It’s ending! Months of confinement at home are finally about to end. During the lockdown Cheryl and I have been exploring our fantasies – especially hers – and it has turbocharged our sex life. But it also led to her confessing – as gently and respectfully as possible – her desire for more than one man can give. I guess it’s true that women reach their sexual peak in their late thirties.
Anyway, soon we will be able to go out without asking ourselves if we are making an essential trip. More to the point, we will be allowed to gather in small groups. Still very limited in size, but it seems everyone is planning to host or attend a small party this weekend.
Let me be clear, though, that Cheryl and I haven’t spoken specifically about how or with whom to open up our sex lives. At the moment, we’re just excited to be socializing. Our first social event after the lockdown is going to be with two other couples who are good friends. They’re people we met during one of our kids’ preschool, and who still live within a couple of miles of us, but they’re not really part of our larger social circle.
It occurs to me these four might be the perfect ground for us to experiment with our newly opened marriage, and both the women are pretty hot in their own ways, but yikes! I can’t imagine anything sexual actually happening in a group of six. That would be pretty fraught. In any event, Cheryl and I haven’t talked about doing anything with them. Besides, as the re-opening approaches we’re too busy getting ready for me to bring it up, or for that matter for the two of us to even have sex with each other those last few days.
We decide to meet on a Saturday at Bob and Janet’s cabin in the woods, which they haven’t been able to visit for months. Luckily it will be an adult gathering. By that I don’t mean anything sexual, but that we can simply relax as adults, with all our kids having a slumber party at Cindy and Paul’s home back in town. With all the recent unemployment it wasn’t hard to find someone happy to get some babysitting income, and between the three couples, we are able to pay generously for it.
When Cheryl and I arrive at the cabin, Bob and Janet are already there. This is the first time in months we’ve been able to come within six feet of anyone who didn’t live in our own house. Janet and Cheryl both break into a run at the sight of each other, jumping into a big, long, tight hug, both openly crying.
Bob and I walk towards each other, grinning ear to ear, arms open. We would normally hug briefly anyway, Bob being a very gregarious guy and a natural hugger, but this was a big long bear hug. By the way, Bob is a bigger guy so it almost hurts, but I don’t care. It’s just good to have physical, social contact again.
These first hugs go on a while. Bob and I each smack each other’s shoulders harder than necessary when we break it off, it just feels so damn good.
Then Cheryl and Bob hug. Janet, tears on her cheek, looks me in the eye and says, “God, it’s good to see you again. It’s been so long,” kissing my cheek as she hugs me tight and holds me there, cheek to cheek, and once again for a long time. This is a powerful hug, too, because Janet’s a bigger-framed girl herself – an avid Ultimate player, among other things – and pretty athletic.
I’m a little surprised at her response because I haven’t been quite as close to Janet usually. I wouldn’t say she’s exactly been cold or standoffish in the past, but always a little reserved, and maybe especially towards me. But then course we’ve never been through something like this. She’s plenty affectionate now. I can’t say I mind her soft lips brushing my cheek, her firm tits squished against me, or the picture of her athletic body running towards my Cheryl, breasts bouncing in front and brown ponytail bobbing behind.
This could all be pretty stimulating if I let it, but we are friends and I try to push back such thoughts. The last thing I need is to pop a boner right now, and it could happen if I’m not careful. Cheryl and I might be at the point where she’d allow me to get together with Janet, but I have no reason to know that either Janet or Bob is cool with that.
Actually, that’s not quite true: about a year ago, I remember Bob cracking some kind of joke about threesomes. I think I was the only one in the room who noticed her shoot him back a glance that could have sliced a thinner man right open. Not that that is much to go on; it could mean Bob’s been pressuring Janet to do something she doesn’t want to do, or it might mean nothing.
Janet kisses me a second time as we break the hug. We walk arm in arm back into the cabin, as do Bob and Cheryl, and I have to admit it feeling an unfamiliar female body next to mine is nice. Still, just to make sure an erection doesn’t lead the way, I try to think about all baseball games that didn’t get played.
We unpack the food we’ve brought onto the counter and the fridge, and then Cindy and Paul arrive. We let our hosts, Bob and Janet go first, since we know the greetings will take a while, giving us a few minutes to finish our tasks.
