I busied myself with household chores, laundry, washing up the kitchen and floors, even breaking down to the point of cleaning all of the windows in my frustrated boredom. It would be hours before my mind could focus on something worthy of my mood and so I busied myself to the point of exhaustion, I needed a nap. I fell into my own bed, the one I had once shared with Jane in throes of passions long since dead and gone. Tossing and turning I finally drifted off to sleep, to dream, to find the lover now secluded in her little office that she filled in for the other person for on the weekends. My dream sent me to that door in the back hallway, a gentle knock and the door opening with her smiling face beaming up to my own. I stepped in; she closed the door knowing what I was there for. A smile said it all as she pulled my zipper down and released my hardening cock. She made little work of taking it to her lips and laving her tongue over the swollen mass of velvet flesh as I groaned quietly to avoid unsuspecting ears from hearing what was going on behind the closed and locked door.
I held her hair away from her face as she sucked me in and gasped at my girth once again. She was a trooper at giving head though and managed to take over half and suck me viciously with a tongue that just wouldn’t quit moving over the sensitive spots that drove me wild. She lowered her pose and straightened her neck enough and slipped farther along the mighty shaft eagerly, I cooed silently as she now took eight inches into her mouth and throat time after time. Her hand cupped my sack and caressed it as her mouth moved forth and back over the hot spear of desire until I was close to finding climax. I awoke suddenly in a cold sweat, my cock raging with need to explode; lying still alone in my bed at home. I laid there panting for a few minutes in the delirium of the dream’s remnants, I would be willing to take the chance of Brenda doing just what I had dreamed, but it would be professional suicide for us both.
I didn’t dare dream of calling, not until it was time to go and pick her up since everyone knew about the arrangement of transportation. She and Brian had not boasted of her staying in the guest house, Jane and I concurred, so that part was kept silently tucked away from the other workers at the store lest tongues wagged unnecessarily. I went in and took a shower, shaved around my beard and trimmed it up nice and neat, for once actually drying my hair instead of the norm of letting it go where it wanted. I was looking pretty sharp for an old guy when it came time to call to verify the time she’d get off, work that is. As luck would have it she worked a short shift that day, I looked forward to going to retrieve her from the store and take her back to my place. I checked the time, almost 3:30, time to call and confirm her time to clock out. I picked up the phone and dialed, the service counter answered as a familiar voice went through the lengthy telephone greeting required. I asked Ashley, one of the women who worked with Jane on a daily basis, “Hey Ashley, could you connect me with Brenda?”
Her reply sounded normal enough though I figured if she had any thoughts of anything beyond what she knew she would cover them up anyway, “Sure Jerry, hang on. Oh, how’s Jane’s trip going, did she arrive okay?”
I gulped down the instant lump in my throat and replied, “Yeah she called last night, they made it without a hitch. , Just tired out from that long drive.”
She put me on hold and redirected my call to the back office; it rang only once before I heard the sweet familiar voice of my lover. “Office,” she said in a calm professional tone.
I replied with equal professionalism as much as my thudding heart would allow, “Brenda, you going to get off on time?”
I heard her giggle, not a good sound knowing how sensual of a woman she is, “I’ll get to clock out on time Jerry, no telling how long it will take to get me off after that,” with the ultimate tease to her voice.
“Not long if I know how we are,” I chuckled. “See ya in a few minutes.” I hung up the phone and loaded the pockets of my jeans with the normal stuff, cell phone, wallet and keys. I walked to the front door and heard the phone ringing and turned to retrieve it. Jane’s voice was at the other end, still sounding tired somehow.
“Jerry, how’s it going?” she asked with normal chit chat conversation tones.
“Well,” I replied, “not too bad, not much going on here, the dogs are fine, the house is still intact and our friend in the guest house is at work. What’s going on there?”
