Our shared lust had been consummated in spectacular fashion. Now what? Had we pushed that emotional boulder off the mountain’s precipice to begin its inevitable journey downhill toward a flat, serene plain, or crashed into a mighty redwood or over a cliff? Only time would tell.
My thoughts drifted through the possibilities, dreamed if you will, as my mind transitioned through hypnagogia, not asleep but on the edge of wakefulness. The sound of distant Sunday church bells completed my transition.
I awoke first with my head burrowed into Darrin’s chest and his strong right arm holding me close. It reminded me of the times when Mom and Dad would let me snuggle in their bed during violent thunderstorms. Nothing could harm me there.
His chest was warm and his breathing gave me the sensation that I was adrift in an ocean of sensuality. My nightgown was the shirt I’d torn off him. It still smelled of his cologne and bodily essence. His scent got me thinking about other things.
With a slight movement of my leg, I was alerted that I’d taken something about the size of a baseball bat down there. My curiosity was aroused. What did that pleasure pole look like without passion’s shroud or night’s shadows?
Lifting the sheet lightly, I peeked under the covers. It was languishing on Darrin’s left thigh. It didn’t look nearly as menacing as it had last night, but of course, it wasn’t hard either. A vision of a crocodile sunning on an African river bank waiting for its next victim popped into my head.
Cautiously exposing it further to the curtain-filtered light of day, it was still an impressive sight even at rest. Looking like one of mom’s Christmas ‘Falukorv’ sausages, a favorite treat of mine, I envisioned this thick and meaty appendage satisfying my every need and then some.
If I went any further, I knew I’d be tempting fate, but nonetheless, I ever-so lightly dragged my nails over its length. It stirred and began to move slowly, imperceptibly, at first, but then noticeably from side to side. Immediately, the scene from the “Bride of Frankenstein” appeared to me, where Dr. Frankenstein shouts in amazement, “It’s alive! It’s alive!!”.
The foreskin had been wrinkled over the tip, but now it had grown enough that the flare of its head was exposed. This visual beckons to me.
As a woman, your power of touch is a sense to be relished. It’s like you’re providing the essential spiritual energy to resurrect the dead. Who wouldn’t love to use that power? However, like all power, it can be abused when it runs rampant, but what’s the harm, right?
Using my fingertips to apply a feather-like touch to the flare, it grew in response causing me to remember a plant from my childhood that reacted to touch, Mimosa Simpatica. Cocks are similarly amazing things. They respond to the slightest stimulation as if they have a mind of their own, and by the way most men act, I think they do. It probably houses the male’s primitive reptilian brain, and as such, it’s the first part of a man to wake up, that is, if it ever sleeps at all.
Fortunately for women, once that brain is awake, it tends to short circuit the higher functioning aspects of men’s cognitive thinking. After that happens, she can control him like a puppet by keeping him just on the edge of things. We can be such bitches like that, can’t we?
Having morning dry mouth, and in need of lubricant, I activated my saliva glands by thinking of the giant dill pickles that I used to buy as a kid for a quarter at the neighborhood grocery. Remembering the taste and how my mouth watered in anticipation of that first bite, always makes me drool.
Successful, I deposited it in my hand and over my fingertips. Placing them over its head, I began an unscrewing motion around his circumference. It got bigger, more erect, and began to stand on its own. Now that was an impressive sight, sort of like raising the center pole at the circus big top.
Darrin pried open one eye, “You’re not going to leave me like this, are you?”
I thought about saying yes, but replied, “What would you like me to do with it?”
“It wants to fuck you.”
With a smirk on my lips, I answered, “So, it does have a mind of its own.”
“Take it as a challenge. Most women I’ve been with couldn’t take it all the first time either. It’s something you have to work up to but believe me, they all said it was worth the effort,” Darrin boastfully replied.
“Are we talking about a lot of women or a few women?”
“Who cares? Right now, it only wants you, the beautiful Ms. Abby Weiss of New Braunfels, Texas.”
Darrin hadn’t answered my question. Instead, he grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. We began kissing. I did say he was a wonderful kisser.
