After I got into the truck with Dwaine we didn’t talk at all until we got to the cabin, only about a two or three-minute drive at most. I don’t think we were nervous, I was not at least, I just think we both thought we could not believe we were about to do what we were about to do.
For me, it was because what I was about to do was so unlike me and I had never done anything like this before. I didn’t have one-night stands or one-time hookups, hell; I didn’t do random hookups at all or just have casual sex all willy-nilly. At thirty-six years of age, there had been only four; Dwaine will make five guys I had sex with. All of them, with the soon-to-be exception of Dwaine, I had dated for at least a month before I had sex with them; sometimes longer. It depended on how many dates we had been on.
I didn’t even consider Dwaine as a random hookup since I had known the boy for a few years. It was not like he was a stranger I met in a bar.
I also could not believe it because of the boy’s age. I never had sex with anyone younger than me, especially seventeen years younger than me. I was not worried about him not knowing all the right buttons to push, so to speak, to get me off. That would not be an issue for me to have an orgasm. I was able to orgasm from penetration alone and to my embarrassment, sometimes rather quickly.
I know that sounds silly, a girl having a quick orgasm when having sex is not like when it happens to a man I guess; but I did find it embarrassing when after only two and a half to three minutes of having sex I am screaming out as I was having an orgasm. It does seem to boast a man’s ego though. I don’t tell them it’s not him and it’s just what happens to me sometimes; I don’t want to burst his bubble.
Dwaine had said he wanted to taste my pussy, and I was fine with that. I enjoyed oral sex performed on me even if I doubted he would be able to make me have an orgasm that way. I could educate him about a girl’s clitoris and even a G-spot, but I was in no mood to be a teacher that day. I would be satisfied with an orgasm or two from him fucking me.
If he was “too quick on the trigger” when he fucked me, well we had time to do it more than once so I was not worried about that. He was nineteen and I figure his “recovery time” would be rather quick. I was thinking with some foreplay involved, I did like foreplay; we could have sex two times that late afternoon.
One thing I didn’t consider or think about on that short drive to the cabin was trying to back out of having sex with Dwaine. I had already given him a blowjob and as Caesar said when he crossed the Rubicon, “The die is cast.” I never considered backing out anyway. I wanted to have sex with Dwaine.
I did worry about him expecting it to be more than a one-time thing. Not dating, I was too old for him for that and I would never date someone that much younger than me, but him expecting us to hook up again. I would have to make sure to remind him it was just a one-time thing after we had sex.
As for Dwaine not believing what was about to happen, I can only speculate. I would assume he couldn’t believe that a thirty-six-year-old, pretty woman of Chinese descent had just sucked his cock, swallowed his cum, and now he was driving her to a place where he was going to fuck her. I imagined when he told his friends the story they would not believe him.
Yes, even though he promised he would not tell anyone, I knew he was going to tell his friends. I’m not stupid or naive. I would have been delusional if I didn’t think he was going to brag to his friends about this. That would not bother me, I didn’t know his friends and they didn’t know me.
We pulled up to the cabin and Dwaine pulled around the back so the truck couldn’t be seen. As I was about to open the truck door but Dwaine locked it from his side. I turned and looked at the boy.
“Seriously? You want to play childish games when we are about to go into that cabin and have sex?” I asked.
“I want to see your tits,” he told me as he was grinning.
“I am pretty sure you are about to see them shortly.”
“I want to take pictures of them,” Dwaine confessed.
His boldness about it did put me off guard. I figured he wanted proof when he told his friends he banged this older Asian chick from work. I doubted they would believe him unless he had proof, which he would not have. That was unless I allowed him to take photos of my boobs.
“I don’t think so,” I told the boy.
I had never taken or allowed to be taken pictures of me naked in any way or even in sexy lingerie or me wearing just a bra and a pair of panties. I was not into that and also I had seen or heard about people having such pictures leaked online.
“Some of the girls here I have fucked have let me,” Dwaine confessed.
“Well, bully for them.” I am not a gullible person who is easily manipulated. I was curious as to which girls did allow Dwaine to take naked photos of them, however.
“Which girls?” I asked. Yes, my curiosity got the better of me.
“You show me yours and I’ll show you mine as the saying goes,” Dwaine said and gave me an arrogant grin.
We went back and forth for a while, me saying no and him trying to convince me until I finally said ok. I agreed because I was curious as to which girls and also I was already stepping way out of my comfort zone by having a one-time hook-up with a nineteen-year-old. Plus, since I had never let anyone take pics of me like that, how did I know if I would like it or not? Maybe I would find it a turn-on.
Why did he want to take such photos of girls he has sex with, the ones who let him? Most didn’t Dwaine told me. Well as we went back and forth with “let me”, and “no, I don’t think so”, several times I did ask and he gave some stupid answer about he liked to look at them for later. Which I knew meant when he masturbated. But I also knew he wanted to take them to show his friends and brag about the girls he fucked. He didn’t tell me that, but as I said, I am not naïve. Maybe that was a fetish of his also; to take such photos.
“Take them on my phone and hand me yours,” I told Dwaine after I agreed.
“Because I want to see the pics you took of the other girls and if you take the pics of me on my phone I can edit out my face,” I told the boy. “I will send them to you.”
“How do I know you will send them?” He asked.
