“Clare” – Chapter 12:- Brenda’s Girl – “Rainbows – Part 1”

"Brenda's set's Clare a little task to do, it is part of her lesbian education..."

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The Rainbow Bar, or as most people called it, “Rainbows” was firstly a drinking establishment, primarily used by females of the city, as it offered a warm, friendly place to socialise.

Situated in the heart of the gay quarter, Rainbows was the best-known city lesbian bar. It was certainly very different to Club o-X-o; that place felt almost clandestine. The Rainbow Bar was anything but that, as it was often advertised in the local papers, especially, The City Echo.

Of course, not all its clientele were gay women. Many were straight and there were always a few men dotted around. However, the thing about Rainbows is that it seemed to morph depending on the time and the day of the week.

At lunchtime, the courtyard became a popular restaurant, while most evenings the place would have live bands or some form of music. But the big nights were Friday and Saturday when they had a deejay and opened up the back of the main room to become a dance floor. It was when the city’s lesbian crowd moved in and took over the place.

After Paula parked on one of the nearby backstreets, we walked towards the bar; the streets becoming livelier with each step. I was in apprehensive anticipation, my mind inquisitive and alert; and my stomach a little queasy. I needed a drink to relax me and help me find my groove.

Once again, Brenda’s hand had slipped under my long cardigan; it was resting on my bottom. With my heart pounding so strongly, I wondered if she could feel it beating.

We walked in past the security lady who gave a warm greeting to both Brenda and Paula, as they were both regulars. It was only eight, still quite early, and after getting our drinks at the bar, we retired to a booth at the rear. It was near the small dance floor; a popular spot.

On the booth table, I noticed there was a reserved sign. Brenda removed it and told me she had phoned ahead and booked the table. As far as I knew, you could not do that, but then again, my girlfriend often surprised me, so I didn’t bother to question. 

As the light outside started to fade and with a glass of white wine in my hand, I took in Rainbows. My particular interest was watching the new customers coming in the door. I was wondering if they knew Brenda and whether I would be introduced to them.

However, Brenda and I weren’t sitting there in silence. Sometimes she would say to me, that so-and-so, or then ask me what I thought of this lady. She was trying to understand my perspective on the vibe within the room. I felt on edge, even nervous, which was unlike me. It wasn’t long before I needed a second drink, the first one having seemed to have evaporated.

With Brenda gone to the bar and my long cardigan still covering me, I chatted to Paula and got to know her a little better. She told me that she had been in several long-term relationships since Brenda, but had for now chosen to live the life of a single woman.

As we talked, the background music became just a gentle noise. I knew in another hour, the deejay would start playing her music and the bar clientele would be invited to dance.

The dim inside lights were taking over as darkness fell.

Brenda returned with a bottle of champagne. I should have guessed. She poured me a glass, Paula happily drinking nothing more than Coke Cola. It was getting close to the time when I knew my girlfriend would ask me to remove my covering cardigan and show off my body to her gay friends; many of whom were bull lesbians.

I shivered at the thought.

With my girlfriend’s arm back around me, I snuggled up to her. The champagne tasted perfect as I looked across the ever-increasing crowd that continued to fill the room. Tonight, like Saturday nights, Rainbows didn’t close until 2 AM.

“My dear, you need to relax. No one here is going to bite.”

I realised I must have looked as nervous as I felt; though I was also curious, and, of course, horny. With a large swallow, I finished my glass of champagne, which my girlfriend quickly refilled.

“Do you see Helen over there?” Brenda indicated to a lady who was a similar age to her. She had curly strawberry blonde hair and was not unattractive; but dressed dull, almost dowdy. 

“Yes,” I replied, suddenly very unsure.

“She would be a good choice for a first date, as she is kind and interesting to chat to. She is also single.”

The trouble was I felt no attraction towards her. I knew Brenda wanted me to regularly have sex with other people and, in a way; she was just like David, as they both preferred their women on the slutty side.

