I return to sixth form, euphoric from my weekend spent with an older, albeit not quite four years older, sexually experienced woman. Charlotte had royally fucked me, tormenting me over and over with the denial of release until the early hours of this morning before she finally finished with me. And god, did I finish, repeatedly, until she’d drained me of every last drop. I’ve never been so used, yet it felt exhilarating to become her toy, sharing the most uninhibited sex I could ever dream of with her.
When I woke this morning, I felt reborn and invigorated. I’d discovered an entirely new world, I’d barely dipped a toe in with Ruth’s fluffy, pink handcuffs. Initially, it felt strange, almost abnormal, to enjoy being hit by her paddle. Still, it gave me a rush, and as I sit down at my form room desk to the usual, menacing post-it notes suggesting I leave this mortal plane, I want to ram my head straight back down that rabbit hole to escape this hell of stress and mundanity.
But I can see this for what it is, despite it taking everything in my willpower to not abandon all of this to see her again. I’m feeling the pressure of my life, and with Louise rejecting my ill-thought-out proposal, I’ve lost control of my situation, which I thought I had some grasp on. I made a poor decision to chase after her, and now I want to throw myself into something else to distract me.
As registration ends, I peel the notes off my desk, then screw them up and discard them straight into the bin, shaking the negative thoughts away. I probably shouldn’t pursue this fling with Charlotte until I feel whole again. At least not until I’ve found a way to be civil with Louise, and perhaps not before my child is born, so I’ve worked out how to be a good father first. That should be my priority.
When I arrive at maths only minutes later, I send Louise the briefest smile as I enter the room and settle in my seat at the back of the class. The lesson is tedious, and without a single friend to talk to, I write in silence, occasionally stealing glances at Louise while she leans on her elbow and stares out the window. She usually ties her hair back, but today it loosely flows with gorgeous, rich mahogany hues as it reflects the sun. Despite the hostility towards me from the others, I can’t dislike her, even after all those vehement words she spat at me on Friday. She’s the soon-to-be mother of my child, and that connection links us forever.
I will still do my best by her.
The bell finally rings for break, and after slinging my own backpack over my shoulder, I wait outside the door, then offer my hand to Louise. “Give me your bags. You shouldn’t be carrying something so heavy.”
She hesitates while the other students pass between us, then reluctantly relinquishes her rucksack and art folder to me. “This doesn’t mean anything, you know?”
I flash her another grin, sincerely hoping we can maintain a friendship. “I understand. I just want to help you. We’re both adult enough to remain civil, I hope?”
Louise slows as we walk along the corridor together. “So that message you sent me late Friday? What was that about?”
“Me just accepting you’re right. We’re not good together, and I was wrong to try pressurising you,” I say, acknowledging the end of our relationship. “But I’ll still support you from a distance. Whatever’s comfortable for you.”
Suddenly frowning at me, I feel like I’ve said something to upset her when I notice Mrs Robinson standing near the doorway of our Science class. I doubt Louise is aware of my previous affair. Still, there’s a distinct frostiness between the three of us, and I hold my breath as we pass through, hoping that secret remains hidden.
Beneath Elaine’s steely glare, Louise flushes pink as I put down her bags and pull out her stool. “Thanks for helping me.”
It’s a look I recognise, predictable even during those moments we’ve been alone, but I shouldn’t read into it. Just because Louise is physically attracted to me, it doesn’t mean anything when she made her sentiments so clear on Friday. Sexual compatibility is different from love, and she’s seen sense, so I need to understand that, too.
Louise doesn’t join me at lunch, instead staying behind to speak to our teacher, but I still take her textbooks and art folder, promising to drop them off at her next class. It might not seem like much, but her body is already under strain, now rapidly changing as she nurtures our child, so it’s only right for me to take the extra weight off in a practical way.
I find Justin and Shaun at the lockers as I collect my packed lunch, already clearing the front of mine of the condoms and hateful notes sellotaped to it. But something is off with Justin giving me an apologetic smile as I approach. “Hey. You want to disappear off to Burger King with us for lunch?”
“Nah, it’s fine. Gotta be careful with my cash, so I’ve left my wallet at home,” I reply, bracing myself for the worst as I yank open the busted-in door. The usual vasectomy and birth control leaflets spill out as I remove my pasta salad. Then, opening the Tupperware lid, I find cigarette butts mixed with the tomato sauce. I wouldn’t be surprised if they spat in it too. “So, I guess they’ve found new ways to fuck with me. Is it today that Chris and Max come back?”
Shaun, already collecting the adverts up, then squeezes my shoulder. “Yeah, we saw Chris in our English class. Sorry, Matt. Want us to pick you something up?”
“Yeah, I’ll give you the cash tomorrow. I’ll drive us down there, but I need to be back. I’ve got all of Louise’s books on me.”
