Cocklust Ch. 33

"Scott prepares to take a big risk."

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Seth and Claire’s wedding was at an old-school Louisiana plantation.  Apparently Claire was a Southern girl; she didn’t have an accent, but that part of the country clearly had a place in her heart.  The venue was almost like something out of Gone With the Wind, a big stately country house surrounded by oak trees and Spanish moss.  It clearly had a lot of history, though I bet a lot of that history wasn’t as flattering as they let on.

Chad and I had spent months saving up for the trip.  We knew we couldn’t rely on Chad’s parents, so I’d picked up a lot of extra shifts at the bar.  Chad was doing lots of political stuff, but it didn’t usually pay well, so he’d also picked up gigs as a personal trainer.  It also helped to be living together, since our bills were practically split in half.

I had to admit, I felt a little out of place on that guest list.  The wedding was very fancy-schmanzy, and I’d only met Seth and Claire that once.  Of course, Chad had known Seth a lot longer, and he knew that crowd way better than I did.  I did recognize how many movers and shakers would be there, and I wanted to be extra mindful of what it could mean for Chad’s career.

Chad and I made sure to dress extra nice.  He seemed to already know the drill: his mom had dragged him to plenty of black-tie events, especially those military fundraisers of hers.  Chad actually had a selection of tuxes to choose from, and he knew how to tie a bow tie and everything.  As for me, I had no idea what I was doing.  I just rented a tux, the same way I’d done for my high school prom, and I let Chad tell me what to do from there.

Just before we stepped outside, we both looked in the mirror.  I’ve gotta admit, we’d cleaned up pretty nice.  Chad looked really sexy, in a dapper James Bond sort of way.  He had every hair in place, and his shoes were impeccably polished—to the point that I could almost see my reflection—while his clothes were perfectly tailored to his body.  I could only hope that I looked half as good as he did.

The ceremony was out in the garden, by an old gazebo.  When we got there, a woman was playing the violin, and flower petals were scattered all over the place.  It was almost over-the-top, but I couldn’t help getting caught up in the moment.  In the back of my mind, I wondered what it would be like if Chad and I were the ones walking down the aisle.  It wasn’t that I was a hopeless romantic—especially now that I’d seen the nastiness of his parents’ divorce—but still.

I got an even bigger case of the feels when Seth and Claire took their vows.  On the surface, there didn’t seem to be much to it: they used the same words I’d heard at any number of weddings.  Even so, when the minister said to repeat after him, in my mind I kept hearing Chad’s voice.

“I, Claire Nicole DuPre, take thee, Seth Aaron Fisher….”

I, Chad Matthew Collins, take thee, Scott Bradley Harrington….

I knew it was just in my head, but it still sent adrenaline through me.  I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to hear those words in real life.

Of course the minister didn’t miss a beat: “… to be my lawfully wedded husband…”

The word “husband” seemed to throw me.  I’d never once thought of Chad that way, even after the years we’d been together.  Boyfriend, yes.  Lover, yes.  Partner, possibly.  But husband?  It just sounded so—I dunno—official.

“… to have and to hold, from this day forward….”

I looked over at Chad.  He didn’t seem to react; he just stared at the gazebo.

“… for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health….”

The words kept echoing in my mind.  I felt like I was just starting to understand what they meant.

“… to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”

Some of the bridesmaids were crying.  One girl blew her nose in a particularly unromantic toot; then she let out an even louder honk that could’ve been used to guide ships through the fog.  The maid of honor let off a snort, which was clearly unintentional.  Chad and I had to force ourselves not to laugh, and I bet a lot of other guests did too.

Once the vows were over, the minister of course declared them husband and wife, they shared a kiss, and everybody clapped.  Then the music started up again, they proceeded down the aisle, and the real party started.

When we went indoors for cocktails, we ran into Tony, the guy we’d met at Seth’s office.  He was there with his husband Craig.

“Oh hi!” Tony said to Chad.  “Long time no see.”

“Hey,” Chad replied, and we all shook each other’s hands.

“How’s your father doing?  Is he here?”

Chad seemed caught off guard.  “I’m sorry, what?”

“Seth was telling us about him.  Is it true he’s moving to Reston?”

I was worried this could spoil the mood, but Chad took it in stride.  After all, these guys had ultimately met because of Bill.  “I-I mean, he’s weighing his options,” Chad said.  “He’s still dealing with his recovery, so… he’s gotta take it easy.”

That was a political answer if I’d ever heard one.  Chad hadn’t talked to his father in months, so we hardly had a clue about what Bill was up to.  At one point Pam had texted to say he wouldn’t be at the wedding—since he’d been invited too—but that was about it.

I wanted to change the subject, and I suddenly remembered how these guys were among the first gay-married couples we’d ever met.  I was tempted to ask them about that, but I forced myself not to.  I didn’t want to tip my hand to Chad, at least not at that point.

