Cheating Conundrum Part 3 (End)

"Its a terrible thing not being invited to a party at your own home."

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I sat at my desk feeling sick. It was not just the lies and cheating, but Kathy was a completely different person than the woman I thought I knew.

She would be returning from her run and I couldn’t face her. I don’t know if I would scream or cry or what, but I couldn’t do it. I had to get out.

I ended up at a diner, nursing a cup of coffee and my growing anger.  I wanted to hurt her. Maybe she would come home to find all of her things in the front yard. Maybe I would send a screencap from that video to her whole family. I think what I really wanted was to show her that I had found out.  Her lies hadn’t worked.

I would get her back soon, but first I wanted more evidence. I already had the additional cameras; I might as well install them. I just had to wait another week. I would get more evidence. It’s possible that there were complicated reasons I wanted the evidence, but that was beside the point.

I drove back to the house. I would act like the husband of the year until I had what I wanted and then slam.  I would confront her and expose her.

When I arrived home, Kathy had already showered and was sitting in the kitchen.

“Are you okay?” she said, “where did you go”?

“I realized I had forgotten a bag at the airport. I went back to get it.”

“Why didn’t you take your phone?” she asked.

“I just forgot it.” Shit, I hadn’t considered that. It really didn’t make any sense.

“Well, did you get it”?

“Get what?” I said.

“Your bag, the one you left.”

Christ, I really had to pull myself together.

“No, it must have been on the plane. I’ll call them and put in a claim.”

She looked at me for a minute with a quizzical expression then shrugged.

 “Okay, I hope they find it.”

Wow, that was close. I would need to do a better acting job than this, but at least she bought it.

An hour later, I was in my home office trying to work out how I could install the new cameras without tipping off Kathy.  Luckily, she provided the solution.

“I got a call while you were out. I’m sorry, but I have to work this weekend,”  she said walking into my office holding her phone.
“That big case has really gone pear-shaped and its all hands on deck.”

“I’m sorry, honey,” I replied, thinking this would be perfect.

I spent the rest of the weekend working harder than I ever did at my job. I installed all the new cameras without Kathy suspecting a thing.

I caught my plane Monday morning, feeling dead tired and strung out.  After I exposed her, I would go away.  A new place where no one knew what had happened, and I could be sure nobody was lying to me.

I checked the cameras hourly from the worksite. I had given up on getting any actual work done. Nothing much happened until Thursday evening, when panic struck. The camera connection went dead. I casually texted Kathy asking how things were going. She responded almost immediately that the internet was out in the neighborhood, so she was enjoying a book and didn’t really care that there was no Netflix.

Wow, bullet dodged. The internet connection didn’t affect the cameras; they would still be recording.  I checked over the next couple of days, but the views did not return. Although this was frustrating, I wasn’t too worried. I was in a huge hurry setting all that stuff up, and I probably fucked up the firewall settings and it didn’t retain them after the reset.

Saturday finally came and with it, my flight back. I arrived on time and picked up coffee as usual.

On the drive home from the airport, Kathy texted. She apologized, but the same case from last weekend had blown up, and she would be at the office most of the day.

I told her that really sucked, but I would have dinner waiting when she got home. I was thinking I would have plenty of time to review the video I had missed.

I rushed in, dropping my bags in the kitchen and went straight to my office. I was sure there would be more proof of her duplicity and I would add to my best-of-Kathy porn collection.

I skipped directly to Friday evening, guessing that would be the most likely time for any action. Scanning through, I wasn’t disappointed. At 8:15 on the dot, two cars pulled into the driveway. There was Pete, and following him were Jen and Howard.

Jen and Howard were married. Jen was a paralegal at Kathy’s office. We had met them at a holiday party but I was pretty sure Jen didn’t like me. I had made a somewhat off-color joke about her being “the eraser girl” referring to how prominently her nipples were showing through her blouse. I think that comment made it back to her, and she had not spoken to me after. It was too bad because she was very attractive.

She was almost the exact opposite of Kathy. Kathy was like a little pixie with her petite shoulders, short stature, and small breasts. I used to call her Tinkerbell after the character in that Pinocchio cartoon. Jen, on the other hand, was tall with raven hair, ample breasts and a slightly dangerous air about her.

I didn’t really know Howard that well. He seemed like the kind of ginger who, when he starts to lose his hair makes up for it by working out and playing racquetball.

The three of them walked up to the side door and simply let themselves in. Kathy met them in the kitchen and they talked a bit before moving into the living room.

The fact that Kathy seemed to be having a couples’ cocktail party in our house with people that knew she was married to me made me feel a little sick. How many people know about her and didn’t tell me?  

