Confederate Cock Sucker and Cuckold

"I'm drunk and suck my best friend at a Civil War reenactment, which leads to him fucking my wife."

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My name is Grady, and my best friend, Harley, and I were participating in The Battle of Blountville (Tennessee) Civil War reenactment in September 2018, at a time when we were both forty-five years old, when something occurred that changed our personal relationship forever, in an intimate way. I’ll give you a little background before I get to the significant parts of the story.


We live in Johnson City, which is only about thirty miles from the Blountville battlefield, both working as mechanics at a water heater manufacturing company. We had been participating as bit-part Confederate soldiers in those reenactments for the past twenty years, and in our roles, we usually end up being slaughtered on the battlefield.

Harley and I were born and raised in Johnson City, with our families living on the same street and had been best friends since kindergarten. We played baseball, basketball, and football together, starting in middle school and all the way up through high school. We had fun competing, but Harley always seemed to be just a little stronger, faster, and better than me. He’s better looking too and was more popular with the girls.

I began dating Kasey, the girl who would become my wife, after Harley dumped her for the girl he would marry, Scarlett. He only dated Kasey for a short time in our junior year, but both told me that they fucked like rabbits and she loved sucking his cock and balls. Kasey is only five feet and two inches tall, and weighs about one hundred and seventeen pounds. She also has an amazing ass and 34DD breasts that look huge on her petite body, and she’s pretty, looking a lot like the actress Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Harley moved on to Scarlett since he thought she was even better looking, being five feet and seven inches tall and weighing about one hundred and thirty pounds, and she has breasts even bigger than Kasey’s. Scarlett looks a lot like the singer Katy Perry, but I still think I got the best deal since Kasey is still in shape and even prettier, but Scarlett let herself go and is way overweight.

Blountville Battlefield Experience

Harley and I are hard-core reenactors, and we have authentic uniforms from the period. Even though we live only thirty minutes away, we always stay the weekend, from Friday night to Sunday afternoon living in our authentic, canvas, wedge tent. We also cook over a fire and try to live like those soldiers did over one hundred and fifty years ago.

The events that gave rise to this story began on the battlefield on Saturday, when we were involved in a fierce battle with the Union soldiers. Our role was to repeatedly fire and reload our authentic muskets, making lots of smoke with the blank loads during the first hour of the battle and then get mowed down by cannon fire. We had to stay still, in place where we fell for about thirty minutes allowing the various news stations covering the event to take videos until the end of the battle.

We got the signal from our unit leader to fall when a cannon was fired our way and in the confusion of other falling men, Harley fell first, being dramatic in his death plunge to the ground, landing on his back on the legs of another soldier. I was also acting the part and I spun around with my eyes closed before falling with my face planted in Harley’s lap.

It wasn’t my plan to fall that way, but being true to the enactment, I held still with my face turned slightly to the side, and felt Harley’s soft cock lump against the side of my face, with his cock head ending just about where I had my mouth open. I didn’t notice anything unusual at first, but after breathing against the crotch of his trousers for a few minutes in the heat of the day, Harley’s cock started to harden.

I thought that was funny at first and didn’t know if Harley even realized what was happening. But, after a few more minutes, when his cock was fully hard against my face, I felt his thick meat flexing rhythmically and realized that he was purposely doing that to be funny. I had seen his soft cock many times over the years, first in the showers at school, and then as adults pissing at bars and other events and know that he’s well-hung.

Harley’s big cock is just another way that he’s better than me. We’re both uncircumcised, but his cock is very thick, almost as thick as a beer can, and about seven inches long when soft, with a huge mushroom head. From feeling it against my face, I guessed that it was almost nine inches long when hard. My cock is fairly thick, and four inches long when soft, being six and a half inches long when hard.

He intermittently flexed his big cock for the remaining fifteen minutes, sometimes even slightly flexing his hips against me as if he was trying to fuck my face. I had never had even the slightest interest in other men’s genitals and knew that I wasn’t a homo. But, for some reason, on that day and at that moment, it was turning me on.

Maybe that was because some of the sexual excitement had faded in my marriage with Kasey. We still had sex at least once a week, but it was routine for me and I could tell that it was boring for her. She was usually just doing it to please me, although she still loves it when I eat her out both before and after we fuck. Harley knows about my situation with Kasey, and I remembered that he told me that he was having almost no sex at home with Scarlett. She was so sensitive about him seeing her body with the weight she gained, and he was always kidding about finding some pussy on the side. So, I was starting to think about having his cock against my face as just a natural, arousing moment, that was no big deal.

The reenactment finally ended and Harley smiled at me when I got off him, as he reached down to adjust his pants to cover his cock lump. I wanted to see what he’d say for himself and asked, “Damn, buddy. Did you realize what the fuck you were doing to my face for the last half hour? You had your hard cock flexing on my face.”

We started walking back to our tent as he laughed and said, “Sorry, Grady, but I’m not getting much pussy at home and feeling your face and hot breath on my meat like that got my fantasies going. And shit, if you didn’t like it you could’ve always moved your head a few inches. The cameras wouldn’t have picked that up. And you don’t even want to know what I was fantasizing about.”