He started at my lips, but soon, he was kissing my neck, cheeks, earlobes, eyelids, forehead, and throat. They were soft except if he wanted to redden the area then he’d lightly drag his stubble over it. I got really wet when he did that to my nipples and was ready to take IT again.
We needed to give IT a name. IT was such a large part of him. IT needed a name.
Looking him in the eyes, I said, “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. How do you want me?”
“On your back, pull your knees up to your tits and hold them there.”
What he said next pierced right through my soul’s consciousness.
“I just want to absorb the beauty of you like this – presenting yourself to me, open to me with no reservations, wanting me to have you, to take you, to own you.”
It was déjà vu. Darrin was saying exactly what I had imagined during my bathtub masturbation seduction. Wow! My mind was tripping.
This had to be predestined. As strange as it may sound, maybe God was working here in the midst of this soon-to-be lustful sex.
It was always my belief that God was at work in our lives during good times or bad. Ironically, some of the best resolutions came from the worst of times except they were more painful and took longer to resolve. God has no schedule to keep or a clock to watch. She doesn’t run on our time, that’s for sure.
Darrin wrapped his hand around IT and began to rub the meaty head up and down my glistening slit until ITs head shined like a new penny. He then used IT to draw small circles around my clit. Oh, god, did that feel good.
You would have thought I worked at Orange Julius given all the fluid pouring out of me. Darrin used IT to gather and direct it toward my brown pucker muscle. He slid it across its rippled surface.
“Please, not there.”
A smile started in one corner of his mouth, as he replied, “Just checking.”
IT parked at my entrance as Darrin’s hands each took a nipple and began to pinch them very hard.
“Just go with it. Trust me. I won’t do anything to hurt you. It’s all about the pleasure you’ll feel once you get past the initial pain.”
Jesus Fricking Christ, it hurt. I was about to scream, and when it suddenly stopped, a wave of calmness rushed over me. It was like having an out-of-body experience. ITs head slipped inside me along with a few more inches. It began sliding in and out. Orgasms began just like last night, maybe even harder because my nipples were screaming, too. As my juices coated more and more of his beautiful fucking tool, IT disappeared deeper and deeper into the darkness of my sacred place until all eleven plus inches were implanted.
Just like my imaginings, I shouted out, “Oh, yes, Darrin, just like that. Make me cum.”
My pussy was in a state of uncontrolled convulsions sort of like having a grand mal seizure down there. I was cumming so hard that Darrin had difficulty holding me down. He laid all his weight on top of me and began fucking me into tomorrow.
All the sensations and feelings that were flowing through my brain and body can’t be described. All I can say is, “Think of the best fuck you’ve ever had… times ten.” If IT felt this good every time he fucked me, I’ll never leave his bed. IT and Darrin did phenomenal things to me.
The sun was setting, and we had literally fucked away Sunday. I needed to get home, take a hot bath and rest up for the workweek. Darrin sped me home. Making one last request, I consented and gave him my soaked, cum-filled panties. We kissed and said our goodnights.
Heading up to my apartment, I looked like I’d been gang banged in an alley somewhere. There were cum streaks down my leg; my gate was like I’d been on an all-night bender and could barely walk straight; my hair was a mess; my dress was crumpled and I was barefoot.
My doorway was only steps away when my best friend from across the hall, Grace, poked her head out and said, “You looked great Saturday night. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so hot. What happened?” A smirky little smile lurked on her lips as her big brown eyes looked me up and down.
“Come on over, and I’ll tell you everything.”
I had to; otherwise, she would keep pestering me until I broke. This would save us both a lot of time. She bounded out of her apartment like a rabbit heading for the Farmer’s Market.
Once inside, I said, “Look, Gracie, everything I tell you is just between you and me. Got that? You and me. Nobody else! you… and me… Are we clear on that?”
I said it sternly, making sure that I’d made my point that this intel was Top Secret.
“Oh, yes, of course, Ms. Abby. Anything you say,” she replied jokingly.
“I need to take a bath. You don’t mind talking while I soak for a while? Do you?”
“No, of course not. I’ll get some wine.” Gracie returned with two glasses of chardonnay.
