Cocktails with Katy

"A frustrated neighbour gets what she wants, and so do I."

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We had been living in our new house for over a year and had gotten to know our various neighbours pretty well. It was a new development on the outskirts of our city so we had all moved into our houses at roughly the same time, giving us all something in common when initially engaging in small talk. We lived at the end of a small row backing on to the embankment separating the houses from the motorway.  

Our rear gardens were all separated by fences which were six-feet high at the house end, dropping to about four feet halfway down the gardens, meaning we could all chat quite easily right across them but still had a measure of privacy when seated on our patios. We would all regularly sit out in the nicer weather as our gardens caught the sun from the early afternoon onward and speak as we ate or worked in the garden. Over the months we got to know our next-door neighbours, Joe and Katy, the best as they liked to sit out like us until the evening, eat BBQ and enjoy some drinks. 

Joe was a good bit older than Katy, being somewhere in his fifties whilst the rest of us were all in our mid-thirties. Joe was ex-forces, short and chubby, with a fairly no-nonsense approach to life and politics and a pretty ruthless sense of humour, but did become more personable with a few drinks. Katy was a good looking redhead only a few months younger than me, about my height and had a fuller, curvy figure. I had met her first when we had moved in as she had come to introduce herself. I had immediately noticed her very large bust, which with her being slightly larger in the hips and bum I estimated must have been at least a G cup.

My wife, Asha, is of eastern European origin, dark hair, blue eyes and a cracking body, her 34DD breasts being her best feature and they are accentuated by her slim waist making them look larger. 

It had taken us a few months to sort out our garden to the point where we were happy to spend as much time in it as we could. This involved a lot of work on our hands and knees digging holes for plants and bushes and removing the rubbish the builders had buried under the soil. Asha, to her credit, spent a lot more time out there than I and Joe would always lean over the fence offering ‘advice’ although he was clearly more interested in catching a glimpse of Asha’s boobs as she tended to wear vests and shorts as she worked. 

I never paid too much notice to it and he would also hang around when I was out there to comment on our progress although I knew what he was really up to. I did like him well enough though and as he was older I never considered him a threat as such, besides we were both clearly boob men and I wouldn’t hesitate to give Katy the once over whenever she appeared on a hot day. It was a few weeks into the summer though when Asha had informed me that she had been in the garden hanging out the washing when Joe had surprised her.

She told me she had put on the washing and gone for a shower, it was a sweltering hot day and as she was just in the house she was just wearing a short loose fitting vest top and shorts with her hair up in a towel. She went to hang the washing (not thinking to change as it was early in the day and nobody tended to be home then) and as she did, she said she felt like she was being watched, but couldn’t see anyone so carried on. 

As she was bending down to get the washing and stretching to hang it up she knew her boobs were working their way out of the top but just readjusted them when required not realising someone was getting a good show. As she tried to put a duvet cover over the line she had to throw it quite hard to get it over the higher line and this resulted in the cover catching the front of the vest and lifting it right up, exposing both her breasts for a few seconds before she realised and quickly covered them up. It was at that point she heard a voice. 

 “Well, I think I might need to wash my shorts and hang them out now, haha!”

Joe had been in his shed and had been watching Asha the whole time.

“Sorry, don’t mind me, I was just checking my tools and I happened to notice. I wasn’t perving or anything.”

Asha is quite shy around Joe as he can be quite intimidating and has some questionable views on foreigners.

“It’s ok, I didn’t realise anyone was there, sorry,  it was an accident,” she mumbled.

“Don’t apologise, that’s made my day, that has,” he replied grinning.

Asha informed me of this and for the next few days was too embarrassed to go out to the garden so had just stayed inside.  The following week though we were sat out on our patio enjoying the sun and Asha was wearing long shorts and a t-shirt but was saying she was too hot, I told her (quietly) to just change into her normal summer shorts and a top as we were behind the tall part of the fence that ran half the length of the garden so she wouldn’t be seen by anyone.

She went inside and nervously came back out wearing her white denim shorts and a new bikini top. I was slightly surprised she went for the bikini, having been too shy to sit in the garden for the last few days but we were fairly safe from prying eyes where we were, or so we thought.