I said, “Come on, Harley, you might as well spit it out. How bad could it be?”

He said, “Okay, you asked for it. The way your head was laying in my lap, with your mouth right by my cock head, was just like Kasey used to do back in our junior year before she’d suck my cock and then I fucked her. And, with your mouth right there next to the head of my cock, and feeling your warm breath, I have to admit that I was also visualizing you taking my cock into your mouth and sucking it. Fuck, I would’ve creamed my pants if we stayed that way much longer.”

We were in front of our tent when I said, “Fuck, come on, Harley, you know that I’ve never shown even the slightest interest in your cock. Why would you even think about me doing that for you? And that would make you a homo, or bisexual, or whatever, too.”

Harley grinned and let me know that he thought I had some interest, saying, “Honestly, buddy, I don’t think most men would’ve left their face on my cock lump after they realized that I was flexing it to tease them; reenactment or no reenactment. So, I’ll admit that it crossed my mind having you suck me off. With us in our mid-forties, and with the sex at home not being as great for either of us as it used to be, I thought it was possible that you might develop a taste for my meat if I teased you a little. I mean, shit, sex is sex.”

He paused for a moment before saying, “As horny as I’ve been lately, any mouth, man or woman would be fine with me, so long as I could get off without using my hand. And shit, man, you didn’t say anything just now about me fantasizing about Kasey. Maybe you liked having me talk about her, and we could help each other out. I’d love to fuck her again since Scarlett’s gone cold on me, and that might spice up your love lives; sharing her pussy and those huge knockers with a buddy.”

I didn’t say anything about his proposal and realized after his comment that it didn’t really bother me having him talk about her. I’ve known since I started dating her in high school that she and Harley had fucked, and that gave us a weird, perverted connection, knowing that he had fucked the woman who became my wife. Maybe that’s why I didn’t get that upset about his hard cock against my face. We were best friends before Kasey was part of either of our lives, and we have a strong connection.

Getting My First Taste of Harley’s Cock, Balls, and Ass

We socialized with some of the other reenactors in tents near ours and then cooked our dinner over the fire pit, just as it was getting dark. The Civil War-era soldiers mostly drank whiskey when in the field, but Harley and I had broken with our hard-core traditions by bringing along a cooler filled with ice and a case of beer, which we had during dinner and then in the privacy of our tent afterward. We drank four beers each as we talked about the events of the day and what was planned for Sunday. Then, when we were both inebriated and feeling no pain, Harley started talking about my wife, which led to us talking about what happened with my face in his crotch earlier that day.

We were sitting on our bedrolls, wearing the Civil War-era, homespun nightshirts and ankle-length drawers, with three-button center flies, and Harley slurred his words as he said, “Hey, buddy, you didn’t say anything about my idea to give Kasey another taste of my big cock, after all these years. Does that mean you’re considering it? And if not, maybe you’d consider taking care of my meat yourself. You really got me going today with your hot breath on my cock and I was starting to think you were interested when you didn’t pull away. I’d hate to waste a big load by shooting it on the ground.”

My mind was getting fuzzy, and I probably started asking more questions than I should have. That could have given him the idea that I was interested in sucking his cock, which I really was considering at that point.

I said, “We can talk about my wife later, but for now I’m curious about something. How would you feel about a guy who would suck your cock? Would you lose respect for him and treat him like shit afterward? Would you really let a man suck you off? And what about you? If you’re so anxious to have your cock sucked, would you return the favor?”

Harley answered in a way that I knew he was pandering me, saying, “That’s a lot of questions, buddy, and it seems like you have more interest in my cock than you’ve let on, asking those questions. But since you’re asking, I wouldn’t think any less of a man who sucks my cock, especially if he’s a lifelong friend. And hell yeah, I’d let a man suck my cock; a mouth is a mouth and any will feel good shooting my load into. But, I don’t think I could ever return the favor. I’m just not built that way. I’d have never kept my face against your cock like you did for me.”

He had grinned at me when he said, ‘especially if it’s a lifelong friend’, and I got the sense that he was confident he could talk me into it. So, I played into his hands further, saying, “Well, that doesn’t seem fair that you wouldn’t reciprocate. Let me ask you something less hypothetical and make it more personal. What if I said I was willing to try sucking your cock, not that I would, but if so, would you try sucking mine too, if that’s was the only way you’d get sucked?”

Harley smiled and replied, “Holy shit, Grady, are you saying that you’d try it? If you’re serious, I guess I could try a little too, but I can’t promise I’ll follow through. Really, man, if you’re serious, how would we do this?”

I replied, “Shit, Harley, I don’t know. I’ve never done anything like this. But maybe we should find a position where we can try it at the same time. We can lay side-by-side, facing one another in the opposite direction and try it that way. Here, I’ll turn around on my side in front of you and you get on your side.”

