Complexity and Depth – Commitment

"Abby gets exposed to some new ideas..."

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After you do anal for the first time, especially if he’s big, sitting is a bit uncomfortable. Therefore, my Monday was mostly spent wandering the hallways of our department’s floor.

During my wanderings, I noticed that there were a lot of higher-ups coming and going from Mr. Correll’s office including Darrin. I wondered what was up. One was the woman that I’d seen at my coming out party. I’d met her, but I couldn’t remember her name, so I asked Madge, “Do you know who that is?”

“Yes, that’s Mary Morales. She’s the General Consul.”

Remembering, she handles all the legal issues for our company and was one of the few women executives. They probably got two EEO credits for her – a woman and a minority.

As she was leaving, she stopped at my desk saying, “Do you have a few minutes?”

“Of course, what can I do for you?”

“We need to discuss this in private. Is there a vacant office nearby?”

Needing to be out of the view of my coworkers, I directed her to a windowless office down the hall. From her tone, it sounded like this was supposed to be on the down-low.

“What’s so mysterious?”

“You’re dating Darrin Ferris, our new VP. Right?”

She didn’t beat around the bush. “Yes, I am. Is there some problem with that?”

“Not presently, no. Did he have you sign anything?”

“Yes, it was a kind of pre-dating contract pamphlet.”

“Oh, I see. This is between you and me. If you tell anyone I talked to you, I’ll deny it. Do you understand?”

That sentence raised my awareness of this conversation. This sounded serious. “Yes, I can keep a secret.”

“What do you think of Mr. Ferris?”

“He’s a very nice man, successful, and I’m very fond of him. Why?”

“He’s a very young VP. Doesn’t it make you wonder how he got to where he is so fast?”

“He’s good at what he does,” I shot back defending him.

“Ms. Weiss, I know you’re deeply involved with him and are looking at the situation through rose-colored glasses. VPs have to be ruthless and cold-hearted at times. Don’t you agree?”

“I guess when company things are involved. They have to make hard choices sometimes.”

“Darrin has done this at previous sites, and I just wanted you to know, so you can keep your eyes open for any improprieties.”

“Done what? What kind of improprieties? I don’t understand? What are you talking about?” I was totally perplexed.

“I can’t tell you anymore without violating company confidence. All I’m saying is, ‘Keep your eyes open.’ And whatever you do, do NOT tell Mr. Ferris that we had this conversation. It’ll be bad for everyone,” she stressed emphatically.

“OK? I’ll keep my eyes open and my mouth shut,” I answered, with a baffled tone.

As she was leaving, she turned, saying, “Ms. Weiss, just remember… things won’t always be ‘Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows everywhere’ like they are now.”

Totally confused by what had transpired or what the subject of this conversation was even about, I remained perplexed. Was it about Darrin or something in the company? It was a fucking quandary to me as to what exactly had just happened. I was glad it was quitting time and headed straight home to do some laundry. Since I was spending so much time at Darrin’s, it had been piling up. 


I’d finished my last load of laundry and dumped it out on the bed to sort. Since she has a key to my apartment, I wasn’t surprised when Gracie walked in saying, “What’s been going on, Abby? I haven’t seen you around much lately.”

“Not much just working and stuff.”

As she started helping me with the sorting, “Stuff? What kind of stuff?”

Gracie can read me like a book. She knew something was going on.

Fessing up, I said, “I’ve been spending time with Darrin.”

“You know what I think about going too fast?” she replied, as she piled up the set of panties, she’d given me for Christmas.

“I know. I know. It’s just hard to be away from him. There’s just something so… so… I don’t know what it is, but I love the way I feel when I’m around him. He’s like my crack cocaine, and I’m addicted to what he’s offering.”

Looking through my underwear, she said, “Where’s Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday?”

She had bought me a weekly set that had the days of the week on them. They were cute.

I turned red and answered, “Darrin likes to keep the ones I’m wearing after we have sex for a week or so. He calls these my Teeny Bopper Panties.”

“So, he’s fucking you four days a week. Is that what you call ‘taking it slow’? You promised,” she said with an air of disappointment in her voice.

“Gracie, you don’t understand. He means the world to me. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I can’t spend enough time with him, and the sex is the best I’ve ever had. I can’t imagine sex being any better.”

“Really, he has an eight-inch cock. That doesn’t mean he loves you. That just means he fucks you really well,” she rebutted.

“Well, actually, it’s eleven inches! I can’t describe the emotional state that comes over me when we’re making love. It’s a kind of sensation of euphoric bliss; a warmth that radiates from my soul. I feel so complete when I’m with him.”

“Abby, I believe you’re making love, but he’s just fucking you. It’s too early. Has he said he loves you?”

“Not in those words exactly,” I reluctantly answered.

“What makes you think he loves you?”

I told her about the flowers, the clothes, the jewelry, the parties.

“Abby, those things are nice, but they are just things. What about him? Does he look longingly into your eyes, stroke your face delicately, hold your hand softly, kiss your lips with loving passion? Are you sure you’re not just in lust with him?”

I stood there silent, unable to answer her question truthfully. I didn’t know, but I should have known. I should have known. I was losing myself in Darrin’s overwhelming persona. Maybe I was walking in quicksand and didn’t know just how deep I was in. This had been a fucked-up day. 