Asha lay face down on the grass next to the patio on a blanket and had a quick check for anyone before untying her bikini so she could get a tan on her back. I was sitting on my phone and hadn’t noticed the window above open slightly. Although we were close enough to our house to be covered by the fence at ground level Joe and Katy’s top floor did overlook some of our garden with the small bathroom window looking right onto our patio when opened. I was just enjoying the sun and having a beer while Asha caught some rays not realising she was being salivated over from above.

Her phone went off and being someone who has to see who is messaging her right away she propped herself up on her elbows to have a look then forgetting her bikini was still untied she sat up to get her phone out of the glare. I turned to her as I saw her move to see both her large boobs come into full view, she was still looking at her phone, trying to shield the screen and hadn’t noticed that her bikini was hanging down between her tits.

I coughed and said, “your bikini is broken I think,” at which point she looked down and gasped before frantically trying to cover them up which just made them jiggle even more.

She was looking at me, bright red and covering her mouth in embarrassment when she quickly tilted her head up at the bathroom window, I turned and caught something moving before it then closed. Joe had clearly been spying and had been busted.

I sniggered and said to Asha, “Looks like you’ve been caught flashing again, haha!” She half smiled and said she was going inside. Later, she asked me if I thought it was Joe but realising she would probably not want to sit outside again I lied and said it looked like Katy and I doubt she had been looking.

A week or two of slightly less summery weather ensued which meant we weren’t outside as much but we had overheard Joe and Katy in their garden a few times and they seemed to be rowing. Joe could be aggressive and from what we had heard from another neighbour also had quite the roving eye. I was at the local shop later that week and had bumped into Katy there as we often did, this time she was just leaving as I was, so I walked back with her. We were just talking about work and the weather when she asked if she could ask me something delicate, I said of course and she began.

“Ummm, has Joe been weird around you guys recently? I mean said anything odd to either of you?”

“No more than usual, haha!” I replied trying to lighten the mood, but sort of realising what she was maybe getting at.

“No, I mean, sorry, it’s kind of uncomfortable to ask.” She paused then said, “has he been spying on Asha?”

I was taken aback, I half expected her to ask if he’d been flirty or a bit full on as he sometimes was when speaking to us but I didn’t expect her to ask that. I wasn’t sure how to respond but caught by surprise I had no choice other than to try and be honest.

“Well, erm, I think he may have accidentally seen Asha’s chest when she was putting out the washing, not sure it was all his fault. She was wearing a wee vest top and sort of fell out of it I think.”

“Hmmm, what did she say about it though?” she replied.

“Well, umm, I think she just said she didn’t realise he was there,” I said.

“Did he say something to her, though?” she was not letting up, clearly she knew something more than she was letting on.

“Look, Katy, I don’t want to cause problems with you guys, he did make a joke I think, but I wasn’t there and I’m sure it was just an accident that he saw her. She’s not too bothered about it, really.”

She looked away for a moment then turned and said: “Well I didn’t want to say to you as you guys are such good neighbours but, I caught him looking out of the window, at Asha, with her boobs out.” I was slightly surprised she came out with it like that, but I knew it was him at the window and half expected he’d been up to something like that.

“I’m really sorry I had to tell you and I’m not angry at her at all, it’s her garden she should be able to wear what she wants and get a tan or whatever, he can’t help himself when there are big boobs about, he’s just a dirty old bugger.”

She was clearly upset so I put an arm around her and just told her it was ok and explained that we weren’t angry about it. Asha was a bit embarrassed but no harm was done. 

She told me he had done stuff like this before and that she had spoken to him numerous times but he usually ended up doing something like it again after a while. They had even lost good friends because he couldn’t control himself. I told her not to worry we wouldn’t fall out with them and I said I’ll make sure Asha is decent from now on with a chuckle. She thanked me for being so understanding. Nearly home now she said she would just have to keep their windows locked, to which I quipped, “or you can just flash the neighbours, see how he likes it!”

She giggled and said, “Oh, that’s a good idea, maybe I will, haha. see you later!”

