Sunday morning started a little different to normal. It was Dad, up and making our brother’s breakfast. There was simply no sign of Mum, and that was very unusual. It felt a little strange.
When she did come down and eventually greeted us; it was with a knowing smile, especially when she saw me.
Other than that, life went on as if nothing had happened. My guess was Mum had not mentioned anything to Dad about our brief embarrassing meeting last night, and that suited me fine. I wanted to keep it our secret.
I left home early, not wanting to stay a home longer than I had to. Instead of a train, I caught a Sunday bus, but still managed to arrive at Karen’s a little early. Today was all about meeting her mum, Trish. We had spoken on the telephone a couple of times, and I already knew she was a cheerful sort of lady. But beyond that, it was going to be all new to me.
However, Karen and I had already carefully planned out our story of how we met. There certainly was not going to be any mention of me flashing my pussy. Today wasn’t going to be the day that my girlfriend opened up to her mum about her sexuality.
With Karen, I hoped she could accept me for what and who I am. I also hoped that whatever happened today, Karen would remain a friend. That would be easy to accept, as it wasn’t like we had a real ongoing relationship. For me, our connection was more one of sexual experimentation.
Karen’s parents lived in a narrow terrace house. It had a blue front door which made the house stand out from the others on the terrace, with their dull brown doors. I paused there for a second by the front gate which was painted the same colour as the front door. These rows of houses had been originally built to house the dockworkers but were now sought-after properties. Though narrow, they were long and had lengthy rear-walled gardens.
This would be the first time I stepped into such a place.
I pushed the doorbell and a middle-aged lady with ginger hair answered. She was dressed in clothes that made her look older than her thirty-eight years. It could only be Trish.
I introduced myself.
She had been expecting me and took my coat as I was shown inside. We were standing in a long corridor which ran along the shared wall with the next property. All the rooms were to the right. We walked past the front room and then the stairs. We then turned right, though I noticed three more doors further down the corridor with the one at the end almost certainly the back door.
It soon became clear I had been shown to the kitchen. Karen was sitting at the large wooden table. She smiled but didn’t move as we looked at each other, our secrets still safe.
The kitchen felt homely, deliberately old-fashioned, and I realised this was the centre of Karen’s family home, both in location and when it came to socialising. It was a big room, dominated by a huge Aga stove and its brick chimney above it. However, there was one thing the room was missing, and that was windows. It was as if we were shut away from the rest of the world.
Trish started making us all a cup of tea, and as she did so, she told me all about Karen. She said it was nice she had another friend beyond Shana. I felt sorry for Karen as Trish started to run through her childhood right from the day she was born. It was an action that reminded me of my Mum, but at least there was no photograph album produced.
A hot cup of tea was put in front of each of us, along with a whacking great slice of cake. It was with a smile I checked whether it was in the shape of a turtle. It wasn’t.
As I sat there, I learned all about Karen’s family. Like mine, her Dad’s name was John, but that is where the similarities stopped. She had an older brother, Steven, though everyone called him Steve, and a younger, fifteen-year-old sister, Jane.
This morning, they had all gone to London to watch our local professional soccer club’s big match. Trish told me she had been surprised that Karen had chosen not to go along too, as normally she would follow the local football team. She then added that Karen played for the local under-eighteen side if she was not working.
Until then, I had no idea Karan had any interest in soccer, let alone she played the game. I explained to Trish the only one who now did sport in my home was my Dad, another John. He had recently taken up golf to help him in his sales manager position.
The conversation was like the kitchen, warm and pleasant. In a way, I felt like I was being introduced to the family even if none of them were there, apart from Trish. With the carefully constructed story of who I was and how we met done, I told a very G-rated version of my life. David was mentioned; Sarah wasn’t. And as previously agreed; Brenda didn’t exist!
These were all names that would only come out at the right time for Karen; that is, if she still wanted to be with me.
