Brooke was excited to start her first official day that Monday. Ken, her husband, had already left for work earlier and Brooke hurried to get ready for her new job. Mr. Barstow had given Brooke permission to use the company charge account at a few clothing stores to get herself some appropriate office wear for her job and she would have a little taken out of her first paychecks until her purchases were paid back. Now with her new clothes and new makeup, she prepared for her first day at Barstow Associates.
It was raining that Monday, typical for this time of year, so when she arrived at the office around 8:00 am, Brooke took off her long overcoat, shaking the water from it before folding it in half over her arm. She was anxious to show off her shamelessly short black miniskirt and white silk blouse to Becky, but as the elevator door to the twelfth floor opened, Brooke quickly realized that the receptionist had other things on her mind.
When she saw Becky squirming in her chair behind the large receptionist counter with her eyes closed, she quietly walked around to go on into the office to start work. However, as she rounded the end of the counter, she looked behind it and saw one of the male staff members sitting on his knees, his head between Becky’s naked thighs. Becky’s skirt and panties lay on the desk in front of her and hidden from view behind the raised countertop, and the man was busily licking her snatch while tugging on his own fat cock.
Startled by the sight at first, Brooke reminded herself that this was part of the job. Becky briefly opened her eyes, turned to look at her and gave her a head nod. Brooke smiled and returned the nod. Then she closed her eyes and focused on enjoying herself again, and Brooke walked on back to her desk and sat down, waiting to see what would happen next.
Suddenly, Brooke spotted a redheaded woman walking toward her. “Hi, you must be the new girl! My name is Cheryl Murphy!” she said as she reached Brooke’s desk.
The woman was younger than her–Brooke estimated she was in her mid to late twenties, with a very bubbly personality and a smile that you couldn’t help but smile back at. She was pretty in a wholesome, fresh, teen cheerleader way, with little makeup except for mascara and lip gloss.
“Hi. Yes, I’m the new girl. Brooke Robbins… it’s nice to meet you,” Brooke said, introducing herself.
“Yes Mr. Barstow told me that he had hired a new girl and asked me to show you around and introduce you to the staff,” she said.
“Okay… um, Cheryl… did Mr. Barstow tell you what my job here was to be?” Brooke asked cautiously.
Cheryl smiled and put her hand on Brooke’s arm. “Yes, hon, he told me. Don’t worry, you will be a welcome addition here, take my word on that!” she said, reassuringly. “Before we go around showing you off to the staff here, let’s talk a bit about your regular duties and how we do things here at B. A.”
“That would be nice. This is all very strange to me and it’s going to take a little getting used to!” Brooke admitted.
“Yes, we do run things a little differently than most companies like ours. But that’s what makes working here so much more fun and makes our staff so much happier. And a happy staff makes for good productivity which makes our clients happy too–at least that’s what Mr. Barstow believes. And it seems to work,” Cheryl said.
Cheryl started showing Brooke the filing system and helped her get a login on the computers set up. She helped Brooke set up her company email and showed her the break room and how they worked lunch.
A few minutes before lunch, Mr. Barstow came out of his office to where Brooke and Cheryl were working. “Good morning ladies, how is our latest addition doing?” he said referring to Brooke.
“She’s coming along very well, Sir. We have gone over just about everything she will need to know as a secretary. I have her login set up as well as her company email. We’ve discussed the filing system and other things she’ll need to know. This afternoon, I was going to take her around and introduce her to everyone,” Cheryl said.
“Very good, however, before you take her around to introduce her to the rest of our folks here, I want to see her for a bit. So right after lunch come to my office, okay?” Mr. Barstow said.
“Yes Sir,” Brooke said.
“What do you think he wants?” Brooke asked Cheryl, “I haven’t been here long enough to mess up I don’t think.”
Cheryl giggled, “He wants you, silly! Mr. Barstow always likes to try out the new girls before anyone else does,” she said, smiling.
“Really?” Brooke asked.
“Sure. We’ve all been there. I remember how nervous I was when he called me into the office that first time. But don’t worry, he is very good at making a girl feel comfortable!” she said, giggling again.
Brooke went to lunch after that, but it was very difficult for her to concentrate on eating. Her mind was racing with scenes of her being taken by her handsome boss. She wondered what he looked like under that three-piece Gucci suit. She wondered what she would be called on to do; he had mentioned something about anal sex the last time they talked–would he want to take her anally?
She began to wonder about his cock… how big was he? How thick and how long? She could only imagine that he was of admirable size considering how confident and self-assured he was. You can’t be as dominant and commanding as he is without having something on board to back it up!
