Clever May

"Is it enough to just love your husband and be happy. May thinks so."

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I feel like I don’t have to want more, be more, accomplish more, or own more. I don’t have to prove how smart I am. I know I’m just pretty and sexy and happy, but I think maybe that’s enough. Let me tell you a story, and see if you agree. 

I woke up this morning with my beautiful husband’s left arm wrapped around me. I stirred when Bobby started squeezing my boobs. 

I’ve heard mean girls tell me that is just a man copping a feel, but he’s my husband. He gets to cop a feel any time he wants. I don’t even mind when he slaps my ass or squeezes my boobs in front of his friends. Why would I mind if he woke me up with his strong, loving hands? 

I know he’s happy with me when he holds me like that. This morning I also knew he was happy because his long dick was hard and throbbing against the top of my ass and my lower back. He has a very long dick. 

He let go of my boobs and took his dick and rubbed it up and down between my ass cheeks. This always makes my asshole pulse and throb, but we can’t do anal first thing in the morning. My momma taught me that you always have to prep before anal intercourse. Besides, I knew that was not what Bobby wanted. 

My beautiful husband pulled away from me. He sat up, reached for a bed towel, and dried off his long dick, balls, and ass. That’s how I knew he wanted one of my A1 Premium Blowjobs. He’s so thoughtful like that. 

He threw the covers off me and crawled between my legs. He laid on his back with his head down toward the bottom of the bed. I sat cross-legged between his thighs and pulled his legs up over mine. 

He looked so pretty in the soft morning light. He hates when I call him “pretty,” especially if I say it in front of his friends, but with his legs spread, I could see his cute little bottom hole, his big balls, and his long dick, and he just looked so darned pretty! I leaned down and took his long dick in my mouth. Oh, he wanted it bad. He must have been wanting me all night long because his dick was already throbbing in my mouth. I could already taste his yummy pre-cum. 

I pulled off of him. He groaned in frustration, but I wanted to see if his bottom hole was throbbing too. It was! His bottom hole was winking and squeezing in time with his long throbbing dick. His winking bottom hole was so pretty that I just had to laugh. 

“Stop giggling, woman, and suck me!” said my beautiful husband. 

So, I leaned forward and sucked him, and stroked him. I held his balls in my left hand and took his long dick down my throat. It took me two years to learn how to deep-throat my husband. His dick is so long! But my momma was right: If you learn to deep-throat a man and let him cum in your ass, he will never leave you. Bobby will never, ever leave me. 

My husband started panting and shaking. It was nearly time. I let go of his balls and made a fist with my left hand. I set my whole fist up against his bottom hole and pushed hard. I wasn’t trying to get my actual fist in his hole. Bobby wouldn’t like that, and we never talked about me touching his bottom, either, but every time I did it, he came a lot–like he did this morning.

His hips bucked. His bottom hole clenched. His dick stiffened and twitched. Then he came a gusher in my mouth! 

There was so much cum. He pumped three big squirts and four little squirts into my mouth. I always count his squirts. I can’t help it. It’s like a game. How many squirts is how I keep score. This was seven squirts. That’s a good load for first thing in the morning.

I looked up at Bobby and opened my mouth. It was full of his creamy jizz. 

“Why do you show me that every time?” he asked me. 

I frowned and spit his huge load into my hand. 

“Yummy,” I said and gave him a wicked smile. 

I dumped the whole load from my hand onto his cock head. He twitched and jerked and moaned. I spread his cum up and down his long dick and onto his balls. I wanted to rub it on his bottom hole, but that would be a step too far. 

I moaned, pursed my lips, and winked at him. 

“Kiss me!” I said. 

Bobby rolled his eyes, shook his head, and hopped out of bed to get his shower. 


Bobby works as a service writer. Not an underwriter. Not an undertaker. He works at the big Toyota dealership in town. 

I work at the insurance agency down the street from him. We do have underwriters. That’s a fancy word for an insurance salesman. We don’t have undertakers either. That’s a joke. I know that you know what an undertaker is. 

I have a very responsible job. I check on the underwriters. They fill out their forms really fast sometimes because customers can be so impatient. But the computer flags the mistakes, and I have to fix them. Sometimes I ask the underwriter; sometimes I call the customer, but I always have to fix everything or the form is no good. I have a very responsible job. Usually, by 10:00, my work is done for the day. So after that, I help the ladies out front, but first I usually take a bathroom break. 

I needed a break today because my beautiful husband left for work and forgot to give me my climax. Fair is fair and he should make me cum every time I make him cum, but sometimes he forgets. So, I make it a game. Every time he forgets, I Jill off and cum anyway.

