We were sitting at the table when we heard somebody grumbling in the next room and soon Chuckie appeared in the doorway, “Hell, I should have known you two would be the only vertical bodies in the whole damn house. Isn’t anybody else interested in making money?”
I told him, “Chuckie, there’s a bunch of guys setting up equipment down the hall, that’s the only people we’ve seen.”
He turned and as he marched away started bellowing at the top of his voice, “Alright, get your asses up and get ready to get some work done. You, you there, start banging on doors and get these Prima Donnas on their feet. I work all night editing the sorry crap you’ve made so far and all you assholes can do is sleep. C’mon, c’mon, up and at it, or you’ll all be on the unemployment line. MOVE.”
Ann smiled at me and said, “Don’t believe it, he just got up too. He won’t do any editing until we get it back to the studio, but he might have looked it over to see if we need retakes. His bark really is worse than his bite. Well, I better get ready, too.”
After she left I went out to the garage to check things out. The stagehands must have been setting things up for a while ’cause the garage was much emptier than last night and I’d have room to work again.
I had been working for less than an hour when people started coming out to the garage to smoke or just to take a break as they did yesterday. I was a little surprised to see the female stars come out looking just as beautiful as yesterday, but then I realized all they had to do was comb their hair and check their makeup, there wasn’t any dressing they had to do but throw on a robe. Even at that, some had almost missed with the robe, but I wasn’t complaining.
A while later I had caught up on the assemblies I’d been making and was quite a ways ahead of schedule, so I thought I’d take a break and see how things were inside. They were not going well. The minute I’d opened the door I could here Chuckie screaming, “Where in hell is that son of a bitch. Annie, see if you can reach him again, try his cell phone too. Shit, I should have stuck to documentaries, old buildings don’t disappear just when you need them. This whole afternoon is shot if we don’t have a new face for this.”
He turned quickly and almost ran into me and yelled, “What the fuck are you doing in here, Chad, you’re supposed to be making shit, not bird dogging all the pussy.” Then he stopped, looked at me sorta funny, and quietly asked, “Have you ever done any acting, Chad?”
I was surprised and replied, “Just a little in high school and a local theater group some. Why, Chuckie?”
“We need a fresh face for a scene and you’re sure good looking enough, and the right age. Hell, you’re even dressed for the part with those work clothes, and that little sawdust you’ve got on you just sets the stage.”
“Oh no, not me, I don’t want to be in a porn flic. I’ve got too many friends that go to your movies and maybe family too. If it got out my business would go down the tubes, No, no way,”I resisted.
Chuckie persisted, “Look, Chad, I’ve got a makeup man here that would do you up, your own mother wouldn’t know you. I’ll pay you a hell of a lot more than you’ve made here so far,” and he whispered a figure that shook me more than a little.
Chuckie explained, “I’ve told you, it costs thousands to keep all these people here, and if we don’t make schedule I can lose a bundle. Think it over, but don’t take long, I’ve only two takes I can fit in and then I’ll need someone, or the whole thing turns to shit.”
I was feeling a little panicky as I looked around for a lifeboat or something, anything that would help me decide what to do when I spotted Ann. She had heard our conversation and I thought that she might give me an answer, “Ann, what do you think? I’m not sure which way to go. For one thing, I don’t want to mess it up between you and me, that I do know.”
She looked at me and smiled, “If that’s what you’re worried about, don’t be. Let me ask you something, have you ever been to a whorehouse?
“Well, yeah, when I was overseas in the service I maybe went once or twice.”
Ann simpered, “Yeah, once or twice, sure. They probably had your picture on the wall as customer of the month. Just look at it like that, only now you’re the one getting paid. It’s not like you’re seducing anyone, or falling in love. I’ve been around porn long enough to know it’s just doing a job, a very enjoyable job sometimes, but that’s all it is. Do you think Hazel fell in love with you yesterday when she took you in that bedroom? She just saw you were all tensed up and she did her job, relaxing you.”
I thought about what Ann had said, I couldn’t fully agree about Hazel, it was relaxing alright, and it was sure enjoyable, but I think it was more than just a job for Hazel. Suddenly, I realized that Ann had called me a whore, indirectly, but a whore nevertheless. I thought that over and realized I didn’t care a hell of a lot, as long as it didn’t sour it between us. Then I recognized that Ann knew about Hazel and it didn’t make any difference to her.
I walked over to Chuckie and told him I’d do it, depending on the disguise. He said, “Good, Chad. It’s good thing you’re way ahead of us on your work, we won’t be held up at all. Annie, take him to makeup.”
