“Clare” – Chapter 11:- Brenda’s Girl – “Getting Ready for Rainbows”

"It is Brenda's turn to take Clare on a date..."

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It was early Friday evening, and I stood there completely naked. I was on show, having been washed, prodded and then buffed by Paula as she tried to make me look beautiful, like a top model.

As I stood there, both excited and yet scared. I looked into the mirror, and my eyes went wide as I found it hard to recognise myself. Paula had done an amazing job. She had even put a little rouge on my nipples to make them more visible. I guessed that Brenda wanted, for them to be seen through whatever clothes the two ladies had chosen for me to wear.

Tonight, at “The Rainbow Bar,” was going to be a big night for Brenda. She was going to introduce me to her lesbian friends as her new “official” femme girlfriend. I was going to be shown off, even touched, like a prize that could be won.

A shiver went down my spine, as that was just it. I could be won. All of Brenda’s friends knew that if I agreed, I would be available to have sex with them. This was one of her rules, show her girlfriends off and then offer them to her friends for use.

Another shiver went down my spine, was it from excitement or fear? Though, I knew the main thing I had to do tonight was… to entertain Brenda!


When I woke on Friday, my first thoughts were of David and Sarah, and their holiday in Crete. They were already in the air and away for only ten days, but I wanted that time with my boyfriend too.

I started the day grumpy, my mood not helped by the fact that I was also horny. I needed regular sex. For the last nine months, with my habitual cheating, sex had been freely available to me. I wasn’t proud of what I did, but I cannot deny I enjoyed the fucking. It was like a drug. I had become hooked on it, but now I was being told to follow some rules and maybe even be faithful.

I knew my life had changed having met, David, a man whom I could see myself living with and even marrying. We were so similar. He had given me the confidence to discover my true sexuality. However, there was one issue; he already had a girlfriend, Sarah. She was a beautiful blonde whom I liked, and now I thought of her as my friend.

David had told me he wouldn’t give her up, but he had then added that he also wanted me and us to live as a throuple- him with two girlfriends!

But could that really work?

I wasn’t sure. Of my friends, only Jaz, Brenda, Paula, Karen, and now my sister Ella knew my true relationship situation. None of them had reacted badly when I told them, which had given me hope when it came to answering that very question.

Today, I felt extremely lascivious, helped by the anticipation of spending the night with Brenda. If my sister had been out, I would have masturbated as I needed to cum. But, despite Ella and me now having more grown-up conversations and even talking about wearing less around each other, I certainly was not ready to masturbate openly around her. Especially if I did my favourite trick to get off; sticking a hairbrush handle up my bum.

At two pm, I left the house having given my Mum, Brenda’s telephone number, knowing I was staying at “Karen’s” tonight. Yes, another white lie. But it came with no guilt as I walked up the hill to my older butch girlfriend’s apartment.

When I let myself in, I was greeted with the smell of baking wafting from my older girlfriend’s kitchen. Brenda was there, hovering around, making some sort of extravagant cake.

“Clare, pass me the spatula,” she said as I approached her, wanting a kiss.

“What’s with the cake?” I asked as I passed her the implement, still waiting for my kiss.

“Baking is my hobby, Clare. It is what I do to relax. Next week is going to be a busy one for me, though tonight…”

Brenda let her sentence trail off as her face broke out into a wide grin. It was obvious she was thinking about me and tonight.

This was the first time I had seen Brenda bake, and I was surprised. Not by the fact that the cake was enormous. Everything in her life seemed huge, but it was how well she had decorated it. There was no doubt that she was making a smiling giant turtle.     

“Are we going to eat that?” I said hopefully, as I tried to pinch a bit of the icing, only to be slapped away.

“No, my dear. It is going as a raffle prize for a children’s charity that I support. I am just having a little fun making it.”

I didn’t know she supported children’s charities, but I then thought, perhaps all wealthy people do that sort of thing. Brenda added the last few touches while I watched and then helped her wash up rather than use her dishwasher. It was only then her attention was at last drawn to me. I smiled, and we embraced and then kissed. It was what I had been waiting for.

