She giggled as she dropped to the pillow at my feet. “Ok! First, let’s find out what kind of stroking turns you on the most! There are many different possibilities and I want to be thorough, so this will take some time.”
She ran her finger slowly up the underside of my shaft. Then she did it again, and yet again. She kept this up for so long I started to get worried.
There was no way I was going to last as long as she wanted me to.
Finally, she stopped and, now gripping my shaft, started to stroke me from the base of my cock to the tip. However, she didn’t slide her hand down after the upward stroke. She would let go and then start again with another excruciatingly slow upward stroke.
I groaned as the third stroke began and she quickly looked up at me as she grabbed the little black box with her other hand.
I tried to yell, “NO,” to let her know that she didn’t need to use the box yet, but it came out as more of an “MMMMMPHF!”
Fortunately, she must have seen the look of desperation in my eyes because she stopped and asked, “Are you about to cum?”
I quickly shook my head and she smiled.
“You just got lucky! However, I think I’ll hold onto this, so my reaction can be faster next time! What do you think about that?”
With the gag in my mouth, I couldn’t say anything, so I just groaned.
She pressed and released the button quickly and I jumped and yelled in surprise!
She laughed hard at her little joke but began to stroke me softly in consolation.
“I’m sorry baby,” she said, standing up, “but I couldn’t resist that! Watching you jump like that turns me on. Don’t hate me for having a little bit of fun!” Then she whispered in my ear, “Hate me later for making you beg for as long as I’m going to.” She stuck her tongue in my ear, licked it, and then bit me before kneeling back down on the pillow as I desperately fought the urge to groan.
“Now, where were we? Oh, yes…” and she resumed the upward strokes.
I started to count them because I was curious and also because I thought that maybe some mental activity would help curb my moaning tendencies!
Somewhere around fifty strokes, she stopped and said, “Well done baby! I’m surprised I didn’t have to use the box on you yet! Let’s try a different stroke, shall we?” At this, she reversed what she had been doing and now every stroke was a downward one.
What I had, of course, not let on was that I was indeed beginning to struggle with the stroking, and with the first downward stroke I couldn’t help but let out the smallest of groans.
She looked at me sharply and started another stroke.
I groaned louder.
“Careful,” she said and she waved the box at me.
The next stroke brought a groan tinged with a bit of desperation and she must have picked up on the change in tone because midway through the next stroke(and groan) she pressed the button.
Once again I jumped and yelled through my gag as I fought the jolts stemming from my core.
Once again, she laughed as she watched me jerking helplessly in my chains.
At last, she released the button and resumed her downward strokes.
During those fifty or so agonizingly slow strokes, she used the box on me three more times. Each time my reaction was the same. Finally, the time came to change strokes again.
“This is so fun baby! Aren’t you having fun?” she asked as I felt a little bit of sweat begin to run down my face.
I nodded in agreement, too afraid to say anything else at the moment!
“You really like that kind of stroke it seems! So I’m guessing, well, hoping you’ll like this one even better,” she said with a wink.
My heart hammered as I realized what that meant for me and my fears were confirmed when she started another downward stroke, but this time twisting her hand around my shaft as the stroke descended.
This round I lost track of the strokes because about every five or six strokes I got hit with the box! It didn’t help that she began to pull on the nipple clamp chain periodically and it all made it hard for me to keep track and I began to focus more on my breathing and keeping my body under control. I knew counting was basically a fool’s errand at this point.
Then round three began. This round consisted of a full up and down stroke at an even slower speed, but with the grip strength at least doubled. I can’t tell you how many times the box was used, how many times I yelled, how many times she laughed. I was totally at her mercy and she was using me. I was hers. Though I definitely felt tormented, the feeling of belonging to her was exciting, wonderful even. Liberating.
When the round was finished, I languished in my chains, panting heavily, my cock and nipples throbbing. I could hardly remember my name and I could feel the sweat running down my back.
She must have noticed too because she got up and stepped around me.
“You’re being such a good boy, baby,” she said. “I think it’s time I help you cool down a little.”
She stepped back around me and I saw that she was holding a tray of ice cubes.
She smiled as she saw my eyes widen yet again and then she set to work, tracing the ice cubes all over my body. Across my chest, around my nipples, along my cock, and between my spread thighs. Against my hot and sweating skin, they both burned and chilled at the same time.
I’m not sure if it was from the coldness of the ice cubes against my nakedness or the overload of sensations I was experiencing, but by the time she was done, I was shivering uncontrollably.
“Aww baby,” she said taking in the sight of my glistening wet body, “let’s take care of you a bit.”
She took her towel and began to dry me off.
Now and then I’d feel the touch of her hand against me. Hot when compared to the coolness of my skin. I relished each and every touch, happy that I had finally made it through the ordeal! I was even a bit pleased with myself for never having to beg!