That makeup man was a wizard, he gave me a haircut in a completely different fashion that will have grown out by the time the movie hits the theaters and what he did to my ears, nose, eyebrows and chin was amazing. It was all only slightly uncomfortable but moved freely with my facial muscles. Chuckie was right, I didn’t even recognize myself when I looked in a mirror.
When I went back to where they were set up Chuckie told me, “Good, Chad, you’re ready. We were only waiting a little while for you and it gave everybody a break. Okay, you know Dawn, don’t you? Now, here’s the scene, she’s a horny housewife that’s hired you to do some work, but when she sees you, she gets the hots and seduces you, cuckolding her husband. There is no script for this ’cause you’d never learn your lines in time anyway. Dawn knows what to do, so just follow her lead, but act a little reluctant at first, like you don’t know what’s happening. Your name is Jim. Hers is Mrs. Oakes. Okay, roll.”
Dawn was dressed in a pretty little dress with a very low cut bodice. It came just above her knees. Over it she had a dainty little apron that wouldn’t have protected her from a hummingbird egg. I couldn’t see anyone doing housework in the four inch heels that were strapped on her feet, but they did show her legs to great advantage. She could have gone topless and it wouldn’t have revealed any more of her breasts as the silky material molded itself to her and her nipples could be plainly seen poking out delightfully. We were standing in a small kitchen set.
Dawn started, “Oh, hello Jim, are you finished putting the shelves up?”
“Uh, yes ma’am, is there anything else you need?” This is what I would normally ask a customer.
Yes, there is, Jim. The drain was a little plugged and when I went to look I knocked my ring in it from the counter. Could you do anything?
“Sure, I’ll take the trap apart and see if I can find your ring and what the trouble is. Do you have an old pan I can use to catch the water?”
She got a pan and I crawled under the sink. Of course there wasn’t any pipes or plumbing under there but they had put an old trap piece there. I said, “ I’ll have this loose in a second, Mrs. Oakes. I heard her say something as she stepped one leg over me, straddling me. I slid out a little and asked, “Did you say something?” and realized I was looking up at her bare pussy with that little strip of bright red hair.
One of the cameras was pointing at my face and I’m sure they got a real good shot of the surprise on it as I slid back into the cabinet. I almost shouted as I asked, “Did you say something, Mrs. Oakes?”
“I said, did you want me to turn the water on? No?” Dawn replied. “Did you find my ring, yet?”
“Uh, yeah, here it is,” as I slid out and handed her a ring that was in the trap piece.
Dawn crooned, “ Let me help you up,” and leaned way, way over to grip my arm. She must have been using crazy glue or something ’cause I thought that was the only thing keeping her boobs from popping out. The cleavage she presented looked like the Grand Canyon when it was about two or three inches from my wide eyes.
Just then Chuckie yelled , “Cut, holy mackerel, Chad, If I knew you could act like that I would have signed you up with a contract. That was great, the expression on your face was really comical a couple of times.” I didn’t have the guts to tell him I wasn’t acting.
“Alright, let’s set up the next scene. Chad, stand right there. Dawn, you know where you’re supposed to be and what you’re doing in this take, so let’s get to it. Roll ’em.”
Dawn gave a coy smile and in a seductive voice said, “Thank you, Jim, my husband would have been mad if I’d lost his ring. Now I’ll have to think of some way to show you my appreciation.” She then lifted her leg and gently rubbed her knee in my crotch.
As any man would when getting a knee in the crotch unexpectedly, I jumped back a bit, and asked her, “Mrs. Oakes, what are you doing?”
She put her arms around my neck, and looking up into my eyes from lowered lashes purred, “Don’t be naive, Jim, don’t you find me attractive, I find you very attractive,” and rubbed her pelvis against mine.
Suddenly I remembered this was a movie, and tried to follow an unwritten script, “ But, but, uh, yeah, you’re beautiful, but you’re married! What about your husband?”
“What about him? He’s not here and if he was, I don’t think he’d care. He hasn’t touched me in weeks, I think he’s screwing his secretary,” and with that, she gave me a very erotic kiss with plenty of tongue.
Even with all the people and cameras around I was really getting into this acting thing, and started to return her kiss and slid one hand up to her breasts and kneaded them thoroughly.
Then she reached down and grabbed my package through my pants.