I laughed at the stupid question and his doubt. “Well let’s see, I kissed you in the office, I sucked your dick in the office, and I am about to give you guaranteed sex with little to no effort of seduction on your part. Why would I lie about this? Plus I can see my boobs any time I want so I don’t need pics of them.”
Dwaine agreed and I reached into my purse and took out my phone and put it on camera mode. The boy pulled his phone from his front pocket, opened up an album in his photo gallery, and handed me his phone.
I lifted my top and exposed my breasts for him and Dwaine started taking photos as he groped me. He groped my breasts, and nipples, and even put his hand on my waist and made a comment about how thin I was and that he could almost wrap one hand around my waist.
I let him have fun and then started looking at his photos. There were not many girls but lots of photos of the ones he had taken pics of. Some of the faces were blurred out and others weren’t. Some were just boob pics and others were fully naked shots and some of the poses were downright vulgar and some of the girls were touching themselves for him. They all seemed to be enjoying posing for him and touching themselves for him.
I was not shocked they let him take the photos or what they were doing to themselves. I had heard stories of some of the freaky things some of the girls on campus did and rumors of other things they did.
I was not into seeing other girls naked at all, especially the more vulgar pics of them spreading themselves for Dwaine and touching themselves. I thumbed through them quickly and did not recognize any. Dwaine continued to fondle my breasts and take pics as I did so. I then stopped at one photo, the beginning of a new set of a new girl.
“Seriously, her?” I asked as I held Dwaine’s phone for him to see the screen.
The photo I showed him had to be taken at the latest the previous year because the girl in the pic had graduated last year. Dwaine smiled proudly at the photo.
“Yeah,” he told me while ginning again.
It was a pic of a former Miss. Georgia who had attended the college. Since I had worked there we had had two Miss Georgia attend and graduate from the school.
“I’m impressed,” I told him.
I was not so much impressed he had sex with the girl. I was sure she was a girl like most college girls and wanted to have sex with someone. I was impressed that he convinced her to let him take pics of her and not blur out her face at least. While she was not a huge celebrity, she was a public figure and if those pics were leaked it would be a scandal for the beauty pageant circle.
“Don’t be,” Dwaine told me. “She used to fuck around quite a bit from what some of the other girls told me.” Dwaine mistook why I was impressed but I didn’t correct him.
There were a lot of photos of her and she was doing some nasty poses and touching herself and some of the poses I thought were disgusting. I only looked at them briefly because as I said, looking at the naked pic of girls did nothing for me—neither did looking at naked pics of men for that matter.
I lowered my top. “Ok that’s enough,” I told the boy.
I did discover someone taking those types of photos of me did nothing for me. It didn’t turn me on at all and it didn’t turn me off either nor was I embarrassed by it. It was just a blah feeling; a feeling of nothingness.
“I want to see your pussy and take some pics of it,” Dwaine told me.
I rolled my eyes. “Again, I think you are about to see it. I’m not going to blindfold you. I am not into that kind of stuff,” I teased him.
Dwaine chuckled. “I just want a few,” he said. He didn’t beg or whine which I liked.
I sighed and started pulling off my skirt and panties. I took them completely off and made sure I did so with my legs closed. I was a little embarrassed about my choice of panties that day. Well, I wasn’t until Dwaine saw them.
They were nothing sexy trust me. They were an old pair of cotton brief-cut panties with daisies printed all over them. They also had a few small holes in them and on the right side was a rip in them just below the elastic waistband.
I have a bad habit of not throwing clothes away when they somehow got torn or got a hole in them or donating them to Good Will when they are in decent shape and I don’t wear them anymore. I just let them hang in my closet going unworn. The same applied to my underwear. I just stuck my old bras and panties in my underwear drawers.
That morning I had just grabbed the first pair my hands touched and put them on. I had no idea someone was going to see them. Don’t judge me, at least I took a shower that morning and unlike the skirt I had picked out of my dirty laundry hamper, the panties were at least clean.
I figured might as well get this over with, him seeing my gross labia. He was going to see it anyway. Plus I figured what the hell; I had already let him take some pics of my breasts so in for a penny in for a pound.
I sat back in the truck seat and spread my legs for him. Dwaine took a photo quickly.
“Fuck, look at those pussy lips,” he commented. Not the first time I heard that.
I covered myself with my hand and closed my legs and blushed.
“Don’t,” Dwaine told me. “They are fucking sexy. Like big pouty lips.” He moved the phone down between my legs. “Just one more, a closeup.”
I sighed and spread my legs and as I was sliding my hand up he took another picture.
“That’s enough,” I told the boy and pulled my blouse down to cover myself.
“You should shave it,” he told me.
“No, I’m good the way it is,” I replied.
I was not overly hairy between my legs. Not much at all. I had one tuff of soft, fine black pubic hair above my pussy that was not very wide and then some below it that ended before any hair got to around my butthole. I never shaved it or trimmed it to please a man at all. If he didn’t like then he didn’t have to have it.
I did trim some during the summer for my bikini and used to trim it all the time when I was on Tour. You learn very quickly as a woman when you play professional golf or even when you are on the amateur tour to make sure when you bend over to pick up your ball, bend over to place a ball on a tee, or squat to read a putt to keep your legs closed.
You learn that after you see the first photo of yourself online or watch a pre-recorded broadcast of the round on TV and see yourself show the world what you have. When you first join one of the various tours, lots of other players will also give you that warning.
