“Gypsy!” I called as I walked through the back door. “You here?”
That’s odd I thought. The house was usually lit up like Christmas and had music blaring so loudly you could hear it down the street. The house was instead, dimly lit and the only music I heard, came from the hallway that leads to her room. My nostrils were treated to the aroma of hand rolled medicinal herbs as I drew closer to her bedroom door.
“Gypsy.” I called again in a whisper, lightly tapping on the door. “you in here?”
I walked into her bedroom and her bathroom door was slightly ajar. There was no way I was going to pass up peeking into a beautiful woman’s bathroom.
I caught of glimpse of her reflection in the large vanity mirror. She had a black blindfold on, and was listening to some classical music. A fine thin colume of smoke exited her parted lips, rising upward, filling the space. Gypsy laid there in just a few inches of sudsy bath water, legs spread wide with feet planted on either side of the ornate gold swan headed spicket. The water streamed hard, splashing squarely on her cunt and asshole. She twisted back and forth as the hot water licked at both of her tight holes. My cock was instantly hard. Being the voyeur I am, I stood silent as she moved in glorious slow motion. Gypsy began to slowly thrust her hips more vigorously into the stream. A naughty determined smile covered her face as she repeatedly licked her full lips. She leaned her head back on the edge of the oversized jacuzzi tub as she took both breasts in her hands and squeezed them hard. She pulled and pinched at her nipples as she swayed under the pounding waterfall.
I wanted to rip my clothes off and join her in the tub, but couldn’t bring myself to interrupt her. As Gypsy intensified her motions, low moans filled the room. Her hands tightened their grip on her tits as she began to tremble. The muscles in her stomach flexed hard, lifting her upper body out of the water. She threw her head backwards and let out a loud shrill gasp as a strong orgasm rocked her body and she shot a hot stream of her own. She jerked several times as smaller waves of pleasure coursed through her vagina.
Finally, Gypsy slid away from the torrent of water that had just dealt her a very pleasurable moment. She laid there rubbing her hard nipples as her moans turned to sobs. I knew that the second anniversary of her late husband’s death was just a few weeks away and her emotions were on high alert. I couldn’t bear to watch this lady I cared for in such agony, but I couldn’t risk her knowing that I had violated her privacy either. I quietly stepped away from the door and went into the gameroom to make myself a drink.
I sat there in the recliner for a few minutes, the room still dimly lit, staring into nowhere. No music, no TV, no distractions. I reflected on what Gypsy was doing for me, and to me. I searched my heart and soul for what Gypsy was becoming to me. No other woman like Gypsy had ever taken such interest in me. No other kid I knew had such a great job. No other kid I knew was making what I made. They certainly weren’t making it to fuck pretty women who appreciated a young man’s attention. I sipped my drink as I pondered life itself.
A short time later Gypsy strolled through the game room, naked as usual. My presence startled her as she turned a light on in the room. “Howdy! I didn’t know you were here. Have you… been here long?”
She crossed the room and straddled my lap, kissing me first on the forehead, then the lips. “How was your day? Am I working you too hard?” Gypsy laughed a naughty laugh.
“You smell delicious Gypsy.” I said as I pulled her body closer to drink in her fragrance.
“Well Howdy,” she said batting her eyelashes, “I have a date with someone very special tonight and I want to make sure I have his full attention.”
“Really? He must be the luckiet guy on planet Earth Gypsy. Do you think he expects to get even luckier after the date? Hmmm?” I asked with a smile.
“If he doesn’t try, I’m going to fire his ass.” Gypsy giggled as she rested her forehead on mine.
I took Gypsy’s face in both hands and cradled it close to mine as I took a really deep look into her eyes. As I pulled her into me for a kiss, she pulled away.
“What’s that serious look for Howdy?” she asked with a playful fist to my chest.
“Nothing Gypsy. I just don’t want to ever forget what you look like. Your eyes, your lips, your beautiful face.” I said, stealing the kiss amid her weak protest.
Gypsy’s eyes glassed over and she hid her tears as she leaned her head on my shoulder. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held me tightly as her tears trickled down my neck. She gently ran her nails through my hair. I ran my hands over her in the most non-sexual, caring way a young guy could muster. I held her tight as she wept quietly.
“Why did you do that to me Howdy? Dammit! Now I have to redo my makeup.” she forced an innocent giggle. “I’ll be back in a few. You on the other hand, better get your ass ready for our date or I will find another toy to play with.” she playfully threatened.
I gave Gypsy some space to collect herself and showered in the guest bathroom. When I came out, Gypsy was standing in front of her full length mirror, examining her outfit, which looked like a million bucks. She had pearl earrings, a single strand pearl necklace and pearl rings on the index finger of each hand. The black chiffon dress she had on barely made it to mid thigh and hugged her body like I would if I was her dress. Small spagetti straps held the plunging neckline in place. Black heels forced her calves into perfect diamonds.
“WOW Gypsy, I guess I’m going to need to dress up a bit. You look wonderful.” I said with schoolboy admiration.
“By the way Gypsy, where are we going tonight?”
“It’s a surprise Howdy. Just some place special. You better hurry though. The limo will be here in fifteen minutes.” Gyspy lightly scolded as she tapped her watch.
Limo I said to myself as I sifted through the clothes I had stashed in her guest bedroom closet. Good thing we’ve been paid in cash so far.
