Could it be Last?

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Could it be last

that I see you?

is it the last

you hold my hand?

will I see you no more

smiling beside me?

will I feel no more

your arm around my waist

will I be never again

hugged by you?

will your breath never

be felt over mine?

is it the last that

I feel your glow?

will I never hear

your sweet ascent?

Could it be the last that

I feel the electrifying touch?

is it no more for me

to feel over the moon

heavens will never again

shower it blessings on me

will I never feel your

tender touch and kiss?

And as you walk through the gate,

rolling tears turn the vision

misty, while you give a parting look

and dissolve into the mist

I wonder

if it was love?

every time my heart beats

every time I breath

every time I touch a fragrance

every time I feel a rainbow within

every time I see a girl beautiful

I feel it is you

is it love that I miss

Could I feel the love again?

Published 13 years ago

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