The next week, there was an announcement; Mr. Correll had left the company, and I was getting a new boss. She was one of the best up-and-coming women leaders in our company. That was great news. Our whole department was ecstatic.

Darrin walked by my desk and motioned for me to follow him. I did. We ended up in the same windowless office where I’d talked with Ms. Morales.

Once inside with the door closed, he pulled me into his arms and kissed me. That was unexpected because he had never been physically demonstrative at work before.

I got chills as our lips intertwined. His tongue probed, and I responded likewise. Our hands clasped the other as if we were trying to mesh our bodies into one. Darrin’s hand grabbed my right butt cheek, and I pressed my boobs against his chest. Whoa! This was more than I ever expected at work.

When our lips parted, I asked, “Not that I mind, what’s up with this?”

“I thought a little physical celebration was necessary. Don’t you think your work life is going to be better now?”

“Yes. On the surface, my new boss looks like she’ll be a great fit for us. Why?”

“That’s just one of the perks you get by being my main squeeze.”

“You mean you did this? But how?”

“Let’s say, I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.” Darrin smiled, continuing he said, “but don’t tell anyone.”

My life was getting more complicated with all these different secrets I was being entrusted with. I was beginning to feel like Mata Hari.

“Come home with me tonight. We can have a real celebration. Can’t you tell I’m pumped about this?”

“Yes, I’m amazed at how happy you are that a man lost his job because I worked for him.”

Smiling as he explained, “No, you’re missing the point. You weren’t the only one that hated the little fucker. His production numbers were OK, but morale in your department sucks. This will go a long way in fixing that. It was for you, but it also was in the best interest of the company, sort of two birds with one stone – a win-win scenario. Are you coming over tonight or what?”

“Oh, I guess.” I answered, but I was still a little disgusted with the whole situation.

Later in the day, Darrin called me saying, “Abby baby, I’ve got a couple more things to do here before I leave. Would you go to my apartment and ask the doorman to let you in? He already knows you’re coming. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’ll pick up some Chinese or sushi. Which do you want?”

“I feel like sushi.”

Darrin quipped chuckling, “Really, you feel like 100% American Southwest to me, and you know how I love the American Southwest.”

“Very funny, you’re the real Henny Youngman.”

“Who’s that?”

He was totally oblivious to my reference. I’d grown up watching old VHS comedy shows that my parents made me sit through.

“Never mind. It’s not funny if you have to explain it. All right, don’t be too late. Call me.”

Wondering, did he just say he loved me in an off-handed way, or am I reading too much into this like I always do? I gathered my things and struck out for Darrin’s place. Darrin arrived about thirty minutes later. That sushi restaurant down the street was one of the city’s best. After we cleaned up from dinner, we sat around talking and sipping some wine.

Darrin patted on the sofa saying, “Come over here, baby, and sit by your man.”

Well, at least, he was acknowledging that I belonged to him, and he was mine. I snuggled up next to him, and we began to neck.

His hands seemed extra eager tonight. They were like a bucket of worms just slithering all over me. That wasn’t my expectation. I wanted it to go slower. When I moved one hand from my boob, the other would slip up my skirt. He was going too fast for me to keep up.


Soon, my blouse was open; my bra undone; my skirt was around my waist and his hand was in my panties. His fingers found my love canal, and he began finger fucking me. This was going fast even for Darrin.

He pushed me down on the sofa, tore off my panties. Holding them to his nose, inhaled deeply and said, “Ahhh, that’s my baby. I love your scent.”

He ordered, “Get on all fours.”

The General was out for maneuvers. Darrin put him at my pussy’s entrance and shoved it deep into me. I was barely wet and wasn’t fully prepared for that yet, either mentally or physically. It stung a bit, and I let out a yelp.

Darrin responded, “That’s right, Abby baby, scream for it.”

Scream for it! I was screaming because of it!! He began pummeling my pussy. He wasn’t gentle at all. He was fucking me. He grabbed two handfuls of my hair and pulled my head back like he was riding a Kentucky thoroughbred in the Derby as the General was plunged deep to the hilt. I could sense by his actions that he was getting close. I hoped he would finish soon because this wasn’t the treatment that he normally gave me.

All at once, the General disengaged and was stabbed into my ass. I was definitely not expecting that.

“Wait! This is too fast for me.”

“No, it’s not. You’re just jerking with me. It’s too late now.”

Darrin’s fingers were pulling hard at my nipples. They were aching just like the rest of me. My brain was searching for an altered state to get through this. The closer he got to orgasm the rougher it got. He rammed three fingers in me just before he shot his load in my ass. Towering over me, he pulled out as his cum dribbled from that orifice. A tear ran down my cheek.

“You mean, you weren’t kidding. Oh, Abby baby, I’m sorry. I thought you were role-playing and wanted me to take you.”

He scooped me into his arms and held me close. Wiping away my tears with his silk handkerchief, he kissed my cheek as tenderly as ever. Trying to rationalize what had transpired, I thought to myself maybe he was on a power binge from everything that had happened today, and this was just his way of releasing his tension.

His conduct at work was reckless and definitely, not his norm.

“I’m sorry, Darrin. I guess I should have said something more at the beginning, but it went so fast. I’m sorry.”

Was I apologizing for him not listening to my needs and being self-centered? It kind of felt that way to me.


