When Charlene came out of the bedroom, Tommy was parked in front of the TV. Looking up, he observed, “After running around the apartment mostly naked all week, I wasn’t expecting to see you in something so conservative.”
“Conservative?” Charlene replied, “Not what Daddy thought. He said this was too tight, and with buttons from top to bottom, entirely too suggestive.”
It had been a week since their relationship had turned intimate. and during that week, other than going to classes, Tommy and Charlene had kept pretty much to themselves. Their best friend and across-the-hall neighbor, Blake, had been in Dallas the last few days, so they hadn’t even seen much of him.
“Oh yeah, definitely suggestive,” agreed Tommy. “I am already imagining what that dress might look like with a few more of those buttons undone.”
Charlene beamed. “How many’s it going to take to get you excited?” She made a quarter turn to either side, undoing the top couple of buttons and smiling at Tommy’s reaction.
“Of course around you, I stay excited, but you got to admit that what you’re wearing is kind of dressy for just hanging out in the apartment.”
“Well… it is Sunday… and it has been a week since we started sleeping together. I was kinda hoping I might talk you into taking me someplace for brunch.”
“Uh, yeah… I suppose you could talk me into that.”
“Of course, I could change, if you’d rather…” Charlene plopped down in the easy chair and unbuttoned two of the bottom buttons. The dress split open, nearly to her panties.
Tommy licked his lip. “No. You stay the way you are. I know a place we can go.” He continued to stare at his roommate and lover. Charlene wasn’t wearing hose and although the hem of the dress came almost to her knees, with the bottom buttons undone, and sitting down, Charlene’s inner thighs were deliciously exposed. Tommy stood. “Give me a couple of minutes. These shorts are not going to cut it where we’re going.”
Charlene’s dress was tight, necessitating that she undo a third button in order to get into Tommy’s truck. Once she had the door closed though… I could redo a button or two , but… a smile grew on her lips. Charlene stretched her bare legs toward the drive-shaft tunnel, the unbuttoned dress riding even further up her bare thighs. “Are you going to be able to get us to the restaurant in one piece?” she saucily asked Tommy.
Tommy had his head turned toward the front but his eyes were focused on Charlene’s bare legs. “I’ll get us there. Fortunately it’s not far. But you’re not making it any easier.”
“Just having fun,” Charlene replied, looking at the bulge in Tommy’s jeans.
The place they went to was a popular college hangout that was a moderately priced restaurant for breakfast and lunch, and a raucous watering hole at night. On Sundays they had a brunch menu that was considered one of the best in the city. And for brunch, the tables in the mostly booths type place were covered with white linen tablecloths.
A waiter took them to one of the more distant booths. He pulled the table to one side, allowing them to slide easily into the booth. As Charlene slid into the booth, she spread her legs, exposing her white silk panties. Tommy followed, his eyes noting the tantalizing display. The waiter took his time pulling the table back into place, making sure he got a good look.
After the waiter was gone, Tommy said, “I think he enjoyed the view.”
Charlene had a Cheshire cat type grin on her face. “And you didn’t?”
“Okay, so I was looking too. But I know you wanted us to look.”
“Don’t you just love that about me?” Charlene chirped.
“That and a few other things. Sorry I wasn’t around for the transition, but you have definitely changed… and for the better, I might add.”
The conversation was interrupted as the waiter returned to serve coffee and take their order. Once he had left, Charlene picked it up where they’d left off. “Before the waiter came, you said I’d changed. You’re right, I have, but what exactly were you referring to?” Charlene was smiling, intrigued by the direction of the conversation.
“Well of course, I always did think you were cute, but now that you’ve grown up, you’ve also become hotter than a firecracker!”
“I’m glad you think so, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what you meant when you said I’d changed.”
“No, I guess not,” Tommy confessed.
Charlene was still smiling. “So what did you mean?”
“Well, admit it, you did used to be goody-two-shoes – no way would you ever let anyone see your panties, certainly not like you did that waiter… and never closing the drapes even though you seldom wear more than a pair of panties… I mean, I’m loving the way you are, but this sure isn’t the little girl I grew up with. Not what I was expecting.”
“You complaining?”
“No way. I’m loving it. Just surprised, is all.”
“So how about the dress? You like it?”
“Oh yeah, especially with no bra and so many buttons undone.”
The waiter appeared with their order. Both had ordered the brunch special, eggs benedict with breakfast potatoes and a fruit bowl. There were two mimosas that the waiter left sitting on the tray behind him. “The mimosas come with the brunch special, but I’ve got to see some ID before I can serve them.” Tommy offered up an ID – fake but indistinguishable from the real thing – and informed the waiter that Charlene wasn’t old enough. The waiter looked at Tommy’s ID, handed it back and placed both mimosas in front of him. “Since you’re the only one old enough to drink, I guess you’ll just have to drink both of them.” He winked as he picked up the tray and left.
“That guy gets a good tip,” Charlene insisted.
“Oh of course. That’s why he did it.” Tommy pushed one of the mimosas over in front of Charlene. “Enjoy! Now where were we?”
Charlene hesitated long enough to shovel a forkful of food into her mouth. With hollandaise dripping from her lips she offered, “I think you were telling me how much you like this dress, buttons undone, not wearing a bra – something like that.”
