Charity Auction

"My body was going on the block tonight, too"

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I dressed with extra care. The annual Scholarship Auction Dinner was always a special event, an occasion to wear evening clothes and black tie, but this year was extra special. I had been dieting and exercising like mad to fit back into my most elegant outfit, a St. John knit that was some years old, but truly a classic. A gorgeous royal blue suit with gold threads, it included a short skirt, silk blouse, and a form-fitting jacket.

I looked at myself from all angles in front of the full-length mirror. My tummy was flat enough, but the tight skirt certainly clung to my butt. Gazing at my outline from the side, I decided it looked alluring, not overstuffed, with the jacket just touching the top of the rounded shelf. When I fastened the jacket hooks, the outthrust of my bosom served as counterpoint to my ass. My legs were toned and shapely, too, in the matching blue heels.

I tugged the jacket down into position and turned to see the front view again. Undoing one more button, just the right amount of cleavage stared out. I bent over and was satisfied to see the edges of the black lace bra cupping my size C’s. Alluring indeed.

Twisting around, I bent down more, to see if the tops of my stockings might show in the back. After all, I had worked hard to fit myself into this outfit just because the color of these thigh-highs was perfect. The lingerie store had guaranteed that they would stay up without a garter belt and without leaving elastic marks on my legs. I’d worn them around the house for a day to be sure. Now I felt pleasantly bare in the tiniest of string bikinis and French wax job. I was ready to go on display.

My body was going on auction tonight too.

The idea had started in one of the early committee meetings. Our entrepreneurs’ group had been holding this fundraiser for aeons, and the auction items were getting to be much of a sameness. Each year, we had a few unique hard pieces that our members had acquired one way or another, but most of the prime items were “gift certificates” for our business services. We were all independent business owners, so this was an easy way to support the cause.

“Too bad we can’t offer an escort service in addition to the usual,” Ellen said. “I remember in high school, we auctioned off ‘A Date with Brian Dunn’ and it was huge.”

Beverly frowned. “I don’t think that’s legal in this state.”

“Well, there’s enough of them listed in the local penny ad sheets and on Craigslist,” replied Ellen.

“I doubt any of them would like to go public,” I said. “Our flyers go out nationwide, and that might be crossing state lines.”

“What about offering ourselves?” Ellen suggested. “We’re a pretty good-looking bunch. And I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t have much time for dating. It could be fun for us, too.”

“Are we implying more than a simple date?” asked Beverly.

The three of us looked at each other thoughtfully. I myself hadn’t been laid in a quite a while, and an uncomplicated hook-up wasn’t totally unappealing.

I spoke up. “We could. If we wanted.”

Ellen grinned. “I know I could. And each of us has our own specialty, don’t we?” We often went out for drinks after our group’s monthly meetings for girl talk, so we knew each other pretty well.

“Would National approve?” Beverly asked doubtfully. “Rather than auctioning off a date night, I’m thinking we should find a way to imply something extra goes along with our usual offering.”

By the end of the evening and a few more drinks, we had it worked out. Each of us would fit in some special wording to our catalog description to suggest extra-personal services. Our donations already fit into the Gold Star category (minimum bid of $300,) and we’d make sure that only women – and men – willing to go that one step further would be in a new category. Our local group was a pretty tight bunch, and we knew who to ask to donate their talents to the cause.

Soon we had six special auctions lined up and created a Platinum Star level for starting bids of $500. We figured we’d be worth it! Tech expert Beverly posted a few subtle lines to the chat lists anonymously, and the word spread like wild fire. Sales for dinner tickets reached an all-time high. We had reservations from several nearby states, not to mention more people than usual from the national committee.

Tonight was the night, and I was hot to trot.


The committee of three had splurged on a limo service for the night, and we sipped champagne on the way, giggling like schoolgirls. Arriving at the downtown hotel, we surged into the ballroom as regally as we could. The place was packed, and we knew we were headed for success. And some excitement.