During the next couple of weeks, our sex was back to the loving, fulfilling variety that I enjoyed, then we got to page 97. It was about “two plus some.” I didn’t want to share him, and I hoped he didn’t want to share me either.

We began a very awkward conversation about the topic.

“I don’t want anyone else in bed with us.”

Darrin seemed more open to the idea because his response was, “Why not? There’s more of everything – hands, mouths, asses, pussies, whatever. I think it’s your puritan upbringing.”

That hit a nerve and pissed off, I shot back, “There’s nothing wrong with my upbringing. I think you just want to fuck other women.”

I couldn’t believe I said that. Although, I’d heard through the grapevine that Darrin had a hard time with just one woman on the stringer.

You know that song you hear or phrase someone says, that immediately sends you to your happy place. Well, when Darrin spoke a certain way in his calming, melodic voice, that’s where I went. I don’t know what it was – his cadence, tone, phrasing, something he learned in debate or a little bit of everything, but it sent me straight there even if I was mad as hell at him.

He spoke in that way and delivered his rebuttal. “Whoa. Whoa! Where did that come from? Let’s just look at this logically. OK?  In whose image are we made?”


“Who gave us sexual organs?”


“Does God make junk or evil things?”


“OK, building on that. Do you think God wants us to be happy and use the gifts he gave us to show our gratefulness?”

“Yes, but…,” I stammered.

“Isn’t sex a good God thing? Nothing to be embarrassed by or afraid of, but to be enjoyed as the gift it is?”

I couldn’t argue with that logic, “Yes, I guess so.”

“Then wouldn’t it be reasonable to think that God would want us to use our sexuality to our fullest potential and be a good steward of that gift, too.”

“Yes, but I don’t…”

I was losing this one-sided debate.

“Let’s not argue about this. Think about what we’ve just said and remember The Grace is always there no matter what – if we accept it,” he calmly stated.

Darrin presented some thought-provoking points; I wanted to believe him; I wanted to please him, and I loved him so.

Our sexuality was a God gift and nothing to be ashamed of. Like most things, humankind has made a beautiful thing disgusting, shameful, and ugly because of their insecurities and desire to put people in their place, in order to feel superior, by beating down another.

“I need to think about this some more.”

He kissed me, then took me home. We didn’t discuss it again for over a month.


A few days later, Darrin walked by my desk and motioned for me to follow him. We ended up in the windowless office again. Maybe I should move my desk in there.

Anyway, he asked, “Did Mary Morales speak to you?”

Think before speaking my brain shouted, “play dumb…, play dumb”. “Who’s Mary Morales?”

“You know. You met her at your coming-out party. She’s the company’s General Consul.”

“Uuuuh… well, no, we haven’t spoken. Why?” I’m a terrible liar, but I hoped I was convincing enough.

“She stopped by my office earlier stating that I need to transfer you because you’re my employee and we’re involved. Mary presented a convincing legal basis for her opinion. She’s probably right.”

“I don’t want a transfer! I like it here. I like who I work with, and now, I even like my new boss.”

“Well, how about Chicago?”

“Are you going to Chicago?”

“No, I’ll still be here.”

“Fuck that idea. The only worse place would be Birmingham.”

He downheartedly said, “That was the other option.”

“Shit, Shit, Shit!! This is going to fuck up my plan. The only other thing I can do is transfer the whole department to another VP,” he bemoaned.

“Why is that so bad?”

“All right, this is all privileged info, so don’t tell anyone. OK?”

One more fucking secret, I didn’t need any more complexity in my life right now.

“Yes, of course, you know I won’t say anything.”

“OK. Since I got rid of Correll, your department’s productivity has shot through the roof, and the morale is the best in the company.”

“So why is that a bad thing?”

“If I transfer the department, another VP will get credit for the groundwork I did. I was going to use this as a bargaining chip to garner votes and force the President out. He’s in a weak position. He’s made some bad decisions, and the CEO has lost trust in his ability to lead us,” he confided to me.

Continuing, he said, “If I give this away, I’ll have to come up with another way to get the other VPs to support me.”

Pausing a few seconds, “What the fuck! I’d be miserable if you weren’t around. The General has gotten used to having you serve under his direction.”

That sexy smile made an appearance across his lips.

Being polite, I responded sympathetically with, “Is there anything I can do to help?”

I didn’t really think I was in a position to do anything that would help a power play of this magnitude given my lowly status.

“I don’t know. I’ll think about it.”

Our department was transferred to the Senior VP the next week, and he transferred his worst-performing department to Darrin. He got fucked in the trade. I felt bad, but it said that Darrin was willing to sacrifice for me. That’s something.


On weekends, Darrin and I would get in his speedster and just drive. He liked to go fast. It helped him relax from the top-floor interactions.

He always had me remove my panties and bra. I’d get seated and then he’d pull my skirt up to my hips. You could see my who-ha. He’d unbutton most, but not all the buttons on my blouse. It was a game he liked to play, and besides, it made him happy like a kid on a hot August day with an ice cream cone. It didn’t harm anyone, so I played along.

Darrin could talk me into just about anything. Besides, it was kind of exciting and sexy. We always had great sex when we got home, if we made it that far.

Darrin thinks truckers have a hard job. They’re alone and away from home for long stretches of time, but the job they do is indispensable. His dad was a long-haul trucker, so they hold a special place in his psyche.

