Cherry Popped

"Cris finds Red again, and this time she gets what she really wants."

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“So let me get this straight. You’re telling me this girl made you masturbate in front of her and rode your face like a fucking horse BEFORE you even got her name? And on top of that, you haven’t seen her since?!” Cris’s best friend, Erica, could barely contain her giddiness as she spoke, her cheeks were getting red from trying to hold back laughter. 

“Yes that’s what I’m saying to you. I cannot believe this shit.” It was the second Monday of November and  the two of them always met up for lunch on Mondays for a rundown of each other’s weekend. Red hadn’t shown up to the club that past Friday so Cris was feeling played, and a part of her couldn’t help but feel like it was karma for her past deeds. She wouldn’t call herself a heartbreaker but she was known to be somewhat of a casanova. 

“How’s it feel, bro? I mean, this is just classic. You’re finally getting to know what it feels like.” Erica laughed and nudged Cris’s shoulder with a toothy grin on her face. 

“Fuck you, Rickie. You’re not one to talk. “

“Okay, okay you’re right. But you have to admit this is hilarious.”

Cris glared at her and spat out, “No it’s not fucking funny. And since all you want to do is laugh, I will see you later. I have to meet with Jen anyway.” She slid out from the booth they shared and reached into her wallet to grab some cash for the food.

“Oh don’t tell me that guy whose nose you broke at the club earlier this year is still trying to press charges?!” Erica waved Cris’s hand away as she was trying to sit her money on the table. “Don’t worry about it. This is me making up for laughing at your expense.”

“Oh, how nice of you,” Cris said with a deadpan look. “But yeah, he is. And it’s a fucking shitshow so I’m gonna go see what I have to do to get this handled. I’ll catch you later.”


“So I’m gonna give it to you straight,” Cris’s lawyer, Jennifer, gave her pointed look and continued. “This could get very messy if the two of you go to court. As your lawyer, I will always go to bat for you but in this instance, you shouldn’t have touched him. You have security for that, and because of that it puts you in a precarious situation. I advise you to just pay him back for those medical fees. If you don’t pay the medical fees now it could turn into court fees as well, and compensation for pain and suffering on top of that.” 

“Fucking hell,” Cris let out a deep sigh and sunk into the leather chair she sat on across from Jennifer’s desk.

“I know admitting you were wrong is gonna be a low blow to your ego, but think about your money. He already drafted up a contract for you to sign hoping you’d agree. Just think it over, I’ll support you either way of course.” Jennifer began looking around her desk for the papers, flipping over stacks and stacks of loose files and moving around office supplies. “It should be here but I must have forgotten to ask Chanel to print it out for me.”

Chanel. Cherry. Red. Hearing that name had the memories from the other night flooding back to the forefront of Cris’s mind. Not that they had ever strayed far in the first place. She closed her eyes and instantly she was face first in Red’s pussy again and she could almost feel her fingers threaded through her hair. 

“Chanel could you print that document I got this morning from Mr. Bradley and bring that in here, please?” Jennifer spoke into the intercom that sat on her desk with a slight smile on her lips. She turned it off and looked towards Cris to say, “Wait till you get a load of this one. She’s the newest since my wife made me let Ashley go. I’ve been good with her so far, but she’s definitely a sight for sore eyes.”

“You are a dog, Jen,” Cris said with a laugh. In the back of her mind, she couldn’t help but wonder if this Chanel could be her Red. There’s no way it’s her. I am not that lucky. 

“Look I’m honest, okay. That’s why you hired me.”

“Yeah, that and we were roommates in-” As Cris spoke, the door opened and she nearly choked. Oh my fucking god. It’s her. 

Red walked through the door looking like the school teacher of Cris’s ultimate wet dream, dressed in a white silk shirt tucked into a navy blue pencil skirt that could have been painted on. On her feet were a pair of tan pumps and Red’s curly black hair was pulled back into a sleek bun. She’s wearing black cat eye glasses and of course she had on her signature blood red lipstick. God, I would have gotten an A in that class.

The first thing Red’s eyes land on is Cris. She tries her best to hide the excitement on her face but it’s evident in the mischievous twinkle in her eyes and the way she doesn’t take them off of Cris even as she hands the papers to Jennifer. Cris squirmed in her chair but still didn’t let her own eyes waiver, she wasn’t backing down this time. 