With lunch behind her now, Brooke went back to the office. She was already wet as she rode the elevator back to her office, knowing that when she got there she would be servicing the man she had been interviewed by twice and who was now her boss. Brooke went straight to Mr. Barstow’s office and knocked softly on the door.
“Come in,” came the voice behind the door. Brooke slowly opened the door and stepped inside.
“Y-you wanted to see me Sir?” she said, nervously.
“Ah, Mrs. Robbins! Yes, please shut the door and come in,” he said. Brooke did as he told her, coming up to the front of his desk.
“Have a seat, my dear,” he said, indicating to the chair next to her.
Brooke sat down in the chair, timidly crossing her ankles and folding her hands in her lap.
“So has Cheryl shown you all you need to know as a secretary here at B. A.?” he asked.
“Pretty much, Sir. She said that if I have any other questions, just let her know and she’ll help me,” Brooke said.
“That’s good. Yes, we are all here to help each other, Mrs. Robbins. We are one big family and we all pull together to do the best job we can for our customers,” he said.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Now do you have any questions for me? Anything you wish me to clarify or help you understand?” he asked.
“No, Sir, I think I have everything down pretty well. It’s a lot like my previous job at Thompson-Kincaid, but with a few notable exceptions!” she said.
“Yes, I’m sure that I do things a little differently than you are used to. But I’m confident you will fall into place in short order, Mrs. Robbins,” he said.
“Sir, if you would, please call me Brooke. Mrs. Robbins sounds like I am still interviewing for the job–or I’m in trouble!” she said.
Mr. Barstow chuckled, “I assure you neither one is the case right now so very well, Brooke. Anyway, the reason I called you into my office this afternoon is that I make a policy of trying my new girls out before I unleash the rest of my staff on you. I want to welcome you properly and hopefully, you will feel more at ease around the others in the office. After all, I am the ‘big bad boss man’!” he said.
“Yes, Sir. Cheryl told me that was why you wanted to see me this afternoon,” Brooke said.
“Oh really? Well what else did she tell you about me?” he asked.
“Nothing bad, Sir, just that… well that you are good at making a girl feel comfortable here,” she said. “But please don’t tell her I told you–she won’t confide anything to me anymore!”
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell her. It is nice to know that I make the girls feel comfortable though,” he smiled, “I don’t want my office to be something you dread!”
“No, Sir.”
“Step out of those clothes will you Brooke, and let me take that brand new pussy of yours for a spin!”
“Yes Sir,” she replied eagerly as she stood and began to undress; the eagerness she showed wasn’t an act either–she had been looking forward to this since she learned she had the job. She really wanted to feel a new cock inside her!
Funny, she thought in my previous job this would be considered sexual harassment. Brooke wondered what the term was for whoring yourself out to your whole office staff!
While Brooke finished undressing, Mr. Barstow walked to the door and locked it so they wouldn’t be disturbed.
Brooke was standing there naked and waiting for instructions. Mr. Barstow came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, cupping her tits in his hands and gently squeezing them as he kissed her neck.
“Ohhh…” Brooke moaned as she felt his hands on her at last. She felt his strong arms wrapped around her and her pussy got even wetter knowing what was coming.
Mr. Barstow’s hands knew what they were doing as he sunk his fingers deep into the soft creamy flesh and his thumb rubbed over her hardening nipples. He hefted the large melons and then pressed inwards mashing them against her rib cage as his arms pressed against her, holding her tighter.
She loved the feeling of restraint and loved being held so tightly… it was like he was claiming her as his own and holding onto her so she wouldn’t get away. Not that she wanted to–it had been a long time since she had felt this kind of embrace; usually, she just got a quick peck on the cheek or maybe a little hand holding. Her husband hadn’t “claimed” her in a very long time.
Brooke laid her head back on his shoulder and closed her eyes, savoring the closeness they were sharing and the magical feeling his hands were giving her. She pressed back against him and discovered another delightful sensation as her naked ass rubbed against a very large and still growing bulge in his pants.
“Mr. Barstow…” she moaned softly as she rubbed up against the swelling protuberance. He stepped back a half-step and spun her to face him Grabbing a handful of her hair, he pulled her face to his, crushing his lips against hers in a powerful, passionate kiss. She instantly melted into his kiss, putting her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist, his hands resting on her firm white ass cheeks.
As he continued to kiss her, Mr. Barstow slowly walked her backward until she came up on his desk. With his hands under her ass, he lifted her up with his strong arms and set her down on the desk, the top of which he had kept clear for this very purpose. He pushed her gently backward until she was lying on the desk and then he reached back to pull up the chair she was sitting in and sat down to the feast before him.