Sometimes, however, you are so focused and forget to do so, and it would not be a very attractive sight to see a few stray hairs poking out. But that day I was not trimmed and I seriously doubted Dwaine was going to let that stop him from fucking me.
Dwaine and I exchanged phones. “Let’s go in the cabin now,” he suggested. “I can’t wait to wear that pussy out, make you cum so many times, and fuck you so hard you will beg me to stop.”
I laughed at Dwaine and I was not laughing at his crude comment because I thought it was funny. I was laughing at him for sounding ridiculous. Men who felt the need to brag about their sexual prowess turned me off and I thought they sounded stupid when they did so.
I also didn’t beg. I don’t know where men get the idea all women are going to just start begging them when they want sex or having sex or heck, even just seeing their penis. Porn maybe? That was not me at all. I didn’t beg.
Also, when a man was fucking me hard, which I did enjoy immensely, why the hell would I beg him to stop if it felt so damn good?
I was not opposed to dirty talk during sex and rather enjoyed it when a man was fucking me hard and the sex was the non-intimate lovemaking type of sex. During a good hard fucking or a hard quickie, it was erotic and turned me on.
A man telling me how good my pussy felt while he was fucking me, asking me if I like how hard he was fucking my pussy, when I orgasmed him telling me to cum for him, and other dirty talks I enjoyed.
I did draw the line when it came to anything verbally degrading. I didn’t tolerate the man calling me a whore, a slut, or a bitch during sex or anytime for that matter. He did that and I would give him one warning not to do it again. If he did do it again, I would stop the sex and leave or tell him to leave and he should consider himself lucky I didn’t chop off a certain body part of his.
I enjoyed talking dirty myself during sex. I am prim and proper and can be a prissy lady, except when I am playing golf competitively or just for fun. I am very completive and can be rather mean-spirited on the golf course or even playing any game. I am a very competitive person.
Manners and etiquette are important to me, my own, and someone else’s. So when I am having sex with a man for the first time and start talking dirty, it shocks them that words like that came out of my mouth. I just don’t think sex is a time to be prim and proper and have perfect manners and etiquette.
While I am not a submissive lover, I do enjoy and let the man take charge of the sex. I like when he tells me to move this way or that way, to place my legs here or there, or move my body into various sexual positions without asking. If I don’t like it or it hurts I will tell him to stop. However, I have never been in a sexual position that didn’t feel good to me. Not that I know all that many and am certainly not an expert on the Kama Sutra.
Maybe Dwaine assuming I was one of those submissive type girls who did beg, enjoyed begging, or pretended to beg for the turn-on it gave them was partly my fault. I was acting like quite the hussy and I was rather randy feeling. I initiated almost everything so far. I was the one who kissed him, I gave the boy a blowjob in the office, and I tell him we needed to go somewhere private. I also let Dwaine take the photos.
I put my phone back in my purse I then gave him a serious look and opened my purse and held it out to him.
“Put your phone in here,” I told him.
“Why?” he asked, confused.
“Because I saw the video folder labeled sex vids on your phone and I don’t want you to try and be all sneaky and video us having sex,” I told him.
I didn’t watch the videos so I didn’t know if it was porn he downloaded or sex videos of him and other girls, but he did mention he made some. I didn’t want to watch the videos. But I was being careful because some of the photos on the phone were photos of a girl’s butt and Dwaine fucking her from behind. I was not taking any chances.
“Seriously? I would never do that without the girl’s permission and the only two videos I have like that the girl wanted to make, not me,” the boy told me.
To show me he was telling the truth or at least to get me to believe he was, Dwaine placed his phone in my purse.
“Now can we go inside?” he asked and unlocked the doors of the truck.
“One last thing,” I told him. “We need to set some ground rules.”
Dwaine laughed, “Damn, Mei, you are making this difficult and may not be worth all the trouble now.”
I smiled and shrugged, “We don’t have to,” I told him. I then gave the boy a seductive smile. “Trust me, I am worth the trouble,” I teased and even giggled at my own naughty, uncharacteristic comment
Dwaine laughed again. “I said almost. So what are the rules?”
“First as agreed this is a one-time thing. I don’t want you to think one day next week we can hook up again or be texting me to hook up. I’m not a booty call,” I told him.
Dwaine nodded. “I know, you said this before. I am ok with that.”
“I don’t do anal sex, so don’t go try sticking that thing up my butt,” I told the boy.
I didn’t do anal sex. I tried it once with my second boyfriend and even though I let him finish I did not enjoy it at all. It hurt for a long while and even when it stopped hurting it did not feel good or give me any pleasure and I never wanted to do it again. I hated the feeling of him ejaculating in my butt as well and the feeling of it leaking out of me.
I know a lot of men reading this story may comment or send me a message about it and try and tell me I just need it done right or try and convince me to give it another try and I would like it etc. I know that because I already get messages like that. My ex-husband even tried to convince me on our honeymoon to try it again.
No talk or explanation of trying to get me to do it again is going to convince me. None at all; I don’t do anal sex and I won’t do anal sex, period. I don’t care if it’s Chris Hemsworth with his long hair and dressed up in his Thor costume trying to convince me. I don’t do it and if a man does not like that then too bad.
I don’t think it’s a disgusting act at all and if a girl enjoys it and does it, good for her. Do what you like sexually as long as it’s consensual and legal. I just personally do not like anal sex.
