Chloe’s Confessions Part 12

"The girls celebrate Sweet Sixteen with sex toys."

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We were all in a bubbly mood as we entered our basement room and locked the door. Yet right at the start, I had to worry about something.

“Those locomotives have wide windows. Do you think the engineer saw us as he reached the curve?”

Gina said, “Chloe, you’re such a worry-wart sometimes. What do you think? That he’s going to tell the dispatchers, who will issue a warning to watch for flashing girls just south of Williamsbridge station?”

“I don’t know, maybe they’ll increase patrols around there or something.”

“Let’s deal with this some other time. Meanwhile, Sisters, sit down. I have a big surprise for you all.”

There were two cartons on the floor. Both had been opened, but the flaps were closed. Gina said, “Now in case any of you get ‘the vapors,’ I’ll tell you what’s in there first.” She took a moment to get her thoughts together. “It’s a whole bunch of adult sex toys. So happy Sweet Sixteen to everybody!”

Jenny said, “Could you be a little more specific?”

“It’s a collection of dildos, although none of them are electric. You all know what a dildo is, I assume?”

I said, “I’ve never seen one, however, except for those vibrators in store windows.”

“Well, I’ve never seen one either until I got these. I’ve looked through all of them, and there’s enough here for each of us to have at least two. Here, let’s go through this.”

There were a number of varieties, some of them mimicking the look of a human penis, others merely black or pink shafts with a bulbous end. Some had handles on the bottom for a handhold. Jenny and I were babbling with excitement, but Nancy looked a little distressed. Gina kept talking.

“Now here’s one with a double head. That’s so two ladies can share it at the same time. And this thing is a strap-on. I’m keeping that for myself. As you can see, there is a harness that goes around my waist, and an extension that fits inside my vagina . . .”

Suddenly she stopped and looked at Nancy. “Are you okay? You look a little upset.”

“I’m just trying to figure out, you know, how to use these.”

Gina said to Jenny and me. “It’s okay, our new Sister here needs a little guidance.” She said to Nancy, “If I may ask a personal question, how do you usually masturbate? I mean besides Chloe’s coach arm technique, which I admit is very clever. Do you ever put a cucumber or a hairbrush into yourself?”

Nancy said, “Yes, a hairbrush sometimes.” She sounded very meek.

“Well, this is the same thing, only better I think. You either do it to yourself or you have a friend do it for you.”

Jenny dared say, “Yes, preferably while your clit is being rubbed.”

We all laughed at that, except Nancy. Gina went on, “I propose that, once we make our selections, we all try them out, right now.”

Nancy said, “Oh no, I couldn’t do that in front of you all, at least not yet.”

Gina was very patient. “I understand, we’ve gotten used to such craziness in the last few months and this is a novelty for you.” She thought further. “Would you feel comfortable staying here with Chloe while Jenny and I leave now? Chloe is so sweet, as you know. Jenny, is that okay with you?”

“Sure, I can try it out tonight in the bathtub.”

“Or the two of us can come down here tomorrow night and do this. We can make all the noise we wish then.”

Jenny said, “One thing I’d like to know. How did you get all this stuff?”

“That’s obvious. Richie bought it for us.” That seemed to be all that she was going to tell us. Later I found out that he had found mail-order ads in those porn magazines he collected.

As Jenny and Gina prepared to leave, Nancy said, “I’m sorry for being such a stick in the mud.”

Gina went over and hugged her, “That’s all right, honey, in a short while you’ll get as wild as we are. You did great with that train flashing, by the way.”

She couldn’t fit all of her swag into her bag, so she left the strap-on in the room to retrieve later. The last thing she said was, “In a sane world, every girl would get sex toys for her Sweet Sixteen party.”

Jenny responded, “Yeah, but our party never ends.”



After they had left, I locked the door and said to Nancy, “I’m not sure I’m really as sweet as I appear. But hey, just relax and sit next to me. Get yourself a seltzer, because that’s all we have here. You’re not obligated to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”

She sat on the couch with me and put her arms around me. “Oh Chloe, I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I used to be so sure but it was also kind of stifling. Look, I feel comfortable with you. I like Gina and Jenny but in a different sort of way.”