The three of them seemed to be having a grand time talking and laughing. After about a half-hour, Kathy retrieved something from the bedroom closet. When she returned to the living room, she showed it to her guests, and I saw that it was a novelty sex card game. I had actually gotten it for her as a joke, although deep inside, I hoped the game might lead to a little fun. It was basically full of dare cards that would force players to do lewd acts.

After showing it to them, Kathy moved the ottoman over to between the sofa and love seat so that they could all play the game.

The first card to be turned was by Pete. Apparently, it was directed at Jen. They all laughed when Pete read it and Jen stood. Reaching up under her skirt, she carefully removed her panties and after a quick flash of her butt tossed them at Pete. The card must have deeded ownership of the garment over to him as he carefully placed them on top of his jacket lying next to the sofa.

Kathy was next to pull a card. She read it and again silent laughter from the crowd. Kathy stood but instead of removing any clothing, she jogged to the kitchen. On that cam, I could see her reach into the fridge and pull out a can of whipped cream. She also grabbed a bottle from the counter and ran back to the group, handing the can to Howard and setting down the bottle. He stood and joined Kathy standing. He then proceeded to loosen his belt and unzip his slacks. There was another round of laughter at some comment, then standing in front of them all, he pulled out his cock and sprayed a line of whipped cream down it. He was not hard and the cream started to drip, but before it could completely slide off, Kathy had swooped in. She cupped his dick and started to clean off the cream with her mouth. As she did, Howard’s cock swiftly stiffened. I was a little relieved to see that, unlike Pete, Howard did not have a porn-star dick. It looked to be comparable in size to my own, but owing to his fair skin tone, it was turning the brightest shade of pink I think I had ever seen. When Kathy finally released him, it sprang up, curving toward his belly.

This dare apparently over, Howard pulled up his trousers before sitting. I noticed that he did not fasten them, though. I’m sure in the condition she had left him, it would have been difficult.

The next card in line went to Howard. He looked at it and smiled broadly at Kathy. Laughing, she shrugged and stood to unbutton and removed her blouse. As was usual, there was nothing underneath. Kathy took the whipped cream and drew two perfect circles around her nipples and then knelt on the ottoman. Howard moved to kneel as well and then proceeded to lick the cream off of my wife. He seemed to really like it. Perhaps when you were married to Jen, who had large natural breasts, the change of pace getting to play with a couple of A-cups is a real treat.

Apparently satisfied with his work, he stood. Kathy poked him with her finger. She looked sternly at him and pointed to her left nipple. I guess he missed a spot, so he leaned in again and sucked hard on the nipple one last time.

Kathy sat back down not even bothering to put her blouse back on.

The next card went to Jen. I’m not sure what it said, but she smiled and stood up, pushing the ottoman out of the way and knelt in front of Pete. Without any hesitation, she began to remove everything he was wearing from the waist down. In seconds, she had him nude except for his shirt, and she was reaching in to grab that monster cock.

I don’t know who won the game, but it was over. Jen was lovingly paying attention to Pete’s massive erection. Kathy watched from her seat smiling, and Howard was wasting no time removing all of his clothing.

I thought Howard would join in or perhaps move to pair up with Kathy, but instead, he sat back down. He sat there watching the action intensely. He reached for the bottle that Kathy had grabbed from the kitchen. I realized now that it must be the olive oil that I keep next to the range. He poured a little in his hand and casually started to rub it onto his dick.

Kathy was still watching Jen kneeling there, still clothed with her face buried in Pete’s lap. I guess just watching wasn’t enough for her because she stood and knelt behind Jen, first unzipping and then pulling her dress down, freeing each arm in turn without removing Jen from her task. When she slid the dress over her beautiful ass, I started to rub myself a little faster, silently mirroring Howard’s movement. Jen was extremely sexy. The contrast between her alabaster-white skin and the dark tuft of hair protruding from her mound was irresistible.

Kathy must have been thinking the same. As soon as she had freed Jen’s legs from the dress and set it carefully aside, she bent over and started to kiss and fondle her. She started by simply massaging her bottom with large circles, pressing gently when her hands reached the center. Kathy reached down to move her legs apart a bit and started to lick and nibble her way up and down. Bending her neck, she started at her clitoris and continued up, gently licking all the delicious folds until she reached her perfect little button. She stopped here apparently having reached her goal and began to vigorously lick and suck.

Jen was responding enthusiastically, dipping her tummy down and grinding her ass against Kathy’s mouth.

Howard, perhaps feeling that he was being selfish, moved over and started to remove Kathy’s jeans, all the while his iron-hard dick standing like a bright red flag pole glistening from the oil he had used.

I was sure that Howard would start to pay attention to Kathy at this point, but no. Kathy withdrew and said something to Howard. She then proceeded to spread open Jens’s cheeks while Howard moved in behind her. Either the oil made things easy or Jen was a real pro at this because in seconds, Howard was holding on to her bottom and penetrating her with full and forceful strokes.