Just as I left, Trish gave me an invitation to Karen’s eighteenth birthday party. I thanked her and noticed it was going to be held on October 6th at the same Social Club that Brenda was picking us both up from in a few minutes.
“Well, that went well,” I said as we walked down the road towards the Social Club car park.
“I do have more friends than just Shana,” Karan irritably stated.
It seemed that she had been annoyed by her mum’s earlier comment. It was a feeling I knew well, and it made me want to hold her hand. Yet, I just couldn’t, at least not here.
To help, I explained that while I had a wide social circle of friends, there was only one person who I called my best friend, and that was Jaz. I also explained that she was my ex-girlfriend, but we are still good friends. I did not add that I had sex with her only two nights ago, and I was hoping to hook up with her tomorrow.
I then hopefully added, “You will probably meet her soon.”
Karen looked at me and then pulled her coat around herself a little tighter. While yesterday’s weather had been warm and sunny, today’s had turned blustery. There was rain in the air.
“I didn’t know you played football,” I stated. “Actually, I didn’t know girls played the game. We never had the option at our school. For us, it was strictly netball, rounders, swimming or gym.”
“Clare, it was the same for me, but I used to play football with the boys until I started getting these.”
Karen pointed to her small, perky boobs.
“Then they banned me. Though perhaps it was because I was better than most of them.”
We both smiled. Though, for some reason, I thought of David as he was meant to be good at football, too. He was always keen to tell me that, as well as the fact that he had given it all up, so he had time to be with both Sarah and me. I didn’t know much about the game, but I did know each team had a goalkeeper.
“Did you play in goal?” I asked, trying to both show an interest… and be clever.
Karen started laughing, which I knew was at my expense, but it felt good to hear.
“No, I am a little short for that; I am a winger like George Best.”
I nodded. Even I had heard of him.
“What sports do you play?” Karen asked as we reached the Social Club car park.
I thought of horse riding, dancing, and then grinned as fucking flashed through my head. It earned me a nudge, as Karen seemed to have already worked out how my mind worked!
“That doesn’t count,” she said with a smile, which made me once again realise she wasn’t that innocent at all.
“Dancing,” I said. “But please keep it to yourself as I have not told anyone, not David, not Sarah, and certainly not Brenda. I want to keep it a secret until I have time to show my talent.”
I looked at Karen and grinned once again. This grin was meant to be innocent, but I received a second nudge, which made me chuckle as nudging was what I did! Receiving them was not normal, but it did remind me that they could work both ways.
I was enjoying my conversation with Karen. She seemed to be open to talking as we stood there. So, I went on to explain about my dancing and that I had been quite good at it, winning several competitions.
Karen explained she had all but given up playing football as now she worked most Saturdays.
“Anyway, once you turn eighteen you need to play for an adult woman’s team and I don’t know of one that is local to here.”
As we stood there chatting, I explained about Brenda and her ‘occasional’ swearing. I also filled in a little more about her and what I had said to her yesterday, though I knew that was not necessarily what Karen wanted to hear.
“I am just not ready for a monogamous relationship with you, Karen. It is not just Brenda, I also have David to think about. I am going through a phase in my life where I have a chance to sexually experiment, and I don’t want to keep that a secret from you.”
“Okay, I understand. We are still young.”
I wasn’t sure if Karen sounded a little disappointed, but if she was, it was no more than that.
It was at that moment that Brenda’s car pulled into the car park. I was thankful it was her normal pale blue mini and not the purple limo.
With brief introductions, Karen got into the car’s rear seat and I joined her. I then put my arm around her and pulled her close. It was an act to make sure she felt wanted.
The short journey to the “Anchorage Pub” was one where Brenda talked about herself. Unlike yesterday, there were no details. She certainly didn’t mention her personal life or money. Despite not having any reason to be, I had the impression Brenda was a little nervous. I knew this was a first for her, an official girlfriend whom she had encouraged to date someone else.