“That’s fine. The point of our group is not to force anybody into something, but to let them find their own way.” I moved closer to her. “Is it alright if I kiss you?”

“Yes, I’d like that.” We put our arms around each other and made out. After a few minutes, she said, “I can feel myself warming up, I mean getting aroused.

“Well, that’s the reason kissing exists! What I suggest for this is that we do a panty-reveal. I know we saw each other at the station, but I mean a more detailed look.”

“Sure, I’m up for it.”

We Sisters had found a coffee table on the street and we had brought it downstairs. At that point, both of us put our feet up on it and pulled our skirts back. I had my white garter belt and my see-through white drawers. Nancy had the pink ones I had seen at the station, but she had no stockings.

“Chloe, that looks great on you. I wish I had some of that.”

“We know a place downtown to get great lingerie. I’ll take you there soon.”

Then I pulled my panties off and dropped them on the floor. Nancy did the same with hers. We had seen each other’s bodies before, so that wasn’t a surprise.

I said, “Okay, let’s pick our implements.”

The one I chose was a pretty good replica of a human penis. Nancy had a smooth black rubber shaft that widened at the business end.

She said, “Man, these things are huge.”

I remembered watching Richie jerk off in that room. “I’ve seen one cock, but I’ll tell you that story some other time. So, I think these are a bit exaggerated, but not too much.” I had a suggestion. “Before you start, undo your blouse and bra so you can fondle your breasts too. And sit close to me so that our bodies are touching.”

When we were ready, Nancy asked me, “So now what do I do?”

“I think you know. Start by rubbing the tip against yourself. Put your fingers down there too if you need it.” I smiled at her. “I admit, I am very charged up right now. First, it was my fantasies about Tony the waiter, then there was the warm air from the train.”

“What did you imagine with Tony?”

“I wanted to bend over and show him my panties, then my bare ass. That’s as far as I got.”

“I thought Gina was after him.”

“It’s all just hypothetical at this point.”

It didn’t take long for us to stimulate ourselves and we both had our toys pushed into our bodies. One thing I said was, “Wow, these things just fill you up. They are so tight in there.” By that point, I had my left leg over Nancy’s thigh.

She replied, “I’ll say! Who are you thinking about right now?”

“Why Tony, of course. How about you?”

“Well, I’d rather not say.” On a later day, she admitted that it was one of her young male teachers, and they were screwing on his desk. For sure, our experiment was going wonderfully, and we were moaning as much as we wanted.

We also had our fingers down to rub the areas above and around our thrusting shafts. As I approached my first orgasm, I knew it was going to be intense. “Oh God, I’m going to come so hard right now.” Then I did, and it was so good I hoped my caterwauling couldn’t be heard upstairs. That inspired Nancy to do the same about a minute later.

We rested for a little while, and then I said, “I have to do that again, and I’m sure you do too.”

“How often should we attempt to do that?”

“There’s no time limit. Until our hands get tired, I guess. Or our pussies, perhaps.”

We did it at least three more times, the last one with us pushing our respective toys into each other. We used the ones we had chosen for ourselves; it seemed a bit gross to share them, although I couldn’t exactly say why.

I said, “We certainly have caught the hang of this pretty quickly!”

In a little while we sat at the ends of the sofa, looking at each other. Our bare feet were entwined, and we could see our bare crotches as we parted our thighs. I noticed the same situation for both of us. Our genitals were gaping open and fluid was running out. Instantly, a further plan occurred to me.

“Do you know what a sixty-nine is? Have you ever done one?”

“Sure, I know what it means but, no, I’ve never tried one.”

“I haven’t done it either. It always seemed too difficult to co-ordinate. But I want to try it now.”

She seemed eager for it. I said, “Let’s lie on the rug for support. Since you are the bigger girl, you should be on the bottom.”

