Cheerleaders’ Revenge

"Three cheerleaders are humiliated by the bad workmanship of their seamsters and seek revenge"

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Amy Charlotte and Katie were furious. The three friends were all eighteen and were cheerleaders who had taken part in a cheerleader’s contest. They were firm favourites to win but during their performance, their outfits started to unravel and slip down their bodies which put them off and they ended up fourth so without any prize at all.

When they put on their outfits, the girls loved them. They were red and white with a sleeveless crop top which was designed to show off the girl’s curves and their bare midriffs. They had a matching mini pleated skirt with matching socks to just below the knee.

The girls had chosen the design and found three granny-aged women to make them. However, the stitching undid soon after they started, and Katie’s even slid down her body revealing her sports bra, and the skirt slid down revealing her knickers.

The reaction from the audience which was almost totally the girls’ classmates started as gasps but changed to laughter as all three girls struggled to keep their outfits on. The three girls found the whole experience so humiliating.

When they got back to the changing room it got worse for the girls as the captain of the cheerleading team that won, Harper, was smirking as she said happily, “I saw your seamsters in the wine bar drinking and saying how they had to get back to finish off your outfits. They were already stuttering and giggling by the time I saw them, and they were clearly the worse for drink and weren’t going to do a decent job on your stuff. I was right, but that helped us win, so give us a cheer.”

As Harper walked away singing and dancing as she did, Amy turned to the others and said, “If that is the case, then we should have a real go at the seamsters.”

Charlotte replied, “I would love to but they are all ancient so we wouldn’t get away with it as they will threaten us and say girls our age should just accept it.”

Katie knew one of the seamsters who was the grandma of a friend of a friend and that she was sixty-eight and reckoned they all were or thereabouts. She also knew that they were all widows, but that didn’t mean she had to sympathise with them because what they had done was so wrong, and said, “Just because they are really old doesn’t mean they should get away with spoiling our chances of winning, which is what they did. I say we should make them pay.”

That got the three girls thinking, and then planning, and they quickly agreed that the three granny-aged women should be properly punished for drinking when they should have been working.

So, two days later Katie was walking along the street and saw the three granny-aged women coming towards her. They always met for an afternoon at the coffee bar, but Katie made it seem that she was surprised to see them, and the women were certainly surprised to see Katie.

The three granny-aged women, Evelyn, Iris, and Mabel, although sixty-eight, had laughed when they were told the following day how their work was such a poor quality and that the outfits were practically falling off the girls as they were doing their cheerleader dance. However, when they saw Katie coming towards them in the street they put on an act and appeared to be sincerely contrite.

“We are so sorry,” Iris said. “We worked so hard to make the outfits.” The other two made similar comments.

Katie listened to what each of them had to say as they apologised profusely for their poor workmanship and each of the granny-aged women said they didn’t know how it happened because they were really focused when they made them.

Katie then looked sternly at the three granny-aged women and said, “It’s all very well saying that you were upset, but we know that you were drinking before you went and made our outfits. You certainly shouldn’t have done that, and because you did, our outfits fell apart, we lost focus, and lost the competition. Well, we think you should be punished because of it, with a very hard bare bottom spanking and with a paddle and the cane. You will be naked as well to add to your punishment. and in front of an audience of teenage girls.”

The three granny-aged women looked distraught when they were told what was going to happen, and Iris even said albeit weakly, “You can’t. We are old enough to be your grandma,”

Katie scoffed at that and retorted with a very sarcastic-sounding, “Haven’t you heard the saying that you are never too old to be spanked.”

When the three granny-aged women looked at each other again, each looking worried, Katie said, “I have another option. Us girls can put on all the local social media sites how you promised one thing but drank yourselves silly and messed up, and advise against using you for anything at all in future.”

The aghast looks on each of the granny-aged women’s faces told Katie that they didn’t want that, but let them ponder it a while. Then Katie snapped, “I need a decision now. A spanking paddling and the cane in front of an audience, or we tell everyone what you did to us.”

What Katie didn’t know was that the three granny-aged women were getting themselves used to the thought of being spanked paddled and caned, because they certainly were going to prefer that to the alternative of having everyone told how they let them down. They also told themselves that they weren’t ever going to do again. Equally, if it was carried out in front of a few of the girl’s friends then that was okay as well.

So, the three granny-aged women nodded towards each other and then looked back at Katie and replied, “Okay, we will agree to be punished.”

Katie said, “Okay, then that is what we will do. Amy and Charlotte are just around the corner, so let’s go there so we can deal with you.

With that, Katie led the three women around the corner and when they got to the next building, she said, “Here we are, it’s just in here. Come with me.”

Katie led the women into a room and after they all followed her in, she said, “Us girls are going to change into our cheerleader outfits. The three of you will now get undressed here.”