She filled me in on all of the details of how our grand daughter was doing and daughter as well, and then went on to tell of her mother’s woes while she was at it. I listened intently knowing a missed bit of information would be caught up when she returned and quizzed me in a few days. She said she’d be back Wednesday evening if all went well and asked me to get it approved for the extra two days, which of course I would deal with as soon as I got to the store, if she’d ever let me go to pick up our house guest. Ten minutes went by with little of note mentioned from either end; just two old married folks rambling on and on like nothing else mattered. It mattered to me; I would be pushing it to retrieve my lover on time as it was.
Finally she hung up and I made my way to town, pulled in and parked near the front of the store. Brenda was just coming from the back when I went down the same isle and said, “I have to get Jane approved for two extra days, it’ll just take a couple of minutes.”
She nodded and replied, “I need a couple of things anyway, meet you up front when you’re ready to go,” in a very matter of fact way that said she too worried about discovery by anyone of what was really going on.
She turned and walked towards the front as I turned and walked into the main office to visit with the store manager who was luckily in the store at the moment. He agreed to the extra time and keyed it into the computer and approved it without any hassle. His eyes stole to mine as if he wanted to ask something, and did he ever. “Jerry, I heard that with Brenda’s husband gone she is catching rides from you and Jane to and from work. I am happy to know you feel so strongly about one of our family, but I have to tell you it worries me,” raising an eyebrow a bit to emphasize his point. “With Jane out of town, I want you to be real careful not to let anyone have reason to think anything other than that is going on. Brenda is a very attractive young lady and both of your reputations are at stake with the way people talk around here.”
I had felt it coming; John would be the one to voice concerns if no one else would. “John, I understand how people can spread gossip and I appreciate that you don’t want any grief over such a silly notion. You have my word that neither of us will give any reason for folks to wonder. Brenda is attractive, I’ll admit that, but she’s also young enough to be my grand daughter, not to mention that she and I are each happily married to someone else. So, fear not boss; it’s going to be just fine, and besides, secrets are meant to be kept just that.” I acted the part well if I do say so myself, I’d find out later he had spoken basically the same words to Brenda earlier in the day with pretty much the same reply. I could almost imagine her lips curling in a ‘ewww’ pose as she spoke of my age and our agreement for transportation. I made my way up front and grabbed two new flash drives and a 12 pack on the way by, I kind of needed to relax and a couple of beers might be just the thing for that.
I checked out and waited as Brenda, who arrived only a minute after I did checked out as well. She chatted with the cashier for a minute and we were soon on our way with no one the wiser. I unlocked the passenger door and then my own as we entered the truck silently. She started chattering about John’s commentary as soon as we were headed out of the parking lot, I nodded and spoke of his conversation with me as well. She asked, “Do you think he knows what’s going on, or what?”
I smiled and replied coyly, “If he does he won’t say a word, he knows I’m fully aware of his little tryst with a now former department manager that lasted for several months. They used to get busy in the very office you work in in the back. She and her husband ended up divorced and now he’s separated. He won’t say a thing unless it looks bad for the store’s image.”
“I heard a rumor about that, but you know for sure?” she asked in simple conversation.
“Um, yeah, I happened to walk in on them one day by accident. They had one lock locked but not the other, so my entry was almost without warning. I about fell over with her bent over the desk with their pants down around their ankles and his dick rammed up inside her. The panic on their faces as I let the door go closed was, as is said, priceless.”
“Wow,” she exclaimed, “John?” and shuddered at the thought of how she would have reacted. “I think I’d have screamed if I walked in on two people fucking in that little room,” and laughed. It wasn’t a little chuckle or giggle; it was a full fledged belly rolling laugh. I joined in with the humor of it all remembering the look on the boss’s face when caught fucking one of his employees. Being’s that we had never discussed it; we had a silent agreement that personal things were just that, and he knew better than even think about any rumors of Brenda and I. We both laughed over it until we were just about back at the house. She said she’d like to shower and change, I looked at her forlornly, but she seemed to want to take care of it alone and be ready for a trip to the studio saying she had to make a phone call while she was at it. I accepted the fate of being without her for another hour or so and went to the main house to wait for her arrival. I popped the cap on one of the beers and set the rest into the fridge to stay cool.