It was just as well.  Chad basically wanted to talk shop, and the other guys went along with it.  They started throwing out so much jargon that I could barely follow what they were saying.  But Chad was clearly enjoying himself, and I knew how much this stuff meant to him.  So I just stood there, smiling and nodding and sipping my drink.

I couldn’t help noticing when Congressman Wheeler made his way through the crowd.  He acted like he was walking a rope line, shaking hands and making small talk.  He was clearly a pro at this, and he made it look natural.  So did his wife, who was trailing behind him.  I found myself wondering if Chad would be like that someday, and if so, whether I’d be the one trailing behind him.

A couple of ditzy bridesmaids walked up beside me.  They were both going on about the decorations.  “These arrangements are so cute!” one girl was saying.

“I know,” the other replied.  “Claire had the idea when we were ten.  Don’t you love it?”

I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes.  Having grown up with Amy, I knew it wasn’t unusual for girls to start planning their weddings as kids.  But as a guy, I could hardly imagine giving it serious thought.  I was pretty sure gay weddings were different, but I wasn’t exactly an expert on the topic; I’d never actually been to a gay wedding myself.

Eventually I went to the bathroom, which was the closest thing I had to alone time.  While I was on the toilet, I got on my phone and pulled up Vitruvian Men, which was still my gay website of choice.  I checked to see if its forums talked about gay marriage, and sure enough, they did.  A lot of the posts were from Nick and Jay, the YouTubers I’d connected with before.

I immediately started writing them a note.  I hadn’t talked to Nick and Jay in over a year, but I figured that could be a good thing: it meant they could be honest with me, without any biases getting in the way.  Not to mention the fact that they didn’t know Chad, so there was no risk of him getting wind of it.

I was still trying to formulate my thoughts when an ad popped up.  Apparently Vitruvian Men knew where I was: it advertised a jack-off party nearby, which it said was one of the biggest in the South.

“Excuse me,” came a voice.

I jumped and tried to hide my phone.  Then I realized the voice was just coming from a speaker.

“We’d like to invite everyone to come back outside, where dinner will be served.”

I stood up from the toilet and pulled up my pants.  By then my dick had gotten really hard.  The thought of jacking off sounded awesome, but I told myself I’d need to wait at least a few hours.  I stuffed my boner in my tux, zipped up my fly, and tried to hide my horniness as best I could.

Of course Chad picked up on it regardless.  He didn’t say anything, especially since we were in front of mixed company, but he clearly knew what was up.  When we sat down to dinner, I noticed he’d developed a boner of his own—though he was trying to be as discreet as I was.

We sat through what seemed like an awful lot of speeches.  Seth’s brother made fun of him, after which Claire’s mom gave a weepy talk, and a parade of friends and relatives threw in their two cents.

Chad and I exchanged glances.  He seemed as impatient as I was.  As good as he looked in that tux, I couldn’t help wanting to peel it off of him.  I imagined pulling off his bow tie, then undoing his vest.  I wasn’t sure if I’d rather unbutton his shirt by starting at the bottom and working my way up, or doing it the other way around.

I suddenly felt Chad’s hand on my lap.  I couldn’t see anything, since our tablecloth covered everything under our waists.  Even so, there were a bunch of other people sitting right beside us, and I didn’t want them to know I was getting felt up.  Slowly but surely, Chad’s hand made its way toward my crotch.  He didn’t go inside my pants, but he didn’t need to.  His touch felt just as good through the fabric, as he started caressing my shaft.

I wanted to return the favor, so I discreetly reached under the table.  It only took me a second to find his dick, and it was just as engorged as I’d hoped.  I was dying to see that cock in action.  I wanted to watch him jack off; I imagined his ballsack bouncing up and down, the way it always did when he pounded his pud.  I craved that soft smacking sound, overlaid with those groans and grunts he made when he was getting close.

Maybe it’s a good thing the speeches went on for so long.  It meant we didn’t need to talk to the people around us—because I don’t think we could’ve kept a straight face.  By the time the dancing started, we were so turned on that I was worried about creaming my pants.  We forced ourselves to take our hands off each other, sit back, and wait for our boners to die down.

The party went on well into the night.  I could tell Chad wanted to leave, but he stuck around for appearances’ sake.  When we finally did head out, the moon was almost right overhead.  We were staying nearby, in a quaint little place overlooking a bayou, but we barely made it back.  Chad was a little tipsy, and he spent the whole Uber ride staring longingly at my crotch—and I knew what that meant.

The moment we stepped in our room, and we shut the door behind us, he stuck his hand down my pants.

“Fuck,” he said, “I need this dick so bad….”

I wasn’t about to stop him.  “It’s all yours baby.”

Chad got on his knees and opened my fly.  Without missing a beat, he took my dick in his eager hungry mouth.

“Oh shit,” I said as I felt his lips tighten around my shaft.

“Mm,” Chad mumbled.  He was clearly relishing this.  It was a hell of a sight, with him still dressed up, looking all fancy and formal while he sucked away.  Chad pulled my pants about an inch further down, so he could fondle my balls.  His own dick was clearly straining in his pants.  I thought I saw a spot of pre-cum soak through, but it was hard to tell, with the black tux and all.