It was hard to believe that I was really encouraging us to try it, but the more I thought about that afternoon with his big cock lump pressed against my face, the more I wanted to try sucking it. We got into position and I had his drawers unbuttoned while he was stalling and still fumbling with my buttons. Then I started pushing his drawers down and he lifted his hips to help me. At that point, I smelled the musky aroma of his crotch, after wearing those wool uniform pants over his drawers out in the hot sun all afternoon and saw his soft, thick cock hanging in front of my face.

I stopped then, looking at his big cock and egg-sized, low-hanging balls, waiting for him to do more with me. He finally got the message and finished unbuttoning my drawers and I lifted my hips as he pushed them down. It was apparent that he was going to wait for me to go first on everything, so I took his thick cock in one hand, while fondling his balls with the other, and was aroused by how thick and meaty his cock is. And that huge cock head looked like it was a plum wearing a helmet.

His cock hardened in seconds when I started stroking it, and as much as I wanted to lean in and taste his oozing foreskin, I waited until he at least touched my cock. He finally, and tentatively touched my cock with a couple of fingers and I leaned in opening wide to engulf his precum-covered cock head. His cream tasted pretty much like my own when I eat it out of Kasey’s pussy and I started sucking on his knob.

I loved the feeling, taste, and texture of his big cock in my mouth and just the thrill of having sex. I wondered why I had never tried sucking a cock before then. I was almost out of my mind with arousal and began going down as far on his nine-inch shaft as far I could. I even reached around to grip and hug his bare ass to help pull his meat into my mouth. Harley had not done anymore to me than touch my cock, and he even pulled his fingers away. I was sure that he wasn’t going to do more since I had already committed to sucking him. I didn’t care at that point, as was enjoying sucking his cock.

Harley started thrusting his hips, pushing his big cock into my mouth in sync with my head moving back and forth on his shaft, and the sounds of me slurping on his meat filled the tent. I had been sucking his cock for what seemed like five minutes, when Harley began to moan even louder, and said, “Oh fuck, oh shit, keep sucking Grady, I’m so fucking close. I’m cummiiinnnnggg…”

His voice trailed off as he rolled mostly on top of me, fucking my mouth like a cunt, as his cock began to jerk and pulse. I felt and tasted spurt after spurt of his thick cum shooting into my mouth and I not only sucked hard to get every drop, but I was gripping his hairy, muscular ass, and realized that my fingers were buried in his sweaty ass crack. He stayed on top of me for another few minutes slowly stroking his softening cock in my mouth, as I continued sucking for any remnants of his tasty cum.

Harley finally rolled off me and was almost breathless as he said, “Holy fuck, buddy, you just swallowed my whole, fucking, three-week load. Did you think this through ahead of time and realize that you’d be swallowing my cream and seed? Fuck, man, that’s disgusting. I tasted my own cum years ago, but fuck, you swallowed it all and kept sucking for more.”

I know that my face was red with embarrassment when I replied, “Yeah, I knew you’d be feeding me your load, but I eat my own cum out of Kasey after we fuck and didn’t think it would be a big deal. But shit, Harley, your load was huge and I almost choked getting it down. And what the fuck, man, why didn’t you suck me too?”

He answered, “I didn’t really like misleading you into thinking I’d suck you, but I can’t do that shit, man. No offense, but it’s nasty to take a man’s cock in your mouth and I don’t know how you could do it. Although, I’m glad you did it for me. How did you like it, and will you want to do it again?”

It was embarrassing to talk with my best friend about sucking his cock, but I said, “I never believed I would, but I enjoyed sucking you off and couldn’t believe how turned on I got doing it. And shit, I think I might even want to try sucking your huge fucking balls.”

When I said that, Harley pushed me back on the bedroll and straddled my chest facing my head as he said, “Fuck yeah, my cock sucking friend, I haven’t had my balls sucked since Kasey did it for me, and I’m going to feed them to you.”

His balls are so big and hang down so long, that they were already draped on my face as he pulled his soft cock to the side and looked down at me smiling. I took first one and then the other of his sweaty and musky testicles into my mouth, and I loved the texture of his hairy scrotum.

Harley started sliding back and forth on my face until his bulging perineum was in my mouth and I continued sucking him there with my nose buried in his balls. I don’t know if Harley purposely slid farther forward, but in another minute my face was buried in his ass cleavage. I was so aroused by then, feeling my face smothered in his ripe ass, that I kept sucking, and realized that I was tonguing, rimming, and sucking his asshole.

Harley was squirming above me, leaning back on his arms to keep his balance on my face, as he moaned, saying, “Damn, Grady, you really are a nasty mother fucker. I can tell you that no one has ever sucked my ass before, even though I tried to get Kasey to do it for me. Is there anything you won’t do, buddy? Fuck yeah, buddy, suck my fucking shit hole.”

He finally rolled off me and I said, “Oh fuck, Harley, I don’t know what got into me, but I can tell you that I enjoyed sucking you. In fact, lay back and let me suck your cock a little more. I love the taste and texture of your thick cock and I’m going to nurse your meat until you’re ready to feed me another load. I loved it when I felt the sprays of cum shooting into my mouth.”

