My heart both leaped and sank at the same moment. I so badly wanted her to finish what she started in me, but to have the night continue longer and to remain hers for the duration was also quite enticing.
“Mistress please!” I mumbled as she laughed.
She lightly touched my cock with her finger continuing to make it twitch with desire then she laughed again.
“Oh no big boy! You aren’t gonna get out of this that easy!”
She poked my cock and I involuntarily twitched again. “Haha, I love that!” she said as my cock bounced and swayed.
I just groaned.
She stood up and walked around behind me to the far side of the room.
I listened as her heels clicked once again on the stone floor. Soon I heard her coming back and this time she was wheeling a small cart.
“I’ve got such plans for you baby,” she said.
I could hear her moving items around on the cart. My imagination got the better of me and I began to tremble. Suddenly I felt her hand on my butt again.
“Tell me who you belong to again?”
“I belong to you mistress,” I responded.
“And exactly how much of you belongs to me, baby?” she asked.
I said, “All of me mistress.”
“That’s right,” she said as she slowly parted my cheeks and began to run her finger down in between them.
I pulled in a deep breath, not knowing what was about to happen.
She paused once her finger touched my backdoor.
“Who owns you again?”
“You do mistress,” I answered.
She tapped her fingernail directly on my spot, causing me to jump in my chains.
“And how much of you do I own baby?” she asked again.
“All of me mistress. All of me,” I repeated.
“Mmmm,” she murmured and then I felt her hands, now wet with some kind of lubricant, begin to massage my most sensitive spot. Slowly and insistently they worked on me. Rubbing, pushing, kneading. At first, it felt very awkward. I felt so exposed and vulnerable chained naked and having that particular spot touched so directly by such a beautiful woman. Never before had I experienced anything like this, nor had anyone ever touched me “there.” My cock actually softened a bit as her finger suddenly slid into me.
“Deep breaths baby,” she said and began to slowly slide her finger in and out of me.
I concentrated on breathing and as she continued to work her finger, the unfamiliar feelings the situation had produced in me began to slowly turn into feelings of pleasure and my cock began to slowly harden once again.
A remarkably intense, and not at all unpleasant, feeling washed over me as she, without warning, flexed her finger and rubbed my prostate directly.
I fell forward in my chains, my chest heaving with deep breaths. I heard myself moan without intending to.
“Awww that got your attention didn’t it baby?” she said while beginning to rub me harder.
“Yes, mistress!” I gasped while jerking back and forth in my chains. I must have looked ridiculous pulling against my chains, my cock bouncing crazily, my chest heaving, and all the while involuntarily moaning.
She kept up what she was doing for what seemed like ages and I began to feel like I could cum from the stimulation.
“Mistress…” I gasped through the moans, “I feel like I might cum.”
“Don’t,” she said simply and without stopping even for a second.
In fact, I’m convinced she began to rub even harder and faster. My moaning grew constant and the stimulation, overwhelming. I could feel my entire body pulsing. I looked down and saw that my cock was dripping precum.
“Mistress! I’m dripping. You’re going to make me cum!”
“Hold it!” she said firmly as she pulled her finger out of me suddenly and I gasped with relief.
However, with my intake of breath, I felt a much stronger push and something large stretched my opening much wider. Right before becoming painful it popped into place and gave me some relief, although now I was held open and a new feeling of fullness washed over me.
“I’m impressed, baby!” she said standing up and cleaning her hands behind me. “You did quite well with that!” She walked around to the front of me and came in close for a deep kiss. “I know all of that was a bit of a stretch for you,” she said with a wink.
I hung there gasping and throbbing and, with her comment, the feeling of vulnerability returned and I’m sure I blushed a good shade of red.
She knelt and inspected my cock. It was still throbbing and a nice drip of precum clung to the underside of the tip. She smiled and looked at me while she slid her finger up the underside of my cock and removed the drop.
“Awww! For me?” she said softly. Still looking me in the eye, she licked her finger clean and swallowed.
I sagged in my chains and loudly moaned, “Please mistress! I want you soo badly!”
“Awww that desperate from the preparation alone?” she said. “I haven’t even started to edge you yet! You’re not asking me to break my promise are you?”
My heart skipped a beat as I realized I didn’t know what to say. “I just want you so bad mistress. I’m on fire.”
“Mmmm… Just the way I want you, baby. Are you ready to begin?” Then she laughed and said in her low husky voice, “I guess you don’t really have a say, do you?”
I moaned again as she walked out of sight behind me.
She came back with a pillow, towel, spray bottle, bottle of tingling lubricant, and a small back box with several buttons that had wires coming out of it. She put the pillow down and knelt on it and arranged everything about her within easy reach. She must have noticed my puzzled expression because she picked up the black box and asked, “Wondering what this is?”
