Although I had not planned a visit to ask Daphne (Daph as she preferred throughout the neighbourhood) it had turned out to be quite a startling and revealing visit, on a couple of fronts. Although in her early seventies and a grandmother, Daph but still had the figure many forty to fifty year olds (or even younger) would envy. Her face, while still reflecting her younger beauty, was a little wrinkled about the eyes and corners of her mouth, however, she did look after herself and any sun effects were minimal.
She was shortish in stature, standing about 5’ 2” tall, but she still had her womanly curves in all the right places, and kept herself active by walking at least once a day. The walking combined with all the community work she did and associations she belonged to certainly kept her figure in check and her metal faculties in top working order. Her hair was typical of her age group in terms of length and colour; light curl and salt and pepper coloring.
The first startling piece of information derived from some old black and white photographs Daph had on her mantle. One was of her mother and the others were group images of her mum and her work colleagues during their WWII posting at the RAAF base near Wagga Wagga, in southern New South Wales. Until that day, neither Daph nor I had any idea that her mother and my Aunt Renee were there at the same time, doing the same sort of work (parachute packing) and knew the same people, well one particular man: Bob.
During the course of our initial discussion/s of our WWII connections, one thing lead to another and before we knew it, we were in her lounge room getting naked and exploring each others body’s. Daph told me of her yearning to see ‘more’ of me, as she often watched me through her lounge room venetian blinds as I mowed the lawns, particularly on hot summer days when I would have my shirt off.
We had both reached amazing orgasmic highs as a consequence of our torrid fucking and were both recuperating on the carpeted floor collecting our respective breaths. The room was cosy and quiet as we conversed, unlike the earlier engagement which was loud and sexually charged; the room, only minutes before, had been full of the wet sounds of naked bodies colliding, expletive ridden urgings and guttural grunts and groans as we both exploded with satisfying delight.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door which definitely brought us, all to quickly, away from our post coital revelry. The knock was quickly followed by a woman’s voice calling out.
“Daph, are you okay?”
Read on:
“Shit!” exclaimed Daph in a hushed tone full of panic as she scrambled to rise. I helped her to her feet wondering who was calling out and why.
“That’s Monica, my new neighbor. She must have heard us.” Daph looked anxious and totally bewildered as to what to do next.
“Daph, I’ll wait here around the corner. You go get a dressing gown and answer the door.” I whispered and Daph nodded and then hesitated, waiting for further instruction. “Just tell her you were going to take a shower or something.”
“Won’t be a moment Monica.” Daph called out through the door as she tip-toed up her short hallway to throw on her white towelling robe. She tied it up, tip toed back to the door and opened it. She lent around the edge of the door and just stuck her head forward enough to make eye contact with her caller.
“Hi Monica. Sorry I was just about to jump into the shower.”
“Hi Daph, I heard some odd sounds and just wanted to check you were alright.”
“Yes, yes… I am fine thank you. I was flicking through some TV channels while I was having my morning coffee. I had the volume up a bit as I was making some adjustments to the settings, sorry.”
“No need to apologize, Daph.” Monica laughed. “I’m just glad everything is okay. I best let you get to your shower.”
“Okay, thanks Monica. See you later.”
Daph closed the door and pressed her back against the door. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I could tell from the look on her face that her feeling of panic was escaping at the same rate as her breath. She turned her head to me as I stepped closer and let out a girlish giggle.
“Thank you, Ray. That was some quick thinking on your part.” She took another deep breath and I watched, appreciatively, as her chest filled with air which thrust her wonderful breasts firmly forward, deepening the revealed cleavage.
“As soon as I heard it was Monica, my mind went to jelly…I couldn’t think. I felt like a teenager being caught doing…”
“Up here for thinking,” I said, indicating my head and then pointed lower as I added, “and down there for…um…dancing.” I grinned.
“You’re incorrigible.” She laughed.
“Anyway, I know what you mean about being caught.” I continued, tenderly running my hand up and down her arm in a clumsy show of reassurance.
“What are we going to do?” she asked, as another wave of panic crossed her face. “You can’t just leave now because if she sees you…, well…what would she make of it?”
“Daph, you lucky so and so?” I offered.
“Bragger! But, then again, maybe she would…but on the other hand, maybe not.” She laughed heartily and then her countenance took on a more considered look. “Reflecting on what has taken place this morning I’m not sure who got more ‘lucky’, as you put it. Either way, it would be prudent for you not to leave just yet…just to save Monica from getting the wrong impression. You know what I mean?”
“Oh, yes. Monica…wrong impression…” I smiled slyly at Daph and moved closer placing my hands on her shoulders as she remained pressed against her front door.
“How much time should we allow do you think?” She asked, her big brown eyes searching my face for answers and direction.
“I am not sure of what constitutes an appropriate time frame, I have never been in this sort of situation before.” I whispered and put my finger to my chin as if considering options. “What could we do to fill in an appropriate time span might be another question?”
Daph shrugged and smiled at me. There was a hint of mischief in her eyes.
“You said to Monica that you were heading to the shower, didn’t you?” I asked quietly. Daph nodded. “You could still do that…”
Daph nodded and then added, “What about you?”
“Well…,” I dropped my eyes to the hurried knot she had tied around her waist and gently pulled it undone. I let the sides of her dressing gown drop away from her mature body, exposing her wonderful boobs and thick thatch of come matted pubic hair, as I moved in very close and kissed her neck lightly. “I could join you and have my way with you, if you wish?”
“That would definitely take up some time, I guess?” she murmured, titling her neck to me and enjoying the nuzzling kisses I delivered. “It would probably provide just about the right amount of time to…to…um, not give the wrong impression.”
