Jenni had been angry at Nate – hell she was still furious! – and she had felt guilty about what he had done to his friend, but she didn’t want him to lose all of his friends because of it. Sure, he deserved to be called out on what he had done, but she had just thought Cory would storm in and demand his money back and maybe never play with him again. But this…this could ruin Nate.
“Are you…sure you want to do that?” Jenni asked nervously. Her own anger still burning inside her rose a little higher at the thought that she had to defend Nate even when he had done something so wrong.
“Sure, he deserves it!” Cory replied calmly. “Unless you’ve got a better idea?”
“I just thought you’d take your money back and yell at him, maybe refuse to play poker with him again. Not this,” she answered honestly, an almost pleading sound in her voice.
“Considering how he treated his friend, and how he treated you, I think he’s getting off lightly. Let everyone else decide what they think of him, I say,” Cory responded with an almost amused smile on his face.
A little bit of panic twisted through Jenni’s stomach. She had thought Cory would be angry, but this! This was going too far. She couldn’t let Nate lose all of his friends for one stupid thing he had done.
“Don’t do this,” she blurted out.
“You’re going to have to give me a better reason than that, Jen. He won’t learn from me just confronting him on his own. And it’s hardly fair recompense that I just get back what is mine and shame your boyfriend a little,” he responded convincingly.
He had a fair point. It was hardly fair compensation for how he had been treated. Or how she had been treated now she came to think about it. But she couldn’t let Cory ruin Nate’s whole life over it either. She had to think of something else. And quick. From the look on Cory’s face, he was about to start calling people then and there.
That was when it hit her, and she spoke without thinking.
“I’ll pay the bet,” she said before she realised what she was saying.
“You’ll what?” Cory asked confusedly.
Hesitating a moment Jenni thought about what she was about to say very quickly. She had to mean it. She was angry at Nate, and felt guilty for what he had done, but she couldn’t let Cory ruin Nate’s friendships either. And this…this would appeal to her boyfriend’s friend while also serving Nate right for betting her.
“I’ll pay Nate’s bet. About me,” she said finally, and watched the confusion turn to derision on Cory’s face.
“I don’t need you to clean up after me, Jen. That was just a joke yest…” he began when Jenni interrupted him.
“The bet where I’d dance for you,” she said in a voice that was much firmer than her insides felt. This was the last thing she wanted to do for Cory MacKenzie of all people, but it was the best she could think of.
Contempt turned to instant interest and for the first time since she had walked into his room, Cory began looking her up and down. Ogling her really. Every inch of her. Slowly from head to foot before his eyes returned to hers and a creepy, smug smile spread his lips sickeningly.
“You mean the strip lap dance?” he asked, and Jenni hesitated before she nodded. Taking a moment to ogle her tits Cory’s smile deepened before he looked back into her eyes. “So, you dance for me, and I don’t tell anyone about Nate? He just gets away scot-free? And you do something you don’t want to do? Hardly seems fair.”
“Nate gets his girlfriend dancing and stripping for his friend. I would hardly say he is getting off scot-free, would you?” she asked, and he nodded, giving her that one, “And I get to show him what happens when he bets me.”
Cory’s smile broadened at that and then he shrugged his shoulders.
“Well, I won’t fight you on doing this. If you think it gets back at him, who am I to argue?” he asked, and Jenni almost laughed a little. So long as he got to see her strip for him Cory MacKenzie wasn’t going to argue she was sure of that.
“So, it’s a deal?” she asked.
“Definitely,” Cory replied as he sat up and slapped his knees excitedly, “No one will ever hear anything from me about Nate’s cheating.”
“Ok,” she said, then took a deep breath before carrying on, “There’s just one rule. I’m not going to strip below my underwear. You get to see me in my bra and panties but nothing less. No one said how far I had to strip in the bet, and that’s it. Ok?”
Cory’s smile deepened at that before he finally nodded.
“On three conditions,” he came back, “First, you don’t tell Nate that you did this.”
Jenni opened her mouth to say that that was the whole point of getting back at him when Cory forestalled her.
“The reason why is he cheated without letting either you or me know, and he wouldn’t have told me at all. So let him think everything is normal when really he gets to hang out with me not knowing that I got you to strip lap dance for me,” he said, and after a moment of thinking Jenni nodded. She could see the reasoning. And it would serve her boyfriend right not to have any idea what she had done for his friend.