Once Bob and Janet are done greeting Cindy and Paul, Cheryl and I come out to take our turn. Cindy, though good friends with Cheryl, runs up to me, practically jumping into my arms. She’s always been friendly with me, not quite flirty but just short of that, so this is no surprise. She’s a cute one too, in her flower-print sundress, an earthy natural girl, but not too natural to put on pink toenail polish. She turns her head sideways against my chest as we hug, easier for her as a petite little pixie-girl, which puts my nose right in her strawberry-scented, cute, wavy, short blonde hair.
So different from my usual type, as is Janet, but Cindy is just as hot in her own way. Again I have to restrain my thinking and focus on the less animalistic dimensions of the present moment.
Finally, Cindy and Cheryl start a forever hug as Paul and I embrace. Our dude-hug is friendly but doesn’t last too long: Paul is the most reserved of the bunch, a little quieter than everyone else. Still, he’s a great guy to be around, always nice to people and usually cracks the best jokes in the bunch.
We break off our hug, but Cindy and Cheryl don’t stop. The rest of us walk into the cabin to start barbeque preparations as the women continue their hug. Another sexual thought pops into my head as I picture the two of them naked, the hug progressing into something else, but I put it out of my mind.
The guys and I hang out at the barbeque as the burgers and brats cook, while the women work on the other dishes in the kitchen. Many hands making light work, in no time we have a feast better than what we’ve been eating at home through the lockdown. Conversation flows freely, as we have so much to discuss: how we got through the shutdown, how good it feels to be coming out, all the people we know who are out of work, friends and relatives we’ve lost, what life might be like going forward.
We could go on chatting for hours, but seeing the big stack of board games on Bob and Janet’s bookshelves, Cindy suggests we all play a game. We choose the popular crossword-type one where you each get a bunch of letter tiles and put them together in words on the board, each time intersecting with other words already played.
Cheryl goes first, starting in the center of the board. Her word is T-R-Y. “That’s all I can come up with.” Only three letters, but at least the “Y” is worth extra points, and of course the automatic double word score in the center makes it a very good start.
Cindy, a smirk on her face, says, “Cheryl, should we make this more fun and play the dirty version?” I wasn’t aware of a dirty version, though I think I can figure it out. I notice Bob and Paul have similar slightly puzzled expressions. Cheryl immediately agrees, as if she knows what that is, and even Janet says “that’s a good idea” without batting an eye.
The guys and I agree too, although I’m thinking this is a little risky with all the pent-up social energy, not to mention Cheryl’s and my explosive sexual energy. Again, I have no reason to believe the other couples are open to anything in the way that we are.
Cindy fills us all in: “Okay, main rules are the same as usual. It has to be a real English word, no proper names allowed, all the usual. But it has to be a dirty word. If it isn’t obviously dirty, you have to make it dirty, using it in a naughty way in a sentence. Oh, and even if it is a word that already seems naughty like ‘ass’ or something’, you still have to use it in a dirty sentence, just to make it more fun. Also, your sentence cannot refer to anyone else in the room. Keep it theoretical.”
Cheryl mulls this over for a second. “Okay, here it is in a dirty sentence: Jim asked Shelley to TRY a threesome.” Damn.
Bob plays T-I-T-S (intersecting with T-R-Y), putting the first actual dirty word on the board. His sentence is, “Shelley likes to show off her TITS.” Now I can see why we can’t refer to anyone in the room. Things would get out of control really fast if he’d said Cheryl’s name (which would be true – my wife is quite proud of her tits, thank you very much) and not the fictional Shelley.
Janet goes next, playing A-S-S. “Jim likes Shelley’s tits, but he’s really more of an ASS man.”
Paul, as usual the quietest guy at the table but with the best jokes, adds the letters H-O-L-E to the A-S-S already on the board. General laughs and “well played!” ensue, since he gets the points for the entire word, not just the tiles he planted – and manages to nail another double word score in the process. “Jim licked Shelley’s ASSHOLE.”
Cindy is next, putting down the letters for S-U-C-K. With an impish smile on her face, she says, “Shelley always likes to SUCK Jim before doing it.” Damn, I can picture Cindy’s cute pink lips wrapped around a cock right now. Preferably mine, though I’d gladly watch her suck her husband, Bob. Or her not-husband Paul.
