As we travelled to Club o-X-o our conversation was uncertain. We couldn’t help but wonder why Brenda wanted us to visit a club with a female minder, and why Donna had to dress like she had. All I could say to Karen was Brenda was educating me about her adult world; and the opportunities that came with being sexual with other women.
“Maybe she was trying to shock us, or see how we react,” I suggested.
“Well, I am going to enjoy it,” Karen somewhat surprisingly stated. Then reacted to me looking at her, by adding, “We only going to be there an hour, observing. Let’s just enjoy it!”
I took my girlfriend’s advice, knowing this was part of being Brenda’s official girlfriend and she must be doing it for a good reason.
It turned out that the club was in the dock area and only a ten-minute walk from Karen’s home; though she didn’t know it was there. Club o-X-o location was on the edge of the seedier part of town, the red-light district; about a mile down the hill from “The Rainbow Bar.”
Club o-X-o was in a nondescript, brick-built building and if Donna hadn’t been driving, we would have driven straight past. The featureless structure was so discreet it looked almost derelict especially as all its windows had been bricked up. The only sign of life was a single, dull red light above a black metal security door and a few cars in the front car park.
“We are here girls,” Donna announced over the intercom, and then she lowered the privacy screen.
“I know it doesn’t look much from the outside, but that is done for a reason. I assure you both it is very plush inside. Remember, unlike Rainbows, this club is for members only and, as you know Clare, all those members are women. So relax and enjoy. But first, there are a couple of things things”
“While Karen is dressed perfectly, Clare you going to have to lose those jeans. There is a strict dress code, which says denim is not allowed.”
“I can’t go in there naked,” I quickly retorted, wondering where this was going, though my response seemed to only produce a chuckle from Karen.
“You are lucky, Clare. Brenda has supplied these.”
Donna passed me a large shoulder bag, which I opened. Inside was a pair of black shorts, the material matching my bustier. A wide, metal zip seemed to divide them symmetrically as it ran from the front, under my crutch and stopped only with a couple of inches of material left.
“What sort of club is o-X-o?” I questioned as I held the shorts up.
“It’s a ladies’ club, Clare, and do not worry, others will be dressed like you.”
I looked at Karen. She was giggling again, notwithstanding the fact we were about to enter a lesbian fetish club. She seemed not to care. It now looked like my girlfriend had decided to enjoy herself despite whatever happened to me.
With everyone watching, I slipped the baggy jeans off and then went to take my fake cock off, only to be told by Donna that tonight that was part of me. So I carefully zipped up my shorts, pushing my piece to the right. It was luck that the shorts were long enough to fully cover it, but it was now obvious I was packing a nice bulge.
There seemed nothing else in the bag for my top, my nipples still on show for all to see. I looked around for my blouse. I couldn’t see it and realised that I had left it on the back of the chair at the hotel.
“I can’t go in like this,” I stated, though the walk was almost in the dark, the only genuine light coming from two distant street lights.
Donna smiled and then gave me two black pads to slip into the cups of my bustier. They may have obscured my nipples, but also made my breasts look even larger. To me, they looked huge.
With the jeans now gone, I stepped out of the safety of the car. As I did so, my eyes followed my long bare leg down to my new silver anklet. Our three names, Brenda’s at the top, mine in the middle and Karen’s name hanging under it. The silver stood out, catching the limo’s door light; I knew tonight that my sexuality was on show for all to view.
Donna pushed a buzzer, and a few seconds later the shutter opened in the door. A pair of eyes appeared, which scanned us before there was a click and we were ushered inside.
Standing in front of us was a tall, slender, middle-aged lady with black hair cut into a short bob. She was wearing a black, low-cut halter-top jumpsuit; it was very nineteen-seventies. The suit’s body was pulled tight at her waist, before flaring out as it ran down her long legs.
“I am Millie, the manager here,” she announced with a smile. “Welcome to the o-X-o Club,” she said as she acknowledged Donna.