My apartment is pretty nice for a one bedroom. It kind of has a living room, breakfast area, kitchen combined – the open concept. The bathroom door is just behind the eating area. I know. What a stupid place for a bathroom. Good thing I don’t entertain for a living. Anyway, you can leave the bathroom door open and the light from the cheap chandelier hanging over the breakfast table shines right in. That makes it nice when you don’t want a lot of light in the bathroom like tonight.
Gracie brought a chair over while I stripped off my clothes and slipped into the warm, relaxing bathwater. It felt good to let my muscles soak. As I began debriefing her on everything that happened, she shampooed my hair, which had globs of Darrin’s dried cum in it. She didn’t say a word.
She helped me out of the tub and dried my back.
“Turn around. Go ahead, turn around. Turn… a…round… I want to see your face.”
Gracie planted a hand on each of my shoulders and looked deeply into my eyes and then asked, “What’s this guy’s name again?”
“Darrin Simon Ferris.”
Still staring into my eyes, Gracie said, “Darrin” in a soft tone. That was followed by, “I knew it.”
“Know what?”
“You’re in love with this guy already. Remember the last time this happened! You were a fucking mess for months. I don’t know if I could go through that again,” Gracie scolded.
“But he’s different.”
“Abby, Honey, they’re all different. But they’re all cut from the same cloth, which means bad news for a sweet girl like you. Promise me you’ll take things a little slower. Okay…? I don’t want you getting hurt again,” she begged.
“All right, for you, Gracie. I’ll do it for you. You’re like my guardian angel, always looking out for me.”
I gave her a big hug then headed straight for bed. I was beat.
The next week began a daily work ritual; a small flower would appear overnight on my desk like it just sprouted. Every morning when I approached my workspace, it was the first thing I looked for. It was never anything big and showy, just a simple, delicate little thing so stunning.
There would always be this note attached. It said, “This ‘Name of Flower’ is beautiful, but it pales in comparison to you.” An additional card gave you all the information about the flower – where it’s found, Kingdom, Division, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species, all that Latin stuff. I had no idea there were so many different beautiful flowers in the world just like people.
Here’s a few of the ones I received over the initial couple weeks – Forget-me-nots, Blue Starlets, Aquilegia, Carnations, Velvet Daisies, just all kinds, but I loved the Choca Mocha Cosmos the most because it went with my desk décor so well and it had a cool name, too. Wasn’t Darrin the sweetest?
Everyone on my floor began to look forward to seeing what flower I got today, and they started calling me the ‘Flower Girl’. I thought that was nice, and it reflected how I’d like the world to see me – a beautiful in her own way, unobtrusive, unthreatening, good-smelling person. I just wanted to make people’s lives a little brighter like those flowers did for me. Is that such a bad thing?
Darrin was traveling a lot with his new position, and as such, we only dated a few times a week, mostly on weekends. Nevertheless, I got habitually attached to ‘General Patton’ and his deep-well cum injections. Darrin was right. Once I got used to ‘The General’, there was no turning back. I’d never been so satisfied physically and emotionally by any man.
I’m sure you’re wondering about ‘General Patton’. It’s not the WWII war hero. It’s the name we came up with for Darrin’s pleasure pole. Why General Patton? Here is some of our reasoning:
1. He was something to be revered, hard driving, and infamous, so you could use his name in public and people wouldn’t know exactly what you were talking about. Darrin would say things like, ‘General Patton’ is engaging in maneuvers and is ready to attack.”
Invariably, someone would want to talk to us about General Patton because they’d read a book about him. We had to read his biography on Wikipedia to keep up appearances. Most of the time, we simply called IT ‘The General’, but if someone asked, “Which General?” We’d used ITs complete name – General Patton.
2. He never accepted defeat. One of his famous quotes was, “You’re never beaten until you admit it.” Although I did get to beat ‘The General’ regularly, he would never admit it. In fact, he would always defiantly spit in my face or on my boobs before he softened up.
3. It sounds important, but not as important as ‘The President’. Besides, there’s always a person called ‘The President’. I didn’t want to think about those old guys anywhere near my lady parts. It just grossed me out. Besides, one day we’ll have a woman President.