I made a mistake one night when he forgot to make me cum: I got mad and said I was going into the living room to Jill off. He said I wasn’t allowed to Jill off unless he watched me. So, I Jilled off on the couch while he watched. He liked that, but I was still mad because I made him cum, and he should make me cum, and not make me sneak off to the living room in the middle of the night.  

The next day, the day after our fight, I was so horny from giving him a show that I had to Jill off again at work. I didn’t want Bobby to be mad because I was Jilling off without him, so I sent him a video. Now, I have to send him a video every time I Jill off. 

Back to earlier today: I was at work at the insurance agency and my pretty clitty was just throbbing from sucking him, pushing on his pretty bottom hole, and making him cum so much in my mouth. After I finished my morning work, I went to the bathroom. I locked the door, set my iPhone on the counter, and pushed the Video Record button. Then I pulled off my panties and sat down on the toilet. I peed and wiped and pointed my pretty clitty at the camera. 

“You were a bad boy this morning,” I whispered to the camera. I rubbed my pretty clit and showed him my wet pussy. 

“Do you see how wet I am?” I whispered. “Do you see how long and hard my pretty clitty is? I can’t work like this!” 

My clit is really big. One day, when we were both working late, and everybody else was gone, I showed it to Sela. Sela is my best friend at work. Her skin is brown but her pretty pussy is hot pink. Isn’t that interesting? Sela thought her clitty was big, but mine was definitely bigger!

Sela wanted to touch it, so I let her. It’s not cheating when you let a girl rub your pretty clitty, or if you lick her little clitty. It literally can’t be cheating. Right? Because it’s a girl. So, I don’t have to ask Bobby if it’s okay or tell him about it either. That’s what I think. 

In the bathroom, I looked into the camera and reached behind my leg with my left hand. I slid two fingers all the way up inside my pussy. Then I pulled them out and put them in my mouth. 

“Yummy,” I said. “So wet. So wet because you forgot to make me climax this morning, you bad boy.” 

I put my fingers back in my pussy. I didn’t need to put them in far: I just slid three of them inside me and pulled my pussy back toward my bottom hole. Oh, that felt so nice, so filling, so hot and nasty to be stretched out like that. It was like having two dicks inside me. 

“So now,” I said into the camera, “now I have to make myself cum.”

I used three fingers from my right hand to rub my clit. I stroked up and down with one finger on each side of my pretty clitty and my middle finger riding up over the top. 

That’s the good thing about having a big clitty: It’s easy to find. The bad thing is that it sticks out and rubs on my panties, but that’s only a bad thing when I can’t slip away to the bathroom to Jill off. 

I stroked down over my clitty, then up under the hood, then up under the hood a little harder. The three fingers inside my pussy were making wet, slurpy sounds.

“You hear that baby?” I whispered into the camera. “I’m so wet thinking about your cock in my mouth. It sounds like there are two huge loads of cum in me.” 

I shouldn’t have said that! The thought of two loads of cum inside me was just too much. My legs started to tremble. My stomach started to contract in waves. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I yanked my three dripping-wet fingers out of my pussy. Then used those fingers to pull back my clitoral hood. My huge clitty was completely exposed to the air, the camera, and my husband’s beautiful eyes. I rubbed the three fingers of my right hand over my clit super-fast. My legs started to shake. I pressed just a little harder, and I came hard, I nearly fell off the throne, but I kept going. I could feel another level approaching. 

That strange feeling was deep inside me. That special tension. It was almost like I needed to pee. Suddenly, I couldn’t stop bucking my hips because I was squirting! I didn’t want to squirt all over the floor, so I kept rubbing my clit but also rubbed my pee hole. Rubbing my pee hole just made me squirt harder and harder. Some of my crystal-cum shot out toward the camera. 

Then … it stopped. 

I sat there panting. I put my trembling right hand up in the air–it was covered in my clear crystal cum. I wasn’t touching any sexy bits, but my clitty was sparking like crazy, and my pussy and bottom were clenching and releasing.  My hips were bucking and twerking. My muscles were like Jello, but my breathing started to slow. 

Now what? What was I going to say to my pretty husband? Should I scold him for ignoring me? Or should I thank him for making me need to cum, for watching me cum, and for making me cum harder by watching?

I took a deep breath. Then I oh-so-carefully used my crystal-cum drenched fingers to pull apart my outer lips. I pulled up, so gently, and showed him my dripping pussy and pulsing clitty. 

“This is what you missed out on this morning,” I said. “Too bad for you, you bad boy!”

I was scolding him, but I ruined it by smiling at the camera. It was a big, wicked, satisfied smile. I reached for the phone, but my hand was so slick with crystal cum that I dropped it on the floor. I managed to pick it up and turn off the video recorder. 

I stood by the sink, naked from the waist down, legs shaking with fatigue. I felt so scattered. I washed and dried my hands. I carefully washed my inner thighs. I took a deep breath, then picked up my sticky cell phone and sent the video to my beautiful husband. 

