We sat out back on the patio and Ann visibly relaxed. I explained the progress I had made about Chuckie and she relaxed even more.
I told her, “You did a great job, Ann, but you look a little tired. Why don’t you take a shower and clean up and I’ll take you out to a early dinner?”
She looked at me from lowered eyes and responded with, “I’m not really that tired, and I’ve a better idea. Why don’t we shower together and go to a late dinner?”
I couldn’t argue with her logic, could I?
By the time I had brought our things inside and made it to the bathroom Ann was already in the shower. I just stood there for a while, admiring this exquisite woman who had the water cascading over her shining hair and then down over her generous breasts, slim waist and down over her gorgeous buttocks and shapely legs.
My afternoon with Dawn hadn’t depleted my passion any that I could perceive as I had a full erection when I stepped into the shower stall. Ann turned, put her arms around my neck and pressed her body to mine, giving me an open mouthed kiss, plunging her tongue into my mouth. She then handed me the bath sponge and turned, presenting her back to me.
I can follow directions, especially when I wanted to do it in the first place. I squirted body wash on the sponge and laved her shoulders and worked my way down until I finished with her shapely feet. I turned her and starting at her shoulders again I quickly lowered my efforts to her full breasts, well soaping them, and just to make sure I got them clean, thoroughly rubbed with my hands, concentrating on the nipples.
I’ve always been a meticulous workman so when I reached her pussy I not only did the exterior but used two fingers to polish wherever I could reach of the interior. My vigorous cleansing seemed to be making Ann shudder and it increased her breathing to a fast panting. I also detected a copious flow that coated my hand that was delicious when I sucked my fingers.
Ann slowly slid down the shower wall to sit in the corner for a few moments, shaking and softly keening. She then looked up and raised her hands for me to pull her upright.
She pressed herself against me again to help herself stay standing. After a bit she leaned back, gave me a mischievous look, and took the sponge from me. She washed my back quite quickly but seemed to spend extra time on my butt, making sure to thoroughly cleanse the cracks and crevices. My legs took little time before she turned me and didn’t spend nearly as much time on my chest as I’d spent on hers. Go figure.
When she reached my groin she dropped the sponge and put a good dollop of body wash in her hand and proceeded to wash my cock with a very satisfying motion. When I started to close my eyes and groan she stopped and standing on tiptoes slid herself on my erect phallus. I squatted a bit to get my arms under her legs and picked her up, bring her knees almost to my chest level and spreading her legs to gain full access to my plunging dick.
I probably would have been glowing by now from my exertions but the water was still washing over us. It was a good thing that we both came about that time as the water was getting quite cool by now. We’d emptied my water heater of hot water so we didn’t need much of a cool down period. I thought I’d be fine after maybe two or three days sleep.
We finally did go out for a fine dinner, although it was a lot later than I’d first contemplated. We even slept in our own respective beds that night.
A couple of days later I’d finished my bid for Hazel, but still hadn’t had any news from Don, so I thought I would see if I could get any information from Hazel and called her.
“Hi Hazel, this is Chad, are you busy? I could bring over my proposal on your work now or later, which is best for you?”
“Oh, Chad honey, anytime today would be fine, I’ll be here all day. Would you like to come for lunch?”
“Uh, I don’t know, Hazel. You’re not having another party, are you?”
She giggled and said, “No, dear boy, that was just a lucky coincidence for all involved.
I’ll be alone doing some catching up on my books, I’ve let them slip a bit and things are a little tight right now, but don’t worry about me paying you. I’m expecting some good cash soon.”
“Okay, lunch sounds fine, Hazel, but let me bring it to make up for that feast you put on the last time.”
She laughed again and coyly asked, “Are you talking about the food or the pussy, Chad?
If I remember right you ate quite a bit of both.”
I laughed at that and responded, “I meant food, but if I remember right I enjoyed both, they were both very tasty. Do you like Chinese?”
“Anything you like, Chad. Chinese would be fine, I’ll see you when you get here.”
I called the Chinese restaurant and placed an order. They said forty five minutes, so while waiting I stopped at the hardware and picked up some supplies. The restaurant had my order ready and went right over to Hazel’s so it wouldn’t get cold. I was gratified to see only Hazel’s car in the drive as I parked. She met me at the door in one of those slinky robes. Don’t these ladies own any clothes?
