As Claire’s due date neared, John confessed that his vasectomy had reversed and he was potent again. Claire was ecstatic at the news and invited him for dinner that night.
When he arrived she hugged him and declared, “This is our baby, mine and yours, I can feel it.” They had a companionable meal together and when John rose to leave she begged him to spend the night with her.
She took his hand and led him into the den where they sat watching TV for a while. That is when he first felt the baby kick. Finally she let him go back to his apartment after he promised to return the next evening.
The next night was a repeat, except that after dinner, Claire sat him down and said, “You know, now that you are not shooting blanks anymore, I think that I should get my tubes tied off.They can do it when the baby is delivered. That will make life simpler for us.”
“And for you and Ray,”John mumbled, loud enough to be heard. Claire did not respond. She looked him sincerely in the eye.
“John, you are the only one I care about right now. I intend to do whatever it takes to bring you back home to me. Ray is not part of the equation.” Her hand smoothly slid over his thigh, brushing past his sleeping cock.
“Let’s wait on that talk until we see what color the baby is; but I agree on the tube tying. You are too old to be going through this again.” Now her hand stopped directly on top of his cock and her fingers gently started to knead it through his pants.
“Has any one been taking care of this guy?” She asked, feeling a stirring. “I bet there’s a big load of jism just waiting to be released. May I?”
Without waiting for permission she unzipped his pants and reached in. It was too late for him to object, so he laid his head back and closed his eyes. It felt so damned good, that all his negative thought evaporated from his head.
“Damn, that feels good. I suppose I have Ray to thank for her improved oral technique; pleasing that monster of his must take skill.” Whenever John is around her, Ray’s presence is always felt, he is supposed by both of them.
Meanwhile Claire, bending down to take him into her mouth, thought, “I have to pee so bad,” but she wouldn’t stop now that she had broken this barrier. She looked up, pleased that John seemed to have gone to his happy place.
Still, after cumming in her mouth and being kissed sloppily, he went home alone.
Two months later, life in their small apartment was chaotic with the trappings of a newborn, but the atmosphere was happy. John doted on the baby girl, a replica of her mother.
Life at work was also busy trying to complete their hew home. Though Ray’s company had not won the general contract for the project, it was subcontracting several of the detailed components. Hence, he and John were spending many hours together on the job.
John was working hard to design an addition which could be added to the house after they had moved in. He consulted heavily with Ray on the details. They often ate lunch together, in the process of which John took a shine to him.
Every day Ray inquired after the mother and daughter until one day at lunch, John startled him by suggested that Ray visit them. “I think she would welcome a visit from you. You were one of her few close friends.”
“After our history, how do you feel about us spending time together?” Ray asked.
“If you are asking about sex, I don’t think Claire is quite ready for that, she is still healing from child birth and having her tubes tied; did you know she did that when she was hospitalized?”
This provocative comment caused Ray to raise his eyes, “No I didn’t know, we have not talked in a long time. She said she is working full time on resurrecting your trust.”
“Ray, I have had months to cogitate on the issue that caused me to leave her. I might as well tell you about my position now, as it possibly involv. Do you want to hear it?” Ray thought for a moment, then nodded.
John ordered more wine. “I hope you don’t have to be back to work soon.” Ray nodded again.
“First, I have stopped being threatened by her extracurricular sex desires; if she were going to leave me for you it would have happened during the kerfuffle of the last year. She really loves me in her way, and I love her in mine.
“Second, the way that she persisted after we fought about it several times tells me that sex, better sex than I can give her, is important for her over-all happiness and well-being. Her present euphoria with the baby won’t last forever.
“Third, ‘The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t,’ or some such shiboleth. I believe I have come to know you to be ethical and trustworthy. I count you as a friend now, which hopefully, means you have no desire to disrupt our marriage. If she is going to have a side piece, I would as soon it be you.”
John patted Ray’s thigh. Ray elbowed him in the ribs and said, “You just want to get another look at my cock.” They both laughed.
“Yes, I want to see it lathered up with her cream as it slides in and out of her pussy.
“Fourth, thinking about, seeing, and hearing about you and Claire making love instilled a powerful mixture of fear, anxiety, jealousy and anger in me along with a strong arousal. Seeing the two of you making love caused the most powerful erections I have ever had.
“I could cum without touching myself, just watching and hearing your moans and sighs. At my age, that is not something to ignore. So, if I can eliminate the negative, I want the positive. To sum it up, I hope you two still have the magic and when she is ready you will let me share her with you.