My phone was sticky with crystal cum, so I had to wipe it off and wash my hands again. After doing all that, my breathing was back to normal, and my clitty had stopped sparking. I pulled on my panties and the rest of my clothes and sighed in blissful satisfaction. 


I was home by 5:30. I ate four Gluten-Free Double-Stuff Oreos and drank a glass of unsweet tea with Splenda. I changed into my pink and white, flannel pajamas–with nothing underneath. 

The baggy bottoms let in plenty of air to cool my pretty clitty. That felt so nice, except that I kinda felt like I was walking around without any bottoms on at all, and that made me feel throbby. Or maybe I felt throbby because I knew my pretty husband would be home soon. Sometimes my little videos have a positive effect on his attitude toward me. I leaned back against the kitchen table and smiled. 

Then I heard his truck pull up in the driveway. He was home early. Bobby came in through the back door. When he entered the laundry room, he was smiling a big, sexy, mischievous smile. As soon as I saw Bobby, I remembered I was mad at him. 

“I’m still mad at you,” I said. 

Bobby furrowed his brow for a second but crossed into the kitchen, set his lunch bag on the counter, and then grabbed both my shoulders. He went right back to smiling like a fool. 

“I have a surprise for you,” said Bobby. 

“I don’t want a surprise,” I said, shrugging off his embrace. “I almost got in trouble at work today because of you.”

“What did I do?”

I said, “You sent me to work with Blue Balls and–“

“Girls can’t get Blue Balls, Sweetie,” said Bobby. 

“Yes, we can, and you should have taken care of that before–“

“Well,” said Bobby, “I’m totally going to take care of that now.”

“So, I sent your video like you wanted, because I have to send one every time I Jill off, and then I came out of the bathroom …” I totally stressed the word “bathroom,” because I wanted him to know I wouldn’t have been in there like that if he hadn’t left me all hot and throbby with my giant clitty sticking out, “… and I came out of the bathroom and Sela said that everybody could hear me going at it in there!”

“Sela?” asked Bobby. “Pretty black lady with giant–?” he made a stacked-out-to-here gesture. 

I ignored his commentary on Sela’s ample bust line, but he had me so flustered that I said, “Yes, she has big boobs and a big clitty, but that’s not the point!” 

That got his attention, and he finally stopped trying to talk over me. 

Bobby stepped back and said, “I’m sorry honey. So, what happened to you at work today?” 

I told him, “I wasn’t Jilling-off for them,” meaning the old ladies at work, “I was Jilling-off for you!”

“You did great, Honey! We loved it,” said Bobby. 

“And then Sela said that if I was going to do that at work, I should do it for the boss and maybe get a little bonus–“

“No,” said Bobby. 

“And then Sela said, ‘Or get an OnlyFans page and make some real money.’ I don’t even know what that means. I don’t want two jobs. I only want one job and you.” Then I paused as my brain caught up with my sweetie’s mouth. “Hey wait a minute!” 

I put my hands on my hips and stared directly into Bobby’s eyes. 

I said, “You said ‘we.’ You said, ‘We loved it.’ Right? So who is ‘we?’”

My face must have been really mean-looking because Bobby took a step back. 

“Well,” he said, “well, your video message came in, and I was alone up at the desk for a moment, so I hit play, and oh my God, sweetie, your video was so freaking hot!”

“Did you show it to everybody at work?” I asked. “Now everybody is going to stare at me, and it’s going to get all weird with the guys, and the girls are going to hate me and call me a slut!”

My heart was crushed because all the guys there were so nice to me, especially Bobby’s work wife, Pedro. I say “work wife” because Bobby runs the service counter and Pedro runs the service shop. So they spend a lot of time together. 

“No. No, babe! I didn’t show it to anyone, but, well, you know Pedro?”

“Your work wife? Your boyfriend?” I said. 

“No, babe. Please don’t call him that.”

I punched him on the shoulder–hard! 

Bobby rubbed his shoulder and said, “Well, I did show him, but no, not on purpose.” He swallowed and said, “I realized what you were sending me, so I inched back into the parts stack, you know, the rows of inventory, and your video was so freaking hot, babe, with three fingers in your pussy, and I’m watching your video and just as you finished cumming and squirting, Pedro peaks over my shoulder. 

“‘Holy shit, Bobby,’ he says in my ear. ‘Look at that big clit!’”

“Pedro likes my pretty clitty?” I said.

“Totally, Babe. So, he made me play it again, then I had to play it a third time in slow motion.”

“So, Pedro saw it, and you didn’t show anyone else?” I asked. 

“No, babe. Honest! But after watching the video with you talking about having two huge loads of cum in your pussy, well, Pedro asked me if he could, well, if we, you know, the two of us, me and Pedro, could double fuck you.”