Let’s give them something to get them through the next leg of their trip, he would say, then he would speed up to pass them. Once he was even with the cab, he’d match their speed. The driver would invariably look down to see who was passing and get a good view of me. They’d usually toot their horn or flash their lights, just something to show their appreciation.

This particular Sunday afternoon, Darrin wanted to take it to the next level, but I was apprehensive. 

“Darrin, I don’t know. Isn’t this a bit risky? Couldn’t we get arrested?”

“Technically, yes, if the trucker reports us, but a real man would never do that. Besides, that’s the thrill of it, the chance of being caught. Why don’t you live for once?”

“I’m not sure. This is scary.”

“Just close your eyes, feel the wind in your hair, the sun on your face, and let me drive. C’mon, if you love me, you’ll do this for me. You might like it.”

His reply was pure manipulation. I got an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Darrin knew I couldn’t or wouldn’t refuse him.

“OK, just this once though.”

I hesitantly agreed because, deep down, I knew it wouldn’t be just once. Darrin got my clothing prepared just the way he wanted and off we went looking for the first trucker.

We must’ve been going at least 100 mph. The drive itself was excitement enough for me, but Darrin caught up with a truck that had big carless gaps in front and behind. He leaned over and kissed me.

“OK, let’s give him a show that he’ll be talking about for years.”

Darrin passed the truck slowly first. The trucker saw my lady parts and tooted his horn, but Darrin didn’t speed away. He slowed back down and let the trucker get even with us. Darrin’s hand dropped into my lap. I closed my eyes; spread my legs, and he began fingering me.

I didn’t see any of the rest, but this is what I felt. He slid a couple of fingers deep into my pussy, and I heard his lips smack as he licked them clean and reinserted them. He licked his fingers again. I felt him lift one of my boobs out and pinched my nipple, which was already erect. I could feel the July sun and the wind on it. He took my hand and placed it between his legs.

“Do it for me, baby.”

That meant, “jack me off”. I had done it many times before except I assumed the trucker was watching. With Darrin fingering me, my lady parts were drooling. I pumped the General like an oil rig. Darrin sensed my approaching orgasm. His hand slipped behind my neck and pulled my head down. This wasn’t part of the plan. He was ad-libbing. The General met my lips and took his place in my mouth.

“General Patton needs relief.”

My eyes were still closed, but I knew what that meant. I began giving Darrin my best oral treatment. He was super-hot, and I knew he wasn’t going to last long.

“I need to cum on your face. It’ll be perfect,” Darrin moaned.

I couldn’t believe I was really doing this, and we were still going 70 mph. Using my hair as a handle, Darrin pulled my mouth off as the General fired several cannon blasts directly on my face.

“Sit up and lie back!”

With my eyes still closed, I felt Darrin smearing his milky seed all over my face with his fingers, and then using them, he fed it to me. I licked them clean like a cat with a bowl of cream. We sped off.

While we headed back toward town, Darrin told me the trucker was jacking-off as I was sucking the General. We stopped at a motel because we’re both too hot to continue.

We fucked like rabbits. I couldn’t believe that sex with Darrin could have gotten any better, but this was on a totally higher fucking level. The thought of another man watching me do those things with Darrin made my lady parts salivate. Pleasing two men at the same time made me ecstatic. If I wasn’t in love with Darrin before, I was after that day. He brought so much enjoyment, excitement, exhilaration, danger, and complexity to my dull life. It was a thrill to be in his presence. 


On Tuesday of the next week, Darrin stopped by my desk and said, “There’s something you can do to make up for the hit I took on your department transfer.”

“What is it?”

“I need you to be the hostess at my executive party. It’s my turn to host.”

You see, our company has a General Consul, 6 VPs, President and CEO as the executive committee. Each one was responsible for one of the monthly executive parties. The company-wide parties were: Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas/New Year’s.

These execs’ parties were usually at their homes and spouses attended. They were low-key events – dinner, cocktails, maybe some dancing, but always fun. I got to see the CEO do impressions at one of them. He was pretty good. It made them seem more human and not just a name on the letterhead. The parties were a boost to teamwork and morale among the executive staff.

Darrin explained, “Since my apartment might be a little small, I was thinking a pool party. It’s summer. I could rent a private pool and get everything else arranged. Your job would be to entertain the execs – bring them drinks, refills, make conversation, be beautiful, and whatever they needed to have a good time.”

“Sounds like fun. It’s the least I can do for my man and his career.” I gave him a big hug.

Quickly looking around to see if anyone was watching, I kissed him, too.

A few days later, Darrin called.

“Well, everything is a go with the party. Stop by my office when you get a chance. I have something I want to show you. Check with my secretary to find a time that’ll work for us.”

Criminy, my sweetie had a full schedule, but there was something around 4:30 PM.

Arriving a little late, his secretary was just about to leave. She showed me in then headed home. Once in Darrin’s office, he had two packages on his desk. 

 He tossed one of them to me.

“Open it.”

Ripping the wrapping off, it was a yellow bikini if it could be called that. Looking it over, the bottom was essentially butt and cunt floss. The top would barely cover my nipples. I could’ve covered more with two Band-Aids and a cork.

“And where am I going to wear this?”

Darrin smiled, “The pool party??”

“Are you fucking kidding me? There’s no way I’m wearing this around the execs and their wives. They’d think I was a whore.”

“Well, it was wishful thinking on my part. Maybe you can wear it for me sometime. Try this one.”