“So you must be Clare,” she queried whilst looking at me. “I see Brenda was right. You are exceedingly beautiful.”
I felt myself blushing, which I knew was not in character with the one I was meant to be playing tonight. But I did manage to say, “This is the gorgeous Karen, my girlfriend,” and then I held my right ankle out to show my anklet as if that explained it all. Millie looked, then smiled and nodded as if she understood, though I wasn’t sure.
It came as no surprise that Donna was already a member when she showed her card. I followed suit by showing my newly acquired one and then paid Karen’s twenty-pound entrance fee, before signing her in by using a false name. I didn’t know her family name. I had never asked, though I vowed to find out later.
“Clare and Karen, welcome to Club o-X-o. You come on the right night, as I have time to show you around. Wednesday is always the best night for a first visit. Brenda has told me all about the two of you.”
We followed Millie, the club’s front door, now left to another lady whom the manager had called from the front office.
I don’t know if it was me wearing the piece, or the fact that I was already horny, but as Millie spoke, I found my eyes wanted to dart around her body. Checking her out and in part undressing her. My mind began wondering if she was a lesbian, in a relationship, or if she had sex with other members.
I then realised Millie was speaking…
“So the club has been going for ten years. Until the late nineteen-seventies, the building was used for shipping offices. You have to be a woman, but you don’t have to be bisexual or a lesbian to be a member here. Though it helps as most members are…”
Millie told us more, a lot more. It was clear she was proud of the club.
I pulled Karen close, partly in case my eyes betrayed how much they were undressing our host, but mainly to make sure she knew she was safe with me; that she knew she was my girl.
With the manager still talking, we followed her past two sets of stairs. On our right, they went upwards into darkness, and on our left, downwards towards music.
“This is the main bathroom,” Millie remarked as she opened a door on our right.
The sudden burst of light from the bathroom gave me a chance to look at Millie’s nipples. They were pressing hard through the thin jumpsuit material.
The manager caught my stare and smiled. She knew. We followed her through into the darkened rear of the building. It was a bar, come dance floor area, and it was clear that tonight it was not open.
“We don’t use this floor on Wednesdays; we like to keep it compact by just using the basement. But it is always open on Thursdays through to Saturdays or if we hold a function here.”
We returned to the entrance corridor and Millie flicked a light switch on, which illuminated the upward stairs.
“Remember these switches as you might need them if you come up here,” she said as she walked up. My eyes were staring at her tight bottom. You couldn’t miss it, as it was right in front of our faces.
My pussy moistened. I was horny, and my mind wondering if Millie liked anal play.
“Up here is a private area, and another bathroom. We only really use it for functions and lap dances.” Millie pointed to four private booths with doors. I noticed each room was large, with a horseshoe bench seat and, interestingly, a pole in the middle.
Lap dances, I thought as Karen and I glanced at one another. I had heard of them, but I thought they only happened in gentlemen’s establishments.
“We also use this room for daytime dance and pole dancing classes. If either of you are interested, I have leaflets in the front office.”
I was interested, but I wasn’t sure I could afford it. More importantly, I asked myself if this was the sort of place I wanted to come to dance. It felt exciting, strange, enticing, and dangerous.
The club building wasn’t massive, maybe fifty feet wide, one hundred feet long, and it was dark; the upper two floors were only lit tonight with a few dull red rope lights. But there was something about it, a certain charm that made me like the place. However, one thing was for certain; it wasn’t either opulent or obsessive as the club’s name had suggested.
We finally walked towards the music and descended to the basement level, which was surprisingly fairly busy, even though the club had not been open long.
“These are our Wednesday regulars,” Millie stated. “Without them, the club would struggle to open four days a week.”
There were approximately twenty-five customers scattered around. Most seemed to be dressed in what I could only call erotic costumes and they were all women. That wasn’t a surprise, as Millie had said on our tour, “We are all girls here.” She had explained that while the club was exclusively for ladies, it was also firstly a fetish club. It was apparently the only one in the South of England.
