Cherry & Eric

"A stressed manager comes home to her boyfriend"

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Her whole body tense from a long day, Cherry nearly collapsed as the elevator rose, pushing her into the ground. She let out a long, gurgling sigh, deflating as she unbuttoned her snug, creased suit. Twelve long hours of managing accounts and personnel at a top-tier law firm was good money, but the burden of responsibility took a toll on her health.

She had been looking forward to this all day. The elevator chimed, and she stepped onto the landing of her boyfriend’s apartment. Unbuttoning her collared shirt, she walked down the hall and opened the door. They had been going out long enough that she was comfortable helping herself to his apartment.

Cherry stepped across the threshold and kicked off her tight, stiff leather business shoes and walked into the main room where Eric was sitting on his dingy old couch, recording another episode of his web broadcast. She wasn’t impressed that he made a living doing advice channels on the internet, but learned to respect that he could support himself doing something he loved, evidenced by the alacrity in his voice as he gestured to the webcam.

“There’s plenty of people in the world, and you’ll find plenty that you’re attracted to, but if you’re smart and serious, attraction is no more important than-“

Letting her tightly-bound long black hair tumble down her shoulders, Cherry stepped up behind Eric and cheerily said, “Sorry I’m late!”

Turning around, Eric beamed a smile under loving green eyes. “Hey! Don’t worry, I’m almost done.” He turned back to the camera, ruffling his brown scarecrow hair as Cherry’s soft, round face pouted. “Where was I? Oh yeah… communication! Very important.”

Chewing her lip, Cherry turned and strode away into Eric’s bedroom, her jacket and shirt crumpling onto the floor. She was used to this- Eric was so compulsively devoted to the rules he made for himself, she learned to work with the procedures. Kicking off her skirt at the foot of his bed, she stood at his dresser in nothing but a plain, white, cotton undershirt and panties. She pulled out a well-decorated strip of leather, then walked over to the mirror by Eric’s bed to secure the collar around her neck.

She looked at herself. She’d gotten a tan from a beach trip with Eric weeks ago, and the stark tan-lines were barely visible through the shirt. She was muscular but stocky, and her C-cup breasts had always made her insecure growing up in a family of busty women. Biting her lip, she walked back to the couch. Early in their relationship, she’d admitted to Eric that she felt unattractive because all men liked skinny women with big boobs. He just smiled and said all women liked huge cocks and six-pack abs.

Cherry smiled, remembering how she spent minutes insisting she didn’t feel that way before she noticed Eric’s wry look. He was always weird, but there was something there that she loved. She walked up and stood behind the couch, her heart starting to race. Eric was still wrapping up his recording.

“…I don’t like leaving consent to just a phrase or a gesture, stuff you might misinterpret or do by accident. To be safe, try agreeing on some kind of talisman- a piece of jewelry, an article of clothing, some kind of-“

“Sorry I’m late!”

Eric turned around, his heavy brow and strong jaw tensing when his eyes settled on her collar. “Not yet you’re not!” he barked, reaching back and grabbing her arm. Cherry squealed as she rolled over the couch, the top of her body upside-down between his legs as her ass was perched on his thigh. “You worthless little whore!” He snapped his palm down on one cheek, then another. “You selfish, tawdry, tardy little TART!” He used his free hand to jerk up her panties, wedging them up and exposing her flesh as he continued swatting.

Cherry grabbed his ankles, wincing with each smack. He was very strong for his size, and she’d learned to trust his control over her body. Hanging there, she relished the transformation into a helpless object, the anxiety of her responsibilities draining mercifully from her mind. “I’m so sorry!” She squeaked.

“You think you can talk to me?!” Eric indignantly demanded, nudging the coffee table a few feet back before shoving Cherry down onto the shaggy carpet. “I don’t pay you to talk, slut! Show me what your mouth is good for!” He grabbed a fistful of her hair, slowly pulling her to her knees. She got just a glimpse the rigid, straight cock poking from his briefs before he lifted her by her hair and yanked her down onto it.

They’d been dating a while before she worked up the courage to admit her fantasies about rough sex. It was a long road for them to become familiar enough as lovers that she could trust Eric to understand what was too much for her. Snarling, he jerked Cherry’s head around like a lid that wouldn’t screw in to a jar, then pressed his other hand against the back of her neck. She was adventurous and his dick wasn’t huge, so she took the full length with no trouble.

“Fucking bitch! Eat it! This is all you’re here for!” he ground her head in circles against his pelvis, then dribbled her head up-and-down with shallow, rapid thrusts, “If you can’t learn to suck dick properly I’ll toss you into the bio-rendering chamber and re-purpose your flesh into a sex clone that’ll be a good little whore!”

Cherry rolled her eyes, smiling around his cock- she wasn’t the type for role-play, but it amused her to see how Eric entertained himself.