We went back into our houses and I mentioned to Asha that Katy had talked to me about Joe being creepy. She felt bad about it but I just reminded her it wasn’t her fault, well the first time anyway…

We were back in the garden a few days later and had only been out for about half an hour Joe and Katy appeared. We were all getting on fine, It was another warm day and I was just in a pair of cargo shorts, t-shirt and trainers and Asha was wearing a summer dress which kept most things covered but still looked sexy. Joe was quieter than usual and it was Katy who seemed to be enjoying herself more than usual as she sipped on a large cocktail glass.

She was wearing a sort of shorts and vest jump-suit number which showed off her legs and had a very plunging neckline which outlined just what a spectacular chassis she had. It was a very light beige so her underwear was visible through it and it was easily the most revealing thing I had seen her wear around the garden, somebody was making a point I thought.

“Would you guys like a drink?” Katy asked us, “I’ve made a load of cocktails. I’m on holiday for a week so I’m celebrating, haha.”

We both said we would have one. Joe declined as he had an early start in the morning and explained he was leaving for a work conference in England for the best part of a week and wanted to be fresh. 

“I’ve kicked him out for misbehaving actually haha,” Katy added laughing,

Joe just smirked and looked sheepish. We had another couple of cocktails with Katy and the evening had got hotter so I had taken off my t-shirt. I was in pretty decent shape and although I wasn’t looking for any compliments, Katy mentioned it too. While Joe had gone inside, she also mentioned my hairy chest saying she liked it and wishing Joe wasn’t so smooth there.

Asha was listening and didn’t seem too bothered as she and Katy got on fine, but as usual, she didn’t let me get too big headed by telling Katy I trimmed my chest hair with clippers, and other areas too. They both had a wee laugh at my expense which was fine but Katy was still looking at me and just said, “Don’t be embarrassed, I shave everything too,” followed by a definite wink and a chuckle. 

Asha hadn’t seen that, I thought. Katy was certainly acting friskier than usual but I put it down to the cocktails and a subtle attempt to get back at Joe within his earshot.  I didn’t mind being a pawn, besides he’d been perving on Asha, so I thought I’d play along. We finished our drinks and went back inside as were working the following day, but I had gone back out with the bins later and noticed Katy was still in the garden by herself having her cocktail. I popped my head over the fence to tell her she better get to her bed or she’d get locked out when I noticed her adjusting her top.

She had one side down completely and was wiping what must have been cocktail off it, and her bra cupped right tit was out completely. She was wearing a very light cream coloured, half cup bra and was rubbing the material of her outfit top quite hard causing her big half-exposed tit to jiggle and give a good glimpse of her aureole. I must have looked for five or six seconds before I thought I better let her know I was there and not the other way around. I took a step or two back then forward again trying to appear as if I had just approached the fence. 

“You still here? Did he lock you out? haha,” I said, then pretended I had just noticed her predicament. “Oh sorry I didn’t realise you were um, uh busy, haha.” I turned my head down to look at the ground so she could cover herself up.

“Nah still here, probably a sign to go to bed though when you start missing your mouth, haha!” she laughed. 

She hadn’t pulled her top up yet and I half turned towards her saying, “Haha, yeah, the first sign of a drinking problem that is.”

“I’m just annoyed I stained my new outfit, oh well, at least I didn’t get any on my bra. I think,” she said before looking down and pulling at the material of her bra in different directions as if checking it for marks.

I was still standing there slightly uncomfortably as she did this but not able to turn away. She then pulled the material forward as if checking inside it and briefly gave me an unobstructed view of her nipple and most of her very large right breast before patting it back down pulling her top back up completely. 

“Looks good, think I got away with it!” she said grinning before getting to her feet. 

“Yeah, just about… I think… haha,” I said sort of stammering, still unsure if that had all been for my benefit or just an accident.

“What time you on til tomorrow then?” She asked casually.

“Just til half two, early finish before my rest days. Three days off, thank Christ.” I then asked what she had planned for tomorrow.

“Just recovering and enjoying the peace of being home alone she said,” before adding, “and probably drinking on my own in the sun again, haha!”