“I am okay with that,” Dwaine assured me. “I won’t try. I don’t do it unless the girl asks me to,” he told me. ”What about condoms, I don’t have one.” Dwaine suddenly sounded disappointed. “I could go get some real fast.”
He could. There were several convenience stores/ gas stations less than a minute’s drive from the campus and a grocery store so close that a lot of the students walked to it and so did I sometimes on my lunch break at times to buy a sandwich from their deli.
“No need,” I told him. “My IUD is good for quite a few more years.”
I had recently gotten a new one when I started dating the previous man I dated. The pill made me sick and made my period all whacky so I use an implant. Plus I much preferred sex without a condom because even though I didn’t like the feeling of a man cumming in my butt, I did immensely enjoy the feeling of him ejaculating in my pussy.
“What about the other thing, an STD,” Dwaine asked. I was rather impressed he brought that up.
“Well if you do it’s too late for me since I already sucked your dick and swallowed your cum,” I teased. See, I can talk dirty. “As for me, it’s been so damn long since I had sex so if I had anything I would know by now.” I blurted the last part out and didn’t mean to. I didn’t want Dwaine to know how long I had gone without sex.
Five months was not the longest I have gone without sex, not by a long shot, but I just didn’t want the boy to know. I hoped he didn’t hear what I blurted out.
“I use condoms, I promise. All the time,” Dwaine assured me. Apparently, he didn’t hear what I blurted out.
“All the time?” I teased him.
“Yes, never had sex with a girl and not used one,” he told me.
I did believe him because I had already hinted that we were going to have sex without a condom and also the pics I rapidly scrolled past on his phone of him fucking a girl from behind, he was wearing a condom.
As for the STD thing, I was not promiscuous and by the time I ended up having sex with a man I dated, I was sure he didn’t have one. I did get tested a month after finding out the guy I was dating was cheating on me, can’t be too careful.
Dwaine grinned at me, “So how long has it been since you got fucked?” he teased me. Well, I guess he did hear me.
“How long has it been since you have?” I replied with a question.
I didn’t care how long he had. I was tired of all the rule talk. It was not sexy and while I felt it was important, especially the rule of a one-time-only thing and the not-telling-people rule, I didn’t like rules during sex. If a man did or tried to do something I was not into, I would just stop him and tell him no.
“Two weeks ago,” He confessed. I didn’t expect it had been so long with all the girls at his disposal. “Now you,” he told me.
I gave the boy a seductive smile and quickly moved over the center console and straddled the boy and put my arms around his neck.
“Long enough that I am going to let a nineteen-year-old fuck me for a one-time thing,” I told him.
I then lowered my head and started kissing him. Yes, I was tired of rule talk.
As we kissed, Dwaine was about to put his arms around my lower back but I broke our kiss, grabbed his right wrist, lifted my body off of his slightly, and smiled at him as I guided his hand between my legs. Dwaine took the hint and started using his finger on my pussy.
The boy used his middle finger to part my large pussy lips, inserted the finger just past the opening, and started running it up and down my pussy slit. I made a faint moan of pleasure and started kissing the boy’s neck fiercely and came close to biting him a few times. No, I am not a biter; I am just a passionate person.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” Dwaine commented and I gasped as he inserted his finger into me as I continued to kiss his neck.
“Oh, God, that feels so good,” I told him as I made another gasping sound when the boy inserted a second finger in my pussy.
I kept kissing his neck and started sucking on it and made whimpering noises of pleasure as Dwaine’s fingers fucked me. I did end up giving him a hickey by accident, I could help it. I was highly enjoying what he was doing to me and I didn’t do it on purpose.
“Damn, Mei, your pussy is so tight,” Dwaine commented after a while of him fingering me and he would spread them apart at times. That felt very nice.
When he started to put a third finger inside me, I stopped him by reaching down and grabbing his wrist and tugged it. Dwaine then pulled his fingers out of me.
“Too much?” he asked.
I giggled at the question. Yes it was sweet he was concerned, but his penis was thicker than his three fingers bunched together and it was going to be inside me soon.
“No, just wait, I want to show you something,” I told him.
Dwaine gave me a knowing grin and brought his glistening, wet fingers to my mouth. I closed my lips tight and shook my head. The boy assumed what I wanted to show him was me sucking his fingers to taste myself. I didn’t taste myself. I didn’t like tasting myself. It was not a revolting thought like I would have if I thought about tasting another girl’s pussy. That made me gag.
I just didn’t like doing it and was not fond of the taste or thought of tasting my pussy. The only time I ever did was when I would give a man a blowjob after he had fucked me. The taste of our mixed sex fluids didn’t turn me on, well the taste of his cum did. I did it because I liked sucking cock, that sounds slutty, but I did.
Also because if a man was willing to kiss me after he had cum in my mouth or go down on me after he had ejaculated in my pussy, it was only fair to give him a blowjob after he had been inside me. I didn’t have a double standard.
“Sorry, some girls like it,” Dwaine said and sounded a little embarrassed.
I smiled. “I know, baby, I just don’t but you can taste it if you want to.” While I didn’t like tasting myself on a man’s fingers I did like watching him do it.
Dwaine grinned and I watched as he brought his two glistening fingers to his face and smelled them, inhaling three times, then he licked them a few times and then placed them in his mouth. The boy made sucking sounds as he tasted my pussy fluid and then took them out of his mouth.
“Damn. Mei, you smell and taste so good,” he told me.