My attire fitted in perfectly, while there were five or so, other ladies wearing something similar to Karen’s little black dress. The rest wore leather, stockings, corsets, and even eccentric and outrageous attire. It made me feel strangely at home.
The basement level was quite different from the two above. First, there were the people and then there was the lighting. It was subtle and moody and seemed to bathe light in all the right places, the bar and the stage in a dull yellow, the rest an insipid red. The furniture was leather, yes, a little more opulent, but certainly not a palace. As I looked around, I imagined this place buzzing late on a Saturday night.
With Millie in the lead, we went to the bar. In doing so, I was aware of the other clientele watching us, twenty-five sets of eyes on the newbies.
“This is Macy,” Millie said, as we stood by the bar. “I leave you in her capable hands.” Macy was working the bar. She had a pink tutu on, a white leotard, and white hold-up stockings. I tried not to grin but then remembered what I was wearing.
I ordered two large white wines; Donna didn’t want anything alcoholic as she was driving. She also decided to remain at the bar to give us space. With our newfound freedom, Karen and I sat on a leather couch near the stairs. It gave me the chance to look around, people watch and for Karen and I to talk freely.
“What do think of this place?” I asked, not knowing what I thought of the club myself.
“It feels weird. I certainly wouldn’t come here by myself,” Karen remarked and then moved closer to me.
I agreed and put my arm around her, feeling protective of my girlfriend. Yet, I couldn’t stop watching the young blonde woman wrapping her body around a pole as she danced on the stage. I hadn’t dared tell anyone, but I have always had a little thing for blonde girls. I thought of Jaz, after all, it had been her blonde pubes that had originally attracted me to her.
“She good, isn’t she?” Karen whispered.
I agreed, though I thought with a little practice I could do just as well. I hadn’t told Karen, Brenda, or for that matter, David that I used to dance to an under-eighteen national competition standard.
We just sat there, observing the young dancer go through her routine. It didn’t take long for my eyes to undress her. She only wore a small white string bikini as her top seemed to of disappeared halfway through her routine.
As she danced, a few of the audience members put money into a little box which was to one side of the stage. I did the same, telling Karen that it was Brenda’s money. The routine ended with the blonde bending over. Her tight bottom faced the crowd, the G-string bikini disappearing into the crevice between her firm ass cheeks. It was a move which brought a wave of applause from the audience.
With the show over, Donna came over and told us that sometimes the shows are more explicit, or even comical, with stand-up comedians.
With our wine now consumed and the conversation not private, I asked Karen, “Have you seen enough?” Thinking she might want to go home, though we had not been there an hour.
“There is something I want to do. How much is left of your other girlfriend’s money?”
“Just over eighty pounds,” I replied, wondering what she had in mind.
With that, Karen whispered something to Donna, who nodded and disappeared, only to return two minutes later and say something to Karen. They were actions which I didn’t understand, but they had spiked my pique.
What were they up to? I asked myself.
It was only a few moments later that I had my answer, Donna leading the way, Karen pulling me by the hand. We climbed both flights of stairs up to the top floor. Then slipped into the nearest of the four private booths, where I was told by Donna to sit on the horseshoe bench seat. She then turned on some low lighting and closed the booth door with a thud.
Karen smiled at me, and then told me, “I hope you got fifty pounds ready. I saw how you were so eager to give ten pounds of Brenda’s money to the blonde pole dancer. Now it is time to spend some of her money on me.”
“I always wanted to try something like this. Maybe it is not pole dancing, but I think you will enjoy it. Donna, please sit next to Clare.”
She did as told.
“Oh, and there is something else. I think it is time to remind you who she came with; I saw you looking at our host… Remember, I am gorgeous or as I would put it; I am your hot little girlfriend.” Karen giggled. “But first Clare, it is time to get your cock out. I have been waiting to see it all night.”