“Thank you, Chanel.” Jennifer takes the papers and her eyes switch back and forth between Chanel and Cris, trying to figure out what it is that she missed. 

“Always a pleasure,” Red says, and she turns to head out of Jennifer’s office; but not before glancing Cris’s way again with that fucking smirk playing at her lips.

As soon as the door closes behind her Jennifer breaks out into a smile bigger than the cheshire cat’s. “What was that?”

Cris cleared her throat, “What was what?” 

“You are the most horrible liar. You could cut the tension with a knife as soon as she walked in the room! You couldn’t even finish your sentence! What was she like? Is she a squirter? She seems like a squirter.” Cris didn’t think it was possible but Jennifer’s grin spread even wider.

“Jesus Jen, I don’t kiss and tell.” Truth be told, she  just didn’t want Jennifer to know that Red had, had Cris at her disposal the way she did. Erica was one thing but Jennnifer would never let her live that down. 

“Yeah yeah, whatever. I’ll find out eventually. Just take these papers and let me know what you want to do by Wednesday, okay?”

“Will do.”

Cris took a detour to walk past Red’s desk as she headed out but she wasn’t there. She decided to head to the bathroom before she left the building and walked in to Red washing her hands at the sink. I am fucking lucky. 

“Hey there, Cherry Red.” Cris’s face held a coy smirk of her own for once as she closed the bathroom door, locking it behind her, and leaned against the counter.  

Red’s eyes followed Cris’s hands as she locked the door and to Cris’s surprise she actually seemed a little nervous, she had yet to look up into Cris’s eyes. She reached for the napkin dispenser without a word and instead of looking directly at her, Red made eye contact with Cris’s reflection in the mirror. 

I’m not playing these games today. Cris took two large steps towards Red and took her chin between her index finger and thumb, forcing Red to look into her eyes. “Cat got your tongue?”

Red’s eyes shifted around the room and glanced at the locked door behind her. She bit her lip and looked down at the ground before finally looking into Cris’s eyes. “I-I’m at work.”

“Oh and that means what exactly?” Cris took two more steps, backing Red into the wall and her fingers kept a vice grip on Red’s chin. “I allowed you to come in to my club and order me around like I had a collar on my neck. You put your fucking pussy in my face and walked out before I got the chance to fuck you. Then to top it off you don’t come back. You must be crazy if you think I give a damn about being at your job.”

Red’s eyes narrowed as Cris spoke, she didn’t seem to care for being called out. Slowly, her lips began to spread into a grin and Cris knew some smart ass shit was about to come out of her mouth. “Well…how did I ta-”

Cris couldn’t let her finish that sentence. Her hand moved from Red’s chin down to her neck and squeezed.  She heard Red gasp and saw her eyes begin to water. Red’s grin turned into the biggest smile and she laughed a strangled laugh. 

“You are fucking crazy, “ Cris said to her, “I’m choking you and you laugh.” This woman is going to be the death of me. 

As a couple tears began to fall, Red said through labored breaths “Fuck….me” Cris let her neck go and Red coughed, all the while still smiling. 

Cris reached up and grabbed a tight hold of the bun at the base of Red’s neck and yanked her head down “Get on your fucking knees first,” she spat out. Cris had woken up that morning feeling a little frisky so she’d decided to wear her favorite pack n’ play. Thank you god. She was about to have little Cherry Red put in some work. 

When Red settled on her knees, Cris let her hair go and said “Take my pants off.” Red reached out with her hands and Cris smacked them away, “no hands.” 

Red placed her hands behind her back like the good girl they both knew she wasn’t and asked, “Then how am I supposed to-”

“Figure it out.” Red looked up at Cris unsure, her eyes were wide and brows furrowed. The innocent look suited her well and Cris was feeling utterly powerful. This is fan-fucking-tastic. 

Hesitantly, Red used her teeth to unbuckle Cris’s belt, unbutton her pants, and start to pull them down. It took a few moments, but Cris was patient. The wait was worth it in the end when the dildo finally popped out from under her pants and Red’s eyes widened. 

“You’re fucking packing? Did you know I was going to be here, what is this??”