4. He studied the classics and tried to learn from others’ mistakes. Darrin and I were working our way through the “Joy of Sex” book. I didn’t know there were so many places you could stuff a cock in and on a woman’s body, and all the things your tongue could lick.
5. It didn’t sound infantile – like womb broom, cunt crusher… shit like that. That’s so eighth grade. Besides, my lady parts were the only ones that are supposed to be serving under ‘The General’.
Darrin was scheduled all week to be at one of his remote sites. He was doing some kind of audit. I had a surprise planned for his return. It was something he wanted badly. He even begged me for it once or twice, but I was sticking to my guns. When I was ready, it would be on my terms only – no discussion.
Since we’d been trying so many different sexual positions and activities, we’d become fairly regular customers at the sex shop and were recognized by the two guys and gal that worked the counter. We never went to the arcade in the back though.
Stopping by for a purchase, the guys who were working the counter noticed that I was alone and asked, “Where’s your boyfriend?”
“He’s out of town on business.”
“Can we help you with anything?”
They both had big smiles on their faces like either one of them had an eleven-inch cock.
Wiping out those smiles, I asked, “Is Suzy working? I’d feel more comfortable talking with her about this.”
Suzy was doing some stocking in the back and came out to help me with my purchase request.
She found the items I wanted. I paid. As I slipped into my car, I observed Suzy relaying everything about my purchase to them. Oh well, at least, I wasn’t as embarrassed talking to her. I’m sure they thought I was into some kinky shit.
The surprise was all lined out. We had scheduled to meet up at Darrin’s apartment around 5 PM and we’d go for an early dinner. Darrin had traveled from the Midwest, so his day was going to be twenty-six hours.
Meeting him at the airport, it felt so good kissing him and being held in his strong arms. Trying a new cherry-scented shampoo, he was quick to notice the fragrance while he nibbled on my ear. I wanted to fuck him on the spot but needed to calm down and execute the plan.
On our way to the restaurant, Darrin asked for my panties. It was something he always asked for as soon as we got in his car. I always obliged. He loves my scent, too. He wanted me to pull my dress up, so he could look at me.
“You should have your mind on the road.”
Although, I did slide my hem up really far. He was happy with that.
Once we hit that long stretch of straightaway, I knew it’d be trouble. He dropped his hand between my legs and was searching for my clit.
Dammit! I didn’t need any stimulation right now. I was trying to keep it together for later. Fuck! He wouldn’t stop and found it. In just a couple flicks, I was so hot I couldn’t see straight.
Stroking ‘The General’ through his slacks, I could tell there was a week’s worth of tension built up. It was like stroking the mainspring of a just wound ‘Big Ben’. My goodness, he was hard.
“Finger yourself for me. We’ve got a lot of curves coming up. I need to keep my eyes on the road.”
That had become his most recent obsession – watching me masturbate.
He’d sit in his living room chair, and I’d be naked sitting on one of the kitchen chairs with my legs spread wide. I was very uncomfortable doing this at first.
Darrin suggested, “Just close your eyes and do it. Pretend I’m not here in the physical sense and let your fingers be my fingers.”
If he only knew how many times, I’d done just that since we’d met.
Well, to make a long story short, I’d gotten accustomed to doing it for him, so comfortable that I don’t need to close my eyes anymore. In fact, I enjoy watching his expressions change as I get closer to orgasm, and ‘The General’ stands more and more at attention.
I slipped two of my fingers into the General’s garage. I was hot. Working them around, I pulled them out and stuck them in Darrin’s mouth. He licked them clean like they were the appetizer.
“Again, more, more,” Darrin demanded.
I continued feeding him my secretions until we pulled into the restaurant parking lot. Amazingly, he was able to walk to the door. The General’s ego was about to explode. I was at a low boil but still under control – barely.
It was a nice Greek place, and we were good while there. It was about an hour and a half before we hit the road back to Darrin’s apartment.
Upon arriving, “I have a nice surprise for you, but you have to do exactly as you’re told or it won’t happen. Are you OK with that?”
Darrin eagerly replied, “Yeah, Abby baby, I’m all yours. Do to me as you will.”
I handed him a blindfold saying, “You need to put this on.”
While slipping the blindfold over his big blues, “I think I like the possibilities here already.”
