Coach Kennedy’s Lesson

"Bridget always gets what she wants, and she wants Patrick"

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Bridget Sweeney rolled her eyes as she listened to the other cheerleaders complaining about having to run laps because they got caught smoking between third and fourth period by Mr. Kennedy, the boys’ gym teacher and the cheerleading and competitive dance team coach. Stupid spoiled brats she thought, everyone knows not to smoke in the second floor bathrooms. Bridget was not above sneaking a quick cigarette between classes, but she was smart enough to use the bathrooms on the first floor that the teachers didn’t use. She knew that because half the cheerleading team had laps to run that practice would start late, and that was a good thing because she could sneak in a quick fuck in the boy’s showers with her boyfriend Tom. Checking her watch and seeing that she was already running late to meet Tom, Bridget slammed her locker door closed and hurried toward the boy’s locker room.

She caught more than one classmate and even a few teachers checking her out as she jogged down the hall, her full C cups bouncing beneath her tank top and her cheerleading skirt lifting high enough to show off her trunks, affectionately dubbed spanky pants by most of the boys in school. Bridget knew that she looked much older than her 17 years, and did everything she could to exaggerate that fact. She was tall, about 5’10”and a slender 125lbs, with long red hair (a gift from her Irish parents), and bright green eyes. It was not uncommon for her to get into the local bars on the weekend without even getting carded; most of the bouncers thought she went to the local university and passed her through without a second thought. She would be lying if she said she didn’t like the attention and the freedom afforded to a teenager that looked and acted like a twenty something. Plus, Bridget was what most adults thought of as a good girl; at least on the surface. She was president of the National Honor Society, captain of the girls’ cross-country team, active in her local church youth group, a straight-A student with a full academic scholarship waiting for her in September at Michigan State University. Bridget also volunteered at the local food pantry when she was not working as a nurses’ aide at the local hospital to get in enough hours to make pre-med a breeze. She was the girl that all parents wanted to have as their daughter; what none of the adults realized though was that she was one of the biggest freaks on Kensington High School’s campus.

Bridget had to have sex daily, if not more than once a day. She had christened almost every classroom in the school, and not always with the same guy. Sex was about power and pleasure to Bridget, not about love. She was always a hit at the weekend parties, mostly because she was going to fuck someone, if not more than one person; and probably would let someone watch. All the boys in her class would fight over her and all the girls thought she was a whore. They were probably right, but while they were so busy being prudes and talking about her behind her back, Bridget was fucking their boyfriends and doing all the things they wouldn’t do. Tom, her current boyfriend, had recently left one of the other cheerleaders, Stacie Campbell, mostly because she wouldn’t give it up; Bridget was happy to oblige him anywhere and in any way he pleased.

Reaching the locker room, Bridget checked both directions down the hall to ensure no one saw her, even though she didn’t care about getting in trouble for being in the boy’s locker room, getting caught would take more time away from getting fucked and that was unacceptable.

“Tom! Are you in here? It’s me.” Bridget said closing and locking the door behind her.

“Yeah, babe, I’m right here.” Tom said, stepping out of the shower. Seeing Bridget’s long shapely legs peeking out from under her short skirt, Tom felt his 8” shaft start to grow hard.

“Mmmmmm, you’re ready for me already huh?” Bridget said, pulling her spanky pants and tiny white cotton thong down and tossing them out of the way. “I don’t have long; Stacie and her skanks have laps to run because Kennedy caught them smoking again.” She reached out and grabbed Tom’s cock in her hand and started forcefully stroking it.

Tom rolled his eyes. “Really, she got caught again? Her dad is going to be so pissed. Stupid bitch will never learn.” He pulled Bridget closer to him and roughly pushed her legs apart so he could stroke her clit. Feeling her wetness creeping from between her shaved lips, he felt his cock grow harder. “Okay, so you’ve only got a few minutes, I guess we’ll have to make it quick. Bend over, bitch.”

Bridget bent forward and grabbed her ankles, showing her ass and glistening pussy to Tom. He quickly lifted the back of her skirt and slammed his cock into her. Wasting no time, he quickly shuttled in and out of her tight snatch while thumbing at her clit. He knew that with the right moves, Bridget could have a full-blown orgasm in under a minute and she was well on her way. Taking no mercy, Tom fucked Bridget as hard as he could; encouraged by the filthy words and moans she was emitting.

“Oh God! Tom that feels so good! Yes, fuck me!” Bridget said feeling the orgasm already building.