I looked at Donna. She was laughing at Karen being assertive with me; and our change in roles. But I didn’t see it like that. Karen was reminding me that she wanted an exclusive relationship and that I needed to start keeping my eyes, thoughts and even my pussy exclusive to her.
I undid the shorts zip and clipped my six-inch black piece in place. It was the first time I had worn the strap-on with an erection outside Brenda’s apartment. I noticed my girlfriend’s eyes were now staring at it.
With the push of a button Crush by Garbage played through some hidden speakers and with the sound, Karen’s clothed body started to sway to the music. Her hands first caressed her hair and then grabbed the pole as she used it as a prop. Her bum wiggled to the beat, and then she was jiggling in front of me, then before Donna. Her black dress rode higher as she bent over, only to fall again as her pussy promised to come into view.
Had she done this before? I inwardly questioned.
With the beat of the music, Karen sank to her knees in front of me. Her eyes darted up to mine, and then, as she swayed, my virginal girlfriend licked my fake cock. My pussy, already horny, seemed to go into overdrive as I wanted to touch it, rub it. Yet, it was out of reach, contained within my plastic cock’s harness.
Karen’s mouth started to fellate me; her head bobbing with the music. My eyes never left my girlfriend’s face, my mind wondering if she had done that before.
She stood and danced in front of us before turning and sitting, then wiggling on Donna’s lap. Karen was giving our chauffeur a lap dance. My girlfriend giggled, knowing I was watching her every move. Then, with a twirl, she stood and leaned forward to kiss me. I puckered to meet her lips, only to find her slip past them and whisper in my ear, “Enjoying the show? It is fifty pounds if you want me to go further.”
I gave Karen the money; I wondered how far she would go. The music faded away and Duran Duran’s – “Hungry Like the Wolf” filled the room. They were one of my favourite bands and also Karen’s. Her hips swayed, and she stared sing-along as she wiggled; both Donna’s and my eyes never veering from my girlfriend’s body.
Karen’s hands went behind her neck and to the dress’s zip. With one swift movement, she pulled and let the dress fall away. My girlfriend was naked except for her high-stripper shoes. Her body continued to wiggle; to sway to the music. Her audience’s eyes locked onto her fiery bush, her wet gash sometimes winking at us.
She twirled around the pole, then found Donna’s lap as she jiggled on it. Then her eyes found mine, and she smiled, her bottom still dancing on our chauffeur’s lap. With one graceful move, her leg swung from Donna and across mine. Karen was now facing me, her legs on either side of mine. Her cunt was open, enticing and inviting my touch; I was slapped away.
Instead, my girlfriend picked up the tempo and rubbed herself along my erect black phallus. She was masturbating herself by sliding her pussy along my fake cock; her wetness was there for all to see. As Karen rubbed, my mind now wished I was wearing one of Brenda’s customised cocks with the part that went internally into my pussy. That would have given me some instant relief.
All I could do was watch and admire as Karen rubbed herself off on me. My cunt was so wet. I think its juice was now running freely, it was gurgling into my shorts; they were soaked.
I was desperate to cum.
The song finished, and with one loud cry, Karen came from just rubbing herself on my erect plastic cock. She had the look of sexual satisfaction as my girlfriend cuddled into me and caught her breath.
“I want to fuck you,” I breathed into Karen’s ear.
“Not until my birthday,” she giggled.
“In the ass,” I replied hopefully.
Karen kissed me and then smiled as she climbed off me and stated, with another giggle, “When the time comes, I think we should start with my pussy first. If you are good, perhaps you can have my ass after my virginity.”
It was a reply that offered promise. But as I glanced at her juice on my piece, it felt like my frustration was complete. Another night with no sex. My pussy hadn’t been fucked since David had me on Monday night.
I noticed Donna grinning at me. “You are a lucky girl,” she stated, and then left us.