After making the rounds to meet and greet, we sat down at the head table. There was an unusual buzz to the room, and we knew we were being pointed out much more often than the usual committee would be. We were all dressed pretty hot, and did our best to look sexy and casual at the same time.

The auction began after dessert had been served. One of our local members was a professional auctioneer, and he’d been let in on the secret. As usual, he interspersed items from the different levels to keep the bidding lively, and mixed his auction patter with little bits from the catalog listing.

The hotel wait staff was circling the room with after-dinner drinks, but all attention switched to the podium when Dale announced the first Platinum item.

Ellen’s donation was twenty hours of housecleaning from her Merry Maids service company. It had been really easy to fit in the word “hoover” for her special service. It was a well-known secret that a childhood disease had left her toothless; with her dentures out, she was supposed to deliver fantastic blow-jobs. Bidding leaped quickly up to $800, then $900 and finally closed at $1000.

We exchanged smiles. This was going to work!

Bidding was desultory on the next few items, so Dale broke one of his rules and went to another Platinum special. Roger’s Tax Consulting was always a popular item, and he was quite the ladies’ man as well. He stood up and smiled as the bidding perked up and reached $1000. Obviously, there were a bunch of horny women in the room too.

Beverly’s tech services certificate was the next Platinum item offered. Somehow, she had managed to line up the starting letters of the first lines of her catalog listing to spell BDSM. Although she was somewhat older than the rest of us and frankly a little on the stocky side, bidding was intense among the select few who were interested. I was a little surprised to see two competitors whisper together, then combine forces to offer up an astounding $1500 between them. Bev didn’t seem the least bit perturbed that it would be a threesome; maybe she liked girl-on-girl, too.

“At least we’re an organization of young entrepreneurs,” she whispered to me. “I hate flabby old men tricked up in leather.”

I nodded back. I was a little concerned myself that I might end up tied to some skinny nerd or homely pig for a night. Anything for the cause I consoled myself, and maybe I’d get a serviceable fuck out of it.

Apparently, my offering was going to be the last of the night. Honor to the Chairman and all that. I just hoped that the right people were waiting for the “omnivorous menu with varietal wines” that went along with the private dinner at my downtown restaurant.

The other Platinum offerings were all a bit specialized, so maybe I’d pull in a decent sum.

Nancy’s Pie of the Month donation was usually a good seller too. This year, she had moved Lemon Meringue to the first month and added a sprinkling of coconut topping. I guess she couldn’t offer Hair Pie. She smirked as she went to a lesbian from the next state. I wondered if she would ever deliver her bakery pies.

Paul was incredibly good-looking in the Nordic style, and his classy menswear store would appeal to the other gays in the room. Women sighed at the waste of good manflesh, and a few bold ones even joined the bidding. I wondered vaguely what they thought they would do with a gay man, but they dropped out as the bids went over a thousand dollars.

Mary Jane’s children’s clothing store usually drew limited interest, since so few of us had had time for families yet. However, she was a platinum blonde with massive boobs falling out of her halter-top dress and must have found a very obscure code word for anal sex in her catalog listing. Two men joined together to claim her. I suspected their office staff would get the store coupons.

The auctioneer managed to prod along the bids for the remaining regular items. Bev was running numbers on her phone calculator and showed me the current total approaching $13,000.

“Maybe we can hit $15,000 tonight,” she said. “That would be an all-time record for any regional group. Wouldn’t it be great?”

Ellen grinned at me, “Damn, we did come up with a good idea! I wonder how many chapters will dare to follow.”

I was getting a little nervous as we reached the end. Was there enough money left in the room for me to get a bid comparable to the other Platinums? I’d hate to be embarrassed by pulling in less than a thousand.