He could feel his orgasm building quickly as well, his balls were getting tight and he knew he only had a little while left, so Tom rubbed Bridget’s clit even harder. He could feel her muscles tensing and her moans were getting louder; he knew she was on the brink of orgasm. As his first spurt erupted, he felt her muscles spasm around him, and her knees gave out.

Tom’s spunk mixed with her wetness and made sloppy noises as he slowly thrust into her a few last times. As his erection faded, Bridget could feel cum running down her leg. She knew she didn’t have time to shower and make it to practice in time, so she had to just dress and go. She hoped things wouldn’t be too messy at practice. Giving Tom a quick kiss, she pulled her panties and spanky pants back on. “Thanks babe; I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you after practice.”

Bridget went running to practice at the other end of the school. Hoping she wouldn’t be late or else she’d be running laps after practice and she wanted to get home as soon as possible, it was Friday and she wanted to hit a few bars before bed. Her mom and dad were out of town on business, as usual so no one would even know she was gone tonight. She got to the field just as Mr. Kennedy was walking up.

“Ms. Sweeney, thank you so much for joining us.” Mr. Kennedy said.

“Sorry Mr. Kennedy, I got stuck taking care of something while the girls were running their laps. It won’t happen again.” Bridget said, blushing. All the girls in the school had a crush on Mr. Kennedy, and why not; he was barely out of college, only 25, 6’3” with sandy blonde hair and clear blue eyes. This was his first year teaching, so no one knew too much about him, but Bridget wanted to get to know him a lot better, she just had to come up with a plan.

Practice passed without any incident. As she was walking to her car, Mr. Kennedy stopped Bridget. “Ms. Sweeney, Bridget, hang on a second.” He said. Bridget turned to face him, and saw that Mr. Kennedy had taken off his coaching shirt and was wearing only a wife beater. His chiseled chest muscles strained against the thin cotton. She could see his six-pack through the shirt as well. Bridget felt the muscles in her pussy twitch in arousal, she could still feel the remnants of her afternoon escapade dried on her leg and hoped that it wasn’t as noticeable to him as it was to her.

“Yes, Mr. Kennedy?” Bridget said, brushing her red hair away from her face.

“Please, call me Patrick.” He said. “I wanted to ask you something.” Patrick said, blushing. “And I kind of feel weird about it, so don’t freak out okay?”

“Um, okay I guess. What’s up?” Bridget asked, feeling a little wary.

“Why were you late today?”

“I told you, Patrick, I got hung up taking care of something.” Bridget responded, a little defensive.

“Right, you said that, but why were you REALLY late?” Patrick said, crossing his muscular arms across his chest and leveling his blue eyes at her.

“That is personal, and I am not going to answer that.”

“I would really hate to have to call your Dad and discuss your tardiness with him.” Patrick threatened. “You are one of the best cheerleaders on the team, and I need you to be a leader for the rest of the girls and show them how to act. I can’t have you just coming and going as you please.”

Bridget looked him in the eye and said “Mr. Kennedy, Patrick I mean, I promise I won’t be late Monday, I swear it. I just had something I had to take care of on the other side of school and it ran a minute longer than I thought it would. Monday I will be on the field at 2:45 just like I am supposed to.”

Patrick smiled. “Okay Bridget, but I am going to hold you to that. If you are late there will be consequences.” He walked away and Bridget wondered what he meant by that comment.

At 11:30pm, Bridget walked into Smitty’s Pub wearing a black mini skirt, red corset top, and 4” black patent leather pumps. As usual, the bouncer waved her in without even asking for ID. She walked up to the bar and waved to catch the attention of Jamie the bartender. “Hey babe.” Bridget said to the petite female bartender. “I’ll take a Beam and coke please.”

“That will be four dollars, hun.” Jamie said.

Bridget handed Jamie a five dollar bill and started looking around the bar to see if there was anyone worth chatting up. Tom was great and all, but he was a 17 year old boy with no stamina. Bridget was looking for a man, and hoped she could find one here. She did not want to go to bed alone tonight.

Two hours passed without anything or anyone of value catching Bridget’s attention. She returned home alone. As she was walking into the house she heard a car pull into her driveway behind her. Startled, she turned around to see Patrick’s Ram pulling in. “Um, Patrick may I ask what you are doing at my house at 2am?”

“I thought that was you at Smitty’s. I kept telling myself that my 17 year old star cheerleader could not possibly have been at the bar drinking underage, but here you are.”

“I was at Smitty’s yes. But they let me in, didn’t even ask for my ID. Shouldn’t they be the ones in trouble, not me?” Bridget said putting on the charm and pouting her lips at Patrick.

