Cherry’s Date with Forty Four Pins

"Clothes pins open up a whole new world"

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Usually a late riser, my dark brown eyes pop open early in anticipation of the day. I lay there with my emotions running from excitement to dread and back again, periodically looking at all the items on the night stand he had me lay out the night before. Blue magic marker, gray hair brush with long thick handle, two vibes, Vick’s Vapor Rub, Icy Hot, and forty four clothes pins all sit on the top of the night stand. Every time I look on the forty four clothes pins my heart drops. Surely they will not all come into play. There have been many a time when I have counted out clothes pins and did not use all of them.

I get up and head to the bathroom. I run the water to warm it up and then splash it on my face, soothing me slightly. Taking the hand towel off the rack, I dry my face and hands. I run my hands through my shoulder length dark brown hair and sigh deeply. I toss the hand towel aside. My ample curves jiggle as I make my way back to bed. My clit is throbbing and my pussy is already getting wet as I catch sight of the clothes pins again. I know down to my toes, when the first message comes across from him, that all forty four will come into play at some point in the day.

His first direction of the morning is to take the blue marker and write his name over each of my nipples. I gladly comply. They are his after all, why not mark them so? I do not have to wait long to see how many clothes pins get used.

It starts off where I have been before, four pins around each nipple. The right nipple has a dull electric pulse, and on the left nipple the spark of fire starts. He tells me to kiss the next set of pins as they go on. With eight kisses, another four encircle the previous four on each breast. The electric pulse on the right nipple is stronger now and the fire on the left nipple is really starting to burn.

I breath through the dull pain but my clit is throbbing and pussy is soaking wet. Another eight go on around the previous eight per his direction. The electric fire really starts to burn now. I fight the urge to remove the eight I had just put on.

He focuses me back to my task at hand. Four more on each breast, after two kisses on each pin. Not giving me time to think, he has me triple kiss the next set of eight as I put them on my flesh, the lighting inferno striking each one of my breasts as the last pin goes on.

My breasts are balls of fire with the pain; there are twenty pins around each areolae. Despite the pain, my throbbing clit and soaking slit are begging for attention. I beg him to be able to rub my clit but he denies me. He has more plans in store for me.

He directs me to put two pins on the tips of my nipples side by side with kisses to each one of the pins before they go on. Fresh fire burns through me as the last one goes on. I am panting and shaking. What I thought was wet before was so wrong, my juices coating my thighs and running down my ass creating a wet spot on the bed.

Again I beg him to touch my clit. He tells me I am going to cum without touching it. I have my first moral crisis of the day. My back is arching and clit is throbbing like mad. My head is screaming at me that this should not feel this good. “What is wrong with me?” I think to myself.

He focuses me back to my throbbing clit and gushing pussy. I am pulling on the two pins on the ends of my nipples, per his directions. The electric fire starts anew causing my clit to pulse. He begins the creative count down to focus me and usually causes me to cum.

3… the pain is fantastic pleasure…

2… feeling your clit about to explode…

1… pull your nips harder and make it happen…

I am shaking and panting as the tension builds in my body. Pulling and twisting the pins now as my body teeters on the edge. I beg again to touch my clit for release and again he denies me. Pulling and twisting the pins further and harder then I had ever before.

I break down and begin to cry because I cannot release without rubbing my clit. I so wanted to please him, being able to cum just with pain as he wanted. My brain again is yelling at me, for a whole other reason now. “Give him the cum he requires,” it screams.

He must sense my trouble and takes pity on my soul. He has me slide a hair brush handle in my pussy. It goes in deep, four rows of bristles hitting my clit as I pulse it in hard and fast. Pulling on the pins on my left nipple and slamming the brush in deep, my body finally releases the hard fought orgasm. Waves of pleasure crash through my body, flowing from pinned pulled nipples to my pulsing clit and back again.

He has me take the four pins off my nipples as I continue to fuck the handle.