Maybe I was surprised that we were able to do it so well the first time. Nancy held my hips so she could move me as she pleased. She said, “You have such beautiful tan lines.”

For some reason, I thought of Genesis 3:12. The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. Well, that wasn’t quite what was meant. The fruit we were eating was each other, not anything from a tree!

Maybe my Catholic upbringing got to me, and I wondered if The Lord had given my friends to me so that I could be happy at my young age. I heard Nancy say, “Chloe, I just love the way you taste. I could eat you out all day.”

“You too, Nancy my dear.” Maybe I was indeed oversexed if I could come so much, but on that day I accepted that side of myself.



During that week after Labor Day, Gina arranged that appearance makeover for me. She had one for herself too. We had yet to have that dildo session in our basement with just two or three of us.

The main thing we did was get our hair cut so that it was no longer touching our shoulders. I wasn’t exactly sure what to call our new hairstyles, but as we looked at the mirrors at the hairdressers I blurted out, “My God, we both look like Audrey Hepburn.”

“It’s not quite that short. It mostly covers our ears.”

“I’m not sure I really like it.”

“Well, baby, that’s the thing about hair. It grows back.” She examined herself further. “Hard to believe that just a few months ago I still had pigtails. I’ve grown up a lot since then, and I’m trying to get the right look for myself.”

The next day we went down to the basement where Gina was going to show me how to apply make-up. We both started with dark red lipstick. I looked at myself in a mirror and said, “Now I look like a plain girl with lipstick.”

“Oh, stop running yourself down. It looks great on you. Do you want me to do your eyes too? I know a little about that.”

Gina applied some eyeliner and blue eye shadow on her own lids. She was subtle with it and didn’t use an excessive amount. Yet it was enough that she looked quite different. Her reaction was, “Hey, I really am glamorous now, don’t you think?”

I pondered her, and I said, “Let me do that some other day, I’m just not ready right now.”

“Okay, suit yourself.”

We had a second agenda that day. We were going to have dates with two of the Bainbridge Boys, Dan and Jake, up on their home turf. Gina had suggested we wear attractive but casual warm weather clothing. It was our choice to pick what we thought best for that occasion. I had a sleeveless white blouse and a black skirt with white polka dots. It wasn’t really short, but the hem was above my knees.

Gina of course had the halter top she was so proud of and tight blue jeans. She didn’t have the biggest behind in the world, but she looked nice and trim in her outfit. We both had sandals even though we were going to walk up there.

Gina had said, “We should walk and see if we get any male attention along the way, just as an experiment.”

At the last moment she chickened out and put on a short-sleeved shirt over her halter but she left it unbuttoned in the front. She didn’t have large breasts but there was a hint of her nipples pushing against the cloth.

“All right, Chloe, let’s go out there and put on our sexy bad chick acts.”

“I don’t think I have such an act.”

“Then make it up as you go along. If any guys look at you, look right back at them.”

We went all the way to the top of the hill without taking a shortcut through the Oval. Then we marched down Bainbridge. However, it didn’t appear that any males took notice of us, which was fine with me.

Dan and Jake were going to meet us at an Irish bar with a nice restaurant attached to it. It wasn’t one of those “old drunk guy” bars filled with morose alcoholics imbibing on a weekday afternoon.

In the last block, Gina took her shirt off and revealed her full halter. Our dates met us outside and they seemed glad to see us.

When we ordered, Dan got four beers, one for each of us. The waitress didn’t blink or ask for us to show IDs. Maybe our new looks did make us appear more mature, even though we were more than a year under the legal drinking age. But Dan and Jake were also a little underage.

Afterwards, we went to the Oval and sat talking for a while. When Gina announced that it was time to go, we all stood up. Dan said, “Aren’t you at least going to kiss us goodbye?”

Gina hesitated and then said, “Sure, we’ll do it.” Her kiss with Dan was rather brief and chaste.

I had experience kissing Chris, and I decided to give Jake something memorable. I put my arms over his shoulders and pressed my lips firmly against his for a couple of moments. He seemed surprised and blushed when he pulled away.