“Shut up and open that smart ass mouth of yours.” Cris stepped out of her pants and took a step closer to Red. 

“Oh honey, I don’t suck dick.”

Cris laughed a big belly laugh, “You do today.” Cris took hold of Red’s bun again and pushed the head of her dildo past her lips and down her throat. 

The sound of Red gagging on her cock as she fucked her throat was driving Cris a little mad. She shouldn’t have been so rough knowing it was something Red didn’t do, but it was so utterly satisfying finally getting to use her the way Red had used her. She looked down in triumph as Red took the whole length down her throat and choked. Her glasses were sitting lopsided on her tear-stained face and spit dribbled down her chin and neck. When Cris felt she’d had enough, she used Red’s bun to pull her head back and away from her cock. 

Red desperately gasped for air as she slumped on the floor.

“Nothing smart to say now, I assume?” Cris’s eyes switched back and forth between the woman she had in shambles on her knees and the ring of red lipstick that stained the base of her dildo. A site for sore eyes for sure. 

Red just shook her head still trying to catch her breathe. 

“I can’t hear you.” Cris put her free hand behind her ear in a petty gesture and smirked. 

“N-no..I don’t have anything to say.”

“Good.” Cris pulled Red to her feet and walked her over to the sink. She made sure Red was looking at herself in the mirror as she stood behind her, never letting go of that bun, or rather the ponytail it had turned into. “The just fucked look works for you, don’t you think?”

Red scoffed and stared into Cris’s eyes through the mirror. “Any look works for me, let’s get that straight.”

“You just can’t help yourself can you?”


Cris growled in frustration and shoved Red’s face into the sink. She let go of her hair and used that hand to hold Red’s arms behind her back. Red let out a grunt as Cris pushed her forearms into the curve of her back and used her left  hand to yank her pencil skirt up over her hips. 

“Haven’t you learned by now that getting smart with me isn’t going to fucking get me to be nice? Huh?” Cris reached for Red’s hair again with her left hand and pulled her head up to look at her in the mirror. “Answer me, damn it.”

Red glared into the mirror and said, “Fuck you.”

Cris sighed and let go og Red’s hair with a rough jolt. “Of course you know that. That’s what you want, right? You want me to be an asshole cause you’re in-fucking-sane.” Cris hooked two fingers in Red’s thong, ripped it right off and smiled when she heard Red gasp. 

Cris didn’t hesitate to thrust all seven inches deep into Red’s pussy. She pushed her arms deeper into the curve of Red’s back and let her hair go to grip the back of her shirt to gain leverage as she fucked Red relentlessly.  Sweat began to bead around Cris’s forehead as she pumped in and out of her squelching pussy. She fucked her so hard Red’s feet began to lift off the ground and no sound came out of her mouth. Cris didn’t even think she was remembering to breathe the way her mouth hung open and drool started to fall down her chin.

Just as Cris started to feel the muscles in her stomach tighten, feeling the wear from constant thrusting, Red took a strangled gasp and moaned out, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”

That ignited a fire in Cris and she let Red’s shirt go to grip her hair again. She yanked her head back so she could look into Red’s eyes and she fucked her even harder. Cris ended each thrust on her tiptoes. Red let out a long, throaty moan as her legs began to shake. 

“That’s it,” Cris cooed, “let it out.” She let go of Red’s hair and reach down to rub her clit. As soon as Cris’s finger touched the swollen bud, she exploded. A string of what Cris assumed were curse words fumbled out of Red’s mouth and she could feel her own thighs getting soaked as Red squirted all over her. 

Cris pulled her dick out of Red’s wet pussy with an audible pop, and grabbed a few napkins out the dispenser to clean herself up. Red watched, still slumped over the sink catching her breath, as Cris put her pants back on and got herself together. 

As Cris buckled her belt, she looked over at Red dismissively. Feeling like herself again, she said “Be at my fucking club this weekend or I will be back here to see you.” She didn’t wait for an answer this time because she knew what it was. 

As the door closed behind Cris, Jennifer appeared from behind the door with a shit-eating grin. Fucking hell. “Don’t even say anything to me, Jen.”

“What the fuck do you mean, don’t say anything? I just listened to you fuck my assistant in my office bathroom and you don’t want me to say anything. Come on, man!”

Published 5 years ago

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