“And the second condition?” she asked.
“You do it now, while Nate’s next door,” he answered with a cheeky grin.
A shiver ran through Jenni at that, and her stomach suddenly had butterflies. Nate would be in the next room, right behind the wall Cory’s sofa was leaning against, as she danced for him in secret and stripped her clothes off one by one. Oddly the idea seemed a bit more than tempting to the blonde girlfriend and for a moment the butterflies got bigger.
Nate deserved what she intended to do, but somehow doing it when he was right next door, and she facing where he would be staring in his room, while she didn’t tell him at all what she had done…that was just illicit. And somehow, a little exciting. Moreover, it would serve Nate right. He had been secretive about his cheating yesterday when he had bet her, how appropriate that he was in the next room while she stripped for his friend just as secretively.
A small, impish smile curved Jenni’s beautiful, full lips ever so slightly.
“Ok,” she agreed finally, and Cory slapped his knees again in excitement, his eyes literally glued to her now, “And the third condition?”
“I get a photo of you in your underwear,” Cory said, and Jenni felt a flush pass through her.
It was the kind of thing that Cory would ask for and normally would set Jenni squeaming. But this time it only set her stomach fluttering harder. It would serve Nate right, letting his friend have a picture of her almost naked after he had bet her to him.
“Ok,” she agreed in a tremulous voice, and Cory’s grin broadened until his face shone with excitement.
“Alright Jenni, be a good girlfriend and strip for your boyfriend’s housemate,” Cory said enthusiastically, and for the first time ever Jenni didn’t cringe at his hitting on her. Instead, her smile just deepened a little amusedly, and a touch excitedly.
She started by slowly moving her hips as if in time with some deep, thrumming song that only she could hear, until slowly her legs and arms joined in, and she was gently undulating her body as if to a sexy theme.
“You want me to dance for you, Cory?” she asked with a little innocence in her voice as she swayed a little closer to her boyfriend’s friend.
“Yeah, shake that sexy ass of yours!” Cory replied, and Jenni smiled lightly, turning around so that she was looking over her shoulder at him as she swayed her ass in small circles.
“You mean like this?” she asked as her hands drifted down to her hips and ran over her tight ass cheeks.
“Fuck, Jen!” was all Cory could manage to get out as he stared at her ass swaying in front of him.
Slapping her ass hard, Jenni turned around and swayed over to where Cory was sitting, planting her knee on one side of his legs she rotated her hips until she knelt over his lap with her other knee on the sofa. Undulating in front of him, the sexy blonde pretended to ride up and down on his lap as she gripped the back of the sofa before placing her hand on his shoulder and looking deep in his eyes.
“I bet you’ve wanted to see me like this for a long time. Haven’t you, Cory?” she asked as she rotated her hips in small circles above his lap, before pushing her stomach out to meet his as she arched her back, running her one hand through her long blonde hair.
“Fuck, Jen, I’ve imagined this every day you’ve been here,” he answered with awe as his hands took hold of her hips and pulled her down onto his lap.
Jenni’s eyes widened a little at that as she felt the familiar bulge of a hard cock beneath her. Cory was solid and hard right under her! She felt a flush rush through her and her stomach fluttered ever harder, but all she did was continue to grind her hips against him, rubbing her jean-clad pussy over that hard, solid bulge.
“You know you’re not supposed to touch when you’re getting a lap dance,” she said as she took his hands from her hips and pressed them back into the back of the sofa. Leaning closer she whispered in his ear, “You’re supposed to just watch me get naked for you.”
Cory drew in a sharp breath at that as Jenni rose and circled her hips, undulating her body in time with the unheard tune.
“Naked, ah?” he asked amusedly, and Jenni laughed throatily.
“Almost naked,” she whispered sexily to his neck as her lips passed down his side before she looked back into his eyes.
Shaking her body a little more, Jenni rolled her hips and swayed her heaving body in time with the music she heard, staring deep into Cory’s eyes. Brushing back her hair behind her ears with her fingers she arched her back, pushing her glorious tits out towards his face as she reached above her.
Finally, she reached down and pushed herself back up off his lap and danced back a couple of steps as she took hold of the bottom of her hoodie with one hand and raised her hand to the zip with the other.