“You better put on a bib then,” I said, “Or wear something you don’t mind spilling on.”

“Haha, yeah, I’m not sure I’ve got anything though. I might just have to go topless, haha.”

I just laughed and said, “Well you did say the other day you were going to flash too, haha.” 

We said goodnight and both went inside. I still had a wee buzz from the cocktails and went to bed with a nice feeling and thought about what had just happened. I couldn’t work it out but still put it down to booze, although I did have the image of her big fleshy tit going round in my mind and had to satisfy the boner it had given me before I could sleep. 

The next day at work passed quickly enough and managed to finish early. I had been replaying the previous night in my head somewhat but put it down as a one-off. As it was another warm day, I had cycled to work so when returning home I went to put my bike in the shed. As I entered the rear garden I could hear a radio going so knew Katy must be in her garden. 

I put my bike in the shed and had a quick look over to her garden, but couldn’t see her from where I was standing so I just left it and decided to go in for a shower. 

I went inside and upstairs to change. Asha was still at work so wouldn’t be home till after six. I was just undressing when I had a peek out of the bedroom window which overlooked most of their garden. She was now in her garden (or had been before too but out of sight) and I was wondering if I could be seen when Katy seemed to glance up. I pulled back slightly hoping she’d not caught me before peeking again. She had a quick look at her watch and sat down.

She read the back of a small white sun lotion bottle and put some in her hands before applying it to her arms. I kept watching, wondering if she had seen me or not, but couldn’t take my eyes off her. She leaned forward to apply the lotion to her legs and as she did, her vest top struggled to contain her large bust.

She ran her hands up and down her legs for a good couple of minutes, lifting her legs and pointing her toes as she did so. I couldn’t help but think there was a slight performance to the way she was doing it and it was certainly having an effect on me. 

I felt my cock twitching and started to tell myself to stop looking and go for a shower, a cold one, but I suspected that I was not an unwelcome spectator. I hadn’t twigged right away but her bench was pushed further back than normal, right against the high fence between theirs and their other neighbours’ house which combined with the canopy meant she was unable to be seen from anywhere except our upstairs window.

My conscience quickly evaporated when Katy started to apply lotion to her shoulders and chest. She rubbed it into her neck and appeared to glance up in the direction of my window again but this time I didn’t move believing she probably couldn’t see me. She started to run it into her chest and onto the exposed top half of her tits. She then had another quick look around before slowly peeling her top down. 

My cock had now hardened and was straining as she finally pulled her top all the way down and released both of her gigantic boobs. I dropped my shorts and immediately started to stroke my now rock hard erection. 

They were enormous and beautifully shaped, and despite being so large were topped off by very delicate pink nipples. She began massaging the lotion into them. Was she planning to sunbathe topless? I realised that had to be a no, plus her patio door was three feet away and she could have gone inside to apply sun cream. This was clearly for my benefit and I started to pull my cock knowing she was wanting me to while looking at her body.

She kept massaging them for a good while and then stretched her arms and yawned, pushing them out to their fullest. They were huge. My partner Asha had big ones I thought but these were on a different level. I started to imagine what it must be like to run my hard cock between them as she sat back on the couch, making no attempt to cover up. She looked down at them oiled up and gleaming in the sun and gently cupped them before starting to gently blow on them as if trying to get rid of imaginary fluff.

She opened her legs slightly as she did this and I noticed she was wearing some very light panties and her camel toe was clearly showing, I pulled my foreskin back hard and felt the cum rising before it shot out of my cock and hit the t-shirt I’d grabbed, I bucked hard and had to steady myself as I looked down to see Katy looking up at the window. 

Could I be seen? I was sure I couldn’t, having looked at up at their windows sometimes and not been able to see much, so I gathered myself and went for a shower. When I got out she was still there but now had pulled her vest up over her boobs (though left the straps down still, showing plenty of cleavage) and was sipping a cocktail. I toyed with the idea of going down into the garden or not but my desire got the better of me. I had to know if she was teasing me or if this had all been just an accident.