We quickly spread the food on her kitchen eating counter and dug in. After the first period to kill the hunger pangs we slowed to just munching. I could see that Hazel had a little frown and wasn’t her usual ebullient self.
“Something bothering you, Hazel? You look a little worried. If you don’t have the money to do this work now we can wait. The place won’t fall down for quite a while.”
“No, it’s just that I lent a lot of money and it’s not coming back as quick as I hoped. Don’t worry Chad, I’ll have it soon, and we can start if you’re bid is okay.”
“Don’t worry about me, Hazel. Is there a chance you won’t get it back?”
“No no, Chuckie’s good for it, I’m sure. He’s very wealthy you know. He just didn’t want to cash in some bonds or something before they matured and was a little short on another investment he wanted to get into. I’ve always made good money investing with him in some things.”
“Well you know the economy isn’t doing too good right now. What kind of things did you go into with him? I know something about investing, my parents were in that business.”
“You do, Chad? Would you mind looking at some things. I’ve papers on a lot of the things he’s in and I’d like to know if you think they’re okay. Some of them are in my name but he really owns the lion’s share. He calls me his front and I’ve got the front for it, don’t I?”
With this statement she pushed her chest out and I had to agree, she certainly had the front for it.
She went and returned with a little tin lock box. In it were papers and certificates on a myriad of things. As we went over them I marked down the particulars and told her I’d check on them for her. Even I could see there were some very hinky deals going on although I thought they were sound investments.
She asked me about them and I told her what I knew, which wasn’t much, but told her I had a friend who could. I also told her that the papers were too valuable to keep in that little tin box and offered to put them in my safe until she could get a safety deposit box. She agreed, put them back in the box and gave me a key.
We then went over my bid and suggestions. She only made a few changes and these didn’t affect the price any appreciable amount. When we finished she said there was one more thing she wanted me to look at and pulled me down the hall.
She pointed at a door and said, “It’s in there, go on in.”
I opened the door and walked into a rather small bedroom with a single twin bed. I looked around to see if I could see what she wanted and asked her, “What’s wrong in here, Hazel? When I turned for her answer she was naked and the leaning against the closed door.
“What’s this, Hazel? You said you wanted me to see something.”
“I do. Look at my pussy, Chad. See anything different?”
I did look, and was astonished. Instead of the blond landing strip I saw that she’d shaved and had a pair of lips with a tongue hanging out tattooed just above her pussy. I almost shouted, “That must have hurt like hell to get a tattoo there, how did you stand it?”
She walked to me, put her arms around my neck, pushed those incredible tits into my chest and purred, “It’s not a real tattoo, silly. It’s one of those flavored stick-ons that are made to be licked off. Don’t you like raspberry? I didn’t think cherry flavored was appropriate.” All the while she was pushing me towards the bed.
“Uh, Hazel, I appreciate the invitation but why me? I’m just a carpenter. A pretty good one, but this isn’t really my line of work.”
“Well, it should be, Chad. You’re the best cunt lapper I’ve ever run across, and I’ve run across plenty.” Just then the back of my knees hit the bed and it didn’t take but a little shove and I was on my back. I should admit that I wasn’t fighting back very hard.
She walked on her knees up to my head and pushed her pussy on my face while saying, “Now ply your best trade, Chad, and make me cum.”
After a few minutes she reversed herself to be facing my nether regions and unbuttoned my shirt and threw it open, then my belt and fly were attacked. By that time my dick was peeking from the top of my boxers and she attacked that with both hands. I shouldn’t say attacked as she wasn’t trying to hurt it, only massage it, I guess you could say. Quite vigorously, I might add.
She must have thought too vigorously because when I gave a long groan she started mouth to dick resuscitation, again quite vigorously. Now, from my head to my legs, I was a very happy fellow with a delectable pussy on my mouth, some incredible breasts flattened on my middle region, and my dick in an experienced, warm, wet mouth.
They say all good things must come to an end, but when they end like this one did I wouldn’t complain as I gushed a healthy load of cream into her hungry mouth. What she couldn’t swallow immediately but escaped her lips I could feel her sucking off my skin with a slurping sound.
This encouraged me to augment my efforts and was rewarded with a flood of woman nectar that flooded my face and ran into my ears.
Hazel rolled off me and, turning, gave me a cum filled kiss that surprised me for a moment. Then I thought I’d just recycle it for the next time, and swallowed. She cuddled herself up to me as her breathing slowed and murmured, “Damn you’re good at licking pussy, Chad.