Dale called on me to stand up as he announced the final auction item for the night. I tried to look sexy and happy as he praised me for my hard work, flexibility, and good taste. He moved smoothly into my dinner donation for the hearty appetite. It came across pretty well, I thought. My heart jumped as the first bid started at $800, then went up in hundred-dollar increments. I couldn’t help swiveling around to eye the bidders; I knew some of them from our local group, but there were a few handsome strangers, too. One of them, a dark-haired man from National was gazing at me steadily. I wiggled a little; I was starting to cream in my panties.

Abruptly, the man raised his paddle. “I bid $2,000 for Ms. Carla Blair.” There was an abrupt silence at the steep rise in price. I felt a little like Scarlett at the Atlanta ball, and he did look a bit like Rhett Butler, right down to the mustache and well-cut tuxedo. “And her gourmet feast.”

Dale tried valiantly to get another bid, but of course the $500 increase showed that this man was determined to win. So win he did, and it wasn’t hard for me to look pleased. I’d nailed the highest price for the evening, and gotten a good-looking guy, too.

He watched casually as I worked my way to his table, accepting thanks and congratulations on the way. Standing up, he offered me a chair and a rather courtly bow. His gaze lingered on my cleavage as he smiled.

“Very well done, Ms. Blair, this has been a great success.” He raised his eyes. “I’m Alan Barclay. Please meet Tom Lawrence, Jerry Masters, and Suzanne Schmitt. I’m on the board for National, and they’re from my own St. Louis chapter.”

I shook hands all around and we made polite chit-chat, in between people stopping by to congratulate me or greet the others at the table. The networking at these events was endless. Alan was leaning back in his chair, his dark eyes stroking my body. I didn’t mind at all. I was very conscious of my bare thighs just above the edge of my skirt and longed for his hand there.

He seized a moment when the other three were talking and leaned over to me. “I don’t know when I’ll be able to take advantage of dinner at your restaurant. I’m only in town for this one night.”

I looked into his dark eyes and almost drowned in the intensity.

“Are you staying at the hotel?”

He answered with a slight smile. “Perhaps you’d like to have a nightcap with me?”

“That would be nice,” I managed to whisper.

Those dark eyes swept me up and down again. I crossed my legs and tried not to wiggle. My pussy was bubbling with anticipation. Alan smiled and turned back to the others, laying his hand on my upper leg, almost where I wanted it. As the room emptied out, his fingers crept higher under my skirt, and I casually stretched out one leg under the table. He lightly stroked my naked skin – just inches below my eager lady parts – and somehow I managed to carry on my part of the conversations.

At long last, the others began to say good-bye. Alan stood up, he was so damn polite. But I felt less bereft when he looked down into my cleavage again.

“Shall we adjourn to my room?” he asked.

I stood up shakily. “Let’s do that.”


The elevator was crowded, so we moved to the back wall. Alan’s room was on the 15th floor, and after the second stop, I felt his big warm hand on my ass. He fondled me lightly, then his fingers began hiking up the back of my skirt. By the 10th floor, he was cupping my bare bum and two fingers were stroking the totally wet panty string between my legs.

My legs were getting wobbly, and Alan had to give me a gentle shove when the doors opened onto his floor. His hand stayed buried under my skirt as he guided me down the hallway. When we stopped at his door, he squeezed my butt again before pulling his hand away to find his card key. I almost whimpered.

It was en executive suite, complete with kitchen and wet bar. Alan switched on a small light over the counter, and we looked each other up and down. Man, he was good-looking in that tux.

“Room service ought to be here in a few minutes.” Alan had stopped at a house phone on our way to the lobby. “Why don’t you take off your jacket and be comfortable?”

I was willing to take off a lot more, but simply hung the jacket on a bar stool and sat down on another.

I hooked my heels on the rung, taking care to let my skirt ride up my thighs. Alan leaned over from his stool and traced a finger down my cleavage. He had big hands with big thumbs. That was promising.

One of those hands had crept inside my top and was massaging a boob when there was a quiet rap on the door.“Room service,” a voice said.

