Chula Vista Dreaming (part seven)

"Maggie joins her sister and mother. Stepbrother Peter loves his family."

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San Diego State College had started its fall semester. I was living in a boarding house not too far from the campus. The house was an old, victorian style home that had been a farmhouse at one time, around the turn of the century. Now it was owned by a lady named Mrs. Longtree. Her family had owned the place since she was a child. She was the only living descendant. She was in her late forties.



Mrs. Longtree never took in male boarders. She had made an exception for me because she trusted and liked my stepsister, Maggie. That’s what Maggie told me before I moved in. So I had to be on my best behavior. I could do that. I was always well behaved. And I was overjoyed by what I was discovering now that I spent most of my time here in this old house.


My very first night in the boarding house I found out that Maggie liked girls. I mean, she really liked them. She and Naomi had been making lady love together. This old house had huge keyholes. It was so great. I had watched them both until I shot my wad. And I could see that the two of them were coming over and over. I so loved to watch a girl coming. I especially liked to watch Cindy’s face when I pumped sperm into her pussy.


As I drifted off to sleep that night I was thinking maybe I could share in the fun. Maybe. I was already having fun with my stepmother, Cindy. And my other stepsister, Sheila. Yeah, I was going to see if Maggie wanted to have fun. I hoped she wasn’t stuck on just girls. She was so pretty and it would be fun to know I had fucked every girl in my family. That would be great.


School was immediately lots of work. I had never had to work this hard before in high school. College was different. I was studying all evening, and tired, so I went to bed to get rest for the next day. I didn’t have a chance to check out Maggie’s room by peeping through the keyhole. I was too busy and sleepy. But I looked forward to the weekend. I could catch up with studies and maybe have some lustful pleasure too.


After dinner on Friday all of the boarders went their separate ways. Some girls went to sit in the parlor and talk while one or two went out. I followed Maggie upstairs to our rooms. I was right next door to her. As we got to the second floor hallway I took her hand. She smiled at me.


“What’s up little, Peter?”


“You want to come in my room later, Maggie? I wanted to talk to you.”


“Sure. I’ll come see you around ten, okay? I was going out with Naomi for awhile.”


“Great. I want to get some studies done so I won’t have to worry about it later this weekend. Later, sis.”


I went into my room and did some studying. But I mostly thought about Maggie. And about what I had seen. And what I had been doing with her sister, Sheila. And her mother, Cindy. Yep. I had been having a grand summer with my stepsister and stepmother. Maggie was now in my thoughts. She tapped softly on my door right about 10:30 that evening.


I opened the door and she entered my austere little bedroom. I had just the full bed, a wooden chair and table, and some lamps. There was an armoire for most of my clothes. Plus some old pictures on the walls. But it had a good view out to the east of the Laguna Mountains. I got the sunrise in the morning. I liked it. I sat up against the headboard with my back on my pillow and Maggie sat on the bed with her legs folded up.


I was sitting in just my boxer shorts. Just like at home when Maggie and Sheila had shared their bedroom with me back at the bungalow in Chula Vista. We had always been casual about what we wore. Maggie had gone to her room when she got back and changed into her nightgown. I was certain she wasn’t wearing anything under it. Her tempting breasts were perky and showing the nipples through the clingy material. I smiled.


“So what is this all about, Peter?”


“Oh, I just wanted to say, I know your secret.” I grinned at her as she got a quizzical look on her face.


“I don’t have any secrets. Don’t be silly.”


“It’s funny. Sheila told me she knew my secret awhile back. I did have a secret. Just like you do, Maggie.”


“Don’t get smart with me. I don’t have any secrets. You may but I don’t.”


“Okay, so you and Naomi playing together last weekend is not secret? Gee, who should I tell first?”


“Peter! You sneak! Were you spying on me? You’re a prick and you always were.”


She jumped up and was slapping me with her little hands. I weighed about forty pounds more than her. I thought it was funny while I held her close to me and wouldn’t let her go. She was struggling and I could feel her tits pressing against my bare arms and I was laughing at her. Then one flying fist hit my dick and balls and I stopped laughing and let her go.


Suddenly the little spitfire was crying. It wasn’t as bad as all that but I pretended I was really hurt. I was holding my cock with both hands and Maggie was caressing my face and kissing my cheek. I turned my head and kissed her on the lips.


“Oh, you are such a bastard!” She hit my arm with her fist then sat back down with her arms crossed. “What the hell am I going to do with you, you little asshole?”