Harley said, “That sounds like a good plan, buddy, but first I need to take a piss to get rid of some of this beer. Can you hold off for a few minutes? I really have to go, and we wouldn’t want to have an accident that fucks up our tent.”

I answered, “Yes, sure, but just stand up and let me get on my knees to get a quick taste before you go out.”

As I began sucking his cock, I realized how much I liked feeling and tasting his cum shooting into my mouth and I got the idea to try drinking his piss. I had read somewhere years ago that piss is basically sterile when taken fresh from the spout of a healthy person, and I was going to encourage him to feed it to me.

I kept sucking his cock on my knees in front of him and I reached back with both hands to firmly grip his bare ass so he couldn’t pull away. His cock was starting to harden only a little and he was squirming to pull back as he said, “Come on, buddy, you’ve got to let me go. I can’t hold it much longer.”

And when I kept sucking and gripped his ass even tighter, he said, “Okay, cock sucker, if you really want it, here it comes.”

His cock flexed and a strong stream of beer piss filled my mouth. I swallowed fast enough to keep up with the flow and kept swallowing as Harley held my head and said, “Holy fuck, Grady, you might not have ever done any of this shit before, but you’re making up for lost time. Damn, man, you’re drinking my piss like you haven’t had anything to drink in days.”

That strong flow of piss continued for what seemed like over a minute and when it was over, I realized that I must have swallowed at least a pint of his piss. Harley pulled up his drawers and said, “Thanks, buddy, now I don’t have to go. But you’d better go out and get rid of your four beers and the two I just fed you.”

Giving Other Reenactors Relief

I came back to the tent after taking a piss and let Harley know that I was ready to suck some more cock. He laughed and said, “Hold on, tiger, I think I need to rest up a little. But, if you’re that hungry for some more cock meat, maybe I can go out and round up a few of our acquaintances from past reenactments. Most men get horny when they’re with a group of men and away from their wives like this and I’m sure they’d be happy to feed you. Most of them are talking about trying to find some pussy around here, anyway, but that never happens.”

Harley was gone for about ten minutes and he returned with Spencer and Jasper, two fifty-something men we see every year at the events. It was clear that Harley had explained everything because when they came into our tent, Spencer said, “Damn, Grady, I’d have never figured you for a homo, but my wife’s not been giving her pussy up lately and I could sure use a good blowjob.”

Spencer unceremoniously pushed down his pants and drawers and sat down on my bedroll. His cock was soft, cut, and looked as thick as Harley’s with a huge, gnarly head, but not as long. He also has a huge set of balls and I got down between his legs and began sucking his testicles.

He held my head and said, “Fuck, man, this is a real treat. My wife has never sucked my balls and only rarely sucks my cock. It might take me a few minutes to get it up, but Harley said you could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.”

I sucked his balls for a few minutes and then moved up to suck his cock. I think I got it hard faster than he expected, because he said, “Damn, this cock sucker really knows what he’s doing. Harley said that tonight’s your first time and I can hardly wait until next year when you’ll have more experience and we can start the fun on Friday night.”

It was ten minutes before he finally tensed up, held my head in place, and fed me a big, bitter load of cum. He must have been drinking whiskey that made his cream bitter, but I loved the variety and tangy taste. While I was sucking Spencer, Jasper had taken off his pants and drawers and sat down next to Spencer, so I just moved over and sucked him off the same way. His cock is only about five inches long, but his balls are huge, and he fed me a big load of cum.

After those two men left, Harley smiled as two more men came into our tent. Harley had lined up ten other men for me to suck, and by the time it was over I needed a rest. I didn’t suck the other men’s asses or drink their piss, but I sure got a belly full of cum.

Making Plans for Harley to Fuck My Wife and Sucking Harley Again

Harley wanted another round in my mouth, but first he wanted to talk. He said, “I’d like a repeat of everything you did for me before we call it a night, but first I want to talk about Kasey. After what I’ve seen you do tonight, I’m pretty sure that you’d like to watch me fuck your wife. She loved my big cock in high school, just like you love it now, and I know that she’ll want to fuck me again. How can you make this happen?”

I did want to see Harley fuck her, and said, “Since you two have a history, I don’t see the point in playing some of kind of bullshit game to try to trick and convince her. I think I’ll just go home tomorrow night and tell her the truth about what happened here, at least most of it, and let her know that I’d love to see you two together. It’s hard to tell how she’ll feel about it because of the way you broke up with her, but if she doesn’t throw me out of the house, I think we can then invite you over.

As for tonight, now that the edge is off after your first ejaculation, I’d like to take my time and suck you again. I can take it slow and work on your balls until you’re ready to get off, and I love doing that, as well as being pinned under you.”

Harley laid back, spreading his legs and resting them on his feet and I crawled between them and began to casually suck on his testicles and scrotum. His big cock was lying across his thigh and at times he would use his hand to rub it on my head and face.