I grinned at him. “Well I am a stickler for personal hygiene,” I teased. I know that was not sexy to say, but I never knew how to respond when a man told me I tasted good.
Dwaine chuckled and went to place his fingers inside me again, but I stopped him once more. He gave me a confused look when I took his hand, folded down his pinky, and then his thumb.
“This is what I wanted to show you,” I told him and turned his hand palm side up. “Put these three fingers in me, but not deep.” I placed my index finger on the second knuckle down from the tip of his middle finger. “To right about there and once inside me curl them up a little.” I curled his fingers to show him. “And then press them on the roof of my pussy and feel around until you feel a small spot that’s not as smooth.”
“How will I know when I find it?” he asked.
I giggled. “Oh, baby, trust me you’ll know.”
I know I said was not going to teach the boy anything, but him fingering my long-neglected pussy had aroused me a great deal and I wanted more than I had thought I did.
Dwaine put his fingers inside me and I made a gasping moan again from the sensation, placed my hands around his neck once more, and again started kissing his neck. The boy did as I showed him and I felt his fingers curl and he started trying to find my G-spot.
As I kissed Dwaine’s neck, I was making a whimpering type of sound of pleasure as his fingers in my pussy moved around. Suddenly my body jerked and I gave a short gasping moan.
“Ohh, God, baby, yes, yes right there,” I told Dwaine as I panted. “No, no, baby, go back,” I instructed when his finger left my G-spot.
“Ohh, fuck, that’s it. Right there, right there, ohh, God, yes, stay right there,” I told him and started moaning and panting when Dwaine once again found the spot inside my pussy.
“It does feel different,” the boy told me. “Like little bumps.”
“Uhh, yeah, ohh God, just stay right there,” I gasped out.
I didn’t care what Dwaine was talking about at that moment, all that mattered to me was that his fingers stayed on that spot.
“Harder, do it harder and faster,” I told him.
Dwaine put more pressure with his fingers on that delightful spot inside my pussy and started rubbing it faster. My arms around his neck tighten their grip and I placed my head on his shoulders. Dwaine grabbed my butt with his other hand and held me firmly. My body was making slight jerking movements so he held me so I would not inadvertently jerk my body and his fingers would slip off the small spot.
“Ohh, fuck…ohhh, fuck, baby! Ohh God, yes, just like that! Ohh fuck just like that. Don’t stop!” I cried out loudly as the boy stimulated my G-spot harder and faster.
“Fuck, Mei, you’re so fucking sexy,” Dwaine told me.
As the boy worked my pussy with his fingers he kept telling me other things such as, how wet my pussy was, how tight it was, how sexy I sounded when I was moaning, how small my butt was, and other stuff. I didn’t really pay attention to what he was saying. I was focused too much on the pleasure I was receiving.
About four or maybe five minutes later, I am just assuming because was not timing it, I felt a pressure-like sensation building up and a slight urge to urinate. It was just slight and I knew I was not going to pee. I knew what was going to happen. It was a sensation I got when I was about to have a G-spot orgasm.
“Ohh fuck, please don’t stop, baby, Ohh God, I’m going cum! Ohh God, I’m going to cum,” I cried out into the boy’s ear.
It was rather loud and surprised it didn’t hurt his ear drum. Not really, that was an exaggeration but I was loud.
When I started to orgasm, I leaned back and my back arched and pressed against the steering wheel as my body tensed and my grip around Dwaine’s neck tightened. When I orgasmed, my body convulsed and my moans of pleasure became higher pitched and louder and I heard the horn of the truck honk a few times when my body jerked against the steering wheel. I didn’t care.
After my orgasm ended, I collapsed my body against Dwaine’s and placed my head on his chest as I panted for air.
I heard the boy chuckle. “Yeah, you were right, I would know when I found the right spot,” he said.
I just smiled. I was much too relaxed and in a euphoric state to reply to his jest. I gave a slight grunt as the boy pulled his fingers out of me.
“Holy, shit!” I heard Dwaine exclaim. I did not have to look up at him. I knew why the boy reacted that way. “Is that cum? That’s fucking cool!”
I did look up then and even though I knew what he was referring to I looked at his hand anyway. On his three fingers and down to the start of the palm of his hand was a milky, white fluid. Yes my cum, as I and other people who saw it referred to it, although it was not my orgasm fluid.
It was a milky, white fluid about the constancy of a white hand lotion but slightly sticky, not as sticky as a man’s cum however.
Not wanting to be too medical-sounding or lecturing, but when my G-spot is stimulated, the Skene’s glands would start to excrete the fluid before I had an orgasm. It is not the same as what people crudely refer to as squirting. The fluid from a woman when she squirts comes from the urethra and the other like I do comes from the Skene’s Glands near the G-spot. I don’t squirt and thank goodness I never had. That would be humiliating.
One would think after reading what I have revealed in my story so far about things that embarrass me, especially sexual things, and about my body; I would be embarrassed about this, the fluid. I was not at all. I think it’s, well for lack of a better word, neat.
I watched Dwaine as he bought his fingers to his mouth and stuck out his tongue to timidly taste the fluid.
“It’s kind of sweet tasting,” he commented and then licked it off his fingers and palm.
I had tasted it before, not purposely tasted it, but when some had gotten around a man’s mouth when he gave me a G-spot orgasm and I kissed him afterward and it was sweet tasting. Of course, the fluid contains high concentrations of glucose and fructose so naturally, it would have a sweet taste to it.