“Not so little anymore, right? You could stop worrying. I told you I have secrets too. I wouldn’t tell on you, Maggie. You know that. I love you. Maybe I never said it but you know it. Just like I love your sister and your mom.”


“Okay then. So what is this big secret. You know mine. What’s yours?”


“You really want to know? And you won’t get pissed? I’ll tell you, but you got to sit down and listen. And don’t get pissed at me.”


“Did you do something really bad? I don’t believe that. Just tell me.”


So I did. I started out telling her about how Cindy and I had first had a few little sexual encounters that had gradually built up until finally we become complete lovers. I described how we had made love. How Cindy had sucked my hard cock and I had eaten her sweet pussy. And how I had fucked her and she had begged for more because she was so thirsty for sex. She needed it from me. I gave her what she needed and what I needed.


All the while Maggie was sitting very still. At first she had turned red with embarrassment. Then she turned white but at the same time her delicate hand somehow found its way under her nightgown. My cock was hard now. It was poking out of my boxer briefs and I casually stroked it. Maggie’s eyes were on it as she listened to my story.


When I got to the parts where I was fucking my stepmother from behind Maggie moaned and her hand began rubbing faster under the gown. Her face had the look of pain a lady gets when coming. She shuddered and I started really jacking off. I was so turned on now. When she had orgasmed twice she opened her eyes, looked at me jerking, and reached out her hand.


She grabbed my cock. She started squeezing it. She leaned forward. Her tongue slipped out and licked off the pre-cum I had leaked out. I stroked her brown, wavy hair. Her mouth descended to my balls, licking all the way down. She got her body more comfortable lying prone on one elbow as she began sucking my cock.


I groaned and stretched my arm down, pulling her night gown up and off of her ass. Her long, perfect legs spread apart as I began slipping my fingers into her butt crack and then found her pussy lips. She moaned but kept sucking me as I finger fucked her. She was so wet and sticky as her own come got the coverlet all goopy. I needed to come badly now.


Maggie was now jacking me off, begging me to come, to come for momma. I was close and then it spurted up and struck her face. She eagerly wrapped her mouth around it taking all my spunk and sucking hard to get more. I humped up into her face giving her what she wanted. I was so fucking sensitive that I was shivering. She kept jacking me, trying to get more come. But that was all I had. For now.


I reached down and pulled her up to sit on my lap. I kissed her lips and then I licked my own come off of her face. Cleaning her up was the least I could do for my precious stepsister. She returned the kiss giving me her tongue and sucking on mine. We made out like that for a long time. We were having fun. The kind of fun I wished we’d had long ago. We finally stopped and I grinned at her.


“So, I guess you like guys and gals, is that it?”


She punched me on the arm again, but not too hard.


“Mind your own business. I can like who I want to like. I can’t believe you and Mom are doing it. I mean, for the love of Pete.” Then she laughed. “I mean the love of Peter, I guess. You’re so bad, Peter. But I hope Mom is happy. She used be so sad a lot of the time but lately she smiles a lot more. You did that I guess. You’re sweet for a brat.”


“Yeah, I know she’s happy. It’s a good secret. It’s not the only one though. Want to hear more?”


“Oh my god, Peter. What the hell? You’re not going to tell me you robbed a bank or something?”


“Nope. This is pretty much along the same lines. Sex, sex, and more sex. I may be a man whore.” I laughed.


“You’ll learn what I’ve learned, Peter. Sex is good. All the time, and all of it. If you don’t rape anyone or something, you know?”


“Oh, I didn’t rape anybody. But tell you what, do you think Sheila is looking more happy lately, too?” I grinned at her face as she blushed again.


“You didn’t! She’s pregnant. She’s married. Oh, fuck, what am I saying. Mom is married. I don’t know. Shit, Peter, who haven’t you fucked?”


“Well, she’s sitting on my bed right now. She’ll be next if she wants to be.”


She hit my arm again, then kissed me. She drew back. “I’ll have to think about it. You don’t think I’m a loose woman do you? I don’t just sleep with the first stepbrother to come along. I may suck his dick but fucking is a little more personal.”


Then she giggled and began tickling me. Or trying to. I didn’t tickle easily. That came from living with two stepsisters in the same bedroom and putting up with them treating me like a little boy. I started tickling her too and she quickly was squealing. I finally stopped and just held her in my lap.


“Want to sleep with me tonight. Just sleep? This bed is plenty big enough.”