I was suddenly shy and very aware of his pretty eyes on me. 

“Are you offering me a hall pass with pretty Pedro with the beautiful eyes and the big, thick dick?”

Bobby looked at me funny. 

“Pedro doesn’t have a big dick,” said Bobby. 

I bit my lip and shook my tits at him. “Yeah, he does,” I said. 

 “How do you know if Pedro has a big dick or not, May?”

“I don’t know–know,” I said. “It’s not like I’ve seen a naked video of him Jacking off.”

Bobby looked ashamed. 

I continued, “But he has a big, thick, dick-sized bulge in his pants whenever he sees me.”

“Why that rat bastard!” said Bobby.

I rubbed Bobby’s crotch and said, “He has a  great big bulge,” I rubbed his chest and said, “and he always stares at my boobs.” Then I rubbed his shoulders and said, “And Pedro is always super nice to me!”

“Cut it out, May,” said Bobby. “You’re going to ruin it!” He said, but he was smiling.

Just then, we heard a truck pull into the driveway.

“Is that Pedro?” I asked. “Are you really giving me a hall pass to fuck you and Pedro together?”

“Yes, sweetie!” said Bobby. “Yes. Yes!”

I pulled away from Bobby and headed toward the back door. 

I turned back and asked, “Double penetration? Yes. Say yes. Oh, please! I’ve been thinking about it all day.”

“You got it, Babe,” said Bobby. “DP hall pass. One day only.”

“You go jump in the shower,” I said, waving him away. “I’ll greet Pedro at the door and make him feel welcome.”

Bobby took off running through the living room toward the master bedroom of our trailer. I felt my titties bouncing as I ran to the back door. Pedro knocked. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

“Olla,” said Pedro with a big smile. 

“Oh, Pedro,” I said. He was so handsome with his brown skin, his big smile, and his thick-dicked-sized bulge. “And you brought me flowers! Daisies! How sweet is that? Come in.”

He stepped inside. 

Before he could say anything, I said, “Hallpass. Bobby said I could have a DP hall pass–one day only.”

His eyes were huge as I put my arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. I opened my mouth and licked his lips. I found his tongue with my tongue. He kissed me back–a lot. At last, I pulled away. 

“Hallpass,” I whispered into his ear. “Official.”

“Si,” said Pedro into my ear. 

“You smell like oil and grease,” I said, pulling away.

“I’m sorry, May. Bobby told me to come right over and I–”

I reached for his crotch. I found his manhood. It was super hard and big, really big. I said, “Your dick is even bigger than I thought it would be.”

“Um, okay?” he said with a groan. 

“Oh, I don’t know,” I said, teasing. “It may be too big, Pedro. I don’t know if I can do it. We’ll just have to try and see.”

I rubbed his balls with one hand and his bottom hole with the other. He groaned, grabbed my boobs and kissed me again. 

“Stop that, silly,” I said. “First you need a shower. A quick shower. Yes. Quick one. You smell awful. In there, baby.”

I pointed to the garage where we have a tiny guest suite with a kitchenette, a bedroom, a sitting room, and a shower. It’s for when my momma comes to visit.

“Uh, okay,” said Pedro.

I took the flowers, “I’ll put these in water.” I turned away, then I called over my shoulder: “Just leave your clothes on the washer, Pedro. Come out naked. You’ll find us in the bedroom.”


I waited in the master bedroom. It took forever for Bobby to get done in the shower: like, five whole minutes! When he stepped out of the shower, his long dick was bobbing happily up and down. I kissed my pretty husband, handed him a towel, and shoved him out of the bathroom, and into the bedroom. 

“Momma’s got work to do,” I said with a smile. By “work,” of course, I meant my anal prep. Remember what Mamma said! I won’t bore you with the details, every girl knows how to prep for anal, right? I mean, how often do most girls have anal, a couple of times a week? So, anyway, I finished my business, washed my hands well, and peeked out of the bathroom door into the bedroom. 

I don’t know what I expected to find, but when I looked, I just had to laugh. There was my husband, and his work wife, in bed together. They were leaning back against the headboard, sitting as far away from each other as they could. My husband had his hands behind his head. Pedro was brushing his dark, curly hair out of his eyes. The comforter looked like a circus tent with two giant tent poles. 

Bobby said, “Stop laughing woman, and get over here.”

I opened the door all the way and stood before them butt-naked.

“Wow!” said Pedro. “You look great, May.”

I smiled, stuck out my tongue, and pulled my labia back to show them how big my pretty clitty was for them.

“Oh, my God, there it is!” said Pedro. 

May asked, “Do you like my big clitty, Pedro?”

“I love your big clitty, May. I want to suck it,” said Pedro. 