“I think you’ve had enough lap dancing for now. I think you want to see something before I dance any more for you,” she said sexily as she swayed in front of him.
Cory’s eyes lit up and he stared avidly at her hands as Jenni slowly half-turned away from him.
“I’m not sure you want to see,” she teased, and almost laughed as Cory almost jumped out of his seat.
“Fuck! I want to see!” her boyfriend’s housemate emphatically responded, and Jenni smiled amusedly.
Guys were so easy to control.
Turning back to face him, she kept swaying her body as she slowly began to pull the zipper down, over the slopes of her full, heavy breasts, and down her flat, slim stomach. Taking hold of the edges of her hoodie Jenni teased them apart, pulling them wider until her white t-shirt-clad chest came into view.
Arching her back so that her tits pushed out toward Cory, Jenni reached her arms back to pull one of the sleeves off her arm. Then pulling the other arm free she tossed her hoodie over to Cory as she ran her hands into her hair, pushing handfuls up as she swayed back and forth.
Cory wolf-whistled to let her know he appreciated what he was seeing, and the beautiful blonde girlfriend could only smile slightly, feeling a little more intoxicated by what she was doing, where, with whom, and with her boyfriend right next door.
Her stomach was a mass of rampaging butterflies, but she was more excited now than nervous. Especially after feeling just how into her dance Cory was when she had been on his lap.
Swaying more Jenni let her hands run down her face, down her neck, and onto her large tits, cupping the succulent mounds and squeezing briefly before she ran her hands down her stomach to the tops of her legs. They Inched ever closer to her tingling pussy as Jenni danced as sexily as she could until she snapped her fingers on the button of her jeans.
“Are you ready to see what only Nathan sees?” she asked teasingly, and saw the smug grin on Cory’s face become even more cocky.
“Show me, slut,” Cory replied, and Jenni felt her pussy heat up. She normally would have been offended at his words, but something just felt exciting about it right then. She did feel like a slut, and it felt good.
Biting her bottom lip, she smiled and unsnapped the button, swaying her hips and shaking her ass as she lowered the zipper and took hold of the top of her jeans. Blowing a kiss to Cory, Jenni began snaking her hips as she pushed her jeans down her long, slender, smooth legs until with a final kick that sent her jeans flying into Cory’s lap, she freed herself from their tight confines.
Standing in front of her boyfriend’s housemate in just her t-shirt and her white lace panties Jenni should have felt nervous, or guilty, or sick, or something. Instead, she just felt incredibly sexy as Cory’s eyes followed every curve of her body and just devoured her.
Swaying over to him Jenni turned around and wiggled her tight ass for him to see in her lace underwear, before turning around and placing one foot on the sofa as she continued to dance for him.
Running her hands over her stomach and down her legs, teasing her pussy with her fingers as she almost ran her fingers down between her legs, only to cover her smooth thighs instead, Jenni danced sexily.
Cory was staring at her with lustrous desire and utter awe as he watched her move in front of him before she took her foot from the sofa and stood in front of him with just her hips moving.
“You’re a naughty boy, watching me strip for you while my boyfriend is in the next room,” she teased.
“And you’re a naughty girlfriend, stripping for your boyfriend’s housemate,” Cory replied smugly, and Jenni felt her stomach and pussy flutter.
Reaching for the bottom of her tight, figure-hugging white t-shirt, Jenni smiled at Cory in the most sexy and illicit way she could.
“Then I better be an even naughtier girl and show you my tits. While Nathan waits for me,” she said hotly, and only waited long enough for the glint in Cory’s eyes that said he wanted nothing more than to see what was under her shirt before she slowly teased her top up her stomach.
Revealing her belly button Jenni continued to sway back and forth gently as she pulled up until the thin white material came to rest beneath her breasts, her flat stomach showing off her panties perfectly now that it and her legs were bare, Cory didn’t know where to stare first.
But his eyes took her all in, and he seemed ready to jump out of his seat and pull her down on his sofa before fucking her brains out! That thought sent a fire through Jenni’s pussy at how naughty it was, and she shivered hotly.
“Time to show you what you’ve always wanted to see, Cory,” she said teasingly, her soft lips curved as she watched the avid attention that her boyfriend’s housemate lavished upon her as he stared fixedly at her chest.
