“Hey. It’s almost time to go to bed,” the sweet sound of my Beth’s voice. “I brought a cup of good morning for you. Mine is on the nightstand.”
I rolled over to see Beth in a sheer robe I had seen before. “It’s obvious the coffee is still hot, like my bride-to-be.” She smiled and blushed a little.
“Are we still going to talk to Reverand Michaels today? I think I should call him to see if he is available. He is a busy man. Seeing the sick at home and in the hospital, going to see sick children, and trying to keep our souls out of the hands of the devil.” Her face was shining.
“That makes sense. Baby, I’d like to call him if you don’t mind. This was my idea, sort of, kind of—okay just a small part.” Beth was standing there with her hands on her hips laughing.
“Collin Knite. You are a handful. But I do like the idea of you calling him. I think it is more appropriate.”
“You’re right, Beth.”
She brought my phone to me, I felt a little weird talking to a minister while I was naked in bed. His phone rang almost seven times before he answered. I was waiting for his voicemail.
“Good morning, Reverand, this is Collin Knite. If you have time today, Beth and I would like to come to your office about a personal matter.”
“Sure, Collin. I’ve been expecting your call. When do you and Beth plan to get married? The love you two have for each other is the worst-kept secret in the county. If you would like to come by this afternoon, I am free all afternoon.”
“This afternoon would be great. Isn’t that what you wanted me to tell him, Beth?”
The Reverand was laughing very hard. “That’s how we know you two are in love. You just proved it to me again. How about one o’clock? Sound good?”
“Perfect Reverand we’ll be there. With everything that has been going on, we just want to be sure we haven’t forgotten anything.”
“That’s a good idea.” The Reverend ended the call.
Beth had gotten into bed next to me. I put my arm around her shoulders and kissed her moist lips. “I love you, Beth. My Dad was right. The day I met you was the best day of my life. The day that the Reverand makes us one will be the greatest day of my life.”
I put our cups down and held her close to me. She fits perfectly when she is in my arms. My heart is so much happier with her in my life. She put her hand on my chest.
“I love how you feel, and I can feel your heart beating. I want to be next to you forever, Collin. You give me love and you give my life a purpose,” Beth sighed.
We had just pulled into the Church’s parking lot when my phone buzzed. It was Ralph Donovan. The worried look on Beth’s face mirrored my thoughts.
“Good afternoon, Ralph. How are you?” I was holding my breath and crossing my fingers.
“Collin, Judge Billings would like to have a short meeting with you. He said he still smiles when he looks over the evidence. Just a few details and you’re finished. You have made my job and the judge’s job easy. He also said, with a wide smile, that he couldn’t wait to hear their defense. I told him we enjoy comedy too.”
I asked Ralph when we needed to be there. He suggested three. That would give us plenty of time with the Reverend.
Beth and Reverend Michaels went over what we had talked about before. Beth wanted a couple of minor changes.
“Reverend, I know this is only a small wedding, but do you think Mrs. Winston would play the organ for us? We’ll compensate her for her time, I’m sure she is a busy lady.” When Beth wants something, she lowers her head a little and turns on the blush. That accentuates her shy smile. I’ve learned just to say ‘yes’ and not fight it.
“I’m sure she will be honored to play for your wedding. She loves to see couples marry. Sometimes, she even tears up with joy. That’s the wonderful thing about Church. You always have one Friend here, and there is always peace and joy. Stop in anytime.” The good Reverend was looking at me. Gulp!
“Reverend, Beth wants to go back to work; she wants a week for our honeymoon. Then I would like to talk to you about helping around the Church. I’d like to try to organize a youth group to help older citizens with chores and patrol our neighborhoods for rubbish. I could use your influence.”
“Collin! That would be a blessing to us. And I am more than happy to help with the group. Have you thought about a name for your group,” Reverend Michaels was at the end of his seat.
“This is just a suggestion. Please don’t laugh. The Neighbor Hood-lums, don’t laugh, please.”
“I love it. I can’t wait until we can get started. Thank you both so very much.”
Now it’s time for the Judge. We had about forty-five minutes, so we stopped and got an ice cream cone and a malt. As we drove to the courthouse, we saw the red and blue lights behind us. I looked at Beth and sighed. When he got closer, I recognized him, Sheriff Jennings. I rolled down my window.
“Good afternoon, Sheriff. How are you today?”
“I’m fine Collin. Do you know why I pulled you over?” He tried to look mad.
“Ah, no sir.” I gave him my pathetic look.
“You can’t drink and drive in town.” His voice was official, but not his smile.
Beth tapped me on the shoulder, “What Honey,”
Beth took my malt and gave me her cone. She gave the Sheriff her ‘I’m cute’ smile.
“Oh, well,’ the Sheriff said, “that’s different.” We started laughing.
“Collin, I stopped you to say thank you. You saved our town from what most believe to be a bad decision. We are all grateful.” We shook hands.