I went up the stairs to the studio and made sure the lighting was set properly for shooting scenes of the bed in the corner, draped a suitable backdrop behind it of trees along a watery stream’s edge. We would create a scene of enchantment for each other to remember our time shared in the wooded wilds of Oklahoma’s beauty. I retrieved the camera and checked to be certain the battery was sufficiently charged, plugging it in to be certain of it in the time she spent preparing for the photo shoot I would never forget. I looked at the setting and came to a decision; going to the storage cabinet I withdrew a deep green velvet throw to place over the bed. Standing back it looked perfect, the green of early spring grass for the bed and the shades of greens and browns with hints of sky beyond was almost real in feel and look.
As expected Brenda took about an hour, luckily I had occupied my time productively, after assuring the studio was ready I went down and sorted out laundry and gathered a load into my arms on my way to the laundry room just as she walked in the front door I had left open and inviting. She had an armload of her own, both groups were of the top half’s color of shirt we were required to wear for work. Laughing we walked to the laundry room and shared a load of wash. I looked at her manner of dress, a simple shift dress that lacked her normal form revealing attire surprised me. I would find out later she had been leery of walking between the guest house and main one in her choice of attire for the photo shoot. She seemed as anxious as I was to commemorate our affair. As the laundry went into the washer I turned and drew her into my embracing arms, our bodies melted together perfectly I could feel her naked body beneath the thin fabric of her dress. Our lips met and we languished in the wonder of desire and even lust for one another.
We walked out of the laundry room and up the stairs to the studio, chatting of the day’s events; mainly how busy the store was and what all I had accomplished while she was at work. We sounded more and more like an old married couple, but in our case we weren’t married to each other and laughed at the utter normalcy of the conversation. I let her go up the stairs ahead of me, loving the sway of her narrow rounded butt so sweet a vision to my gaze. We walked in to the studio and she saw the changes I had fashioned for our moment of remembrance. Her eyes sparkled as she turned to face me, her hand slipped around my neck to the nape and pulled me closer. Again our lips met with eager passions, again our tongues danced with swirling desires to fulfill our desperate needs. It seemed as if neither one of us would ever be fully drained enough or tired out too much to not want each other’s sharing.
As our lips parted she smile as did I, the time had come to create more than memories, together we would save the moment to forever recall what we shared. I whispered to her, “Brenda, I can feel you chose to be completely nude for the shots of you for me to recall your outer beauty. I give thanks for so much more than what God provided, I love everything about you, and I hope you know that.”
She nodded as she stepped away and moved towards the setting I had arranged. She lifted the dress over her head and I gasped again in awe of the perfection before me. Her hair flowed down over her back like a waterfall, thick and lustrous in faint waves of brown with highlights of red and gold shimmering throughout. Her shoulders narrow but muscled in soft ripples that caressed down to the light blades and gentle muscles of her upper arms to accent her graceful movements. Her curves soft and supple with the underlying tensed bundles to note her anticipation of the first time she would pose for my camera’s lens, or anyone‘s for that matter. Her back was to me as I watched her eye the setting and my eyes drifted lower. Her waist thin and trim but I knew of its power, her hips narrow but worthy of being driven to thunder again and again. Her cheeks round and firm with the sweetest crevasse leading to the wonders below. From my position I could see the narrow hollow that formed the perfect triangle of her, for now, closed channel and the thighs I would part to know her wet joyous pussy again soon I hoped. The gap between her thighs narrow enough that it seemed impossible to slip two fingers between without spreading her, yet I knew of the potential that lay within.
She turned to face me and again I was in awe. Her smile dauntingly bowed with a hint of tease. Her arms hung at her sides revealing the lush pert orbs of her tits and puckered nipples of arousal, textured sublimely and awaiting my caress. Just standing there her beauty could drive me to ejaculation, and yet I had to…