Slowly Jenni crossed her arms and took hold of her t-shirt, and ever so slowly she pulled up until her full breasts came gloriously into view, encased in the thin prison of her white-lace bra.
Pulling her t-shirt over her head, Jenni let the garment drop to the floor as she swayed and stared into Cory’s face as she stood before him in just her thin, sexy underwear. Nate’s friend’s face was a picture in desire and ecstasy as he ogled every inch of her almost naked body as she swayed and undulated in front of him.
“Fuck!” was all he could manage to say as he looked her over, and Jenni took that as the most heartfelt compliment she had ever received.
But she wasn’t done yet.
Swaying over to him, Jenni threw her clothes aside from him and then once more knelt over his lap, rolling her hips and ass as she danced to that unheard melody. Placing one hand on his shoulder the sexy, blonde girlfriend began riding his lap for all she was worth in the sexiest lap dance she had ever given. Relishing in the feel of that hard bulge in his jeans beneath her, so close to where her barely protected pussy now was.
“So, did I do good?” she asked innocently, as if she didn’t already know.
“Fuck, Jen, you did amazing!” Cory replied honestly as his hands once more found her naked hips.
“Mmmm, good. Because I want you to enjoy this,” she said sexily as she pushed her tits out to rub ever so softly against his shirt-covered chest.
For a little longer the hot girlfriend danced on her boyfriend’s housemate’s lap, swaying and shaking her ass, rolling her hips, and moving her body. Arching her back, digging her nails into his shoulder, and letting his hands hold her hips as she moved. Her eyes remained locked on his and her face was bright with a smile that made her almost absent-looking glazed eyes glint hornily.
For Cory’s side, he just sat transfixed, unable and unwilling to move until slowly Jenni began to stop moving until she just sat on his lap with him holding her.
“Did you like that?” she asked somewhat dazedly as her heart beat fast, in time with the pulsing in her pussy.
“Fuck, that was the best thing ever,” Cory replied as his hands ran up to cinch her slim waist…
“Was it worth the bet?” she asked sweetly as she rested her other hand on his shoulder.
“More than worth it,” Cory replied, and Jenni smiled, feeling the bulge in his jeans pressing against her panty-covered pussy.
Fuck, she felt good! Her head was almost swimming she felt so intoxicated!
“Would you like me to do it again?” she asked with a teasing smile, and shuddered as Cory reached up to toy with her bra strap.
“Would you like to do it again?” he asked her playfully and staring deep into his eyes, Jenni nodded slowly.
“Maybe this time we could lose a little more clothing?” Cory asked as his finger, beneath her bra strap, slid down towards her heaving tits.
“Maybe,” Jenni agreed dazedly, her breathing deepening and her heart racing in her chest as she felt his fingers tease the lacey edge of her bra touching her sloping tits.
For a moment the two of them just stared at each other, lost in each other’s eyes, as Cory’s finger teased around the tops of her large tits and Jenni felt his bulging jeans beneath her.
Fuck, but she felt so good. Stripping and dancing for Cory had just been so hot, especially knowing that Nate was next door! All the hotter for knowing that Cory was her boyfriend’s friend and housemate, not her boyfriend!
And now she sat here, half-naked, and ready to be taken. Feeling that hard, heavy cock beneath her as she stared into Cory’s eyes.
He was really very handsome. Something she had never noticed before. He had always just been Cory. But now here he was, twenty-one years of pure defined body and hard cock, stylish brown hair with faint blonde tips a little longer than Nate’s, cheeky green eyes matching his playful smile as his finger danced around the edge of her bra, almost as if he were about to grope her tits right then and there. And fuck did Jenni not know what she would do if he did that! And then there was his reputation with the ladies that his solid bulge only sang to Jenni was true.
She could strip for him again. And this time not keep her underwear on. And maybe she could strip him too. See what was bulging at her as she sat on his lap.
Now that lap dance would be fun!
Staring into his eyes Jenni could feel herself starting to slip. Maybe she could take her bra off right now. Or maybe he could do it. Fuck, but his touch felt good on her. And Nate was so close. It would be so bad to show him her tits. To let him fuck her with Nate just behind the wall.