“I missed you,” I said. My hand slid down to her crutch and the fake cock, which I knew was in her baggy jeans.

“My dear, did you miss me or my piece?” Brenda questioned in a whisper as she turned me and pushed me back against a kitchen worktop.

“Both,” I replied as we continued to kiss.

I hopped up onto a clean worktop and pulled my girlfriend between my open thighs; our kissing now getting more passionate. We both knew what I wanted and needed.

To make it obvious, I undid my bra. Then I took it off along with my top, leaving my breasts on full display for Brenda to admire and touch. We both grinned, her eyes now looking lower as hands started to caress my boobs, our mouths once again finding one another’s.

I loosened my skinny jeans and guided one of my girlfriend’s hands down my body, across my bare mound and to my wet and wanton pussy. I needed to feel her touch there.

“Oh my,” Brenda whispered as she realised just how wet and desperate I was; her finger plunging into me, making me gasp.

I slipped my shoes off and then pushed my jeans completely down, before opening my legs once again; my wet pussy naturally spreading for my girlfriend’s gaze. It felt as if I had been waiting too long for this moment. I hoped that Brenda and I would soon have an arrangement where we had a lot more regular sex together. I needed it!

“My dear, I think we better get you to the bedroom as we don’t want you going off all over the kitchen. Though maybe it would give the turtle cake a certain unique flavour,” she then chuckled.

Brenda knew I had a habit of squirting, especially at times like now, when I was extra horny and desperate for sex. I gathered my clothes, and we walked to Brenda’s bedroom, where I climbed into her enormous bed. She had gone into her dressing room to change her piece, and I hoped it would be a larger one.

I was somewhat disappointed when she emerged from her dressing room with one the same size as her day strap-on. Brenda noticed my expression.

“My dear, I need you fresh for tonight,” she said with a grin as she climbed between my spread legs. “This fuck is just to take the edge off, as I don’t want you going off too early tonight.”

Her comment made me shudder; I wondered what was in store for me later. How far would it go?

I can honestly say that Brenda and I made love. We just gently rocked together, kissed, touched. There was no hard fucking like last Sunday as my body craved. Instead, it felt like my girlfriend’s strap-on dildo had just stirred my pussy into life; just enough to remind it of what it was missing.

Despite my pleas to fuck me harder, Brenda never relented. She made love to me for no more than five minutes until I came. There was no earth-shattering orgasm which I had demanded; instead, she had stirred me just enough to allay that desperate feeling, that of the need to cum.

I was left simmering, having only briefly come to a boil.

Afterwards, we sat there, naked. Brenda had removed her piece, and it was now resting on her bedside cabinet. I would like to say I was recovering, but using my girlfriend’s hobbies terminology, I was half-baked. Yes, I knew it had been deliberate that my girlfriend had kept our sex to a short five minutes; Brenda was nothing but a master strap-on-cocksmith.

Brenda passed me one of her cigarettes, and we both lit up. Her action gave me the impression she liked the fact that I smoked. We sat there in her bed, our tits hanging out, smoking. As I inhaled, I realised it was the first cigarette I had smoked since I was last with Brenda. Karen didn’t partake. My mind again registered that it was something I should give up; it wasn’t healthy.

“What’s happening tonight?” I asked Brenda as we cuddled up. My left-hand fingers were absentmindedly playing with my girlfriend’s nearest pierced nipple. The previous gold hoops had been replaced by a white gold ring and a purple amethyst jewel during our first unique “coffee morning” date.

“Clare, when are you getting yours done?” Brenda questioned without answering mine.

Having my nipples pierced was similar to having all my pubic hair permanently removed. Both were frequent requests that had come from Brenda, which I hadn’t completely dismissed. I just needed time to digest them, and my answer to both remained the same. “If I ever have them done, it would not be this year.”  

“What’s happening tonight?” I repeated, this time hoping for an answer.

“I think you know, my dear. You are going to be introduced as my girlfriend to my friends at Rainbows. But don’t worry. There will be nothing sinister. You will still be coming back home here with me. Perhaps I will wear a bigger piece then and fuck you silly.”