Then he said, “Let’s try a little bit different position. I’m going to straddle your head facing your feet this time and lay forward across your torso. Then I’ll pull my legs forward giving you full access to my balls, perineum, and ass. Then you can feast away at your leisure until I’m ready to fuck your mouth and get off again.”

We got into position, and as much as I liked having my face sat on, it was still nice to be able to breathe normally while sucking his balls and thick perineum, and it had the added benefit of giving me a closeup view of the whole area. When I finally leaned up and started sucking and licking his ass crack and asshole, Harley leaned back, sitting on my face, as I tongue-fucked and sucked his hole.

Finally, he laid back on the bed as I sucked his cock and when he was close to ejaculating, he rolled over on me and fucked my mouth, just like the first time. I think I liked sucking him more than the others, mainly because he’s my friend and the connection to my wife.

After I swallowed his second load of cum for the night, he said, “I don’t want to get up again, buddy, so drain my bladder for me like you did before, to get rid of these other two beers.”

I did drink his piss again, and then went out to piss. When I came back, Harley was almost asleep and he smiled as I moved between his legs with my face nuzzled in his balls and fell asleep there.

Second Day at the Reenactment and Confessing to Kasey

I sucked Harley off again on Sunday morning and the battle we depicted on the second day was the same as done on the first. It was a little embarrassing at first walking on the battlefield and recognizing the other men I sucked off on Saturday night, as they smiled at me, and brought their curled hands to their mouths in a way to simulate me sucking them, before saying, “Looking forward to next year, Grady.”

Other than that, the day was uneventful and we headed by to Johnson City at around 6:00 pm. We were almost home when Harley pulled into a wooded area and had me suck him off again. I could hardly believe how horny he is and knew that he’d be in heaven if Kasey agreed to fuck him.

I had called ahead and Kasey had dinner ready when I got home. I was deep in thought trying to think of a way to tell her what I had done and bring up the idea of her cuckolding me, when she said, “You seem to be a little withdrawn, honey, is there anything wrong?”

I replied, “I’m just really tired, honey. Maybe we can watch a little TV to relax and I’ll be ready to tell you all about it when we go to bed.”

Two hours later we were in bed and I decided that it might be easier to talk about her prior relationship with Harley first, before admitting that I had become his cock sucker. I said, “Harley and I had a lot of time to talk about things, and he was complaining again at how much weight Scarlett has gained and how she has no desire for sex. He let me know that he was on the hunt for some relief and brought up the relationship you two had before we started dating. He was even suggesting that…”

Kasey is very insightful and she easily discerned where the conversation was headed. She interrupted me, saying, “Well, Harley can fuck himself as far as I’m concerned. He dumped me for that fucking bitch, Scarlett, mainly because her tits are a little bigger than mine and now they’re probably hanging down to her fucking knees. If he’d have kept fucking me with his huge cock, you and I would’ve probably never gotten together. But wait. Why would you care enough to even bring that shit up to me? Why would you want to help him out?”

I knew that I needed to choose my next words carefully, and answered, “When he started talking about his sexual situation, or lack thereof with Scarlett, I couldn’t help thinking about us. We still have sex about once a week, but I can tell that, after all these years, you seem to be a little bored with it. I was hoping that by even talking about Harley’s situation and how he reminded me how you two fucked in high school, that, that, uh, maybe somehow, we could find a way to add a spark to our love life.”

She studied my face and asked, “So, what the fuck are you saying? Do you want me to fuck Harley again?”

I replied, taking liberties with the truth, “No, maybe, yes, I don’t know. We were drunk by then in our tent and the more he talked about what you two did in high school, the more aroused I got fantasizing about you two together. And I figured that you’ve already fucked him, so…”

Kasey looked disgusted and said, “So, you and your buddy Harley are such good friends that you think it’s okay for him to be my fuck buddy too? Just how close are you two now?”

That was my opening to confess and I said, “I have something to tell you, honey, and I’m asking that you please let me finish before you throw me out of the house. We got into a situation on the battlefield on Saturday where after we were killed by cannon fire and fell to the ground my face landed in his crotch. We kept still as we’re supposed to, and after a few minutes, with his cock across my face and the head near my mouth, my breathing and touch caused him to get a hard-on.”

She interrupted, laughing, and said, “You’ve got to be shitting me. Why didn’t you just move your head a little?”

I continued, saying, “We really like to stay still for the news crews and I had my face on his hard cock, with his pants on of course, for a half-hour. And as it turned out, his cock head really was right under my mouth. And I knew that he was aware of what was happening because he was flexing his cock against my face. Harley started teasing me mercilessly about it back in the tent, and after we got drunk, he mentioned that having my head there reminding him of the way you used to lay your head in his lap, before sucking his cock and fucking him.”

Kasey was looking a little more serious then, and maybe slightly aroused, likely thinking about those times sucking his cock. She said, “Yeah, well, I never told you about that, since I thought having you know that I fucked him would be enough, without getting into all the details. But what is it that you want to tell me? What you’ve said so far doesn’t seem so bad.”

