Maybe I should tell you a little about myself before we go any further.
My name is Chad, and I’m a contractor and no, I’m not one of those that build a thousand homes a year. I’m a one man show, for now anyway, and I’ve only been in business a little over a year. When I was laid off from one of those thousand house companies and couldn’t find another job, and being single, I figured what the hell, I’ve got all the tools and a truck, why not try. Things were slow starting but are getting better as time goes by.
Anyway, back to the urgent message. It said, “Please call 555-364-9906 URGENT” so I did.
“This is Chad’s carpentry, what can I do for you?”
“This is Charles Golf, are you busy right now?””
“I’m on a job now, but I’ll be done in about an hour, why, what’s up?
“You’ve been recommended by one of your customers and I need a carpenter right away, can you make it?”
“Can you tell me what you need? I can maybe make it but I don’t know what kind of work you want done. I might not be set up for it.”
“I can’t explain it all now, I’m really rushed. From what the guy that recommended said I’m sure you can do it. Look, I’ll give you a hundred bucks just to show up, and if you can’t do it, it’s still yours, I need someone bad.”
He gave me the address. I didn’t have anything I couldn’t put off for a while so I said I’d be there. I finished up the little job, cleaned everything up real nice, jumped in the truck and left. I’d never been in the area of town I was headed for and didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t expect a gated community, but I stopped at the guards shack, they called to see if I was expected. They gave me directions and opened the gate.
When I found the house, or palace?, I went to the door and pushed the bell. It sounded like a full orchestra went off inside. After a few moments the door opened.
Holy shit! There stood an absolute goddess in a very thin robe of some gauzy material that didn’t hide a hell of a lot. I told her I was expected by a Mr. Charles Golf.
She turned her head and yelled, “Hey, Chuckie, your carpenters here.” and motioned me in. In a few minutes this guy shows up, about five nine, a little pudgy, wearing short boots, Levis, and a black silk shirt, opened halfway to the waist to expose a mat of kinky white hair and a heavy gold necklace. I guessed him to be around fifty
He looked me over and said, “Oh, good, you’re here. Chad, right? Okay, follow me, but try not to make any loud noise, we’re shooting movies here. I’ll show you what I need from you.”
He took me to a garage where there was a lot of different material laying around and told me, “We’re shooting here and need a lot of this put together or built. Some of it’s backdrops, props, and other things. Here’s a list and plans of what we need and the order we need it. The guy that was supposed to do this got stinking drunk again and I’m gonna can him. If you do good work I can use you some more if you’re willing. Back your truck up the drive and bring your tools through that service door.”
I stood there looking at all the material, inventorying things. I must have looked puzzled so he said, “Look, Chad, I’ll pay you one and a half of your usual price. I’ve thousand of dollars of equipment and personnel in there and every minute we get delayed costs a bundle. Can you do it?”
“I’m pretty confident I can, Mr. Golf. I’ll get right on it.”
“Good, call me Chuckie, everybody else does. One more thing, if we’re shooting close to here I’ll send somebody out and you’ll have to stop any noise for a while, okay?”
I was working for an hour or two and had fabricated some pieces when this cute little brunette came out. “You have to stop for a while, maybe only five minutes, they’re doing a take right inside. Hi, I’m Ann, the script girl, what’s your name?” I told her my name and pulled out a can of Coke from my cooler, I could use a break. I sat but Ann still stood there.
“I’m sorry, Ann, would you like a Coke, I’ve plenty and you’re welcome to it?”
“I’d like one Chad, if you have enough.” and she sat next to me on the lumber pile. I pulled another from the cooler, opened it, and handed it to her. She thanked me and we talked about what was going on inside for a while. I’d already figured out it was porn flics so she told me some of the plots. I could have written them better myself but people don’t go to porn flics for masterpiece theater.
Suddenly she jumped up and said, ”Nice talking to you, Chad but I better get back.” and she went inside, hurrying a little. She looked a little worried.
I went back to work. None of this was difficult, just time consuming. They had been coming and getting the assemblies I had made, but not as fast as I was making them, so I figured I was doing okay.
Chuckie even came out once, looked around and said, “You’re doing good, Chad, much better than the other guy. If things were going as good inside as out here I’d be a lot happier.. Listen, do you have anywhere you have to be later?”
“No, Chuckie, I’m single and my time is my own. Why?”