“Not that I know what you have in mind.” She added hurriedly.
“Why don’t we just see what feels good and go from there?” I suggested.
“Okay. Let’s!” She pushed off the door and pressed her body firmly against mine. Her hands grabbed firmly at my groin and my flaccid penis still sticky with our combined juices, as she directed me toward a door behind us and a little to my right. I had not noticed the closed door earlier but it was directly opposite the lounge room.
Daph opened the door and guided me through the doorway as she backed me into the room. It was quite cold as the room was on the south side of her house and did not get any sun until late afternoon, not that the current weather conditions were conducive to warming a tiled bathroom. She shivered noticeably as we entered and her bare feet made contact with the tiled floor.
“I’ll put the heater on and start the shower,” She told me as she moved quickly and re-wrapped her body in the robe.
I nodded and looked around, folding my arms across my chest to keep my fingers warm. Her bathroom decor was straight out of the nineteen sixties, at least Australian bathroom styling for that period. The color was predominantly pink and black with three inch pink tiles and half inch black tiles forming a regimented pattern on the floor and a border of black three inch tiles separating the floor and the wall.
The black border was topped with pink three inch tiles which were the only color then until the black border at about head height. From there, the rest of the wall was painted in egg shell matte paint, until the ceiling, which had a decorative cornice. The cornice and ceiling were painted in the same color as the painted section of wall. It was quaint, well that was the best single word description I could come up with. Daph noticed me looking around as she came up to me.
“I hate it but can’t bring myself to change it.” She whispered. I laughed.
“It is what it is!” I replied, a little lost for words. “It fits the period exactly.”
“You are being kind, I know.” She laughed. “My husband and I always wanted to modernise the house but we never got around to it. Now, I just couldn’t be bothered.”
I folded my arms around her and held her close.
“You don’t have to explain. I know what you mean. My aunt, Renee, was the same. In fact, the bathroom in her apartment was pink and black as well.”
This brought a smile to my dear neighbors face.
By now the room was much warmer and gradually filling with steam. I put my fingers under Dash’s chin and gently lifted her face to mine. I bent over her and kissed her mouth softly. My lips grazed hers as I slowly pulled the robe off her shoulders. She held her arms outstretched and pointed to the floor as I slowly guided her robe until it fell of its own accord. It tumbled into a heap about her slender ankles as I slowly pressed my lips to hers more firmly; my tongue snaked out, parted her lips and probed against her teeth. She seemed a bit hesitant and unsure of what to do.
I reached down and cradled her breasts in my palms. My thumbs toyed with her nipples and they in turn responded immediately, the nubs thickened and the whole nipple darkened as her arousal increased. She closed her eyes as I increased the pressure and a low groan escaped her lips.
“How about we have that shower together?”
“I had better fix the temperature.” She suggested. “It can be temperamental…the taps, I mean.” I smiled and watched her as she adjusted the taps. Happy with the temperature she turned and looked me up and down.
“You look so much better up close than you do from across the road.”
“Do you mean to tell me you spy on me as I mow the lawns during the summer when I have my top off?” I asked smiling and inwardly feeling surprised that she might actually have done what I had fantasised she might do.
“Well, what’s a lonely old lady to do?” She retorted with a broad grin. “I am here all by myself and you’re over there, semi naked, showing off your slim, toned and tanned body. I mean, what’s a girl to do…old lady to do? I still have some sex drive left?”
I smiled and straightened. I was feeling a mixture of embarrassment and pride at what she had told me.
“I’m glad you like.” I replied, mental telling myself, ‘not to let her comment go to my head (either one)’. “I’m also glad it’s steamy in here, it hides my blushing.”
My penis was starting to rise again as I watched her body and thoughts of her watching me through her venetians played through my head.
“No need to blush, you’re with a friend.”
“Thank you.” I was still curious about her voyeuristic comment though. So much so, I could not help but ask for more detail.
“What do you do exactly…when you watch me through your window?”
“I could tell you, but it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind, so I won’t. A woman has to have some secrets. Maybe another time…”
“Another time?” I answered surprised. “So, you are already planning to have me to yourself again?
“Maybe?” She laughed girlishly and rested her head on my shoulder. Her hand gently stroked my cock.
“My late husband was long but not as thick as you.” Daph reached down and pulled me against her body by my hardened shaft. “I just hope I do not disappoint.”
‘Daph, I have told you before. You look amazing. You have the body that…well, let’s put this another way… in fact, I reiterate, I guarantee a lot of the mums in your grand children’s playground look at you and wish they had a body shaped like yours. You have curves; you have boobs to die for, boobs that defy gravity and have great shape, and that is after having two children yourself. You should be proud of your assets and show them off.”
She blushed and nuzzled her forehead on my shoulder.
I pushed my crotch forward and the turgid head nudged her hip.
“We’re wasting water.” I suggested, “Shall we…”
She nodded and gripped me firmly in her little hand. I backed her into the shower stall being careful not to push her straight into the steaming flow. I reached out and tested the temperature; it was perfect, at least by my standards and since Daph had adjusted the cold water tap herself, I assumed it would be to hers as well.
I turned us and backed in first under the flow, the wonderfully warm water cascaded onto my neck and over my shoulders. Daph raised her head and blinked as the spray got in her eyes. Despite that she smiled invitingly and squeezed my shaft in her hand and slowly pumped it, gliding my fingers across the meaty flesh and circling the thick, throbbing head. As she stroked me I bent and kissed her mouth fully and sucked her tongue deep into mine. Daph melted into my body as we kissed and moaned deeply each time her little hand passed over the stiff ridges around the head of my manhood.