As I toss my lunch in the nearest bin, Justin looks concerned. “You better not be planning to do anything stupid. She dumped you, Matt, and after what we did this weekend, you clearly don’t need her.”
“What did I miss this weekend?” Shaun asks, passing a curious glance between the two of us. “Tell me you didn’t. Not again…”
I clench my jaw with discomfort while Justin grows animated beside me, immediately spilling the details. “We met this absolute babe, Becka. A clear ten, with the most incredible figure, and she gave me the best fucking head of my life. Fucked the both of us, but she was totally into me. Matt, tell him about Saturday. You seriously won’t believe this-“
“There’s nothing to say,” I reply, unable to stop myself from thinking about Charlotte again. “Well, a gentleman never tells…”
Justin’s eyes grow wider as he dramatically repeats what he heard from Becka. “Matt was fucked twenty-four hours straight by this hot, goth chick. She’s into real kinky shit like rope, you know, bondage stuff! Of all the women to hook up with, he picked Becka’s best mate. I nearly died laughing when she told me about it. Imagine him sleeping with a dominatrix! And the best part was that she thought he was totally into it, so she tied him down and whipped him.”
“Actually, she spanked me, and for your information, she’s not a pro-domme. She’s a tattooist. I don’t regret being in her bed for one second, and I’ll happily get back into it. In fact, it was the best decision I made all fucking year-“
Shit, I’ve said too much.
At that moment, Louise passes me from behind, I suspect hearing everything, and glancing back at me with tears in her eyes, she disappears into the women’s bathroom. We may not be together, but I feel a pang of incredible guilt, knowing exactly how it sounds. I don’t know if I should apologise, and I fall behind, wondering if I should wait for her to come back out.
“Matt. Come on, just leave her,” Justin says, shoving his hands into his trouser pockets as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. “We need to get going before we’re late for class, and her feelings aren’t your problem now. It’s best she knows you’re over her.”
I don’t want to leave it, though, and I’m filled with self-loathing at speaking so callously about her as we continue walking towards the car park. With the way Justin brought it up, it appears he had seen her coming towards me from behind and wanted her to hear. However, I don’t remain sad about it for long. As we reach the end of the driveway, my fist clenches as I find my car with deep scratches across the side and bonnet.
Somebody is going to pay for this.
“Oh, fuck… Shaun, grab Matt before he-“
Dumping the bags on the gravel, I immediately tear off to the cafeteria with both chasing after me, hot on my heels, but I’m too quick. Primed to explode, I slam through the doors and charge straight to the bench where Ashleigh is sitting with Chris beside her. “Who the fuck wrote that on my car?”
With Chris and Max standing up, everybody, including Ashleigh, shifts uncomfortably in their seats, knowing how this will probably pan out.
“We did it,” Chris says, sizing up to me. “Now, what are you gonna do about it?”
I want to launch myself at him, but Justin comes jogging over to defuse the situation, hoping to block us from clashing. “No! Go home, Matt. Just get the fuck out of here.”
But I don’t want to back down, and Chris shoves me back, antagonising me further. “Yeah, go home, you deadbeat. Just like the weak pussy you are.”
Like flashing a red rag to a bull, I slip past Justin and smash Chris square in the mouth, splitting his lip before yanking him towards me. He doesn’t immediately retaliate, stunned by being pulled forward, but Max swings at me and is hit by Justin, now unwillingly dragged into it.
An outright brawl takes place as Shaun helps tackle Max, leaving me with only Chris to worry about, and I drag him to the floor, unleashing my fury for being jumped two months ago. I don’t feel bad as I hit him, his own punches barely registering as I absorb them, and take my revenge, now bettering him in front of everybody.
“Not so hard now, are ya? One on one, I’ll always best you,” I laugh as I kneel over him, now whispering in his ear. “How does it feel knowing your girlfriend is still hung up over me? That’s why you hate me, right?”
I’m indifferent as the teachers run over, knowing there’s a good chance I will be expelled, but it doesn’t matter. Both of them weaseled their way out of the charges against them, so this is an eye for an eye, so to speak, and Chris deserves it.
“What the hell is going on here?!” Mr Davies shouts, attempting to haul me to my feet, but I push him off.
With a shrug, I wipe my blood from my own lip. “He touched my car.”
“Your car? Go to the headmaster’s office now! You too, Shaun, Justin and Max. Can you get up, Chris?”
The head absolutely loses it with all of us, with the blame not handed entirely on me, knowing the situation had been instigated regardless of who started the fight. I, however, receive a month’s exclusion and a warning that I’m on my final chance. However, I’m still apathetic about my punishment when it feels of little consequence. Perhaps I should drop out?