He responded, “I’m going to keep shooting, all night if need be. These assholes in there are really screwing up, and I’m losing big time. If you can stay I’ll pay double. If I send them home, who knows when I can get everything and everyone back together. A deal? I’m having the caterers bringing dinner in a while and you can take a good break.”
I nodded assent and he went back inside. I could almost stop now as the garage was full of assemblies and I didn’t have much space to do more. About ten minutes later Ann came out again and told me to stop for a while. I could see tears in her eyes and on her cheeks. I put my hand on her shoulder and asked, “What’s the matter Ann? Did somebody do something to you?”
She put her head on my chest and cried, “Oh, Chad, Chuckie chewed my butt something hard when I stayed out here too long before. He’s usually a nice enough guy, but when things are going bad he’s a real bastard. He even slapped one of the stars.”
“Okay, okay, just take it easy.” I soothed her as I put my arms around her and cuddled her to my chest. “He’s losing money and nobody likes that. He shouldn’t take it out on you, though. Shh shh shh, Chad’s here and you’ll be fine.”
She put her arms around my waist, snuggled into my arms and cried a few more minutes, then looked up at me and said, “Thanks Chad, you’re a doll.” and stood on her toes and kissed me.
The longer it lasted what started out as a thank you kiss turned into something else when she opened her lips and ran her tongue across mine and pushed herself against me.
Then the door slammed open and Chuckie stuck his head out and yelled, “Annie, what the fuck are you doing out here so long? C’mon, these idiots can’t remember a line for ten seconds.” She gave me a little smile and a wink and hurried inside.
While I was working to get ahead of the game, I had still noticed people coming out in the garage for a smoke or fresh air. Getting fresh air was a joke, the pot smoke was thick in the air. No wonder they were forgetting their lines. Luckily I was working close to the outside door, but I was still feeling the effects slightly.
I’ll admit, I did pay more attention to the girls than the guys. They all had on those skimpy robes and weren’t shy if they slipped open sometimes. They were either naturally well endowed by nature or there was a couple of quarts of silicon present.
I was just sitting around, having no more room to work, when one of the guys, I assume a stagehand as he was dressed, stuck his head out and announced the food was there. I went in and found an impressive spread of food on the dining room table. To the side of the dining room, through a wide arch there was a large luxurious lounge, packed with people scarfing down food like someone was gonna steal it if they didn’t. All the stars, men and women, had robes on.
I looked for a place to park, and just then a stagehand rose and left the room, and I grabbed his spot on a couch. I ended up between two of the female stars, which I didn’t mind any. They both glanced at me.
I sneaked looks at them too, but couldn’t have told you what their faces looked like. I could have drawn portraits of them from the neck down though.
After a short while the one on the right finished her plate and set it on the floor, turned to me and said, “Your name’s Chad isn’t it. Chuckie has been yelling his ass off about if we paid attention like Chad we’d be done a lot sooner. By the way, I’m Dawn, and the bleached blond next to you is Hazel.”
The blond had finished her dinner too. Now she sat up, glared at Dawn and spat out, “Why you henna soaked old bitch, does this look like I bleach?” and threw her robe open to reveal a strip of curly blond hair just above her pussy.”
Then Dawn reared up and snickered, “Looks a lot more gray than blond to me. I’m a natural redhead,” and opened her robe to a show a similar patch of brick red pubic hair.
Hazel was about to get up when I put both arms out in front of them and begged, “Ladies, please, not with me in the middle. I’d absolutely love to wrestle with either one of you or both, but I have work to do, and need all my strength for that.” and I got up, out of harms way. My offer of wrestling with them seemed to have mollified them as they both smiled at me.
Chuckie was sitting in front of a small table he’d eaten from, and I walked over to him and reported, “I’ve run out of room to work, Chuckie, but if there’s something inside I can do, point it out.”
“Nah, take it easy for a while. They”ll have to digest a little or they’ll act like fat cows on the set. I’m going to relax a bit.”
Just then Ann came by, carrying some dirty dishes, and Chuckie said, “Hey, Annie, how about a blowjob to settle my stomach.” She blushed bright red and looked chagrined.
I very quietly said, “I think you’re out of line, Chuckie, she’s not one of the cast.” He looked up at me for a few moments, sizing me up.
