I received a message through Facebook from a lady called Samantha, that I had been recommended to. She had lower back and shoulder problems that had been troubling her for a while now, and she wanted to get them sorted. I scheduled her in for 10am on Thursday morning. She had no profile picture, so I had no idea what this lady looked like.
Thursday morning arrived and I prepared my treatment room as normal. I made sure the room was cleaned, that I had enough towels, that the table was set up with clean cover and paper towels, and one final check to make sure my oil bottle was disinfected. I was ready to go. I had my scrubs on as they are light, and I tend to warm when I am in the middle of the treatment.
The doorbell rang and I answered the door, and paused momentarily. Standing before me was a woman of considerable beauty. Aged about forty-two years old, she was slim, of medium height, shoulder length blonde hair, striking blue eyes and a very attractive face. She was wearing tight cycling shorts with a tight dryflo top that hugged her ample breasts nicely. I gathered myself together quickly, extended my hand, and smiled to greet her.
“Samantha?” I enquired.
“Yes it is indeed, and you must be Philip?” she replied with a broad, warm reciprocating smile.
“That’s me!” I laughed. “Nice to meet you, please follow me”.
I turned and led the way to my treatment room, opened the door and Samantha followed me in.
“Please take a seat, Samantha. I just want to go through a few things with you before we get started”. I gestured with my hand to a seat beside her.
Samantha took a seat and I took out my consultation form. I always kept good records of every client. Medical history, past injuries etc. I finished off with my postural check to determine any problematic and weak areas that might need work on. I checked her shoulders that they were level, her shoulder blades, knees and feet. She had said that she had lower back problems. Explaining to her what I was doing I placed my hands on her hips from the rear and I asked her to bend forward. She tested positive for tight lower back muscles.
“Okay, Samantha, we are going to get started now. I am going to leave the room for you to get ready, and there is a robe for you to put on”.
I came back to the room and knocked on the door.
“Okay, I’m ready”, Samantha called.
I entered the room and Samantha was there in the robe, sitting on the edge of the treatment table.
“Right Samantha, I am going to get you lying up on the table face down and I will do your back first”.
I held up a large towel to cover her as she took off the robe. I wrapped the towel around her and she climbed up onto the table.
“Samantha, you relax now, and if you are uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to let me know”.
I oiled up my hands and got to work, starting on her shoulders and working down her back. She was very tense and it took some time to work my way through the tension in her neck. As I got down to her lower back I pulled the towel down slightly to access her sacral area. I got a surprise to find out that she wasn’t wearing any panties!
“Are you okay there, Samantha?”
“Mmmmm, yes thank you”, was the reply I got.
I started work on her lower back and got in deep on the tissues. I worked down towards her glutes, working gently on her ass at first, easing the pressure into them, kneading them with my wrists and my fists, alternating between the two. Her ass was firm and tight. I was applying heavy pressure to her ass now, and decided to go in with my elbows.
Samantha gave a little grunt from time to time, and I checked to make sure she was okay, getting a whispered, “Yes” in return.
I went back to using my wrists; her ass was well oiled up at this stage and probably had too much oil on it. My wrists were starting to slip as I kneaded her buttocks, and I tried to prevent my fingers delving too far into her anal crevice. Once or twice my fingers rubbed over her sphincter by accident, and I could have sworn I felt her press back slightly against my hand the couple of times that this happened.
“Samantha, I’ll just get you to turn over now”. I made sure that the towels were positioned appropriately, so as not to reveal her sculptured sex underneath.
Samantha turned over on to her back, and I was getting ready to get her up from the table.
“Phil, I actually have a tender sore spot up near my groin, on my left side, would you mind having a look?”
“That’s no problem”.
I palpated her left leg from the quads up towards her hip, searching for any obvious signs of injury. My finger tips pressed lightly, trying to find the troublesome spot.
“Over to the left a bit”, Samantha ordered.
I followed her command and worked over towards her groin and pelvic area, mindful of the fact that the towel was precariously placed just covering her pussy.
“Yes that’s the spot”.
