Claire And John XII

"A meeting of the minds."

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The morning after witnessing his wife Claire in orgasmic delirium with his friend Ray, John lay in bed thinking. He was lucky that he had kept his apartment for use by his college age sons to use when they visited to see him and their mother and new baby sister. It was a handy refuge for him when things became too much for him at home.

He realized that he had some hard decisions to make, after sneaking out of the house while Claire and Ray were in the throes of passion, and then not answering when she had called him in the wee hours after they finally noticed his absence.

He was cursed as well as blessed to have a wife who was a MILF in her forties, that other men lusted after. He had no doubt that, if he left her, she would not lack for masculine attention, some of it from his friends.

As far as sex was concerned, he was in no doubt also, that he came off second fiddle to Ray who was younger, better hung and had more stamina than him. Ray was an exciting new treat for his middle aged wife, after more than twenty years of monotonous monogamy.

As a result of watching them make love, John realized that he had been a rather poor sexual partner; for many years oral sex was abhorrent to him. Ray licked her pussy with gusto and she tried mightily, though not successfully, to take his whole cock into her mouth.

Seeing her gag on Ray’s cock was almost frightening, but she can now take John very deep.

He understood that his strong jealous reaction to seeing them fuck was not entirely rational; Claire continually made her affection for him manifest in many ways, including never refusing him sex. When in threesomes, she insisted that he be first for whatever he wanted. Unfortunately he had not, so far, stayed around to be last as well.

The longer he thought about the situation, the more guilty he felt for abandoning them, then not answering the phone when Claire called him.

Why can’t I let her enjoy fucking someone else?” He thought. “What am I afraid of? If I divorce her we both lose something important. Perimenopausal women all over the world are asserting their sexual freedom, enjoying their increased libidos. At least Claire wants to stay married to me and tries to put me first, even if I’m not best.”

Well, John decided, he should call her and try to put things right, but at just that moment the doorbell rang. He got up and without putting on a robe answered the door, to discover Ray on his doorstep.

“Hey Bro, your bride sent me to check on you; you are AWOL, you know. Are you OK?” His demeanor was cordial and a bit jocular.

“Yeah, I know. I went off the deep end last night again. I’ve just been berating myself for not sticking around for the finale. You two are quite something together, and I had trouble watching. My ego is not very strong sometimes. Did you really keep at it until 3:00 am?”

Ray laughed, “Hell no, Claire noticed that you were gone shortly after you left and bucked me off. I was home in bed by 10:00 with my dick in my hand. She must have waited for you until late before figuring out that you were here. She called me this morning and asked me to get you.

“You cock-blocked me without even being there.” He laughed again. “She was hoping for more MMF action I think, and wanted to see me go down on you. I was ready to give it my all.” Ray gave John a good-natured punch on his shoulder.

“I guess I owe you one.” John was feeling better; he really liked this guy, even if his wife came harder and more times than when he fucked her. “Come in; I’ll put coffee on.” Ray sat on the living area sofa.

“It’s OK Bro, but we need to keep this woman happy; neither one of us is going to find another one like her.” John placed two mugs and the pot on the coffee table, and sat.

I’m like a Jekyll and Hyde, one moment I’m hard as a rock watching you fuck her, then I panic seeing her look into your eyes with total love,” John confessed.

Bro, she loves my cock, can you blame her? But don’t sell yourself short, when she is sated, she sends me home, no question. It’s you she wants to make love to and hang on to.”

“I know that intellectually, but you guys look so fucking beautiful fucking that my insecurities take over. I want to get right in there with you but the two of you seem in your own special world, so I shouldn’t interrupt. Look, just talking about it has my dick getting hard.”

Ray reached over and grasped John’s cock through his PJs. “At least you got your nut before you left.” He looked John in the eye, slipped his hand into the fly  and pulled out his burgeoning cock. His hand felt warm and very good to John whose cock kept on growing.

I promised your wife that I would give you head, so I guess I owe you one; are you ready for this?” John nodded, then laid his head back and closed his eyes. His hand rested on Ray’s shoulder, enjoying the situation.