As Gina and I walked back, we discussed the experiences we just had. I said, “I wonder why those guys don’t have girlfriends yet.”

“It’s not so easy for males that age to get a serious relationship going. As we’ve both realized, high school is pretty juvenile and gets more so in the later years.”

I was getting much bolder than I had once been, and I blurted out, “Do you think those two ever jerk off thinking of us?”

She laughed. “Why Chloe, of course they do. I bet Dan is going to imagine untying my halter top tonight.”

“Do you ever imagine being with them?”

“An affirmative on that on that one also. I sure you do too.” I nodded. She went on. “I’m sure guys can’t imagine what girls talk about after dates. They think we’re all sugar and spice, and everything nice, including our wet pussies.”

“Aren’t we stringing them along?”

“That’s why God gave us females such orgasmic potential. We can get our rocks off as much as we please, which then gives us the time to make wise choices about men.”

Gina had her shirt back on, but the front of her halter was showing again. “Gina, your nipples are erect now.”

“Yep, I’m feeling pretty jazzed up. Are you? Because we have our basement to go to if you wish.”

We kept some of the dildos down there which came in handy. As we sat on the couch, she said, “All right, first it’s time to show our panties. Let’s see what we wear on dates.”

I lifted my skirt. Gina said, “Oh, your lacy white ones. They look so summery. You really are a bad girl, my Chloe.”

Then she took her jeans off. “Tah-tah! A black thong. Do you like it?”

“When did you get a thong?”

“I went down to that shop that Jenny found for us. That nice Mrs. Marcus there is so helpful. She doesn’t scold you for being too young for such things. She’ll say, ‘I bet all the boys will like this.’ ”

“The girls will like it too!”

That day, we went at each other with abandon, using our implements, our fingers, and our mouths. Early on, I remember sucking on Gina’s nipples and feeling her body vibrate. At one point, as I moved a dildo into her body, she was chanting, “That’s it, Tony, fuck me harder. You’re going to make me come with that big dick of yours.”

She was referring to the waiter in the Italian restaurant. Frankly, I wanted a crack at him myself. Anyway, I must have had three orgasms that day and Gina did too.

Afterwards, we were lounging around drinking seltzer. Gina said, “I think it’s time you brought Chris down here.” He was the neighborhood guy who also went to Dexter with me. I had been interested in him for a long time, and that summer we had started a rather chaste dating relationship.

“And do what, exactly?”

“I don’t know, give him a blowjob maybe.”

I rather stupidly said, “How do I know he’ll want one?”

She laughed at that. “My God, Chloe, he’s a high school junior. He’ll definitely appreciate a blowjob. Have him lick you too.”

“I don’t know how to do one of those, I mean on a male.”

“Don’t worry, I give you some advice beforehand.” How did she know any of that? I thought of Richie again. She said, “Have you ever done any heavy petting with him? God, that sounds so antique.”

“What exactly do you mean by that?”

“Have you given each other orgasms yet, by whatever means is convenient?” She winked at me. “I can be very blunt, as you already know.”

“No, not yet we haven’t”

“I know this is a matter between you two. I’m just saying, from your point of view, you might want to take things to the next level.”

“He doesn’t even know this room exists.”

“Oh yeah, this is the perfect location. Well, honey, it’s your building, you found the room, you have a right to use it.” She looked around. “We keep making improvements down here. I wonder how it will look in another six months?”



On the first Saturday after school had started, the four of us went to the Feast of San Gennaro in Little Italy. We arrived around six in the evening and worked our way north along Mulberry Street from Canal.

As the name implies, it consisted mainly of food stands, including many run by local businesses in the neighborhood. There were also carnival-type game attractions mixed in. It was a very big deal, and it extended all the way up to Houston Street.

Near the beginning, we stopped at a stand selling sausage and pepper heroes. I mentioned the rather high price charged, and Gina said, “Any Italian girl worth her salt can easily make these at home.”

Nancy said, “Really? Tell me how to do it.”