When she had finished toweling me off she hugged me for a bit.
I enjoyed the feeling of her body pressed into mine. Warm, soft, and strong.
Then she let go and, instead of releasing me, walked over to the timer that was sitting on the ground. She picked it up, looked at it, and said, “Well, you’ve made it past the first thirty minutes! Ready to begin again?”
In total surprise, I groaned loudly in desperation and pulled against my chains as she took me in her hand and began to lube me up again.
“This will be the begging round,” she said as she stood and removed my gag, ‘I’m really excited about this one baby!”
The truth sunk deep into my core. I was outmatched and, honestly, I didn’t know how much more I could take from this beautiful temptress. I opened my mouth to speak but didn’t know what to say. All that came out was a soft, “Please…”
She giggled seductively, “You can’t beg before we even start baby!” Then she kissed the tip of my cock, looked up at me with hooded eyes, and said, “This is the round you can hate me for!”
I strained in my chains as she grabbed me and started pumping my shaft furiously.
Almost immediately I yelled, “I’m going to cum!”
I didn’t get halfway through my cry before I was hit with jolts of electricity again, but this time they were more intense.
As she released the button and I sagged in my chains, she was on me again, viciously pumping me as she laughed and giggled without giving me a moment to breathe and then, before I could cum and before I could catch up to what was going on, I was jolted yet again.
This chain of events continued on a loop for what seemed like days. I thrashed, yelled, jumped, twitched, and she giggled, teased, encouraged, and smiled as she brutally dominated me.
Yes, I begged for all I was worth. I begged her to let me cum, to have mercy on me, to stop, to give me a moment to breathe, etc… but every plea fell on deaf ears. Frustration, helplessness, tension, and desire rose within me until it finally escaped by a small tear that ran down my cheek. I never even considered using my safe word, because, at this point in time, I had never felt more wanted, loved, or alive.
She saw the tear.
Holding my cock tightly in her hand she stood and, placing her other hand on my cheek, looked deep into my eyes.
“Tell me again who you belong to,” she said.
Fresh tears welled as I hoarsely whispered, “Only you.”
She began to peel off her clothes.
“Tell me how bad you want me.”
Overwhelmed with sensation, with desire, with her beauty, I could barely think. I stared at her as she finished undressing and walked over to me.
“I didn’t hear you,” she said and she suddenly removed the clamps from my nipples.
I yelled in pain and she tenderly kissed and licked each one until the maddening pain was gone.
She unclipped my cuffs from the chains and, grabbing me firmly by the throat, pushed me back toward her bed.
I stumbled back, barely able to walk, my strength almost gone.
“Well,” she said, “I’m waiting…”
But before I could speak, and in one smooth motion, she shoved me hard against the edge of the bed so I fell onto it and crawled on top of me straddling my chest.
I could feel the wetness and heat of her pussy sliding against my sore nipples as she clipped my wrist cuffs to the corners of the bed.
“Well, if you’re not going to talk…”
She spun quickly around and shoved her sex into my face and mouth as she spread my legs and began to secure my ankle cuffs to the bottom corners of the bed.
My cock strained against her flat, soft stomach as she lay on me and I quickly tried to taste as much of her as I could.
As I licked, she tenderly held my cock. Tasting it. Caressing it. A far cry from the torture that she had inflicted upon me what now seemed like so long ago.
She rewarded my efforts with soft moans, the vibrations of which felt heavenly on my captured body.
Too soon it was over as she spun around again and pinned my cock against my stomach with her pussy. She once again grabbed me by the throat as she leaned in and looked into my soul.
“Tell me how bad you want me,” she whispered, slowly and distinctly.
“More than life, mistress,” I choked. “More than life.”
In a flash, she had adjusted her position and began to gnaw at my neck while her pussy began a firm descent onto my wrecked shaft.
The pleasure that this moment brought cannot be described. It’s one of those things that is intimately reserved for experience alone. A secret shared between two people, isolated in a vast universe.
She began to ride me. Firmly. Purposefully. Marking my neck with her teeth and kisses. I was hers. She was mine.
I had never felt so wanted and loved. I had never felt so desirous of another. I wished time could freeze us in the ecstasy of this moment, but I knew that my endurance had been crushed.
“I have no strength to resist you,” I said as tears flowed down my cheeks. “You will make me cum very quickly.”
She continued riding me firmly and began to lick my tears away. She said, “Don’t worry about obedience right now. You’ve earned this. Just give yourself to me and be free.”
Teetering at the edge of a vast freefall, we stared into each other’s eyes, both losing and finding ourselves at the same time.
Then, quickening her pace, she leaned in close, tightened her muscles, clamped her mouth onto mine, and took us both over the edge. Together we fell. Overwhelmed, momentarily suspended in space, and time, before we crashed into the depths of the deepest sea.