In comparison, Karen seemed to be relaxed, her head now lying on my shoulder, her hand resting on my jean-clad thigh, sometimes squeezing it. Though we hadn’t yet talked, it made me wonder if she was trying to claim me.
With us pulling into the pub’s car park and Brenda concentrating on parking her car. I leaned across and whispered to Karen, “Brenda is a millionaire.” I knew my words were selling her hundreds of millions short, but I needed Karen to know.
Brenda insisted on paying for the lunch, just like I knew she would. We were shown to a table at the pub’s rear. This one overlooked the fields and the pub overflow car park, so we were not watching the bobbing boats and the large port-bound container ships today. Strangely, I felt a little disappointed.
We were all dressed similarly in jeans, jumpers, and coats, which now hung on the chair’s rear. With our orders placed, we had time to talk and to get to know one another. But I needed to know if Karen wanted to be my girlfriend still. Now she knew the truth. Which was; that I was going to carry on sexually experimenting with other ladies. I wasn’t leaving Brenda, and though my public persona was one of a lesbian, I was very much in love with David and secretly in a three-way relationship with him and his other girlfriend, Sarah.
Yes, my life was complicated, but yesterday I had got one thing clear. Brenda, my butch lesbian girlfriend, my top, was going to be just that. Right now, it was time to find out if Karen wanted to carry on being my girlfriend. It would be a different and unfamiliar role for me. I was not used to doing the chasing but as I sat there; keeping Karen was the only thing I wanted.
I had to ask the question.
“Karen, now you know what I am like. I am not ready to settle down, especially as I just started to explore this life. I need to know…”
Karen broke into my sentence as Brenda watched on. “I can wait,” she said as her hand rested on my thigh, my other thigh already having my other older girlfriend’s hand on it.
“I have been thinking about it, and I accept you have always been a bit of a slut.”
I was slightly shocked Karen used the S-word, not because I was in denial, but more by the fact it had come from her and not Brenda, who was currently quietly chuckling at what Karen had just said.
“Clare, I also think you are right. We are young, and I need to get out there and see who I am, too. But I want to do that from the comfort of being on your arm. So yes, I do want to carry on being your girlfriend. I will contest with Brenda for your attention. Let’s see where it takes us, but I will not wait forever.”
I smiled. I wanted to kiss Karen, though I knew I couldn’t. Instead, I squeezed both Brenda’s and Karen’s hands as they rested on each thigh. My needy pussy was now distinctly wet in anticipation.
The conversation that followed was light and a little different to the other conversations that resided around the eating area in the pub. Brenda and Karen got to know one another, and importantly, my second girlfriend got to accept my first.
As for me, I tended to look on, slightly giddy. My relationship with Brenda was obvious; we both knew what we wanted and where we stood with one another.
However, it was my relationship with Karen that had me feeling unsure. It was uncertain, exciting and in a way dangerous as Karen ticked every box for me except one… She wasn’t a blonde.
But did that really matter? I asked myself, I knew the answer was no.
With the rain now pouring down, we let Brenda back her car up to the pub door before we jumped in the back. Both Karen and I were chuckling at our rather damp driver.
“You can always walk, my dears,” she rather pointedly stated.
“Well, look at it this way,” I chuckled. “Tomorrow you are going to be in Madrid, and it will be warmer than here, even if it is raining.”
Brenda smiled at me and then pulled away.
Originally, I planned to spend the afternoon with Karen, but the inclement weather meant we had nowhere to go other than staying at her house and talking. Brenda could also give me a lift home.
We dropped Karen off at her front gate with a promise that we go out Tuesday evening if I had use of my mother’s car. With a smile, we said goodbye with a promise that I would phone the next evening.
It wasn’t until we were well up the road that Brenda pulled over, and I carefully climbed into the front seat. Soon after that, as we drove down the main road, I put my hand on her piece.
“Have you anything planned this afternoon?” I grinned.
I didn’t need to say any more.