We glanced at Helen once again. She was looking our way and my girlfriend gave her a little polite wave. I nodded in recognition while my eyes scanned her body once again. She may be a little short for me, but I did notice she had a large chest.

“Are you good friends with her?” I nervously asked, my eyes returning to Brenda. I was sure that at some point in the evening, Helen would introduce herself.

Brenda smiled at me. She could see I wanted to say I was not interested in Helen.

“Yes, my dear. She will be at all my parties, and like me, she has an eye for a younger girl.”

I finished my drink and then asked if I could go out for a cigarette, though as I said it, I realised I didn’t need to ask for permission.

“Be my guest, my dear. Though, be warned, Helen might be out with you in a minute, as she hasn’t taken her eyes off you since we talked about her.”

I glanced her way once again; Brenda was right. Helen was staring at me.

“When you come in, it will be time to lose the cardigan. I want my fellow bulls to see what a hot ass my girlfriend has. Remember, tonight is about you introducing yourself… and picking up dates for the future.

I almost blushed at Brenda’s words; she was talking about “Brenda dates.” These were evenings when I went out with a new, unknown woman; with the view to ending the evening in her bed. There was also one somewhat shocking condition that my girlfriend had put on these dates. That was, I had to agree to do whatever my date asked me to do unless it was dangerous, painful or illegal.

Tonight was the first step to these sex dates, though I did have one get-out clause; I had to agree to them. Brenda and I had talked about it, and she had promised me that there would be no pressure, just a bit of teasing and gentle reminders. For now, it had been agreed that I was not ready for them; especially as I was already dating Karen.

Brenda handed me a refreshed glass of champagne, my third, and I picked up my handbag and headed to the rear courtyard. As I walked, I was thankful that my long cardigan covered the rear of my shorts. I needed a little more time and a couple more glasses of fizz before I took it off. When I did, I suspected my bottom would become the target of many hungry eyes.

Looking around, I chose to sit at the least lit of the high round tables; thinking it was less likely that Helen or anyone else would see me in the falling night gloom.

As I opened my handbag for my cigarettes, I noticed two unused condoms, and I thought of David. Now I was safely on the pill and in a “monogamous” relationship with him. They weren’t needed. But I wasn’t yet ready to throw them away as I knew risky sex and even cheating seemed to be in my blood. I still had urges to look at and have sex with other men. Though I was trying to stay faithful to David. It helped greatly that he had given me the green light to sleep with other women.

I smiled.

Though when that was agreed, I don’t think either of us thought I would be having nights like the one planned for me tonight.

Then there was Brenda. She did not mind what gender I had sex with. The important thing to her was that I did have regular sex with other people; as many as possible. Though her words were a little more colourful…

“Clare, my dear… I don’t care if you fuck an entire football team or, better still, fuck a rugby team, as I believe they have more players.”

She just wanted me to be a slut, and tell her all about it after I had slept with someone.

From behind, someone spoke to me… “You must be, Clare; Brenda’s new girlfriend.” The sentence was followed by a short giggle and then a touch on my arm.

I glanced around.

It was no surprise to see Helen’s bubbling face as she sat next to me without invitation. Then she introduced herself before I had a chance to say anything.

We chatted. Well, Helen talked, and I listened to all about her life and that of her three cats. But to be fair, it wasn’t that bad. She didn’t mind me smoking, and I thought, the longer we chatted, the later in the night before I had to remove my cardigan and put on a show.

However, Helen had this habit of touching you every time she spoke, which was often. Her hand started on my arm, then went under the table and rested on my knee before travelling upwards to my exposed thigh. When it landed there, I couldn’t help but glance towards Brenda.

I wasn’t surprised to see that she was watching Helen’s and my every move. She even gave me the thumbs up, as it was evident she was enjoying our big night. Or perhaps more correctly, watching me put on a show. So, I let Helen’s hand remain where it was, resting then almost involuntarily stroking my thigh.