“Right, all of the above,” Tommy clarified as he cut off a bite of egg, ham and muffin. Pausing before putting it into his mouth, he added, “But even with a couple of buttons undone, it’s really not all that obvious that you’re not wearing a bra.”
Charlene slowly undid a couple more of the top buttons. Although the nipples were still covered, it was now real obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra. “Would I be right in thinking,” Tommy suggested, “that except at home, the buttons didn’t always stay buttoned, and there probably wasn’t much under the dress?”
Charlene was grinning. “Well, from what I’ve already told you, I’m sure you know that I never wore a bra, except when I really had to, and mostly that was at home. I’m also sure you can guess that the buttons didn’t always stay buttoned. But before you get the wrong idea about me, I have always worn panties…” except for that time with the towel... “…and they have always stayed on,” well, most of the time.
Tommy’s hand slid between Charlene’s bare thighs as he suggested, “Somehow I got to believe that you really like guys watching.”
Charlene smiled as she slowly acknowledged, “Could be.”
Tommy’s fingers slid up Charlene’s thighs and stroked the front of her panties as he postulated, “That business a week ago, sitting in the window while you took your clothes off, and then all this last week, wearing no more than a pair of panties with the drapes open and lights on… not the first time you’ve done something like that, is it?”
Charlene hesitated, catching her breath. “Uh no, not exactly,” she allowed.
Tommy’s hand stroked Charlene’s already soaked panties as he asked, “You going to tell me about it?”
Charlene lowered Tommy’s zipper and slipped her hand inside and around his cock. “I will if you promise not to stop what you’re doing to me.”
“I promise, but you’ve got to keep up what you’re doing, too”
Charlene squeezed Tommy’s cock as she began, “It was a few weeks after my sixteenth birthday. My body was really beginning to develop and I was loving the way the guys were showing an interest in it. Alone in my bedroom, I usually had my clothes off – sometimes even played with myself.”
Tommy pushed Charlene’s panties aside. She held his cock tighter as she continued, “One night, with the lights on, I took my clothes off with the drapes open on the sliding glass door to the backyard. Although our yard was protected by a privacy fence and a locked gate, It was still exciting, imagining that someone might be out there watching. I didn’t close the drapes much after that.”
Tommy inserted a finger into Charlene’s pussy as he said, “But then you discovered that someone really was watching.”
Charlene gulped, “Right. Turns out one of my neighbors had an internet type camera on his rooftop, looking right in my bedroom window. I figured it out while I was babysitting for him one night.”
Tommy stopped abruptly, “Holy shit! So what’d you do?”
“You promised you wouldn’t stop!” Charlene exclaimed. She didn’t answer until Tommy had resumed his ministrations. She took a deep breath as she replied, “Well, I had imagined I was being watched and that had excited me.” Charlene gasped audibly as Tommy plunged a second finger into her pussy. “Uh, so what if it was for real? Wasn’t that really what I wanted?”
Tommy’s fingers worked their magic as he theorized, “Well yeah but, that neighbor of yours had to be some kind of perv. Old guy watching his sixteen-year-old neighbor – that is scary.”
“Truth is, he wasn’t all that old. If he’d been a couple years younger, and not married,” Charlene’s hand moved slowly along Tommy’s rock hard cock, “I might have even dated him.”
“Even knowing he was watching you?”
“Oh god yes, that would have been soo hot!”
Tommy backpedaled, “Okay, so you weren’t freaked out – you even left the curtains open.”
“And you left the lights on.”
“Uh huh, that too.”
“Sixteen-year-old, getting naked with the drapes open and lights on – your neighbor had to have been loving it.”
“I certainly hope so,” Charlene asserted, “I know I was.”
“Wow! So how long did this go on – you getting naked with him watching?”
“Well, pretty much right up to the time I moved here.”
“Shit, that guy has got to be really pissed, you not putting on your show anymore.”
“Yeah, I suppose so,” Charlene replied, demurely.
“And this all started before that business with the fraternity guys?”
“Uh yeah.” Charlene knew she’d been caught in a lie. She began slowly stroking Tommy’s cock. “Actually, they weren’t fraternity guys at all – it was my boyfriend, Carl, and several of his buddies, at his house – but all that stuff about me in panties and shirt, several buttons undone – that’s all true. However, it was me talking my girlfriend into it, not the other way around.”
The playing under the table, as well as their conversation, was aborted when the waiter showed up with the check. After the waiter had scurried off with his credit card, Tommy volunteered, “I was thinking I might invite some friends over this afternoon. Cowboys are playing Seattle – pretty early in the season, but most of us want to see the game anyway. Would you have a problem with that?”
“Of course not.” Charlene smiled and fiddled with the next lower button on her dress, the one just above her navel. Then looking in Tommy’s direction she asked, “Am I invited or am I supposed to stay in my room?”
The button business had not gone unnoticed. “No way would I expect you to stay in your room.”
“Other girls too?”
“You will likely be the only female. Just you and a bunch of guys.”
“Sounds like fun,” Charlene replied, enjoying the very real possibility that she would be the center of attention.
Tommy called a few of his friends and hastily arranged the party. Spotting the waiter on his return with the credit card, Tommy suggested, “I could get him to move the table back for us.”
“I doubt he’d mind too much,” Charlene replied with a smirk.
“You could take the panties off, if you wanted.”