After another few moments he said, “Yeah, you’re right, sorry Annie.” Then he said in a brighter tone, How about you Dawn, you up for it?”
Dawn jumped off the couch and casually said, “Sure, Chuckie, I could use a bonus.” and dropped to her knees, opened his pants, and proceeded to give him what seemed to be professional service.
I was taken aback by the nonchalant way they were acting and it must have shown. Hazel came over to me, took my arm and asked, “Haven’t you ever seen someone give a blowjob before, Chad? You look a little confused.”
“Well, uh, sure I have, uh, no, not really. I mean no, not in front of everybody like that.” I could feel myself blushing and they must have turned the heat up. Way up.
Hazel broke into loud laughter for a while, then slowed to a beautiful smile and chuckled, “What the hell do you think we’ve been doing all day in here, playing checkers? I’m not laughing at you, Chad, it’s kind of nice to see an innocent face every once in a while. Welcome to the world of porn flics.” I see by that huge bulge in your pants that you’re affected by it, aren’t you?”
“Well, sure, I’m not an eunuch, I guess I was so busy in the garage I didn’t give a lot of thought about what was going on in here. Who wouldn’t be horny around gorgeous women almost naked?”
She giggled, grabbed my arm again and said, “You really are cute, c’mon.” and pulled me down the hall and into a bedroom. “Have you got a rubber?” she asked. “You’re not going to be able to work if you’re all tense and horny. Maybe I can teach you a few things you didn’t know.”
We spent the next hour and a half or so of her teaching me a lot of things I didn’t know and some I didn’t think were possible.
Then we heard Chuckie bellowing, “Where the hell did everybody disappear to. You better be cleaned up and ready with makeup on. If I catch anyone with white powder on their face or shit faced, they’re fired. C’mon c’mon, get out here.”
Hazel gave me a little smooch on the cheek and told me, “You’re better in bed than most of those professional fucks out there, and you’re built better than most of them too, except for the freaks with the baseball bats. I have to work now, bye.”
I really didn’t have anything to. The garage was still too full to do more work in and I was sure if I tried working outside in this neighborhood somebody would bitch to the cops. So I just stood out of the way and watched. It sure wasn’t like you see in the flics. Oh, sure there was a lot of fucking and licking and sucking, but a lot of times it was broken up into takes from different angles and positions. Then they had to stop sometimes for makeup and hair fixes. There was some, but not a lot of continuous action as it will show on the screen.
I found out they had already shot the fully dressed scenes and any outdoor scenes another day and they were shooting the sex scenes now. I was enjoying myself as the girls were really drop dead gorgeous, but after my lessons with the amazing Hazel and the many interruptions I was not finding it extremely stimulating. The one thing I couldn’t figure out is how the guys kept hard all that time until I saw one of them, between takes, getting stimulated by one of the girls.
Whenever Ann wasn’t yelling lines to one of the actors she would come and stand by me, sometimes putting her arm around my waist and I hers. I’m sure we both realized there was more between us to be explored.
It must have been about three thirty in the morning when Chuckie called it quits and told everyone, “This place has more bedrooms than the queens palace. Get some rest. I’m going to go over some of it tonight and see what we might have to retake tomorrow.”
He then approached me and said, “ You did real good work Chad, grab a bed if you want. You can sleep in as you’ve got almost everything done and we won’t need the rest until the afternoon.”
“Thanks Chuckie, but I’m still a little keyed up. I think I’ll go grab some breakfast at an all-nighter and then go change, I”m still in my dirty work clothes from yesterday morning and I need a shower, but I’ll be here by noon.”
He agreed and went to look the takes over. Ann was just a little ways away through our conversation and came over to me. “Chad I’m hungry too, can I come?”
“Why sure, honey, grab whatever you need and I’ll meet you at the truck.” I went and warmed the truck. At this hour it was pretty chilly out, and soon came running with a huge soft bag.
As she climbed in she explained, “I don’t like to leave my stuff there, there’s too many not nice people around a porn shoot and I’ve missed stuff before.”
I told her, “That’s what trucks are for, carrying baggage, and I sure don’t mean you.” we went a couple miles or so to this all night restaurant I knew about, went in, sat, and waited for the hefty waitress to get to us.