“I never said you were in trouble, Bridget. I do find it interesting though that while the rest of the girls are your age are at house parties drinking beers, you are at the bar drinking whiskey.” Patrick said, enough under the influence to not care about the fact he could feel his cock growing hard looking at Bridget in her sexy outfit. Even though he was feeling a good buzz, Patrick was smart enough to not do anything to jeopardize his job or his freedom. Bridget may have been a senior, but she was still underage and a statutory rape charge would be hard to explain.

“Okay, so I don’t really like beer or getting groped by teenagers, what’s wrong with that?” Bridget said, getting defensive again.

“I didn’t say there was anything wrong with that, just found it interesting.” Patrick responded.

Bridget could tell he’d been drinking and probably shouldn’t have been driving. “Patrick, you probably shouldn’t be driving. Come in and I’ll make you some coffee. If you want you can crash on the couch and go home tomorrow.” She wasn’t sure if she was offering to be nice or because she really wasn’t satisfied with her one orgasm that afternoon. It would be nice to fuck him Bridget thought. God, he’s so hot, and I bet he fucks so much better than Tom does.

“Bridget, do you really think that’s appropriate?” Patrick said. “I mean it’s obvious no one else is home, and you are going to invite me in where any of your neighbors can see that I stayed the night. I’d lose my job for sure.”

“Fine, then I’ll drive you home and call a cab to bring me back here. You have been drinking and have had more than me. I don’t want you getting pulled over.” Bridget said, putting her foot down.

“Okay, okay, you win. I will come in for coffee and leave in about an hour.” Patrick said, locking his truck and following Bridget into the house.

She got the coffee started and pointed him in the direction of the couch. She tossed him the remote and told him to watch what he wanted while she ran upstairs to change. Bridget was still so aroused, she could feel her hard clit rubbing against her panties and stirring up her hormones. It didn’t help that sexy Patrick was downstairs waiting on her to serve him coffee. She knew if she didn’t relieve some of the pressure that she would be hard pressed to let Patrick leave without her trying anything. Bridget slowly undressed, admiring her body in the full length mirror on her wall. She loved the way her 34C breasts swung as she danced and the gentle tuck of her waist. She had an amazing ass and long legs. Her pussy lips were full without being too large and hid a very sensitive clitoris. Rubbing her hands all over her naked body, she started rubbing one nipple and pinching it while teasing the tip of her finger along her clit. Her lubrication quickly spread and made her clit easily slip between her fingers. Laying on her bed and spreading her legs, Bridget reached for her favorite toy, lubing it first; she slid the vibrator all the way against her g-spot and turned it on high. Feeling the waves of pleasure start low in her abdomen, Bridget began rubbing and pinching her nipples to increase the pleasure. Her pussy twitched as the vibrator tormented her g-spot. She moaned and ground her hips into the bed, it felt so good. Come upstairs Patrick, you know you want to come upstairs. Please just come upstairs. Bridget thought to herself. She enjoyed masturbation, but having someone helping was always better.

Patrick wondered what was keeping Bridget upstairs so long and started wandering up the stairs. He heard a low buzzing noise and fast breathing coming from one of the bedrooms on his left. Peeking in, he saw Bridget on her bed, spread eagle, with a vibrator sticking out of her pussy and one hand pinching her nipples while the other stroked her clit. He could feel his cock start to grow and his balls start to ache. This was wrong; he was not supposed to feel like this for a student. As much as he tried to ignore the desire, he wanted to bury his face between her creamy white thighs and lick Bridget’s clit until she couldn’t take it anymore. He stood in the doorway, watching her body writhe in pleasure and hearing her whimper as her orgasm approached.

Bridget hadn’t seen Patrick in the doorway or else she would have invited him into her bed. The orgasm she had been chasing all day was still eluding her and it was frustrating. Try as she might, she just could not get off. Rather than just trying to get off, she started imagining what she would do to Patrick. She reached over and grabbed her magic bullet; positioning it over her clit, she turned it on high and let the vibration go to work. She let the fantasy play out in her mind:

He’s probably still sitting on the couch watching TV. I should walk right up to him, naked, and straddle him on the couch. I won’t even give him a chance to say no, I’m going to just unbutton and unzip his jeans and pull that amazing cock out. I saw him getting hard earlier, I know he wants me, he just won’t admit it. He wouldn’t know what to do as I slowly licked around the head of his cock, rubbing his balls through his jeans. Mmmmmm, and then I could slowly pull all of him inside my mouth and stroke him at the same time. I bet that would get him nice and hard….

Published 13 years ago

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