I reached down and pressed my fingers between her thighs, seeking the treasure of her sex that lay hidden under the thick matted triangle of hair. I bypassed her clit (for the moment) as I was eager to get my cock inside her body again and soon found what I was searching for. Her labia were still thick and puffy from the earlier heated fuck we had enjoyed and her channel was a sea of our combined fluids. I pushed a finger deep inside and her walls instantly closed in around the invader. I heard Daph moan and felt her shudder as I quickly finger fucked her pussy; our tongues collided and danced as we kissed intensely, our passion rekindled and quickly building.
“What do you want me to do?” Daph asked breathlessly.
“I want you to enjoy and climax all over me as I…” I let the rest of comment go.
She looked surprised and then excited with what I had said. Well, with what I had not said was probably closer to the truth. She was about to say or ask something but I only had one thought in mind: I wanted her.
I firmly pressed my hands against her ribs on either side of her body just below her breasts and slowly moved them lower. The water helped make the progress easier as I moved them over the curve of her hips and delved into the crease of her arse. I pressed my fingers into her rear crevice, she pushed back slightly and wiggled her behind which made her cheeks wobble.
“Needs some work.” She said as I massaged her arse cheeks. I laughed under my breath.
“Maybe that is something we could do together?” I suggested. She smiled broadly and agreed, in between mouthfuls of water. We both laughed.
I pushed my hands lower and grabbed her thighs, just under her arse and lifted her bodily. Having a slight build, I was able to lift Daph with ease and pushed her higher as I rested her back against the tiled wall. Her arms reached up and snaked about my neck, her fingers intertwined behind my head as I arched my back and used my hips to position my throbbing cock. Tenderly, I eased her body down a little and my cock pressed firmly upward, gouging a path along her sex, parting the outer petals and nudging against her swollen clitoris. She looked down, between our bodies.
“Mmmmm, that looks beautiful.” She cooed and then looked at me with her smoldering eyes. “What now?”
I did not reply. I simply raised her slightly higher and slowly rotated my hips. My cock found her entrance with ease and I slowly arched my back and pressed upward as I let her body slip a little. Her eyes widened as the thick head forced her folds apart and opened her outer gateway to the point that she was now at the my mercy; a poised invade aiming for her inner depths.
I lunged upward and speared her vagina with the thick head of my penis. I had wanted her and fucked her earlier in the lounge room but this seemed different and I could not resist the temptation to fill her any more. Her eyes flashed wide as she felt her body being pried open to accept my pole; bit by bit it went deeper and deeper into her receptive channel and as it finally reached maximum penetration Daph’s head rolled against the wet tiles. She bit her lip as I rocked her body, slowly fucking her sex starved vagina.
“Oh wow…this is better…than…” She spluttered as I slowly built up speed.
I pinned her body to the wall as I quickly directed her right hand to her crotch and pressed her fingers hard onto her clitoral hood. I rubbed them in small quick circles trying to teller her through actions alone that she should stimulate her clitoris as I fucked her. Thankfully, and without any delay, Daph did exactly as I hoped. Her fingers were a blur as she mashed her clitoris under her wild digits. With each increase in her clitoral stimulation her vaginal walls clamped and gripped my cock hard, massaging my entire length from stem to stern.
She was flying and I did not want to be left behind. I gripped her arse again in both hands and thrust into her lustfully, grunting with the effort to push my whole crotch into her if I could. The shower water flowed over us but neither of us would have minded if it was on or off, we were fully engrossed in our mutual and individual sexual pleasures.
She raised her thighs and wrapped them around my waist as I drilled her pussy as hard as I could manage. As I thrust forward I dropped her arse slightly each time, giving her the full sensation of having every last centimeter of my cock go crashing into her and slap up onto her arse.
“Ooh, fuck…” She cried and I knew she was close; her fingers were working overtime on her swollen button.
I rammed her body hard; faster and faster, harder and harder, quickly losing myself to the thrill of feeling her vagina clamped around my cock. This was certainly a fantasy come true after all these years. The shower stall filled with the sounds of our fucking each other’s brains out, the wet body slap as I entered her keeping time with her guttural moans.
Through her increased state of impending bliss she looked hard into my face.
“Oh…fuck me, Ray. I need to come.” She grunted hoarsely, then she added, “But can… you… hold off?”
I was rather taken aback by her request and slowed my pace accordingly, but before I could answer she continued.
“I want you to fuck my arse!”
“Are you sure?” I was bewildered to say the least. Having had my cock buried deeply in her mouth earlier that morning was incredible. Having my cock jammed, ball deep in her pussy for the second time that same day, was unbelievable. Yet, now she was offering, no, asking me to fuck her arse as well!
“Can you repeat that?”
Her fingers were still at work on her button as I continued to piston my pelvis into her, albeit at a slower pace. Her breathing was becoming ragged again as her body twitched in response to her ministrations down below.
“Can you hold back…” she swallowed hard, “I want you to fuck my arse and fill it…Ooohhhh, god…”
I agreed quickly in order to let her fully enjoy her climax that was racing, like Usain Bolt in an Olympic final, towards its goal.
Her thighs crunched in around my hips as my own blood boiled and my temples throbbed. Her fingers of her left hand dug into my shoulder as she came hard on my cock. I gripped her arse hard and trust upward one last time to add my own input to the pressure on her crotch. Her body heaved numerous times and it was all I could do not to follow suit but the thought of being able to have all three of Daph’s orifices in our first time together was far in excess of any fantasy I could have dreamt of.