I went to the shed and pretended to move stuff about making plenty of noise and advertising my presence but without breaking the ice first. I had only been there for about two minutes when she came to the fence.

“Oh you’re back then?” she said.

“Yeah, got back about an hour ago, just headed in for a shower after cycling.”   

“Oh right, thought I heard someone but wasn’t sure if it was you or Asha.”

I thought then maybe she had forgotten when I said I was coming home to her last night.

“Of course she gets home after six doesn’t she?” she added. I knew then she hadn’t.

“Are you still up for a cocktail….?” she asked as she slowly sipped from her straw.

“Yeah… I mean.. if it’s still on offer..” I stammered, nervous about where this might lead.

“Hop over the fence then, I’ll pour you one,” She replied.

I jumped the fence and knew that I had crossed a physical and metaphorical line, but I had to know what those tits felt like and as she turned away from me and started to pout me a drink, I imagined just going straight up behind her and reaching around her to squeeze them. She motioned me to sit on the bench first which I did before she leaned over and handed me the glass and also giving me a birds-eye view down her top. 

“Sorry, don’t mind me being dressed like this. I’m trying to avoid tan lines from my straps, hope you don’t mind,” she said acting nonchalant.

Sensing my chance to test the waters I said, “Not at all, It’s a hot day. I hope you put sun cream on though….”

She broke into a half smile, sat down to my left and sipped her drink, “I have, but I couldn’t reach everywhere. Joe normally helps me out, and as I’m not a size six, I need the help, haha.”

“Well if you’re really stuck I suppose I could lend a hand. Fair trade for the drink probably,” I said, surprising myself with my boldness.

“Well, haha, that is very neighbourly of you, you don’t have to though if you feel awkward, you can still have the drink, haha,” she replied.

“It’s your call, Katy. I’m happy to help, wouldn’t want you getting sunburnt, haha.” I wasn’t going to beg but didn’t want to let her off the hook either.

She took a (not so subtle) large gulp of her drink and bent down to put the glass down before picking up the sun cream bottle and handing it to me.

“Feels empty. How much did you use earlier?” I asked grinning.

“I don’t know,” she said, “I did all the bits I could reach…” She smiled, then turned her back, “Come on then,  there might even be another drink in it for you.”

I squirted some into my hands and rubbed them together before slowly rubbing it into her back. After a few moments of massaging it into her upper back and shoulders, I said, “Do you want me to just do your shoulders?”

“You can do my whole back If you don’t mind,” She replied.

“Ok well, is it ok to pull the back of your vest down then? As you aren’t wearing a bra…” I  then added, “I assume I mean unless it’s a strapless one.”

“Nope, no bra, and I’ll pull it down but you’ll just have to promise not to look, haha,” she said.

“You can trust me, I’ll behave myself,” I replied.

She then straightened her back and peeled the vest down exposing her back. She was doing her best to cover her boobs with her hands and forearms, but as they were so large she was squashing them so that plenty of side boob peeped out on either side.

I put more lotion on and started to rub it into her back slowly. She was a slightly bigger girl, but all in proportion and with her chest, it didn’t matter. She asked me to pass her drink to her, as I bent down her hand reached out to take it from me and I got an even better view as she now tried to cover them both with her left arm and hand.

“Do you want a towel or something, Katy? not sure you can cover those with one arm, haha,” I said.

“I thought you weren’t going to look haha,” she replied, “besides I don’t have anything to cover them with.”

“Ha, sorry, it’s kind of hard not to notice them though. You have some set there, haha.”

I could feel my cock swelling now as I went back to applying the cream.

“You men are all the same, haha. I knew you would try and get a peek.”

She then bent down to put her drink down and as she did her right boob slipped out of her hand and hung down briefly before she scooped it up with her right hand and sat back up. “Oops, you nearly got a proper look there, haha.”

“Bloody hell, I thought that was going to hit the patio. Some size, haha,” I said.

“Aye Aye, I know. Pain in the arse trying to find tops that fit me, not many cater for a double G.”

I nearly choked on my own saliva, and replied, “Holy shit, double G? never seen ones that big in the flesh.” 