It wasn’t until I finished my cigarette that touchy-feely Helen stopped talking, and that was because another woman had joined us.

“Hi, I am Shannon,” she said as she introduced herself, and then she gave me a full glass of wine. “I thought you might like this.”

She was right; I did!

Shannon was younger than Helen, slimmer too, but lacked those feminine qualities that I normally found myself attracted to. She had a shaved head, tattoos and a pierced tongue which when she talked, would occasionally catch what light there was.

With now two girls chatting me up; their actions seemed to help dissipate my nerves. That was true, even with Helen’s hand on one bare thigh and Shannon’s on the other; it felt like they were both trying to claim me.

In the end, I made my excuses; I wanted to get back to Brenda. As I stood, the two lesbians simultaneously asked for my telephone number; their words were almost in stereo. That brought a giggle from me. I took their numbers to give to Brenda, but I told them there was no way I could give mine and instead contact my girlfriend. I explained that even though I was out as gay, I could not have a string of ladies phoning my home number, as my mother would go spare.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” They were the first words Brenda uttered when I returned. She had seen it all.

As I joined her in our booth, I realised it had got a little cosier as Tina and Jaz had joined us. That was a surprise to me, as Brenda hadn’t mentioned that they would be there tonight.

“Well, that is two potential dates,” I remarked to all, then passed the two telephone numbers to Brenda. I was quite pleased with myself, though I wasn’t sure if getting two telephone numbers was good or not. We had not discussed how many Brenda wanted me to collect.

But I did know that if I went on “Brenda dates,” then I would be going on them with ladies of my choosing.

Brenda brought something out of her pocket. It was six more pieces of paper.

“My dear, your two and my six make the total eight… and the night is still young.” She chuckled excitedly. “Clare, that is a good start, but it is time to remove your cardigan and show a little more skin. I am sure that will stir a lot more interest in you.”

I guessed Brenda was right. Furthermore, I looked at Paula, then Tina, and lastly, my ex-girlfriend, Jaz. She was dressed similarly to me; though not nearly as revealing. They were all staring at me, seemingly waiting for my big reveal. I just hoped the dim light meant my nipples were hidden. As for my ass, well, there wasn’t much I could do. The lower part of my bottom cheeks were exposed, and it was unlikely Brenda would allow me to sit down all night!

With a false smile, I whipped my cardigan off and looked down, expecting to see my nipples staring back at me. Helped by the dull lighting, it was with some relief that I found my light blue tube top had mostly obscured them.

The champagne had been replaced by Pomagne, a bottle now rested on the booth’s central table. It was a fizzy cider, but also a drink that had the power to make me wobbly after just a couple of glasses. With me already feeling a little giddy, I vowed to slow my drinking down, as I wanted to make it through the night until the bar closed.

In an act of reassurance, Brenda put her arm around me, and together we took in the room’s view; now mainly filled with females.

Relaxing, I looked across the booth to Tina and Jaz and I thought back to Tuesday’s conversation that I had with my best friend in the park. She had told me that with Rob’s permission, she had “all but” moved in with Tina, having only stayed at home twice in the last week.

But that nugget of information didn’t surprise me. Her divorced mum was hardly at home either. Instead, she chose to spend most of her free time at her boyfriend’s. Now Jaz, her only child, had turned eighteen. She had adopted the parenting policy that her daughter was old enough to look after herself.

However, what stunned me was some of the hardcore sexual acts Jaz was willing to participate in with her new girlfriend. This included something she called fisting. It was when Tina inserted her hand into Jaz’s pussy. She had told me that she liked being stretched, and the sexual stimulation of feeling full. It had become my ex-girlfriend’s thing, though it sort of shocked me and yet at the same time… spiked my interest.

In the two and half years Jaz and I were regularly having sex together, it had never come up. We didn’t know about fisting. The nearest we had ever come to it was inserting our fingers; but never a whole hand. I knew we all had our own little sexual kinks, but I couldn’t imagine Brenda ever wanting to do that to me.