He started to walk away from the car but then returned. “Beth, you can take your cone back now.” And walked away laughing.
The judge was right on time. He brought us into his Chamber. We went over some of the fine details. The judge loved the videos of the night of the attack. He called it the night of the wolves. It made me proud of Beta.
He said we could attend the trial or not. The evidence you have submitted will make them feel like you are there. He also told us there was a lawyer from another county who wanted to talk to him about a strip mall the same group shoved through in his town.
He thanked us again; we left for home.
Home is where we found a couple of beers and our couch to relax in. It wasn’t a strenuous day per se, just kind of long. I brought us another round; Beth snuggled under my arm as usual. She sighed and smiled. I kissed the top of her head and squeezed her. She cuddles closer.
“Honey,” Beth sat up, “I think I’m going to take my shower and get comfy. You don’t mind, do you?”
“No, Baby, go ahead. I fix Beta’s dinner and water bowl in case he stops in tonight. The I’ll be right behind you.
I had Beta set for the night and started down our hall. Her perfume was like two hands caressing my senses, drawing me closer to her. Beth was sitting at her vanity, brushing the tangles from her hair. I leaned on the door jamb, just watching her. Honestly, my heart was pounding with happiness.
“I know you’re there, Sweetheart. Thank you. I can feel your love from there to here. She turned on the small stool to face me. Her damp hair framed her face. She had applied her makeup a little darker. The sheer gown parted but covered her large breasts but converged at her “V” hiding her womanhood.
I brought my half-finished beer into the shower with me. I chugged it down as I waited for the water to get hot. It felt so relaxing running down my back. I gave myself a good scrubbing, then let the water cascade down my body again.
Next, was a good, hot shave. I toweled my hair again and dried my face. I felt it, and the razor did a very nice job on my beard. I combed my hair and had just splashed on some aftershave. The bathroom door creaked open just enough to allow a log covered in a sheer gown. The leg moved in a sensual motion, and then the gown was pulled away.
I opened the door to find Beth standing there with two glasses of champagne. She carefully wrapped her arms around my neck and rubbed her naked body against me. Beth purred in my ear.
“Hamburger and a beer or champagne and me.” She nibbled my ear.
Beth pressed her lips against mine, moaning with pleasure as she felt my tongue slide between her lips. She brought her arms from around my neck and looked down at my swelling cock.
“I guess you’re not interested in the burger and beer,” she cooed.
“What burger and beer? Come here, you little imp. You’re going to be mine tonight,” I grabbed her around her waist and pressed our lips together.
When we parted, Beth whispered, “Mmmm, my man knows how to get what he wants. I just melt in your arms, Baby,” Beth sighed.
“And I hope you are melting in my mouth very soon,” I kissed her neck.
I took her glass and helped her remove her gown. I was handing her glass back, but Beth was kneeling on the floor.
“Let’s see who melts first. I am all yours, and, yes, you do own me. But sometimes, I need a little power. And I know just how my Baby likes the feeling.”
Beth’s head bobbed up and down my shaft. She had a firm grip on my balls. She pulled them as her head came to my cock head. At times, she would swallow my cock and wrap her tongue around it.
“Hmmm. Something is not working,” she whimpered. Maybe I should try something different.”
Beth turned and crawled to the bed. She made sure her hips swayed, and her hot pussy beckoned to me. She got down on her elbows like a cat and then wiggled her hot little butt at me.
She crawled on the bed like a cat, then rolled onto her back. She cupped her tits and slowly opened and closed her legs. Then Beth got on her knees and was rocking her pelvis back and forth. I could almost feel my cock inside of her.
She swung her leg over; she was on all fours. She humped back and forth as though she was getting it doggy style. Then she laid on her tummy and slowly pulled her legs under her pushing her ass in the air. She spread her legs and began the pumping motion again. The veins on my cock were ready, pulsing, ready to burst.
I got on the bed and rolled her on her back. She moaned in anticipation as I positioned myself between her legs. She grabbed my ass and pushed my cock into her wet pussy as far as it would go.
I grabbed her tits and shoved one in my mouth. My other hand had a handful of hair. Beth was under me, gyrating and meeting my pounding cock groaning and purring. My cock plowed into her, and I kept it against her hard clit. I nipped her tit, and Beth’s orgasm squirted from deep inside her.
After her first flow, my cock flooded her pussy with cum, and Beth continued to spray her cum all over me. We were still pounding against each other, and the cum was still flowing. Beth moaned long and loud and collapsed under me. I still pumped her for a minute or two, then, I had nothing left to keep me from falling on top of her.
I started to roll off of her, but she stopped me by wrapping her legs around me. I grabbed her hair and pushed my lips against hers. She lightly ran her nails down my back. Every nerve in our bodies had been short-circuited.
“I knew,” Beth panted, “there was a way, oh God, to make it melt.” She was still breathing rather heavily.
“Make it or me melt?” Beth giggled.
Departed Soul