I raised my head and kissed Dwaine’s cheek and moved back over to the passenger seat of the truck.
“Any tissues in here?” I asked.
Both Dwaine and searched inside the cab of the truck and didn’t find any tissues. I bent down and grabbed my panties and wiped between my legs. The fluid would ooze out of me and I didn’t want it to start running down my legs.
“Well that was fun,” I told Dwaine. “I appreciate what you did for me and you can take me back to my car now,” I teased.
Dwaine grinned at me. “So that’s it. You show me an awesome new trick to use on a girl, I make you cum, and that’s all I get?”
I made a fake shock of indignation, “What? I did suck your dick earlier. That should have been enough.”
Derrick chuckled. “It was great, don’t get me wrong, it was fucking fantastic, but I want that pussy now.”
I made an exaggerated loud sigh. “Well I guess since we’re already here,” I teased and giggled as opened the door to the truck, but it wouldn’t open. Dwaine still had it locked. When he unlocked the doors I got out.
I didn’t bother putting my panties or skirt back on. The top I was wearing came down past my butt and to about four inches above my knees.
I started to walk to the deck in the back of the cabin that led to the back door and noticed Dwaine was bending over the hood of the truck looking at the windshield. I turned around.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Just checking for cracks,” the boy said and didn’t turn around but ran his hand over the glass. “As loud as you were screeching when you were cumming, I’m surprised you didn’t shatter the windshield.” He laughed and I saw his body shake.
I squatted down and pick up a pinecone. It was a heavy green cone that the prongs had not opened yet because it fell too early from the tree, maybe blown off by the wind. I cocked back my arm.
“I don’t screech,” I told the boy. “I am a lady and ladies don’t screech. Only whores and owls screech.” I then threw the pinecone at Derrick’s head.
“Yes, you did. Sounded like…ow, that the hell,” Dwaine muttered when the pinecone hit him in the back.
The boy turned and looked at me and I did screech out that time and started to run to the deck. He caught me quickly and grabbed me as I struggled, turned me around, picked me up, and put me over his shoulders.
I was giggling and kicking my feet. “Turn me loose,” I told him and playfully beat him on the back with my fists.
I was glad Dwaine was joining in my playfulness. I liked being playful and liked when my partner was also. The last man I dated was too serious all the time and not very playful at all. Even during sex, he was serious and intense and rather arrogant and vain about the size of his much above-average size penis.
Not that the intense sex was not good, it was very good. As for his large penis. I didn’t care about that like he did. Yes, I could tell the difference. How it would penetrate me deeper and stretch my pussy apart more than an average size penis. Sometimes it hurt when he started to fuck me until my pussy got accustomed to the size of it, but as for sexual pleasure; it didn’t satisfy me anymore or any less than my past three other lovers had..
Dwaine carried me up the stairs of the deck as I was still beating his back and kicking my feet. “You keep struggling and hitting me and I won’t let you suck my cock again.”
I started laughing. “Yeah, sure,” I told him. “Like that would happen.”
Derrick started unlocking the door to the cabin. He first unlocked the deadbolt and then the door handle lock; they both used the same key.
“What makes you think it was that good?” he teased me as he opened the door.
He walked in the door and kicked it with his foot to shut it and put me down. He put his hands on my butt and cupped them and I reached up and put my hands around his neck. I looked up at Dwaine and smiled.
“Because I know it was that good,” I told him confidently.
I lifted myself on my toes and pulled the boy’s head down before he could reply and we started kissing again. As we kissed, Dwaine started tugging at the bottom of my top and I lifted my arms above my head to let him take it off. Once my top was off, the boy tossed it to the floor, grabbed me just under my butt, and lifted me until my breasts were level with his head. I wrapped my legs around his lower back and my arms around my neck as Dwaine started to kiss my breasts and then suck my nipples.
I threw back my head and moaned as the boy teased my erect nipples with his mouth and tongue and kissed my breasts. I allowed Dwaine to kiss and suck my nipples and breasts for a while longer and then grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled his head back and started kissing him again.
When I moved my lips to his neck, the boy carried me to the closet bedroom in the three-bedroom cabin. He gently placed me on the bed and started to undress. I stood up and pulled back the top cover. The top covers of the beds in the cabin are homemade quilts given to the college by various alumni and I didn’t want to get sex fluids on them. The sheets, I could take home and wash.
I sat down on the edge of the bed, pulled my shoes and socks off, and watched Dwaine finish taking off his clothes. He had a nice body and I liked that he had hair on his chest. I like a man to have hair on his chest and men who shaved their chest and other hairs on their bodies below their neck were not a turn-on for me.
Being nineteen, the boy’s chest hairs had not fully come in I assumed. There was a single thick patch of black chair in the center of his chest and it thinned out as it spread over his chest. There was a line of hairs that ran down from the center of his chest to his stomach. The hairs on Dwaine’s chest looked soft and fine.
Once he was as naked as I was, I looked down and smiled when I saw his erect penis and I made a come here motion with my finger. Dwaine was grinning as he walked closer to me. As he stood in front of me I reached out, put my hands on his butt, pulled him closer, leaned down, and took his cock in my mouth.
I looked up at Dwaine’s face as I slowly took the boy’s penis down my throat until my nose was pressed into his pubic hairs. I slowly pulled my head back until the tip of his cock was just inside my mouth and then again slowly deep-throated the boy, all the while looking up at his face.