The three women knew they had agreed to be naked when punished and so started to undo their dresses and slide them down their arms, and Katie then made to leave them to get undressed. As Katie was leaving, she looked again at the women and said, “Don’t forget, bras and knickers are off as well.”

The granny-aged women were tense as Mabel replied, “Yes, of course.”

As they got undressed each of the granny-aged women knew that they were fleshier than they had been when they were the girl’s age and now, they had bat wings, fleshy thighs and tummies, large drooping breasts, and turkey necks. However, they were each happy with their looks and confident about their bodies and wondered if the three teenage girls and those watching might even be jealous of them.

Katie returned just as the women finished getting undressed, and ordered, “Okay, follow me.”

The three granny-aged women saw that Katie was now in her cheerleader outfit as they followed her through the opened doorway. They entered quite a large room and were shocked to see what they thought were caning tables, at least from the memories they had when they were Katie’s age and being caned was something that happened.

They also saw three high-backed chairs with a wooden paddle on the seat of each one and they each immediately had memories again of when they were Katie’s age of being at college and suffering the humiliation of having to raise their dresses and lower their knickers and bend across the headmistresses lap every time they got a double detention, which all three of them got fairly regularly.

The three granny-aged women quickly looked around the room and saw what they thought was a curtain covering one of the walls. They had quizzical looks on their faces as they wondered what this room was, and why was a curtain along one wall.

The next moment they got the answer because what they thought was a curtain covering a wall was actually a stage curtain which was pulled back and, to their horror, they saw about twenty other girls sitting in rows dressed in their college uniform. The three women were open-mouthed as they tried to cover their breasts and pussy hair mounds but failed miserably as they heard cheers coming from the crowd, but then made out the chant of, “Spank them, spank them, spank them.”

The three granny-aged women realised that Katie hadn’t said how many of their friends would be watching but it was too late to object to that and they knew they had agreed to be punished in the nude and with an audience watching. It was just the number in the audience that was different.

They looked towards the crowd and now saw Katie with Charlotte and Amy all dressed in cheerleader outfits, and they were each holding hook-ended canes and were swishing them through the air.

Katie smiled as she saw the panic written across the faces of the three granny-aged women as they watched the canes being swished.

The three teenage girls were certainly enjoying watching the three granny-aged women struggling, still trying to cover their breasts and pussy hair mounds and looking really worried about what was going to happen to them.

Katie then instructed, “Right, you three very naughty women, put your hands on your heads right now.”

The three women looked at each other with faces that were increasingly accepting what they had to do, and one by one they each placed their hands firmly on top of their heads. They still heard the chants coming from the watching teenage girls with comments clearly made about their drooping breasts, turkey necks, batwings, and fleshy thighs and tummies. They each found it so humiliating having to obey the teenage girls as well.

Surprisingly, though, as the comments were being made, each of the three granny-aged women realised something very strange was happening to them. They were feeling flutters flying around their vulva edging them towards an orgasm. Could that be possible they asked themselves silently? The fact was, however, that those quivers were real and that they had often discussed amongst the three of them whether any of them liked the idea of being truly submissive and subject to punishments such as a spanking or even the cane. Was that why they had these feelings of wanting to be submissive now, they wondered? Was it the feeling of humiliation and submission that was causing those flutters or the thought of the pain that they were going to suffer? They weren’t sure but just knew the flutters were real.

The teenage girls weren’t aware of the thoughts buzzing around the heads of the granny-aged women because they were intent on giving them a severe punishment.

With that purpose, each of the three girls then went and sat on one of the high-backed chairs and put the wooden paddles on the floor and Katie ordered, “Each of you, get across our laps. Iris, you will get across my lap. Mabel will go across Charlotte’s, and Evelyn will go across Amy’s.

As the instructions were given, all three granny-aged women knew that by calling them by their first names they were showing who was in charge. They also knew they couldn’t resist because of the threat of having their clothes removed, but now actually wanted to experience the submission and humiliation of being punished in front of about twenty other teenage girls. Was it so bad, they asked themselves? They were sure it would be painful, but then they actually deserved to be punished. They even questioned whether they had done this deliberately because during some of those discussions between themselves about being spanked, they discussed the preferred age of who should spank them and all three agreed if it were to happen, they would want it to be by girls the age of these cheerleaders so eighteen or nineteen, perhaps twenty, but no older. They saw submitting to girls that age as being truly submissive and something they fingered themselves to huge orgasms when in bed just thinking about.

So, moments later, the three granny-aged women went and stood next to the teenage girl who was going to spank them, and they each eased themselves down across the girl’s lap, noting that the girl’s skirts had risen well up and so their own bare fleshy tummies were going to be lying across the girl’s bare thighs. That would feel good, and sexy, they thought to themselves wondrously.