There was a submissive feeling to Ray’s action, assigning the alpha status to John. It was not long until he announced his approaching ejaculation. Ray lifted his head and aimed John’s spurts at his own chest.

“Now let’s get to work, this project is nearly complete, the prefab modules have arrived and are ready to be erected.”

When he arrived at his office John called home.

“John, you have got to stop disappearing like that. I was panic stricken when I saw you were gone, and was awake nearly all night worrying about you and us.”

John apologized and promised to return after work. Before hanging up he asked, “Should I bring Ray with me?” He got an emphatic no.

At home, he played with the baby for a while, then watched Claire nurse. Once Anne was sated and sleepy, they sat together for another heart-to-heart talk. Claire asked if he wanted her to stop all extramarital activities. When his reply was negative she asked, “What would you like to be different?”

“The main difference that I would like is in my reactions to seeing you two together. At the beginning ,I get really aroused and want more. But when the two of you have merged your bodies and I see you look into his eyes, I see love; I see you leaving with him and not returning to our bed with me.

“If I could get past that image I really would like to get down and study your pussy up close, smell your combined sex and watch his cum slowly ooze out of you and onto my tongue when I lick your ravaged pussy.” John’s cock was raising its head as he described the effect of watching his wife getting fucked by Ray.

“I have an image in my mind of your stretched-out pussy still gaping, all red and raw from the long powerful strokes of his fat cock, yearning for a soothing lick from your cuckold husband’s tongue.”

“John, you are getting me drenched hearing that you want to do that. My pussy wants your tongue right now, and then your hard cock; it is getting hard I hope.”

Claire started to undo his pants, and sure enough, he had a raging erection for her to hold. She slowly ran her hand up and down its length, thrilling him.

“Darling, let me try to put your mind at ease while being completely honest with you. I like Ray, I like him a lot. And I observe that you like him too; you have the makings of good friends, I believe. I do not love him; I love only you, and he does not love me.

“I won’t gainsay what you have seen with your own eyes. What I do love about him is the way that he fucks me; the honest truth is that sex with him is the best one-on-one sex that I have ever had. Wait now, let me finish.” Her hand continued its gentle stroking.

“When his big cock is in my pussy, I go into some kind of fugue state; my mind leaves my body and floats above me. I feel every hair follicle on my body come awake and tingle; my nipples are painfully hard, and my sensitive parts are screaming, for him to cum in me.

“What you see as a look of love in my eyes is really some sort of swoon, but when I come down from that what I want most is for you to take me in your arms, hold me, kiss me, and tell me you love me. Then claim my tender pussy with your tongue and your cock. I want you first, and I want you last.”

Claire laid back on the sofa and opened her legs. She had no underwear on and her pussy was literally flowing. John needed no further encouragement; he buried his face in her cunt and licked her to her first orgasm.

He was kissing her mouth, ready to plunge his cock into her when he felt a hand on his ass. “Oh yeah,” John whispered, “I forgot to tell you, I invited Ray to come by tonight to finish what you two cut short last night.”

Claire reached down for his cock just as Ray grasped his balls. “He’ll have to wait his turn, this pussy and this cock have a hard date. Now fuck your wife like a good husband and maybe we’ll let Ray have clean-up duty.”

Ray leaned over and kissed her without letting go of John’s balls, then he took her near nipple in his mouth and sucked. When John was fully in she wrapped her legs around his hips. “Go easy, I’m a bit tender from last night.”

John imitated Ray’s long, slow strokes while he and Claire licked Ray’s hard cock together, finally making him cum on her belly and tits. It took John a while to reach his second orgasm of the day.

When he rolled away from Claire, Ray moved between her legs and began licking her pussy and sucking her labia. She quietly held his head, her fingers on his hair, guiding his ministrations. Then they kissed and Ray dressed and went home.

Lying together, enjoying the afterglow, John asked her, “What would you say if I suggested that Ray move into one of the modular units in the backyard?”

Published 4 weeks ago

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