“Not to worry Hazel. When I work that’s the first thing on my mind and I don’t even stop for lunch sometimes.” Then I grinned and said, “But if you tempt me enough I might break that rule. But I have to get going now before I get too tempted.”
I started to get up but was hindered by my pants being open and sagging to my knees. This gave Hazel the advantage as she wasn’t the least bit encumbered by clothing.
She pulled me back on the bed while crowing, “Like hell you will! That cock is still hard and I’m going to take advantage of it while I can.” She slung a leg over me and settled on my dick.
As she rocked back and forth she encouraged me to greater efforts, “Chad, you’re just the right thing for me. Buck up into me! That feels so damn good.”
I bucked up into her as hard as I could until she gave a shriek and collapsed on me again, panting and blowing. She was able to gasp out, “You missed your calling, Chad. You should have been a gigolo. You’d have been rich in no time.”
I was able to make it to the door finally after assuring her that I’d be back soon. I did notice that her stick-on tattoo was gone. For the rest of my life I wouldn’t be thinking of fruit when I had raspberries.
I hadn’t heard from Don for a while so I stopped by his office. His secretary said he was with a client but should be done soon so I waited. While idly thumbing through a magazine I thought about what Hazel had told me and what I’d gleaned from her papers and documents. Chuckie certainly did have an amazing amount of wealth tied up in all sorts of deals, shady and legitimate.
Just then the door to Don’s office opened and he escorted an older gentleman out. They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries for a few moments, and when the fellow left Don turned to me and gestured me into his office and shut the door.
As he sat he said, “We’ve got enough on Mr. Charles Golf to proceed in trying to get Ann’s money back, in fact he was served with papers today to show assets. If he has them well hidden it might be hard to shake them loose. I wish we had more but your friends don’t really know too much.”
“Give me a minute, Don. I’ll be right back.” I went to the truck and retrieved Hazel’s little tin box. Don spent the next hour or so scanning the contents, then called in his aide to make copies of everything.
Putting the originals back in the box he told me, “Don’t take those home. Go directly to the bank and put them in a safety deposit box with both your name and this Hazel woman’s name on it so that you both have to be there to open it. It’s a little irregular but I’ll call the bank and arrange it. I’m sure he won’t declare any of this in his assets and we’ll have him for perjury at the least.”
I took his advice and drove to the bank he’d recommended. They didn’t know me but Don had set everything up. I just had to show my identification and sign an application. I wasn’t sure of Hazel’s spelling of her last name so I called her.
When she answered I asked, “How do you spell your last name Hazel? I need it to rent a box for your papers.”
To which she replied, “No, I can’t do that now, I’m busy with my friend Mr. Golf. Can’t I do that tomorrow?” I could hear the fear in her quavering voice.
I said, “I’ll be there as soon as I can, just stall and hold on.”
As I was hanging up I heard her say, “That’ll be fine, just make it early.”
I left the box with the bank who assured me it would be safe and hurried to my truck. On the way I dialed 911 and gave Hazel’s address and explained that I thought she was in danger. I don’t think they took it very seriously but said they would send a car.
When I arrived I parked around the corner and approached the house from the alley in back. I crouched and peeked at the back of the house from ground level around the garage corner. That way there wouldn’t be a silhouette of a head being seen by a watcher. I saw no one and after a few minutes I crept to the back door and listened. I could hear shouting but couldn’t distinguish any words.
After a quick glance through the door window and seeing no one I gripped the handle tightly and slid the door slowly open so as to make no noise. I opened it just enough to slither through. The shouting I could hear clearly now.
Chuckie sounded enraged, “You stupid bitch, what the fuck do you mean you don’t know where they are. I told you to keep them safe.” This was followed by the sound of a hard slap, and then another.
He then continued with his harangue. “You don’t want me to send Bobo in here, He’ll be harder than me.”
I knew the layout of the house and could hear that the argument was coming from Hazel’s bedroom. Chuckie’s shouting covered any noise I made as I looked for Bobo, and as I expected, saw him peering out a front window of the living room. I was just glad he didn’t know what he was doing or he would have been checking the back, too.
I looked for a weapon of some sorts because I suspected he’d be armed. The only thing I saw was a fireplace poker, but that was halfway between him and where I crouched in the hall. I could hear Chuckie continuing to harass Hazel and knew I had to act. I slipped into the room and went for the poker.