I grinned, remembering last Sunday.

“More importantly, how did your date go with Karen?”  

As I knew I would, I told Brenda everything about our evening together; first, the meal and then Club o-X-o. I finished by saying Karen liked my fake cock and had done a lap dance whilst using it as a prop and then rubbing herself on it to get off.

My closing words were, “The night proved Karen isn’t shy or demur. She might be a virgin, but she certainly knew how to tease… But I am sure Donna told you that!

That last comment brought a confirmation smile from Brenda, and I realised that I had been only confirming what she already knew from her and our chauffeur.

“There is a problem, though. Karen wants an exclusive relationship with me, monogamy. As you know, Brenda, I am not ready for that!”

Brenda smiled. She didn’t want that either.

“I have told her that I don’t want inclusivity or any type of monogamous relationship. She knows that I am happy being with her, but only if I can carry on seeing you, and David.”

“She wants to meet you, Brenda,” I whispered as we kissed and then broke apart.

After a brief conversation, we agreed we should all meet on Sunday lunchtime and that Brenda would drive. After a little thinking, we chose the “Anchorage” as it would be quiet. It was true to say that no one, except David, would choose to go to that pub. It was also decided that I would phone Karen tonight when she got home from work and make the arrangements with her.

“And what about Club o-X-o?” Brenda questioned. Now, Sunday was decided. “Did you find that place interesting?” She then chuckled.

It was clear that Brenda was on a high, which I knew hadn’t been brought on by the fact that we had just had sex.

“You shouldn’t have spent so much on us,” I replied. “If I carry on dating Karen, I need to be left to do it on my own. No interference.”

Brenda chuckled again, even though I was trying to be serious and to tell her off.

“And wearing a piece?” she asked as she stubbed out the last of her cigarette, and we snuggled closer together.

“I never knew clubs like o-X-o existed,” I whispered to Brenda. “It was interesting, and I admit I felt comfortable there, but it is not like Rainbows, and I am not sure I will go there again.”

As I said it, I thought of Millie, her tight bottom, and of having dance lessons with her. I knew what I had just said wasn’t exactly true. I would go there again, but only for those three delightful reasons.   

“Do you go there often?” I asked. I knew Brenda was a member.

“Not as often as I used to, my dear… and your piece?”

“I got used to it,” I quickly stated, not wanting to say more.

“Go on?”

“Karen liked it.”

“Let’s have it all, Clare.”

“Why do you wear one?” It was a question I had wanted to ask for some time.

“Clare,” Brenda whispered. Her hand moved down to my pussy, and she gently rubbed my damp folds. Then she said something I hadn’t expected. “I have never told anyone, not even Paula. Of my eighteen girlfriends, which you can see photos of all around this room. Only you and Paula have gone out wearing a piece, as all the others refused.”

Does that surprise you?

“Yes,” I gently moaned and opened my legs to give my girlfriend better access to my most private place. A second moan was not far away. I wanted Brenda to play with me. Finger fuck me to another cum; relieve my sexual tension, which had been once again building… though I knew that fingering another girl was not what she normally did.   

“Your piece, Clare. Tell me how you found wearing it?”

“Different,” I groaned as I pulled myself onto my girlfriend’s hand.

“How different – good, bad or something else?”

“Just different, not bad,” I said, my body concentrating on Brenda’s fingers. I felt myself quiver, then shake as my girlfriend’s digits started to pick up speed, and then she stopped!

“Go on,” Brenda grinned, her fingers still waiting for me to answer.

“I got used to it, but I wasn’t sure it was me,” I grunted.

Was this torture by fingering, I thought?

“Why is it not you?” Brenda grinned, her fingers once again rubbing my private folds. She was getting me to wiggle, moan… It was a private torture, and I needed to cum. She knew it!

“I am not sure; I am a femme… It felt false; it made me think differently.”

“Go on, you nearly there…”

I squirmed, and gasped, “Yes…” I was nearly there!

But again, Brenda stopped; she started to withdraw her fingers.