Brenda and I spent the afternoon in bed. It was warm and cosy. We had time to talk, and importantly cuddle in between those moments when she sexually took care of me. With no pressure of time and our increased familiarity, we explored each other’s bodies. My girlfriend even let me go down on her, my tongue eventually finding her ass. She knew my kinks; like I knew hers.
In between the fucking, we also made love. There were some little caresses and touches that went beyond our mutual sexual pleasure. They felt good.
Later, with three distinct wet patches in her huge bed, we talked, first about Madrid, then next weekend, and then lastly about today. Brenda said to me that she found Karen chatty and nice and whatever happened; she wouldn’t come between us, as she understood if I fell in love with her.
It was a comment that made me think, and one I felt I needed to address.
“Look, Brenda,” I said. “I am not sure if I could ever fall in love with another woman. Jaz and I have been having sex together for well over two and a half years. While we are good friends, there has never been a question of us falling in love. As for us, I like what we have now, companionship and hot sex.”
“I am too old for you, my dear. Though I have never fallen in love with any of my girlfriends, I sense you are special.”
“I know I am,” I stated with a grin and proved it by putting my ankles behind my head.
Brenda chuckled, her eyes focused on my naughty bits.
“I must photograph you like that.”
I smiled and put my legs down.
“How old are you, Brenda?”
“My dear, I’m old enough to know not to answer that question!”
We both chuckled.
She might not be blonde and yes, she was too old, but Brenda ticked a lot of my boxes, too.
There was one last surprise. As I left, Brenda gave me a set of her car keys.
“You are insured, and I will not need it when I am away. Just leave it in the car park, on Friday as I have another set of keys.”
I didn’t know what to say; my mind was racing, my mouth dry. I kissed Brenda and said thank you a few times. All I knew was I must have done something right. As she started laughing and then smacked me gently on the ass as I stepped out of the door.
It felt strange driving an almost new car home. I knew I could not park it in the drive, too many questions. So I parked it in the park’s car park and walked from there, the rain having abated.
It had been a good day, and I stepped into the house with a spring in my step, only to be met with silence and a note on the kitchen table. We have all gone out for a meal. Help yourself to anything in the fridge.
Back to reality, I thought.
It was Monday, and in my hand was the bag I brought from Brenda’s. I had taken the chance to walk around to see Jaz as it was her day off work.
To get there was not far. Right at the front gate and then past the car park where Brenda’s light blue mini was still parked. Then a minute’s walk along the edge of the park and then right again, into the next road. From there, it was less than a minute’s walk; you didn’t even need to cross the road.
Jaz lived that close.
Our houses at first glance looked similar, though Jaz’s was detached and larger. It was because they had been built by the same builder just after the war. But it was there that most of the similarity stopped.
It seemed those two minutes had taken me from a warm, noisy and cramped house to a cold, quiet, empty house. This was mainly because only Jaz and her mum lived there and when I say lived there; her mum only occasionally popped in, as she had very recently moved in with her boyfriend.
I knew my walk might be in vain, as there was no guarantee that Jaz would be there either. With her boyfriend Rob deployed in Germany, my ex was now increasingly staying at Tina’s, her lesbian girlfriend.
So it was a happy surprise to find Jaz opening the front door; I stepped inside and kissed her. It was only then I realised that she had been crying.
I took her hand, and we walked through to the kitchen.
“What’s up?” I asked as I turned the kettle on.
“It’s Rob.”
I guessed as much.
“He said he had started seeing someone. Then had the cheek to ask in the same phone call, could I move to Germany?”
“I just do not know what to do.”
The fact Rob had found someone in Germany was not a surprise. Jaz and Rob had agreed that they would pursue an open relationship during the three years he was going to be based out there. Though, with Rob’s blessing, Jaz had agreed to only sleep with other women. She wasn’t interested in other men. To her, it only ever had been Rob. That is how she ended up with Tina.
“Do you want to go to Germany?” I asked. “If you move and marry, you end up with army accommodation, just like my parents did.”
“No, I am not interested, I like living here, and particularly in this area of the country.”