It was then that Jenni suddenly came back to her senses. Shaking herself she suddenly realised where she was and what she was doing. More importantly, what she was thinking of doing! She loved Nate! This was just to get back at him. Letting Cory fuck her brains out would just be going too far! Suddenly her heart was beating fast for a different reason, even as her whole body cried out for her to continue.
“I…should go,” she said finally as she looked into Cory’s eyes. Those hot green eyes that almost pinned her to the bed already. Fuck, but she wanted that!
“Are you sure?” her boyfriend’s friend asked as his finger teased the edge of her bra again.
For a moment Jenni hesitated. Her pussy and body screamed out as her mind pulled back.
“Yeah…I…should go,” she finally said, and reluctantly pushed herself off Cory’s lap and stood up.
Reaching down to pick up her top, Jenni pulled it on.
“You’re not going to say anything about Nate now are you?” she asked as her head popped through the top and she slid it down over her voluptuous tits.
“You held up your end of the deal, so I will too,” Cory replied, much to Jenni’s relief. She had had visions of him still talking to everyone despite him getting what he wanted from her.
“Can you pass me my clothes?” she asked a little sheepishly and gave Cory a longsuffering look as he grinned at her.
“I like you as you are,” he said, eyeing her panty-covered crotch, “But until you strip for me again…” he added, tossing Jenni her jeans and playing with her hoodie as she pulled them on.
“You’ve had your strip lap dance. You’re not getting another one,” Jenni replied plainly, ignoring the pulling longing within her to climb back on his lap and let him see her without her bra on.
“We’ll see,” Cory teased before tossing the hoodie back at her as she buttoned the jeans up.
“Not a word to Nate,” she reminded him as she pulled the hoodie back on and began zipping it up.
Cory made a motion as if to zip his mouth shut before throwing away a pretend key.
Nodding slightly, Jenni threw her hair over her shoulders before she made her way towards the door. Taking hold of the handle she stopped and took a deep breath, half turning towards Cory as if she were reluctant to look at him.
“It was a lot of fun,” she said finally, as if the words had to be dragged out of her.
“Oh, it was,” Cory agreed as he let his eyes wander all over her again, as if she were still standing half-naked in front of him.
Giving her boyfriend’s friend a weak smile Jenni opened the door and walked out, almost collapsing back against it as she pulled it to.
Walking away from Cory had taken a lot. She had desperately wanted him to mash his hand into her breast as he had teased his finger along her bra’s edge. And she had wantonly wanted to whip open his jeans to see the bulge pressing against her.
But she had done what she wanted to get back at Nate, and she felt less guilty and angry now. Instead, she felt incredibly turned on, which considering it was Cory she had been with was a surprise.
But the whole thing had just been so hot, so wrong, and so illicit. With Nate not knowing what she was doing and with him being in the next room, directly behind where she was stripping for his friend and straddling his lap half naked as his own housemate traced her tits with his finger!? She almost felt drunk she was so high with passion.
But still she had managed to keep control of herself, and now Cory knew the truth and had gotten revenge on Nate and so had she. She could go back to being normal now she didn’t feel seething any longer, nor guilty. Well, not completely guilty. She still spent the rest of the day with Nate, almost clung to his side because of how ‘not guilty at all’ she felt. And her cheeks did go red and she clung harder to her boyfriend’s side every time they saw Cory that day. But Jenni was fine otherwise. It had served him right anyway.
That last was why Jenni Carnell woke up the next day feeling bouncy and happy and not at all guilty. Not even a little bit this time. Heading to the wardrobe as Nate rolled over and muttered about it being too early, Jenni pulled out a dark green sundress and a pair of matching lace bra and panties.
Getting dressed the beautiful blonde tied her hair up in a ponytail, showing off her large misty grey-blue eyes to perfection, before she made her way over to the bed to wake Nate up.
Despite not feeling guilty, Jenni still spent most of the day with her boyfriend at her side and once again blushed whenever she saw Cory. However, this time her cheeks flushed more because of how she remembered she felt with her boyfriend’s friend than because she was embarrassed.
Why did she have any need to be embarrassed after all? She had not gotten naked in front of Cory, and she had a body to die for! But she could still remember the feel of that bulge and the way his finger had felt so tentatively close to her naked breast. Jenni shuddered whenever she did and felt her stomach, and pussy, flutter.
It was just after midday, Jenni and Nate were sitting in the kitchen drinking when Nate stood up and kissed her on the top of her head.