At that moment, a lady walked over and spoke to Brenda. I grabbed my glass of Pomagne and sipped, wearingly. It was obvious she knew my girlfriend, but their brief conversation gave me a chance to evaluate this possible new date. She was attractive, possibly in her late thirties, with long straight black hair. She wore a colourful blouse, a short black skirt, and killer heels. But what caught my eye were her long and slender legs; they were made for dancing.  

“This is Linda,” Brenda remarked as I shook her hand. “As soon as the music starts, she would like to have a dance with you.”

With a warm smile, I agreed. She was more my type. If all my dates looked like Linda, I would be happy to dance with them all.

Linda said she would come back for her dance a little later and then walked away in the direction of the lady’s bathroom. As she did so, my eyes went first to her legs and then to her bottom. I could not help but wonder if it was as tight as Millie’s. It was only then I noticed Brenda smiling. She had been watching me and, like David, she seemed to always know what I was thinking, though perhaps I was easy to read.

“Remember Clare, when you dance with Linda, you must be nice to her. Let her touch and explore your body with no restrictions. I want you to act slutty.”

That last word sent a tingle down my spine. It seemed that this year I had been doing a lot of acting slutty.

Brenda then added. “Make yourself available, and do remind them that you are free to date others. I always want to share my girlfriends.”

“I will, as I want that too,” I softly replied; though my mind was still mulling over my girlfriend’s words.

What we were indirectly talking about was Brenda’s rule four: “With Brenda’s permission, I am to be shared sexually with other lesbians.” I had agreed to it, but tonight had got me thinking.

I had Karen to think about, but it was more than just her. There was Millie, though it was unlikely; what if Brenda said no to me seeing her?

Surely that was my decision.

While Linda looked interesting to me, Shannon and touchy-feely Helen just didn’t. It made me ask myself, how many of those six unknown names fell into that latter group?

Inside, I felt uncertainty in this new slutty role. Yes, I wanted to please my girlfriend, but only under my terms. I needed my independence, though I was drawn towards this new, lesbian, slutty role.

“How far do you want me to go?” I whispered. I didn’t want the others to hear.

“My dear, that’s up to your date. However, I would suggest you use the bathroom cubicles if you want to fuck. I hear stall four is very popular.” Brenda’s reply had been so much louder, it was clear she wanted Paula, Tina and even Jaz to hear.

I stared at Brenda; though it wouldn’t be the first time that I had made out in a cubical. Jaz and I had secretly done that a few times in the past. 

“Don’t worry, my dear. It happens frequently here, especially on Friday and Saturday nights. The management has been instructed to turn a blind eye.”

How would she know that I thought?

“The important thing is that you get each lady’s telephone number.”

Each?” I only planned to dance with Linda.

Brenda smiled and then kissed me. The conversation was over.

As if on cue, the deejay started playing music. I took refuge in my glass of Pomagne, knowing that in a few minutes, Linda would come over and ask me for a dance. Then, as soon as I stood up, my ass would go on show to the room. All I could hope for was that she waited until there were at least a few other couples out there on the dance floor. That would give me at least a little cover.

Thankfully, Linda waited a good ten minutes before she appeared. I emptied my glass and luckily, the dance floor had done the opposite. It was already three-quarters full. Hopefully, we would mingle and then vanish amongst the dancing, same-sex couples.    

I stood, breathed in, and then adjusted my stretched bottoms as much as I could. As I walked forward with Linda, I knew there were four sitting ladies looking at nothing else than my tight bum; its cheeks bulging from the bottom of the shorts material.

The strange thing was, as I walked onto the dance floor, there was a part of me excited and, for once, it was not just my pussy. I was beginning to realise that I wanted tonight’s experience, and there was also something else. It was a competitive edge which ran deep through me. That part of me was saying I needed to collect telephone numbers; the more, the better. It wanted to show Brenda and the other three sitting ladies that I was better than the other previous seventeen official girlfriends.