His belly pressed against her forehead as he leaned forward. “Straighten your legs,” he ordered. Her heart going faster and faster, she put her hands on his thighs and picked up her hips, straightening her legs until her ass was pointing straight up.

“Spread ’em.” Still attentive to his penis, she worked her feet apart on the carpet until the damp crotch of her panties was totally aired out.

“Now,” he purred, “Masturbate.” She looked up at him and he met her glance, smiling tenderly as he slowly pumped her skull by her hair. She took a hand off his thigh and slid it into her panties. Kneading her clit, she was already turned on when he said, “Both hands.” She was breathing hard now, and the stimulation of two hands playing with her spread-open pussy made marvelous chemistry combined with having her body weight hanging from his hands, bobbing up and down on his cock.

The sound of panting and wet motion filled the room. Cherry worked her fingers faster and faster, one hand probing into her cavity, the other swirling around her tenderest point as Eric clutched her skull like a basketball between his hands, bobbing her up and down.

Something snapped, and a wave of pleasure tweaked one of Cherry’s straightened legs, making her collapse to the ground. In a drooling heap, Cherry turned her bleary eyes to Eric as he stood up, still rigid, and pointed to the bedroom. “Crawl, slave!”

Cherry gulped and got onto her hands and knees. She started shuffling towards the bedroom when Eric ordered, “Slowly, now.” Wanting to get the most of the experience, Cherry arched her back as far as she could, and started slowly putting one limb in front of the other, exaggerating the swing of her hips to drive Eric into a frenzy.

She made it to the side of Eric’s bed when Eric got a firm grip on her neck with one hand, and her crotch with the other, lifting her off of the floor and tossing her face-down on the bed. Prickles of anticipation spread over her skin as she felt some loops of rope flop onto her back. His strength and stamina aside, Eric’s talent for bondage was enough to make him worth spending the occasional night over. He folded Cherry’s arms behind her and worked a couple of ropes under her chest. Within minutes, she was secure in a harness that tied her arms under her shoulders.

Eric took one of her legs and folded it until her knee was by her elbow, and secured it in place, her shin tied to her thigh, before repeating with the other leg. She lay face-down, for a moment before he did something to pull everything tight, spreading her hips even further open.

Eric got out of bed and Cherry watched him walk to the dresser and pull out a vibrating wand. Tingling with anticipation, she held her breath as he sat down behind her, lifting one leg high enough that he could get the wand under her. He tugged down the front of her cotton panties enough that the round, apple-sized head was all the way in. Satisfied, he pulled out a sturdy rubber band, strapping it around the wand’s head on the outside of the panties to keep it snug against her clit.

“Yeah, this is your life now, skank,” he muttered, tearing open a condom and applying it in an instant, “just a fucking toy for me to play with!” He lifted her hips off the bed and pulled her panties to the side, sliding his cock in up to the base, “Just a worthless little toilet for me to empty my balls into!”

Working himself into a lustful frenzy, Eric started pounding aggressively into her cunt. He grabbed her bound arms with one hand and a fistful of her hair with the other, pulling back so her weight was resting on his hips. Her vision blurring, Cherry looked up to stare right at herself, seeing the whole scene in the mirror in front of her.

“Tell me what you are!” Eric demanded, switching on the wand before grabbing her hair again, thrusting hard as her whole body swayed from his hands, “What are you?”

The familiar buzz of the wand heralded the explosion of sensation in her sex. Wide-eyed and convulsing around the cock that assailed her pitilessly, Cherry moaned, “Aaaahn, oh, oh God I’m a slut, I’m your little fucktoy slut, I’m your little fucking sex slave for you to useasaholetofuckyourcockinnnnoOOH!”

“Look at you!” Eric barked, never slowing his pace or letting Cherry look away from her reflection in the mirror, “You were a big-time actress, and now you have to whore yourself to the director for a bit part in a FUCKING SOAP COMMERCIAL!”

Cherry bit her tongue. “Oh no,” she thought. “Oh God, he can’t even keep his role play fantasies straight and it’s driving me over the edge how the hell does that even make any sennnNNNNNNAAAA!”

Time stopped. For a dark flash, the world disappeared, and Cherry’s mind swirled together with nothingness. Somewhere deep in her being, a bouquet of tense, hard buds cracked and opened, their petals spreading like wings giving flight to a rich perfume.

When she came to, she was face-down on a mattress. Dimly aware of her situation, she felt something tugging at her left leg, followed by a wave of relief as the ropes gave way and her leg straightened.

Gradually, her other leg was untied, and her arms, and then strong, rough fingers fidgeted the clasp on her collar, pulling it away. A broad smile worked over Cherry’s face as a warm body slid up her ass and back, it’s warm pressure squeezing her into the mattress as a pair of lips nuzzled into her neck with a satisfied huff.

They lay together in perfect bliss for what felt like hours before he gasped. “Shit!” he cursed, jumping out of bed and running naked into the living room, “I left the webcam on!”

Published 9 years ago

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