Taking him by the hand, I led him into the bedroom and began to remove his clothes very slowly. He grabbed me and kissed me while I was taking off his undershirt. It felt so exciting, and I wanted to continue, but I had to stick to the plan.
Pushing him away, I said, “Do you want to continue or not? We can stop right now, but I’m nowhere near finished yet.”
“All right, all right, I’ll try to be a good boy, but you’re so fucking beautiful. I have a hard time keeping my hands off of you.”
As I slowly slid his boxers down, the General was prepared for combat and was staring me directly in the eye. I took Darrin’s hand and led him to the bed.
“I want you to lie spread-eagle on your back.”
“Sounds great!!! Abby, have you been reading ahead?”
I assume he was referring to the “Sex Book” we were reading together. We’d promised each other that we would do everything in the book at least twice – once to experience it and then again to see if we liked it. We were about halfway through. I hadn’t found anything that was totally revolting yet.
“No. These are all my own ideas.”
Taking each hand, I handcuffed him to the corner posts. I tied his feet with some velvet rope that I’d bought at the sex shop. He was able to move a little but not a lot.
“I hope you don’t have a whip. You know I trust you completely, don’t you?” he said with a little apprehension in his voice.
I don’t think any woman had ever done this to him. They were too interested in getting fucked by his delicious big piece of meat.
“Excuse me for a few minutes,” as I prepped for his surprise. I left him squirming there for about twenty-five minutes. He was in agony. It was wonderful.
Returning with another sex shop purchase, a bright red feather boa, I dragged it over his entire body and especially the General’s home turf. Then taking an ice cube, I slid it over his nipples, first one then the other. I placed my mouth over one and began sucking and tonguing it like he does mine. He was squirming and twisting around, but I didn’t let up as my hand drifted toward the southern area. The General was standing at attention and looked like he was reviewing an Air Force flyover.
Squirting some lube in my hand to warm it up, I didn’t want the General to go into shock when I coated him.
It was time; I grasped him at home base and slowly moved my hand up his impressive length. He felt so strong. Darrin was moaning and commenting on how good that felt. I straddled him and dragged my nipples across his lips. His tongue flicked out as he tried to capture one. Dragging my nipples over his, they got erect like mine.
Continuing my southern excursion until my pussy was just south of the General’s location, I took him in my hand and squeezed him tightly as I lowered myself to his head. Rubbing it up and down my crack to help spread it all around because I knew that I’d need all the lube I could get.
Darrin was sensing something and began thrusting for me.
“Stop that right now, or I’ll quit! I’m running the show tonight.”
“Okay, okay. You’re killing me here.”
Finding my place called ’where no cock had gone’, I led the General to its entrance. Having practiced all week with the toys I’d purchased, I pushed down and felt some discomfort, but it wasn’t terrible. Darrin was thicker than the toys and definitely longer, so I wasn’t sure how this was going to end up.
With a little more pressure the helmet made the virgin voyage past my sphincter. The feeling was one of fullness at first. Again, I pushed slowly and just kind of rocked back and forth on my knees. As I did that, the General burrowed deeper and deeper into ‘no man’s’ land. The feeling was getting warmer and more exciting for me. After a few minutes, he was home inside me.
Darrin spoke, “Is what I think is happening, happening?”
“Darrin, I wanted a way to manifest how deep my love is for you, and what I’ll do for you. You’re the only man who has ever been here. You know I love you, don’t you?”
Knowing I shouldn’t have said that, my honesty had overpowered my will to play the waiting game. As I released the bonds holding him, I knew in my soul that he loved me.
“Yes, I know you love me. It makes me very happy.”
As he thrust the General deep into my ass, I had given the last of my virginity to him. I leaned forward as he pumped into my depths until he erupted, filling me with his warmth.
“Ms. Abby Weiss, you’re the greatest to do this for me. You’re so fucking tight.”
For better or worse, I was his to do his will – to me, in me, on me, for me. It was a scary feeling to be so committed to anyone like that, but it was too late to turn back.
As Darrin continued his unrestrained assault on my rear flank, my mind couldn’t help but think, “I know Darrin loves me. God has predestined this. He has to love me.”