They say when you strip away a core sense, the remaining compensate. A natural response, to combat increased vulnerability, heightening awareness as mind and body adjusts.
I can only imagine this as I stand at the foot of the bed, intense eyes devouring your beautiful naked body. Your eyes shrouded by silk, plunging you into a world of darkness as you wait in desperate anticipation. The flicker of the candlelight dances over your delicious curves as goosebumps claim silky skin.
The seed planted earlier in the day, a simple message of wanton desire and need, flourishing as day slowly turned to night.
Dressing as I had desired. The little black dress to turn heads, oozing sexiness and sophistication that many others would never come close too. The curls in your hair and the hint of make-up only further complimented your natural beauty. And as I had stood behind you, I sensed you had enjoyed dressing for me, just as much as I as I undressed you.
The sound of the zipper had cut through air, dress crumpling at your feet to reveal your intricate lace lingerie. The discrete curl of your lips as strong hands finally adorned your creamy flesh. The intensity electric as you gave yourself to me.
Guiding you to the bed, the silk claimed your sight.
Lips and hands softly explored your body, thumbs gliding under the slender straps of your panties, peeling them sensually down your legs.
The anticipation eating away. Awareness of every sound, every movement, your remaining senses heightened as you hear my belt unbuckle.
The belt in my grasp I trail the unraveled end against your body. The bite of your lip as the dark leather lightly touches. Toying with your body, following your every exquisite contour. With a small flick of my wrist, the leather swirls against your pebbling nipples. A slight gasp escapes glossed lips, your body squirming.
The belt continuing on its journey, lightly flicking down your waist and beyond. Teasing the top of your thighs, I sense your breathing quickening, your perfect breasts rising and falling with each, increasingly more ragged breath. I imagine your heart thundering as beneath your shrouded eyes you paint a picture in your mind of you, at the mercy of your lover, your remaining senses spiraling into overdrive.
I guide the belt from thigh to thigh, dancing it deliciously closer to the growing ache that consumes your every breath. You purr softly, legs sensually writhing as with you body you urge me on.
Smiling I sense you let go to your inner desires. Wicked thoughts surge through your mind as the leather belt flicks between your thighs.
Climbing upon the bed I straddle you, knees falling either side of your waist. Your hands instinctively fall upon me but I push them away. That may be what you have done with others but I am not them. Pulling your wrists together I grasp them firmly in one hand.
Wrapping the leather of the belt around them you giggle. Guiding them above your head, the buckle clunking against the metal bed stead as I bind your wrists to the bed. Tightening, the leather restraining your wrists as you lose your touch. So vulnerable as my eyes dance over your body laying before me.
My mouth follows the earlier path of my belt as I tease my lips lightly against yours. You lift your head wanting me kiss but I break my lips away, instead, running my tongue down your neck. Your body a thing of sheer beauty as my mouth finds your breasts, teeth grazing as I playfully nibble and suckle on engorged nipples.
Your soft moans intensify as hands and mouth travel south, my head burying deeply between your thighs. The warmth of my breath upon your delicate flower, glistening in the candle light. Closing my eyes I savor your delicious aroma, the scent so intoxicating as I lower my lips to you.
Kissing. Nibbling, my lips sensually melt against you. Tasting you instantly as I French kiss you, wet petals parting as my tongue teases the velvety heaven within. Your scent so deliciously arousing, your taste coating my hungry lips as I gorge. Teasing my tongue the length of your weeping desire. Hips roll against me as whimpers spill from your parted lips. T he leather abrasion marking your bound wrists as intense waves crash over your vulnerable body.
Working my lips to your engorged clit, the merest of swirls of my tongue enough to tease it from its hood.
My strong hands grasp your thighs as you yearn to writhe, my fingers finding your wetness. Curling inside, wet coupling sounds joining the orchestra of lust echoing throughout. Working back and forth, lubricated on your juices, a steady motion that coupled with my attentive mouth has you arcing your body back in ecstasy.
The leather of the belt creaks against the metal bed. Eyes shrouded, your mind and body alive to my every touch. Heart thundering, breathless, lost to the sensations that devour you. Fingers expertly finding the magical spot with each rhythmic motion, tongue swirling and flicking against your swollen clit. Feelings so intense, the white heat building as you teeter on the ragged edge.
So slick and wet. Fingers pumping with increased hunger as you gasp desperately for air. My tongue lashing wildly as you begin to tremble. Your thighs tensing as you begin to fall towards the inky abyss, the sensation of your orgasm making my cock twitch at the thought of the night ahead.