“No thanks. Actually, if you must know I have someone I need to play with now. I need to go Peter. This has been a night of surprises for damned sure. Give me a kiss and I’ll get out of here. I need to wash up.”


I kissed her quickly and she hopped off the bed and skipped over and out the door. I watched her butt jiggling, and hoped I would see more of it here on my bed soon. I smelled my fingers. The ones that had made her come. It smelled like the ocean breezes coming across San Diego Bay into our bungalow windows early in the morning. I put them in my mouth and sucked the flavor from them.


Going to sleep was easy that night. I decided to take the bus down to Chula Vista on Saturday. I needed to talk to Cindy. And I already missed Sheila, too. I knew she would miss me helping her with her lactation problem. I could give her some comfort. Yes, I was going to go home for a few hours.


I caught the bus in the morning. It got me home before noon. While I was riding we passed the San Diego Country Club. I had worked there during the summer as a caddy. I remembered seeing Tommy Bolt win the San Diego Open there earlier in the year. Rumors were going around that they were moving the Open to another country club next year. I heard Rancho Santa Fe mentioned. I hated to see us lose it. I might need to catch a few hours on the course this fall to get some extra money.


“Peter, what are you doing here? I didn’t expect you anytime soon. Are you having trouble with your classes?”


Cindy had come out of the kitchen as I walked through the front door. She was wiping her hands on the apron she wore. I smiled at her and took her hands.


“It’s all fine. Just a little homesick already. I’m doing well with my courses. That’s okay. I keep up with my studies. So what’s for lunch?”


“I hadn’t really planned anything. Your father is off fishing. He won’t be back until after supper tonight. I can make you some baloney sandwiches if you want. You can just make do with that and some Lays potato chips. I know you won’t starve. I can even sneak you a beer if you promise not to tell your father.”


“That’s perfect, Cindy. I didn’t really come for food anyway. I just needed to see you. Is Sheila here now?”


“She’ll be back shortly. She’s doing a little walking. We’ve tried a new breast pump but we don’t have the hang of it yet. You can help her when she gets back. But first let’s make you that lunch. Give me a hand.”


“What did you mean I can help her? What could I do?”


“Peter don’t be dense. I know what’s going on in my own home. I know you were helping my girl. I think it’s great, dear. You can help her a little when she comes home. I don’t mind at all.”


I think I may have been blushing while I put mayonnaise on some bread slices. Wow. If Cindy knew about me sucking my stepsister’s milk filled tits then she must know I was also fucking Sheila. God. Did she not care?


We sat at the table as I ate my food. Cindy was just having some tea. Even when the weather was hot and we were barely living through it Cindy loved her Lipton tea. She grew up drinking hot tea and to her it was a treat to just have some tea and hot buttered toast. We were chatting about classes when Sheila came in.


“Peter! Why are you here? Is everything alright?” She was hugging me as I rose up from the table. I laughed.


“You girls are always worrying. It’s fine. Cindy and I were talking about college. She told me, though, that you might need some help?”


I started blushing as my stepmom grinned at me. Sheila gave me a kiss and then dragged me back through the arch into the hall and into our bedroom. I could hear Cindy giggling as we left the front room.


“Peter, that damned pump doesn’t work hardly at all. Please, baby, can you suck some milk out? Here let me get this dress off. I’ve got pads and stuff crammed in my bra. Let me get it all off.”


She was just getting naked. She wasn’t ashamed. We had made love several times now. I knew her body as well as I knew her mother’s. I loved them both. They were the prettiest girls in the world. Along with Maggie, of course.


I got naked too. Sheila was busy getting herself on her bunk bed. She looked up and saw me standing there with my hard cock in my hand. She giggled and then frowned.


“Peter. Get serious. I need you to suck my tits. Come on. Now, baby.”


I sat beside her on the bed and leaned down to begin sucking. She moaned as I began taking milk from each breast. Her hands were stroking my blond curls and pressing me closer to get all of the milk I could. Of course, I was slowly stroking my prick. That went without saying. This was very sexual for me. It was for Sheila too. She would come a lot as I sucked her breasts. Her nipples were hard and red now.


“Jesus, Peter, that’s so fucking good. They ache so much. I feel so much better. Suck some more. Let me jack you baby. Would you like that? Here, let me have that thing.”


I was moaning now. Sheila was slowly stroking my hard cock. I slipped into her bunk bed under the one above and got comfortable. I spread my naked legs and let her play with me. I was still sucking her tits but I was also tickling her pussy. It was moist and…

Published 10 years ago

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