I stretched the truth again, saying, “Please remember that I was drunk, and the more he talked about how you sucked his cock, the more arousing it was for me. I even started thinking about what it would be like for me to suck his cock. And, well, uh, please forgive me, honey, but I sucked him off and swallowed his cum, just like I envisioned you doing. I’m so sorry, honey.”

She laid there with a stern look on her face and then broke out laughing, before saying, “Holy fucking shit, honey, you actually sucked off Harley? Does that mean that you sucked his balls too, because I used to love doing that for him and he loved it too? Fuck, now I’ve got a cock sucker for a husband and we have something in common with Harley. But tell me, did you enjoy it, and did he suck your cock too?”

I hung my head in mock shame, and answered, “Heaven help me, sweetie, but I did enjoy it, and I sucked him off again. And no, he teased me a little, making me think he was going to return the favor, but ended up telling me he thought it was nasty to put a cock in his mouth. By the time we were undressed, and he just barely touched my cock, I was so aroused by then that I sucked him anyway.”

Kasey laughed again, before saying, “Now all of this makes sense. You’ve become submissive to Harley and his big cock and you want him to cuckold you. I bet you can’t wait to see his monster cock impaling your wife’s pussy, and heaven knows what else you might do, or might have already done with him. Damn, honey, after hearing all this you’ve got to fuck me now before I have to masturbate.”

We had the best sex in years and fucked twice with me cleaning her pussy with my mouth both times. When we were finished and lying there before going to sleep, Kasey leaned over to kiss me and then said, “Go ahead and invite Harley over, honey. I’ll enjoy fucking his huge cock again, and from everything you’ve said, I know that you’ll enjoy watching him fuck me and even participating by cleaning us up afterward. I never thought my husband would be a cock sucker, but this might turn out to be an exciting fresh start for all of us.”

Then as an afterthought, she said, “You need to know that if we do this, honey, I’m not going to be bound by any rules. I don’t want this cuckold relationship to just be for quick fucks, and if Harley and I become romantically involved again, you’ll need to live with it. One of my girlfriends told me how these cuckold relationships work, and you’ll need to give Harley and me the space to enjoy it and be attentive to our needs.”

Kasey’s last comment was a little concerning. The way she expressed strong, hurt feelings, by bringing up the way he dumped her for Scarlett in high school, and then saying something about a fresh start and there being romantic involvement, I was starting to see that she still had strong feelings for Harley. There was no way to know if their new relationship would result in an alienation of affections between Kasey and me, or how strongly Harley might fall for her again. But I was so aroused at the thought of being cuckolded, that it was worth the risk.

Harley is Invited to Cuckold Me

I met up with Harley in an isolated area of the lunchroom on Monday at noon and decided to tease him a little before giving him the good news. So, I didn’t say anything about my conversation with Kasey or what we had done at the reenactment, until after he said, “I can’t stop thinking about the way you sucked me off, and the possibility of getting into Kasey’s pussy again. Did you have the balls to talk with her about what happened and what we’d like to do?”

I answered, “I really couldn’t think of a way to bring all that up to her. I started feeling guilty and embarrassed for myself at what we did together. I just don’t know if I can tell her, Harley. You might have to find another way to get off from now on.”

He looked concerned that he was losing any future chances to fuck my mouth and my wife, and said, “That doesn’t make sense, Grady. After all we talked about and the way you chowed down on my cock, balls, and ass, and even sucked off ten other men, I don’t see how you can so easily turn it off. Please, buddy, you really got my hopes up, and you’ve got to grow a pair and tell her. I can almost taste her sweet lips and those big tits, and feel her sweet, wet pussy wrapped around my cock.”

I teased him for a few more minutes, coming up with more excuses, and when he was almost exasperated, I smiled and said, “Relax, buddy, I’m just kidding with you. Kasey and I talked about it last night, and I told her everything, except about the rimming and piss drinking. She was a little miffed at first, saying that you had your chance in her pussy before dumping her for Scarlett. But, after I admitted sucking your cock and balls, she was amused by it and we fucked like rabbits. She wants me to invite you over so she can ride your big cock again. When can you make it?”

Harley reached over and kiddingly punched me in the shoulder, saying, “You fucking asshole. You shouldn’t tease a guy about something like this. Holy shit, that’s great. Scarlett has her weekly church group meeting on Wednesday nights, and I don’t go to church with her on Sunday either. Let’s make it Wednesday at about 7:00 pm. But fuck, man, I don’t think I can wait until then. Let’s go spend a few minutes in the restroom together to take the edge off.”

I laughed and said, “Damn, Harley, I sucked you off twice on both Saturday and Sunday, and now you want more? It just so happens that I’m hungry for more too, so let’s do it.”

The partitions in our restroom stalls go all the way to the floor, so we knew that no one would see us in there together. I sat on the toilet as Harley pushed down his pants and underwear and stood in front of me, and I first sucked his balls for a few minutes, until he whispered, “Come on, buddy, you can spend more time on my nuts on Wednesday. For now, we’ve got to get back to work, so hurry and suck a load out.”