“Are you sure? Haha,” she giggled turning her head back to me.

“Well maybe accidentally,” I said.

She adjusted herself again and asked me to finish putting the cream on her as she wanted another drink. I had been working my way down her back but feeling emboldened by the heavy flirting and with a growing stiffy, I moved round to her sides. I started doing small circles on her ribs before increasing the size and trying to subtly catch the boob flesh being pushed around her sides.

My fingers gently brushed the side of her tits which she either didn’t notice or didn’t mind so I pushed my luck and went further. This time my fingertips went into the folds of the underside of her boobs before I pulled them back and went down her sides. I came back up and went in again pushing slightly further this time so nearly all of my fingers disappeared under them.

“Someone is getting brave, haha,” she said chuckling.

“Can’t keep doing your back forever can I?” I replied, “plus you’ve been teasing me all day, but I’ll stop if you want?”

“I never said stop, did I?” she retorted before saying, “And if you’re bored of the back you can always do the front, haha…”

She half turned to me smiling as she said it. My cock lurched again and was at pretty much full stretch in my shorts, poking right off to the side and nearly coming out of my pocket.  

“I think I should, they will be feeling left out…” I said.

I took a breath then moved my hands slowly round her sides on to her stomach before sliding them up and onto her massive tits. I cupped them both from below and lifted them slightly. They were heavier than any boobs I’d felt before but felt soft and amazing and I started to lift them higher while squeezing them. Katy let out a soft moan and leaned back towards me as I continued to massage them, pushing them together and then right up so that I could see both nipples from behind as they appeared over her shoulders. 

I started to work the nipples between my fingers and they grew rapidly, Katy meanwhile put her hands behind her onto my thighs with her left hand just centimetres from my straining cock. She leaned back further, still resting her head on my chest giving me my best view yet of her amazing rack. I took the opportunity to push her right tit up into licking distance and hungrily swept my tongue over her nipple before clamping it between my lips and sucking it.

She turned and kissed my neck before leaning forward and sitting up. She covered her boobs with her vest as best she could then grabbed my hand and made a beeline for her patio door. I stood up and tried to skip in with her but my hard-on was making it difficult. She closed the door behind me and then threw her vest on the floor before pulling me towards her and kissing me hard. Her hands went under my T-shirt and started pulling it up, I helped it off and she started to rub my chest before she then moved her hands down over my stomach.

“I think it’s about time I got to feel something now,” She demanded, before pulling at my belt buckle. “Definitely a nice bulge going on there though.”

I popped it open and started to undo my buttons but she took over, she was clearly in a rush, maybe not wanting to wait in case her conscience kicked in. She opened the top of my shorts and paused for a moment as she realised I wasn’t wearing underwear before she pushed them down and finally let my aching boner free. It sprang out and bobbed about before pointing straight at her belly button. 

“Oh my, that’s certainly bigger than I’m used to,” she sighed. “That is quite the chunky one you have there.”

I’ll admit I’m not the longest at a shade over seven inches, but I do have quite a lot of girth, with previous girlfriends comparing it to a can of Red Bull in thickness. 

She put her hand on it, stroking along the top of it at first before curling her fingers around it and gently pulling on it watching it get to maximum size in her hands. Meanwhile, I was playing with one of her tits and kissing her neck and shoulders leaning down to take the nipple in my mouth.  I was sucking it and rolling it over my tongue to appreciative moans from Katy. 

“Think I’m going to have to have a wee suck on this, It looks well tasty,” she said before getting down on her knees in front of me.  

I looked down at her, staring up at my cock as she held it over her face and appearing to try and work out where to start. She then pushed it flat against my belly and licked it from the base to the tip before putting the head and first inch or two right into her mouth. She then put both hands on the side of my thighs and started to move her head back and forward getting her lips further down my shaft each time.  I was in heaven as she sucked me in long slow movements, circling my helmet with her tongue as she did so.

“Fucking hell you’re good, Katy,” I said as she worked her magic. “You definitely know what you are doing.”

She took it out of her mouth and started slowly pulling it before looking up and saying, “Well I have sucked one or two you know,” before she went back to sucking the tip.