“Come on in,” Alan called out, and I heard the passkey zip the door. Alan didn’t remove his hand from my breast until the waiter had wheeled the cart into the narrow kitchen. The waiter was a blond teenager wearing a slightly too-large white jacket. He set the champagne bucket and two crystal flutes on the counter in front of us.

“Sorry I can’t pour for you, I’m only 18.” His glance dipped into my cleavage and he flushed.

“No problem.” Alan stood up, popped the cork rather expertly and poured for us both. Excellent champagne, much better than what we’d been served on our limo ride. The bubbles slid pleasantly down my throat.

The waiter had turned to his little cart and uncovered the dish of chocolate-dipped strawberries, but didn’t serve it. Instead, he poured cream into a chilled metal container and started whisking it. What en elegant touch; I marked it down to try in my restaurant.

Alan remained standing behind me and casually slid both hands down into my blouse. I could see the kid waiter sneaking peeks as the big warm hands fondled my boobs. I wanted to close my eyes to enjoy the sensations, but found myself watching the waiter’s crotch to see if something was growing. As the kid whisked the cream to a light froth, Alan casually unbuttoned my blouse, then reached for his wallet.

The young waiter’s eyes were glued to my breasts as he laid the strawberries and cream on the counter. Alan held up a folded bill and tucked it into the little strip of bra elastic between my tits.

“Please do accept a gratuity,” Alan said with a smile.

The kid licked his lips nervously and reached forward, brushing the gentlest of strokes along the top of one breast. I took a deep breath and leaned forward. There was a definite hard-on below the jacket, and I felt more excitement bubbling up between my legs. The young hands were a bit more confident on his next grope, and I smiled warmly at him. Both hands slipped inside my bra.

Alan laid his hands on my shoulders and commented, “Magnificent, aren’t they?”

The kid groaned a little as he lifted both breasts up in his hands, stroking my taut pink nipples with his thumbs. It felt exquisite and this time I did close my eyes. He squeezed and kneaded the soft flesh, and I wondered if my pussy juice was leaking onto my skirt.

A buzz sounded from the PDA on the young waiter’s hip. He groaned again, and reluctantly pulled his hands away, squeezing both nipples in farewell.

“I gotto go,” he whispered, not looking at us. He blundered the cart out of the room,

I leaned back and looked up at Alan. He was smiling. “I think you just gave that kid the thrill of his young career.”

He swiveled my chair around to face him and put his big hands under my breasts. Not quite as worshipful as the kid, but the fingers playing with my nipples were much more expert. I shifted a little in my chair, wondering if I could come just from this. I was sure I was staining my skirt by now.

Alan moved one hand behind my back and unhooked my bra. With the other, he tugged the cups away from my breasts and gazed down at my taut nipples.

“Looks delicious,” he murmured. Casually, he reached over for a strawberry and slowly put the cone end of it between his lips, then sucked the whole thing in. I was fascinated and he grinned at me.

With his dark eyes on mine, he swirled another strawberry into the cream and offered it to me. I slowly swallowed it the same way, and he fed me two more. Who knew strawberries could be so erotic?

Another strawberry appeared in his long fingers, but he posed this one with the chocolate tip next to my right nipple before he placed it between those marvelous lips. Erotic indeed.

Finally, he leaned forward and pursed his lips over my breast to suck in a nipple. I groaned as his hand tweaked my other nipple. My boob was sinking deeper into his mouth and I was almost in heaven.

Then his hands slid my blouse off and whipped away my bra. He leaned back and his eyes wandered from my boobs to the bowl of cream. As I panted at him, he swirled two fingers in the cream and dropped a dollop on each of my breasts. I held my breath until he leaned forward and sucked it off.

“Yummy,” he whispered.

My pussy was twitching by now and I felt a warm drop of my fluid dripping from it. This was so hot.

With a hard tug on my boobs, Alan pulled me up to stand in front of him. He unzipped my skirt and I let it fall to the floor, while his intent eyes wandered over my body. Finally he put his hands on my hips and tugged the side strings of my black bikini.