Charlene’s lips parted seductively. “Might be fun, but as wet as they are they’re probably see-through anyway.” As Tommy signed the check and retrieved his credit card from the waiter, Charlene couldn’t help but notice the bulge below Tommy’s belt. He motioned the waiter to pull the table back. Charlene made sure the waiter had plenty to remember her by.
Later that same day, Charlene was alone in the apartment – Tommy had gone for beer. She was in her room, naked except for a pair of panties, appraising herself in the mirror when she was interrupted by the doorbell. Damn, he forgot his key, she said to herself. The doorbell rang again. “Just a minute,” she singsonged. A bath towel hung on the back of the bedroom door. Charlene looked at it. It’s just Tommy, she murmured to herself as she snagged it off the hook. She wrapped it carelessly around herself as she raced toward the door.
Holding the towel to her breasts, Charlene opened the door, not to Tommy, as she had expected, but to three strange guys, whom she presumed to have come to watch the game. Charlene, as well as the guys, were all taken aback by the situation. Although the guys had heard about Tommy’s roommate, they had never met her, and certainly were not expecting her to answer the door in a towel.
Charlene found herself being examined by three guys she had not previously met. Had I known it was not Tommy, I probably would have worn something more appropriate, but what the hell... Charlene stepped from behind the door, offering a full view of her towel covered body. “Well,” she said with a smile, attempting to downplay the awkwardness of the situation, “I guess you’re here to watch the game.”
“Uh huh,” drawled one of the guys. “Tommy here?” Then added under his breath, “Hope not.”
Charlene pretended not to notice the come-on and responded, “Went to pick up the beer – should be back any minute now.”
Looking at Charlene’s barely covered body, one of guys hesitantly suggested, “Well… we could wait out in the car till he gets here,” but watching you’d be way more fun.
“No way,” enthused Charlene, “Tommy would want you to come in and make yourselves comfortable.” And so would I. Charlene opened the door wider. Licentious thoughts filled their heads as the guys took in the sight of the scantily clad teenager. Three hot guys and me in panties and a towel! Catching the looks she was getting, Charlene relaxed her grip on the towel, allowing it to slip down to where her nipples were barely covered.
Each of the guys adjusted the bulge in his shorts, confirming that Charlene in a towel was having its affect. The lips of the first one through the door mouthed a silent, oh my god, while over his shoulder, to his buddies, he sputtered, “Tommy said she was hot!”
They like the towel – but then so do I, thought Charlene.
The one closest to her, who also seemed to be their self-appointed spokesperson, proceeded with the introductions. “I’m guessing you’re Charlene, Tommy’s roommate.”
She acknowledged. “Uh, yeah… right – Charlene.”
“I am Robert and these two,” he said turning back toward his friends, “are Josh and Leo. Leo’s the short one.”
“I am not short!” Leo protested.
“Okay then, the shorter one,” Robert amended. Leo was not totally appeased but said nothing. Plenty tall for me, Charlene thought to herself, just not as tall as Josh.
Charlene looked in turn at each of Tommy’s friends. Robert was making no secret of his attempts to see if she was wearing panties. Leo turned away each time she looked in his direction, and although Josh kept his head bowed, Charlene could tell he was still looking. Robert continued with his inspection, but looked up long enough to remind Charlene, “You did say we were supposed to come in, didn’t you?” She stepped aside and motioned them through. The door opened into the living area. Charlene followed them in, then continued on toward the bedrooms. “You are going to join us, aren’t you?” Josh inquired confidently.
Charlene stopped just short of the passageway to the bedrooms. She considered how to answer. I am planning to join the party, but I want them to think it’s their decision. “Well, I was going to do some reading, but I suppose I could join you, if you’re sure you want me to,” she responded hopefully.
“Oh for sure , we definitely want you to,” Leo blurted.
“Well if you’re really sure… but I will need a few minutes to finish dressing.”
“Or you could stay like you are,” Robert suggested, hoping that Charlene just might take him up on his daring suggestion.
Charlene pretended to be shocked by the proposal. To herself though, she was more honest. Could be fun, but no way am I going to do that today. “No, I need to put something more on. Shouldn’t even have answered the door like this.” She made a step in the direction of the bedrooms.
Robert’s face turned sour as he asserted, “What a shame and I thought you were enjoying yourself. I know we are.”
Charlene, turning defensive, tightened her grip on the towel and tugged it back up a bit, covering her cleavage. “Maybe so,” she allowed sheepishly.
Robert’s face lit up. “So we like to look and you like us looking. Not sure I see a problem.”
Charlene was still turned in the direction of the bedrooms. Yeah, I could. She turned slowly toward Robert, her defensiveness fading. “If I knew you guys better… still not sure it’d make a difference… but maybe… ” Charlene murmured, allowing the towel to slip back down to where it had been, barely covering her tits.
Josh spoke up from the overstuffed chair, “Guess that makes Tommy the lucky one. I sure wish I had a friend and roommate, even half as hot as you are.”
Charlene blushed as she shifted from one foot to the other. Looking down at her nearly exposed breasts, she responded, “I’m glad you’re liking the towel, but when Tommy gets here -”
The door burst open and Tommy came in carrying a case of beer. Kicking the door closed he asked, “When Tommy gets here, what?”
Charlene responded quickly, “I was just saying that when you got back, I was going to finish dressing.”