I finally had time to really look at Ann. I saw that there was more there than I’d seen before in our short meetings when either one or the other of us was rushed. She had short dark brown very shining hair done in a kind of curl that accented her light golden brown eyes. She had a few very faint freckles by her nose. I was astonished to realize she had no makeup on and I recognized just how attractive she was. If she had been made up at the house she would have put them all to shame. The rather baggy clothes she had on hid her figure quite a bit but I knew from when she had hugged me that she was not a skinny waif.
Over coffee, waiting for our food, we compared lives. I found out that Chuckie was actually her stepfather, raising her after her mother had skipped when she was in her early teens. This was the only life she’d ever known, but had wondered what life was like outside of the porn industry.
When the food arrived we dug in, both of us being famished, and conversation came down to “Pass the salt, please.”
Sated, we chatted a little more and I said, “I better get you back, you need at least some sleep before morning. It might be a long day again.”
She replied, “Oh, don’t worry about that. Chuckie said he was going to check over the takes, but if I know him, he hit the first soft spot he could find. I doubt anyone will be up before early afternoon. But I would like to clean up. If only that crowd wasn’t such a bunch of pigs, they leave the bathrooms a shambles and use all the towels, you end up trying to dry with toilet paper.”
I chuckled and assured her, “You’re welcome to come to my place if you’d like, I’ll guarantee clean towels and hot water. I’ve even a spare bedroom if you want to rest there, or I’ll take you back after you’ve bathed. Have you some clean clothes?”
“Sure, that’s why my bag is so big. Going on one of these shoots is like going on safari, if you don’t bring it, you don’t have it. I think I’ll take you up on that, Chad, sleeping without a bunch of snoring, grunting, farting people everywhere sounds good.”
I told her, “Well, I’m sorry, I can’t assure you that you won’t be afflicted with that when we get to my place, but I’ll do my best, let’s go.”
When we pulled into the driveway she said, “Wow, I thought you probably had an apartment, I didn’t know you had a house, and a very nice one.”
“My folks left it to me when they were killed in an accident, it’s only a two bedroom, but there’s two baths so we’ll do fine. Welcome to my abode.”
She giggled as we entered and I showed her to her room, “ This is very nice, Chad. All up to date and I love your furnishings, you have good taste.”
“I’m sure I have with my lady friends, at least the one that is present.”
“Chad, every time I think you’re really charming, you get more charming”, as she gave me a little kiss and retreated to her room. I went to mine, took along hot shower, and put on a thick chenille robe and went to see if Ann had whatever she needed. I tapped on her door and she said to come in.
When I opened the door I was surprised to see her standing there naked, combing her hair. I must have looked confused as she said, “Oh, I’m so sorry, Chad, I’m so used to seeing naked people and being naked with them I didn’t give any thought about your response to it.”
My response to it was an immediate thickening in my groin as she was more than an equal in beauty to all of the other women I had seen in the last twenty four hours. Or the last twenty four years, for that matter. She was stunning, with her high full breasts, from there tapering to the slim waist, and down to flaring hips and long, beautifully shaped legs. Even her feet were attractive. Instead of the narrow landing strips or bare pussy’s I had seen all day Ann was trimmed but natural with a luxuriant thatch of that shining brown hair.
I must have stood there for a while, looking dazed, Or stupid. Ann came over to me, put her arms around my neck and cooed, “ I’m not exactly an innocent virgin, Chad. Even though I’ve never actively participated in any of Chuckies movies, I’ve certainly seen enough to know what true affection is and what it isn’t. Ever since you offered me that can of Coke I knew I wanted to know more about you.”
And she thoroughly kissed me. After a bit I said, “ I’m pretty sure, Ann, that we both felt an attraction for one another. I know I certainly did, and do even more intensely now, but what I don’t know is, why me?”
She gave me a crooked smile and replied, “From the first second you laid eyes on me, you treated me as a lady, not a broad or a whore, and continued through all the debauchery going on, even defending me with Chuckie. It takes a special man to do that under the conditions we were in when we met, the kind of man I’ve not been exposed to lately. Now, what do you say we don’t mess up the covers on two beds tonight. Your room or mine?”
We didn’t make it back to the house by noon, but it wasn’t much later. And Ann was right, there were only a few people stirring about, mostly the tech hands, setting things up. Ann was not the sexual acrobat that Hazel was, but she was even better in true emotional intimacy. I certainly wasn’t complaining.
I will continue with this if enough interest is shown.