“One or two? I think you have sucked more than one or two by the way you’re working my dick,” I replied.

“Well maybe a few more, I was a bit of a slut when I was younger,” She said as she got to her feet.

I pulled her in for a kiss and grabbed her tits again, squeezing them and marvelling at how much spilled out over my hands as I did so. She then started to wriggle herself out of her skirt at which point I ran my hands down onto her bum, getting a good feel of her big shapely rear.

I felt her push me backwards and knew she was pushing me towards the sofa. I stepped out of the shorts still around my ankles and sat down. She sat next to me and started kissing me again before getting a grip of my cock and yanking it up towards her nipples which were hanging right down next to me. 

I put a hand on her thigh and worked it in slowly to her crotch. Her legs immediately opened and I took my fingers into the waistband of her small panties and started to pull them down. I could feel the heat off her right away and knew she was already wet as I circled my fingers around her opening. I found the clit and started delicately rubbing it. She groaned and pushed her tongue right into my throat and pulled my foreskin all the way back causing me to nearly spunk there and then.

I kept up the pace on her clit and could hear her panting getting quicker. I wasted no time and put two fingers inside her, her legs closed on my hand clamping it as she started to whimper. I moved them in and out rapidly hearing her wet cunt squelching as I did so. She stopped kissing me to look down at my hand on her cunt and started to moan louder and louder.

“Oh fuck, I think I’m going to cum already,” she said. I rolled her back slightly so I could get a suck on her tits as I fingered her.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, yes, yes,” She moaned before her breathing sped up. “Oh, oh, oh, oh, OH, OH, SHIT, FUCK, FUUUCK!!”

Her legs clamped my hand nearly crushing it as both her hands went around my neck, she came hard right in my hand, squirting a little up my arm. She then loosened her grip of my neck and her legs unlocked and opened giving me a view of her beautiful pink pussy, wet and soaked in its own juice.

“Wow, I needed that,” she said with her face in her hands, breathing deeply. “I’m thinking you’ve fingered a few girls in your time too then, haha.”

“Maybe one or two, haha,” I replied.

I let her get her breath back for a moment and started sucking her tits again. I could not get enough of them.

“Your tits are fucking spectacular by the way, I could play with them all day,” I said in between devouring her nipples.

“Maybe it’s time you fucked them then,” She shot back.

I was up like a flash, standing over her and pulling my cock back to full hardness. She sat up, putting a sofa cushion under her bum so she was at the right height to get her tits around my cock as I stood (clearly not the first tit wank she’s given either, I thought to myself).

She lifted her tits and looked up at me, licking her nipples before wrapping both of her breasts around my raging hard-on. She started slow and kept eye contact with me as she did so which was so sexy I nearly came then too.

She squeezed them around my cock so that only my helmet could be seen as it popped in and out of view. She looked down at it and then spat right down on to the end, letting the saliva run down the shaft and massaging it in with her tits.

I felt myself about to cum and withdrew, clutching my shaft at the base I squeezed it trying to keep the wolf from the door.

“Oh oh, did you nearly go off there? Haha,” Katy chuckled.

“I’m amazed I didn’t, that was awesome. Fuck, those tits could turn a gay guy,” I responded.

“Haha, yeah, I was pretty popular in school. They got me out of a lot of trouble, and into some….” she said looking down at them and squeezing them.

“I hope you’re ok to carry on though, think it’s about time you stuck that cock in me.” She sat forward, reached out and pulled me forward by the dick, pulling me down on top of her.

“Fucking right, open those legs,” I said.

She opened them wide and her pussy lips opened with them. I crouched down and turned her so she was flat out on her sofa before taking the back of her knee with one hand and my cock with the other. She leaned up and onto her elbows and watched as I nudged my fat cock head into her.

“Oooooh fuck, keep going, put it all the way in, ” she gasped.

I took both her legs and pulled them up and apart before burying my entire length deep inside her.

“Fuck me, that’s the spot. Now fucking pound me.” She said looking me right in the eye and grabbing the back of my neck.