I was still standing up, but I couldn’t complain, not with the waves of pleasure rippling through me.  I just let my mouth hang open while I enjoyed the ride.

Chad worked my cock and balls as if his life depended on it.  He ran his tongue in circles, then flicked it back and forth, while he kept sucking harder and harder.  As he did, he used his hands to heighten the experience, caressing me one moment, then squeezing me the next, always with just the right amount of pressure.  He made me feel so good that I had to force myself not to cum.

I heard a moan through the walls, and I realized we weren’t the only hotel guests going at it.  I tried to gauge if the others had come from the wedding too.  I knew weddings were well-suited to hookups, and I was sure plenty of others were as horny as we were.  Come to think of it, Seth and Claire could be fooling around themselves, it being their wedding night and all.

Chad took his mouth off my cock.  “Fuck me,” he said.  Then he turned around, yanked down his pants, and offered me his bare ass.

“Oh hell yeah,” I said.  I reached for our toiletries, and I greased up his hole.  I teased him a little as I did it, dabbing at his pucker, savoring the feeling of his flesh against my fingers.

“Fuck, I love you,” he said, “and I love you in my butt.”

“I love you too,” I said as I got into position, pressed my cockhead against him, then made my way inside.

“Oh yeah… oh shit….”

I slid the rest of the way in, till my pubes were pressed against his cheeks.  His hole was nice and tight, which sent tingles up my dick.  I thrust in and out while Chad worked his ass, massaging my shaft with his sphincter, just the way I liked it.

So there we were, two guys in tuxedos, fucking away.  We still had our shoes on and everything, and we hadn’t even started unbuttoning our shirts.  But we were so into it that we didn’t want to stop.

I still couldn’t get over how lucky I was.  I kept thinking how Chad was so fucking sexy, not to mention incredible in bed.  I was sure he could’ve had any guy he wanted, especially seeing how Flynn and Jean-Jacques had lusted after him.  Yet for some reason, which I still didn’t really understand, Chad was with me.

“Oh god, don’t stop… god, I love getting fucked….”

“You can get this dick anytime you want it.”

“You promise?”

“Yeah,” I said as I pounded him harder.

“Oh fuck,” he said.  “It’s my fucking dream dick….”

Those words made me want to ravage him that much more.  I wanted to make out with him, but in that position I couldn’t.

“Give it to me deeper,” he gasped.  “I want it all inside me….”

“Then let’s do this,” I said as I pulled out of him, yanked his pants down the rest of the way, and undid his shoes.  Then I pulled everything off, so he was naked from the waist down.

Now, at long last, Chad could properly spread his legs.  He rolled over on his back—still wearing his vest and his jacket—and his gorgeous cock and balls flopped into view.  I wanted to play with his package, but Chad had other ideas.  He looked right into my eyes as he gripped my dick and guided it into his mancunt.

I started pumping again, and I leaned down to kiss him.  I still couldn’t get over the feeling of his lips massaging mine, or his tongue exploring my mouth, or his breath against my skin.  I fucking loved it just as much as the actual sex.

I saw a glint of silver, and first I thought it was the light, but then I realized it was a gray hair.  It surprised me at first, but then it turned me on even more.  After all, when I’d first met Chad, he was a clean-shaven freshman.  Now he was almost a senior, with a beard and his first gray hair.  I couldn’t help thinking what he’d look like years later—probably a silver fox or something—and I could only hope I’d get to see for myself.

I pistoned harder and harder into Chad, which made my ballsack slap his ass louder and louder.  Chad grabbed my butt cheeks and massaged my glutes while I fucked him.  I wanted to keep making out with him, but he was breathing harder and harder.

“Oh fuck,” he gasped.  “Omigod….”

“Cum for me,” I said.  “I know you want to.”  Then I positioned myself to hit his prostate, which I knew he would love.

“OH FUCK!” he yelled as I hit the spot, and his body shivered with pleasure.  Then I hit it again, then again.

I was getting close myself, but I forced myself to hold off.  I wanted to see Chad get off first.

Finally he arched his back and let off another bellow: “O-O-O-OH SHIT!”  Then he busted his nut all over his tux.  Ropes of cum shot across his vest, his shirt, and his jacket.

That was it for me too.  Ecstasy coursed through every part of my body.  “Oh baby,” I gasped, just before I pumped him full of my sperm.

Chad seemed to relish taking my load.  “Yeah,” he said with an eager look on his face.

I let out a few last gasps as I finished shooting.  Then I stopped my thrusts, but Chad kept gripping on my ass, keeping my penis embedded inside him.

“Fuck, I needed that so bad….”

“Me too,” I said.  A second later, I heard another groan through the walls.  “Apparently we’re not the only ones….”

“Apparently not,” he said.  “Except I get to enjoy the best dick of all.”  Then he clenched his hole a little, which gave my cock a nice squeeze.

“Oh jeesh,” I said.