He tossed me the other package. Opening it, there was a white one-piece. The legs were high cut but OK. The back plunged down to my ass crease, but it still was fabric, not floss.

“I like this one better. It’s classic white, and with all the weekend driving we’ve been doing, my tan will really look good in this.”

“Lock the door and try it on.”

As I headed to lock the door, I said, “OK, but no funny business. I know how you are when you see me naked.”

“I’ll be a good boy. I want to make sure the size is right for you.”

Slipping out of my clothes and into this slinky suit, it looked good on me even if I say so myself. I felt like I had been poured into it. The fabric felt different to me. Not having the foggiest notion what it was made of; it fit snugly to my breast. The feel of this strange fabric made my nipples protrude, and it hugged the rest of me like a wet suit. Actually, it made my boobs look bigger. Hallelujah!

Darrin looked me over.

“I still have a lot of work to do, so you better get out of here right now. If I look at you any longer, I can’t guarantee your safety.”

I put my clothes on over the suit and went home for the day.

Darrin made all the other arrangements. I didn’t have to do anything, but go with him and greet, mingle and entertain the executive committee and their spouses.

Saturday arrived and Darrin picked me up at 9 AM. The guests were to arrive around 11 AM with lunch at noon and then fun after that. Once we got there, Darrin handed me another package.

“I think this cover-up will look really good with your bathing suit. You can wear it until after lunch. I want you to be especially nice to Bob, Jim, and Vance. They’re the swing votes.”

“What do you mean, be nice?”

“When you get them a drink refill, tell the bartender that it’s for one of them. Flirt with them and butter them up in general. Make them feel important to you.”

“Where are the wives going to be while all this flirting is going on?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of that.”

Opening the box, I took the cover-up out, and it was a lovely shade of blue – very shear. Darrin buttoned three buttons – the one at the waist and the ones above and below it. It came to my ankles and when I walked, it billowed around me like azure smoke.

“When you walk around the pool, it looks like you’re floating in a blue cloud. You’re simply an ethereal goddess. Very sexy, I love it, and I’m sure everyone else will notice, too.”

Our guests arrived with the exception of the President and General Consul. The President had a prior engagement, and the General Consul was at her son’s soccer tournament. So, we had the five VPs and the CEO plus significant others along with the bartender and a photographer for the event plus Darrin and me.

Lunch was great and everyone mingled and chatted afterward. Darrin gave an impromptu speech thanking everyone for coming. He stated that since the guys would probably be talking business the rest of the afternoon, he had a surprise for the spouses. There was a Mercedes van outside to take them shopping for the rest of the afternoon, and then it will take you home.

“To make this not so painful for your husbands, I have a $1,000 VISA gift card for each of you as a thank you for being my family here. It’s my treat.” Then he added, “But anything over that amount, you’re on your own.”

Everyone laughed and thanked Darrin profusely. All the wives/girlfriend took their cards and piled into the van. Now, it was just the CEO, five VPs, Darrin, and me. I saw the photographer give Darrin the scan disk containing the pictures that he’d taken up to this point. Darrin headed over to the CEO and began a conversation when he motioned for me to come over.

I’d met the CEO a few times, and he seemed to be a very nice, older gentleman nearing seventy.

As I walked up, he said, “Abby, you look lovely this afternoon almost as pretty as the first time I saw you. Darrin had been doing an excellent job of keeping you under wraps because we had no idea anyone as pretty as you worked in any of his departments.”

I blushed and replied, “Well, thank you for that lovely compliment, Mr. McNally.”

“Stop with the formalities just call me Mike. You know? You remind me of that girl on an old comedy show. She was blonde and perky like you. It was a long time ago – mostly skits and one-liners. What was the name of that show?”

“When was it on?”

“Oh, you’re too young to have ever seen this one. I think it was late sixties and early seventies.” 

 Thinking a bit, I proposed, “Was it ‘Laugh-In’?”

“Yes, that was it. How in the world did you know that?” Mike replied in astonishment.

“My folks had the VHS tapes of the show. We watched it all the time.”

“Well, you are one in a million.” Looking Darrin’s way, “Darrin, don’t let this one get away.”

Turning back to me, “What about this? She was called the ‘Sock it to me’ girl?”

“Oh, that was Goldie Hawn. She got her big break on that show. My dad loved her, too. She played a ditsy blonde, danced in a bikini, and said, ‘Sock it to me’ all the time.” I had found someone that loved old-time comedy shows.

Mike said with a sly grin on his face, “I assume you understood what it meant?”

“I didn’t at the time, but I do now.”

“When I was younger, I could have said that to you and been able to follow through. Now, all I can say is that I may not be able to ‘Sock it to you’, but I definitely could ‘Lay it on you’”.

Mike laughed, and so did I! Darrin had no idea what we were talking about.

Mike continued, “What about all those great comedians that would do cameos like Jack Benny, Bob Hope, and Henny Youngman.”

Mike and I simultaneously replied, “Take my wife, please.” We both busted a gut laughing, and Darrin had a look that said, “What The Fuck?!”

Mike stretched out his hand and lightly patted my cheek saying, “Abby, you’re a pip. I really like you.”

Darrin pulled me into his arms and kissed me. The CEO smiled.

Darrin asked, “Abby, would you do some posing for me. I’ve got this photographer here, and it would be a shame not to get some sexy photos of you in this bathing suit.”