Tommy’s dick grew hard as he digested the scene. Alone with three guys, towel, tits mostly exposed and legs bare… my god is she hot or what? Continuing to stare, he voiced his opinion, “The guys, me included, are absolutely loving the way you are, but… if you don’t put on a little something more, there won’t be anyone watching the game.”
“Sounds okay to me.” It was Josh who felt compelled to say something.
Leo followed close behind. “Yeah, forget the Cowboys and Seattle.”
Robert didn’t really think Charlene had taken offense to anything that had been said but just in case, he did attempt to smooth things over. “I think we need to show a little gratitude toward Charlene for keeping us company until Tommy returned. The towel has certainly been fun, and I’m sure Charlene liked the attention, but I can also understand why she might want to change into something else.”
“Thank you,” she whispered softly to Robert as she turned toward the bedrooms. Closing the door to her room, she dropped the towel and began a rapid-fire conversation with herself. Wow, what a kick. Even Tommy got hard as soon as he saw me. Charlene was thumbing her way through the clothes hanging in her closet. None of the church picnic stuff. Something good without a bra. Let the nipples show through. There! Charlene had her hands on a flannel romper. She took it off the hangar and held it up to herself. With only panties under it and the zipper part way down? It’ll be fun!
Josh was still sitting in the easy chair and was the first to notice Charlene’s return. “Wow, looking good.”
Robert and Leo, still sitting on the couch, turned to look as Charlene responded, “Thought you might like this.”
Tommy was bent over, fiddling with some connections at the back of the TV. At the sound of Charlene’s voice, he straightened up and looked. Yes, she does look good. The gray flannel material of the romper masked the coloring of her nipples, but with the zipper down to between her breasts, it was obvious that Charlene wasn’t wearing a bra. And it’s short enough and has big enough leg holes to be very interesting.
Charlene stood at the entrance to the den, unusually demure in her stance but still seeking her roommate’s approval. “So Tommy, is this going to be okay for watching football with you and your friends?”
Tommy was certainly okay with it but Robert had to add, “Certainly does show off your legs.”
“Glad you like it,” Charlene quipped.
Robert gave Charlene a very thorough elevator look. “Oh for sure… and I even saved you a spot here on the couch.”
Charlene surveyed the room. Her eyes locked on pillows propped against the wall, apparently by Tommy. Looking at him and believing she was reading the situation correctly, she declined Robert’s offer. “Thank you anyway, but it looks as if Tommy’s already staked out a spot for me.”
Charlene crossed to the pillows and sat down. As Tommy joined her, she whispered, “This is what you intended wasn’t it?”
“Uh yeah, for sure,” Tommy agreed, looking her over studiously. “After the towel though, you almost look overdressed.”
Charlene airily put forth what both knew to be a lame excuse. “Yeah, well I should a had more on when I answered the door, but I thought it was you and fortunately you did get back quick, so it was just for a couple of minutes.” Her expression turned serious. “The game however is going to be two or three hours, so I figured I better wear something a little less revealing.” The playfulness returned though as she turned her back to the rest of room and tugged the zipper down a little further. “I did leave the bra off though. You’re not going to kick me out are you?”
“Oh, of course not,” Tommy assured her. He looked at the bare skin between her breasts. “Especially not if that zipper keeps sneaking down.”
Charlene cupped her hand around her mouth. “Uh yeah, that could happen,” she allowed, “but seeing that it’s broad daylight, and there are three guys here that I just met…” Charlene adopted a very determined look. “it stays where it is until they start showing a lot more interest in the TV than they are currently.”
“I expect that’ll happen once the game gets going,” Tommy suggested, continuing to make his interest known.
As the game started Charlene and Tommy appeared to lose interest in anything not happening on the television. The lead switched back and forth often enough to keep even the most jaded fan entertained and except for the commercial times, when they argued about ‘mistakes’ made by the players and coaches, everyone remained glued to the TV. Even Charlene’s partially open romper attracted only random glances.
And most of those glances came from Tommy. Each time that Charlene shifted around some, Tommy looked over, disappointed that her zipper had not been lowered some more.
Although nearly there, it wasn’t yet half-time when Charlene looked over at Tommy. Brushing back her hair she announced, “I’ve got to visit the little girls room. Want me to bring you another beer when I come back?” Tommy nodded his reply as Charlene got up and headed up the hall.
In the bathroom, after relieving herself, she stood in front of the mirror. Lowering the zipper to her waist, she thought, I could do that and still keep pretty well covered. Tommy would love it but I’d have to chance the possibility that one of the other guys might look over… but then would I really care if they did? It’d be fun for sure, just seeing the expression on Tommy’s face. But then… Her mind made up, Charlene returned the zipper to where it had been and exited the bathroom.
Every eye in the room watched as Charlene walked up to Tommy, a beer in each hand. Tommy’s gaze was locked in on the zipper, disappointed to see it hadn’t moved.
“You did want a beer didn’t you?” Charlene asked, sidetracking his concern.
Tommy lifted his eyes. “Uh, yeah,” he responded. Charlene bent over, handing him a beer, but also affording him a teasing look through the unzipped top of the romper. Tommy slobbered as he remarked, “I was kinda hoping the zipper might have slipped a little further down.”