With a final spasm of her tense, vice-like thighs, Daph all but collapsed to the floor. Fortunately I still had some hold of her and managed to keep her from falling. My rigid member slid from her womanly entrance which was followed by a generous dollop of her juices that pooled on the floor of the shower and then washed away.
“That was an amazing…” she was not sure how to say what she wanted to say.
“Fuck?…Shower?” I offered with a huge smile and raised eye brows.
“Yes, exactly.” she sighed, “That was an amazing… fucking shower.”
She slid to the floor and sighed, a huge smile on her face. I was still standing under the flow of the caressing warm water, my cock pointing out into space.
“I meant it when I asked you to fuck my arse,” she panted, “It is a secret longing I have kept to myself even during my married years.”
“Really! You never did that with your husband? Never told him?”
“No. He would not have understood or liked what he heard in that regard. He had a good cock and could use it well but he was not all that adventurous, I suppose that is the best way to categorize him…unadventurous!”
I stroked my cock in my hand gently as she spoke.
“Hmmm, I like what you are doing. He would never do that.” She laughed in an offhand, scoffing manner, “In fact we never even had a shower together.”
“You are helping me achieve some firsts young man.” She said, looking at me with a sexy smile.
“The pleasure is all mi…no, all ours.”
“I don’t know what is about a man’s genitals but a thick hard cock is something which makes me go weak at the knees and has interesting impacts on other body parts as well. As I am sure you know all too well by know?” She sat on the floor of the shower, her hand gently stroking her sex as she tenderly looked at me stroking my cock for her hungry eyes.
I smiled and started to reply when she continued with her train of though before I could utter a word and distract her from divulging all that she felt she needed to say.
“I have never had anal sex?” She blurted.
“We don’t have…”
“I want you to fuck my arse. I selfishly asked you not to do what was natural and lose yourself inside me, down there…” she used her eyes to indicate what she meant. “Like I said, I have always fantasied about anal sex and who better to help me in that quest than you. I can see you are up for it.”
Her licentious grin told me she was not going to be dissuaded.
“As you wish.” I shrugged and flicked my cock at her causing a splash of water to hit her in the eye. She laughed.
“That was water I hope? I would not want you to expend any of your stuff before you have…well, you know what I want?”
“Have you ever arse fucked anyone?” She asked, as she rose onto her knees and started to softly suck my cock. She deftly avoided the head so I did not get too excited.
“I fucked my wife there once, no…twice, …early on, before the children where around. But it is not something we have ever done again.”
“Well, now is your chance to deflower mine. I am serious about this. I was not sure about being with you at all when all this started, but now I know… in here,” she touched her head and smiled wickedly, “in here…” she touched her chest over her heart, ‘and in here, well here to be exact,’ she touched her vagina and then her butt, “that you are the man for the job.”
“I do not know what to say.”
“Nothing, just enjoy.”
“Won’t it hurt? You know…?”
“Yes, probably. But I am willing to accept that. It is not as though I am a total virgin when it comes to having my arse opened up.” I looked at her shocked.
“This was some of the extra part of what I was not going to tell you about, you know,…about me looking at you through the blinds.” I continued to look at her shocked but fascinated by her comments. In between her revelations she expertly stuffed my cock into her mouth. “But, now I feel I have too.”
“My fantasy was/is to have my arse fucked by a real cock. I have had an increased desire in that, especially since being widowed, and it has led me to self explore, as it were. I watch you mow the lawn and insert all manner of objects up my vagina and arse. I have always hoped that one day I would have the nerve to get someone, now you, who could put their penis in there…and, well, here you are. Now, enough idle chatter. I am in need of this,” she stuffed my rod lustfully into her mouth.
“I need it in my arse, where you can finally unload and that will make as both happy. Now, I just need to get something to lubricate and you can have your pleasure.”
“Whoa! Hold on there tiger.” I said kneeling in front of her. “I am shocked and flabbergasted and…god knows what else…at your telling me all this. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to have anal sex with you, but…”
“But, what?” She asked, a look of disappointment on her face.
“How about we get out of the shower and do this slowly and steadily. I think we have used the shower long enough for now.”
I reassured her I was not going to leave her (or her behind) unattended and that put a smile back on her face. Daph quickly turned off the shower and grabbed towels for us both. We wrapped the towels around our bodies and walked back into her wonderfully warm lounge room.
“Now, tell me…” I gently pulled her towel wrapped body to me. “What do you do while looking through your blinds?”
“I watch you as you mow your lawn.” She started, then stopped, a veil of pink flushed across her face.
“Are you blushing?” I asked, amused.
“Well…” she shyly looked at the floor. I tenderly lifted her chin and asked her to continue. “Well, I particularly like watching you during the summer months, as I’ve said. You often have your shirt off and I get all gooey, down below…I watch the way your body moves…”
“And what do you do about being ‘all gooey’?”
“Um…I use things…”
“You masturbate?” I offered, trying to make it easier for her.
“Yes. I masturbate…,” she took a deep breath as if stealing herself to say something which she had never divulged to anyone before.
“I like what you’re telling me. Not from any egotistical sense, although it is extremely flattering that I am the center of your masturbatory frolics. It is extremely sexy to hear you have secret sexual desires with me at the center, as well as how you go about satisfying your desires. It is highly erotic”.
“Thank you for being here and not being judgmental.” She kissed my shoulder and rested her head against my chest as we stood, locked in a warm embrace near her Venetian blinds.
I broke the quiet by telling her something I had always been curious about.
“I have always noticed the way your nipples protrude through your tops when I talk to you. I have yearned to see then up close and personal but never thought the opportunity would arise.”