Just as I put my hand on it he heard me or sensed me and turned, reaching into his jacket. I’d never make it to him to stop him shooting so I threw the poker underhand as hard as I could at him. Just as the gun came out of his lapel the poker hit him right across his forehead. He dropped like a polled ox, shaking the floor with his huge body.
It was either the sound of him falling or something else but the sound of the argument stopped. As I turned Chuckie appeared at the bedroom doorway. Seeing me and glancing at Bobo laying on the floor he fled out the back door, right in the arms of the cop coming up to the rear.
The next hours were pretty hectic. The officers called two ambulances for Bobo and Hazel. Bobo had a concussion but would survive for a long prison sentence. Hazel was beaten quite badly but the medic said nothing was broken so badly that it wouldn’t heal.
I was allowed to call Don who came right over. He knew the detectives that showed up and vouched for me so I didn’t have as much harassing about Bobo as I might have. It was still a long night as I repeated my recount of the nights actions. I was finally released in Don’s custody who told me to go home. When I did I had to go over it all again to Ann who had known nothing of the event.
The next day Ann and I went to the hospital to see Hazel and found a real hullabaloo in the lobby. There were all of the lady actresses that I had become acquainted with wanting to visit Hazel. The receptionist kept telling them that only two at a time were allowed.
She finally called a young off duty intern to handle it and he took them into an office to straighten it out. I gave him about a ninety nine to one chance of coming out of there with his pants.
As Ann and I were the only two left we were given our passes and we took the elevator up to the floor Hazel was on. I tried to hide my dismay when we entered her room and saw her. The many colors and swelling on her face hid her beauty. Her left arm was in a sling where Chuckie had twisted it until it was sprained. My rage almost overcame me when I realized she had withstood that torture to protect me.
Hazel was sleeping when we entered so we sat quietly waiting to see if she would awaken. That was short lived as one by one the ladies who had been downstairs crept into the room. I would say all of them but two were absent. I’m sure the intern downstairs wasn’t being neglected.
Then the bottles came out of the purses and someone had brought a stack of plastic cups. One of the ladies left for a few moments and returned with a large stainless steel bowl of ice. The noise level started rising as drinks were passed and it didn’t take long for Hazel to open her eyes.
You have to give it to Hazel. When she saw all her friends and fellow workers she even tried to smile. She did give a little chuckle and her eye sparkled. Her neck was bruised and hurt her to talk. She gestured writing and was handed a dry erase board that she used to communicate. Her right arm was untouched in the savage beating she’d received and was writing as fast as she could as the ladies asked her questions.
It was getting pretty raucous and crowded in the room, even though it was a two bed room with the other bed empty. But not for long as two of the ladies looked at one another, pulled the privacy curtain around it and disappeared behind it. I don’t think they were planning a chess match.
Around then the door opened and Dawn walked in and almost had to shout to be heard, “Quiet it down. They’re getting suspicious out there and will shut us down.” Dawn went to Hazel and stroked her hair. She had tears in her eyes as she said, “I’m not going to say I told you so, Haze. Just get better so we can nail that bastard,” then leaned over and softly kissed Hazel on her puffy lips.
The crowd had retreated from the bed when Dawn came in so I had a chance to go over, take her hand, and tell her, “I’m so sorry, Hazel. If I had known he was coming I’d have stayed, maybe I could have stopped them.”
She jerked her hand from mine and scribbled on her board, then handed it to me. On top she had written a large NO, then, “You didn’t do this, you stopped it. He did it and I’ll get even.” We were both misty eyed as we exchanged meaningful looks.
Ann and I left shortly after but when we were walking away we could hear the party for quite a ways. When the elevator door opened two security men and a head nurse came out and headed for Hazel’s room. Seems we left just in time.
When the elevator reached the ground floor and the door opened there stood the two missing ladies, locked arm in arm with the intern. When I told them what was happening upstairs they just smiled, turned and went back to their office. I did notice that his scrubs were tied in back instead of front where they had been before.
The gist of it all was that Chuckie went to jail for a long, long time on various charges; tax evasion, assault and battery, perjury, and a slew of other offenses.
He had been looting Ann’s estate to finance other deals, most of which were very successful. As it was done with her money she now owned them. Hazel came out of it pretty good. The deals where she was the owner of record were hers by law. See what a sharp lawyer can do. The tax man and the government took a big bite but there was plenty left.
Ann and I were married and all the people in this story were invited. Remind me sometime to tell you about the reception party.