“I think your friends were hoping that too. Let’s see how the second half goes.” She sat down next to him, her knees raised, affording him a glimpse of her panties through the romper’s generous leg-holes.
Tommy was still imagining the zipper being a bit further down but allowed, “Guess I really shouldn’t complain. Like after all, you are the only girl and there are four guys…”
“That’s what I was thinking too.”
“And you do hardly know three of them.”
“Right, just met them today.” Charlene looked around the room. Something on the television had caught everyone’s attention. She turned a quarter turn away from the others, more toward Tommy. She yanked the zipper quickly to her waist, she said to Tommy, “My breasts should still be covered. I hope you’re not too disappointed.”
Tommy’s eyes sparkled as Charlene’s breasts played peek-a-boo from beneath the opening in her romper. “Oh no… way more than I was expecting,” he said, craning his neck in a vain attempt to see one of her nipples. “You look fine, just the way you are.”
Charlene leaned back on her elbows, the gap in the romper narrowing such that their guests did not even notice that the zipper was all the way down. “I’m just not quite used to all of my newly acquired freedom. No bra, zipper down to my waist – I mean like Daddy would shit.”
“Right, but I’m guessing that the only place you were all that conservative was at home.” Tommy grinned inquisitively. “You said this morning that you seldom wore a bra and I’m guessing this isn’t the first time that zipper’s been down to your waist either.”
“That’s true…” Charlene paused, weighing how much to reveal. “…I did skip the bra anytime I wasn’t at home, and I do have several outfits with front zippers or buttons,” she added suggestively.
Tommy certainly wanted to follow up on that but just then the second half of the game began and Leo, who was then in possession of the remote, kicked the volume back up, making further conversation impossible.
When the game was over and their guests had departed, Charlene headed for the bathroom while Tommy stretched out on the couch, watching highlights of the day’s games. He looked up from the television as Charlene returned. She had changed. She was wearing a rather old dress shirt, probably stolen from her father. The shirt was sufficiently long that Tommy couldn’t tell what she might be wearing under it, but if the past was any indicator, it would at most be a pair of panties.
Charlene walked to the window, unbuttoning the shirt as she went. Looking out at the parking lot and building beyond, she removed the shirt and tossed it over her shoulder, in Tommy’s direction. Turning slowly, she pushed her panties over her hips and let them drop to the floor. Like a cat stalking its prey, Charlene slowly crossed to where Tommy lay, spreading her naked body on his.
As she reached between them to help Tommy off with his shorts, a knock came at the door. “Holy christ,” Charlene exclaimed, jumping up. She hastily picked up the shirt she had earlier tossed at Tommy, scrambled for the panties she had abandoned near the window and darted for the hallway leading to the bedrooms and bathroom.
The knock came again at the door. “Just a minute,” Tommy hollered. “You okay?” he stage whispered to Charlene as she entered the hallway.
“Good to go,” she replied, “I’ll take my shower. You get rid of whoever it is.”
Cleared by Charlene, he swung the door open to an obviously distraught Blake, who promptly barged his way in, rapidly explaining, “I know I’m supposed to be in Dallas but today’s seminar got canceled and I’m home early. Only I shut off my A/C when I left and now my apartment’s over a hundred degrees. I desperately need a place to crash until it cools off enough to be at least livable, an hour probably, and I sure would like a cold beer.”
“I think we can accommodate all of that. Bring yourself on in,” Tommy replied. Charlene will need to be warned about Blake’s presence, but that isn’t an immediate problem. I can get Blake seated with a beer before informing her. Pointing Blake toward the couch, Tommy trekked to the kitchen for the beers.
This is going to be interesting, Tommy thought. It will be the first time the three of us have been together since my relationship with Charlene has become intimate. Charlene was certainly very suggestive with her behavior and attire when the three of us were at the cabin together, but a lot has changed.
Tommy returned from the kitchen with the beers. Handing one to Blake and turning in the direction of the hallway, he said, “Got to let Charlene know you’re here.”
“Tell her she doesn’t have to get all dressed up just for me.”
“Oh I’m sure she’ll know that,” Tommy replied, turning back toward Blake with a smirk on his face. Before anything more could be said, though, he disappeared down the hallway. The bathroom door was partially open. Tommy pushed it the rest of the way, finding Charlene at the vanity, brushing her hair. “Blake’s here,” he announced.
Charlene stopped her brushing and replied, “I thought I heard you talking to someone. I was kind of hoping we might finish what we started, but I guess that’s not going to happen.”
“No, I suppose not,” Tommy concurred dejectedly, “But I couldn’t turn him away.”
“No, of course not. Give me a chance to get some clothes on and I’ll be right out.”
Tommy looked at Charlene, a bath towel wrapped around her still damp body. His eyes sparkled. Not likely, but you never can tell with Charlene. He hesitated a second, then blurted, “I know he’d really like it if you were to come as you are.”
“Are you shitting me?” Charlene screeched.
Whups, wrong again. Tommy attempted a halfhearted backpedal. “Well, I was thinking you might want to.”
“Want to?” Charlene hastily challenged.
“Yeah, well I guess that would be a bit much.”
“A bit much? What the hell are you thinking, Tommy Wilson?” Wonder how he’d react if I just said ‘okay’.
“Forget I said anything. Just wear whatever you want.” Tommy shot back as he turned and stalked out of the bathroom.