“What?  It’s true.”

I had to admit the feeling was mutual.  I kissed him one more time, and I kept thinking how incredible it felt to have this dude in my life.  I couldn’t imagine making love to anyone else.  Not now, not ever.

I’d basically made up my mind that I was going to propose.  I just didn’t know when, or where, or even how to do it.  I was definitely nervous: after all, it would be a yes-or-no question, so there was always a chance I might not get the answer I wanted.

I spent the next day secretly brainstorming.  We spent most of that day in New Orleans, where Seth had popped the question to Claire.  I have to admit it was a pretty cool setting, with all those quaint old buildings, not to mention the streetcars and whatnot.  I knew the city meant a lot to Claire, so I got why Seth had proposed there.

At the same time, New Orleans did have a naughty side.  For a Southern town, it seemed really into gay stuff.  At one point we walked by a bar called Napoleon’s Itch, which had to be the silliest name for a gay bar I’d ever heard.  I also kept seeing ads for that jack-off party I’d been hearing about.

I was trying to gauge how I could apply this stuff to Chad.  I didn’t want to just copy what Seth had done; I wanted to do something that made sense for the two of us.  I wasn’t about to propose to Chad in a bar, or at a jack-off party for that matter.  Chad was obviously nothing like Claire, and it wasn’t just the fact that he was a dude.  For one thing, he didn’t have any particular love for his hometown; San Diego was cool and all, but he hadn’t really grown up there, and he definitely wasn’t nostalgic about it.

Then of course there was the drama between his parents, which I wanted to avoid at all costs.  To be honest, that was the part that worried me the most.  I knew Chad was pissed at both of them, and he had a lot of strong opinions about their fuck-ups.  Their biggest mistake of all was having rushed into things when they were young, and they’d let their passions get the better of them.  Chad acknowledged that this had brought him into the world, but even so, he didn’t want to follow in their footsteps.  I just kept hoping against hope that he hadn’t soured on marriage in general.

As soon as we got home from our trip, I messaged Nick and Jay, and I asked them for advice.  I knew they’d been through a lot with their families, so I figured they’d know what to do.  But their response wasn’t quite what I expected.

Hi Scott,

Long time no talk—great to hear from you again.

Yeeeeah, when it comes to family problems, we’re probably not the right people to ask.  Our families are as fucked up as they come, so we avoid them as much as we can.  We barely even talk to our brothers and sisters, and forget about our parents.

You actually seem better off than we are.  If your parents are mostly on board (except your boyfriend’s dad) that’s more than we’ve ever had.

Anyway, when it comes to proposing, only you know if that’s what you want.  If you think your man wants the same thing, then go for it.  As to exactly how, just do what feels right for you—



I actually felt a pang of nerves.  I’d assumed they’d be excited for me, and that they’d encourage me to go for it, but their note sounded pretty downbeat.  It was also a little short, as if they were giving me a courtesy response.  I had to wonder if Nick and Jay were having marital problems of their own.  I hoped they were okay, especially since they’d been through so much, and their online personas had always seemed so upbeat.  But at that point I didn’t want to pry.

I spent that night tossing and turning.  I kept staring at Chad as he slept naked beside me.  A couple of times I curled up to him, put my arms around him, and listened to the soft purr of his breathing.  Snuggling with him always made me feel safe, at least till Chad rolled over, and I had to find a new position.

At some point I realized Chad had never visited my family.  I didn’t think he was missing much, at least not in Naperville, since it wasn’t exactly a world-class destination.  But my parents were pressuring me to come visit, and it was close enough to Chicago that I thought it might be worth the trip.

At first it seemed like the stars might be aligning.  The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of popping the question there.  I figured if I wasn’t going to propose in Chad’s hometown, I might as well do it in mine.  Between the city and the suburbs, I was sure I could find a memorable setting, maybe somewhere by the lake, or at the top of one of the towers.  More importantly, I did have a lot of memories there: after all, it was where I’d first explored my sexuality, and where I’d come out to my family, among other things.  It seemed like I could bring things full circle by getting engaged there—assuming it all worked out.

Of course Amy couldn’t pass up a chance to be an annoying sister.  I hadn’t told her what I was doing, since I wanted it to be a surprise, but this might’ve been a mistake.  She’d started dating O’Mac’s brother, a guy named Dylan.  As soon as Chad and I confirmed we were coming, Amy had the bright idea of bringing him home to Mom and Dad that same weekend.

I thought about changing my plans, but I eventually decided not to.  I figured Chad and I could always make time for ourselves, just the two of us.  I still wasn’t sure exactly how I would do it: I didn’t want to do anything kitschy, like a flash mob or whatever, and I definitely didn’t want to steal Amy’s thunder.  I told myself I’d figure out a way, though the more I thought about it, the more I found myself on pins and needles.

There was also the matter of the ring.  I didn’t know a thing about jewelry, so I had to learn about it online.  It was surprisingly hard to find time when Chad wasn’t around.  I mostly had to do it from my phone, either between classes, or while I was on break at work, or whatever.  It definitely pulled me down a rabbit hole, and it forced me to make a lot more decisions than I’d ever expected.