“So you have noticed!” She answered in gleeful surprise. “I was never sure. I suppose I should never had doubted you would but I suppose you were always to chivalrous to make it obvious. On many occasions, when I have wandered over to say hello, I have felt my whole body tingling as you looked up and greeted me. My crotch would dampen and I could feel my nipples swell as we talked. I felt naughty and nice, for want of a better way to say it, all at once, when speaking to you but I always felt a bit awkward as well as we were out in the street and I knew your wife was inside etc…”
“This is going to sound weird, but…,” I had to swallow before continuing, “I have often fantasized myself, that you might be watching and masturbating as I mowed the lawn. I don’t know what made me conjure up that thought but it was something I…I, um, oh I don’t know how to say… it was just a wild idea that popped into my head.”
“Truth is stranger than fiction, as they say.”
We both smiled and had a bit of laugh at what had just passed between us. This had been quite some day and there was more to come, unless Daph had lost her resolve.
I soon discovered she had not, nor had she lost the ability to take the initiative. Her hand glided downward and quickly found my sleeping sausage. With a deft twist, she parted the folds of the towel I had wrapped about my waist and slowly commenced her expert encouragement of my penis. She was determined to have me rise to the occasion.
“Hmmm, I like the way you respond to my fingers.” She murmured.
“It would be difficult not too.” I said, thinking of what this was leading to. “Do we need to get anything before we get too involved?”
My question seemed lame but I did not want to get started only to discover something like a lubricant was not close at hand.
“No. See that box under the arm chair?” I tuned to look, her hand still gliding up and down my length.
The comfy looking arm chair was placed near the blinds just off to my left and there was indeed an old black shoe box with a lid, under the chair.
“In it is all the lube we could possibly need. Plus I do have some of my own…”
Daph gave me a sly grin as she pushed her free hand inside her towel and delved between her thighs. When she withdrew her fingers, they were covered with a generous coating of her special secretions.
“See?” She asked, waving them close to my face. “Lick them!”
I nodded and gently sucked her fingers and her glorious juices. I had to smile inwardly, at the way she had taken what I had done to her earlier in the morning and seized the opportunity to turn the tables. I dallied long over her juice covered fingers ensuring Daph got a good look at my enjoyment of her bold move.
“I’m ready when you are.” I announced when I finally finished licking her fingers clean. I thrusted myself firmly into her hand to further reinforce my comment.
“I think we both are.”
With a deft flick Daph deposited her towel across the room. She stood there, again, naked in front of my hungry eyes. Like a moth to a flame I dipped my head and feasted noisily upon her heavy breasts. The instant my mouth made contact with her inflamed nipple her hands were in my hair, gently caressing my temples and guiding my mouth onto her teat.
“Hmmm,” she mewed, “that looks so good the way you roll my nipple between your teeth. And I love the way you make sure I can see what you are doing to me as well. It makes it even more sexy.”
As I sucked and nibbled on her breasts, alternating between left and right, I slipped my hand between her heated thighs. Daph rocked on her feet slightly as she shifted position and widened her stance. She pushed downward a little to open herself more to my probing digits but kept my mouth firmly attached to her tits.
“Ohhh, God Ray…” she groaned as I chewed firmly on her left nipple. She was becoming hornier (yet again) by the moment, not just because of the targeted attention I was directing upon her body, she was also sexually heightened and excited at the thought of having her first real anal experience.
“Argghhh, yes…” she groaned as I mashed my fingers across her vaginal opening and press on her clit. Her juices were flooding from her crotch which made it easier to smear them from her womanly opening to her rear entrance.
“Lie on the floor and I’ll get you really lubed up!” I suggested, though my throat was thick with my own desire.
Daph quickly laid herself on my towel and raised her thighs and placed her feet flat on the floor with her heels pulled back toward her bottom.
“If only I had a table with stirrups…” She said jokingly. “That would make this all that much easier for you, wouldn’t it?”
“I can get all the access I need. Besides, you certainly seem to be making the most of just having the towel and the floor to lie on.” I looked down and she just smiled seductively as her hand continued to stroke my hardened penis.
“Don’t let me stop you.” She whispered as she ran her thumb over the leaking eye of my cock which made me shudder and squirm.
“Hmmm, that feels so good.” I hissed.
I pulled the black shoe box closer and flipped the lid off to the side. Inside was a tube and a white bottle. The tube was full of a clear gel; good old KY jelly. The bottle was half full (or half empty, depending on personal outlook) but I knew as soon as I saw it what it was; Sorbelene Cream.
The sorbelene was a pump action bottle, so that only required one hand to get out. The KY being a tube would require both hands, but I decided to start the lube process with it because it would probably last longer given the nature of its composition.
Before starting with either of the lube products though, I filled her vagina with three fingers and fucked her hard with them, pumping them firmly up onto her G-spot. Daph lay on the floor, her head rolling from side to side, as I pummeled her body which drew a heavier flow of her juices from her soaking pussy. Her stomach was concave as I drove her desire higher and higher and her hips picked up the rhyme as they started to roll, keeping time with my thrusts. I gently withdrew my fingers after a few minutes and pushed the extensive flow that came with them down across her winking star.
Daph looked at me expectantly when my fingers made contact anus. Her hand wrapped even more tightly around my cock, squeezing it more than pumping it, as she waited for the initial insertion of my finger into her arse. I squeezed a good dollop of KY onto my middle finger, keeping my hand up so she could see exactly what I am doing.
Satisfied I had enough, I smiled at Daph as I placed the tube on the edge of the towel.
“And so it beings.” I announced in a hushed tone and gently placed my middle finger against her rear.