My lip is swollen as I stroll back to my car, knowing its state with ‘Cunt,’ and ‘Die’ blazoned across it, amongst other things. The thought has me seething, my fist clenching back up, wanting me to go fight with Chris all over again. But, I pause as I see Louise waiting expectantly for me, tears still staining her cheeks. Something has happened.
She turns away from me, half hiding beneath her hair and glasses. “Could you give me a lift home? I need to get out of here.”
“Are you okay?” My hand reaches for her chin, and as I try to read her face, I notice a raised mark blemishing her cheek she’d tried covering up. My breath catches, realising someone struck her. “Have you been in the bathroom all this time? Tell me who did it.”
Louise shakes her head dismissively, unwilling to give me the name of the bastard. “Does it matter who it was? She called me a whore, and slapped me, accusing me of trapping you.”
My mind immediately tracks back to earlier, and I put two and two together. “Was this Elaine? Are you going to report her? If you do, then I’ll back you up. I’ll admit everything if I have to.”
Her nostrils flare in anger as she snaps at me. “So it’s true then? Do you have any standards, or do you fuck anybody who shows you some attention? Anyone else I need to be aware of?”
Sighing as she gets ready to tear me apart, I open the passenger door for her. “All I can do is apologise if you don’t want to take it further, but I’ll warn her off. Get in, and I’ll drop you home.”
As I join her in the car after collecting the bags, I reach behind to safely fasten her seatbelt and freeze as our breaths meet. Despite our breakup, I’m still very much attracted to her, and as she caresses her thumb over my bruised cheek, showing me some tenderness, I kiss her without thinking. “Matthew…”
“I shouldn’t have done that.” Regretfully, I pull away from the kiss, realising my mistake. “I’m sorry, Louise. It’s taking me a while to adjust.”
However, her palm moves to my knee and slides upwards, squeezing my thigh as she leans forwards and lightly kisses me again. “Can you take me to yours instead?”
I know it’s a bad idea, and my head is screaming at me to not do it, but I still drive her back to mine like she asks, then take her straight to my bedroom. She pulls my shirt off the moment we step inside and then unzips my jeans while I hitch up her skirt. I don’t know whether she wants me to touch her anywhere as we kiss, with the swell of her small bump pressed against me, so I hold back, giving her the reins.
Pushed back onto my bed, I lay down for her as she discards her underwear, then rides me, holding my hands to her voluptuous breasts. Then tilting her head back, exposing her beautiful neck, her luscious hair hangs messily over her shoulders. I would love to wrap my fingers around it or bury my head into her chest to suckle at her nipples, but this is still highly erotic to me as she takes charge, and I enjoy the view of her bosom bouncing as she lays me. My hands rest on her hips but then move so both my thumbs can stroke over her clit.
It doesn’t take long for her to orgasm, and her stomach gently tightens beneath my palms as she cums with a small, soft moan, but she doesn’t wait for me. Instead, she quickly dismounts to dress before fixing her hair back into a low bun, leaving me confused and frustrated as I sit up.
With my clothes thrown at me, a word still not passed, I dress and then follow her back out to my car, baffled by the whole experience. But she still doesn’t talk to me the entire journey to her house, and after parking in the usual spot, she opens the door to leave.
“Louise, can we talk?” I ask, now vexed with the silent treatment. “What on earth did that mean?”
Her tone is immediately dismissive, and she crosses her arms against her chest, appearing irritated. “It was just sex.”
“Just sex? We were dating, Louise, and we’re having a baby. There’s no just in any of that.” I say, incredulous at her cruelty towards me. “What do you want from me? You used to like me, then I thought you hated me, but now I swear it just seems you’re trying to make my life harder than it should be. Just tell me what it is you want?”
“I-I don’t know what I want! I never meant to get pregnant, and this was only supposed to be a one-time thing. It’s not like you were ever bothered before. You did it to others.”
“So no harm done? You’ll fuck me, then ditch me straight after? I’ve always been upfront that I’m not looking for anything more. When did I ever make you feel that I wasn’t serious about you?”
“I distinctly remember you telling me you’d only be using me if we slept together. And what about Ashleigh? She loved you, but you led her on then laughed about her to all your mates.”
“So you’re saying I deserve it? And I never led her on. I wanted to like her, but she was spiteful to everyone, and I couldn’t see past that,” I reply, realising that Justin was right to warn me. “Louise, my dad, is expecting us to marry, but clearly, that isn’t going to happen. We need to draw a line in the sand and not do this again.”
“Are you sulking because you didn’t get to cum?” Suddenly, she reaches out to my belt and undoes the buckle before creeping downwards, taking hold of my member as her lips press against my neck. “Maybe we don’t have to tell him yet? Maybe we could continue like this, as fuck buddies? I was thinking at least once a week would be perfect. It’s not like anyone will get hurt.”