“Finally, playing with your magnificent cock looks like fun. I know Claire wanted me to explore my bi side. I think I’m ready, if you are OK with that. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. And by the way, thanks to you she now gives fabulous blow jobs.”
“Have you said these things to Claire?”
“No. I think she needs to travel her own path, I don’t want to guide her in any direction. I assume that in good time she will raise the subject if it is important to her. I believe she understands that to cheat on me again would end it permanently for us. Right now, she is in thrall to the new human that has moved in with us; and so am I.”
Ray was flabbergasted; he chugged his wine and excused himself to visit the men’s room. When he returned he simply said, “Let’s do it,” and went back to work. John was not sure if he meant going to work or sharing Claire.
A few days later, he was not around for lunch, he was ringing Claire’s doorbell. Hearing her voice over the intercom sent a strange feeling through him, he didn’t immediately answer. She repeated, “Who is it?”
“Hi Claire, it’s Ray; can an old friend stop by to see you and admire that new person that I’ve been hearing so much about?”
“Ray, sure come on up, it’s No. 2 at the top of the stairs.” Claire was waiting at her door for him, barefoot and wearing a caftan-like robe that almost came to her ankles. They hugged but she turned her head for his kiss to be on her cheek. “John is not home, he’s at work.”
“I know, I came at his suggestion, and I want to meet this new baby that has him besotted, and was almost mine.”
“Her name is Anne, after my mother,” She took his arm and led him quietly to the bassinet, expecting Anne to be asleep. They discovered her lying on her back staring up at them. “Pick her up if you like,” she knew he had learned how to support an infant’s head by holding Sharone’s baby.
Ray sat on the sofa with Anne in his arms. She seemed to be studying his face while the adults chatted.
“John suggested you visit me?” Claire asked, sitting opposite in the recliner. Ray proceeded to tell her of his talk with John; she listened without interrupting. As he finished, the baby started to fuss. Two damp spots appeared on her caftan bodice. “She’s hungry.”
Claire stood, unzipped her robe to her navel and took Anne from him. Then she sat beside him and placed the baby on her breast. “How do you like my mommy boobs?” She asked Ray.
Then she seemed to go into an altered state, she quietly hummed and stroked the baby’s head while Anne sucked noisily on her nipple. They became a single organism. Ray was mesmerized and began to become aroused by the merger that seemed as intense as sex.
When the feeding was over Claire took the baby to be changed and put down to sleep. Ray thought he should probably leave but he wanted more time with her. She sat beside him again, their shoulders touching.
“You got turned on watching me be suckled; were you jealous?” She laughed and patted his thigh. His cock started to rise again.
“John says you give great head nowadays,” he looked and realized that she had not re-zipped her gown. Now his cock was burgeoning and visible through his pants leg. He bent forward and took her near nipple in his mouth.
Claire laid her head back with a sigh, and patted his head much as she had stroked the baby. Ray got his first taste of mother’s milk. Claire’s other hand was caressing his hard-on waiting for him to open his pants for her.
He sat up long enough to wiggle out of his pants, then he reached into her robe to discover that she wore no underwear. His finger reached her pussy lips at the same moment hers grasped his cock. “It has been a long time,” he told her. “I’ve missed you.”
Before placing her lips on the head of his cock Claire told him, “John has not yet had his cock where you are hoping to put yours, but my mouth is yours today.”
“Oh babe,” was all Ray could muster before he ducked his head to her crotch. There was no more talk for the next fifteen minutes.
When Claire’s loud groan announced her approaching orgasm, Ray couldn’t hold back; he came in her mouth. She was not a good enough multitasker to swallow and cum. Her clothes took the brunt of his big load.
“God, I love your cock; I think John is going to love it too,” she whispered. The mention of her husband’s name brought them back to reality.
“I had better get back to work,” Ray said, pulling up his pants. “Are you going to mention my visit to John?” He was not absolutely sure that her husband would be OK about it. “I guess we’ll find out soon,” he thought.
“If he asks I won’t lie, but I may not remember all of the details right away.” She smiled and kissed him on the mouth this time, sending him away.
Of course, John noticed Ray’s absence from the job. When he showed up, John gave him a knowing smile and said, “Did you have a good lunch?” Ray returned the grin and said it was very satisfactory, then went to check on his crew.