“You just cook the sausage first in boiling water. Then you chop up your onions and peppers and sauté that in a pan or griddle. Then you do the sausages next, and you get out some Italian bread.” Gina looked at me. “Chloe’s bakery has the best bread in the neighborhood.”

Nancy said, “It’s really that easy?”

“Sure it is, sweetie. Put a little tomato sauce on it if you like. Come over to my house and I’ll show you how to cook.”

As we ate standing up, Gina did one of her tirades against the Church and its martyrs.

“This San Gennaro person, he was supposedly beheaded in AD 305 by those nasty Romans. Thus he’s beloved by the Church and all this is the result.”

Jenny said, “That was just two years after St. Engratia was flogged to death.” Jenny was Jewish, but she was learning a lot about Catholicism from us.

Gina shook her head, “It’s such a weird religion. And then the whole Empire later converted to Christianity anyway.”

“I guess they knew a good thing when they saw it.”

In a couple of blocks, we stepped onto the sidewalk to avoid the crowds in the middle of the street. Two guys in their twenties lounging against a stoop noticed us. “Hey, are any of your girls Italian?”

I had always disliked it when men I didn’t know spoke to me on the street, but Gina had counseled us to be bold. “I’m Gina, and I am. So is Chloe over here. And then we have Jenny and Nancy who – well, they are not.”

Jenny was used to walking around the city as part of her job, but Nancy looked very nervous about being accosted in public.

“Well, I’m Vince and this is Mike. Do you girls go to school around here?”

While this was going on I assessed our group to figure out why they had stopped us. We were obviously quite a bit younger than those two. And we were modestly dressed even though it was a warm evening. I was wearing my green shorts and Jenny had her denim ones. Nancy and Gina had trousers or jeans. We all had ankle socks and sneakers because we knew we had to do a lot of walking.

Overall, we didn’t look like a bunch of hot chicks vamping it up for attention.

I heard Gina say, “We go to Evander up in The Bronx.” She left out the complication of my attending the Dexter Academy.

Vince looked a bit disappointed. “Actually, we live in Astoria.” That was a neighborhood in Queens. But he pressed on with whatever he had been thinking about. “Anyway, how about we show you girls around the festival?”

Gina could have said, no, I’ve been here several times before. Instead I heard, “Yeah, that sounds great. Let’s go.”

The first benefits soon accrued to us. Gina had told the two guys that we had already eaten heroes, so they bought as Italian cookies. They hadn’t had dinner yet, so they got some lasagna at a nearby stand. Gina asked, “Please buy us some seltzer too, if you would.”

Thus we got four seltzers from the lasagna stand. We sat around as best we could on a stoop and ate our food.

We chatted with Vince and Mike and found out that the former was an electrician’s apprentice while the latter drove a soda delivery truck. We talked about our school and I think they were impressed that three of us had part-time jobs. Later Nancy told us that was the point where she decided to get a job too.

After eating, Vince and Mike tried out a carnival stand. It was sort of a “whack-a-mole” setup where one fired rifles at badgers who popped up. Of course, those did not fire bullets but put out an electronic pulse. It wasn’t easy to accomplish, but finally, Mike got enough points to win a stuffed toy. Gina wanted a purple octopus, of all things, so he got one for her.

After a while, we said we were going home even though we were lying. We headed west towards the #6 train, but we were going to come back to the festival. Vince and Mike looked a little forlorn that we were leaving, but Gina threw them a bone. She said, “Here, I’ll give you my phone number. Give me a call and maybe we’ll work out something in Manhattan.”

On our looping walk, I asked, “Was that really your number?”

“Yeah, but I’ll probably just blow them off if I get a call. We have the Bainbridge Boys so much closer to home.” I thought, and you also have Richie, and I’d love to know what you’re doing with him.

I asked, “What are they going to call you about? There are four of us and two of them.” Actually, I was still dating Chris and Gina seemed to have that unspecified relationship with Richie even though he had an official girlfriend at Lehman.