Brooke raised her head just enough to see between her legs and watch Mr. Barstow as he peered at her wet, pink opening. Her heart fluttered as he licked his lips, her sweet honey-laden hole beckoning him to sample her. Using his index finger, he traced the outline of her swollen lips and circled her clit, careful not to touch it just yet.
Brooke’s pussy instantly responded to his gentle erotic touch, offering him copious amounts of her sweet honey in gratitude for his caresses.
She opened her legs wider and raised her hips a bit in order to give him better access to her. His fingers traced their way around her opening and he rolled her fat fleshy lips between his fingers, lightly tugging on them and pulling them apart as he softly blew hot breath lightly into her hole.
“Ohhh, God…” Brooke moaned as he teased her. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her fingers raking at the table, searching for handholds as her passion erupted into a roaring blaze. Brooke had been picturing this scene in her mind for several days now–ever since she first learned what her job would entail.
All that waiting and imagining had her libido at the boiling point. Now that it was happening, she was already half crazed with lustful desire–which is precisely where he wanted her!
Mr. Barstow moved his head to the side and kissed the inside of her leg about halfway up her thigh. Brooke felt his hot mouth of her tender flesh… it was like a hot poker had been put on her thigh. Brooke moaned and lifted her leg for more of his kisses and Mr. Barstow obliged, kissing her again on the other thigh moving slowly up her legs in an alternating pattern.
Brooke’s breathing became more shallow and rapid the higher his kisses got. She could feel her pussy prepare for its turn to be kissed by leaking its sweet nectar out and glistening with eager anticipation, inviting him to taste her.
“Please Sirrr…” she moaned as he got perilously close to her center.
“I am pleased to see that you have followed my directive and shaved your pussy, my dear. It looks so much better like this,” he said. “In fact, it looks delicious. Would you like me to sample it and see how you taste?” he asked with a glint in his eyes that let her know he wasn’t asking for her permission, only for her submission.
“Oh, please Sir! Please eat my pussy! Please!” Brooke whimpered. She had been imagining him going down on her, dreaming about being in this very room in this very position. And now she was about to have her dreams come true!
He moved closer to her pussy, hovering just above her beckoning mound. He breathed in her scent deeply… yes this one was more than ready for him. He smiled at how easily she had accepted her role and how eager she was to fulfill it. She would make a fine addition to the company and an excellent “diversion” for his people.
With his fingers holding her pussy lips open he peered into her wet slick tunnel. Her scent was even stronger now and he licked his lips as he saw the dripping honey on her inner walls. He couldn’t wait any longer and he leaned forward the last few inches to fasten his mouth over the warm inviting hole.
“Ohhhh Gaaawwwddd!” Brooke moaned loudly as she felt his tongue enter her and push deeper into her pussy. It had been so long since she felt this…
Mr. Barstow was quite adept at eating pussy. He prided himself on being able to please a woman with his tongue as well as with his cock. He seemed to know where all of Brooke’s buttons were and in what order to push them. Brooke had built this moment up in her mind so much since learning about the job that now she was nearly beside herself with impatient anticipation.
Mr. Barstow took his time eating Brooke. He savored her sweet, syrupy juices and his tongue squirmed around inside her tunnel, searching every fold and cranny to collect all that she had to offer him.
“Oh God, Sir! Ohh, yes, right there! Please, please don’t stop! Oh God, that feels so good!” Brooke cried as she was swept away in a tidal wave of sensations.
Brooke writhed and twisted, clawing frantically at the desk as her mind slipped away. Mr. Barstow had to work to hold her down and keep her from falling off the desk in her thrashing around. But he continued feasting on her sweetness, licking and lapping up her juices as fast as she could produce them.
“Oh, Sir! Oh, I’m going to cum! Please, Sir! Please make me cum! Oh, God. I need to cum so badly! Please, Sir, please!” she pleaded desperately.
But Mr. Barstow had other ideas. He did stop eating her pussy, but only because he had another use for the hot, dripping hole. He stood up and quickly unfastened his slacks, dropping his pants to his ankles and freeing his cock. Brooke gasped as she caught the first glimpse of what would soon be plowing her neglected pussy.
Mr. Barstow saw the reaction his cock got and smiled. “So you like what you see, do you?” he asked, holding his cock in front of her face.
“Yes, Sir…” she breathed her reply.
He rubbed the head of his cock across her lips and she opened her mouth expectantly. “Not so fast, my eager little slut! First, you need to be properly introduced. This is the first time you two have met, you know!” he said, smiling broadly.