I still couldn’t believe we had just been neighbours until an hour ago, now I was right up inside her as she begged me to fuck her. I took a few long slow teasing strokes but she clearly wanted a proper seeing to. I quickly increased my pace thrusting in out like a piston.

She started to groan and let go of my neck so she could keep a hold of her tits which were flying and flopping around like two big balloons in a hurricane. I started to go even harder and the loud noise of my thighs slapping her arse was only being drowned out by her increasingly loud moans and gasps.

“Fucking hell, don’t stop, don’t stop, keep that fucking big dick coming,” she panted, with her eyes closed tight, face red and hands clamped on her tits.

I bent down to kiss her neck and nibble her ears which seemed to do the trick as within about thirty seconds, she grabbed the back of my neck as her second orgasm started to build.

“Shit, shit, shit, keep fucking me. I’m cumming, oh fuck, fuck, fuck, YES, YES, YES, YES!!”

With that, she bucked right up like a wild horse and clamped her legs around my waist throwing both arms around my neck and pulling my face right down between her tits. She shuddered heavily four or five times pinning me to her body in a vice-like grip before softening her grip and flopping back down flat on the sofa.

“Holy shit, that was good. I’ve not cum like that for years. I’m soaked!” She panted, her hands clutching her chest over her heart.

“Well, I’m not done yet so hold on for a minute,” I said as I started to slowly slide in and out of her again. I grabbed both of her tits as I picked up the pace.

“Oh my god, you better be quick, I’m going to have a heart attack if I cum like that again,” she said as she grabbed my arms. She pulled her head up to watch my slimy cum covered cock go in and out of her battered cunt. I was feeling like my own orgasm was close but asked her to help me if she wanted me to be quick.

“What do you want me to do? talk dirty? What do you like?” she asked.

“Tell me what a slut you were in school,” I commanded.

“Oooh, I can tell you lots of stuff the haha. Mmmm, oh fuck, I don’t want you to stop though now, haha. Well, how about the time I sucked two of the boys off after P.E. We had been swimming and, ooh, fuck, keep going. Oh fuck, yes. So I knew everyone was looking at me in my costume and watching my tits but two of the boys waited for me after school and we went to the back of the school behind the generator and they wanted to see them so I asked to see their cocks.”

“You dirty little slut, that’s hot as fuck,” I said, at the peak of cumming but wanting to hold off to hear the end of the story. “How old were you?”

“Oooh, fuck, mmmm, em… about sixteen I think. So they whipped them out and I got my tits out and we had a bit of fun. That was the first time I’d sucked two at the same time and they both came on my tits, I couldn’t believe how much jizz they had it went everywhere!” She then said, “Let’s see how much you’ve got though, you can cum on my tits if you want.”

I had heard enough and sped up for five or six strokes before I felt my balls tighten. I Just got my cock in time as a large arc of cum shot out of my exposed cock’s eye. It splashed down on her stomach and inner thigh as I lunged forward aiming the next one square at her tits but it had almost as much force as the first, with the first bit hitting her right in the face and the rest landing on her chest. She giggled as it dribbled down her cheek and chin as my last two squirts landed right on her boobs.

I slouched backwards on the couch and caught my breath looking over at Katy lying naked and smiling to herself as she took a finger over her face wiping my cum towards her mouth and licking her finger clean.

“Mmm, that tastes nice, haha.” She purred.

“I’ll take your word for it,”I replied panting.

She stood up and took a tissue to wipe the rest of my sticky mess off her body before slouching back next to me and resting her head on my shoulder.

“Thanks for that by the way. I don’t get much sex these days.” She said softly, “You’ve got a lovely cock.”

“Thanks and I’m surprised by that, I’d never be off you if you were my missus,” I replied.

“Well, now I know where to go, haha.”

With that, she started to put her clothes on and I put on my shorts. 

“How about that drink then?” She said.

“Yeah sure, I’m pretty thirsty. What have you got?” I asked.

“Cocktail?…. You know me, haha,” she answered.

“Haha yeah, anything with cock in it and you’re keen, haha,” I cheekily added.

“Absolutely fucking right, haha.” 

Published 7 years ago

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