“It’s finally official between you two?” Kat stopped browsing and stared at me, “I thought it happened weeks ago.”
I continued to study the array of costumes in front of us. It was a couple of days before the party and I’d still not decided on a costume. In lieu of a mass-marketed outfit from a pop-up chain store, I’d been scouring thrift shops for inspiration.
“How’d it happen?” Kat came up beside me, crossing her arms.
I could feel a flush spreading across my chest as I tried to avoid eye contact, “What?”
Kat rolled her eyes, “You know what. How’d Lincoln ask you?”
There was no way in hell I was telling her the truth, so I left out the racy details, “Oh… Yeah, we just got to talking about it when he asked me to the party.”
Focusing on the display in front of me, I could still feel Kat staring suspiciously at me. After a few minutes she realized I wasn’t going to share more information and decided to continue helping me find a costume.
I managed to find a costume that afternoon that I believed was a good fit for me. While it was more revealing than anything I’d ever worn in public before, I felt it suited the next chapter of my life.
That night Lincoln came over and noticed the bag sitting on the floor. He raised an eyebrow and looked over at me, “Did you pick a costume?”
I nodded, shoving the bag into the closet, “I did. But I’m not telling you what it is.”
He laughed and sat on the edge of my bed, “Why not? I’ll tell you what I’m going as.”
Crossing the room, I perched beside him, “It’s a surprise. I want see the look on your face when you first see it.”
Lincoln pulled me onto his lap, his fingers tangled their way through my hair as he pulled me in for a long, sweet kiss. “Did that change your mind?”
I feigned contemplation before shaking my head, “Nope. You’ll have to wait.”
With a grin I pulled him in for another kiss before he could protest.
The night of the party Kat and I got ready in my room, as I had to help her with the multiple straps that made up her angel costume. Soon she was posing in the mirror, admiring the way her body looked in the white lingerie, and I left to shower.
I took up my razor and soon my legs and pussy were completely smooth. I wanted to look my best for tonight. Not just for the party, but for Lincoln. I had decided I was ready to take the next step, and for that I wanted everything to be perfect.
Getting out, I quickly styled my hair. Soon I had two small braids pulling my dark blonde locks from my face before joining together at the back of my head. The rest of my hair hung around my shoulders in loose curls.
Satisfied with my hair, I returned to my room. I strolled past Kat without much thought as I began to rummage through my closet.
“Did you forget something?” Kat paused from admiring herself in the mirror and turned to me, a teasing element to her voice.
I paused, confused by her question. After a moment my eyes grew big as I realized I was standing naked in front of my friend.
“Shit! I’m sorry Kat. I just – I usually don’t have people over.”
I awkwardly crossed my arms, shifting my weight as I searched for something to cover myself with.
Kat laughed and came closer, studying my naked body, “So you normally walk around your room nude?” I nodded, blushing as her fingers brushed my arm, “Does Lincoln know?”
My breathing hitched as Kat stepped even closer, “He’s… very supportive of it.”
She smiled as she stepped back, “Good, I’m glad things are going well with him. But I do have a piece of advice for you.”
I crossed my arms, unintentionally pushing my small breasts together, “What’s that?”
Kat gave me a playful spank on the ass, “You need to fuck Lincoln soon. It should be illegal for two attractive people to not have sex.”
I blushed even more, “Actually, I’m going to try tonight.”
She squealed and hugged me, “Really?”
Laughing, I gently eased out of the hug, “Kat, I’m still naked and still a virgin. Let’s pause the celebration until it’s definitive that Lincoln has slept with me.”
After calming down a very excited Kat, I slipped into my costume. I had decided to go as Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt. My toga came to about mid-thigh, possibly shorter. A gold braided belt hung low across my hips, matching the circlet of half-moons I wore on my head. The bodice was sleeveless, held up by two delicate clasps. The neckline plunged to just below my breasts, showing off what little cleavage my B-cups gave me.
Adjusting the fabric to ensure my chest was covered, I grabbed the quiver and bow that sat by the mirror and slung them across my body. Hearing a knock at the door, I went to answer.
Lincoln stood on the other side, his eyes lighting up when he saw me. As shy as I am, I was enjoying the effect I had on him. As he studied me, I noticed his costume. Fedora. Leather jacket. Whip.
“Nice Indiana Jones get up. I always did have a thing for him,” I teased.
Lincoln pulled me in for a quick kiss, “I like the Artemis look.”
I shrugged nonchalantly, “Artemis is a feminist bad-ass. Plus, I already owned a bow.”
Lincoln leaned in close, his lips grazed my ear as he whispered, “You look absolutely beautiful, by the way. It’s hard to keep cool when you’re dressed like that.”
I turned my head, my lips now brushing against his ear, “Well, I might reward you later.”
To be continued…