Katie and the others were smiling as three granny-aged women obediently bent down across their laps. To be fair they weren’t sure that they would get away with this, but now it seemed that they would as they each had a naked granny-aged woman across their lap, and each one was rubbing the bare bottom staring up at them and building themselves up to giving a very hard spanking.

Katie and the other two girls looked at each other and nodded and then raised their hands and brought their palms down on each of the granny-aged woman’s far bottom cheek. They then spanked the near bottom cheek and then proceeded to spank alternate bottom cheeks time and again. The girls had discussed between themselves the punishment they were going to give and had enjoyed discussing it in quite some detail, and each one knew that their knickers had got damp because of the discussion. Well, now they were actually spanking bare bottoms, they knew their knickers were getting damp once again.

Although the three women weren’t enjoying being spanked, they did realise that they were continuing to get flutters flying across their vulvas. They were still surprised this was happening, but as much as each spank hurt, they were getting more and more convinced that the more the spanking hurt, the greater their arousal.

The three teenage girls continued to spank on alternate bottom cheeks, for several minutes and then glanced at each other, nodded, and changed to spanking the same bottom cheek half a dozen times in a row and then the other bottom cheek half a dozen times in a row, knowing that that would increase the stinging pain.

They had to admit to enjoying the louder and louder gasps coming from each of the naughty granny-aged women but saw that as a reason to spank even harder. They also saw that the three women were staying in position and not trying to get up or to cover their bottoms, which told them that even harder spanks should be given just in case the three women were actually finding it easy to cope even though they’re making gasping noises suggesting they weren’t.

As the spanking continued, with the girls now spanking the backs of their legs, the women were struggling even more to cope but were still of the mind-set that they wanted to know what it was like to be punished in this way, because they were certainly feeling more aroused just then than they had for a long time.

It was now several minutes into the spanking when Katie said, “It’s time for the paddles, girls.”

The three teenage girls glared at the backs of the women’s heads and instructed, “Give us the paddles you naughty granny-aged women.”

The three women heard the instruction and scrambled around on the floor because by now their eyes were full of tears and their vision blurred. However, they quickly grabbed hold of the paddles and handed them up to the teenage girls, and as they settled back down with their faces inches from the floor, they had to admit to being tense, well aware that the spanking the girls gave them with their hands was hard enough, so surely being spanked with the paddles would be much more painful.

It only took a few spanks with the paddles for each of the granny-aged women to be gasping much louder than they had with the hand spanking and quickly knew that this was going to be far more difficult to cope with. It didn’t help that all the girls watching were continuing to chant things like, “Harder, harder, harder,” and they felt the teenage girls spanking then were reacting to that. It made the experience so humiliating for them.

In fact, Katie and the other two girls were thoroughly enjoying spanking each of the women with the

paddles, and, like before, had no sympathy for them or a desire to give them anything other than a really hard thrashing. After all, it was humiliating for them to have their cheerleader outfits slipping down their bodies as they danced because of the poor workmanship which had been caused no doubt by the fact the very naughty granny-aged women went drinking rather than focusing on the job at hand. Well, Katie and the others hoped that they were thinking about that as each spank was landing on their bare bottoms.

The three women were now dissolving quickly into a state of crying they had not experienced for decades. On the other hand, they had thought about being spanked and discussed amongst it themselves regularly, over drinks and over coffee, and now they were experiencing it. All three accepted the pain was a major part of what they were experiencing, but somehow the humiliation of being spanked by these three teenage girls and in front of so many other teenage girls was really sexy. They knew that if the girls just ran their fingers along their pussy lips, they would feel just how damp they were and they knew that they would orgasm ever so quickly.

Having been spanked with the paddles and crying uncontrollably, the granny-aged women started thinking less about being turned on and more about when the punishment would stop. However, that wasn’t going to happen because they heard Katie order, “Right, you naughty granny-aged women, get up off our laps and go and bend over the caning tables.”

The women gasped in despair as they thought their punishments were over and had quite forgotten the caning tables. However, they were now quite used to obeying the strict and dominant teenage girls and so slid off their laps and managed to stand up and then walk over to the tables.

Katie instructed, “Bend over and stretch your arms so your wrists are by the leather cuffs.”

The granny-aged women again did as they were told and whilst their vision was still blurred, they still felt their wrists being secured by the leather cuffs. As their ankles were also secured and then their thighs and then their waists, each knew they had no way of avoiding the canes, and once again felt humiliated but found themselves being turned on by the submission. They hated the thought of the pain which was going to be even greater than being spanked with the paddles, but also still wanted to experience that pain. It was quite a quandary for the three of them, and as they felt the canes being rubbed from side to side across their bottoms, they wanted to cry out to be let off but didn’t even after the first cane stroke bit into their bottoms and they yelped.