Charlene was left to wonder, just how far could she go? Did Tommy really mean what he said? A towel? Whatever I want? Charlene put down the brush and dropping the towel, thought to herself, Truth is, I might have worn the towel, if he’d pushed a little more. Back in her room and searching through her stuff, Charlene found something she thought might work. If Tommy would have been okay with me in a towel, he won’t have a problem with this.
Tommy and Blake both looked up from the television as Charlene came into the room. She was wearing pajamas, the soft flannel type, top and full length bottom, covering her from neck to ankle. She stopped at the end of the couch nearest Tommy, affording both of the guys an unobstructed view.
Charlene had left the top two buttons undone as a concession to her femininity. Otherwise, what she was wearing wasn’t terribly sexy, unless you recognized, which both Tommy and Blake did, that she likely wasn’t wearing much, if anything, under it. The guys could be certain, from the way Charlene’s tits jiggled and threatened to poke holes in the top, that she was at least without a bra.
“Wow!” Blake exclaimed, “flannel pajamas – sexy!” Be a lot more so if they were see-through, he thought to himself.
Nonetheless, greeting company in a pair of pajamas was pushing the envelope. Although it wasn’t as if Blake hadn’t seen Charlene in less – he had even seen her naked – but that was before Charlene and Tommy had become a real item.
“Uum, glad you like it,” Charlene murmured coquettishly.
Tommy didn’t yet know where Charlene’s head might be on all of this, but he was beginning to guess, and although his guess did make the big head a bit nervous, the little head was pulsing with excitement.
Crossing in front of the couch, Charlene dropped into the chair near Blake’s end of the couch. “Tommy, looks like Blake is about ready for another beer, and I could use one too, if you don’t mind,” she intoned.
As he started for the kitchen, from the corner of his eye, Tommy watched Charlene swing a leg – the one closest to Blake – over an arm of the chair, stretching the crotch of her pajamas over an already swollen camel-toe. Charlene is definitely going to have her fun. Anxiously looking forward to what might come, he hurried to the kitchen for the beers, returning with one for each of them.
On returning, Tommy saw that another button of the pajama top was now undone. As he handed Charlene her beer, he made an overt, but unsuccessful, attempt to look inside the seductively open top. Charlene grinned at his effort, obviously pleased that he wanted to look.
Having watched her undo the third button, Blake was quite certain Charlene wanted to be noticed. He did however, endeavor not to be too obvious, as he was also somewhat fearful that with Tommy and Charlene now in an intimate relationship, the sexual fun previously enjoyed by the three of them, might now be offensive to one or the other, and maybe even to both.
As time passed, the three discussed many subjects of interest, including bits and pieces about their trip to Canyon Lake, their last time together prior to Tommy and Charlene becoming a serious item. Sex was a good part of what was discussed, and Charlene’s constant efforts to appear sexy, made it clear that she wasn’t going to allow her relationship with Tommy to stand in the way of enjoying herself. She stood, volunteering for a beer trip to the kitchen. Then crossing over to where Tommy was sitting, she bent low and whispered, “I want to take the bottoms off.”
Tommy, paying more attention to the view he had down Charlene’s partially unbuttoned top than to what she was saying, responded without giving it much thought. “Too hot?” he inquired.
“Uh no. I just want to take them off,” Charlene explained.
“Oh!” Tommy exclaimed. Startled by the realization that although Charlene was at the time, entertaining a visitor in only a pair of pajamas, but wanting to wear even less, he responded in a barely audible voice, “Well uh, sure,” then more clearly, but still quietly, adding, “You do know though, that you certainly don’t need my permission. Although…” He licked his lips. “in case you are wondering, I think it’d be hot as hell.”
Charlene, brushing her fingers over the tent in Tommy’s shorts, whispered, “I was hoping you might agree. I’ll do it in the kitchen, while getting the beer. Not going to make a big deal out of it.”
“Yeah right!” Tommy reacted, his voice dripping with sarcasm, “and I doubt Blake will even notice your bare legs or exposed panties.”
Blake interrupted, “Am I actually going to get another beer? Or are you two going to play kissy-face and swap secrets all night?”
Charlene gave Blake an apologetic look, then gave Tommy a quick peck on the cheek and split for the kitchen. On her return, Blake instantly noticed the change. “Ooh shit!” he let out dramatically. “Those gorgeous legs do go all the way to heaven and I’ll bet you’re not even wearing any panties.”
“Course I am,” Charlene retorted indignantly. The pajama top did just barely cover her panties, so it looked as if she might not be wearing any. Handing Blake his beer she defiantly asked, “Want to see?” as she deftly undid the bottom two buttons, exposing her panties.
Looking hopefully at Tommy, Charlene held the bottom of the pajama top together, again hiding her panties, and offered up a weak excuse, “He didn’t leave me much choice.” Tommy, however, excited by what he was quite certain had been a carefully crafted maneuver, insisted that Blake was like family, and that Charlene needn’t be concerned.
Charlene took Tommy’s comment to heart and upon returning to her chair, carelessly swung her bare legs over the chair arm, flashing her panties and seductively displaying her upper thighs. And she also placed her beer on a nearby table, where each time she took a drink, she would have to bend over in Tommy and Blake’s direction, offering little peeks down her suggestively open top.
