s been my best friend since fourth grade.” Dirk did not offer a reply in words, he simply began kissing her neck. As his lips and tongues caressed the left side of Jessica’s neck all her worries and concerns about her husband and Dirk’s wife quickly faded into sensual bliss. She leaned her neck back slightly, giving Dirk more of her to kiss and delicately suck.
His hands masterfully explored her body by gliding over her flat stomach while his kisses moved behind her ear. “Mmmm,” she let out a soft moan as he reached the sensitive spot just below her left ear lobe with his sensual kisses. “There is nobody else, Jessica, it’s only you and me,” he whispered into her ear as he moved to her lips and gave her the most passionate kiss she had ever felt in twelve years, and at that moment she surrendered completely to his will. Their tongues played as his tongue moved gracefully inside her mouth. His hands now slid down the sides of her stomach to her hips as the pair naturally moved underneath the water fall into the more private enclave of the cove.
Behind the waterfall in the dimly lit grotto, Jessica’s hands moved sensually up and down Dirk’s torso. She tried to remain in control but couldn’t help but slide her hand over his massive bulge. As her hand rubbed on Dirk’s growing erection his kisses grew in intensity and his hands moved swiftly to untie her bikini top. “That feels so fucking good,” he whispered feeling her hands work on his cock through the fabric of his swimsuit.
As her hands played on his thick bulge, she began to tug and pull at his waistline, wrestling to begin pulling his suit off. Simultaneously, Dirk traced his fingers down her naked stomach transferring intense sexual energy that coursed through her willing body.
As she lowered his suit over his cock she was struck by the size and girth of his perfect cock, she looked down, mesmerized by its perfect form as it stood perfectly erect. Her hands began to gently stroke his long, hard shaft up and down as she looked back into his eyes. She stroked and massaged him as they began another deep, sensual kiss. Her body moved closer to his pinning his cock against her stomach as she shimmied out of her bottoms. The waterfall raged in the background as the two explored each other like college students.
As they kissed and touched, now completely naked in the grotto, Dirk moved his hands between her long, sexy legs. Fuck, her pussy felt so warm as he rubbed two fingers back and forth over her lips. He instinctively began kissing her breasts and sucking on her nipples as he did so. Responding to her body he began to swirl his tongue gleefully around her hard nipples giving equal focus to each perfect breast. She held him close to her body, feeling his energy pulsate intensely through her, she felt as his middle finger slid inside her tight pussy.
“Oh, my fucking god,” she squealed as she felt the cool metal of his wedding ring teasing her clit. “You’re so bad,” she said feeling an orgasm building knowing her best friend’s husband was using his wedding ring on her hot pussy. She began to moan as he added a second finger inside her.
There was no going back now, and neither one wanted to stop. He used his strong, muscular arms to pick her up and carry her to the side of the pool. She was close enough now to the falling water that she could lean her head back and feel the spray of the cool waterfall. As she leaned back, he pushed her beautiful legs open and began kissing up each of her inner thighs. In bliss, she put her hands behind her to prop herself firmly allowing Dirk full access to her gorgeous married pussy.
Dirk’s tongue began to lap her pussy lips before sliding inside. He was able to taste her wonderful juices as he indulged in her forbidden fruits. He moaned into her pussy as he began to thrash his tongue rhythmically inside, his fingers pleasuring her lips as his tongue worked magic inside her. His face pressed flush against her as he fucked her with his mouth, trying to lick deeper and deeper inside her perfect pussy. His little pinky danced and teased around her ass, and he could feel her begin to squirm and her pussy twitch as his tongue wiggled inside.
“Fuck, you’re going to make me cum!” she exclaimed as she began to release a flood of her juices onto Dirk’s lips and face. “Fuck!!!” she squealed as she began to squirt uncontrollably saturating her new lover with her delicious pussy juices. Dirk was relentless, continuing to thrash his tongue eating her cheating pussy with an intense fury that unlocked a passion inside her that Jessica had never felt with her husband. “Please fuck me,” she managed to whimper out as another flood of cum came firing out of her pussy.
Like a swimmer coming up for air Dirk’s handsome face and broad smile appeared. He kissed her stomach and breasts and hopped up out of the grotto onto the side where Jessica was still leaning back in orgasmic bliss. He took her by the hand and slowly helped her up. Through the waterfall was a beautiful hot tub that would be perfect for the adulterers to continue their naughty mischief.
Smiling at each other Dirk helped Jessica slowly into the hot tub and the couple quickly found a comfortable place for Dirk to sit, and Jessica to stand over him seductively. Jessica’s sexy naked body stood over him as he sat looking up at her. His long, thick cock awaiting his new lover to make her next move. She bent down slowly and gave him a delicious sultry kiss on the lips and took his throbbing cock in her hand to feel the full length of him and his immense girth.
