Coffee Shop Orgasm

"A young woman tries something new..."

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[Author’s note: This is a short one that occurred to me as I was sitting in a coffee shop. I tried for a “less is more” approach…no idea if it worked or not. If the feedback is mostly positive, I’ll see about continuing it.]

It was a scorching hot day, slightly humid, but mostly just plain old hot. Barely a cloud in the sky, and every surface in the city radiated waves of heat. Wanting to escape the heat of her un-air-conditioned urban apartment complex, Miranda ventured out to a local coffee shop a few blocks down the street. She had chosen a light, flowy skirt that hugged the tops of her shapely thighs, and a tight sleeveless top. Her dark, curly red hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail to keep it from sticking to her face. A pair of orange flip-flops showed off her neatly pedicured toes. And, most importantly, her oversized purse contained her most recently purchased book of compiled erotic short stories, and her favorite vibrator (a mini bullet type, with wireless remote), which she had actually forgotten to remove after her last trip out of town.

Miranda ordered a large blended coffee drink, and situated herself in the upstairs section, against a wall, and facing the stairs. After ten or so minutes of slowly sipping her drink and people-watching, she fished the book from her purse, and quickly flipped to the next story that she hadn’t quite finished yet.

Unlike the heat outside, her libido was in a state of slow boil, and had been for a couple days. She’d felt almost constantly horny, but couldn’t seem to settle on the right stimulus. Everything seemed stale or just plain dull. To top it off, the city really seemed to be experiencing a shortage of attractive singles in her age bracket. As if to reassure herself, she quickly scanned the people around her one more time. Then, she took a quick peek down toward the register, where she noticed someone new and unfamiliar. Having lived in the area for quite a few years, she was familiar with many of the people in the close-knit neighborhood, even if she didn’t know them all by name. Newcomers were a fairly rare occurrence, thanks to some of the recent construction nearby. Apparently people preferred “new and shiny” to “old with character” when it came to apartments.

Miranda eyed the newcomer, a brunette woman, maybe five years or so her senior, as she paid for her drink, climbed the stairs, and settled at a nearby table. The two women made eye contact briefly, smiled politely, and then Miranda went back to reading.

The story was her favorite sub-genre of erotica, where someone inexperienced with sex is exposed to, and subsequently learns to enjoy something daring and new. The more taboo and kinky, the better. The farther into the story she read, the more the dampness between her legs increased, and the more self-conscious about her arousal she became.

I should just go home…ugh, no…too hot. Miranda checked her smartphone…no reception as per usual, and, just her luck, the free Wi-Fi seemed to be down. Oh, fuck it…just keep reading. Who cares, really?

Two chapters later, she realized she’d been subconsciously squeezing her thighs together, trying to put pressure on her clitoris. She sighed quietly and looked around again. No one seemed to be paying any attention to her, least of all the woman sitting a few feet away, whose nose was buried in a worn copy of Anna Karenina. Miranda thought for a moment, and then realized this was a prime opportunity to try something she’d wanted to for a long time, but never had the right opportunity.

After a few seconds’ contemplation, Miranda walked to the other woman’s table and politely asked if she would be so kind as to keep an eye on her things while she ran to the restroom. The woman agreed, and Miranda quickly slipped the bullet vibe out of her purse and walked quickly to the restroom. She returned a few minutes later, feeling like everyone in the shop knew that she now had a small sex toy nestled in her nether regions.

“I only had to beat up two guys trying to steal your purse,” the woman joked.

“Hmm. Odd. Usually there’s at least three interested in my travel package of tissues and mass of old receipts!” Miranda responded, blushing slightly at the attention.

The two women returned to their respective reading. Once she was back into the action, Miranda slipped the remote out of a side pocket on her purse, and thumbed the small switch into the “low” position. She gasped quietly as the vibrations radiated outward, stimulating her already inflamed and rapidly hardening clit. Suddenly fearful again that someone might be looking, she scanned the room again. The woman didn’t look at her, and the seven other people seated in the same area were completely oblivious.

Miranda continued to read through the story, relishing the deliciously naughty feeling of covert stimulation as she turned the pages with slightly trembling fingers. Turning the next page, she came across an exceptionally hot scene, where one of the female characters was fucked gently in the ass by her lover, while sitting barely out of view in a crowded bar. The extra mental stimulation was enough to push her just over the edge, and she squeaked quietly as a small, unexpected orgasm hit her. She frantically looked around once again to see if anyone had noticed. A couple people glanced over, innocently assuming she’d hiccupped or something. Miranda smiled sheepishly.

Then, she realized that the woman was staring at her intently, a faint, knowing smile on her lips. Miranda’s face flushed a deep shade of crimson, and her embarrassment deepened further when she realized she was grinding her hips slightly under the table in response to the vibrator still buzzing away in her pussy. She looked away, embarrassed. Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea after all…

Miranda pulled the small remote from a pocket on the outside of her purse where she’d stashed it again, but her still trembling fingers (now more a result of embarrassment than stimulation) betrayed her, and she fumbled, dropping the tiny remote on the floor. Making matters worse, as she moved to pick it up, her flip-flop slipped and sent the remote skittering across the floor, where it stopped just under the other woman’s chair.

