Charlie and the Factory, Ch. 6

"This is the backstory of how Daisy met Shawn..."

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I said before that we are all born in original sin, and that for some people lust is part of their destiny. You’re probably wondering how Daisy and myself met and how I heard she was a stripper. I was on campus one day, going to eat lunch, when I found out Daisy was on Twitter. It was no big deal really, but she looked older and more womanly. I tweeted to her:

“Is it really you?”

She said back: “Yup, it is!“ with the kissing face emoji.

My mind wandered to the times in which she was of a different mindset not too long ago.

I tweeted back to her as a joke, kind of: “You still got that MILF status?” She did not answer. I remembered her saying in her Facebook user name that she was a MILF. I was pondering to myself.

So, our story begins when we were sophomores in high school. This is when we met. We were both sixteen at the time. My schedule got switched to a new English class. I was the new kid. She sat in front of me. She looked underwhelming at first. She looked like your regular run of the mill hood chick. She wasn’t unattractive by any means. She was darker skinned, with cute lips. Parts of her hadn’t developed yet. She was busty, her lips weren’t full and big, but they were pink. That helped. In other words, she didn’t catch my attention at first due to my carnal needs. Back then, I looked at the body first, then the face. This soon changed with time.

She didn’t catch my attention at the time. Another reason why is because, back then my heart was kind of taken for another. She sat in the seat in front of me. I sometimes peeked at her butt cheeks and her panties playing peek-a-boo with my eyes as she sat down. I think she knew, too.

In junior year, we had Spanish class together. Also, my best friend had that class with me as well. So, of course we raised hell. In one occasion, my best friend (Let’s call him Paul) and I were talking about girls when my friend looked back and said: “Look,” jerking his head.

“Where? Who?” I said back.

He said her name. I looked back. That day, she was wearing a low cut top, showing her very ample breasts that I was oblivious about until that moment. She also had on yoga pants as well.

“Hey, I’ll be right back. I got a plan.” I said to Paul. I walked back towards the teacher’s desk where I waited to drop my pen on purpose on the perfect angle behind her. (Which was the oldest trick) I picked it up slowly and looked just over her chest, staring right at her cleavage. She had on a flesh colored bra. I told my friend that, but he knew that already for some reason. I couldn’t get enough of her for some reason. How did I not notice all of that on her?

Now, there were a number of incidents involving Daisy that I did not include that I could have, including… 
1. Flashing her purple panties in my US history class that we also had together. 
2. After school one day she put her tongue inside a water bottle sensually, then said to me this: “Are you hard yet?“

In addition to this, she happened to be on the school’s dance team. I would sometimes watch them practice, to my pleasure. Sometimes I think she knew.

Senior year came. I turned eighteen that year and I felt bold. I went to all of the dances that year. She and I became cool by this time. At our annual Valentine’s Day Dance, I was watching all the couples slow dance one segment that was all sexual songs, but yet I was watching them make out nonstop, which felt so awkward for me. Afterwards, a song played that caught me. I went up to the dance floor by myself and danced like no one was watching. I was wearing a gray suit and my red tie with a coat. By the middle of the song, two girls joined me; The first was dark skinned with a black dress on with not many curves, but heavy chested, with full lips. The second was Daisy. One was in front, the other was in the back. I was very surprised at this happening at the least, but I kept on doing my thing. However, as Daisy said to me that night in my ear on the middle of the dance floor… “Just dance. You’re a great dancer.”

Prom eventually came and went, June came, and our end of the year Cap and Gown Party was looming. It was basically a dance/concert that only forty or so of us went to. Two local hip-hop artists gave shows. I was familiar with both. One is a rapper from the North Side that had backup dancers with him. This is probably the reason why he blew up soon after this. He then performed his then hit song “Crush,” of which of course I danced to. I was in “fuck it” mode. I was going to walk the stage of Toyota Center the following morning and I was about to go out with a bang. I pretty much did all the dances that I learned that year, only with a little bit more body to it. All of a sudden, a girl is in front of me, grinding and twerking on me, to my surprise and delight. I tried not to smile, but I did… like a fool. It was Daisy. She started shaking her ass on me, and she started looking back at me with that look in her eye. That look that said: “You like that shit?” With the same smile on my face, I thought: “Oh, so it IS true…”

After high school, we saw each other a number of times in another part of town when we started college. Our schools were within walking distance from one another. Other than that, not much.

In the gap since we graduated high school, let’s do a update, shall we? The year after we graduated, she became pregnant. Also, I began to hear things about her via social media. You’d be amazed about the shit you hear on social media. She actually told me that she worked at a strip club. I was curious and asked her: “As what?”

She didn’t answer. And the rest, you can say… is history.

Published 6 years ago

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