Justin’s words continue to resonate in my mind, and I tug away from her grasp. “I’ll get hurt. My feelings are a mess as it is without you toying with me. We’re either together, or we’re not. There’s no middle ground.”
“Is it because of that bitch you slept with? Because I’m the mother of your child, Matt. Do you think anyone else will go near me while I’m pregnant? You owe me this at the very least.”
“I don’t owe you shit. I thought you regretted ending it between us, but that was clearly a big fucking mistake. Now get out of my car before I tell your parents exactly where you’ve been.”
“You wouldn’t,” she scoffs, rolling her eyes. “Not if you want anything to do with this child.”
Shaking my head with disbelief, I can’t believe what I’m hearing, but my clouded mind clears. “Is that a threat, Louise? Justin keeps warning me about you, saying you’re just like your sister, but he’s wrong because you’re much, much worse. I wish I never met you, Louise, and one day you’re going to regret passing up on the best thing that ever happened to you. Mark my words, I’ll never look at you the same way again. We’re done.”
She steps out of the car with no hint of regret on her face after what just passed between us. “What was her name again? Becky? No, Becka, wasn’t it? A pretty name for my daughter, don’t you think?”
…I’m having a daughter.
I don’t correct her with Charlotte’s name, now horror-struck by her suggestion as an attempt to manipulate me. “You wouldn’t… There’s no way you’d be that petty.”
“Wouldn’t I? Wednesday afternoon works best for me, so I’ll see you then.”
My anguish shifts, and a searing hatred flows through every fibre of my body as I stare at the woman I wanted to love. She isn’t the person I thought she was, and I’m nothing but a joke to her. Everything that has happened to me is because I met her, and she could have easily set everyone straight this whole time instead of letting them believe I used her. The threats are the final straw, and now it will get ugly.
Retaliation flashes through my mind as she saunters towards her house arrogantly, assuming I will weakly roll over and give her what she wants. It needs to be something that will wipe the smugness from her face, so not only do I come away with bitter regret. She needs to pay for all the hurt she’s caused me, for throwing me under a bus and using me for all that she could before discarding me. From here on out, I don’t give a fuck about her feelings, and she will forever have this moment carved into her mind.
That ‘new year, new me’ bullshit is dead.
Pulling the door closed with a slam, I don’t instantly leave. Instead of noticing Ashleigh standing outside the front door, smoking while she waits for her sister to get home, I hold down the horn, alerting her to my presence. Louise’s jaw drops as I call her bluff, our rendevous no longer remaining another one of her sordid secrets. Then waving to the both of them, I deliberately drive past the house and laugh as I watch Ashleigh accost Louise in my wing mirror.
Self-destruction is now at the forefront of my mind, but instead of returning home, I opt for a more creative solution, so I take the exit off the M20 ten minutes later and dial Charlotte. Getting my needs met and losing myself between the thighs of a beautiful domme is a much more appealing option.
Charlotte answers her phone within two rings with a seductive purr. “Hey, sugar. I wondered how long it would take you to call me. Don’t tell me you’ve recovered from this morning already?”
“Are you home?” I ask, trying to keep the desperation out of my voice. “I’m about fifteen minutes away if you’re free.”
“Why? Do you want me to put something more comfortable on?”
I’m so turned on, and my fingers grip my steering wheel tightly at the memory of her gorgeous lingerie. I doubt whatever she wears will be on for long. “Uh, please… Mistress.”
She hangs up and tossing my phone onto the passenger seat, I regain full control of my car as I creep over the limit, hastening my arrival.
When I reach her house, I can’t find a parking space, so with little thought but to relieve my pent-up anger, I leave it on double yellows, deciding the fine will be worth it. Then before I ring the doorbell, Charlotte swings open her front door dramatically, revealing she’s wearing nothing but a floral silk kimono and studded leather stilettos.
She’s a formidable figure, even without a crop in hand and her rouged lips turn upwards as my jaw drops to the floor. “Ta-da! How do I look?”
“Breathtaking. You’re absolutely stunning, Mistress.”
There’s no going back as I embark on another adventure with her, and my lips crush against hers as I press her into the wall. Her tongue sweeps inside, tasting of aniseed, potent and exotic, a warning of the danger that’s now thrilling throughout my body. I want her to destroy me and hurt me in the ways I know she can until I’m dead to my feelings and no longer care about anything else. If I’m going to destruct, it should be with fireworks.
The old Matt is out as I gather her up, still locked in an impassioned kiss, and I carry her straight up the stairs, unable to wait a moment longer. But as I place her down in front of her bedroom door, she tugs me by the shirt and pulls me towards the bathroom.