“This is going to feel so fucking good,” she said to him with a wink. She stood back up and lined up her freshly eaten pussy with his gorgeous cock, and slowly bent her knees lowering herself on top of him. He took her hips to help guide her and inch by inch he watched as his married cock disappear inside her forbidden pussy.
Jessica winced as his thick shaft pushed and stretched her pussy lips out. “God,” she moaned as all nine inches of Dirk as soon pushed deep inside her, uniting their bodies in sensual bliss. She began to rock and sway her hips, before finding a perfect rhythm to bounce up and down on his hot cock.
The two locked in another passionate, romantic kiss as Dirk could feel her pussy tighten like a vice around his dick. “You feel so fucking good,” he told her as she fucked him cowgirl style. “You’re so much bigger than my husband,” she confessed riding him faster and faster, her breasts bouncing freely as they fucked in the open air under the stars.
“How did her body look so perfect after having two kids?” Dirk thought to himself as he kissed and sucked on her chest and neck while they fucked. As she continued to ride his cock, he looked deep into her eyes, confessing how often he thought about this moment even when he was in bed with his wife. “Jessica, I’ve wanted you ever since I met you,” he told her as she wrapped her arms around her, so her perky tits were in his face, her pussy tightening up on him as she gyrated her hips.
He could feel the urge to cum beginning to well up as his balls swelled. He moved her off him and took charge again. He positioned her in front of him and instructed her to lean forward and bend over so he could fuck her from behind. The beautiful stars lit the night sky for them as he pushed his cock inside her deeper and deeper again. The glow of the hotel in the distance with only a few room lights still lit in the early hours of the morning.
He took Jessica’s hips and began to thrust and pound away at her. Her grunts filled the silence of the night as he fucked and punished her cheating pussy with his massive cock. “Don’t fucking stop!” she begged feeling herself ready to cum again. A bead of sweat trickled down Dirk’s chest as he thrust and fucked his lover mercilessly from behind. “I’m cumming again!” she called as her pussy fired out hot juices onto Dirks’ cock and all the way to his stomach. He teased her little asshole with his finger and smacked her ass hard before pulling her hair back so she could look at him while he fucked her.
“Cum inside me,” she said looking into his steely blue eyes. “Cum inside me, please,” she said again. As Dirk felt his cum ready to explode, he peered up towards the hotel and thought he could see her husband, Dave, looking out from the hotel room looking for his wife.
That was all he could take. As he looked at Dave searching for his wife, he fired off the hottest, most intense load of cum he could ever remember inside Jessica’s pussy. One rope after another of hot, sticky cum fired deep inside his new lover’s eager pussy. He moaned as his balls emptied his seed into her perfect body, and almost collapsed when he was finished.
The two fell back into the hot tub loosely holding each other as they caught their breath. Exhausted but fulfilled, they looked at each other and kissed. “That was incredible,” Dirk told Jessica in between naughty kisses.
“I’ve never been filled like that in my life,” Jessica told Dirk leaning her head on his strong chest. “I really don’t even know what to say,” she continued feeling at ease in his arms, leaning against his naked body in the warm hot tub.
“I think we should have done that before,” Dirk offered chuckling, “And I’m pretty sure that won’t be the last time,” he added tracing his fingertips along her arms.
“Oh my God, Dirk, it’s probably so late, do you think your wife is looking for you,” she asked with a tilt of pride knowing she just fucked the one man on this earth who was supposed to be off limits to her.
“I doubt it, she’s a deep sleeper, but you may want to be quiet, so Dave doesn’t wake up,” he smirked knowing he came inside his wife as he was looking for her.
“You’re right,” Jessica agreed still cuddled up in his arms. “We better get going, we have a lot of things to do tomorrow,” she teased playfully kissing him on the cheek. “Do you want me to wear this bikini again for you?” she asked with a naughty smile.
“I do,” he replied taking her body in one last time before getting his clothes back on.
The two adulterers walked back together and said goodnight as they went to their respective rooms. Dirk quickly showered and slipped into bed with Molly completely undetected, while Jessica quietly opened the door to her room. She saw Dave lying in bed, half asleep. As she got under the covers with him, he asked, “Did you get some alone time, sweetie?”
He put her arm around her, and she replied, “I did, babe, it was a quiet night.” As he drifted away to sleep with his arms around his wife, Jessica slid her hand down between her legs and scooped some of the residual cum dripping out of her pussy, brought it to her lips, and tasted her new lover’s cum one last time before falling into a deep and wonderful sleep.