Miranda froze. Should she just leave? Go pick it up like it was no big deal? Too late! The woman reached down to pick it up, then immediately walked over to where Miranda sat.

“I think you dropped something,” she said, looking at the small white object in her hand. She made no motion to return it.

“Y-Yes, I…uh…yeah,” Miranda stammered.

“I’m Heather. What’s your name?” the woman asked quietly.

“Miranda.” It came out as a whisper.

Then, just loud enough for the others nearby to hear: “Oh my god! Miranda! I haven’t seen you in ages! I didn’t recognize you without your glasses…how are you?” Heather pulled another chair up next to Miranda and continued to make inane small talk just loud enough to be heard nearby. Once seated, she leaned close as if the two were sharing an inside joke.

“I think I see what’s going on here, you dirty girl,” she said quietly, smirking and nodding toward the book lying open on the table. She held the remote just out of reach. “You’re trying to get yourself off aren’t you? You want to cum, right here in the open, with all these people around!”

“I…er…no, I just…”

Heather hit the second-highest setting on the remote, causing Miranda to twitch suddenly in her chair and let out another little squeak. The buzzing was just loud enough to be heard by the two women. Heather giggled at a “joke” to cover Miranda’s reaction and set the vibrator back to low.

“What…why are you doing this?” Miranda asked. She chewed her lower lip nervously.

Heather covered one of Miranda’s hands with her free hand and squeezed it gently. “Simple: because I can and because you’re going to let me.”

The background noise in the coffee shop increased as more people filtered in on their way home from work, providing additional conversational privacy.

Heather lightly caressed the back of Miranda’s neck, and she relaxed visibly. “I want you to cum for me, sweetness,” she whispered, her breath hot in Miranda’s ear. “I want you to cum while I sit here with you, and with all of these people around.” Heather paused for a moment and increased the intensity of the vibrations by one level. “Will you do that for me? Do you want that?”

“I…” Miranda trailed off. The intensity of the moment was almost making her dizzy.

“Tell me,” Heather whispered, then flicked her tongue out and quickly licked Miranda’s earlobe.

Miranda hesitated briefly. This was crazy! This strange woman, who practically appeared out of nowhere, was driving her quickly to the brink of orgasm in a room full of strangers. “Oh god yes,” she finally replied. “I want this. Please.”

Heather increased the setting once more, causing Miranda’s head to swim. Her eyes closed partway and the room began to blur as she focused inward on herself and the intense pleasure between her legs. She felt her clit stiffen more than it ever had before. Almost involuntarily, her hips began to undulate slowly as if grinding her pussy against an unseen person. She reached down to her waist, tugging her panties slightly upward in sync with her hip movements, dragging the soft material across the tip of her swollen clit. Miranda felt like she was being obvious, but was well beyond caring. All that mattered was release.

“Look at me,” Heather said firmly, yet friendly tone. Miranda complied, and her glassy blue eyes met Heather’s intense gaze. “Are you ready to cum for me now?”

“Oh fuck yes, I’m so close right now,” Miranda groaned.

“Go ahead then,” Heather said simply.

Miranda gripped Heather’s hand tightly and scanned the room one more time. People were chatting, laughing, reading…not noticing (or at least pretending not to notice) the two attractive women sitting together intimately in the corner.


Finally, the floodgates burst. Miranda stiffened in her chair and pulled her panties more urgently against her clit. She gasped, and managed not to cry out, chewing on her knuckle instead.

Heather pulled her close in a friendly hug. “That’s it, cum for me sweetie.”

Miranda buried her face in Heather’s neck to stifle her quiet moans as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss washed over her. After what felt like an eternity, the sensations subsided. Heather switched the vibrator to low, and then off as Miranda stopped moving and sat back in her chair.

“Wow. Just wow. That was amazing!”

“Yes you were,” said Heather. “You should see yourself. Your face is amazing when you cum…just absolutely lovely.”

Miranda blushed at the compliment and giggled demurely. Heather responded by chuckling at another “joke” to continue the illusion of two old friends reconnecting.

“So, what now?” Miranda asked.

I think this is the point where I invite you to join me for dinner tonight, if you’d like.”

“Absolutely, I’d love to. Plus, I think I might owe you a little something.”

“Miranda, you owe me absolutely nothing aside from the pleasure of your company. Anything else is optional.” Heather looked at her watch. “Shit! I’m late for yoga…I didn’t expect to stay here quite so long.” Heather handed Miranda her phone. “Here, call yourself from my phone so we have each other’s numbers. We can talk and decide on dinner plans later.”

Miranda grinned. “I can’t wait.”

Published 12 years ago

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