It all seems silly now
Where I once stood firm
It’s not a place at all
It took this long to learn
Perhaps with jaded perception
I created an alternate state
A place that withstood time
And so I was never late
Doesn’t that sound great?
But something happened
I allowed myself to love
I nurtured and protected
Despite words said above
I made so called friends
And I let my love show
I allowed myself to feel
Until reality had to let me go
I felt it letting go
I woke in colorful dreams
With no fear or pain in sight
I swam amongst the fantasy
And never slept at night
But here I am again
Awake in absolute real
I thought it would be dark
And too cold for me to feel
I thought it no big deal
It seems I do feel
When it comes to me and you
I will forever fight
Those things that just aren’t true
It doesn’t matter much
When or where we start
We are what matters most
And this is the important part
I’ll forever love you with all of my heart