Chuckie barked, “Cut. What the hell’s the matter Dawn, things were going good, why’d you stop?” Dawn said she was sorry, she was just surprised. I could hear Hazel chuckling in the background and commenting that she knew there would be a surprise for Dawn. Ann was just widely grinning.
Dawn was exaggerating, of course, It wasn’t as big in diameter as a can of beer, although it was quite a bit longer.
Chuckie hollered, “Alright, quiet everybody, let’s continue.” Dawn put her one arm around my neck and continued rubbing my cock and I continued kissing her. Soon she proceeded to unzipping my fly and reaching inside. She had a little trouble getting my fully swollen erection out of my pants but finally succeeded as she sunk to her knees and enveloped it with her warm, moist mouth.
There followed quite a period of time when I was loudly groaning as she alternated with lightly licking the head with deep throating my member while avidly sucking and wrapping her tongue around it.
I had to balance myself on the counter when my knees started shaking and was afraid I would collapse from the delectable feelings that were spreading from my groin throughout my body. All this time there were cameras moving around us although I barely noticed as I was concentrating on prolonging the ecstasy and not cumming too soon.
From what seemed way in the distance I heard Chuckie yell, “Okay, that’s enough, move on to the pussy licking.” I reached down and capturing Dawn’s waist lifted her to the counter top, flipped up her dress and contemplated the swollen pussy lips before me.
I had tried pussy licking before in some drunken passion, but was not very enthusiastic as I’d been turned off by a urine smell, but as I got closer to Dawn’s pussy I detected a delightful, clean womanly fragrance that was very compelling. I started by lightly kissing her lips and inner thighs and proceeded to licking her outer lips, slowly but steadily increasing the speed and pressure upon them as I found myself heightening my pleasure in this ambrosial activity when her juices began to run.
I stepped up the pace as I slipped first one, then two fingers in her love canal and massaged her G spot, meanwhile licking and nuzzling her clit. Dawn was panting now and humping herself against my face when I heard in the far off background Chuckie yelling, “Cut, cut dammit, we haven’t got all day for you to have fun.”
Dawn gasped out, “ Shut the fuck up, Chuckie. He knows what he’s doing and I’m about to cum.”
and cum she did, copiously. Someone finally grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me away after she orgasmed a second time. I stood and pulling Dawn to me, kissed her, and she licked her juices from my face.
Chuckie approached and exclaimed, “Boy, you certainly get wrapped up in your work. Why don’t you go get cleaned up and take a break. We’ve got to set up for the next scene in the bedroom.”
After washing up and combing my new hairdo, Ann and I took a little stroll outside. The grounds around the house were quite large and very well groomed, They were hidden from the neighbors by some berms and well placed greenery. Ann told me they were owned by a well known producer who was from out of town and were rented to movie makers like Chuckie on a weekly basis for big bucks.
As we walked I stole occasional glances at Ann to try to see if my enthusiasm in my performance had changed her opinion of me any, but she was just as affectionate as before.
She stopped suddenly, turned to me and confided, “ Be careful, Chad, Chuckie isn’t the clown he appears to be at times, he’s a very shrewd business man who’s not afraid to cut corners or even throats if he thinks he can get away with it. He owes you quite a bit of money, doesn’t he?”
I hadn’t been keeping track, but when I started adding it up it did accumulate to quite a bit. The hundred bucks to show up, time and a half for the first days work, double time for the nights work, and then what he’d offered for the acting came to quite a large chunk. I asked Ann, “ Does he carry a lot of cash?”
“Yes, he has to, this is mostly a cash and carry business. You might have noticed that big musclebound freak that is always close to him. That’s his bodyguard and nobody to mess with, if you can believe the stories told about him.”
I was certainly not what you would call diminutive, but aside of this guy I’d appear so, but I had to see Chuckie, and we returned to the house. I found him in one the offices off the hallway.
“Chuckie, I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but I’ve only met you a day or so ago. I think I’d like a pretty sizable advance on what you owe me so far, and we can settle up the rest when I’m done.”
He looked at me for a few seconds and then, grinning, he said, “ Why sure, Chad, I’ll write you a check.”
I countered, “I’d rather have cash, I don’t really know you, and I deal mostly in cash, if you don’t mind.”
Chuckie threw a meaningful glance at his goon that was in the corner and said, “That’s not very friendly, are you trying to say you think I’d cheat you?”
His thug had come up behind me and threatened in a gravelly voice, “Who do you think you are, shitbird, to talk to Chuckie like that.”