I poured the tea.
“I’m going to tell him just that, but we can talk about it when he visits. It looks like that is going to be now early November. So, I will be able to make the Sea View (Art déco) Hotel opening on the 24th of October. Tina is going to make sure we have a room.”
Jaz seemed to have perked up a little.
She then asked. “You will still be up for the lezzy show for Rob?”
“Only if David says it okay,” I replied, feeling a little guilty as I couldn’t see him agreeing. I sensed Jaz’s face drop. “Or we keep it our secret, but Rob can only watch. He cannot fuck me like he did before.”
Jaz weakly smiled and then told me. “No Clare, you need to get David’s permission. Don’t cock your relationship up for me as we both know what Rob can be like.”
She was right.
It was ten minutes later, and we were going upstairs. I had a cup of tea in one hand and my bag from Brenda’s in the other. I was planning to surprise Jaz with what was inside it.
Jaz’s bedroom was the same size as the one I shared with my sister. It was also at the front of the house and had a bay window. Though on the left-hand side of the property, not on the right like it was at my parent’s house. The internal layout was also different, as the house was detached and larger. Originally it had four bedrooms, though the box room had been modified years ago to give Jaz a private bathroom.
She didn’t have to queue every morning like I had to do. I was slightly jealous.
Jaz’s bedroom was a room I had been in many times before. The blue wallpapered walls and the bay window, with her dressing table located right in the middle of the bay. These were things that were all very familiar to me, and the same was true of my ex-girlfriend’s double bed.
But things now felt different. We were growing up and finding our way in life. I sensed while my life had direction, Jaz’s was in limbo. Her boyfriend Rob, whom she had met at school, now, lived in another country and married to a new career, the army.
Then there was her job. She worked Tuesday to Friday in a factory clerical role, having dropped out of college. It was similar to the job I had just given up, as it had no future. However, Jaz wasn’t a straight-A student like me. She had often relied on others, especially me, to help her with her homework. Well, that was true until I had my crazy six months. Without my self-centred downward spiral, Jaz may have got through college. I felt guilty about that.
After putting my cup of tea down, I retrieved the black strap-on cock from the bag and showed Jaz.
She started giggling, which was good to hear, and then said, “Are you turning into Brenda?”
“No!” I exclaimed, and then giggled too. Perhaps my ex was half right.
“Karen wants me to use one on her, and I thought of you, as I need some practice.”
“You did, did you?”
It was not the answer I expected. Jaz went on to explain that, though, Tina had said after our stage show that she was happy for us to sleep together again. In reality, she does not like the idea.
“So, if we are going to go on seeing each other, it will need to be done in secret,” Jaz explained and then added. “I don’t have a problem with that, as it does feel like she is trying to retract her promise…”
“And we were bloody good entertainment,” I injected with a chuckle and then realised I did sound very much like Brenda, which brought a bout of giggles from both of us.
I didn’t fuck Jaz straight away. We had all day. Instead, I did something more important, it was something we hadn’t done for months. We stripped off and, once fully naked, cuddled… and talked. The strap-on left almost forgotten on the bedside unit, next to our cups of tea.
As we talked, Brenda’s car was mentioned, and then Karen. I then learned that my girlfriend was missing Rob. She told me she liked Tina, but it wasn’t quite the same.
We were similar as we both needed a man in our lives.
I opened up my inner thoughts to my best friend; it was something I had always done with her. “Do you think Tina is reluctant to us getting together because we are exes? I mean, she seemed happy for you to have sex with Brenda and Paula.”
“I think Tina wanted a taste of you, Clare. You don’t appreciate how desirable you are.”
I inwardly blushed as Jazz continued.
“But I think it was also because it was Brenda, they had discussed swapping before Friday night.” Jaz paused and then carefully added, “I also think Tina worries that we will end up being a couple, though we both know that is unlikely.”
I giggled. There were many worse people than Jaz to be in a long-term monogamous relationship with.