“Ohhhh,” she giggled, “that feels cold. But I bet it will be hot when you put it inside…”
I took that as her way of giving me the final go ahead to get her ready. I gently massaged the lube across her clenching rear entrance, smearing the sexy concoction of gel and vaginal fluid in small, clockwise circles all the while teasing her anus with gradual increases of inward pressure. I looked at Daph; laid out on the towel with a relaxed, comfortable smile on her face. With gentle pressure, I continued to tease her dark hole.
“This is going to wonderful for the both of us.” She cooed, “I feel more than ready for this…for you…” I cut her off by quickly kissing her mouth softly.
Slowly I made my circles more persistent and I could tell Daph was getting more and more excited. Gently I nudged the tip of my middle into her rear. The resistant muscles grudgingly gave way and I pushed harder, slowly sinking the digit until it was fully embedded in her arse. I looked along Daph’s outlaid body to make sure she still seemed comfortable. Her breathing had changed, I noticed. It had become more intense, slightly labored and deeper and her eyes, while still fixed on me, were heavy lidded and smoldering with dark lust.
I pulled my finger out of her clenching hole and pushed it in again, twisting it slightly, trying to get a little deeper this time. Daph moaned loudly as I started to finger fuck her arse, telling me repeatedly that she loved the feel of it deep inside her. As I withdrew my finger again Daph took a deep breath and then grunted low and hard as I filled her lubed arse with a second finger.
“Oh fuck…” she moaned and snaked her arm down along her body to feel her rear entrance. “It feels like there is more than two in there.”
She seemed surprised but I was relieved that t he lube had done its work and my fingers slid in easily, albeit only two…for now. I slowly built a rhythm and fucked her arse my powerfully as Daph urged me on with a variety of grunts and groans. I squeezed another dollop of gel onto my fingers as I thrust them in and out of her bum. When I put the tube aside, I pulled back and made a small wedge of my fingers and inserted three firmly into her stretching anus. I continued to finger fuck her arse, twisting them and opening her rear door further, slowly building to a point where I could finally ask the question that had been on the tip of my tongue.
“Do you want to be on all fours or be on top?” I fucked her arse firmly, slapping my knuckles against her cheeks waiting for her reply.
“On top…” she gasped. “I always squat over the things I…well, you know.” She smiled but there was also a hint a shyness in her eyes. Then as an afterthought added, “I would feel more comfortable that way.”
“Absolutely!” I replied warmly. “As long as you are comfortable in all aspects…” I trailed off a bit lost of further words that would fit the moment. When it came down to it, I had no reason to object to her wish.
Quickly we exchanged positions. I laid myself bodily on the floor with the towel beneath me and Daph got on her knees, body upright, beside me.
“Hmm, you look good enough to eat.” She breathed lustfully, grabbing hold of my turgid cock in a vice like grip.
“Are you talking to me or just a one part of me?” I quipped.
“Both.” She smiled broadly at her humorous remark and then thrust her mouth firmly on my penis, devouring it fully. I felt the thick head ram into the back of her throat as she repeatedly pumped her face on to me. She came up coughing and spluttering after a couple of lusty intakes of my meat and apologised, wiping a dangling line of spittle away from her chin. I covered her hand with mine and assured her all was okay.
“I’m just building up slowly…” She commented, stroking my saliva coated penis. “I just thought it would be fitting, pardon the pun, to feel you in all available orifices, the finale being, of course, you taking me in the rear.”
“We don’t have to.”
“Are you kidding.” She retorted. “I…We have gone this far and as I have told you, my desire is to do this and I am not about to let this opportunity pass.” The determination in her voice was reassuring to say the least.
“Now, while I straddle you how about you lube me up some more?” I nodded my consent at her suggestion and reached for the tube.
Daph swung her legs over my thighs facing toward my feet. She placed her hands on my knees and with an amazing circular rotation of her supple hips she caught the head of my pulsing cock between her puffy labia and without skipping a beat crushed her body forcefully onto my pole.
“Ohhh, fuckkkk…” I groaned as the intense heat of her body engulfed me.
“Lube me good Ray. I am just getting you nice a wet…ready for the main event.”
I re-lubed her anus with a large dollop of gel. Steadily I pushed three fingers firmly into her slippery arse and was amazed to feel my cock gouging in and out of her pussy through the thin dividing wall. I matched her speed with my fingers, going stroke for stroke.
“Oh… shitttt…” She groaned aloud. “I have never felt so full down there. This is incredible.”
With incredible dexterity, Daph thrust her pelvis down onto my throbbing cock. The look of it spearing in fully and stretching her (or anyone else’s for that matter) vaginal channel wide was a sight I had not had the chance to behold, especially from this position. It was a slight which, coupled with the intense grip of her ribbed walls and the tightness of her sphincter around my buried fingers, was starting to send me close to the brink. Daph could sense it too and thankfully slowed her pace.
“All done?” She asked, mashing her soaking pussy on my tightening sac.
“Ready.” I announced in between drawing deep breaths. “You look amazing up there.”
“Not bad for an old girl?” I took it to be a rhetorical question.
Using my cock as a spindle as she turned her body around to face me. As she moved, with my penis fully inserted deep inside her body, her breasts swung heavily and my lower body became awash with the vastness of her flow.
“Here goes!” she said, taking a deep breath. I simply laid there and let her take the lead.
Daph raised her feet and planted them either see of my hips and, using her hand on my body for balance slowly lifted her gripping vagina from my cock. With a deft manoeuvring of her body and hands, she quickly withdrew my cock and placed it at the entrance to her virgin arse. She looked down between our bodies as she steadied herself in readiness.