I took his thick, already oozing cock head into my mouth and held his ass with both hands as he fucked my mouth. I tried to keep the slurping noise down as I hungrily sucked his cock, and in just a little over five minutes I was rewarded with another load of his cock cream. His cock throbbed and jerked, as I sucked to get every drop of his cum.

Harley Cuckolds Me and Heartbreaking Revelations

Wednesday couldn’t come soon enough for me and I knew that Kasey spent time trimming her pussy hair, fixing her hair and makeup, and getting ready for the big night. Harley arrived right on time, and although our families had socialized over the years, it was like Harley and Kasey were seeing each other for the first time since high school. There was a palpable tension in the air since we knew what would be happening.

We sat down for a few minutes and Kasey didn’t waste any time getting to the point. She said, “Damn, Harley, Grady told me you wooed him with that big cock of yours, just like you did with me in high school. It’s a little weird knowing that my husband is a cock sucker, but I can’t really blame him, because I loved sucking your meat too. Let’s take this to our bedroom, and Grady can undress us, as we get reacquainted after all these years.”

They stood by the bed and hugged each other, before beginning a tongue probing kiss, as Harley rubbed her breasts and she reached down to rub his cock. I began undressing Kasey first, working around their gripping arms and hands as I took off her skirt, pulled down her panties and then unbuttoned her blouse to expose her big, braless tits. I could smell her arousal and knew that she was wet and ready to fuck my best friend.

Then I reached between them to unfasten and drop Harley’s pants and underwear and I couldn’t resist fondling his cock and balls as I pulled them down. They had been kissing passionately, with probing tongues, for over five minutes, and when they pulled apart, I finished removing her blouse and his shirt.

We all just stood there momentarily until Kasey took charge and said, “I want to taste your cock again before we fuck, Harley, and I want to see Grady sucking your balls. So, Grady, lie back with your head at the foot of the bed, and I want Harley to straddle and back up over you, sitting on your chest. That way I can see you sucking his balls before I take his cock into my mouth.”

I didn’t know how she could have thought of that position, but I got into place and Harley’s ass grazed my face as he move back, bringing his balls to my mouth. I began sucking and slurping on his big balls and scrotum, as Kasey looked down, and said, “Even though you told me, honey, I still didn’t believe you’d really do this. But now, I’ve got to suck his cock.”

Kasey got on her knees and leaned in suck his cock, and for the first time I saw the sweet lips of my wife sucking another man’s cock. She seemed to have a familiarity with his cock, even after so many years, and I was amazed how she could open her mouth wide enough to take in the huge cock head and several inches of his shaft.

She’d been sucking his cock for only a couple of minutes when Harley decided to show Kasey something that I hadn’t told her about. He said, “Oh fuck, you’d better stop now, Kasey, so I can save my first load for your sweet, married pussy. Lean back a little and watch, and I’ll show you what else your nasty fucking hubby did for me.”

I wasn’t sure what he was going to do, but then he moved forward, first rubbing my face on his perineum, until sliding farther, until my face was squeezed between his ass cheeks. I reached up and spread his ass cheeks with my hands, as he settled on my face, and I held his hips in place as he squirmed on my face.

I began noisily licking, sucking, and slurping his ass crack an asshole and I could barely hear him say, “Oh fuck, Kasey, you’ve got to try this. He’s sucking and tongue-fucking my shit hole, and he’s munching on it like he hasn’t eaten in days.”

Then I heard Kasey, “Fuck, Harley, how’d you ever get him to do that for you? I’ve always wanted to have my ass rimmed but never had the guts to ask him.”

Harley laughed, and replied, “The first time he sucked me, I was sitting on him feeding him my balls and didn’t realize at first that I slid forward enough that his face was in my ass crack. And I’ll be damned if he didn’t start sucking and licking me there. This cock sucker does everything you can think of and I’ll show you more later.”

I rimmed his ass for about five minutes until Kasey said, “Come on, Harley, let’s fuck. Grady can do this for both of us later.”

Kasey looked at me with disgust as she laid back on the bed, and spread her legs for Harley, I got between their legs to watch, as he got into place, and I saw the bulbous head of his huge cock squeeze into her adulterous pussy. She moaned at the pressure from his thicker cock and I heard the squishing sounds of her juices as he impaled her, and a faintly popping sound as that bulbous head pushed in.

I had the perfect view, watching his ass clench and his big cock, buried repeatedly to the balls in her pussy, as his big balls slapped against her ass and inner thighs. It was a vision of primal, breeding lust, as he ravaged my wife while he at the same time was alternately kissing her and sucking her huge breasts.

I knew that he must be close to cumming when he said, “Oh shit, I forgot to ask. Are you on birth control, Kasey?”

She was moaning and having orgasm after orgasm and was almost breathless. But, when she responded, I got heartbreaking insight into their long, lost, unrequited love. I think she was lost in her lust at that moment and temporarily unaware of my presence.

She was panting as she replied, “I’m on the pill, but it’s too late for me to have another child anyway. I love you so much, Harley, and almost wish that you had impregnated me in high school, so you’d have had to marry me. But breed me now, honey, and let’s pretend that you’re giving me your baby.”