“Ugh, fuck, Mei, you are right. You are good at this,” Dwaine told me the fourth time I slowly deep-throated him.
I pulled my head back slowly and took my mouth off his penis and then moved to lie on the bed. I then laid on my back, placed my feet flat on the bed, bent my knees, and spread my legs slightly to let Dwaine see my naked body. Besides the previously mentioned feeling I have about my large labia, I was not ashamed of my body at all. I think I have a very cute and sexy body. Nice long legs, slender, a long sexy neck, cute small breasts, and an extremely sexy and cute small butt.
I was no longer embarrassed for Dwaine to see my pussy. Once a man had seen it for the first time, I got over the embarrassment of it. Dwaine had not only already seen it but had his fingers inside it and had made it cum.
Dwaine was again grinning as got in the bed while his eyes ran up and down my body. He didn’t lie down next to me but instead knelt next to me.
“I…I want to sixty-nine with you,” he said timidly.
I reached over and ran my hand over his chest. I was right, his chest hairs were soft. I looked up and smiled at the boy.
“Sure, baby, want me on top?” I asked.
Dwaine grinned wider and nodded his head. I was glad he wanted me on top. I preferred it to be on the bottom of a sixty-nine position. Being on the bottom, sometimes the man forced his penis down my throat and can make me gag and choke. Whether it was done by accident or purpose, I didn’t like a man forcing his penis down my throat or fucking my mouth.
Dwaine lay on his back and I straddle him and lowered my butt as I lowered my head to his crotch. We both took our time and didn’t rush into it. I started running my tongue over the boy’s inner thighs at the crease where his thighs met his scrotum as I felt him run his finger up and down my pussy slit. I made a gasp and my body flinched when his finger just barely brushed my clit.
I assumed he touched it by accident because unfortunately his finger did not linger on it and ran back down my pussy as I started licking his scrotum. Maybe later I would show him how to stimulate my clit as I showed him how to find a woman’s G-spot.
I ran my tongue over the boy’s hair-covered scrotum but didn’t take his testicles in my mouth. I didn’t do that unless my partner wanted me to. I was not opposed to doing it. In my limited experience with the number of men I had sex with in the past, I found out some men were very sensitive about that.
As I took Dwaine’s penis in my mouth once more, just the tip of it, and started teasing it with my tongue, I felt the thumb and index finger from both his hands gently pinch my large, protruding pussy lips and he pulled them apart.
“Damn, the inside of your pussy is so pink, and it’s so fucking wet,” he commented and inserted his tongue into me.
As I slowly sucked his cock, the boy started using his tongue inside me and was lapping at my pussy as he held the lips spread apart. It felt pleasant but more in a teasing way that I knew was not going to make me orgasm.
I was fine with that for the moment since I was sucking his cock slowly and at times pulling my mouth off of it and licking his inner thighs and scrotum again. Just like what he was doing to my pussy with his tongue, I was not giving him a blow job to make him cum. We were in no rush and just enjoying each other’s more private areas sensually and erotically.
As Dwain was licking and placing his tongue in my pussy and lapping at my fluids, I felt him place his hand on my butt cheeks and he spread my pussy open more. The boy started licking around my pussy. He licked my large pussy lips and my vulva and then ran his tongue further up. I flinched when I felt his warm, wet tongue touch my butthole.
“Sorry,” Dwaine told me. “I didn’t mean to.”
I didn’t say anything and once more took the tip of his penis in my mouth and teased it with my tongue. After a few twirls of my tongue over his cock head, I raised my head and looked over my shoulder as Dwaine continued to hold my pussy spread apart and licked it.
“It’s ok,” I told him. “You can do it if you want. I like that.”
“Do what?” Dwaine asked.
“Put your tongue in my butt,” I told the boy.
As I mentioned in the first chapter, I do some things that I consider kinky or maybe even a fetish. I honestly don’t know the difference between a kink and a fetish. Having my butthole rimmed and a man putting his tongue up my butt is another one of them. Well I consider it kinky, most don’t I think.
“I thought you said anal sex was disgusting and you don’t do it?” the boy asked me.
“I never said I thought it was disgusting,” I reminded him. “I said I don’t like it and don’t do it. Your tongue there is not anal sex,” I assured him. “And certainly much smaller and shorter than your cock.” I added and giggled. “I like the tongue, but just that, no finger or anything else. That is if you want to do it, don’t do it if you don’t like to.”
Dwaine stopped questioning me and he placed his hands higher up on my butt cheeks and spread them apart to also spread my butthole wider.
“Umm, that feels good,” I told him when he started using his tongue to trace circles around the entrance to my butt. I guess he did like to do it.
I made a gasp of pleasure when his tongue entered my butthole and then went back to use my mouth on him. I didn’t suck his cock anymore, I had been tasting precum and I was worried if I started giving him a blowjob again he would cum. I wanted him to fuck me next and not have an orgasm when I was sucking his dick. I just started licking the area once again.
We stayed in that position for a while longer and soon Dwaine started fingering my pussy again as he continued to use his tongue in my butt. The boy suddenly grabbed my butt cheeks and I giggled as he turned me over so I was on my back on the bed. Dwaine got on top of me and we started kissing as his hands went to my breasts.
“Fuck me now,” I told the boy as I moved my hips into him.
“No, I still want to keep tasting your pussy,” he told me.