“I don’t know. You’re trying to embarrass me.”

“No, I’m not. I’m sure all the guys would love to see you pose, too,” he answered then, shouting to the group, “hey, wouldn’t you guys like to have Abby do a few poses?”

They answered in unison, “We’d love to see that.”

I turned a bright shade of crimson even with my tan and stammered, “No, that would be too embarrassing.”

They all said that it would be a real treat saying, “Please, Abby, it’ll be fun.”

Darrin whispered in my ear in that tone, “Come on, Abby baby, it’ll help me get some votes.”

Again, with the coercion, I did owe him. I wasn’t sure that this was a good idea, but all the men had such an eagerness in their eyes and genuine smiles on their faces. They all wanted me.

The CEO said, “Come on, ‘Sock it to me’ girl. Let’s have a few laughs.”

I did enjoy showing off and being the center of their attention. What harm would it cause? I’d seen plenty of bathing suits that covered a lot less than this one did.

I reluctantly replied, “I guess a few poses wouldn’t hurt.”

Darrin called out, “Do the ‘He-Man’ pose.”

He illustrated with flexed biceps up around his head. The photographer snapped away, and the guys got their phones out and began taking pictures, as well.

“Do the ‘Hulk’.”

Again, he showed me what he wanted. Pictures were being snapped like a big bowl of uncooked, green beans. I did all the poses he asked, and even some that the other VPs asked for.

Darrin put his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear, “I think you need a catch a few rays. Get Bob, Jim and Vance refills then ask them to put some lotion on your legs and back.”

Looking into his eyes, I realized that he really wanted this. He had the same look as our speedy weekend drives. He wanted the other men to touch me. It was an adrenaline rush, and I instantaneously got wet. I retrieved some drinks for the trio, put lotion on the obvious places I could reach and then asked the group to put lotion on my back and legs.

Bob took one leg, Jim the other and Vance did my back. They used a lot of lotion and rubbed it in for a long time. I thanked them and lay on the lounge chair with my ass in the air. After I was dripping with sweat, I flipped over and cooked the other side for about ten minutes.

Once it got damp, if possible, the suit felt extra clingy. All the guys made several trips by my location and several even took pictures as I lounged in my sweat.

Darin came by and said, “Abby, let’s cool off in the pool.”

We both jumped in. The water was warm but cooler than my sunbaked body. Darrin nuzzled up to my ear and kissed it saying, “Let’s take another round of pictures when we get out. You know how sexy a beautiful woman looks in a wet bathing suit.”

This seemed OK to me, “Sure, Honey, anything for you.”

When I got out, I noticed that one by one the guys were coming closer and taking pictures with their phones.

Darrin then said, “Let’s do another round of poses.”

They all agreed. I did all the ones they asked for. Everyone was snapping pictures like they were the paparazzi, and I was the hottest new celeb on the red carpet. Darrin came over several times and poured a pitcher of warm pool water over me.

“This is just to keep the hot wet look going. You look great, Baby. Do the ‘Hulk’ and squat down with your legs spread.”

Once the pose was executed, he ordered another, “Get one on the chaise lounge on all fours with your butt to me and look back over your shoulder with that sexy smile.”

After that one, Darrin came over, put the cover-up on me and said, “Do this one last favor for me. Go over to each of the guys and sit on their laps for one last picture.”

While sitting on the lap of each executive committee member, they each slipped their arm around my waist. A couple had their hand at the bottom of my breast and most of them were hard. After that, the party broke up, and they all headed home.

As the execs were leaving, Darrin approached the photographer and retrieved the disk from the afternoon. In about ten minutes, we were alone.

Darrin walked me into the ladies’ room, pushed me up against the wall and kissed me with more passion than he ever had. My suit was soon on the floor. The General slipped easily into my sopping slit. Darrin held me off the floor as I wrapped my legs around his waist. I felt like a ping pong ball as I bounced up and down on the General.  Darrin’s cock plunged deep into me as I coated his legs with my cummings. My ecstatic screams echoed off the tile walls. It was a total immersion experience.

He leaned me on the countertop and draped his body over me like a blanket. Darrin’s fingers began smearing his creampie over my clit. The General made a rear penetration and slowly sunk into my depths. Soon, I was being pounded to another screeching climax.

Nearly spent by the exhilaration, I crumpled to my knees at Darrin’s feet. Looking up, there it was – the symbol of Darrin’s power, the General, dangling above my face. I loved what they did for me; how they made me feel so alive. Reaching up, I stroked him, kissed and licked him. I needed to taste his love for me. Sucking the General, it exploded in my mouth like a cream-filled candy. His cum dripped from my lips and oozed from my other lady parts. It felt wonderful and exciting to be taken there by my man.

Darrin looked at me on my knees and said, “Abby, I love seeing you like this – covered in my love for you, immersed in my essence and loving every drop of it.”

He just said he loved me in some way. Didn’t he?

He was correct in assuming that I loved being coated with his man juice. For some strange reason, I had the belief that it marked me as his property, and other men could smell his scent on me. It protected me from their desires. I loved him so much. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for this man.

“I think you helped me get the Presidency today.”


Darrin and I were sitting on his sofa when he said, “What about page 97? Have you had enough time?”

I’d thought about it, but doing that would be so against my family mores and my normal way of thinking. However, I was open to his thoughts.