She was right. I just felt sexually frustrated. It was a feeling I didn’t like, but with Karen, I knew for now that I had to accept.
I zipped myself up to make myself decent and then turned to the now-dressed Karen. She was grinning at me, which made me want to pull her close, hold her; touch her!
“Have you ever done anything like that before?” I inquired and then kissed her, before adding. “I liked it; though I was a little surprised you stripped off in front of Donna.”
The last part made Karen giggle, once again.
“I have no problem being naked, Clare. I live in a small terrace house with an older brother and younger sister… and we only have one family bathroom.”
“So yes, they all seen me naked, and I, them. It really isn’t a big deal. If you want to show me off, that is fine. Just don’t expect me to go further than that. I am not a tart.”
Once again, I found myself thinking of my own situation. We lived in a small, one-bathroom house. Yet, I had never seen any of my family naked, not even my seventeen-year-old sister, with whom I had shared a bedroom all my life.
Were we an unusual family? I asked myself.
“As for the rest, Clare; I was improvising, including licking your cock. Though Shana and I have once or twice pretended to give a lap dance on sleepovers, which was maybe lucky for our teddy bears!”
“Clare, I may have wanted to do that, but it was a reminder to you what I am offering. I am no prude. I want to have sex with you, lots of it, but I also want you to start thinking about an exclusive relationship with me. As that is what I will be looking for long-term; when I am ready.”
“I hope that is not for a long while,” I quickly replied; I was not ready for exclusivity.
“Isn’t more the case? Can you wait for me?” I then added rather snappily. I was getting a little irritated, and it did not help that I was horny. I am never at my best when I am sexually frustrated.
“And one other thing Clare, if you are going to spend Brenda’s money on another girl; make sure you spend it on me and not some blonde bimbo pole dancer.”
“She expected a tip,” I retorted, which only brought silence from Karen. I may have been right but my girlfriend had made her point.
We left the booth, not saying anymore. I could see Karen’s argument. It was normal not to want to sleep around if you were in a serious relationship.
But were we?
I didn’t think so; at least not yet.
I had never thought about falling in love with another woman. I was sure that with me, it was not possible. I had only fallen in love with men. My relationships with Jaz and now Brenda were built on close friendship and girl-on-girl sex.
For the first time in my life, I had found what I wanted. It was David. He accepted me for what I was, bisexual and a bit of a slut. He was allowing me to have my freedom and explore my sexuality. I knew deep inside, that the day would come when I would settle down into a monogamous(ish) relationship. But, until now it had never occurred to me that a committed relationship could be with another woman.
I followed Karen down the stairs; it was time to head home. Though my pussy was wet and demanding attention and my mind was trying to take in what Karen had just said. The timing of her words had taken me by surprise and made me think.
Millie was standing there, smiling. “I hope you both had a good time.”
We said we did, and then I thought of something I needed to ask her. Though I thought it was best done in private, so I held back as Karen and Donna went to use the bathroom.
“Millie, I am interested if there are any advanced dance lessons as it was something I used to do when I was younger, but had to give up. Now I am considering doing it again, but it will depend on the price.”
“Advanced?” Millie questioned. So I explained that I used to be the Southern England Junior champion, but gave it up when I was nearly eighteen.
“But if I take it up again, I want to keep it my secret. I don’t want any of my friends or family to know.” I could see she doubted me, so I explained the big falling out I had with my parents when I gave it up. That they still hadn’t entirely forgiven me.
Karen and Donna returned; they were ready to go. But I needed to take my strap-on off and use the bathroom.
“I see you both in the car,” I slightly dismissively said. I wanted a little more private time with the manager.
On my quick return, Millie was in her office, and bending over. She was getting something out of the bottom drawer; my eyes were once again drawn to her tight ass, my pussy responding… my pulse now a little quicker. I didn’t understand why I was so sexually attracted to this older woman. She seemed to ooze sex and, with it, plenty of erotic possibilities.