“Sorry Sir,” she said, blushing at her impetuosity, “I just have waited for so long…”
“Yes you have told me that your sex life has been less than consistent,” he said, “and it is good that you have such enthusiasm–that will serve you well here. However proper introductions are important as well if you are to have a successful, long-term relationship, wouldn’t you say? I mean, we don’t want to seem too easy after all!”
“No Sir,” she said sheepishly. She was acting like a common whore, going after his cock like that. Dammit, Brooke, show a little self-control and restraint! she thought to herself.
Mr. Barstow rubbed the cock across her lips again and this time Brooke pursed her lips a bit as the cock glided over them. He rubbed the cock across her cheek and Brooke moaned feeling the silky softness of the skin contrasting with the stiff hardness underneath.
Brooke had always been intrigued at the ability of a man’s cock to be so soft to the touch and yet so hard inside her. It was a conundrum that baffled her and made her even more fascinated with the appendage. Yes, Brooke Robbins was definitely a cock enthusiast and Mr. Barstow had a very fine example of meaty manhood!
After rubbing his cock across her lips and over her cheek a few times Brooke was whimpering and shaking with need. “P-please Sir, please I need you inside me. Please… I haven’t felt a man in me in so long… please use me as your cock whore and let me please you… fuck me, Sir, like the slut you wish me to be,” she whined.
Mr. Barstow took pity on Brooke’s situation and put an end to his teasing. He moved back around between the woman’s spread and trembling legs and grabbed his hard cock with one hand.
“Open your pussy slut and show me where you want this cock!” he said.
Brooke instantly reached between her legs with both hands and spread her pussy lips open to him, exposing her pink tunnel to his cock. Mr. Barstow stepped a bit closer and pushed his cock past her pussy lips to rest the rim against the entrance to her love canal.
With no need for further guidance, he put both of Brookes’ legs over his shoulders and wrapped one arm around the front of her thighs to hold her in place. Then, without a word of warning, he thrust his hips forward powerfully burying the full eight inches of his cock in her slippery hole in one smooth sudden motion.
“OHHHFUUUCKKK!!” Brooke squealed as she felt him invade her. She grabbed the sides of the desk as he began pumping in and out of her pussy at full speed and full force, not giving her any chance to adjust to him or even get used to being stretched open. He pounded away at her like there was a time limit on it and all Brooke could do was hold on and endure the ride.
But Brooke had little to worry about in falling. Mr. Barstow was simply not going to allow that to happen. He had her tightly wrapped in his powerful arms and he pounded away at her mercilessly. And despite Brooke’s writhing, twisting, and contortions, she wasn’t going anywhere until he had finished with her!
“Oh my God, Sir… I’m going to cum again! Oh please, Sir! Please make your whore cum! Oh, I can’t stand it! Please, please, please!” she said as urgently as before. Mr. Barstow reached around with his free hand and began rubbing her clit hard with his thumb.
The added sensation was more than Brooke could stand, and within a few more devastating thrusts, she exploded once more. She screamed out her joy as her body lifted up, arching nearly to the point of breaking in two, and then twisting at the apex. It was all Mr. Barstow could do to keep fucking the woman as the convulsions of her orgasm wracked her body.
Mr. Barstow’s relentless cock, coupled with his continued rubbing her hypersensed clit, gave Brooke one orgasm after another in nonstop succession. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t scream, and was nearly at the point of passing out when suddenly he stopped and pulled out.
He moved quickly up along her body to her head and, grabbing a hand full of her blonde tresses, shoved his cock in her mouth just in time to blast a load of hot creamy cum into it. Brooke quickly swallowed mouthful after mouthful while at the same time trying to breathe through her nose.
Mr. Barstow seemed to have an endless supply of cum, but after several more spurts, his balls appeared to be empty. Brooke sucked the last few drops from him and sucked his shaft clean. She lay on the desk, drenched in sweat, and panting like she’d just ran a marathon at full speed. She looked up at her boss through lust-fogged eyes and smiled weakly.
Mr. Barstow let her lay on the desk for a few minutes to come back and regain her strength while he got his clothes back in order. When she seemed lucid again, he helped her to sit up on the desk, steadying her at first until she was able to steady herself.
“Feeling better Mrs. Robbins?” he asked.
“Oh yes, Sir… much better. Thank you, Sir, for using me. I’d almost forgotten what a good fucking was like!” she said dreamily.
“You are quite welcome. You didn’t do too badly yourself–you must have really needed that judging by your performance!” he said.
“Yes, Sir… but I hope I wasn’t too much of a whore, though!” she said.
“No worries, Brooke, my dear… you are going to make a fine addition to our little company!” he said, smiling.