I’d been at the cabin for a few hours and the tension was building. T was due around now, and it felt like the first minute would tell us a lot: whether this was a terrible mistake or at the very least a week of freedom, fun, and possibly sexual expansion. I was tempted to have a beer to calm my nerves but it felt rude to have a head start, and if I got carried away, T arriving to me slurring or snoring would not have been auspicious. I stuck to water, which made me need to pee. Of course, I went outside. My heightened excitement made my skin feel almost more sensitive, and there was something arousing about the expectation and the outdoors in combination.
I strained my ears to listen through the breeze and woodland sounds, and after a while, I thought I could hear an engine through the trees. It grew, then faded, and grew again, I guessed as the car managed the slopes and turns. Someone was coming and it had to be her. My heart was thumping as I waited in the open doorway when her car – red – finally came around the corner and pulled up next to mine. This was it. I stepped down into the yard area just as she opened her car door and climbed out.
“Hey you,” she grinned, “thank fuck you look like your photos. That’s a relief! I was having minor panics as I was driving through the woods that you’d be some gross perve.” Her Aussie twang made the swearing sound even better.
Her smile and comment cracked the ice, and the relief flooded out of me. “You too, I’m more than relieved! I am a perve, though, as you know, but hopefully not too gross, or at least gross in the right ways. Welcome to paradise, T!” I laughed.
T came round the car door and I caught my first in-person, live look at her as we hugged. I already knew that she had long, dark hair and chestnut skin – her South Asian heritage. She was only fractionally shorter than me. Our hug lingered; there were no wandering hands but you could tell that we were both sort of feeling each other with our bodies. Her breasts and groin were against me, she smelt good, and I felt a twitch in my loins. She pressed back against me, and there was a sense of a spark. It felt good, like a fit, as if there was an obvious chemistry.
T stepped back and breathed out. “Aaah, it’s so good to be here. I’ve been in the car for too long, though, and I’m starting to go off. I need a shower and a glass of wine before anything else. Show me the way, handsome!”
I bowed theatrically and waved my arm towards the cabin. As she passed, I caught a slight smell of sweat – not unsexy – and something else, not strong, but clean and summery. I checked her out as she climbed the steps, and she must have known. Full but not heavy, more than a handful in the boobs department, and a firm, round behind. She was either in hot pants or a g-string as there was no panty line across her arse cheeks. Either way – mmm.
T exclaimed as she entered the cabin and looked around, exclaiming “Wow, it’s fab. Everything you need but nothing extra. Where’re the bed and bathroom?”
“The bathroom’s through there,” I pointed, “and the bedroom’s up the stair ladder. You wouldn’t want to negotiate it when you were drunk, but the space is big. Plenty of space to stretch out… The towels are already in the bathroom, along with their natural soaps and stuff. Or there’s the outside shower if you’re feeling brave. I was!” I replied.
“Not today, sunshine!” she chortled. “Let me grab my clothes from the car and then it’s wash and wine o’clock. I want to drink in that view and let the city out of my day.”
We went back to the car and T picked up a hold-all. There was another suitcase, and a box of supplies, which I offered to sort out while she was in the shower.
“That’d be great, thanks. If you could put the suitcase upstairs – but don’t open it, it’s a surprise – I won’t be long,” T ordered.
T disappeared back into the cabin and I took her other things inside. I could hear the shower running (imagining what she looked like soapy and naked, of course) as I unloaded the food and drink; wine, beer, and dairy into the fridge, everything else into the cupboards. I took the suitcase upstairs as requested. It was only the size of an airline carry-on bag but was quite heavy. She’d said not to open it. I was tempted but resisted, leaving it at the foot of the bed.
I descended to the kitchen again and some wine. The white I’d brought earlier was well chilled now. I’d had no idea what to buy but T had suggested a few – Australian, obviously – and I’d found them easily enough at the supermarket. I heard the shower stop, so I poured two glasses and put them on the table, which faced out into the wood through the open French doors. The sides of the glasses formed condensation quickly.
Sitting down and waiting, I contemplated the view and had excited butterflies in my stomach. Before long, T came out of the bathroom and sat across from me, also facing the woods. Her hair was still wet and I could smell the soap on her. She was wearing a linen shirt and a short skirt, which certainly let nearly all of her gorgeous brown legs out to breathe. I scanned those legs and as my eyes travelled up I saw her brown, pert nipples through the slightly opened shirt’s fabric. No bra.
She caught me looking and called me out on it. “No underwear, we agreed. I hope you’re also following the rules!”
“I wouldn’t dare do otherwise, madam,” I replied, bowing my head in feigned obedience. I’m not averse to a little subservience at times, and T knew it. “Would you like to check?” I offered, leaning back, opening my legs.
T looked over with an appraising eye. “I probably should and I think I will,” she replied, “Come on, then!”
I obliged, unbuttoning and unzipping myself, opening my trousers to show her my ‘unpanted’ wares.
“You’ve passed – cheers!” she laughed. I closed my tousers and and we clinked our glasses, looking each other dead in the eye – she definitely had a naughty twinkle – before taking a large sip of wine.