“Go on, tell me the truth,” she said as her fingers returned and applied the right pressure. I knew she was going to let me cum, but only when I told her everything… the complete truth.

“I liked it,” I groaned, her fingers finding the right spot. “Once I got used to it, I liked it…” I gasped.

“But I still don’t think it’s me…” I moaned as I spasmed and started to cum on my older girlfriend’s fingers. With the last of my moans, I rolled onto my back. I needed to breathe the air and calm down.

“That wasn’t hard, was it, my dear?” Brenda whispered as she put her arm around me and pulled me close, her hand now brushing my breast; her damp fingers rubbing my nipple.

“It felt odd at first,” I said, knowing I had already told my butch girlfriend all. “It wasn’t until the meal that I forgot about my strap-on, and then at the club, wearing it there felt a lot more natural.”

I paused.

“However, there, I felt different, predatory.”

“But as I have already said, I don’t feel comfortable wearing it. It may be okay for special occasions, and it is certainly good in the bedroom, but other than that, I don’t think so.”

“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” Brenda stated once again.

“So, when did you start wearing yours?” I quickly asked. I was curious.

“Not for some time after I came out, but let’s leave it at that for now.”

“And why Club o-X-o?” I questioned.

“I guess you could say it was part of your lesbian education; like wearing a piece,” Brenda chuckled, before falling silent.

She was thinking.

“But it was more than just that,” she then added. “I wanted to open your minds to the possibilities out there. After all, didn’t you mention to me you wanted to find out your true sexuality?”

Brenda paused, giving me time to take in her question.

“Maybe it is being a butch lesbian, just like me. Come on; let’s have a power nap as you going to need all your energy tonight.”

With that, we snuggled up, still naked, Brenda’s arm around me. But my mind was not ready for sleep. It was still buzzing, coming down from my girlfriend’s touch. Her last words hadn’t confused me. I knew I wasn’t butch, though I could play the role, especially if it was in the bedroom.

What had got me thinking was Brenda herself. The more we were in each other’s company, the more I thought she was not so butch at all. She had a feminine softness behind that hard outer shell. It was something I liked; it pulled me to her.

I closed my eyes and started to think about tonight…


When Paula arrived, we awoke from our brief nap. The three of us went to Brenda’s private laboratory; it was where she had an office, and both of them did the photo development. They showed me some of Sarah’s, David’s and my modelling photos.

Sarah looked stunning, David rather wooden, and I had to admit that I also looked beautiful. It must be because of Brenda’s wizardry, I thought. That I could look so amazing, but to me, it was Sarah who captured my attention. It was her natural long blonde hair, her angelic face, and her large breasts, but especially those bright blue eyes. They just drew you in.

Brenda told me she would get them all processed before Sarah, and David returned.

I couldn’t help but mention how good Sarah looked. However, both my girlfriend and Paula told me I looked just as good. It was an observation that made me keep quiet as I just didn’t see it. To me, Sarah’s eyes seemed to light up and dominate each photo.  

A little later, after my make-up had been removed and reapplied, I was ushered into Brenda’s private studio, where I undertook another nude modelling session. Only twenty minutes this time, and after last week it was fine, even enjoyable. Of course, it helped me relax, and I now knew Brenda could surprisingly make me look extremely beautiful.

These photos were going to be for the Lesbian 100 Club. Brenda was its chairwoman and, it seemed, also the chief source of the material. All I had to do was sign the release form, and I would be put into a contract and paid both a retaining fee and for every photograph of me purchased.

As Brenda clicked away, she once again requested to take photos of me peeing. It was her thing, and popular within the club. But I once again said no, though I hadn’t ruled it out as I knew I would need money soon.

Though undecided, I questioned, was pissing pictures any worse than me sticking my tongue up another girl’s ass. That was my thing, my secret pleasure.


I stood there naked, in front of Brenda and Paula. They were getting me prepared for tonight, though they had been getting me ready for the last hour and a half!

My chest was powdered, my nipples painted to be darker, and at the base of my back, a temporary tattoo was added. It was a small butterfly with leaves and small violet flowers on either side. Its deliberate location had been done to make sure everyone knew it was a tramp stamp.