Katie and the other two girls glanced out towards the watching audience and saw lots of thumbs up and smiles and again comments of, “Harder, harder, harder,” and then focused again on the bare bottoms secured to the caning tables in front of them and saw the thick red welt that had developed after that first stroke. As they landed the second stroke and the third stroke and saw those red welts develop, they thought how pretty these granny-aged women’s bottoms were getting, being red from the hand spanking, bruised from the paddling, and now painted with red parallel lines from the cane.

Katie and the other girls continued to land more stinging strokes with the canes aiming to make the welts parallel to each other and loved the way they were managing to do that. They were relishing the support they were getting from the girls watching and were sure that there would be quite a few of them who would love to be in their position. On the other hand, they also wondered whether any would want to be in the position of the granny-aged women and were pretty sure that would also be the case. However, the focus here was teenage girls disciplining granny-aged women who deserved to be disciplined, needed to be disciplined, and were being disciplined.

Katie and the other girls had already decided that they were going to give twelve strokes of the cane and loved giving every single stroke. After all, they had been humiliated by having their cheerleader outfits slipping down their bodies as they danced, and it was only right that the women responsible suffered a humiliating punishment, like the one they were giving them.

However, having given the twelve strokes they knew they had given the full punishment they had decided they would give, and hoped that the three granny-aged women had learned their lesson.

So, the three teenage girls then unclipped the leather cuffs around the women’s ankles, thighs, and waists, leaving the cuffs securing their wrists to last. Once the wrists had been released, Katie ordered, “Right you naughty granny-aged women, stand up and face the audience and put your hands back on your heads.”

The women were relieved that the punishment was over, but knew they had to remain obedient for fear of earning a further punishment and so they stood up and faced the audience and put their hands on their heads, feeling humiliated once again having their breasts and hair mounds on show. Maybe it wasn’t as humiliating as the first time they did it, but they were bound to see these teenage girls around town and be faced with their smirks and their hands over their mouths as they whispered what they had seen to their friends, but accepted that that was now something they were going to have to face.

Katie was standing behind the three women and loved the sight of three fleshy bottoms that had clearly been thrashed. She savoured the sight for a few moments also enjoying that the granny-aged women were standing obediently with their hands on their heads, fully naked, and sobbing and sniffing back tears.

Comments were still coming from the audience about their drooping breasts, turkey necks, bat wings, and fleshy thighs, and tummies. Well, they deserved that still, and hopefully, it was a lesson that they would learn from and remember.

Katie then said out loud so that everyone could hear, “Whilst your punishments are over for now, what do you have to say?”

Iris was blushing at the humiliation of speaking to the teenage watching girls whilst still naked and was the first to say, “I am sorry for the bad workmanship and the fact we went drinking beforehand. I know we thoroughly deserved to be punished in this way.”

What Iris didn’t say was that the quivers flying around her vulva had returned, and she just wanted to get away so she could go to a toilet or her bedroom and finger herself to a huge orgasm. She was even thinking that this had been so exciting mainly because of the humiliation but also because of the pain, and she was certainly up for this happening to her again.

Evelyn and Mabel repeated the apology and acceptance that it was they who were in the wrong and agreed they fully deserved the punishment. They too knew the humiliation and pain were exciting them and wanted to get away so they could finger themselves to what they knew would be huge orgasms.

The humiliation wasn’t over because Charlotte suddenly announced, “Hey everybody, look at the pussy hair mounds of these three. They are glistening. Is that because they wet themselves because of the pain, or they are wet because they are aroused?”

All the girls in the audience started laughing again and they were all pretty sure these three granny-aged women were aroused because of the pain and probably the humiliation as well.

Katie was smiling but sympathetic now, though, because the punishment had been given and therefore, technically speaking, the three granny-aged women were good again. She then instructed,

“Okay you three, you can go back into the other room to get your clothes, get dressed, and leave.”

Then Katie went and opened the door and ever so quickly the three granny-aged women disappeared through the door and shut it behind themselves.

Katie stood by the door and smiled because, in what seemed like seconds, she could hear huge erotic gasps coming from the other side of the door. She didn’t say anything to the audience of teenage girls because the punishment had been given and taken. She would be telling Charlotte and Amy about what she heard and was sure that would bring about further discussions.

Inside the room, the three granny-aged women gave themselves second and third huge orgasms, but it was after they calmed down and had recovered, got dressed and were walking away from the building, that they knew the conversation they were going to have, which was that they were still very sorry they had let the girls down so badly, but were glad that they had been punished deservedly and so severely by the three teenage girls and with all those other teenage girls watching. It proved to themselves that pain and humiliation was a turn-on in the most fabulously sexy way, and knowing that it would get them better orgasms than ever before.

Published 1 year ago

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