I palpated the area further, working in small circles to warm it before I applied pressure for my neuromuscular work. The towel started to slip slightly away from me and I could see tufts of pubic hair peeking out from the towel beside my fingers. I started to get a semi erection, and in the light fabric scrubs this was going to create an embarrassing situation.
I moved from the position I was in at the end of the table to avoid overstretching and re-positioned my body alongside her. My fingers were working hard as I applied circular frictions and pressure to her groin. She looked sideways towards me and I knew I was busted. Surely she could not help but see my semi erection bulging out from my scrubs?
But she turned her head back and I continued.
All of a sudden Samantha gave a little jump and a sigh. I slightly panicked, thinking of course that I had hurt her. But suddenly I felt wetness on my fingertips and looked towards the protruding pubic hair. It was glistening and wet. Before I could react Samantha, with a slight brush of her right hand, tugged at the towel covering her.
Before me in wonderous splendor was displayed a breathtaking sight. Her pussy on full display to me was swollen and glowing, her pubic hair nicely trimmed was dripping wet. I could feel the rush of blood and my cock hardened up immediately, creating a tent in my scrubs.
“Mmmmmm, well my oh my, what have we here?” Samantha purred.
“Sorry, I couldn’t stop it”, I half stammered.
Samantha lifted her self up on the table and turned over, the towel covering her dropping to the floor. Her complete naked body was on full display to me, and she cocked her ass up in the air, on her knees.
“Well, you made me so horny when you were working on my ass. Let’s see what you can do with your fingers. I want those magic fingers in my ass”.
I paused for a moment to take in the beauty of these woman in front of me. Her body was shining in oil, her breasts were swinging underneath her, her areolas were swollen, and her nipples were hard like bullets.
“Do it now!”
I squirted oil on my fingers and massaged her sphincter, gently probing into her anal hole bit by bit with my thumb. My hand cupped to let my fingers access her dripping pussy. I built up momentum with my thumb, and starting thumb fucking her ass hard and deep.
“That’s it you fucking prick, yes, fuck me hard!”
Samantha was screaming and bucking at this stage. Her left hand pulled hard at her already puffy and swollen nipples. My thumb popped in and out of her ass with great ease, while my fingers were covered in her pussy juice as I clamped her clit between two fingers and tugged gently.
“Fuuucking hell, fuuucking hell”, she screamed and panted. Her body was going into convulsions.
Samantha collapsed on the table, breathless and sweating. Her once tidy hair was by now a mess, also covered in sweat.
By now my erection was at full mast, measuring over 8 inches. I needed to get it looked after. Pre-cum was leaking out of it. The way I was feeling, I wasn’t going to last long.
Samantha sat up and look at me, and took in the sight of my fully erect cock. She put her arms around my waist and pulled me in towards her. Her mouth sank down over my hardened shaft. I held the back of her head as she sucked and bobbed up and down on me. One of her hands grabbed my balls and caressed them while the other hand, still on my ass, started probing my asshole with her fingers.
I wasn’t going to last long and I knew it. My right hand reached under her sweaty drenched body and felt her tits. My fingers traced to her nipples that were now erect, hard and her areolas puffy. I tugged at them gently as Samantha went deep throat on me.
Man could she suck dick!. Her finger now well in my ass finger fucking me.
“Samantha, I can’t hold back any longer…”
She lifted her head from my cock and looked me in the eyes. Her hand grabbed my cock and started stroking it fast. My balls were at bursting point, and I felt a shudder of orgasm flow through my body.
“Jesus fucking christ!” I roared.
A long hard trail of semen squirted out of me, landing on her hair and forehead. Samantha kept stroking and another hard squirt landed on her nose and mouth.
I was done. There was nothing left in me.
Samantha removed her finger from my ass and stood up, pulled me in close to her and gave me a deep, passionate kiss. I could taste my own semen on her mouth, something I had never done before, but it didn’t bother me.
All of a sudden Samantha panicked.
“What time is it?” she cried.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I have to collect my kid from school”, she said in dismay.
She dressed quickly, threw the money at me and ran out the door. Semen still in her hair.
I stood there still naked, in shock by what had just happened. I never did get another appointment from her again.