“I’m going to go for a shower,” he announced, and Jenni smiled and nodded as she took another sip from her glass.
“Alright, I’ll see you in a bit,” she replied, and watched as Nate made his way out of the kitchen and headed up the stairs.
Thinking that she would go and watch something in Nate’s room, Jenni stood up just after her boyfriend had left and finished her drink. Going to the sink to wash the glass she placed it on the side before heading through the lounge and making her way upstairs.
She had just reached her boyfriend’s door when a voice called her from behind.
“Jen!” came the familiar sound of Cory from behind her.
Stopping and turning around in the doorframe to Nathan’s room Jenni saw her boyfriend’s housemate peeking out of his door at her. As soon as he saw her looking at him Cory came the rest of the way out and stood with his hand on the top of his doorframe, almost like he was posing for her.
“I was wondering when I would get you alone again,” he said, sounding as creepy as he always had. Though this time Jenni didn’t feel put off by him, but instead felt her mind going back to the day before. She managed to stop herself glancing down at his crotch by a hair’s breadth.
“Well, you got me. What’s up?” she asked, trying to sound all cool and calm.
“Do I have to have a reason to just want to see you?” he asked charmingly as he moved a little closer towards her.
Instinctively Jenni glanced at the bathroom door behind Cory where Nate was before she looked back at him.
“I guess not,” was all she said as she felt her stomach flutter a little.
Cory just grinned at her as he moved a little closer, taking her hand gently in his as if to pull her towards him.
“I was just wondering if you wanted to join me. Nate’s in the shower after all,” he said suggestively, as he smiled both a wicked and charmingly winning smile at her.
Jenni felt her stomach flutter once more and her pussy tingle a little. The idea of letting him lead her into his room was more than appealing to a part of her. But the rest of her was much too in control to ever let that happen.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Even if Nate is going to be a while,” she replied as neutrally as she could. The only thing that gave her away was that her breathing grew slightly heavier as her heart began to beat faster.
“Oh, I think we could have some fun. He always takes ages in the shower,” Cory responded, as he gently pulled her hand and made Jenni move a step closer to him.
Jenni took that step gladly in one way and reluctantly in another but take it she did even as her body and mind screamed different things.
“I think we had enough fun yesterday,” she replied, once more feeling her pussy tingle at the memory. Quickly getting a hold of herself she added, “We had a deal yesterday and we both made good on it. So, I think we should leave it there.”
Feeling triumphant for remaining so in control of herself, and brushing Cory off, Jenni wasn’t ready for what her boyfriend’s friend said next.
“Not quite,” Cory said with a victorious grin as he squeezed her hand, “You still owe me a picture of you. Remember?”
Jenni was about to say she did not when suddenly she remembered the conditions that Cory had given for his silence the day before. Her heart skipped a beat as her pussy leaped in joy at the thought.
“What? You didn’t get enough yesterday?” she asked, knowing full well how futile a response that was.
Cory just laughed lightly before shaking his head.
“I could never get enough of you,” he answered amusedly, “And I want my permanent reminder of you.”
Jenni stood there knowing what her boyfriend’s friend was going to say before he even said it, but when he did she felt her stomach flutter excitedly. She had promised him a photo after all, so it wasn’t like she was going back to do what she did the day before just because she wanted to. And she did want to. That was the trouble.
“Fine. But we’ll have to wait for a good time, when Nate’s asleep or something. You can wait a while, can’t you?” she said reluctantly, both because she had to agree and because she didn’t want to wait. Her feelings were confusing her.
Shaking his head Cory made another step towards her, so now he was close enough to put his hand on her waist if he wanted to.
“No better time than right now,” he said confidently, “Nate’s going to be a while in the shower.”
Jenni couldn’t argue with that, and part of her didn’t want to even as she stubbornly tried to think of a way around it. But the truth was, Nate was going to take a while, and it was just a photo. Her pussy squirmed at the thought of what she was about to do, and then it squirmed harder as Cory smiled down at her and added, “Get that dress off.”
Hearing him command her to take her clothes off for him both got her back up and turned Jenni on more than anything, but all she did was pull her hand free of his and turn back towards Nate’s room. Turning as she walked into the doorframe, she looked at Cory as he stood there pulling his phone out of his pocket.