I did notice there weren’t a lot of engagement rings for men.  Despite all the talk of gay marriage, almost all those rings were made for girls.  They looked super feminine, and they showed off some big fancy diamond that I couldn’t afford.  It took me a really long time to find stuff that seemed to work: it had to be nice but affordable, elegant but masculine, fitting Chad’s personality, and so on and so forth.

The size was an issue in its own right.  I’d never thought about it before, but now that I was actually shopping around, I realized I needed to figure it out.  After all, it would be a helluva buzzkill if Chad couldn’t actually wear it.  I liked to think that he and I were the same size—since we did fit into a lot of the same clothes—but I wasn’t sure if that was true for rings.  Chad’s hands seemed a little beefier than mine, so I was worried about the ring being too tight.  On the other hand, I also didn’t want it too loose.

While all this was going on, we did get one piece of good news.  Chad’s parents’ divorce saga was almost over, and it wasn’t a minute too soon.  They’d apparently gotten pressure from the judge, so they’d agreed to set aside money for Chad and Patrick’s educations.  I wanted to feel relieved, since it meant Chad wouldn’t need to drop out of school.  But it also drove home the point that marriage was serious stuff, and there was always a chance of things going south, which could have major ramifications on not just us but the people we loved.  It made me that much more anxious, to the point that I was starting to get cold feet.

Chad could tell something was off.  “Are you okay?” he asked.

“I’m fine,” I said as I put my arm around him.

“You’ve been acting kind of weird.”

“Weird how?”

“I dunno, just… not quite yourself.”

I was dying to tell him the truth.  I wanted so badly to tell him how much I loved him, and how I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.  But I knew if I did, it would spoil the actual proposal.  Then again, I also didn’t want Chad to think I was lying to him—even though I technically was—since that could fuck things up even more.  “I’m just glad this divorce shit is over,” was the only thing I could think to say.

“Yeah, no kidding.”

I pulled him in for a kiss, and as I did, I felt more butterflies in my chest.  My lips met his, which made me let out a little gasp, and I clutched his body even tighter.  Chad seemed to want this just as much as I did; he ran his hands up my back as he made out with me.  I pressed my body harder against his, and as I did, I felt his boner press against me.

“Mm,” he said almost involuntarily.

I looked down at his crotch.  “You want me to take care of that?”

“If you want,” he said.  “You know it’s yours for the taking.”

“I hope you mean that,” I said without thinking.  I tried to stop myself mid-sentence, but it was already too late.

“Say what?” Chad asked.

“I-I mean… I do want it.  I just….”  But then my voice trailed off.  I didn’t know how to finish my sentence.

“Listen,” he said, “if you’re still thinking about the divorce—”

“I’m not.”

“Then what is it?”

I wanted to tell him how nervous I was, but I couldn’t.  “I-I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“Well, like I said, you’ve been acting weird for weeks now.  Like when you get on your phone, and you act all secretive about it—”

“What—do you want to see my browser history or something?”

“If it’s not about my parents, then what the hell is going on?”

I sighed.  “It’s about Amy,” I said, and I told him the most plausible story I could think of.  “She’s worried about what we’ll think about Dylan.  She… well, she didn’t want me to say anything.”

“Seriously?  Is that what this is about?”

“I didn’t want to make things awkward with O’Mac.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not O’Mac.”

I was about to ask him what that was supposed to mean, but this time I stopped myself.  I didn’t want to complicate things any more than I already had.  “I-I’m sorry,” I said.  “I should’ve told you.”

Chad chewed his lip.  “Well… I mean, I’m sorry too.  I shouldn’t have assumed you were up to something.  I guess… well, I guess it’s my family’s fault for fucking me up like that.  Not that that’s an excuse….”

“You’ve got nothing to apologize for,” I said, and I gave him another kiss.  Chad responded just the way I’d hoped: he wrapped his arms back around me, and we went back to making out.

I assumed we were going to have make-up sex, but then again, we hadn’t had a full-blown fight.  We ended up just jacking off to porn.  Chad put on one of our favorite videos—the one with Nate, Vince, Flynn, Logan, and Darren—and we played with each other’s cocks as we watched it.

We took it slow, so we watched the setup and the foreplay and everything.  Chad still had the hots for Flynn; I could feel his dick respond whenever the dude was onscreen.  Not that I minded, since I got pretty horny for Nate.  In that particular scene, the guys were at a nudist resort.  It started with them lounging on the deckchairs, casually chatting, all buck naked of course.

I thought back to the first time we’d watched this.  I could never forget that fateful first visit to San Diego.  At the time, it had seemed like Chad and I had been together for ages, and that we’d come such a long way.  But looking back, all that had just been the start of a much longer journey. I had to wonder if I’d someday feel the same way about where we were now.  Maybe when we were older, our years of dating might seem like a prologue to the rest of our lives—or at least I hoped they might.