“Get in the shower. I can smell the sex on you,” she hisses, her nose wrinkling in disgust. “Dirty… filthy slut.”
It’s then that I realise I’d completely forgotten that my liaison with Louise still lingers on me, and I’ve committed a grave sin. “I’m sorry… I should leave…”
“Not so fast. You don’t think I’ll let you slip through my fingers when I’ve got you here?” Reaching past me, she turns the water on in her shower, and with her manicured hand resting on my chest, she pushes me towards it, a smirk teasing across her lips. “Do as you’ve been told, and clean.”
Without a chance to undress first, she nudges me beneath the cold spray, and her onyx eyes gleam as my clothes become sodden and cling to my body. Then, one by one, she allows me to peel off an article of clothing, starting with my trousers, then my shirt, before I’m allowed to remove my boxers. Vigorously I scrub myself in front of her until she’s satisfied, and I stand shivering, naked, feeling punished for my wrongful slight against her.
I deserve it.
“Mistress, do I please you?”
“Now you can come into my bedroom,” she says, swinging open her bedroom door. “I don’t care what skirt you just crawled out from, but never disrespect me like that again. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
With a towel tossed over, I dry myself off briskly as I follow her into her room and take a better glance around. Other than several hooks in the ceiling that I can only guess at, it outwardly looks no different from some glamorous, gothic boudoir, with a horoscope tapestry plastered on one wall, crystals on shelves and candles of all shapes everywhere. Far from a terrifying dungeon at all.
I’m then transfixed by her gorgeous heels clicking over her floorboards as she glides across the room to open a cabinet. My eyes nearly pop from the array of crops, floggers and canes hidden away, and it’s then that I realise the seriousness of what I’ve embarked on. After all the pleasure she’d given me over the weekend, I may have romanticised this slightly in my sleep-deprived memory.
Returning to me, brandishing her chosen implement, she points to the ground beside her bed. “Sit!”
This is when I should probably turn tail and run, using the towel to protect my modesty, but with a morbid curiosity, I fold the towel and then obey her order. My decision to charge head-on into this was made the moment I called her on the dual carriageway, disregarding my own safety and the law. “Yes, Mistress.”
As I bow my head in reverence, she offers me her heeled foot, which I take into my hands, unsure of what she wants me to do precisely, but I suspect Becka may have informed her about my reaction on Friday. Gently I kiss her vamp, and with that seeming to be okay, the tip of my tongue dances over each cool, metal spike ardently. Content, I sigh at the smoothness, and the taste is exactly how I imagined it, like the scent of leather. But, there’s also a hint of the aniseed from earlier, likely from a drink spilt in a hurry to open the door.
Smiling at the idea of her being eager to see me, I kiss towards the heel, moving along the inside before enthusiastically sucking the six-inch steel while I hum. I imagine the sight of me performing oral to the heel is an utter delight for her, but for the first time, I don’t feel afraid I will be judged for one of my most perverse, secretive desires. I adore shoes.
My cock hardens as I become aroused by this act of worship, caressing what I’ve only been able to admire from afar. Everything I could only dream of previously is now becoming a possibility. When Justin told me he had no idea what my type is, he failed to recognise a common denominator. Apart from Louise, I made my choices based on a woman’s footwear.
Like Becka, Charlotte moves her foot between my legs and presses it against my balls as I inhale with anticipation. Then, with gradual, firm pressure, she applies some weight, testing my reaction to some torture, and I exhale, groaning through the pain as I’m squashed into the floor. “Hmm. Are we good?”
“Mistress, it hurts.”
She lightens the pressure immediately. “Bad hurts, or ‘do it again’ hurts?”
“Not harder than that for now, hurts, Mistress.”
As I steal a glance, she appears pleased, a grin passing readily over her face, and she rests her vamp beneath my testicles, subjecting me to the studs. The pain is nothing but good as the weight of my sack drapes over, heavy with a longing to cum. Then carefully, she drags under my delicate skin, then squishes me against the ground again, alternating the painful sensations. I vocalise my enjoyment to her with soft moans, knowing this is only scratching the surface of what she can do. “You have potential, toy. Now don’t forget safeword, ‘Lollypop,’ and kneel, legs apart.”
With a light flick of her foot, she taps my balls, and my stomach lurches with an ache radiating upwards. I feel slightly nauseous as she repeats it, slightly firmer, and I close my eyes, readying myself for the next, which almost takes my breath away. Breathing heavily as I cope with the pain, I sense her near, then feel her tongue trail over my lip before she kisses me, stoking my hunger for her. “Show me more, Mistress…”
Her nails drag down my chest, digging into my flesh before she takes hold of my cock, squeezing tightly. “Mm, I’m not showing you all my tricks yet, but this is only a small demonstration of what I’m capable of. Trampling, kicking, sounding… I love to watch a man squirming beneath my feet. Does the idea of that excite you?”