Kathy, having made sure Howard was situated, climbed up to kiss Pete. She simply lay next to Pete, alternating between kissing him and caressing Jen’s back.

Jen, coming up for air, turned back and said something to Howard. He nodded and stopped what he was doing. She then climbed up onto Pete’s lap while removing her bra. It was only then that I got a look at those big beautiful breasts that I had joked about but secretly coveted.

Pete didn’t need to covet anything. She straddled him, laying her chest across his face allowing him to nibble and suck those impressive nipples. She settled herself above him and lowered onto his cock. Like before with Kathy, her lips had to spread and stretch to engulf him. She started to pump up and down slowly while reaching back for Howard.

He moved in, pushing Pete’s legs together and positioned himself behind her. She stopped her movement as Howard came closer. This time he had to work a little to enter her from behind. Pete must have been nine inches around, and with that much pressure in her pussy, her back door must have been incredibly tight.

They soon worked it out though because Jen and Howard started to move. Jen, fucking Pete, and Howard, fucking her. It was incredible to watch. With the new cameras, I could see Jen’s face from one angle and Howard sliding in and out of her from another. Kathy, on the other hand, seemed content to watch the action from beside Pete, occasionally feeling herself or pinching her own nipples. As I watched Jen’s face, her look of concentration intensified until she opened her mouth in what must have been screams. Her orgasm was epic, and not for the first time, I wished the cameras recorded audio.

Jen reached back with her hand to stop her husband and then shakily got to her feet. Her hair was a mess and her face was flushed, but she was smiling.

Kathy, having patiently waited, gave instruction to the men, who dutifully changed positions. Howard sat on the sofa one cushion over from Pete, and Kathy swooped around to lean over him. She took the oil that Howard had left on the sofa back table and poured a little in her hand. She then bent over at the waist and kissed Howard. While she kissed him, she simultaneously reached back and let the oil drip down the cleft in her bottom. As she continued to kiss him, she used her fingers to rub in, around and into her perfect pink ass.

Prepping done, she turned around, giving Howard a close view of her backside and what was in store for him. Next, she lowered herself onto his still rock solid bright red cock. As she slid him into her back door, his face showed pure bliss.

In less than nine days, I had gone from being a man confident that he was the only person to have ever fucked his one true love in the ass to being one out of at least three and the least impressive of the bunch.

Kathy was now squatting with her feet on the floor while she slid up and down Howard’s dick. Pete, who had been closely observing moved over, offering himself to her. She gladly wrapped her lips around him. After a short time, she leaned back, sitting all the way down, burying Howard’s cock. She tried to pick up her feet to hold on to the edge of the sofa with them, but she was too far forward. Pete quickly solved the problem, however, by straddling Howard’s knees and expertly sliding his dick into her. He seemed to have little trouble; she must have been very wet.

Pete began to thrust into her while she sat on Howard. Howard seemed not to mind being pinned in this way; from the look on his face, Pete’s efforts were pleasuring him at least as much as Kathy.

Kathy was sandwiched between them, laying her weight on Howard. She was rocking back and forth with Pete’s movement.  Her feet waved in the air. Pete was steadying himself with one hand while the other pinched and slapped Kathy’s breast. She grabbed his hand and moved it to her throat. He obliged and started to squeeze. She started to ride them both with growing desperation as her face began to turn pink. With every thrust from Pete, she would slam herself forward, intensifying the action for all three of them.

Finally, without any warning, Pete stopped. He released Kathy’s throat and pulled out of her. Pumping his dick with both hands, he came with amazing force all over Kathy from her belly button to her face.

Pete fell back, spent and dropped to the ground.

Kathy, smiling, lowered her feet to the ground and slowly stood to release Howard. Judging by the way his still very pink dick flopped onto his navel, he too had reached orgasm at some point.

Kathy moved away from the group, leaving the living room and appearing in the kitchen. I figured that she was looking for a drink or a towel.

She didn’t grab these items, though. She went immediately to the pad of paper we use for grocery lists and started to write a quick note and then a second.

After she was done, she looked up.  She looked directly into the camera and held up the first note.

Is that what you wanted?

After a second, she held up the other note

Always remember to lock your PC ASSHOLE

The shock was intense. When I started to breathe again, I turned to the door expecting her to be standing there. Possibly all of them standing there, laughing at me sitting there wearing nothing but a shirt and socks, my swiftly shrinking dick still clutched in my hand.

I stood and walked to the bedroom in a daze. Her closet was completely empty. It looked like I wouldn’t get my spectacular moment of accusation after all.


The End.


Published 5 years ago

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