Onscreen, Nate and Darren had finished chatting and were now making out.  Nate’s dick was standing at full attention; it clearly couldn’t wait to get down to business.  I couldn’t look away, and I felt my hormones start to surge through my body.

Chad seemed to know just what I wanted, without me needing to tell him.  He ran his fingers up and down my shaft, and he gave my cockhead a tickle.  Then he started applying more pressure.  He went slowly at first, then gradually picked up the pace.

Chad’s own dick was throbbing by now.  Flynn had joined in the makeout session, so now all three guys were kissing and caressing each other’s bodies.  Logan and Vince were also enjoying the show; they quietly played with themselves as they watched.

I wrapped my hand around Chad’s cock.  I made sure to rotate my palm as I stroked him, to give him maximum pleasure.  Chad reacted just the way I wanted: his lips fluttered as he let out a deep breath.

I couldn’t help thinking of the ads we’d seen before, which had advertised a club’s jack-off party.  As much as I loved group sex, I dug our own jack-off party even more.  After all, I was stroking with the sexiest man I knew, with no judgment and no awkwardness, while our favorite porn stars put on a show.  To me, this was hotter than anything we could’ve done at a club.

By now Logan and Vince were full-on pounding their puds.  Darren reached down to Nate’s package and started jerking him off.  Flynn stood up and offered his dick to Nate, who obviously couldn’t resist; Nate took it in his mouth and started sucking away.

Chad and I were basically gooning.  We let our horniness wash over us, and we savored every second of it.  We had to signal when we got close to the edge, to make sure we wouldn’t go over it.  Whenever that happened, we took our hands off each other’s cocks, and we took a little break and just watched.

By our second or third break, Darren had started blowing Nate, who in turn was still blowing Flynn.  Logan and Vince were also playing with each other; they started making out while they tugged at each other’s dicks.  Finally Logan got on his knees and sucked Vince’s cock.

I put my arm around Chad and pulled him tight.  I had to wonder if this might be our last time fooling around as mere boyfriends.  I ran my hand across his cheek, pulled his face closer to mine, and gave him a slow and sensual kiss.

“Mm,” Chad said.  “Someone’s being awfully affectionate.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked between kisses.  “I love you.”

“I love you too….”  Then he locked our lips together, and he wrapped his body around mine.  We lay down on the bed, side by side, and our dicks jousted against each other.  Both of us were leaking pre-cum, which smeared all over our pubes and our thighs.

We kept making out for a little while longer, but then Chad started kissing my jawline, then my Adam’s apple.  Finally he made his way down my neck, nibbling my skin as he went.

I let out a deep breath and leaned back against the bed.  The guys onscreen were still blowing each other: their bodies were writhing back and forth, and their moans were blending together.  Part of me wanted to follow their lead—I wanted to suck Chad’s dick, and I wanted him to suck mine—but I knew it would get us off too fast.

Chad played with my chest hair a little, then ran his tongue around my right nipple.  He suddenly clamped down his lips, which sent a ripple of pleasure through my body.  He used his mouth to massage me, while he used his free hand to play with my other pec.  After a minute or so, he switched sides: he sucked my left nipple while he fingered the right.

I ran my hands up and down Chad’s back.  I wanted to play with his body too, and my raging boner was begging for attention.  But in that position, the main thing I could do was trace his muscles and tendons, which turned me on in its own right.

Eventually I brought Chad’s other hand to my mouth, and I started sucking his fingers.  I gave his ring finger particular attention.  With any luck, I thought, it might be my last chance to play with it in its bare virgin state.  I took that finger as deep in my mouth as it would go, till it was almost tickling my throat, and I locked my lips around its base.  Then I went to town on it, circling my tongue around it, sucking as if I was giving him a blowjob.  In the back of mind, I was still trying to gauge if I’d picked the right ring size, but I tried not to let it show.

Chad responded the same way he always did: he groaned with pleasure, though he couldn’t say anything with his mouth still full of my flesh.  Finally he stopped working on my pecs, and he brought his face back up to mine.  “Fuck yeah,” he said as he kissed me again.

We exchanged a few more kisses, after which Chad lay down behind me, and he wrapped his arm around my chest.  He knew how much I loved cuddling with him.  The two of us spooned for a while, with both of us savoring the feeling of Chad’s skin against mine.

Meanwhile, the guys onscreen were getting ready to fuck.  Logan sat back in his chair, while Flynn climbed on top of him.  Logan gave Flynn a little tease, smacking his dick against Flynn’s ass.  Flynn seemed more than ready for action; he took Logan’s dick in his hands, and he guided its cockhead to his boyhole.  Then, slowly but surely, Flynn lowered his body and took Logan deep inside him.  Finally he started gyrating his ass while Logan pumped away.