“Why do women bother to wear such a tiny thing?” he murmured as he pulled them down below my knees. I kicked the panties and skirt to one side. I was now totally nude but for stockings and shoes, while he was still fully outfitted in tux and black tie. It was quite stimulating.

He unbuttoned his jacket and sat down on the stool. His hands on my bare hips, he pulled me towards him and drew one breast into his mouth. I sank my hands into his thick dark hair as he nibbled and suckled. I found my finger sliding into his mouth, and he alternately tongued it and my nipple. I was positively dripping now.

My hand crept down to his crotch and clutched the magnificent tool I found. As I unzipped his fly, Alan dropped my nipple and pressed his hands on my shoulders. I didn’t need any encouragement to kneel down between his legs.

His cock was beautiful, too, knobby with raised veins and slightly curved towards his belly. I couldn’t stop a moan as I wrapped my lips around the mushroom cap and sucked and tongued on it eagerly. I wrapped my hand around the warm pole and my fingers didn’t quite meet. I swallowed him in more, tasting the pre-cum on my tongue, and he leaned back with a sigh.

“Delicious,” I looked up at him and his sexy mouth was open. His big hands buried themselves in my hair.

“Swallow me, baby…” He lifted his pelvis and moaned.

Soon the big head was banging against the back of my mouth and I shifted position to stuff it partway down my throat. It felt so good to have my mouth filled with a warm and tasty cock. I could barely breathe, but he was doing enough moaning for both of us.

Suddenly he starting bucking into me and I felt his hot stuff spurting down my throat. I swallowed faster as more of the salty cum spurted out and started pooling in my mouth; I couldn’t keep up with the surge. A few unladylike gulps later, I leaned my head back to catch my breath. I could feel my own stuff trickling down my thighs.

“Nice,” Alan murmured with a lazy smile. He reached for one of the cloth napkins and wiped off his penis, then touched a corner to my mouth, where there was a wet stain of my drool or his cum juice.

“A true omnivore,” he said as he helped me stand up. I swallowed down my champagne, the tangy bubbles refreshing my mouth and throat. Alan poured another glass and asked calmly, “So tell me, is there anything that’s not on the menu tonight?”

I looked at him speculatively. He had zipped up his pants again and I was still virtually nude in front of him. I was longing for that saber cock inside me, but I figured it might be an hour or two before that could happen.

I sat back on the bar stool, my legs dangling. “Well, maybe not bondage and things,” I answered.

“Not a problem….. I look forward to the rest of the evening.” He held up his champagne class in a toast, his eyes lingering on my pussy, then up to my boobs again. My nipples perked even more as I wondered what was next.

His cell phone dinged. “Excuse me a minute.” He read the message, texted back a short reply, then turned the phone off.

“Bring that stunning body over here.” I went to stand between his knees, and he ran those hands all over my bare skin, from knees to ass to boobs and back again. His thumbs would lightly brush the inside of my thighs, but he went nowhere near my dripping pussy. Finally, he pulled me forward and plunged his tongue deep into my mouth. I let out a long moan as he gripped the inside of my thigh. I was so ready to get done any which way.

Then I heard the snick of a key card in the door and looked up, startled. One of the St. Louis guys was standing in the doorway, his eyes fixed on my almost-naked body.

“Come on in. Carla, you remember Jerry,” Alan said casually. He must have seen my expression, and added softly. “Don’t worry, he likes to look but not touch. Don’t you, Jerry?”

Jerry had come around the counter, his eyes stuck on Alan’s hands grasping my thighs. He whispered, “I like to watch. I don’t want to touch you.”

Alan patted me lightly on the shoulder. “Why don’t you pour Jerry a glass of champagne?”

As I went to the counter, I could feel both sets of eyes on me. I was bare-ass naked in a hotel room with two fully-dressed men, and it was strangely exciting. I pulled a wine glass from the overhead rack and turned around as I poured some champagne into it. Jerry’s eyes were fixed somewhere around my middle. Alan wore a slight smile.

