“Come on, Isabella, you got to come out with us tonight,” urged one of her best friends called Lucy Dixon. She was a petite blonde with baby blue eyes.
Isabella groaned and sighed heavily, as if she didn’t say yes to her friends they’d just go on and on and she’d never get any peace. “Alright,” she said reluctantly.
“Yes!” both her friends said together excitedly.
She looked at them over her dark sunglasses and rolled her eyes. Isabella turned to her right and saw a beautiful black man the colour of dark chocolate walk out of the sea the water dripping down his rippling chest. The man turned her way and she quickly turned her head away.
“He is pretty fit,” commented her other friend Jacqueline Marsh. She had long dark brown hair and big brown eyes.
Isabella saw her friends drool over the beautiful black man. “If you like that sort of thing,” she said flatly. She looked over at him again and saw he was sitting down on the crystal white sand alone looking out to sea but then sensed she was staring over at him so he turned his head and grinned.Isabella quickly turned her head away.
“He’s smiling over at you, Izzy,” commented Lucy.
“Well, he can smile all he wants, cos I ain’t interested.”
“Did I even say you were interested?”
Isabella ignored her and lay back on her towel on her back and closed her eyes. “Jac, Luc, can you hand me my suncream?” She asked ten minutes later. She reached out her hand to take it from one of her friends, but her hand brushed against a rough bit on her friend’s hand. Isabella opened her eyes and peered over her sunglasses and gasped at seeing the beautiful black man standing over her with the suncream in his hand. She looked around for her friends and saw them in the water splashing around. She snatched the suncream out of his hand.
“My name is Marcus Harper,” he introduced himself.
“That’s nice to know,” she commented rudely.
A look of confusion cast over his handsome face, “Why are you being rude to me?” he asked.
Isabella looked at him, “Why shouldn’t I be rude to you? I don’t even know you,” she replied.
“Precisely my point. You kept looking over at him as if you knew me,” he said.
“As if,” Isabella argued.
“You think I am lying?” Marcus argued back.
“I haven’t got time for this, I’m leaving,” she grabbed up her towel and bag and shot a glare at her friends in the sea who looked shocked that their friend was leaving. Isabella pushed past Markus and walked quickly back to her and her friends’ hotel.
“Crazy woman!” Markus shouted after her.
When Isabella got back to their hotel room she shut the door with a thud. That black man named Markus infuriated her. He was beautiful. She took a shower and came back out in a towel just as her friends came back from the beach.
“What happened to you?” Lucy demanded.
“Why did you leave me alone with that man?” Isabella demanded.
“We’re sorry, we should of told you we were going in the sea but we thought you’d like to get to know him.”
“Why would I wanna do that?” Isabella put her hands on her hips.
“Because we saw how you were looking at him,” Jacqueline replied.
“He was rude, I hope I never never seem him again.”
“Well, we invited him out with us tonight,” Lucy told her.
Isabella shot her green eyes at her friends and her long blonde hair tumbled over her shoulders. “What!”
“Lucy and I thought it be good for you to meet someone nice,” Jacqueline said.
She turned from her friends and they came up behind her and put their arms around her.
“Come on, Izz,” said Lucy.
Isabella sighed and forced herself to smile, “Alright,” she said.
That night Isabella was regretting why she came out that evening as her friends had tricked her and found herself alone in a dinghy boat with Markus. They’d all gone in his dinghy then her friends jumped into the water in casual wear and swam back to shore.
Markus and Isabella sat in silence.
“I didn’t know they were planning this,” Markus said, breaking the silence.
“How would I know, I’m just a crazy woman!” Isabella shot back.
He groaned and tried to start up the engine but it wouldn’t started. He tried again and again. “The engine’s broken,” he said.
Suddenly, a strike of lightning flashed across the night sky and rain came down heavily. The sea began to move wildly throwing the dinghy and them around. Isabella and Markus found themselves thrown on top of one another as a huge wave crashed over them. The wind howled through the air.
“Oh, my god! We’re going to die!” Isabella screamed just as another huge wave came.
As morning broke through, the sea had become again and Isabella and Markus were asleep in each other’s arms floating on top of the floating upside down dinghy boat.
Isabella opened her eyes to the sound of waves crashing against the shore and saw they were in the middle of nowhere but saw they’d drifted onto the shore of a deserted island with large palm trees and banana trees. She sat up and then shook Markus to wake up.
Markus opened his eyes and saw they were on a deserted island. He stood up and dragged her off the dinghy boat and together they tipped it over onto its correct side.
“Now what?” Isabella demanded.
“We have to stay here until someone comes for us,” he told her.
“No one knows where we are, it could be days, months!” she cried at him.
“Stop acting like such a spoilt brat,” Markus said angrily.
Isabella’s jaw dropped then she turned on her heel and stomped through the trees.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“Anywhere away from you!” she shouted over her shoulder.
Isabella gasped in awe as she saw a magnificent waterfall in a pool of water. She reeked of seawater so she looked around the tall trees to check Markus wasn’t looking then peeled off her clothes and stepped into the semi warm water and walked naked into the waterfall.
Markus had followed her and saw her naked in the waterfall. He thought she looked beautiful and her naked body was beautiful too. He smelt something horrible and realized it was his clothes. Markus, feeling very horny, pulled off his clothes and walked quietly into the water towards her.
Isabella hadn’t heard him step into the water as she had her eyes closed and was lost in a dream underneath the waterfall. She jumped back when she saw Markus was there naked. But he’d grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him. Isabella tried to pull away as he tried to kiss her but she felt herself melt within his warm, passionate kisses. Isabella wrapped her arms around his neck, then gasped as she felt Markus’s hard throbbing cock thrust deeply into her.
Markus and Isabella made mad passionate love in the waterfall their hands all over each other’s bodies taking them to new heights of ecstasy. Then they made love all over again, making their bodies orgasm many times.
“I knew you liked me,” Markus said cockily.
Isabella just grinned and wrapped her arms around his body and kissed him passionately as they made love again and her body was in heaven bliss.