I spun around and quietly said, “Get back in your cage, I was talking to Chuckie.” whereupon he threw a punch at me. He was huge, but he was awfully slow for a guy with his job. I had been an instructor in unarmed combat when I was in the service, so I had no trouble grabbing his arm and, using his momentum, threw him across the desk and into Chuckies lap, delivering a knee to his groin while he was in the air.
After Chuckie had extricated himself from under his goon, he was all apologetic, “ I’m sorry, Chad, that was stupid on BoBo’s part, I don’t know what got into him. Of course I can give you cash.” he went to a small safe in the corner, pulled out a wad of bills and handed it to me. “Now, count that and we’ll settle up the rest when you finish.”
Thanks, Chuckie, now, do you want me to finish in the garage or what?”
“Uh, that’s a good idea, we’re not quite ready yet, finish up in the garage and I’ll send Annie for you when we’re set.”
I went first to the truck, hid the money in the hidey hole I’d put in it, and set the alarm. Returning to the garage I finished all the rest that was called for and had a Coke while I waited. It wasn’t long when Ann came out and beckoned me. She led me to one of the bedrooms where they had all the lighting, reflector screens and cameras set up. It must have been the master suite as it was huge, but with all the people and equipment was almost crowded.
Chuckie was instructing Dawn as I entered, and turning to me said, “Just follow Dawn’s lead, she knows what to do.”
The thought occurred to me, “I’ll bet she does, but can I keep up?”
Dawn put her arm in mine, and as Chuckie yelled for action we strolled in front of one of the cameras. Dawn turned, threw her arms around my neck, kissed me deeply, and ground her body against mine, delightfully, I should add. I pulled her dress up to her waist and took a good hold of her enticing ass with both hands and, still kissing we both glided onto the bed. I quickly pulled the top of her dress down exposing her awesome breasts with dark pink aureoles and much darker red nipples which I devoured, kissing, licking, and sucking hungrily.
Dawn already had my dick out of my fly and was stroking it and then lightly rubbing the head with her thumb as she gripped the shaft. She also deftly unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned the top button, and had my jeans around my thighs quickly. I guessed she had a lot of practice as it didn’t take her but a few seconds. I was rubbing her pussy when she suddenly wheezed out, “Chuckie, if you yell cut while that cock is in me I’ll cut your fucking balls off.
She was already soaking the bed under us as I easily slid into her. We then proceeded to screw for quite a long time as , following Chuckies order, I followed Dawn’s lead. She taught me things that Hazel must have forgotten to teach me. We fucked slow, we fucked fast, we even fucked medium. She had control of her pussy and could tighten it almost to pain for me, or loosen to where I didn’t know if I was still making good contact, but she was the teacher and I was the pupil, and boy, did I learn a lot. I did hear from the hall Chuckie yell, “It’s a wrap.”
Finally, after I don’t know how long, I know I came twice and Dawn must have lost count if she was trying to keep track, we just laid there.
I was just getting my breath back when my truck alarm went off. For a second I thought, “Fuck it” but that was a lot of money so I pulled up my pants and buckled my belt while running down the hall and out through the garage to find BoBo standing there with a tire iron in his hand and my door window shattered.
He tried to straighten all the way up, but I think his nuts still hurt, ’cause he couldn’t, but he could tell me, “Alright, shitbird, I’m ready for you this time.”
But he really wasn’t, as I left him in a bloody puddle and went to see Chuckie. He was in the same office and as I walked in his eyes got very big and he yelped, “I didn’t have anything to do with it, BoBo wanted a piece of you and I sure as hell couldn’t stop him. Here, I’ve got the rest of your money.”
I calmed down a bit as I didn’t know if he’d tried to sic BoBo on me or not, but I told him, “He’s your boy, you owe me at least another two hundred for a window he broke.”
“Sure, Chad, here it all is, just like I promised. Listen, I can use a good carpenter again sometime, are you willing? I can sure you you as an actor, how about it?”
“You call me when you need someone and if I’m not busy, we’ll see. Do you know where Ann is?”
He told me where I could find Ann and as I walked down the hall, people were slapping me on the back, giving me a high five, and offering me work as a contractor. Seems nobody liked BoBo. Even Hazel and Dawn stopped me and wanted to hire me for specific jobs they needed done. I found Ann in a storeroom and we hugged.
She stared at me for a few seconds and blurted, “I don’t want to lose you, Chad, what can we do about that?”
“I think we can work something out, honey. Lets go back to our greasy spoon and talk about it, I’m hungry.”
And we did.