Bobby laughed. “She’ll let you do it, buddy.”

Then, to me, he said, “Spin around, baby. Show Pedro your sweet ass.”

I did as I was told. I turned and twerked my butt for them. Then I bent over and looked around my hips and right at Pedro. Keeping eye contact, I slowly spread my ass cheeks and winked my bottom hole at him.

“Oh, geez!” said Pedro, rubbing his dick through the covers. He turned to Bobby and said, Thank you, man. Thank you! I can’t believe I get to tap that beautiful ass.”

“Who said you were going to fuck her ass?” asked Bobby with a smile.

“Come on, man!” said Pedro. “Look at her ass!”

“Bobby!” I said to my husband. “You play nice. Pedro is our guest–he gets to fuck my pussy and my ass, and I definitely want that big dick in my ass for our DP.” 

Pedro gasped. Bobby smirked. I ran over to the bed and stopped by Pedro’s side. My heart was bubbling like it was full of champagne. 

“So, let’s see ‘em, boys!”

As one, both men flipped down their covers, and the sight was amazing! My beautiful Bobby is built like a Mac truck: so sturdy and hairy, and he has that long dick that tickles my insides. Pedro was tall, for a Mexican, thin and nearly hairless, except down there. Sure enough, his dick was shorter than Bobby’s but much thicker. They were both circumcised, not that I cared. I laughed and danced.

“My bottom hole is throbbing already!” I said, fanning my face with my hand. 

Then I bent over and ripped the covers all the way off. I crawled between the two men, sat on the bed, and took one dick in each hand. 

“Now,” said Bobby, “about setting some proximity limits.”

“Oh, Sweetie!” I said. “You’re going to be double fucking my pussy and my asshole. Your dicks are going to touch, so don’t get all wonky about it.” 

Pedro said, “Hey whatever man, whichever way you want to go with this–I’m cool.”

Bobby said, “What I was trying to say, before being rudely interrupted by the most beautiful, sexiest wife ever, was that we can, you know, I think it would be alright if, well, I’m just saying that if things touch they touch.” 

Then specifically to me, Bobby said, “But I’m not doing him, and he’s not doing me.”

I stroked both of their cocks and pouted.

“So I can’t rub your dicks together?”

“No,” said Bobby.

“Okay,” I agreed. “So no bisexual frottage stuff!”

I stroked their cocks up and down in unison while nodding my head “yes.”

The boys looked confused, but then they both shook their heads “no.”

I continued to slowly stroke their dicks side by side, up and down, not even close to rubbing their cocks together, but stroking them up and down in unison. 

I said, “But if I happened to be sucking you both at the same time, then I could, you know, if your pretty dicks accidentally touched inside my mouth, well, that would be okay. Right boys?”

They didn’t know what to say to that, so I just laughed, leaned forward, and took my husband’s dick into my mouth. 

I sucked Bobby’s dick and stroked his stretchy skin. When he started to moan, I slid my head further down his dick. Half way. Back off. Three-quarters of the way. Back off. I had to adjust my position on the bed a little, but within a few strokes, I had his long, pretty cock all the way down my throat.

Pedro moaned and said, “Holy crap, Man! How can she do that to your long dick?”

He was talking to Bobby, but Bobby didn’t answer him.

I pulled off that long dick, my lips and chin dripping wet. I smiled at Pedro. 

“Do you think I can deep-throat yours?” I asked Pedro.

“No, baby!” he said. “Don’t try it, May. You might pull a muscle or something.” 

I leaned over toward Pedro and slurped his cock into my mouth. I was still holding Bobby with my other hand, squeezing them both, stroking them together. I was trying to get them to sync up their thrusting movements. 

I pulled Pedro’s dick out of my mouth and said, “Oh, Pedro, it’s too big! I’ll never be able to take all that down my throat!”

I scooted back on the bed, leaned in, and took Pedro’s tool all the way down my throat in one go. Pedro moaned. Bobby laughed. 

I bobbed my head up and down on his cock three more times. Then I pulled off and sucked my husband’s dick into my mouth. His dick went balls-deep down my throat one, two, three times. Then back to Pedro. Three times all the way down. 

Yes, his dick was big and thick, but the top of my throat is pretty flexible. Swallowing his fat cock was actually pretty easy for me, and it sure felt good in my throat. 

When I finally came up for air, my lips and chin were soaking wet. I smiled and sent my husband an air kiss. 

He turned away and said, “Oh no, baby! I’m not kissing you like that. You kiss Pedro.”

I smiled at Pedro. He didn’t flinch. I quickly crawled on top of him and planted my dripping mouth on his.

“Oh,” said Bobby. “That is so gross!”

Pedro and I just moaned. Then I found the tip of his big, fat dick with my pussy and pushed myself down onto his manhood. He started shaking immediately. 