Jaz then said, “Anyway, it’s not important. As I said, we could carry on with this.” She then stopped talking and kissed me. “But it would have to be kept both to the minimum and without Tina knowing. I need her at the moment.”
We had reached a junction in our lives. It was one where there seemed to be so many life-changing possibilities. Could we carry on having secret sex together with so many variables?
Our current main desire was to remain close friends. We both knew this.
It was with those deliberations that I strapped on the black fake cock. As I did so, I sensed it might be a while before we could once again spend a day in bed together.
I climbed between her legs and with the fake cock I slowly made love to Jaz. It didn’t feel strange at all as I slowly moved back and forth, the seven inches of black silicon sliding in and out of my best friend. We rocked, cuddled and kissed until she came, crying out my name as she did so.
After she had come, we experimented. This time I fucked her in one position after the other, with my pussy constantly telling me how much I enjoyed doing this.
When Jaz was spent, I removed it and told her that it was her turn now. She looked at me and laughed, we both knew what I was like. We repeated some of what we had just done. Jaz was now on top, my pussy now awash as I came and came as she used the same fake plastic cock on me.
Once done, we put the well-used piece next to the empty teacup and cuddled and kissed. Our hands once again touched and then explored our familiar bodies.
We paused from having sex again.
Instead, we had a shower together. Then Jaz made another cup of tea and above all, we chatted, just like we used to do. My best friend told me she didn’t much care for using a fake cock on me but was pleased she had tried it. While I said the opposite, which once again brought the remark that I was turning into Brenda.
We chatted, and I learned about what Julie, Mandy, Marie and Sharon had been up to. These were the four other girls I had gone to Majorca with. I got an update on each of them.
Later, after a lot of cuddling and giggling, Jaz asked me to fist her, just like she had done to me during our Friday night show. This seemed to be her new thing. It was something she had started doing with Tina. However, Jaz’s girlfriend had never mentioned anything about it to me when I slept with her. With me, Tina had been nothing but a gentle and considerate lover.
When I asked Jaz about how she got into this, she became a little shy, but eventually explained it came from being told by another girl and then experimenting on herself. Tina was just a willing partner and was both a fister and fistee.
For the first time in my life, I was going to fuck another girl with my fist. Jaz was going to talk me through what to do, and I knew the bottle of lube would certainly help.
This was Jaz’s thing and would remain our secret.
With a plastic sheet on the bed and both my hand and her pussy lubed, I worked my digits into Jaz’s cunt. She instructed me until it was fully inside her, and then I just carefully moved back and forth. My lover was now rubbing her clit, her fingers expertly working it. While my hand became just a giant dildo as she came and came.
Her body’s response to this sexual act made me wonder why we had never tried this before last Friday. It was with no surprise, once Jaz was spent for the second time, my pussy reminded me that it wanted the same done to it. Last Friday’s stage show hadn’t been forgotten by either me or my cunt.
We carried on our slippery sex for over an hour, finishing on something more familiar; us scissoring. We then collapsed into an oily heap. Now done, it took us another hour to clean and tidy up. After a quick lunch, we curled up together still nude, my arm wrapped around my longest lover.
We dosed there in sexual contentment, our thoughts staying with us as we felt each other’s body warmth. Both of us now knew this was going to be the last time that we slept together for some considerable time.
As I walked home, I had tears in my eyes. I didn’t think it was the end of Jaz and me having sex together. But I knew there was a chance it could be. At the very least, it would be a long time before it could happen again, Jaz needed Tina.
We both had issues to sort out and things to do. We always had. But now we were adults and had the addition of other responsibilities. Jaz needed her new girlfriend to support her, to help her stop feeling lonely. She also needed to find a way forward with Rob, though I was not sure whether that was possible unless my best friend moved to Germany.
I had my issues too, but at that moment, it seemed to me that the two-minute walk to Jaz’s house now was a very long way.
However, what I did not know was what awaited me at home could change my life…
Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2024 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.