After Kasey said that, Harley began to moan and grunt, as his balls pulled up, and I saw his perineum pulsing rhythmically as he pumped her womb full of his seed. He continued fucking her with his deflating cock, as they kissed passionately, for what seemed like ten minutes. I knew that I could never talk to Kasey about what she said in that moment of passion, for fear of hearing more about her love for my friend. She had called him honey, and I knew that Harley and I would be sharing her both physically and emotionally from then on.

Harley finally pulled his spent cock out of my wife with an audible slurping sound and moved over slightly next to her, still kissing, with his slimy cock laying across her thigh. I moved between her legs and didn’t need to be told to suck her pussy clean. I sucked her cum-covered labia and clit before probing her pussy for more of his ejaculate and her juices.

After cleaning her pussy, I began to suck Harley’s cock clean and they broke their kiss as he leaned back a little, giving me full access to his cock. I sucked and licked the cock that had just inseminated my wife, as they watched me. I looked Kasey in the eyes and saw both sadness at seeing her husband take a subservient role with her lover, and at the same time, arousal, lust, and happiness, that we were sharing an intense cuckold relationship with her former, and then-current lover.

We were relaxing in bed after their first copulation, and they were cuddling as they kissed, and he sucked her breasts. That’s when Kasey remembered something, and asked, “What did you mean earlier, Harley, when you said that you’d show me more later? What more could Grady do after sucking your cock and balls, as well as your ass?”

He looked over at me and smiled, before saying, “It might be better to show you. Sit on his face so you can see how great it feels to have your ass eaten out. And then, if you feel like you need to pee, tell him to cover your pussy with his mouth. I don’t know how he got the idea to do this, but he drained my bladder two times at the reenactment.”

Kasey laughed after looking at me even more disgustedly than before and said, “Okay, lay back, Grady, and we’ll see how thirsty you are.”

She sat on my face on the bed facing my head as Harley sat next to us and kissed Kasey while helping her keep her balance. She first pressed her pussy to my mouth and I sucked it for any remaining oozing of his cum and then she scooted forward to envelop my face in her ass. I spread her ass cheeks with my hands, and zeroed in on her wrinkled sphincter, and sucked her hole before fucking it with my tongue. She was squirming above me and moaning into his mouth as they kissed.

After what seemed like over five minutes sucking her ass, Kasey scooted back as she broke their kiss and said, “You’d better cover my pussy now, piss boy, and don’t you fucking dare spill and drop and fuck up our bed.”

I covered her pussy with my mouth and they resumed kissing as she released a torrent of hot piss into my mouth. I loved being under her and taking it that way and I swallowed for almost a minute until the final release. Then I sucked and licked her urethra clean, before he helped her move off my face. It was such an amazing, demeaning, and yet arousing feeling, having my wife pee in my mouth while she was passionately kissing my best friend.

She looked at me with her mouth hanging open, almost in disbelief, before saying, “My goodness, Grady, the stuff you’ve done for Harley and me is so nasty and disgusting, and I almost feel dirty because I like it so much. I sure wish you’d have thought of doing this shit twenty years ago.”

Kasey and Harley lounged on the bed after that, as they kissed, hugged, and he sucked her breasts, making up for years when they couldn’t express their love. He fucked her again before he had to leave and I felt like he had taken over my role as her husband, at least when he was in our home.

We all agreed that he would come to our home every Wednesday night and Sunday morning, as well as stopping by at other times when he could get away from home. It turned out to be at least five times a week, and I have no idea how he explained his absences to Scarlett.

Kasey and I talked in bed after Harley left that first night and she said, “I don’t know what got into to you to suck his cock at the reenactment, or why you would get it in your head to share me with him, but I’m so happy that you convinced me to try this arrangement. And damn, Grady, I’d never have imagined that you’d be the type of man to suck cocks and eat another man’s cum, much less, sucking ass and drinking piss, but I have to admit that I love it.”

That began our cuckold lives together, and although I sensed some alienation of affection, I know that she still loves me, and I just need to be willing to share my wife and life with Harley. I don’t even want to think about what would happen if I tried to end the cuckold relationship. In my gut, I know that Kasey would choose Harley over me. So long as I allow him full access to my wife’s affections and body, and continue to service them sexually, I feel safe in being able to continue my relationship with her.

And, as you might expect, Harley is never fully satiated, even being able to fuck my wife whenever he wants to. I’m always available to suck his cock when she’s on the rag or he’s just horny, and I sometimes suck him off at work and other times when we’re out having a beer. He even told another good friend of ours about my hunger for cocks and cum, and I’ve been sucking him off too in addition to the men at the reenactments each year.

As the years have passed, and I’ve fully settled into this relationship, I’ve come to realize that a big part of the arousal for me is being submissive to Harley and subservient to my wife. It’s such a turn on watching them share their marital fantasy and having the benefits of being married without the day-to-day distractions in life that would interfere with their romantic attraction and mind-blowing sex.





Published 5 years ago

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