I leaned my boobs over Jerry’s arm as I placed the glass on the counter next to him. He pulled back a little, so maybe he really didn’t like touching. He was a big guy with a big plain face, a big chest and maybe a gut hidden under the black suit. I wondered what had turned him this way.

Alan pulled me back between his legs, facing Jerry, and played with my boobs. I watched Jerry’s face soften; this was turning him on too. Then Alan hooked his feet on my ankles and spread my legs apart and Jerry’s eyes dropped to my pussy. Alan moved his hands to the bare skin above my stockings and I leaned my head back, willing him to dive his fingers inside me. Finally he slid two fingers down between my labia and I gasped.

“Mmm, nice and wet,” he held up two fingers for Jerry to see. “We’ll have to do something about that.”

At last.

Alan stood up abruptly and led me over to the counter. He lifted me up onto the edge, spread my knees apart and stood back. Ever so calmly, he took off his jacket and rolled his sleeves up while I waited, quivering for action. He pulled his bar stool closer and sat down again. Then he carefully spread apart my hair-free labia and started working his big fingers around my wetness. I leaned back on my hands and gave myself over to the pleasure, arching up and trying to lead his fingers into my slit.

Jerry had put on a pair of glasses and was leaning forward now. My bare pussy was hanging out for the world to see, and I could feel my lube juices dripping.

Then Alan lifted my knees and attached his mouth to my cunt. I looked down to see his dark head buried between my legs, then up at Jerry. His mouth was open a little. Mine was, too, while Alan sucked and licked my slit. His tongue ran around my sex, into my vagina, then up to circle my clit. He nibbled lightly on my inner labia and I started mewling like a cat in heat.

I dropped my head back and I saw Jerry’s tongue flick over his lips, almost in synch with Alan’s tongue circling my vagina mouth. Wow.  I could feel the warm tides beginning to rush up my legs. His mustache grazed my clit and it started tingling. He mumbled something into my pussy, tongued my slit and then my clit and the orgasm started rolling over me. I was screaming by now, and Alan pinned my thrashing hips down, drawing my orgasm out with that wonderful sucking mouth. I’d never come so hard, or so long.

I lay back in trembling exhaustion and still he was mouthing my throbbing pussy. It felt so warm and so good. Finally, he pulled away and shoved two fingers inside me. At last my eager hole was filled, and soon I started pumping back. I could just see the side of Jerry’s sweaty face as Alan’s long fingers fucked me deep and hard. Then he pushed his thumb onto my clit hood.

“Omigod, migod,migod,” I moaned as his big thumb circled harder and drove me over the edge again. I was too weak to scream, and heard myself whimpering. I hardly felt his fingers pull out of me; I just lay back and let the after-shocks wash through me. My legs were splayed out over the edge of the counter, and I wondered vaguely how Jerry was enjoying the view.

Alan leaned over to help me sit up. He handed me the champagne flute and tilted his head while he looked me over. His moustache was damp from my pussy juice. I took a slug of bubbly and looked down at myself. The little vertical mustache of my French pussy trim was wet, too. Jerry’s big eyes were plastered there.

I felt well-used and very sated. I slid forward to stand up and Alan grabbed my arms as I wobbled.

“Easy now,” he said kindly. “That was just the appetizer.”

I caught my breath and looked into those dark eyes. He grinned and reached back to the bowl of melting cream. Swirling some onto two fingers, he shoved them into my mouth. I found myself sucking them hard, not quite believing I was turned on again, already.

Alan took my free hand and held it against his erection. “Ready for the main course?”

I nodded and managed to put my champagne flute on the counter. Another warm rush came down between my legs and I was bubbling there again.

Alan put his warm hands around my bare waist and guided me toward the bedroom. I heard Jerry trundling along behind us, and I wondered what was next. I was sure it would be exciting.






































Published 8 years ago

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