My heart is thumping as her claw-like nail starts teasing over the head, almost probing the entrance of my urethra. “Yes, Mistress. I want to experience it all with you.”
I’m almost praying for it to enter, but instead, she kicks off her shoe into my lap, and her stockinged foot now pushes my cock back against my stomach, rubbing over my fluids dripping down my shaft. Then smirking at my torment, she elegantly outstretches her leg to my mouth with the fabric glistening with my mess.
Obediently, I lick over the cum smeared stockings before taking her toes into my mouth. As her foot remains firmly inside, I’m effectively gagged, so I continue to suck, the nylon feeling incredible against my tongue and stretched cheeks while I drool with the saliva running down my chin. “You need to earn the right to cum, toy. Now take off my hose.”
My fingers are cautious as they run over the sheer material, and finding it ends at her thigh, I peel it off, being equally attentive to not tear it. My fetish for heels and boots doesn’t extend to a bare-foot, but I continue my adoration by kissing the sole before moving to her rose tattoo. She’s incredibly clean, scented with the lavender body wash I’d used, and I then suckle at her toes, lavishing her with my growing affection as she sighs with pleasure to my touch.
Grabbing a fist of my hair, she drags me upwards, making me kiss up the smooth, porcelain skin of her leg, starting at her ankle. The kimono parts as I slowly move up with my kisses, trailing my tongue while I groan with need for her. Completely waxed, apart from the tiniest landing strip of hair, I get a glorious view of her pussy as she opens her legs to me, parting wider, and I touch my tongue to my lips, gulping with an expectation of her order. “May I, Mistress?”
She nods, and eagerly I slide my hands around her hips to lick her, but she strikes me with a tap on my arse with the crop. It’s nothing compared to the paddle, and with the short, sharp sting not being much of a deterrent, I lean forward to lick her again.
Receiving another slap, I glance up at her, welding the black leather crop, lips pursed as she leans against her hand, and it’s the sexiest thing I have ever seen. I’m growing more excited by the second, balls becoming heavier with my lascivious nature coming out to play after my false start with Louise. As I try to lick her again, and as she strikes me, I begin to understand this game she’s playing with me.
My hands part her open whilst I pleasure her with my tongue, leisurely roaming over the curves of her labia while she moans and sighs. Right now, I don’t regret how this day has turned out as I adore this woman’s body. Then, lustfully I eat her, kissing her clit, tonguing her entrance, devouring the taste of her while the crop continues to hit me near my shoulders the entire time, getting swifter the closer she gets. But it feels annoying, not painful.
Eventually, she cums, and crying out loudly, she drops the crop, forgotten, onto the bed as she writhes pleasurably against my mouth, wringing the quilt beneath her. My back feels a little sore, but it’s worth it to hear all of the noises she made.
She recovers within minutes, and twisting onto her stomach after removing her kimono, she raises her hips up high, displaying a red phoenix tattoo on her back, extending over her buttocks. “Fuck me, toy.”
After being tormented, I’m desperate to be inside her, and I comply, sheathing my cock before entering her. This new position, similar to doggy-style, blows my mind as I’m able to thrust deeply, and my arms wrap around her waist, pulling her into me while I fuck her.
Her breathing becomes ragged, and I feel her tighten around me as she climaxes again, muffling her noises into her bedspread as I rail her like a relentless animal. Then groaning, the sweet rush of my pleasure soars through me, and I cum, squeezing my fingertips into her thighs.
I wish I could have lasted longer as I rest my head on her back, listening to her panting heavily while we attempt to recover, but it’s no good. Despite needing this, we’re both tired and done, so I kiss her gently on her hair as I withdraw, then lay on my back, reclining against the pillows.
Draping her body over mine, she cuddles against my chest, then runs her fingertip over my nipple, giving me the post-coital cuddles I’d been missing with Louise.
This is all so new, so quick.
But I feel happy, my anger calmed, so with my arm curled around her, I begin to massage her hand. “May I talk to you about something, Charlotte?”
“What is it?” she asks, lifting her head to look at me. “Is this about your ex… and the uh, baby?”
I wasn’t sure how to broach the subject, but I sigh with relief, knowing it won’t be a shock. “Becka told you? I know we’ve just met, and this is only the second time we’ve hooked up, but I thought you should know that I don’t love her. I want to be entirely transparent to you.”
“So, does that mean you’re looking for something more?”
“It means I’m open to the possibility, but can I just ask you something? Because I’m trying to wrap my head around it, but when we talked yesterday, you told me you enjoy hurting others… You are a sadist, right?”