I couldn’t help thinking of our own encounter with Flynn.  The image onscreen looked a lot like what we’d seen in person, with Flynn expertly riding a guy.  I hadn’t forgotten how Flynn had wanted to ride Chad, yet Chad had turned him down and had fucked me instead.  I still couldn’t believe Chad had done that; I knew how much he loved jacking off to Flynn’s videos, both before and after our encounter.  Even now, Chad couldn’t seem to take his eyes off the guy, and his eager boner kept pressing against my back.

I kept trying to figure out what this all meant.  Did Chad really think I was hotter than a porn star?  Then again, I knew Chad liked watching and being watched, and he’d made a point of letting Flynn see him cum… was that the bigger issue?  I didn’t want to crimp Chad’s style, since it was part of what was so sexy about him, but still… did I need to worry about his wandering eyes?

Flynn was bouncing up and down on Logan’s lap.  He was clearly enjoying himself: his whole body was heaving back and forth, and groans of pleasure were echoing from deep inside him.

Vince had an eager look on his face.  He was obviously itching for action of his own.  He got down on all fours, and he offered his hole to the others.  Nate and Darren both jumped at the chance to fuck him, but Nate got there first.

“Step aside,” Nate said.  “This ass is mine.”

“C’mere,” Vince said to Darren.  “You can have me too.”  He guided Darren to the other end of his body, then licked his lips at the sight of Darren’s cock.  Then Vince went down on the guy, just as Nate was piercing Vince’s hole.

Chad reached down to my shaft, and he gave it a soft stroke.  My nerves tingled at his touch, and I think he could tell.  He ran his fingers around my balls, then traced the folds of my ballsack.  He seemed to track my every move, making sure I was into it, adjusting himself along the way to give me maximum pleasure.

I wanted to return the favor, so I reached behind my back, and I stroked his penis too.  Chad was still oozing pre-cum, so I made a point of smearing it over his cockhead.  He threw his head back and let his mouth hang open, though he never stopped pleasuring my package.

We went on like that for a while, playing with each other while we watched the guys fuck in various combinations.  I kept thinking I wanted to keep doing this indefinitely: it was one of many things I wanted to keep doing with Chad.  I thought of all the years we had ahead of us—or at least I hoped we did—and I tried to guess what those years would have in store.  I hoped they’d be full of new experiences, along with plenty of masturbation, lots of blowjobs and rimjobs, Chad plowing my boyhole and letting me plow his, all till death do us part.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Chad suddenly asked.

“Say what?”

“I dunno, you just… you still seem really skittish.”

I tried to act casual, but the truth was that I was quivering with anxiety.  I liked to think that Chad wanted me as badly as I wanted him, but there was no way to be sure.  “I’m fine,” I said, and I tried to make it sound like I meant it.

“Well… if you’re not, I want you to tell me.  Don’t be sugarcoating shit.  I dealt with enough of that growing up.”

Those words almost made me melt.  I loved how Chad kept showing how much he cared about me.  I hoped this was a good sign, but I knew I couldn’t take anything for granted.

By now, the guys onscreen were starting to cum.  Nate went first; his cock convulsed in his hands, and his jizz flew over his shoulders.  Then Flynn positioned himself on top of Nate, and he busted his nut in Nate’s face.  Vince was up next, following right behind Flynn and giving Nate another facial.

“Mm,” I said to Chad.  “I want you to do that to me.”

“Oh fuck yeah,” he said.  By now a thin strand of pre-cum was hanging off his cock; I made sure to snag it for myself, and I gobbled it up.

I laid my head down and marveled at the cock and balls above me.  I knew them so well, right down to every vein, every pore, every hair, you name it.  They were still as sexy as the first time I’d laid eyes on them.

Chad started beating his meat, and his ballsack bounced back and forth.  This was the porn I really wanted.  I wasn’t even paying attention to the video, where Darren was fucking Logan.  All I wanted to see was my man getting off.

I could tell Chad’s breaths were getting deeper and deeper.  The anticipation was driving me crazy, and my own dick kept throbbing harder and harder.

Finally Chad’s balls contracted, and his whole body shuddered.  Then, a second later, his nectar burst out of his cock.  I opened my mouth and closed my eyes, as I felt more warm juices splash on me.  I lost track of how many ropes of cum hit my face; one of them hit my tongue, while another one went in my hair, while another one spurted on my nose.

“Mm,” was all I could say.

“Oh shit,” Chad said as his dick finished shooting, and he slowed down his strokes.  “Oh fuck yeah….”

I wiped my face with my hand, and I lapped up the excess cum.  I let it roll around my tongue for a while, then finally gulped it down.

“Okay,” Chad said, “now it’s your turn.”  Then he plopped down on the bed and assumed the position.

I wasn’t about to object.  Chad’s cum had almost sent me over the edge, so I knew it wouldn’t take me long to finish.  I got up and put my package right in Chad’s face, making sure to give him a really nice view, the same way he’d done to me.  Then I started wanking away.

Onscreen, Logan had his legs open wide, and Darren was fucking him missionary.  I couldn’t help thinking how Logan was the first dude I’d ever seen getting fucked.  He was also the first one I’d full-on beat off to.  It felt like a lot of things were coming around, or at least so I hoped.