Blake said to himself, Yes! She has come alive. My god she is so friggin hot! Tommy, recognizing Charlene’s taunt, asked himself, How far is this going to go?
Each time Charlene leaned over for a drink, her breasts pushed the unbuttoned portion of her shirt further apart, threatening to expose her nipples. Tommy and Blake took turns encouraging Charlene to have another drink, their cocks growing hard in anticipation of the inevitable nipple-slip. Tommy, anxious to keep the buzz going, grabbed up the empties and made a hasty trip to the kitchen for replacements. Standing a fresh beer in front of Charlene, Tommy urged her to drink even more. “You guys are just trying to get me drunk,” she charged, leaning over to pick up the bottle. Tommy and Blake did not hide their delight when one of her nipples finally broke free of the shirt. “Oops,” Charlene slurred, hastily tucking it back.
“You needn’t cover up so quickly,” Blake complained.
“What do you think, Tommy?” Charlene asked sharply, “You going to let your friend talk to me like that?”
“Uh, well, I was actually thinking he made a good point.”
Charlene’s eyes lit up. The light had definitely turned green. With a broad grin, she jokingly challenged, “You mean you’re okay with your friends seeing your girlfriend’s tits.”
“Well… certainly not all of my friends, but best friends like Blake… uh yeah… why not?”
“Ohhh, I think I got to tinkle,” Charlene slurred, getting up from her chair and staggering toward the bathroom.”
When she was out of earshot, Blake asked, “She mad?”
“You mean, about what you said?”
“Shit no. More like glad you noticed.”
“Oh I noticed all right. And you don’t care, either?”
“Are you kidding? Of course not.”
Charlene returned, seating herself sideways, her bare legs again over the arm of the chair, pointing in Blake’s direction. While she was gone, Charlene had undone all but one of the top’s remaining buttons. Amazingly, the upper part of it had hung together as she sat down, but the lower part, from the button on down, was split open, exposing nearly all of her panties and even a sliver of bare stomach. “Not sure you really need that last button,” Tommy observed.
Charlene smiled enigmatically. “Probably not, think I should undo it?” she questioned, looking at Tommy but tilting her head toward Blake.
“Up to you, but no way am I going to complain – doubt Blake would either.”
“Well, as long as nobody cares, I would definitely be more comfortable.” With eyes flicking back and forth between Tommy and Blake, Charlene located the single button and undid it. Then looking down at herself, she adjusted the pajama top such that her nipples were covered and only a narrow swath of bare skin appeared between her boobs.
”Yeah, much better,” she opined. Looking up at Blake she asked encouragingly, “You do have time for another beer, don’t you?”
“Of course,” Blake spluttered. No way am I leaving now.
Holding the shirt together, Charlene stood. As she started toward the kitchen she said, “Tommy, you look like you could use another one too. Bring you one?”
Tommy was focused on Charlene’s shirt, hoping she might turn loose of it. “Uh, what was that?” he mumbled. Then her question registered. Looking at his nearly empty bottle, he replied, “Oh yeah, bring me one too.”
Charlene turned the corner into the kitchen, out of earshot. Tommy looked to make sure she was gone, then grabbed his crotch and whispered to Blake, “Can’t believe how she’s acting. Jesus, so hot!”
“Oh yeah, for sure,” Blake replied quietly as he adjusted his hardened cock, “Just not sure how much I’m allowed to be enjoying, now that you guys are involved with each other.”
“Hey, Charlene is going to do whatever she wants, and I find that just as exciting as you do, so stop worrying.”
As Blake nodded his understanding, Charlene came around the corner from the kitchen. Her nipples were still covered, but with a beer in each hand, she was walking carefully so as not to make her already tempting exposure, any greater. She had not however, considered, or maybe just wasn’t concerned about, the effect of bending over Blake to hand him his beer. When she did, the shirt fell completely open, exposing her entire chest.
“Oh my god!” exclaimed Blake. “Those have got to be the most beautiful tits in Texas.”
Blushing, Charlene stood slowly and let the shirt fall back over her bare tits.“ I know I should take that as a compliment…” Then turning to her roommate and lover, she asserted. “but I hope you know Tommy, that was a complete accident. No way could I juggle two beers and hold the shirt closed at the same time.”
Blake was quick to offer, “That is the kind of accident we need more of.”
“I’ll second that,” Tommy chimed.
Pleased by Tommy’s ready acceptance of what had just happened, Charlene handed him his beer and sat down on the couch between him and Blake. Although not making any special effort to keep the shirt in place, it did manage to remain essentially covering her breasts.
Tommy and Blake, while appearing to be watching the television, through their peripheral vision, kept close tabs on Charlene as she, also pretending to be watching the tv, squirmed to and fro until first one, then the other of her nipples was exposed. Turning to Tommy, she whispered, “This the kind of accident you had in mind?”
Tommy, well aware of Charlene’s bare breasts, but himself, still pretending an interest in the television, quietly mumbled, “Uh huh.”
“How about if I just took the shirt off?”
Tommy turned and whispered, “Panties only? With Blake here?” Tommy’s voice caught a bit on that last part, but pushing aside any feelings of possessiveness he might be having, he continued, “Uh yeah, if you want, I sure wouldn’t have a problem with it.”