“Correct… I also like to dominate people. It turns me on,” she says matter of factly. “I like submissive partners, and watching them moan at my hands gets me off. Whether that’s with pain or pleasure is up to them.”
“Well, I enjoyed it, and the crop you used on me today didn’t feel bad at all. I found it… stimulating? Encouraging even…” I admit, now feeling shy as we continue to discuss what we’ve just done. “I haven’t felt this satisfied in a while, and when I was thinking about you this morning, I just wanted to get back here. I never realised how alive I could feel after going through the motions all this time.”
A smile of delight lights up her face. “So you want to do this again? Tell me, what excites you, Matthew? What gets you hot under the collar?”
“Your shoes… I like your shoes…”
Charlotte sits up, her eyes glistening as if she’s struck gold. “Becka may have mentioned something, but tell me, what way could that be?”
“I enjoyed licking yours, the taste… How they felt against my body, my lips, over my tongue… being able to hold them, imagining what else you could do to me.”
“To fuck them?” she says, raising her pencilled-in eyebrow suggestively.
“I’d like to try that, with the heel pressed against my shaft or buried between the opening of a peep-toe… I’m not the first to admit this to you, right?”
“You’re not.” She shakes her head reassuringly at me before brushing her knuckles over my forehead, a genuine look of concern flashing on her face. “Why are you hurt?”
“Some arseholes fucked with my car, so I retaliated. I’m not allowed back for a month.”
“A whole month? That sounds like it was serious.” Then, climbing out of bed, remaining naked, she crosses the room to her drawers and raises a bottle of vodka to me. “Need a drink?”
“Amongst other things,” I tease back, already growing aroused by watching her.
“That was quick,” she says, smiling as she pours us both a sizeable measure. “Perhaps, you could spend that month with me, bound to my bed?”
I’m stunned as she hands me the glass, and after taking a sip, I place it beside the bed. “If Mistress so wishes. Teach me how to serve you, and we can explore whatever this is, with me fully as your submissive if you’d like?”
Crawling onto my lap, she pins me beneath her, our hands interlocking above my head as her lips hover above mine as she seduces me. “You do need to understand there are rules first. One, I have the implant, so we’re going bare from now on. I hate interruptions. Two, you sleep with nobody other than me unless discussed in advance, and three, you give me the best goddamn sex of my life.”
“Are they the only rules? Because I’m not hearing any drawbacks.”
“They’re just the start… You will always call me Mistress, perform oral sex at least once a day, remain naked at all times within my room unless explicitly directed otherwise, and use your safeword whenever you want to stop. Phones must be switched off during our sessions, and if you do break my rules, you will be punished accordingly.”
“I’m still not hearing any drawback-“
Pressing her lips to mine, she kisses me and then bites my bottom lip, tugging playfully. “You will also STOP talking until I ask you, toy. Now, tell me, what would you like your safeword to be?”
Put on the spot, my mind falters, and I stick with the sweet theme. “U-uh, Banoffee?”
“Very, good… Now, let me introduce you to something you seemed to enjoy the other night. Sounding!”
I arrive back at my house at nine in the morning, my wrists sore from the handcuffs she’d used to attach me to her bed. Being pleasured and fucked by her just felt right, and the things she’d done to me were incredible, if not downright dirty. She’d shown me her steel sounds, varying in width, demonstrating how she used the thinnest one on me Saturday before moving on to the next size up. She’ll be introducing the thicker ones at some point in the future, training me for more advanced urethral play that she enjoys.
But before I’ve parked up, I know I’m in deep shit for not returning home. Both my father’s and brother’s cars are unexpectantly on the drive, and I realise neither of them left for work, so I won’t be able to sneak past. So, thinking of little else, I park slightly down the road, then carefully climb onto the garage, using the trellis. It’s not the first time I’ve resorted to sneaking in, so I wiggle up the unlocked sash window to my bedroom and climb in.
What I’m not anticipating is my father standing on the other side of my drawn blinds, searching around my room. “You better have a good fucking explanation for where you’ve been, boy?”
“I didn’t realise you’d be here,” I lie, hoping he’ll not notice I’m in my slightly damp uniform. “I was at Justin’s house.”
“Justin? Well it’s funny you should say that, but his mum called me, asking where he was. I’ve also heard from John that Sadie witnessed you fighting, and you’ve landed yourself another exclusion.”
“All I did was stand up for myself.” Unwilling to listen anymore, I begin to dress in a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt. At eighteen, I’m old enough to make my own decisions, so I need to get out from beneath his thumb as quickly as possible.
“So, who does this belong to?”
Glancing behind, I see him danging a thong from his finger, clearly a momento Becka decided to leave behind for us. Louise had never worn anything that racy. “Louise, probably?”