Jenny asked, “Do you think they came here expecting to pick up girls? We’re obviously the wrong age and type for them, and we don’t even live in the same boroughs.”

“I don’t know. Maybe they were down there for a while and things weren’t going well. Guys often underestimate how difficult it is to make a cold approach to women.”

I wondered how she knew that. She continued, “From our point of view, as I said, it’s good to get your feet wet, experiment with talking to different kinds of guys. I admit, the Bainbridge Boys are more promising and they live a hell of a lot closer.”

Nancy asked, “Who are the Bainbridge Boys?”

“They are some guys we met at the Williambridge Oval. We’ve been on some dates with them, like to the movies and on the Circle Line. It’s pretty casual for the moment.”

I got the feeling that Nancy wanted to talk about her boyfriend John and the issues she had with him. Instead, she said, “Maybe it’s not a good idea to talk to strange men in the street.”

Gina said, “Oh sure, discretion is important. There are some bad dudes out there. Like this place is pretty safe because there are so many people around.”

Jenny told us a story. “Once I had to make a delivery in this industrial area in The Bronx. I had to get off at Hunts Point Avenue and then walk across a bridge. I wasn’t wearing my shorts, but I was on high alert anyway.”

“That’s good. In a situation like that, walk along like you know where you are going and don’t appear timid. That’s one advantage to us being in a group. We can watch out for each other. And with Nancy, now we can have four of us.”

Later, we decided to take the subway only to 23rd Street and then catch an express bus to our neighborhood. The #5 train was just sketchy enough that we didn’t want to ride it in the late evening.

When we got off the bus, Nancy quietly said, “Chloe, I need some advice about John.” That was her boyfriend who also attended Evander. “Would you help me?”

I guess I was touched that she trusted me. “Sure, we’ll make a date to go over anything you want.”

Gina was just in front of us with her purple octopus. “Gina, why in hell did you ask for that thing?”

“Well, I like it, eight arms and all. I named him Rufus.”



I went with Nancy the very next day, a Sunday. We took the buses over to Van Cortlandt Park and we walked around for a while. I knew what topics I was going to discuss, but I waited for a good moment to bring them up.

At one point we were sitting on the girders of a railroad bridge over an arm of the lake. Nancy asked me. “Don’t trains ever come through here?” Only one of the two tracks was still in service.

“Only at night, and maybe only one. This branch is fading away. The last time I saw a train here in the daytime I was still a kid, maybe nine years old.” Then I said, “Nancy, I have a couple of personal things to talk to you about. Are you up for that?”

I wished I could put my arms around her, but I didn’t feel comfortable doing that in public. Maybe I would have done that in Manhattan, but not where we were then. Anyway, she said, “Yeah, Chloe, I trust you.”

“I see we’ve come a long way in a very short time. So, first thing: what is your problem with John that you mentioned yesterday?”

She took a moment for her to get her courage up. “The thing is that he doesn’t satisfy me sexually. He’s eager for me to go down on him, but he won’t do the same for me. Sometimes he uses his fingers, but I can see he’s not really into it. Frankly, he’s never given me a single orgasm. I have to do that for myself.”

I was impressed with her honesty. “Maybe you should just dump this guy. I mean, does he have any other worthwhile qualities?”

“Not really, he’s just a guy, But Chloe, I’ll lose face if I don’t have a boyfriend there.”

“Come on, it’s just high school. One of the things I’ve been learning is not to be concerned about what other people think about me.” I stopped for a moment. “You don’t have to make up your mind right now. Now the second thing is; maybe we should tell Gina and Jenny about our sexual relationship, I mean beyond the couch arms.”

“I like them, but I don’t want more, well, lovers.”

“They’ll understand.” I got very blunt. “There is no requirement that we all fuck each other to be in the Sisterhood. It just worked out that way somehow, but you and I can do what’s best for us. And as I said, you don’t have to decide today.”

She suddenly put her arms around me but she didn’t kiss me. None of the other people sitting on the bridge seemed to notice us.

I didn’t know it yet, but the rest of September would be quite eventful.





Published 2 months ago

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