I quickly dressed and came out to take another look at this beauty queen I was taking out for the evening. “Damn Gypsy, I hope I can keep my hands off of you until we get home.” I said looking her up and down several times.
The shear fabric did a poor job hiding the fact that she elected to wear no underwear whatsoever. “Gypsy,” I said as my fingertip reached to trace the outline of her hard nipple, “did you forget your bra again?” I laughed.
Gypsy swatted my hand away and lifted her dress to show me that she neglected to wear panties too.
“Happy? Hmmm” she teased as she slipped her fingers between her legs and extended her wet fingers for me to taste.
I leaned in for a kiss and she turned her head to offer me a cheek. Then pointing to her fresh lipstick, said, “Listen pussy breath, these lips will have to wait for the ride home Howdy.”
“You are such a tease Gypsy! Dammit you make my cock throb for you!”
“Howdy, you say that like it’s a bad thing.” she said with a naughty smile.
A ring at the door bell told us the limo was there. We locked up and strolled hand in hand to the limo. I caught the driver giving Gypsy the once over. He looked at me and gave me the, ‘you undeserving lucky little punk bastard!’ smirk.
I smiled and winked, “Monster cock!” I whispered, giving myself a hearty grope.
He shut the door behind me with a bit more force than usual I’m sure. I laughed. He already had instructions where to take us, so without wasting words, off we went.
Gypsy and I talked about everything under the sun except sex and her late husband. The drive from the berbs into town was very pleasant. Living on the South Shore of Clear Lake had lots of great amenities. One of which though, did not include the proximity to fine downtown dining and nightlife. I recognized the landmarks as we approached the Spindletop Resturant downtown. It was the first resturant in the country to feature a revolving dining experience. The entire dining room spun in slow circles that gave diners an unobstructed 360 degree view of the beautiful city lights.
The maitre ‘d greeted us warmly, and remembered Gypsy from her many other visits there over the years. He gave me a curious look and Gypsy explained that I was her partner in a new venture. He sat us near the window and drew a partition to give us more privacy. I noticed Gypsy slip him a 50 bill.
Our evening was the best date I had ever had. We laughed, ate, drank and had fun. Gypsy sat staring at me for the longest time. Then she winked and I felt her foot slide up my calf.
“Is that what I think it is Gypsy?” I asked with a wink.
“Dunno Howdy. What do you think it is? Hmmm?” she responded as she licked the rim of her drink.
I waited for her foot to reach my crotch. Then I took her foot and massaged it as she stared at me, breathing heavily. Soon she had both feet in my lap and was rubbing the length of my cock between her feet. Gypsy took great delight knowing I was squirming for my life.
Gypsy made a funny little noise that captured the waiters attention. He came to our table and wondered if everything was alright or if we needed anything. Gypsy and I both laughed and answered we were fine.
“Gimme your foot Howdy.” Gypsy said with a very determined and sexual tone of voice.
I kicked off my shoe and slipped it between her legs. Her eyes half closed as my foot made it’s way up her smooth thighs. My large toe immediately hit her hot button.
“Oh my God Howdy. she said as her breathing quickly became heavy. “I can’t do this here. I’m way too loud and too many here know me. Let’s go for a ride.”
We paid and left hurriedly, finding the driver just where we left him. He scurried out to get the door for us when he saw us exit the building.
“Driver, close the privacy partition! And drive us around town for a couple of hours before you take us home.” Gypsy ordered.
The privacy window was no more up than she had her heels off and had climbed into my lap. She was a woman possessed as she smothered me in kisses and gropes. We couldn’t get enough of the feel of each others hot flesh. Gypsy pulled her dress above her waist, once again confirming the fact she had no panties.
“Fuck me like I’m your slut Howdy.” she moaned as she squeezed her tits hard. “Make me yours tonight. Take this pussy and ass and make them all yours.” She purred loudly as she bit at my ear.
Gypsy rubbed her hot body up and down mine as I reclined to get more comfortable. Her pussy was so wet I could feel her juices soaking my clothes everywhere she sat on me. I pulled her dress over her shoulders, leaving her completely naked except for her jewely and heels. Gypsy yanked at my pants, trying to free my cock so she could have her way with it.
There was no need to prep the end of my cock in order to avoid it’s size stretching her out. She was so wet, her snatch easily gobbled up the entire length of my cock in one hard pounce. Gypsy, clenched her teeth and dug her nails into my chest and screamed as I thrust hard and deep in her. She ground herself into me as if she was going to have her first orgasm. Our hard thrusts met each others with reckless abandon as we fucked like animals. Gypsy was a cumming machine that had no off switch. One wave after another rollled through her body, soaking me and the back seat. We fucked and sucked and licked and probed and fingered and nibbled on each other for over two hours while the driver toured H-Town. We were still fucking when we realized we were sitting in front of her house.
We laid there in the limo for another few minutes, just holding each other, kissing between long stretches of silence. Then we dressed and knocked on the window and told the driver we wanted out. Within seconds the rear door opend and Gypsy slid towards the rear door. The friction of the seat pulled her dress way up her thighs as she stepped out first. Her dress was still very high up the thighs and he got a great look at her cum coated hairy lips. I exited as I zipped up.
I gave him a long blank look, shrugged my shoulders, smiled a smartass smile and said, “Dude, like I said, monster cock!”
Gypsy burst out laughing and grabbed my hand as we made a dash for the front door. “Just you wait till I get you in the house young man!”