Slowly she lowered her buttocks toward the glistening purple knob and pressed it against the resistant star. Daph quickly removed her hand and took some of the excess gel from the surrounds of her butt and smeared it over the entire length of my cock.
“It’s like I’m knocking at your door.” I murmured.
“You are and soon it will unlock and you can come inside.”
Daph bounced slightly, pushing more intently downward with her body. At first all I felt was resistance then, pop, I was in…her anus seemed to open like a flower all of a sudden, and I watched transfixed as the head disappeared. The heat of her rear channel was searing as she bounced again waiting her body to adjust to the thickness that was invading her rear canal. Daph was a study of concentration as she willingly bounced her arse up and down in small movements; with each downward push she gradually sank further onto my cock.
“Oh…wow, this feels…like nothing I… I could have dreamed of…” she panted as she finally took the full length of thick penis inside her arse. Once it was fully inside her butt, Daph let out a deep, satisfied breath and smiled salaciously.
“Hmmm, how about that. You have taken my anal virginity.” She said, grinding her arse into my groin. “I would not have thought that that was on the cards when I got up this morning, not for all the tea in China.”
“It looks and feels fan-fucking-tastic.” I groaned and bucked my hips upward.
Slowly, Daph lowered her knees until they were flat on the towel beside my hips. The pressure as she moved was wonderful about the base of my cock. Her sphincter clamped and flexed with her every movement. I reached along my torso and tenderly stoked my thumb along her clitoral hood. Her hips bucked forward involuntarily as I made contact and a protracted ‘yes’ escaped her lips. In a prolonged and deliberate slow motion, she raised her hips and then pushed down hard, slapping her arse cheeks onto my hips.
The force sent my cock rocketing deep inside her once virgin arse and caused her eyes to flash open wide with a mixture of pain and lust. However, no sooner had that initial sense of pain spread through her, it was quickly followed by an even more intense wave of pure carnal pleasure. A pleasure which started to drive her body to move faster and harder up and down my penis. She seemed like she was determined to ride me to a breaking point, but who was going to break first was not quite evident.
Daph was quickly caught up in what was happening to her body. Her arse was full of hot man meat and she was fucking herself feverishly. Her tightening sphincter felt like a vice as it clamped around my pole, no matter if it was at the top of my cock, the base or parts in between. All I knew, I was enjoying the way she rode me and the pleasure we were both deriving would soon culminate with me flooding her arse with my come. I had no clear idea of how far or close she was to climaxing, but I did my utmost to push her as close as possible as quickly as possible by crushing her clit with my thumb and finger fucking her vagina. Her head lulled between her arms; her palms flat on my hips as she breathlessly pumped her arse onto my cock.
“Oh…Ray… I can feel the thickness of your cock buried in my arse. Your cock feels amazingly hard.” Her eyes were rolling in their sockets as the intense pleasure of her first real anal fuck racked her being.
“I can tell how excited you are by this.” I managed to utter, interspersed with groans of my own. “Just fuck me,” I heard myself say as the amazing pleasure of her butt started to take its full toll.
“ Oh god, it actually feels better than amazing…better than doing it myself.”
“Tell me what I am doing to you,” I demand.
“Fucking my arse,” she replied, her voice hoarse and husky. “Fucking me with fucking your thick, hard cock.” She was panting heavily but not slowing her pace. “You’ve deflowered my arse…you’re going to make me come…”
“Fuucckkk,” I respond as her thrusts became more frenzied; no longer rhythmic. I tried my best to thrust upward as she lowered her body, trying to push more of myself into her welcoming backside. We were both heading toward the pinnacle of this wonderful coupling. Where initially we had syncopation but quickly our movements became more powerful, more passionate and more desperate and wild.
Earlier, I could sense how badly she needed to have me in her arse and since that had been achieved, she was now in need of an huge orgasm and the need to feel mine fill her rectum with my seed. I speared my fingers deep inside her pussy as my other hand ground hard upon her clitoral hood and circled it with the flat of my thumb as I plunged my fingers deeply and in and out, barely in time with the rhythm of her body as she pounded herself onto my cock.
“God… yessss” she shuddered as the first wave of climax course through her body. “You’re getting me close.”
“Yes, me too.” I gasped. Despite lying beneath this amazing woman, I was breathless and nearing exhaustion from the sheer physical effort of her arse fucking ability.
The build up too this moment, the culmination of the deflowering of Daph’s arse, had been slow and steady but now the thrusts were wild and urgent..
“Soo, close to… Cummmmming!” I cried through gritted teeth.
“In my arse!” She hissed. “I am close…fuck both arse-hole.”
We had both arrived at the precipice. We had teetered on the brink, each of us clenching our teeth as if trying to stop the inevitable but to no avail. Her arse convulsed, gripping my cock and her pussy grasped at my fingers as Daph’s body tensed and then release it’s orgasmic torrent. As her rear channel clamped onto my cock, I grunted aloud and exploded in a kaleidoscope of blissful waves, my thick cock firing it’s load of come deep inside her back passage.
Daph’s orgasm was so deep and so intense, a small river of pee trickled from her and flowed across my abdomen and onto the towel. I held her tight by placing my hands on her hips, letting the sensations of fulfilling her long held dark desire wash all through her body.
Spent, she slumped against me and my withered cock slowly fell free of her anus. We were both hot and sweaty despite the cold wind howling outside. I didn’t want to move, I just wanted to continue to enjoy the delight of what had just happened and the sweet sensation of the weight of her limp body pinning me to the floor.
Our breathing gradually returned to normal and with an effort, she rolled off to the side, our legs and arms entwined. The room was suddenly quiet and still. A little laugh crossed my lips as I thought of how it must have looked and sounded only moments before.