“I’m not sure I want to do it.”

Darrin rebutted with, “What if you didn’t have to do it with anyone you knew? It would essentially be totally anonymous for you.”

Maybe that was what was bothering me. The fact that someone I know would know this secret about me. I guess it was about trust, not wanting to feel vulnerable and the shame that I would even think about doing this. My mom would have another cow. My thoughts were a cornucopia of random conflicting feelings both ‘for and against’ this. My head started to hurt.

“I don’t know. I really don’t know.”

“Well, answer me this? If it did happen, do you want it to be with another guy or a woman?”

“Well, I think I would be more comfortable with another woman to start with. That is, if I even decide to try it,” I hesitantly replied.

“OK, that’s a start. Did you ever think you’d be riding in a car letting other men see your private parts?”

“No, of course not,” I shot back.

“Don’t you find it exciting knowing that you have made quite a few men release billions of their sperm at the sight of you masturbating?”

“Yes, it’s exciting, but they can’t touch me. They can only watch. It feels a lot safer to me,” I rationalized.

Darrin rephrased my answer, “So, you’re saying that the anonymous part of it makes you feel safer because they have no idea who you are? You’re just a beautiful vision passing and teasing them with your actions. It’s OK to show off but not interact.”

“Well…, I guess that’s right,” I felt forced to answer.

“Don’t you think that the true expression of love is that journey into the unknown taken by lovers? Both not knowing the outcome, but willing to experience it together to deepen their spiritual connection. The profound abiding trust you manifest in the person you love and their ability to protect it and meet your needs.” Darrin pushed forward.

His argument sounded so convincing. I almost wished that there was a woman in the room with us, so we could do it right then while my mind was oscillating.

“Yes, that sounds reasonable.”

“You love me, don’t you?” He wasn’t holding back.

“Yes, you know I love you.”

“Well, are we going to embark into the unknown together?”

I knew we were lovers but was he saying that he ‘loved’ me? When he talked like that, I couldn’t read him. I was being painted into a corner. I knew the answer he wanted. I wanted to be his soul mate, to please him in every way, to be everything he wanted in a woman, to be as important to him as he was to me. His voice was so calming and strong.

He knew exactly what to say to obliterate the little willpower I had mustered.

“Darrin, please don’t hurt me. Don’t break my heart, please.”

“Why would I do that to the lovely Ms. Abby Weiss? You’ve become an integral part of my life, and I’m very fond of you.”

Hearing those words, “I’m very fond of you.” Maybe, if I did what he wanted, he would say, “I love you to the depths of my soul, Ms. Abby Weiss.”

His magic was working on me again. I’d gotten another fix from his charismatic brilliance and was bent like field wheat during a tornado.

I docilely replied, “If that will make you happy, I’ll do it.”

Deep in my heart, I’m sure I knew I was probably wrong, and there would always be something else required to make Darrin happy.


The next week, Darrin told me that a friend was coming to spend a long weekend, Friday through Monday, and I needed to take those days off, so we all could spend time together.

“Who is this friend?”

“She’s a good friend from back east.”

“Oh, really, what exactly do you mean when you say good friend – a childhood friend, a best buddy friend, a lover friend?”

“You’ll see when she gets here. I think you’ll like her. She’s sweet like you.”

Darrin gave his typical sort of answer. I didn’t like the sound of that and was a little jealous about my perceived, back-east competition; maybe she was prettier than me, sexier than me, sweeter than me, smarter than me, better than me. I didn’t want another woman horning in on my territory – my man.

I didn’t need any real competition because I habitually invented them out of thin air. It’s definitely my biggest character flaw.

Darrin and I took Friday and Monday off. While he picked up his good friend from back east, I waited at his apartment.

That was the longest three hours of my life. My brain was conjuring up all kinds of scenarios to my self-confidence’s detriment. Once I get in that realm, there’s no stopping it. It’s like the Energizer Bunny, and it just keeps going and going and going.

By the time they arrived, I had worked myself into a fragile emotional state. As soon as they walked in, I knew she was one of his lover’s. There was something about how she held his arm; the way she smiled at him; the sparkle in her eyes when she looked at him that said, “I love this man”. My worst fears were being realized. There was real, flesh-and-blood competition, not just my imaginings.

She was a beautiful, long-haired brunette with a thin oval face, pronounced cheekbones, succulent passion pink lips, dazzling white teeth set in a lovely smile that curled up more at one corner than the other with a set of hazel-gray eyes that were sexually smoking.

She was shorter than me at about five foot six, but she had bigger boobs. I’d guess about 34Ds. I wished I had a cock because even I would have fucked her.

Darrin introduced her, “Abby, this is Michaela Vosstock. She grew up and lives in New York.”

Oh, great! A sophisticated, cosmopolitan city woman. That’s ideal competition for a girl from the Texas Hill Country.

“It’s nice to meet you. Michaela, is that how you pronounce it?”

“Yes, that’s right, Abby, but you can call me Mikie. Darrin’s been telling me all about you on our ride from the airport. You sound like a sweet girl. I can tell Darrin really cares about you because of all the things he knows about you,” she answered, in a slight New York accent.