“Don’t come yet!” I begged him. “Not yet.” 

I slid my pussy all the way down on his thick dick and stopped moving.

“Catch your breath, baby,” I said to Pedro. “Easy. Easy. Not yet. We have time.”

His breathing slowed. His thrusting slowed. 

“My turn, May,” said Bobby.

I thought he was going to pull me off of Pedro, throw me on the bed, and fuck me, but he didn’t. Bobby pinned me in place with one hand on my upper back. He positioned himself behind me. It was Pedro’s legs together, then my legs spread out with my knees bent, but with Bobby’s knees in between us. Bobby pushed me forward, off Pedro’s dick, then pulled me back onto his long, pretty pole. 

“Be careful, baby,” I said to my husband. “You don’t want your dicks to touch.”

“Fuck that!” said Bobby thrusting into me even harder. 

I tried not to count the strokes, but I couldn’t help it. Bobby stroked me ten times. Then he pushed me forward off his long dick and shoved me down onto Pedro’s fat cock. I fucked Pedro ten strokes, just to be fair, then I pulled off and showed my dripping pussy to my husband. This went on for a good long time. I had to stop a second time, as the boys were getting carried away and nobody had even touched my ass yet. 

Finally, Bobby slapped my butt cheeks good and hard and said, “That’s enough of that.” 

He pulled out and rolled out from in between us. He kept rolling until he was off the bed, then gestured for me to lay down missionary style. “On your back,” he said. “Legs up and show me that pretty asshole.”

 I was glad to lay down. My legs and arms were getting tired.

“Oh no, baby!” I said. “Don’t fuck my ass with the long pole of yours. Don’t make me take every inch of it. Please, baby. Please, baby. Please!”

He crawled on top of me and set his long, pretty dick against my bottom hole. Everything down there was literally soaking wet from all that good fucking, but my Bobby used coconut oil on his dick anyway. On our wedding night, I taught him what my momma taught me: “Most girls don’t like anal because they don’t use enough lube–so use plenty of lube!” When his dick was good and slick, he pushed forward gently, and his well-oiled dick popped right inside my ass. 

“God, yes!” I said. “Yes, please! Please fuck my asshole baby. I need it bad!”

He was more patient than I was because he eased his dick inside, slowly going deeper and then stopped. I immediately started to buck my hips against his dick, trying to pull him inside. But he wouldn’t move. He just held his dick halfway to my core until I settled–until my rectum settled around his cock and started to relax. 

“There it is, baby!” said Bobby. “Can you feel it in there? Halfway in. Halfway out. Resting. Your bottom expanding.” He grabbed my big boobs really hard and lifted them up for Pedro to suck. 

Bobby said to me, “We’re getting you ready for a stranger to fuck your ass for the first time since we’ve been married. I want you to think about his dick, baby. It’s so freaking thick. How are you ever going to take that thick pole up your ass?”

My rectum pulsed then, pulsed and squeezed. I was mad with desire because Bobby wouldn’t fuck my ass good and hard like he was supposed to. Plus, my pretty clitty was sparking just thinking about Pedro’s thick cock.

Quietly, Bobby said, “Here you go, baby. Here’s the rest of it.” 

He eased forward, a half inch more, an inch, then oh, the last inch! Bobby was balls deep. His long, pretty dick was all the way up inside my ass. 

“God, baby!” I said. “Yes. My beautiful husband. Just like that. Just there. Fuck me with long slow strokes. Your long dick is touching the top of my rectum. I’m so fucking hot for you, both of you. I want both of you in me. Please, baby–make Pedro fuck my ass good and hard!”

Pedro looked up from sucking my boobs and said, “Yes, May baby! You are so hot!”

I looked down at him and gave Pedro an air kiss. Pedro scooted forward and touched his lips to mine. Then I grabbed Pedro’s hair and held his lips hard against mine.

I whispered into Pedro’s lips. “Feel that? Can you feel it through my lips? His long dick all the way up my ass? Then pulling out? Pulling my lips to yours?”

He moaned and nodded his head. 

“Are you afraid of my pretty clitty, Pedro? You saw it in the video and you liked it, but is it too big for you? Or do you want to suck it between your lips while Bobby fucks me?”

Pedro said, “Of course I want to suck it, May. Let me suck your pretty clitty. I want you to cum in my mouth, you beautiful hot wife.”

“Hot wife?” I whispered. “I like the sound of that. May is Bobby’s hot wife.” I ground my ass into Bobby’s dick. “Lick my big, hot-wife clitty, Pedro. Suck it while our Bobby fucks me.”

Bobby must have heard us whispering because he moved his knees up closer to my butt, then tipped his chest away to give Bobby room to operate. 