Logan let off a primeval grunt, and he busted his nut on his chest.  At first his cum was hard to see—his abs and his pubes just glistened in the light—but by the time he finished, it was obvious.  Darren kept on pounding away, till he suddenly pulled out.

“Oh yeah,” I said as my orgasm hit me.  Pleasure cascaded through my nerves, and I felt my body shudder just as Darren’s shuddered too.  Then my dick erupted on Chad’s face, while Darren shot on Logan’s hole.

Chad took my cum like a champ.  His open mouth caught most of it, though a few splatters went every which way.  As soon as he could, he clamped his lips around my cock, and he drank up what was left.

“Oh fuck,” I gasped while I finished stroking.  My dick was super-sensitive now; it shivered a little as I tried to catch my breath.

Chad swallowed, then opened his mouth and smiled.  Streaks of cum were still dripping across his face.  “Well,” he said, “I hope you liked that as much as I did.”

“You’d better believe it,” I said, and I leaned down to kiss him.  It was a particularly tasty kiss, with the residue of our loads mixing together, and I savored the feeling of Chad’s beard against my face.

Finally we gave each other one last peck on the lips.  We didn’t bother cleaning up; we just lay there, our faces still smeared with cum, and we eventually fell asleep.

Our flight out was uneventful, or at least I made it look that way.  I basically had to smuggle the ring in my luggage.  I’d picked it up from the jeweler’s in secret, while I was on my break at work.  The ring was small enough that I could hide it in my pocket, but I was still wary of airport security.  I hadn’t forgotten that time when a TSA agent had opened my bag and pulled out my dildo, right in front of Chad.  This time I left my sex toys at home, stashed the ring in my suitcase—in a secure inner pocket—and I made sure to check the bag.

My dad picked us up when we landed.  We were the first ones to get there, since Amy and Dylan would be flying in the next day.

It felt downright surreal to take Chad into the house where I’d grown up, especially my old bedroom.  After all, I’d lived there since I was ten, so it was where I’d experienced a lot of my sexual awakenings: from playing with myself, to playing with girls and eventually with guys.  Now here I was, openly taking another man in my bed, getting him situated with towels and toiletries and all the other stuff you give guests.

I kept trying to relax—or at least act like it—but the truth was, I was freaking out inside.  I was getting perilously close to the moment of truth.  I spent most of that night tossing and turning with anticipation.  I kept wondering if all of this was worth the risk; after all, I’d already landed the guy I loved, so I wasn’t sure how much further I should go out on a limb.

The next day was basically a blur.  I do remember digging through my suitcase while Chad was in the shower, grabbing the ring, and stuffing it in my pocket.  I also remember getting on the train, just the two of us, and heading into the city.  It was the first time I’d been on that train since my slut phase, when I’d used it for who-knows-how-many hookups—before I’d realized I really just craved one dick in particular.  The same sexy dick that was now right beside me.

When we got downtown, I showed Chad the Loop.  We walked to the Bean and took selfies—since that’s pretty much required for anyone on Instagram—and then we walked along the lakeshore.  The whole time, I kept trying to find the perfect setting, the perfect moment, to finally pop the question.  It was just my luck how shit kept getting in the way, from obnoxious bystanders to noisy construction sites to whatever else.  At one point Chad stepped in dog shit, which made him swear like a sailor while he scraped his shoes on the grass.

We ended up by the river while the sun was going down.  Chad and I were both hungry, so we stopped at a little restaurant.  We were the only ones sitting on the patio, looking across the water, watching the boats go by.  The city’s hustle and bustle seemed to echo above us, but where we were, it was quiet.

I suddenly realized this was my chance.  “Uh,” I said, but then I couldn’t finish my sentence.  I’d completely forgotten what I’d planned to say.  “There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.”

“Say what?”

“Well… I-I mean I know you said I’d been acting weird.  And I guess I’d, well, I’d been thinking about… you know, when we graduate and have to find real jobs and stuff….”

Chad frowned.  “Uh-huh….”

“Well, you’re such a great guy, and you deserve all the best in your life.  And I mean that, I really do—”

“Where are you going with this?”

Oh shit, I thought.  I’m fucking this up.

Chad’s face seemed to get deadly serious.  “Listen….”

“Let me finish,” I said.  “I just… well, you’re the funniest, sexiest, most incredible guy I know.  I-I know I’ve said no matter what happens, I want to be there with you… and want you to know how much I mean it.”  Then I got down on one knee, and I pulled out the ring.

Chad’s jaw dropped open as he realized what I was doing.  I’d never seen him so shocked in my life.

“Chad Matthew Collins,” I finally said, “will you marry me?”

He seemed completely speechless.  His mouth fluttered a little, and he tried to form words, but they all got caught in his throat.

I felt like I kneeled there for ages, though it was probably just a few seconds.  It was like we were both in some out-of-body experience.

Finally, at long last, Chad cleared his throat.  Then he said something I hadn’t expected.

To be continued….

Published 3 years ago

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