Darrin got us all a glass of wine, and we plopped down on the sofa to get better acquainted. She was twenty-eight, only two years older than me, but by her conversation, much more worldly. She’d been places, seen and done more things than I could even imagine. Grass didn’t grow under her feet. In a way, she was everything I wasn’t. It was like I was talking to my anti-self from ‘Bizarro World’.

She seemed so adventurous that I envied her hutzpah plus she had a universal seductive beauty that I lacked. I didn’t know how I could compete with her, but in spite of being my antagonist, I liked her. When I’m anxious, I drink whatever’s in front of me too fast, and before I knew it, I’d finished my fourth glass of wine. I definitely wasn’t feeling any pain.

It wasn’t a secret to Darrin that I get randy after a few drinks. He pulled me over to his corner of the sofa and nuzzled his nose in my hair as his lips found my ear. Mikie was sitting at the other end of the sofa just watching Darrin’s every move. Darrin stuck his tongue in my ear, and it felt like he was burrowing for gray matter. It made my toes curl and tickled. My pussy gushed a wave of excitement. Kissing my face, his fingertips closed my eyelids before kissing them, too. I felt his hand slide over my breast as his thumb pushed against my nipple.

Oh, that felt so wonderful. I was drifting off to passion land. Darrin was the potter, and I was the clay to be molded into whatever form he wanted. I was lost in his caress. His lips moved to my neck, shoulder and then my lips. We kissed, and he playfully bit my lower lip. I ran my left hand through his hair pulling him deeper into my mouth. My right hand slid down his side to where the General lived. My fingers outlined his silhouette as he pressed against those $300 slacks.

Darrin’s fingers had deftly unbuttoned several blouse buttons. His lips moved to my warm flesh above my bra. Using both my hands, I pulled him to my fleshy mounds. I could feel his heat against my skin. I wanted him inside me badly. He unsnapped the front of my bra, but kept teasing me. His hand slid down my waist and came to rest between my thighs. I could barely feel his fingers as they slowly stroked up toward my now steaming pussy.

I felt another pair of hands begin caressing my nipples. It was Mikie. Fuck it. I was too hot to care. I just wanted to feel good. She delicately rolled them between her fingers. Darrin had never had that light of a touch.

Sexual energy was free-flowing through every inch of my being. I don’t think I’d ever been so hot even with Darrin. My nipple got wet. There was sensuous licking and sucking. How could my pussy be on fire when it was generating so much wetness? The room was spinning, literally. When I’m drunk, the only way I can stop that is to put a foot on the floor.

Darrin took that opportunity to lift me up and tear off my panties. His lips began kissing my inner thigh, and soon I felt his tongue slurp my slit.

All the while, Mikie was sucking my tits like I was the last dairy cow on earth. Her hair was draped across my face. I couldn’t resist running my fingers through it. It smelled of strawberries. 

I was getting close when Darrin stopped to strip. Mikie continued working my tits until Darrin nestled himself between my legs then she stripped. If possible, she seemed prettier naked than clothed. Maybe it was the wine. She began removing the rest of my clothes. It wasn’t long, and we were all in our birthday suits.

Darrin carried me into his bedroom and lay me down with my ass just on the bed. I didn’t feel so bad when Mikie said, “Abby, you’re as beautiful as Darrin said.”

She ran her hands over my nakedness before her mouth reattached itself to a nipple. I opened my eyes and saw that an udder delight was suspended just above my lips. This was my rival. If I did this for her, maybe she’d be open to letting me have Darrin.

Knowing the feeling, I loved having my boobs sucked and had always wondered what it would feel like to do it. Sucking a guy’s nipple isn’t the same. There’s more muscle behind it, not the softness of a woman. The wine had diminished my inhibitions. How could I resist? Sucking her nipple into my mouth, the sound of her moaning was music to my ears as I suckled like a baby.

Darrin stood up and positioned the General for a penetration maneuver. I could see that his helmet was as wet as I was. Darrin slowly pushed into me. Given all that was going on, it felt stratospheric once he was fully inside with my pussy stretched to its limit and this boob in my mouth.

Mikie reposition herself and was straddling my face. I was looking at her wet pussy. If you can believe this, it was as beautiful as the rest of her.

She was shaven except for a half-inch strip that started about an inch above her slit. She had a little heart tattoo just above her slit, a dot of a mole in the crease of her left leg and a duplicate at the bottom of her slice on the right side. Her lips were a light pink and thin just like her face, but they looked so delicate like rare blossoms. Her clit was standing erect like a corporal waiting for the General. She was coated in wetness and smelled like fresh, warm sourdough bread.

She and Darrin kissed. He was fucking me but kissing her. His hands reached for her big boobs and pinched her nipples hard.

When he did, she lowered her pussy to my mouth and began rubbing it over my lips saying, “Lick me, Abby. Eat me.”

I’d never ever thought about becoming a rug muncher, much less done it. I did practice kissing with my middle school best friend, but that’s the only lez thing I’d ever done.

However, the General’s assault had released feelings of euphoria and exhilaration. I buried my tongue in Mikie’s artesian well. She tasted delicious, so fresh, sweet and juicy. I loved her flavor.

Darrin shouted, “This is fucking great. “

As he buried the General into me up to the hilt, a flood of warmth inundated my pussy. As Darrin sucked Mikie’s tongue down his throat, she was cumming all over my face. My tongue was slurping her juice like succulent peach slices. All the while, my consciousness was thinking, “This will make Darrin say those three words”

Published 3 years ago

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