I said, “Can you see his dick in me, Pedro? Doesn’t Bobby have a pretty dick?”

“Not as pretty as your clit, May.” 

Then his lips were on me. He sucked my clit really hard. I squirmed. He squeezed my clitty between his lips and slid his mouth up and down. Pedro was deep-throating me! 

Bobby could tell I was close. He stopped thrusting into my ass. He held his hips still and let me control the action. I tipped my hips up and down, fucking my husband with my asshole, while I also mouth-fucked our friend Pedro with my giant clitty. So hot. So forbidden!

“God!” I said. “God help me. I’m cumming!”

A huge jolt of orgasmic energy sparked from my heart to my clit, to my clutching asshole. Then I was thrusting and cumming, jerking and cumming, squirting and cumming, then screaming and cumming. I pulled Pedro’s pretty mouth off my clitty, then shoved his mouth back down and screamed. I pulled Pedro off me again and thrust my ass onto Bobby’s long dick. He knew what I wanted–such a good husband–he plunged his dick in and out of my ass, hard and fast. I managed to take five strokes while cumming at the same time. Then I reached up and grabbed Bobby’s face and shook my head back and forth. 

“Stop!” I said. “Please stop!”

The boys froze, but I went into convulsions anyway. My pretty clitty, my giant, sparking, throbbing clitty, shocked my asshole again and again until my body collapsed with exhaustion. Only my heaving breasts continued to rise and fall.

“Wow!” I said. 

“Wow!” said Bobby and Pedro together. 

Even with my eyes closed, I saw stars. Then they faded into warm blackness. My breathing slowed, and I had a wonderful warm sense of falling back into my body, back into my bed. I sighed. Was I ready for more? Or was I beyond satisfied? Maybe one convulsive anal fucklicking orgasm was enough for clever May. But I felt Pedro sitting on the bed next to me. His hand rested lightly on my chest between my big boobies. I also felt Bobby sitting between my thighs. He sat there, slowly stroking his long cock. My beautiful husband was looking right at me and smiling wickedly. 

“Are you ready for more?” he asked. 

I just smiled. 

“Oh, May, Clever May,” said Bobby, “did Daddy and Pedro blow a fuse?”

I nodded and blew Bobby an air kiss. He leaned forward and kissed me. I kissed him back and said, “Thank you so much for fucking my ass so good, baby.”

“Anytime, beautiful,” said my pretty husband.

I looked at Pedro. He leaned toward me. I held up my hand to stop him. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Pedro. Your face is a mess.” I grabbed a bed towel from the nightstand and dried him off. Then I kissed him and said, “Thank you for licking and sucking my giant clitty. Thank you for not being afraid because she is so big and hard.” Then I looked right at my husband while I kissed Pedro. 

Then I laid back and spread my legs wide. 

“Please, Pedro, please dry me off front and back.”

Pedro used another bed towel and wiped my thighs, my pussy, and my butt crack. I continued to looked my husband right in the eye the whole time. To Bobby, I mouthed the words, “So hot.” Then I climbed out of bed. 

Ladies, when you’re doing a DP,  somebody has to be in charge, and that somebody is you. My momma didn’t teach me that, but even someone as sexually inexperienced as me knows who needs to be in charge. Am I right ladies? So, I took charge and waved the boys off the bed. They stood next to me. 

“Bobby, I want you on the bottom.” I patted the middle of the bed for Bobby to lie down. Then I straddled him. Bobby held his cock at just the right angle, and I sat on his pole. Whispering, I said, “Fuck me, baby. Go slow at first. My pretty clitty is still sparking and I need to squeeze Pedro up my ass. Then, I want you to cum in my pussy.” 

I looked at my husband’s work wife: “And you, Pedro, I want you to fuck my ass. Start slow, but once you guys find a rhythm, you can fuck me as hard as you want. Fuck me good and hard and cum in my ass, Pedro!” 

Pedro’s eyes were so big. He nodded. He looked at my pussy sliding up and down on Bobby’s dick. He must have seen something he liked because he crawled between my legs. Then he did something unexpected: He started kissing my butt cheeks first, then he was kissing my asshole!

“Oh my God, Pedro! What are you doing to me? Bobby, Pedro’s licking and kissing my asshole while you fuck my pussy.”

“Pedro’s just like that, baby. He can’t help it.”

I gasped, leaned my big boobs on my husband’s chest, then reached back and pulled my ass cheeks apart. I said to Pedro, “Tongue-fuck my asshole, baby! That’s it. Stick that tongue right in there. Get me ready for your big, fat cock.” I opened my ass to him. I winked my hole at him. I literally rubbed my bottom hole all over his pretty face. 

“Better stop that, baby,” I said to Pedro. “Or I’ll cum again, and you boys will get nothing!”