“If only the neighbors could see, even guess, at what’s been going on!” I mused to myself.
“I hope Monica next door did not hear any of that?” Snap! Daph must have read my thoughts.
“Too bad if she did.” I scoffed. “She missed out; her lose is your gain.”
“Bragger.” Daph slapped my arm playfully and laughed heartily and then her usual shyness took over and she dipped her face but looked at me throughout the corners of her eyes.
She reached across my torso and retrieved her towel. Daph seemed to on auto-pilot, as she slipped the garment around and wrapped her lush body behind its folds.
“Are you okay?” I asked softly caressing her arm.
“Yes.” Her response still seemed somewhat remote. She was lost in some far off thought. “Sorry…”
“For what?”
“I just drifted away, sorry. I was thinking about the RAAF documents and the like and how that mutual connection between my Mum, your aunt and that man they both knew, Bob. It all seems so…”
“Yes! Unreal… too fantastic for words.” She smiled warmly, sighed deeply and kissed my hand. “And to think that those connections lead us to…”
She trailed off and smiled broadly, looking at my deflated penis. With a shake of her head she quickly added.
“I think enough time has passed since Monica’s visit so that means your leaving wouldn’t raise any eyebrows.”
“Are you kicking me out?” I asked in jest.
“In a way, yes. Reluctantly, I must add.” She rose to her feet and pulled me up as well. She looked down along my naked body and looked back into my eyes like a naughty school-girl. “I think it would be a good idea for you to dress though, before you go.”
We laughed together and embraced. The weather outside might be been cold and wintry, but inside the lounge room of Daph’s house had been a veritable storm of heated sexual activity.
“I will call my niece later this evening and talk to her about the medals, your aunt and the mysterious Bob.” She said, as I was about to exit through her opened front door. I got the distinct impression she had deliberately waited to make that comment just in case Monica was within ear shot.
I gathered my aunts case of memorabilia under my arm and bid Daph a good afternoon. I grimaced as I turned and made a mad dash across the wind swept street and quickly opened my front door. Once inside, I smiled broadly to myself, recalling all that had happened. I shook my head several times; if anyone would have told me this morning, that by early that very afternoon I would have had my penis stuffed into all three of Daph’s orifices, I would have thought they were crazy.
I pinched myself just to make sure it was not a dream.
I dreamily made by way along my downstairs hallway, I was in desperate need a strong cup of tea. As I waited for the kettle to boil the various of images of my naked mature neighbour from across the street played through my head like a kaleidoscope. My delight was cut short by the sudden eruption in my pocket, the sound of my mobile made me jump. I was tempted to dismiss the call but it was Clare, so I decided I had better deal with her immediately rather than play telephone tag later.
“Hi Ray, how are you?” Her voice was warm and friendly. “Can you talk?”
“Hi Clare. I’m fine, thank you for asking. How are you and what can I do you for today?” I asked trying to make the conversation as light as possible.
“I’m good, thank you. I take it you are still okay for tomorrow?”
“Sure, looking forward to it.” Without thinking my hand strayed to my crotch and my mind filled with images of her wonderful chest.
“Good, me too. One thing though, would you be able to get here for about 11.30?”
“I can do that.” I reassured her, although inwardly I was a bit pissed at the time change.
“Phew, thank you. I had some parents call who wanted to see rather urgently. Actually, I wanted to get them out of the way before catching up with you.”
“No prob.”
“To tell you the truth, I wanted to ensure firstly, you were still coming to see me, and secondly, I wanted to make sure we had the maximum amount of time available…” she left of finishing her sentence.
“That sounds more liker the Clare I have come to know.” I thought to myself.
“Tomorrow at 11.30. I will see you then.” I said, trying to get off the phone.
“Yes, thank you again. Oh, and don’t forget to come prepared.” She uttered and hung up.
I laughed to myself at her somewhat predictable double entendre as we ended the call. No sooner had I pressed the little red icon and another call came in. This time the caller ID was unknown. Grudgingly, I took the call.
“Hello Ray. It’s Abby.” She hesitated, waiting for my response.
“Hi Abby,” I answered, feeling annoyed with myself for taking the call. I had been made redundant just prior to Christmas the year before and Abby was assigned to be my outplacement mentor, as part of the redundancy package. To date we had met a number of times and she had reconstructed my resume and given me her ‘pearls of wisdom’ regarding interview technique. At out last meeting I had asked for a break from our regular meeting schedule she had devised; I was starting to feel she was just a well paid word bank and wasting my time. “I am still looking for work, to cut to the chase.”
“Oh…still no luck. That’s a shame.” The attempt at empathy sounded well practiced and shallow. “How about we catch up and review what you have been up too and where to from there?”
The cynical hackles at the back of neck rose and it took all the self control I could muster not to dismiss her offer out of hand.
“Where and when would suit you?” I asked flatly.
“How about 9.30 tomorrow? Maybe at the usual cafe in Lane Cove Mall?”
I took a deep breath to calm myself.
“That works for me, both the time and the place. I have a meeting scheduled for 11.30, so allowing an hour for you, I should be able to make that comfortably.” I mentally kicked myself for giving her too much information.
“See you then.” I hung up and mentally screamed ‘FUCK’. I knew she was trying to help but when all was said and done, that was her job. She got paid to give advice but for me that made it all that much worse. As far as I was concerned, she was all care and no responsibility. She still got paid regardless of whether I got a new job or not.
“Oh, well,” I thought, “at least I can get her out of the way first up and then I can turn all my attention to Clare. Now, that is something to look forward to.”