Finally it is my turn. I don’t have many choices among the letters I’d been dealt, except for one obvious but unambiguously dirty one. Five minutes ago I would have been scared to play it, but now it doesn’t seem so outrageous: C-L-I-T. “Sometimes Jim has a hard time finding Shelley’s CLIT.” Lots of laughs around the table again.
Cheryl says, “Too bad for Jim. Shelley never has that problem when she likes to TRIB with her friend Shannon.” Holy shit, my wife, who I happen to know has never done anything with a girl beyond making out and touching her tits, is talking about tribbing? I didn’t realize she even knew what that was.
Bob goes next, spelling B-O-N-E-R … “Seeing Shelley and Shannon do that would give any guy a BONER.” No doubt. I’ve got one now. I bet the other guys do too.
Janet plays W-E-T across the E in BONER, smirking at Bob and adding, “It would also make any girl WET,” looking at Bob as she finishes the sentence with, “or so any guy wants to think.” This is consistent with my suspicions that Bob has been pushing Janet for a threesome. Also, now I’m having to suppress the image of Janet tribbing with my wife.
Paul puts down the tiles for W-E-I-N-E-R, also nailing a triple word score. He’s easily winning this game. “Jim has a big WEINER.”
Cindy, ever smirking, says salaciously, “I bet a lot of people are having an ORGY tonight.” Yeah, I bet there are. Wouldn’t mind if it happened here.
Wait, could it? Stop it, Joe, you’re just getting swept up.
I have to stop those thoughts anyway because it is time to focus on my turn. All I can come up with is a three-letter word: R-O-D. Following Paul’s theme, I say, “Jim has a big ROD.”
Cheryl puts down D-I-L-D-O, another inherently naughty word. “Sometimes Shelley prefers her DILDO to Jim.” Fortunately this time I don’t think she’s using Shelley as a proxy for herself; I know Cheryl loves her dildo, but I am also very sure she doesn’t love it more than me.
Now Bob goes: L-O-N-G. “Jim has a LONG dong.”
Cheryl challenges him, also glancing at each of us other guys. “Okay, how come all the words from guys are about dicks?”
Before any of us can answer, Cindy replies, “Well, that’s what guys think with … what do you expect?”
Cheryl puts in her two cents: “Maybe a little more variety?” Yeah, I know she’s been all about variety lately.
The other two women both retort, in unison, “That’d be nice.”
All three of us guys have defensive “what?” looks on our faces.
“Sometimes men could use their imaginations a little bit more?” explains Cindy.
“Oh … I don’t think that’s possible,” I blurt out, maybe a little red-faced, to a big round of laughter.
We notice darkness is falling outside, and someone mentions Bob and Janet’s hot tub. We all agree to put the game on hold, which is fine with a lot of grumbling that Paul’s going to win anyway.
Cindy is beaming as we retire to our room to change, saying, “I sure have missed being around people! This is so nice!” I have to say I agree. Even if there is no extracurricular sex, it sure has been a fun time so far. We suit up, grab our towels and head out back to the tub. It’s nicely positioned with a little bit of a view into the forest, but no views of the adjoining cabins – which are dark and empty this weekend anyway.
It’s dark enough that hopefully my near-erection under my swimsuit isn’t visible. We sit as couples, arranged boy-girl, boy-girl. The tub is just big enough for the six of us, each person’s legs touching both our neighbors’. I feel hyperactive Cindy’s leg bouncing up and down alongside mine as she murmurs, “Welcome, Joe.”
Then, Cindy announces to the group: “What a great tub, guys! Janet and Bob, you are so lucky to have this place.” There is general agreement all around. The girls, especially, are smiling, almost smirking, looking at each other.
Then Janet says, “Speaking of lucky …”
Cheryl continues, “We girls have a surprise for you boys tonight.”
Cindy adds, “A present, you might say, though it’s just as much for us as for you.”
As if on cue, I see Cheryl – my betrothed wife – turn to Bob and kiss him. On the lips. On the other side of the tub, I see Janet lip-lock onto Paul, and before I can process what is happening, I feel Cindy grab my head and turn it towards her. Her head is tilted up to me, her green eyes penetrating my skull and her lips parted. At the same time, her hand is running up my thigh.