“Pedro,” said Bobby, “you mother fucker! Stop playing around and fuck my wife in the ass.”

“Whatever you say, friend! But don’t be mad if I spoil her with my big fat cock.” 

Then Pedro laughed. Bobby laughed too. It was nice to hear the playful joy in their voices. Pedro moved up and positioned his cock at my bottom door. 

“Lube!” I said. “Lots of lube. But whatever you do, don’t let your dicks touch!” I laughed, and they laughed with me. I was glad they were okay with some incidental contact. I was afraid Bobby was going to have a problem with that. 

So, Pedro lubed his cock and my bottom hole, and two seconds later, he had his dick in my back door. I was all warmed up, so it went right in. Right in. 

I concentrated on encouraging them to cum quickly. To Bobby, I said, “Cum in me, baby. Cum in my pussy while Pedro cums in my ass. I want double penetration and double creampies. Then Pedro is going to lick it all up, aren’t you, Pedro?”

Bobby laughed and shook his head, no.

Pedro said, “I’ll do you however you want, May. As long as you and Bobby let me.”

“Then it’s time for you guys to fuck me,” I said. 

So, they did. At first, it was a mishmash of pushing and shoving. Their dicks nearly pulled out of my holes, bashing against each other between the two passages. Then Bobby’s cock sprang out of my pussy and I nearly broke his cock in half as I was riding him. 

“Hold on!” I said in frustration. “Pedro, you follow Bobby’s lead: his pace.” Bobby slid his long cock into me slowly at first. Pedro tried to fuck me in time with Bobby’s movement. “No, Pedro,” I said. “You pull out while he’s pushing in. Got it?” 

Pedro grunted and changed his rhythm and suddenly everything clicked. The feeling for me was incredible. So full. So womanly. I felt so sexy and desirable. I had two men in me and they were both getting ready to cum. Two men at once, ready to cum from sliding in and out of plain, old ordinary May. I started to tremble. That made the boys start to tremble, both of them at once. Trembling and thrusting. Thrusting and grunting. Deeper and deeper. 

Bobby came first, letting out a guttural roar. Two thrusts later, Pedro said, “I’m cumming, May. I’m cumming right in your beautiful ass!”

I could feel their squirts. Too many to count. So much cum. All their cum for me. All their cum filling me up, spilling out. I knew Pedro’s cum was dripping out onto Bobby’s dick and balls. I was going to tease poor Bobby about it because I knew he could feel it, but Bobby just shook his head and fucked me harder. 

Then I was cumming. Oh my God! My legs were shaking, my asshole was clenching and  screaming at once. Cumming so hard. Cumming so long. Cum. Cum. So much cum in me. I think my head might have exploded a little bit because there is a little gap in my memory there. I woke up with my head resting on Bobby’s chest. He was stroking my hair and Pedro, well, you know what Pedro was doing: He was licking my asshole again! But this time, I was so spent that his tongue didn’t make me spark. It just felt wonderful, nasty, warm, and loving all at once. Bobby must have had a pretty good time double fucking me because he didn’t even tease Pedro one little bit. 


After a little rest with me in the middle, so romantic, Pedro got up, got dressed, got in his truck, and left. Bobby and I lay in bed, still naked. We dozed contentedly. 

After a bit of a snooze, Bobby stirred. He brushed my hair and said, “It was kind of a rush when I came home, May.”

“Yeah,” I said. “The whole thing was kind of a rush! I totally loved it, Bobby. Can we do it again? Please give me another DP hall pass! This next time, I promise to let you both cum in my mouth at the same time.”

Bobby said, “We would love to do that for you, baby, but you said something earlier, and it’s got me wondering.”

I looked Bobby in the eye. What on earth could he be thinking about? All I was thinking about was my still throbbing pussy and ass, and when Pedro could come back to fuck us again.

“Well,” said Bobby. “I think you said that Sela, the black lady at your work, that she has giant boobs and a big clitty. Right? So, I’m wondering, how do you know how big Sela’s clitty is?”

Oh, no! What was I going to do? Bobby didn’t know that I had licked Sela’s beautiful, big clitty. That we had fingered each other and rubbed our big clitties together. I didn’t want to tell him about her, and I didn’t have to! It wasn’t fair. Beautiful black Sela is a girl and cheating with girls doesn’t count! I huffed and looked away. Bobby pulled my chin up and looked me right in the eyes. 

“Yeah,” he said, “that’s what I thought. We’re going to have to talk about this, and more importantly, we’re going to have to do something about it too!”

So now you know why I feel like I don’t have to want more, be more, accomplish more, or own more. I don’t have to prove how smart I am. I know I’m just pretty and sexy and happy, but I think maybe that’s enough. My husband, and our friend Pedro, sure think so. 

The End

Published 1 year ago

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