Brenda told me that the violet flowers were a historical symbol that used to be worn by lesbian and bisexual women. I didn’t know.

Now that the makeup was done, it was Brenda’s turn to dress me. However, Paula stayed to offer a second opinion.

My girlfriend reassured me that if I was not comfortable, then all I had to do was say no. The first thing that Brenda asked me to put on was the tall, light blue stilettos, which buckled high around my ankles. I had purchased them from Karen on the day that I had met her and they were a gorgeous pair of shoes.

“Walk up and down for me, my dear,” Brenda requested. I was still nude apart from my shoes.  

I did as Brenda asked. However, I had the impression it was more for both Brenda and Paula to admire my naked form rather than for me to see if the shoes were comfortable or not. As, what had become the norm, my girlfriend then took several photos of me.

“Can I have a glass of wine?” I asked. I needed something to calm me, despite the fact we had not eaten.

Paula fetched one from the kitchen and said, “Here we go, my dear,” which made me smile. She sounded just like Brenda, except for her accent, which was French. She didn’t have my girlfriend’s faint Scottish twang.

With my glass of white in hand, I walked up and down yet again for Brenda. Then I sat on her bed and spread my legs to make sure Brenda had enough pictures. It was the first time I had ever deliberately exposed myself to her camera and an action which seemed to surprise my girlfriend and Paula. It certainly had them both grinning.

On my upper half, I wore a pale blue tube top that showed off my fake tattoo and as per normal no bra. My painted nipples were just noticeable through the stretched material. Brenda was making sure I was fully shown off tonight.

Over the top of my thin blouse, Brenda gave me a fashionable and long cardigan. It was a cover-up and was there just to give me confidence and maybe to help stop me from saying no.

On my bottom half, Brenda gave me a pair of dark blue shorts to wear and nothing else. There wasn’t any underwear at all, and when I pulled them up, I realised they stretched, and that panties would have shown through. The shorts hugged my body like a second skin, showing every curve and crevasse.

Looking in the mirror at my rear, I noticed my well-defined bottom seemed to be hanging out of them for all to see. I thought that I might as well be naked.

“Are you sure?” I asked as I turned to Brenda. She, like Paula, was grinning.

“How do you feel, my dear?”

I was briefly lost in my thoughts, still looking at my exposed bottom cheeks. I had never worn anything quite so revealing.

“Vulnerable and nervous,” is all I could say. But there was something else which I didn’t mention. Despite this afternoon’s dalliances, I was once again horny. It was caused by the thought of what Brenda had planned for me tonight.

“My dear, don’t be. You going to be with me and don’t forget, I will look after you,” my girlfriend instructed.

With that, Brenda pulled out of the draw a small box which contained jewellery. It was my bracelet, the one which she had bought for me during our coffee morning date. I put it on with a grin and then kissed her cheek. It was an action which had my girlfriend breaking out into a wide smile.

“Thank you, I will always love this bracelet,” I said as I once again got acquainted with it like an old friend.

Brenda pulled out another box; it was one that I had not seen before. She opened it. Inside were three items of jewellery; they were all new.

The first item was a pair of black dangling earrings. They had what looked like real diamonds hanging from them, though I dare not ask if they were. But what caught my eye was that Brenda’s and my first names had been cleverly engineered to integrate into the black chain holding the single diamond. I knew they were custom-designed and expensive.

“Thank you,” I said, as I tried to stop a tear running down my cheek. I didn’t understand why anyone would want to buy me anything expensive; emotionally, it felt too much.

“They are beautiful, but you shouldn’t. It’s just too much. How can I ever repay you?”

“Nonsense, my dear,” Brenda chuckled. She was in her element and enjoying every moment of my pleasure.

I felt Brenda brush away my single tear. She then kissed me where it had been, before moving her lips to meet mine, which I returned with the addition of a hug as I had recovered my composure.

Paula came over and hugged both of us. I guess she knew how it felt to have Brenda’s full attention, as she had been where I currently was, and in some ways, I knew she had never left.