Before I could answer, she gave the wires a short tug and I felt the item in my butt jerk in response. I quickly tensed as my eyes widened in realization and my breathing began to quicken as she put the box down.
She grabbed my cock in one hand and began to stroke it firmly, but slowly. “Um-hmm…” she moaned as she looked at me and bit her bottom lip, “That will keep you from getting too bored during our playtime!”
I just looked at her. My eyes betraying my vulnerability, my trepidation, yet also my desire. I began to relax and tried to concentrate on yielding myself to her.
After a few more strokes, she opened the bottle and poured a good amount of lubricant on my cock. After she had finished lubing me up, she slowly began to massage my scrotum, expertly avoiding any touching of my cock or balls. As the lubricant began to dry she would use her spray bottle to keep it nicely moistened.
After what seemed like years, I finally felt her fingers move to my balls and she began to massage them gently, but she still avoided my cock entirely.
Now and then, she would look up at me and slowly squeeze my testicles until she saw the pain rise in my face, and then she would go back to gently caressing them. Once again, she kept this up for an unbearable amount of time.
Not that it was unpleasant, it was just the opposite, but it made me crave her touch on my shaft so intensely, that the denial of my desire was becoming torture. I began to fall into an almost trancelike state.
When she finally touched my cock, even though it was only with one finger I gasped and twitched so hard that I thought I was going to cum right then!
She noticed my reaction and quickly slapped my cock and stopped all stimulation.
The shock of that action, though not near as painful as I had anticipated at the moment before she hit me, was just enough to keep me from sliding over the edge.
She stood, grabbed my neck, and kissed me hard. “Do you really want me that badly?” she asked.
“With everything that I am,” I responded softly.
“Good!” she said. “Isn’t it a shame you dropped my robe then?”
As my eyes fell, she laughed and said, “Don’t be ashamed, baby! I’ve wanted to play with you for sooo long, I would have been pretty disappointed if you hadn’t dropped it!”
My eyes rose back to meet hers and she smiled.
“Doesn’t mean I’m gonna take it easy on you though… Don’t forget you’re mine for the whole night!”
My heart skipped a beat once again and I couldn’t help a little bit of nervous laughter. This woman owned me. Body, heart, and soul.
“Well now that I’m gonna polish your shaft for about an hour, we’re gonna need a bit of a strategy to avoid any accidental orgasms, aren’t we? You were a little more ready than I anticipated a moment ago and we almost lost you! Luckily for you, I have just such a strategy in place.” At that, she picked up the little black box.
“Rather than try to explain it to you, I’ll just demonstrate,” she said and as a sly smile spread across her face she slowly ran her fingers over it and pressed a button.
At the moment she pressed it a jolt of electricity hit me from deep inside and spread through every muscle in my body. Once again, it stopped just short of being painful, but it was quite surprising and I moaned, jumped, and strained against my chains as she held the button and smiled at my reaction.
She let go and as the feeling ebbed she said, “I think that should help to make sure that you don’t cum before I want you to!”
Fully alert now, I nodded quickly and gasped, “Yes mistress!”
She reached behind me and plucked a pair of nipple clamps off the cart. They were held together by a small chain that was just long enough that, when in place, reached to my belly button.
“These should help as well,” she said as she fastened the clover clamps onto each of my nipples. “I’ll just give this a little tug here and there to give you something else to think about while I’m playing with your cock.”
I moaned as she tested them by giving the chain a small tug and she smiled.
She reached behind me again and showed me a small kitchen timer. She pressed a few buttons and then showed me that she had programmed one hour into the timer.
“Almost ready baby!”
She reached once more and then showed me two small adjustable cords.
“Here’s how this will go,” she said as she knelt and snugly fastened one cord around my balls just under my shaft and the other around the base of my shaft itself, “your cock is my toy for the next hour. I will play with it however I choose and you will not be allowed to cum. If I feel that you are getting too close, I will use my little black box to stop you. I’ll force you to the brink over and over and each time pull you back before you get the release you so desperately want and need. I know you’re so big and tough, but I promise you I’ll make you beg by the end. You’ll beg and beg and I’ll just smile and keep edging you until I’m satisfied. I’ll make you want me so bad that I’ll bring you to tears and then we can talk again. I say “again” because…” she trailed off, produced a ball gag, and said, “Open your mouth.”
I obeyed and she strapped it in place.
“I want to hear your moans, but I don’t want to hear you beg. YET!”
She winked.
She stepped in front of me and grabbed my cock. She paused, feeling it pulse in her hand. Then she smiled and looked me in the eye and asked, “Ok baby! Are you ready for something you’ll never forget?”
Hanging naked, spread open (in more ways than one), and helpless in front of her, I managed to eke out a subdued and garbled, “Yes mistress!” as my body began to tremble!