We break the kiss as her hand finds my very hard erection and wraps around it. “God, Joe, I’ve always wanted you,” she says, nibbling on my ear. “Don’t worry, it’s okay. Paul doesn’t have a problem …” and though Paul’s back is turned to me, his hand comes back, giving a thumbs-up sign. Janet has already pulled down the top of her one-piece to expose her tits to him.
“And I know Cheryl’s okay with it because she helped me plan it.”
I should have known.
Cindy straddles me, facing me, pulling off her bikini top. I eagerly devour her conical tits, savoring this taste of forbidden flesh, her tiny body and small but soft, supple breasts so different from my wife’s. I find my hands roaming over her little thighs and ass, making my way to her pussy as she turns a bit sideways to allow me access. I massage the outside for a moment, then manage to ease a finger in despite being underwater. She squeals with delight.
As much as I’m enjoying those pointy tits, I want to taste her pussy. I pick her up and set her little body up on the edge of the tub. I notice that by this time Bob is also sitting on the edge, my wife now naked and bobbing her head up and down his on his meat. Janet is fully naked now, sitting on the edge of the tub leaning back as Paul slips his sausage into her.
This is all so hot that if I let my cock touch any part of Cindy, I will blow a load instantly. I’ve always thought she was hot, and I want to prolong my time with her, so the best thing I can do right now is to go down on her. I kneel on the bench in the tub and lean in between her legs. “Oh God yes, eat me, Joe!” I take a deep breath, savoring the scent: a mixture of chlorine and … woman. I savor the view, too: thick pink labia, framed by a full natural triangle of dark-blonde hair above. A feast for the eyes and the mouth.
I dive in, tasting the sweet, tangy juices almost dripping out of Cindy’s cunt. I suck in her clit, and thinking of the game earlier tonight, I picture it rubbing against Cheryl’s clit in a trib session. Or in Cheryl’s mouth instead of mine. Wouldn’t that be something? At this point, who knows what could happen tonight? Now I can let my mind wander through all these fantasies without worrying about anyone seeing my boner.
Speaking of which, after a few minutes of this my boner can’t wait any longer.
Having gotten pretty aroused by my oral services, Cindy lies back on a towel and lifts her legs, beckoning me to enter her. Without her legs wrapped around my head, I can see that Bob is now eating my wife, who is moaning with pleasure. But somehow Cheryl still has enough senses about her to give me a wink from across the room when she sees me moving. As much as I love her and appreciate her, I have still underestimated Cheryl. Also, Janet is now on top of Paul, riding him like a galloping horse, both of them seemingly close to orgasms.
With all this insanely erotic activity going on, I know I won’t last long inside Cindy, but I can’t wait anymore. My vessel glides up her hot canal, as she pulls her legs together behind my ass, eagerly tilting her head up to kiss me and licking her own juices off my face. I pump in and out slowly, savoring every stroke because I know there won’t be many. Sure enough, after about a dozen in-and-outs I’m at my limit and I start emptying myself into her.
I suspect she is almost cumming but not quite, so I do my patented move to go down on her and bring her all the way home. I think she had just expected me to just lie there after cumming, so when I start moving down towards her pussy she exclaims a surprised “Oh!” Which is quickly followed by “Oh … oh … oh …” and a spasming climax seconds later.
Cindy and I kiss, and she whispers, “I’ve always wanted to fuck you, Joe, but that was even better than I imagined.”
We survey the rest of the damage. Now my beautiful wife is getting pounded by big Bob, and I can tell from her squeals that she will definitely cum from his efforts if he can hang in there a couple more minutes. Paul and Janet have finished, her athletic body erect above his, dripping with sweat in the night air. Paul excuses himself to the restroom, his schlong still engorged and swinging from side to side, as if making a victorious exit.
This leaves Janet alone for the moment, but she comes over and sits next to Cindy, sweat dripping off the lower curves of her tits as she moves. Damn, she is firm and fine. Does this mean I get a turn with her next? Is that what we’re doing? I guess I’ll go with the flow and find out.
“So did you enjoy fucking my husband, Janet?” Cindy asks in a mock-accusatory tone, winking.
“Fucking awesome!” Janet replies in a low voice, beaming and raising her hand to high-five Cindy. “You’ve are a lucky woman.”
As the women high-five, Cindy locks her fingers around Janet’s, pulling her in for a kiss.
Looks like the evening fuck-stivities are just getting started. There is much more to cum.