Yes, I wanted to be the best.

Despite the apprehension, it was a combination of my competitive spirit and my pussy’s horniness that won out as the deejay played her music. It was only slow numbers. Linda and I gently swayed together. Her arm around my back, mine around her neck as we whispered to one another. Linda told me how beautiful I was, and that Brenda was a lucky woman. I couldn’t help smiling.

The dance floor was full by our second song, and Linda’s hands were now down on my bottom, just like I knew they would be. She was fondling it. I felt at ease in her arms with my pussy, responding to her every touch.

As time slowly danced on, we kissed and my hands joined Linda’s as we squeezed each other’s bottoms. It surprised me when my dance partner showed me her wedding ring. I hadn’t noticed. Linda told me she was married, and her husband didn’t know that she was bisexual or the fact she was currently at Rainbow’s. He was away.

With my hands long ago establishing that Linda had a firm and shapely bottom, she asked me if we could later get together and use one of the bathroom stalls. My dance partner whispered to me, she wanted to touch me, lick me and make me cum. Then, as the song faded, Linda gave me her telephone number, and in return, I gave Brenda’s. As we separated, she said we needed to get together as soon as possible. How about us having another dance later tonight?

I wasn’t ready to answer Linda’s question. My head needed to get back to Brenda and drink a little more Dutch courage in the way of the Pomagne. However, my body was already thinking about going to the bathroom with Linda so we could explore each other’s bodies.

On my return, I gave Brenda Linda’s telephone number. I was quietly pleased with myself and I sat on my girlfriend’s lap and let her know I was horny as my hand travelled down to her piece and rested there.  

“Not tempted to take her into the Lady’s toilets,” Brenda whispered as she pushed her thigh up and made sure her fastened strap-on touched my needy pussy.

I stifled a groan; which made my girlfriend chuckle. I didn’t want to mention that Linda had suggested just that when she wrote down her number.

With my drink finished, I grabbed my handbag and wobbled my way to the courtyard. Not once thinking about putting on my long cardigan and covering up. I desperately needed some fresh air and another cigarette.

Jaz soon joined me and we both lit up.

“I didn’t know you were here tonight,” I said. Though I was always happy to see Jaz, there had been a small part of me that wanted tonight just to be about me and Brenda. 

“Neither did I,” Jaz replied. “Tina didn’t tell me until I got to her place after work. It would have been nice to have a little more notice.”

“How’s Rob?” I asked, knowing Jaz was itching to tell me.

She went on to say how well her boyfriend was doing in Germany. But as she spoke, I knew she was also blinkered. Jaz never mentioned any of the many negative things about Rob. Though, maybe I was the same with David, as Rob and my boyfriend were, at least on the surface, very similar. But if you dug just a little deeper, they couldn’t be further apart.

“Jaz,” I said, breaking in on her Rob tribute. “Have you told Tina yet about our possible lesbian show for your boyfriend?”

“I am not risking asking David until you get permission from your girlfriend.”

Jaz went quiet, and she took a deep drag on her cigarette.   

“Not yet, but I will soon,” she eventually replied.

I guessed as much. Tina didn’t share her girlfriends, and I knew when it happened, it was going to be a tough conversation.

I then asked, “Are you and Tina going to Brenda’s hotel opening?”

This time, I got a much quicker reply.

“Yes, we have been invited. But we will only go if Rob is not home, as there is a chance he could be back in October. Though now it looks more likely, it will be November.”

“Still a little way off, then?”

“Yes, but at least he soon will know the exact date he is returning.”

Not long after that, we returned to our girlfriends, and I noticed a middle-aged woman dressed in a black concoction sitting between Brenda and Paula. The three of them stopped talking as soon as I approached.

“This is Hazel,” Brenda said. “She is your new dance partner.”

To be continued in part 2…



Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2024 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Published 1 year ago

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