“Are you coming? I am not going to strip out here,” Jenni said with a touch of playful impatience.
“Yes, you are,” Cory replied as he held his phone up towards her, “I want a photo of you half-naked in the doorway to Nate’s room.”
That illicit thought sent a shiver through Jenni that had her pussy humming at the naughty thought of what Cory was suggesting. It was bad enough that she was going to let him take a picture of her in just her underwear, while her boyfriend was just down the hall in the shower, but now she was going to let him take it while she stood clearly in the doorway to his room, blatantly posing for his friend.
The thrill sent a wave of pleasure surging through Jenni’s body and she turned to look at Cory with a playful mocking shake of her head at his naughtiness.
Reaching back she unzipped the back of her dress, pushing her luscious tits out as she arched her back, and slipped the thin garment from her shoulders, letting it pool around her feet as it fell from her slender body.
Standing just in her black lace underwear, Jenni stepped out of the discarded dress and kicked it aside, holding her hands behind her back as she waited for Cory to take his picture.
“Happy now?” she asked in mock irritation.
“Very,” Cory replied hungrily, as he held up his phone and clicked the button.
The sight of Jenni Carnell in her underwear was hot. Her long, smooth legs looked even sexier due to her thin, lace panties just about hiding her pussy. Her large, round tits were barely contained in the thin, holey lace of her bra, bulging and pert.
Her flat stomach was shown to perfection, as was her tight, round ass. And her long blonde hair fell down her shoulders, framing her beautiful face and full, heavy tits. Her large grey-blue eyes were like pools of the sky ready to be jumped into. She was just gorgeous, and her boyfriend’s housemate’s camera caught all of her.
“Perfect,” Cory said in a pleased tone as he looked at the picture, “Now lean against the door frame. All sexy like.”
Jenni knew she should have said no. He had taken his picture, and she had never agreed to a photoshoot. But the lustfulness of the whole situation had her in hand and she couldn’t move to stop him.
The thought that here she was, a loving, sweet girlfriend of a year and a half, standing in just her underwear while her boyfriend was just a few feet away in the shower, letting her boyfriend’s housemate take pictures of her as she posed for him. it was all just too hot.
And so, the beautiful blonde girlfriend turned and leaned against the doorframe, raising her hands above her as she arched her back, pushing her full, voluptuous tits out as she posed her legs just so to show their smoothness off perfectly.
“How’s this?” she asked as she heard the camera click.
“Fuck, Jen, you’re stunning,” Cory replied, and Jenni smiled playfully.
Turning she leaned one shoulder against the doorframe and reached to grab the wood above her head.
“And this?” she asked teasingly.
Cory just let out a long breath as he looked at her and clicked away. And Jenni just posed more for him. Bending over a little so her large tits hung in front of her. Turning so that he had the most perfect shot of her tight ass. Raising one leg so she could place it against the doorframe and almost show him a perfect view of her lace-covered pussy. Jenni did it all, until finally Cory lowered his phone.
She thought that he was finally finished taking photos of her, and so what he said next surprised her.
“Alright, come on, let’s go into your room,” he said as he moved closer towards her, taking her arm in his hand.
“What?” Jenni asked in surprise.
“I want another picture of you in your room,” Cory answered quickly before gently but firmly pushing her back into the room.
“What picture?” was all Jenni could ask, but by then Cory was in the room with her, grinning at her.
“I want a picture of you on the bed,” he said charmingly, and Jenni opened her mouth to reply but all that happened was her whole body shivered at the thought.
He wanted a picture of her half-naked on the bed she shared with Nate. Something about that was too hot.
“You want a picture of me on the bed?” she asked queryingly, but with a little playful hint to her tone, “Ok, but you better hurry up. Nate will be out soon.”
Climbing onto the bed sideways, Jenni lay back across the bottom of the covers and folded her arms behind her head. Smiling seductively, she posed while Cory took a couple of pictures of her then eyed him curiously as he balanced his phone on the chest of drawers at the end of the bed so that it angled down towards her.
She was about to ask what he was doing when he suddenly reached down and took hold of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head before tossing it on the floor. Quickly his jeans followed until they too hit the floor, and he was standing in front of her just in his boxers.
Jenni opened her mouth to ask in surprise what he was doing when Cory suddenly pulled her legs apart and lay down on top of her, reaching for the camera to press a button.