“I hope you don’t mind me saying it, but you have a spectacular bottom.” I knew I shouldn’t have said it; my only excuse was I was still horny and my pussy was doing the talking for me. However, for a woman of around forty, Millie’s bottom was perfect. I just wanted to sink my teeth into it.
“Well, it should be the amount of dancing that I do,” she replied, seemly not put off at all by my somewhat forward comment. I also noticed she had held the bent-over pose a little longer than needed.
“This is the information you asked for, Clare. I now remember seeing you dance.”
It was my turn to look questionably at her. Millie explained she used to be a professional dancer doing the show tours and sometimes judged dancing competitions. That was where she had seen me.
“Now I run all the dancing classes here, though the pole dancing ones I mainly leave to Alice, as she is a lot younger than me.”
“And the prices?” I questioned. They weren’t on the leaflets.
“Oh, I am sure we can come to some arrangement, and you won’t need that if you dance with me,” Millie suggested. She was looking at the fake cock and its harness in my hand.
We both grinned, having understood the double meaning.
It was with those words I turned and walked to the car. It had only been a few seconds, but I sensed if I had been any longer, there would have been questions waiting for me.
I already knew I wanted to sleep with Millie. Whether I did so was the only question I needed to answer.
The short five-minute journey to Karen’s home didn’t take very long. But if there had been any tension, it had already gone as we cuddled and kissed one another. I did like her; I just didn’t like the idea of being faithful to her.
Donna dropped the privacy screen and told us, “We have arrived.”
“See you Sunday,” I said. Karen knew tomorrow I was staying at home and I was with Brenda Friday and Saturday. “Next week it’s just the two of us. We can talk. I need time to digest what you hinted to me.”
Karen smiled when I used the word hinted; it had been a compromise. I didn’t want to use told or say a blunt, I was not interested. I just hoped that she would give me time.
She kissed me, and then turned to Donna, “Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed the show.”
Donna chuckled and said, “I did.”
With that, we watched Karen disappear with a wave through her home’s front door. She was home safely and before midnight.
“She must like you, Clare. How many girls give a nude lap dance on their second date?” Donna insightfully remarked.
I agreed though I didn’t spend any time thinking about what our chauffeur had just said. That would have to come another day when not all my thoughts were being driven by my pussy.
It was time for me to get changed back into my civvies and get home myself.
We pulled into the park’s car park near my house. It was close to where I chatted with Jaz on Tuesday morning. I needed Donna’s help to release the bustier, the rest of my clothes already off.
My problem was, I was still horny. I even wondered if our chauffeur would be interested, but quickly dismissed that idea. I needed to get home.
Donna past me the shoulder bag, which seemed now to be filled with all the clothes I had worn today, including my white blouse. With the bustier now off, I sat there completely naked.
“Brenda mentioned I should I should give you a tip.” I passed Donna twenty pounds.
“And a little treat.”
I lay back and spread my legs, making sure Donna could see all of me as I spread my pussy lips. My action seemed to only make our chauffeur laugh.
“I believe Brenda was playing with you, Clare. She knows I am in a relationship, though I have to say your pussy does look like a tasty treat.”
My blush led me to change as quickly as possible, but as I did so, I noticed Karen’s panties in the pocket of the baggy jeans which I had been wearing. On impulse, I picked them up, noticing that they were still damp, and stuffed them into my jeans.
I thanked Donna as she dropped me off near my home.
Later, still horny, I lay in my bed and slipped my fingers into my panties. I needed to masturbate and cum. I couldn’t help it, even if my sister was asleep in the bed above.
I rubbed thinking about the afternoon, the evening and the night; Brenda, Karen and Millie.
It was the last name that I was thinking of, her ass, those legs… dancing with her… when I came. Biting down hard into my pillow, my moan muffled as I gushed into the knickers I was wearing.
They were Karen’s…
Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2024 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.