I remove the pins from my right nipple and a whole other pain pulses through my body as the blood rushes back into my nipple. Taking just a moment, I remove the pins from the left nipple and I cum around the handle in my pussy as the pain courses into my nipple.

Giving me very little rest, he requires another orgasm. He has me put the four pins back on my nipples. I suck in breath as the last one goes on the left nipple. Again there is a fresh electric fire coursing through my pinned breasts. Rubbing my clit this time, I pull and twist the pins on my left and then my right nipple. I go back to my left, pulling hard and he counts down, calling my name that I embrace, “cumpainslutcherry”. My body explodes again.

Still no quarter for me, he has me remove the pins from the tips of my nipples again. New pain courses through my thoroughly pinned breasts. Breasts are starting to pulse with the pain. He has me grab as many pins as I can on my right breast and pull. It is like there is an inferno burning through my body. At the same time, my clit is throbbing and my pussy is pulsing around the handle. He is requiring a fresh cum from the pain coursing from my breasts to my clit. He has me pull the pins on my right breast again. My body shakes as I come undone again from the pain. He has me pull all the pins off my right breast and my orgasm extends as the blood rushes back in.

Looking down on my right breast, there are deep red marks in every spot the twenty two pins had been. His name emblazoned in blue showing through the red indentations. I rub my fingers lightly on the indentations on my right breast causing another moral crisis. I cannot believe what I have done to myself. I start to tremble.

He focuses me back to my still pinned left breast. He tells me to pull on as many pins as I can. I hesitate for just a moment. The inferno almost too much to bare but my pulsing gushing pussy needs to be satisfied. I pull on a group of pins and the fire lights anew, consuming my body. I quiver as I again pull on a group of pins. I call on his help to give him the cum that we both require.

I pull on the pins on my left breast again and rub my clit frantically. He begins a count down and tells me to “be MY cumpainslutcherry.” My whole body shakes as the orgasm rips through my body. I call out as he has me to release the pins from my left breast. As the blood rushes to the skin my body is racked with pleasure and pain. It takes me a few minutes but the trembling and panting stops. I think that I have finally earned my rest. That is not to be. He has one more plan for the day.

He asks me to head to the kitchen with the hair brush in hand. Weeks before he had asked me to put a soup spoon in the freezer. Not thinking much of it, I had followed his directions then. Now all I can see is the flag pole scene from “A Christmas Story”. Wetness on metal makes the skin stick and burn. I completely refuse when he says to spread my legs and put the backside of the spoon to my wet clit. Not pushing too much, he tells me to put the spoon in the sink and forget the whole thing. I stand there with my hand on the freezer door. I deliberate for a few minutes. I run through the last ten days and over the last few hours in my mind. It all comes down to trust and I trust him. That trust now changing my mind and I tell him so.

I pull the spoon out of the freezer and hurry to the sofa. I spread my legs and put the back of the spoon on my wet clit. The burning starts almost instantly. He focuses me by having me shove the brush handle in my pussy deep. I am again shaking as the burning and stroking build the tension in my body. I shake as my body releases the cum that he requires for the last time today. As my body warms the spoon up, the burning eases and the spoon comes off with ease. He is pleased as punch with me for having refused and then ended up cumming in the end.

After I recover, I push the issue, trying to gain some knowledge. I ask if I had continued to refuse the spoon would he have been done with me. He reminds me of yesterday when my punishment for an infraction was just more orgasms. He told me point blank, “Don’t worry about some stupid little spoon.” Just reminding me again that this is not a typical owner I am dealing with.

I look down at his name on each breast and the marks that the forty four pins have made on my flesh. I run my fingers over his name and sigh deep. Little by little the marks and his name are being etched on my soul not just on my flesh. This day, whether he knows it or not is bringing me closer to his ultimate goal of “You will love me more than all of them and everyone else combined.”

Published 10 years ago

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