The second item was a necklace. It was plain black, but towards the middle, it had a few diamonds embedded to create some sparkle. Then, right in the centre, there was one larger diamond with Brenda’s and my names written in silver on either side of it. This part of the necklace was designed to hang between my boobs. It was as if it was enticing people to look at my cleavage.

Brenda came behind me and slowly put the necklace on me. I could not help but shiver as she breathed near my neck; I knew she was deliberately teasing me.

We viewed the necklace together in the mirror; you certainly could not miss me now. I loved the new jewellery, but it was a bit over the top for a night out at Rainbows, especially with the rest of the clothes I was wearing.

Brenda took a few photos of me dressed up and with the jewellery.

“I know you love the sparkles, Clare, but it is not for tonight.”

I pouted.

“This is for when we go out to the more formal events in London or maybe in the city.”

My girlfriend went over into her bedroom and returned to the dressing room with a gold envelope, which she handed to me with a chuckle.

“Go on, open it, my dear.”

I did. It was a formal invitation to the Grand Opening of the “Sea View (Art Déco) Hotel.” I was going to be Brenda’s partner for the night.

The evening consisted of drinks, a formal meal, and then dancing to big-band music. It was the last part that caught my eye. Butterflies suddenly fluttered excitedly in my stomach. I might be a bit rusty; it had been a while since I danced, which made me think of Millie and her dance lessons…

“Can you dance, my dear?”

I smiled inwardly.

I can learn,” I hesitantly replied, not wanting to give the game away that I had years of competition dance training.

“I am not very good myself, so I wouldn’t worry,” Brenda then stated, trying to reassure me.

I had a sudden thought. We needed to mention this to Karen on Sunday. She knew about the Grand Opening as it came up when we had the meal there. I told Brenda.

“Clare, that’s not a problem. Remember, I am the owner, so I can get tickets, even a room or transport if she needs it.”

I knew that was right, but what concerned me was how she might react when I told her that I was going to the Grand Opening with Brenda. I didn’t want to lose Karen.

“I guess that’s a problem for Sunday,” I said, looking at my girlfriend and Paula. Do I know anyone else who is going?”

Brenda explained that the whole Brenda Ltd board was invited, including friends from Rainbows, the local mayor and dignities, and, most importantly, the press, in the form of the City Echo newspaper.

“There will be over a hundred there; it should be a good doo,” she then excitingly added.

I took off the expensive jewellery and replaced the earrings with ones with the Venus symbol. On my wrist, I wore a gold bracelet which matched the earrings and had Brenda’s name on it. Around my neck, I wore a pale blue choker, which was the same colour as my top.

Brenda took yet more photos. This time, I even stuck my bottom out towards her in a sexy pose, my two bum cheeks fighting to escape the confines of the material of the shorts.  

I was ready to go.

Brenda told me that we needed to get something to eat first, so we all walked into her kitchen. Paula warmed up shepherd’s pie, which we all ate. After the two ladies left me to get ready, I phoned Karen and set up our Sunday date.

This I did with the minimum of fuss as Karen wanted to meet my other girlfriend.  

When Brenda returned, I checked what she was wearing. It was her normal piece, baggy jeans, a lacy bra and a blue blouse that was a couple of shades darker than mine. Though I did not say anything, I also noticed that she wore a bracelet with my name on it. That was new.

Brenda had brushed and dried her dark brown hair, which I noticed was now a little longer than when I first met her a month ago. I wondered if she was growing it longer. My girlfriend had also put on a little makeup, and her shoes were not her normal flat ones. Instead, she had chosen to wear low heels.

Paula entered the kitchen and told me she was tonight’s designated driver and would be staying the night. With that, she asked, “Are you both ready?”

We were all dressed for Rainbows, and together, arm in arm, we walked to the front door. As we did so, I felt Brenda’s hand rest on the small of my back, then move down and go under my long cardigan to rest on my partly exposed bum. She squeezed it and then left her hand there as we walked to the car.

It was an indication that the night at Rainbows had just begun…


Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2024 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Published 1 year ago

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