“What…” was all Jenni managed to get out before he looked down at her with a seductive smile and said, “Say ‘sex'”, and the camera clicked, taking a picture of him in his underwear lying on top of her in her underwear on her and Nate’s bed!
Quickly Jenni got the idea and before she could protest her pussy burned hotter and she felt a bolt of lust rush through her, straight down into her sexy loins. Three more times the camera clicked before Jenni reached up to put her arms around Cory’s neck and a fourth click came.
She felt so slutty. She hadn’t really done anything wrong yet somehow just taking the pictures like she had made her feel like she had cheated on Nate. Oddly it only felt like a rush of pleasure through her rather than guilt. Probably because she had known she hadn’t cheated on him, but still.
That was when Jenni felt the bulging hardness pressing against her barely covered pussy and her breath caught. Fuck, it felt so huge! And so hard! And there was barely anything keeping Cory from spearing her with his enormous dick! Just his boxers and her panties. Two flimsy garments until that thick-feeling hardness pushed into her.
Her whole body quivered with lust at the feeling and thought, and she opened her mouth again but nothing came out except a slight sigh of satisfaction. Then her eyes caught Cory’s as he looked down at her.
Their eyes locking and the sight of him almost naked above her, between her widespread legs, was just too hot and all Jenni could do was shiver beneath his toned, muscular body.
“I like you like this,” Cory teased with a playful smile. Jenni was about to tell him off when she felt her own lips curve involuntarily.
“You won’t if Nate catches us like this,” she replied, though with more than a hint of mischievousness rather than concern in her voice.
“It’s a shame he won’t be showering for longer. I could have gotten used to this,” he replied, as he pressed harder against her and Jenni just about managed to bite back a soft moan of pleasure.
“It’s a shame. But you got your photos now. You can enjoy them from now on instead,” she replied playfully, as she let her grip go from around his neck and let her hands fall to the bed beside her head.
“One more photo,” Cory replied with a grin as he looked down and then back up and ‘clicked’ with his eyes shutting.
Jenni laughed softly at that, a movement that gently rubbed her succulent breasts against Cory’s naked chest.
“It is a shame, but…” he continued before he pushed himself up and offered a hand to Jenni.
Jenni took his hand as if he were just being chivalrous rather than dirty and got pulled up almost into him as she got to her feet. The sound of the shower still rang down the hallway, much to the blonde beauty’s relief, and Cory leaned down to grab his clothes, offering her her dress as he did.
Thanking him, Jenni pulled the garment back on and reached behind her to zip herself up again, not feeling awkward at all for being semi-naked in front of her boyfriend’s housemate once more.
“That was fun,” Cory said as he grabbed his camera and made his way to the door, “Maybe next time we can do it in less.”
Jenni laughed softly at that but didn’t say anything in reply. Anything she did say would just make Cory even more unbearably flirty. And right then she didn’t trust herself to reply to him anyway. She may just have agreed.
“A deal’s a deal now?” she asked finally after a moment instead.
“Absolutely,” Cory replied suavely, glancing down at his phone, “And it’s more than worth it.”
Jenni placed a finger on her soft lips and ‘shushed’ him.
“It’s our little secret now,” she responded, and Cory broke out in a giant grin.
“I’ll be seeing you,” he replied cheekily, glancing down at her and then looking at his phone.
Jenni laughed softly and shooed him out of the room, laughing again as he walked down the hallway looking like the cat who had gotten the cream.
For her part, Jenni just had to get rid of Cory as quickly as she could. She didn’t trust herself around him right then, with how he had made her feel and the way he somehow got her to flirt back with him the more wrong her flirting should be.
She had just let him get away with photographing her almost naked in her and her boyfriend’s room! Several times. And felt his hard bulge almost pressing into her pussy. She could barely think straight.
And so, she had done what she had to do, gotten rid of him as fast as she could before she actually let him get her completely undressed and take another photo of her.
But it was done now. She had stripped for him and let him take his photos as she had promised him for his silence. And she felt like she had gotten even with Nate for betting her. Letting his friend get to see her half naked like he had bet and have a memento to keep for it too was just about right as payment, she thought.
And now it was all over. Cory would no longer ask her for anything and she no longer had to do anything for him.