Charlene nodded and sat back, leaving the shirt open, still exposing both nipples. The excitement Charlene felt, being so exposed while sandwiched between her lover and their best friend, quickly overcame any nervousness she might have felt over the prospect of being similarly situated in only her panties.
Charlene cautiously placed her hand on her roommate’s leg, just down-stream of his cock, and whispered in his ear, “You sure you’re going to be okay if I take off the shirt?” Tommy turned and nodded with a wide grin on his face. Charlene’s hand inched closer to his cock, she pressed her mouth against his ear and blew lightly into it while whispering, “You do understand that with me in just panties, things are likely to go a little further.” Her eyes were sparkling.
Tommy leaned into her. With eyes wide he asked, “And how would you be with that?”
Charlene’s hand slid up next to Tommy’s cock. Pressing her mouth against Tommy’s ear again, she responded, “I’d be okay if you didn’t mind.”
Tommy kept his voice low. “Then go for it!”
Charlene nodded and slowly removed the shirt. As it came off and got tossed over the back of the couch, there were some deep breaths and a very audible, “Oh shit,” from Blake. Charlene became more and more excited.
Blake watched wide-eyed as Tommy draped an arm over Charlene’s shoulder and cupped one of her bare breasts. Charlene, not satisfied with the arrangement, turned her back to Tommy, pulling both his arms under hers and placing his hands on her breasts. As Blake gingerly placed a hand midway up Charlene’s thigh, she swung her legs up and into Blake’s lap. As Tommy’s hands kneaded Charlene’s breasts and tweaked her nipples, Blake slid his hand lightly up Charlene’s inner thigh, to the edge of her nearly non-existent panties.
Charlene raised her arms over her head and behind her, encircling Tommy’s neck. Pulling his head down, she whispered, “The panties aren’t going to last much longer.” Charlene pressed her lips against Tommy’s and sucked his tongue into her mouth as she felt Blake’s hand sliding up against her wet panties. Breaking the kiss she gasped, “You still okay?”
Tommy took one of Charlene’s hands and coaxed it onto his rock hard dick. “Shit yeah, I’m okay. Most excited I’ve ever been.”
As Blake’s fingers found their way inside Charlene’s panties, she unzipped Tommy’s shorts and freed his cock from his pants. Wrapping her hand around it, she spread the precum along the length of it. Slippery from his precum, she lovingly stroked Tommy’s cock.
Blake’s fingers were busy toying with Charlene’s clit and engorged pussy lips. She moved her hips slowly, savoring the touch. The aroma of her excitement filled Blake’s nostrils. As his hands gripped the sides of her panties, Charlene scootched her midsection up from the couch, encouraging their removal. Blake slid them down and tossed them aside. Charlene was naked.
Tommy’s head was thrown back against the couch, his mouth open, taking deep breaths as Charlene continued her ministrations on his cock. With Blake’s fingers sliding along her bare pussy, Charlene shuddered. Blake slipped first one, then two fingers between the folds, her hips making back and forth motions as his fingers danced along the walls of her pussy.
Charlene became even more animated. Her feet played furiously over the front of Blake’s jeans, urging his rock hard cock to attention, while at the same time she was stroking Tommy’s cock even more aggressively.
Without warning Charlene broke loose and jumped from the couch. Grabbing Tommy and Blake by the hand, she yanked them from the couch and pushed them toward her bedroom. She threw her naked body on the large bed, legs splayed and hands over her head. “You guys are wearing too many clothes,” she chided.
Shirts flew off and pants dropped to the floor. Tommy was the first to hit the bed. He flattened on his back, his cock pointing toward the ceiling. He wanted Charlene’s mouth on his cock. She rolled over to accommodate him. Looking first at his erect cock, then smiling, Charlene slid Tommy’s already juicy meat into her mouth.
Blake pushed his head between Charlene’s legs and attacked her pussy with his tongue. Although everyone was seriously into the throes of passion, it was Tommy who was the first to lose control. His hips jerked spasmodically as Charlene felt the first gush of his sperm splash against the roof of her mouth. She tried to swallow all of it but was overcome by the quantity. It dribbled down her chin. She pulled his cock from her mouth and held it tightly as it continued to spurt, bathing her face in the milky substance.
Blake continued to lick away at Charlene’s pussy and as Tommy lay back to catch his breath, Charlene felt her own orgasm begin to erupt. She rose to her knees, breaking contact with Blake’s lips. In a loud voice she implored, “Tommy, your cock, I want your cock inside me!” Tommy scrambled to meet her wishes.
Charlene was on all fours with Tommy pounding her from behind. Blake slid his head under, pressing his mouth against first one, then the other of Charlene’s tits. She wrapped her arms around his head, holding him against her breasts.
Charlene’s hips jerked, meeting Tommy’s thrusts. Her breaths became shorter. Her pulse pounded. Flashes of light and dark shot through her head. She exploded in pleasure. Dreamily pushing Tommy and Blake aside, she collapsed in a heap.
Over the next hour or so, it seemed that Charlene could not get enough of Tommy or Blake. And likewise, it seemed as if they could not get enough of her. As the three lay basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking, Blake said, “My only regret is that this is quite likely, a onetime thing.”
Charlene looked at Tommy before responding. It was apparent to her, that he’d had as much fun as she. Charlene turned to Blake, “No,” she said, smiling, “Not a onetime thing.”