Dwaine kissed his way down my body and when he got between my legs I placed my feet flat on the bed and spread them for the boy. Dwaine didn’t waste any time and went back to using his mouth on my pussy. I placed my elbows on the bed and propped myself up so I could watch him.
The boy placed his hands under the back of my upper thighs and lifted my legs so my butt was lifted off the bed.
“Hold them,” he told me.
I placed my hands under the back of my knees and held my legs up and lay down on the bed. Dwaine placed his tongue in my butt hole again and I felt him place his hand on my pelvis area as he pulled back my clit hood. The boy ran his finger up the slit of my pussy and my body jerked and I moaned out when his finger touched my clit.
“Thought I would not know about that, didn’t you,” Dwaine teased me.
He was right, I did think that earlier. I should have known better because I was sure one of the students he had, had sex with would have shown him how to play with her clit to please a girl. I didn’t bother answering and just enjoyed what he was doing to me.
“I want to hear your screech again and make you cum like you did in the truck,” he teased me.
Dwaine then inserted two fingers and then a third into my pussy and his tongue back into my butthole and his finger delightfully played with my clit.
“Oh, God!” I cried out suddenly. Dwaine was a quick study because he found my G-spot quickly.
The three pleasurable sensations I was feeling, a tongue in my butthole, a finger teasing my clit, and three fingers stimulating my G-spot, felt incredible.
“Oh, God, baby, don’t stop! Oh fuck, oh fuck, don’t stop! Ohhh, God, don’t stop!” I kept crying out over and over in between my moans of ecstasy.
It didn’t take me very long to orgasm again. My body tightened, the grip of my hands on my legs tightened and my back arched. I felt my pussy once again convulsing around Dwaine’s fingers and my butthole doing the same around his tongue. After my orgasm ended, Dwaine removed his tongue from my butt and started lapping up the sex fluid from my pussy I continued to hold my legs up and lay on the bed panting.
“Yes, Mei, you do screech when you cum,” he teased me when he was finished. “God, the way you cum like that is so sexy.” He told me, referring to the milky white fluid.
I was still panting and my pussy was still quivering and I was enjoying the afterglow of my orgasm too much to reply. Before could catch my breath, Dwaine got on top of me and started kissing me and I kissed him back, not caring that his mouth was glistening from my sex fluid.
“Oh, God yes!” I cried out again as the boy’s penis entered my pussy.
I let go of my legs and gripped Dwaine’s shoulders tight as he slowly penetrated me while kissing my neck.
“Oh, God, this feels so good,” I blurted out when the boy was fully inside me.
It had been a long time since I had a penis in my pussy and it felt wonderful to have one inside me again. I wrapped my legs around the boy’s lower back and we started fucking. The sex was slow and passionate, but intense.
I started thrusting up to meet his slow but powerful thrusts into me and we quickly got into rhythm with each other. Dwaine was making an occasional grunting moan of pleasure as I made continuous loud moans from his deep thrusts into my pussy. He was kissing me on my lips, face, and neck and telling me how good my pussy felt, how tight it was, how sexy I sounded when getting fucked, how pretty I was, and how sexy my body was. liked hearing that. What girl wouldn’t?
I gripped his shoulders tight and also kissed him back. I also kissed his lips, shoulders, and neck while I told him how good his cock felt inside me between my grunting moans and my “oh, God’s”.
We fucked for a nice amount of time and I had another orgasm. Before my orgasm even ended, Dwaine grunted out he was going to cum, started fucking me a little harder, and then his body went rigid and his thrusts into me became short and jerky and deep. I felt his cum ejaculate inside me and his cock throbbing as he orgasmed. The boy’s orgasm lasted a long time and his sex fluid that exploded into my pussy was abundant.
After our orgasms ended, we kissed passionately and Dwaine rolled off of me and we both lay on our backs panting and enjoying the relaxing, euphoric state. I giggled when I felt his cum leaking out of my pussy. It tickled a little and the boy had ejaculated a great deal of it inside me. I rolled over to my side, kissed Dwaine on the cheek, and got out of bed.
“Where are you going?” he asked. “We are not done yet are we? I can fuck you a few more times.”
I smiled at him wanting to fuck me again and looked at the clock on the nightstand. It was much earlier than I thought it would be. Yes, we had more time for more sex, but I had not gotten out of bed to get dressed and leave.
“I have to pee,” I told the boy. I had drunk a lot of coffee that afternoon and it was catching up with me.
Derrick chuckled. “Oh, ok.”
The room we were in didn’t have a bathroom in it so I walked down the hall. I didn’t bother covering my naked body. There was nothing left to hide that the boy hadn’t already seen.
“Damn, you have a sexy little ass,” Dwaine said as I walked out of the room.
I didn’t turn around but smiled at the compliment.
After I urinated I ran some warm water over a washcloth and wiped the boy’s cum that had been leaking out of me from between my legs and then ran water over another washcloth. Once back in the room, I got in bed and smiled as I knelt between Dwaine’s legs and wiped his cock with the clean damp cloth.
Derick laughed. “What was that for? I liked your pussy on my cock.”
I rolled my eyes and tossed the cloth to the floor and lay next to Dwaine and cuddled up to him. I placed my head on his chest and started to run my hands over it.
“I may want to suck your cock again and it was all nasty with my stuff all over it,” I told the boy.
Derrick laughed at me but I could tell he was excited about the prospect of me giving him another blowjob.