“Probably?” In horror, I watch him up-end my waste bin, spilling out the used condoms and wrappers. “Bit late to be using these now, ain’t it? I know you had a girl back here, so you better come clean now.”
“Fuck sake… Justin brought a girl back here, alright. Nothing to do with me.”
He shoves me against the wall by my shoulder, and with his fist balling up, I know he wants to lamp me. “You’re telling me you had Justin here, fucking some girl in your bed? Why do I not believe that you weren’t involved? You’ve got a kid on the way in twenty weeks, and you’re out picking women up in a bar already? No, no, no… Not under my roof, you’re not, lad. You’re marrying Louise, and that’s how it’s got to be.”
I don’t flinch, despite the pain as his grip becomes firmer. “There’s not going to be a wedding, so let’s get that straight, dad. Louise doesn’t want me, and I’ve done everything to try to convince her. I’m done with it, and I don’t like her, so you can’t force me.”
The punch doesn’t land for once, and as he steps back, appearing confused as he loses his hold on my life, I pull away to leave. “Don’t you walk away from me, boy. I swear you leave here, and you won’t be welcome back.”
“Fine. Stick your job. I’ll find something else.”
I feel like I’m going to be sick as I pass John in the hallway, his face appearing grey after what he’d heard, but I continue out the house with my acoustic guitar in hand. The idea of finding another part-time job around my sixth form is daunting, but I’m done being dictated to. He fucked his own marriage with his affairs, but that gave him no right to stop me from living my life the way I choose. I’m not going to repeat his mistakes by marrying someone I have no interest in.
Dumping my guitar on the backseat of my car, I take out my phone to call Charlotte but find several missed calls from Justin, so I dial him back first.
He doesn’t even wait for me to speak. “Dude, why didn’t you cover for me? I’ve had my mum calling, yelling at me for staying out last night and bunking PE.”
“So that’s my fault? I’ve just been kicked out by my dad because your mum called him. He’s never fucking home, but he came back to check on me and found Becka’s underwear in my room. He went ballistic!”
“Shit! Well, I’m just at Becka’s now, but fuck… Do you want to move into mine for a bit or something? I’ve got that pull-out bed you can kip on.”
“So you saw Becka again?”
“She’s smoking hot, Matt, and she can’t get enough of me, so of course, I saw her,” he says, growing excited as he recounts his night. “And just between you and me, she’s absolutely filthy in the sheets… anal, some hair pulling, even asked me to spank her a bit. Jesus, I might be in over my head. But I can come back home and talk my mum around if you need me.”
He seems genuinely happy to be with her. “Nah, I’ve had a better offer, mate, no offence. Charlotte wants me to spend my exclusion with her…”
“Fucking her, Matt, but you’re sure moving on quick. Be careful this time, alright? Becka told me some stuff about her, and she sounded a little unhinged. Right, I gotta go, but maybe we can hang out soon?”
I sigh as I hang up on him, mulling over what he said, but Justin’s tastes have usually been a lot more vanilla than mine. He’s just being cautious, misunderstanding Charlotte’s sex life.
Tied to the bedposts with rope, my hands on either side of my head, I face the wall, stripped to nothing but some bondage pants. My audible groans fill the room as my belt lands across my back repeatedly. Since my return to Charlotte after my father kicked me out, I’ve moved in, becoming her full-time plaything and fuck-buddy to her delight.
Every day, the routine is the same. Apart from Monday, when she starts work later in the day, I wake her with cunnilingus, and I’m struck with the crop until she orgasms to help me work on my technique and discover exactly what she likes. I then serve her breakfast in bed, then shower with her, scrubbing every inch of her body, often with more oral sex and foot worship. With my cock now belonging to her, in those hours she’s away from me at work, it remains locked in chastity while I’m cruelly instructed to watch porn, unable to cum until she returns. And that’s when the real fun begins…
This past month, she’s taught me the very definition of pain, delving into my deepest, darkest desires until I’ve begged to be used and fucked. I’m often punished several times daily due to not following her rules, usually over my smart mouth and my cockiness, but often it’s deliberate. I enjoy the attention misbehaviour gets me, and the bite of her crop cannot dissuade me with the sex afterwards being too incredible. In the end, she’d used it as a cane until it snapped, and then I was made to buy her a new one with a steel core which really stung and pushed me to the limit. Yet, I’ve still not been forced to use my safeword with Charlotte being able to read me well.
But now, after four weeks, my fun will reduce with my exclusion coming to an end, and I’ll need to split my time between my different lives. It’s something I’ve been dreading after well and truly diving down the rabbit hole, and I don’t want to return to mundane normality on Monday. But before then, I have one more weekend of complete sexual freedom, and tomorrow Charlotte plans to throw me into the deep end at a fetish club.
My Queen of pain could become my everything.